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A surrogacy program to increase the reproductive rate of the critically endangered Victorian brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata), initially developed in semicaptive conditions, was established in close captivity at Adelaide Zoological Gardens in 1998. Pouch young were removed from their mothers on days 8-20 or 40-45 after parturition and placed onto the teat of a tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) or yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus) surrogate mother. During the early years of the program, mortality of brush-tail pouch young was high (12/16, 75%), both before transfer while still on their mother (5/16) and after transfer to a surrogate mother (7/11). Changing pouch young transfer methodology and improving the health status of the surrogate animals during the later years of the program significantly reduced the mortality of brush-tail pouch young (8/29). Under the new methodology, no mortality of brush-tail pouch young was observed between birth and the time of transfer, (0/29), and after transfer, pouch young mortality rate was eight of 29 (28%). Factors implicated in the improved success of the program included 1) the early transfer (between days 8 and 20) of brush-tail pouch young from mother to surrogate mother, 2) review of the veterinary history and health of the animals selected to act as surrogate mothers, and 3) increased access to grazing pasture for foster mothers. The reproductive rate of the brush-tail females in the later years of the breeding program was sixfold above natural birthing rates. These and other factors important in establishing a breeding program of this nature are discussed.  相似文献   

黔金丝猴是中国Ⅰ级保护野生动物,为保护这一濒危物种,2013年4月~2014年4月,在北京动物园对2013年4月出生的1只雄性黔金丝猴的行为发育进行了研究.利用行为取样法和连续记录法记录1周岁内婴猴首次出现的行为和婴猴和父亲玩耍的时间以及与母亲接触的时间.结果表明:2日龄有抓网动作且力度不小,脖子能挺立支撑头部,睁大眼睛转头看东西;11日龄能吸吮伸到嘴边的橙子,14日龄能离开母亲自己爬网,64日龄能真正吞咽食物,3月龄时婴猴的行为已基本完善.3月龄后逐渐出现玩耍、梳理、攻击、警戒等行为.雄婴关系与年龄存在正相关,6月龄后基本稳定.幼子和公猴玩耍时间表明2月龄时开始与父亲有少量接触,以后逐渐增加,到6月龄时增加到13.09%,之后一直到周岁,婴儿被父亲完全接纳.和母猴相处时间为头1个月婴猴主要呆在母亲怀里,到3月龄后与母亲相处时间一直稳定维持在20% ~ 30%的水平上.  相似文献   

Mother–infant bonding is a universal relationship of all mammalian species. Here, we describe the role of reciprocal communication between mother and infant in the formation of bonding for several mammalian species. Mother–infant bond formation is reinforced by various social cues or stimuli, including communicative signals, such as odor and vocalizations, or tactile stimuli. The mother also develops cross‐modal sensory recognition of the infant, during bond formation. Many studies have indicated that the oxytocin neural system plays a pivotal role in bond formation by the mother; however, the underlying neural mechanisms for infants have not yet been clarified. The comparative understanding of cognitive functions of mother and infants may help us understand the biological significance of mother–infant communication in mammalian species.  相似文献   

母乳低聚糖(human milk oligosaccharides,HMOs)是一类存在于人乳中的复杂混合低聚糖,是母乳中的第三大营养物质,在婴幼儿生长发育中起到重要作用。目前已鉴定出超过200种不同的母乳低聚糖。天然的母乳低聚糖混合物的不同组成和分布,反映了母亲的遗传基因特性(如:路易斯血型)、哺乳阶段、生活方式、饮食和生活地域等的不同。本文对母乳低聚糖对母乳喂养儿的健康起到有益作用的一些研究和文献进行了总结和评述。关于母乳低聚糖,尤其是中国妈妈乳汁中的母乳低聚糖的含量和特性分布的信息非常有限,因此,在中国有必要强化研究母乳低聚糖结构和功能的关系,建立中国妈妈的母乳低聚糖数据库,以期形成一个可靠的科学依据和明确的指导方针来改善婴儿配方食品。  相似文献   

Increased endothelin-1 (ET-1) plasma concentration in human infants is associated with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, a problem also identified in calves derived from somatic cell clone technology. Increased ET-1 also is present in the amnionic fluid and plasma of the infant and mother in preeclampsia, a condition associated with abnormal placentation. Abnormalities in placentation are identified in clone calves. We measured ET-1 in fetal fluid, calf plasma, and surrogate dam plasma in 40 clone calves at the time of term delivery. Calves were subsequently identified as being either oxygen treated (O2) or non-oxygen treated based on their postpartum clinical course. Fetal fluid ET-1 concentration greater than 1.4 ng/mL carried a 3-fold increase in odds of the calf being treated with oxygen. Maternal plasma ET-1 concentration was greater in the O2 group (13 pg/ mL: [8-23 pg/mL] versus 25 pg/mL [12-40 pg/mL]; median, 25-75 percentile). Plasma ET-1 concentration in calves was not significantly different between groups. Fetal fluid ET-1 may serve as a marker for neonatal disorders of oxygenation in clone calves and the source of ET-1 may be the placenta.  相似文献   

