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Rickets was diagnosed in two weaner alpacas from a flock showing ill thrift and lameness during the winter of 1992. Both animals had abnormally shaped ribs with occasional healing fractures, irregular thickening of growth plates and metaphyseal haemorrhages. The mean serum phosphorus concentrations of the alpacas fell during June and July, even though lambs grazing the same pasture had normal serum phosphorus concentrations and the phosphorus concentration of the pasture was considered adequate. Vitamin D deficiency may also have contributed to the osteodystrophy. The alpacas had a thick fleece during the winter, and diurnal Vitamin D, synthesis resulting from solar irradiation is likely to have been minimal, especially considering the reduced sunshine hours recorded during the 1992 winter. Surviving alpacas recovered after treatment with monosodium phosphate and an oral Vitamin D supplement. It is possible alpacas are more susceptible to deficiencies of phosphorus and Vitamin D than other grazing animals in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Abstract Rickets was diagnosed in two weaner alpacas showing ill thrift and lameness during the winter of 1992, from a flock at AgResearch Flock House. Affected alpacas had abnormally shaped ribs with occasional healing fractures, irregular thickening of growth plates and metaphyseal haemorrhages. The mean serum phosphorus concentrations of the alpacas fell during June and July, even though lambs grazing the same pasture had normal serum phosphorus concentrations and the phosphorus concentration of the pasture was considered adequate. Vitamin D deficiency may also have contributed to the osteodystrophy. The alpacas had a thick fleece during the winter, and diurnal Vitamin D3 synthesis resulting from solar irradiation is likely to have been minimal, especially considering the reduced sunshine hours recorded during the 1992 winter. Surviving alpacas recovered after treatment with monosodium phosphate and an oral Vitamin D supplement.  相似文献   

Rickets was diagnosed in two weaner alpacas from a flock showing ill thrift and lameness during the winter of 1992. Both animals had abnormally shaped ribs with occasional healing fractures, irregular thickening of growth plates and metaphyseal haemorrhages. The mean serum phosphorus concentrations of the alpacas fell during June and July, even though lambs grazing the same pasture had normal serum phosphorus concentrations and the phosphorus concentration of the pasture was considered adequate. Vitamin D deficiency may also have contributed to the osteodystrophy. The alpacas had a thick fleece during the winter, and diurnal Vitamin D3, synthesis resulting from solar irradiation is likely to have been minimal, especially considering the reduced sunshine hours recorded during the 1992 winter. Surviving alpacas recovered after treatment with monosodium phosphate and an oral Vitamin D supplement. It is possible alpacas are more susceptible to deficiencies of phosphorus and Vitamin D than other grazing animals in New Zealand.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of cholecalciferol (D3) doses for maintaining adequate vitamin D status in crias and adult female alpacas at pasture. DESIGN: A field experiment during winter and early spring in a herd on a farm in South Australia. ANIMALS AND PROCEDURE: Crias, usually less than 6 months of age and female alpacas, aged 2 to 6 years, were given a single subcutaneous dose of 0, 1000 or 2000 IU D3/kg body weight. Plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-OH D3), phosphorus, calcium and vitamins A and E and alkaline phosphatase activity were measured at intervals over a period of 16 weeks after treatment. RESULTS: Crias not given a vitamin D supplement had reduced growth rate during winter and one animal showed clinical signs of rickets. Vitamin D treatment had no effect on the body weight of mature females. Vitamin D supplements increased the 25-OH D3 and phosphorus concentrations in plasma of both crias and adult females; alkaline phosphatase activity was not affected by treatment. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that for alpacas in southern Australia a subcutaneous dose of 1000 IU D3/kg body weight to crias in late autumn and again in mid winter and to adult females in mid winter should prevent vitamin D inadequacy.  相似文献   

Factors affecting survival of young from birth to weaning (7 mo) in alpacas (Lama pacos) were evaluated in data collected at the Estacion Experimental de Camelidos Sudamericanos La Raya in the Altiplano region of Peru. Age of dam effects on survival rate were curvilinear; survival rate increased from approximately 78% for offspring of 3-yr-old dams to about 91% for those from 9- to 11-yr-old dams, then declined to about 85% for 15-yr-old dams. Weight of dam measured 2 mo prior to parturition was associated negatively with survival of the young (b = -.7%/kg). Alpaca born early in the season of birth had a higher survival rate than those born late; the regression of survival on birth date was -.2%/d. Survival rates were curvilinearly related with birth weight and were highest at weights of 9 to 11 kg (90%) and lowest at weights of 4 to 5 kg (20% to 40%). The estimated heritabilities of survival and birth weight were .10 +/- .17 and .34 +/- .23, weight was -.18 +/- .82; the corresponding environmental and phenotypic correlations were positive (.37 and .26, respectively).  相似文献   