母源抗体对猪口蹄疫疫苗免疫应答的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用液相阻断ELISA(Liquid phase blocking ELISA,LPB-ELISA)和正向间接血凝(Indirect hemagglutination test,IHAT)2种血清学试验方法对规模化饲养猪群仔猪的口蹄疫母源抗体、母源抗体的传递途径、消长规律、母/仔代特异抗体相关性及母源抗体对口蹄疫疫苗免疫的影响进行了研究和分析。结果表明,2种血清学方法均没有从未吸吮初乳的新生仔猪中检出特异抗体;在吸吮初乳后的仔猪血清中可检出特异性抗体,并于10日龄左右抗体效价升至峰值,而后随着日龄的增加,特异性抗体的效价呈明显的线性下降,母源抗体半衰期约为10~20d,至45~60日龄母源抗体效价降至不完全保护带(lgX<1.8)或更低;仔猪母源抗体水平与母体特异抗体水平呈正相关。通过对不同日龄仔猪接种口蹄疫疫苗后抗体水平检测发现,仔猪体内较高水平的母源抗体对疫苗免疫应答具有明显或一定的负面影响。  相似文献   

Infanticide was first observed in langurs nearly 50 years ago, and this rare phenomenon has been inferred to have either an evolutionarily adaptive function or to be a pathological and non‐functional behavior. In this study, we report 5 male takeover events in one‐male groups of white‐headed langurs in the Nongguan Karst Hills, Guangxi, China from 1998 to 2006. We recorded 13 attacks on 9 infants by extra‐group males or new resident males. During the male takeovers, all of the infants younger than 6 months (with an average age of 3.6 months [N = 11]) in the groups disappeared. The infant death rate during the 4.2 months after takeover by a new male was significantly higher than the infant death rate calculated for most of the year. Older infants that were still nursing (with an average age of 14.1 months [N = 7]) were often attacked and seriously wounded by the extra‐group males or new resident males, but all of them survived. The interbirth intervals of females whose infants were assumed to be killed by males were significantly reduced relative to those of females in groups with stable male tenure (mean = 10 months vs 25 months). Our data suggest that males kill unrelated and unweaned infants during the takeover period to decrease the time until the infants’ mothers resume fertility. Thus, infanticide would support sexual selection theory in white‐headed langurs. The data also show that infanticidal behavior was directed toward the infants, especially those who were still nursing. Female dispersal may function as a counter‐strategy to avoid infanticide.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted into an enterotoxaemia caused by Clostridium spiroforme responsible for significant losses in commercial rabbit farms in Western Australia. Two trials using laboratory and farm bred rabbits were performed to evaluate the protective value of a toxoid prepared from the supernatant of C. spiroforme cultures against intraperitoneal challenge with the trypsin-activated toxin of C. spiroforme. The trials showed clearly that a single vaccination at weaning (four weeks) was protective against toxin but more complete and lasting protection was conferred following a second vaccination administered 14 days after the first. Adults likewise showed similar levels of protective antibodies but did not appear to pass on this protection to their kits although ELISA results indicated levels of antibody in kits from unvaccinated mother to be lower than progeny from vaccinated mothers. However antibody levels in kits from vaccinated mothers were very low and did not protect against challenge with toxin.  相似文献   

张吉坤  刘杰 《中国乳业》2021,(9):116-119
7~12月龄婴儿,虽然可以添加辅食,但其主要能量来源仍然以母乳为主。7~12月龄婴儿生长发育速度依然很快,其胃容量、排空时间均会发生快速变化,婴幼儿期能量摄入对婴幼儿的生长发育有重要影响,摄入过少发育迟缓,摄入过多成年后患糖尿病、心脑血管疾病的风险加大。因此,本文对7~12月龄较大婴儿能量需要量进行研究,为设计婴儿辅食及较大婴儿配方食品能量需要量提供理论指导。  相似文献   

The feeding and drinking behavior of 11 mares and 15 foals living on pasture with free access to water was recorded during 2,340 15-min focal samples taken over 2 yr. Lactating mares on pasture spent about 70% of the day feeding. Foals began feeding on their first day of life. As they grew older, they spent progressively more time feeding, but still spent only 47 +/- 6% of the time feeding by 21 wk of age. Foals fed primarily during the early morning and evening. While grass formed the major proportion of the diet of both foals and mares, they also ate clay, humus, feces, bark, leaves and twigs. Almost all feeding by foals was done while their mothers were feeding. Movement to water sources was frequently, but not invariably, carried out by an entire herd. Frequency (P = .005) but not duration (P greater than .05) of drinking bouts by mares increased as the temperature increased. Frequency was greatest at 30 to 35 C, at which temperature mares drank once every 1.8 h. Frequency of drinking varied with the time of day (P less than .01), being rarest during the early morning (0500 to 0900 h eastern daylight time) and most frequent during the afternoon (1300 to 1700 h). Drinking by foals was very rare. The youngest age at which a foal was observed to drink was 3 wk, and 8 of 15 foals were never observed to drink before weaning.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine the regulation of the bacterial intestinal implantation in 19 newborns delivered by caesarean section. Correlation was made with the infant feeding mode. The effect of human milk seemed to be the result of B. bifidum proliferation, in contrast to artificial alimentation that seemed to favour C. perfringens implantation. The question was raised by us as to whether this opposition was only related to alimentation. In fact, B. bifidum itself also had an effect as demonstrated by the lower mean counts of C. perfringens in bottle-fed infants carrying the bifido-bacterial flora (P = 0.05). None of the other faecal bacteria investigated in this study led to the same decrease.  相似文献   

氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯是食用油精炼过程中形成的加工污染物。氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯本身不具有毒性,但它们水解产生的氯丙醇和缩水甘油具有致癌和/或遗传毒性。精炼植物油是婴幼儿配方奶粉(简称"婴配粉")中的重要成分,仅用婴配粉喂养的婴幼儿可能会暴露于氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯下。本文通过比较2013—2019年美国5个制造商生产的婴配粉中氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯含量的变化情况,发现可将植物油中的氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯的含量控制在较低水平。我国目前尚无食品中氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯的限值标准,可暂时参照欧盟法规控制植物油和婴配粉中的氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯。本文汇总分析了氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯的结构和性质、毒性及对健康的影响、来源、监管限制,提出了相对应的控制措施。  相似文献   

Early weaning can improve body condition and reproductive performance of cows. The objectives of this study were to examine and compare oestrous cycling resumption, behaviour and blood parameters of yak cows following four different strategies of calf weaning. Twenty‐six yak cows (4–8 years) and their calves (94.3 ± 2.4 days) were studied in which calves were: weaned naturally with free access to their mothers (NW; n = 13); weaned abruptly and separated permanently from their mothers (PW; n = 5); separated temporarily from their mothers for 15 days (TW; n = 5); and fitted with nose plates for 15 days, but allowed free access to their mothers (NP; n = 3). Yak cows with sucking calves (NW) spent more time grazing in the cold season (from d 39 to 84). Based on serum progesterone concentrations, none of nine NW yak cows resumed oestrous cycling during the study, while seven of nine yak cows with weaned calves resumed cycling (3/3 for PW; 2/3 for TW; and 2/3 for NP yaks). We concluded that early weaning improved postpartum reproductive performance of yak cows on the Qinghai‐Tibetan plateau and that abrupt and permanent weaning was an appropriate strategy.  相似文献   

收集国内外主要特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品营养数据,分别对国内外4 类特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品中三大产能营养素、维生素、矿物质以及在标准中要求强制添加或选择性添加的其他营养元素含量进行比较分析,并对国内外4 类特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品进行主成分分析。结果表明:氨基酸配方或乳蛋白深度水解配方中,国内品牌脂肪、VK、泛酸、牛磺酸含量显著大于国外品牌(P<0.05),但国内品牌叶酸含量显著低于国外品牌(P<0.05);乳蛋白部分水解配方中,国内品牌脂肪、锰、牛磺酸、肉碱含量显著高于国外品牌(P<0.05);  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare the efficiency of two oocyte activation culture media to produce cloned dogs from an elite rescue dog and to analyze their behavioral tendencies. In somatic cell nuclear transfer procedure, fused couplets were activated by calcium ionophore treatment for 4 min, cultured in two media: modified synthetic oviduct fluid (mSOF) with 1.9 mmol/L 6‐dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) (SOF‐DMAP) or porcine zygote medium (PZM‐5) with 1.9 mmol/L DMAP (PZM‐DMAP) for 4 h, and then were transferred into recipients. After embryo transfer, pregnancy was detected in one out of three surrogate mothers that received cloned embryos from the PZM‐DMAP group (33.3%), and one pregnancy (25%) was detected in four surrogate mothers receiving cloned embryos from the SOF‐DMAP group. Each pregnant dog gave birth to one healthy cloned puppy by cesarean section. We conducted the puppy aptitude test with two cloned puppies; the two cloned puppies were classified as the same type, accepting humans and leaders easily. The present study indicated that the type of medium used in 6‐DMAP culture did not increase in cloning efficiency and dogs cloned using donor cells derived from one elite dog have similar behavioral tendencies.  相似文献   

Act of delivery is supposed to be connected with antioxidative/oxidative imbalance not only in female but also in her newborn. The aim of the study was to compare antioxidative/oxidative profile of cows and their newborns in blood, colostrum and milk during early post-partum period. Twenty-five healthy pregnant cows and their newborns were included into study. Blood and colostrum/milk samples were obtained immediately after parturition, 24, 48 h as well as 6 and 12 days post-partum. Parameters of antioxidative defence including total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) as well as parameters of lipid (LPI) and protein (SH) peroxidation intensity were determined spectrophotometrically. Obtained results indicated dynamic changes in values of examined parameters during time of experiment, which were significantly marked between 24 and 48 h post-partum, and the relationship between mother and her newborn. All parameters except for GSH-Px were markedly higher in blood of newborns as in their mothers. Moreover, TAC and GSH-Px in colostrum were lower as in blood of mothers and their newborns during first 24 h and showed opposite relationship later on. LPI was higher in colostrum as in plasma of mothers and their newborns during first 48 h, while SH was lower in colostrum as in plasma of examined animals. Values of antioxidative parameters increased significantly within examined period of time, while the content of SH groups tended to decrease and lipid peroxidation intensity fluctuated. Dynamics in changes of examined parameters may suggest temporary imbalance in antioxidative/oxidative status and adequate answer of organism to current challenge resulting from overproduction of reactive oxygen species. Present study may bring new knowledge into studies of post-parturient and post-natal period in cows and calves and may help preventing from diseases of this period.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of a number of environmental, behavioural and biological factors on passive immunization of piglets as assessed by transfer of porcine parvovirus (PPV) antibodies (ab) from the colostrum of PPV vaccinated mothers to the serum of the piglets. Twenty primiparous sows were housed in pens with peat, straw and branches for nest building. Half the sows were prevented from achieving feedback from a completed farrowing nest by repeated removal of the nest from 10 to 12 h after nest building had begun, whereas the other half kept their nests. Sow serum PPV-ab titres were positively related to colostrum PPV-ab titres at birth of the first piglet (BFP) (P < 0.001). Litter average piglet PPV-ab titre was positively related to both sow serum and colostrum PPV-ab titres (both P < 0.001). In addition, in the individual piglets. PPV-ab titres were reduced as time from BFP to birth and time from birth to first sucking increased and time spent sucking decreased (all P < 0.01). There were no effects of treatment, time spent in lateral recumbency by the sow, number of times the sow stood or piglet weight on day 1 on piglet serum PPV-ab titres. Preventing prolonged farrowing, while at the same time ensuring the piglets' access to the udder, is important for transfer of maternal immunity. Measurements of specific antibodies in sow serum during the periparturient period and in piglet serum at 28 days of age may provide a practical tool for evaluating transfer of maternal immunity from sow to piglets.  相似文献   

早期营养对婴幼儿的生理功能、免疫系统成熟和认知发展有巨大影响。人乳是一种特殊的生命营养液体,被公认为婴幼儿营养的黄金标准和婴儿的最佳食物,可以满足6 月龄内婴儿的全部营养需要。世界卫生组织建议在婴儿生命前6 个月进行纯母乳喂养。国内相关法规标准强调“母乳是婴儿最理想的天然食物”,提倡婴幼儿出生至少进行6 个月的纯母乳喂养。为建立婴幼儿营养健康标准,本文对人乳的成分及其对婴幼儿发育的影响进行全面介绍,期望为明确婴幼儿营养需要提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目前中国居民膳食营养参考摄入量在各地区按照统一标准施行。然而中国地区差异大,乳母膳食营养有一定的差异,即使是在同一地区,乳母膳食营养也受到地理环境、生活习惯、社会经济和文化、教育水平等的影响。乳母膳食影响母婴营养状况。了解和掌握不同地区乳母膳食摄入特点和营养情况,对指导饮食摄入量有重要意义。  相似文献   

母乳低聚糖(human milk oligosaccharides,HMOs)是母乳的重要成分,研究非母乳低聚糖与HMOs之间的差异是实现婴儿配方乳粉母乳化、提升婴儿配方乳粉营养功能、满足婴儿营养健康的基础性工作。本文综述近几年关于HMOs种类、结构特征、HMOs对肠道微生物的调节、肠道健康及免疫系统发育影响的研究成果,同时比较常见动物乳中低聚糖的构成与HMOs的差异,阐述目前婴儿配方乳粉中常用低聚糖的特点及其功能,提出低聚糖在婴幼儿配方乳粉中应用存在的问题与展望,为开发新型婴儿配方乳粉提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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