The electrocardiographic parameters of 40 healthy alpacas (Lama pacos) were recorded with a base-apex lead system to establish the normal resting electrocardiographic parameters in this species. The following parameters were measured: heart rate and rhythm, QRS and T morphology, ST segment position, P amplitude and duration, QRS duration and PQ and QT intervals. The heart rate varied between 50 and 110 bpm, with a mean (sd) of 80 (17.8) bpm, and no significant differences were observed between males and females or between alpacas of different ages. Sinus arrhythmia was observed in 35 of the animals, and a regular sinus rhythm was recorded in the other five. The QRS morphology was variable, with an 'rS' pattern observed in 29 animals, 'RS' in six, 'Rs' in three and 'QS' in the other two. A variable morphology was also observed for the T wave, which was positive in 27 animals, negative in seven and biphasic in the other six. All the electrocardiographic parameters were normally distributed and no significant differences were observed between the sexes, except that the amplitude of the P wave was higher in males. The PQ interval was significantly shorter in animals less than six months old.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Johne's disease was diagnosed in 10 alpacas ( Lama pacos ) in Australia between February 1993 and May 1994. Eight of the animals were between 12 and 24 months of age, one was a 6-year-old female, and one was a 4-year-old male. Five, including the 6-year-old and the 4-year-old alpacas, showed weight loss and diarrhoea before death or slaughter. The other cases showed no clinical signs of Johne's disease but 4 gave a positive result on faecal culture and one gave a positive result on testing with the caprine ACID assay and had acid-fast organisms in its faeces. At necropsy, all cases had grossly enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. Johne's disease was diagnosed after histological examination of the lymph nodes with conventional culture and polymerase chain reaction testing of tissue samples. This report outlines the clinical, epidemiological, and pathological findings in these cases.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the mean intraocular pressure in llamas ( Lama glama ) and alpacas ( Lama pacos ) using applanation tonometry. Animals studied: Ten llamas and 10 alpacas. Procedures: Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured with a Tono-Pen™ XL (Mentor Ophthalmics, Inc., Norwell, MA, USA). Three values, with 5% variance, were recorded for each eye. Least-squares means were determined for IOP for each eye of llamas and alpacas. Controlling for age, differences between left and right eye were analyzed using anova . Two age groups were established, less than 5 years and greater than 5 years. The effect of age on IOP within each group was analyzed by linear regression. Probability values of less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Comparison of mean IOP between right ( n  = 20) and left eyes ( n  = 20), independent of species type, showed no differences in IOPs for llamas and alpacas. Mean IOP declined with increasing age in llamas and alpacas. Mean IOPs for 20 eyes in 10 llamas was 16.96 ± 3.51 mmHg. Mean IOP for 20 eyes in 10 alpacas was 16.14 ± 3.74 mmHg. Mean IOP for all eyes ( n  = 40), independent of species, was 16.55 ± 3.55 mmHg. The range of IOP in normal llamas and alpacas within 2 SD (95% of the population) was 14.89±18.21 mmHg. Conclusions: There was no significant difference in IOP between alpacas and llamas. Mean IOP in both species decreased with increased age.  相似文献   

Supplementing three alpacas with Cu as cupric sulphate (10 mg Cu/kg liveweight) as a single oral dose resulted in no change in the mean plasma Cu concentrations over 30 days while a single oral dose of cupric oxide needles (2.5 g) given to three alpacas caused a small but significant increase in the mean plasma Cu concentrations during days 10-30 following treatment. The mean plasma Cu concentrations of four untreated animals ranged from 4.2 to 5.9 micromol/l over the study. The Cu as cupric sulphate was excreted in the faeces within 5 days while the cupric oxide needles significantly elevated the faecal excretion for over 30 days.  相似文献   

After the diagnosis sarcoptic mange in four alpaca's (Lama pacos) we have tried to control this infection. Despite three treatments with doramectin, three with ivermectin, four with amitraz and two with diazinon we were unable to get the animals free of Sarcoptes mites and their condition deteriorated. One animal died six month after the first treatment. The three remaining animals were euthanized one month thereafter.  相似文献   

通过同源性比较设计引物,分别扩增羊驼KIT基因exon18~19和intron18,并利用PCR-SScP技术对我国现有羊驼KIT基因intron18进行多态性分析.结果表明:羊驼KIT基因exon18~19长225 bp,包括54 bp的exon18(全长112 bp)、108 bp的intron18和63 bp的exon19.从测序结果看,intron18与exon18和exon19交际处有GT-AG规则,符合分子遗传学理论.而用另1对引物扩增不同毛色羊驼Intron18所得的核苷酸序列与exon18~ex-on19中测得的intron18序列完全相同,未发现"AGTT/TGGA/TTAG"缺失突变现象和核苷酸片段大小差异,即不存在多态性.因此推测在同一品种内,KIT基因对毛色影响的原因不一定是由于KIT基因intron18缺失4个碱基导致K1T基因表达失调而致.  相似文献   

Summary A trial was carried out in alpacas(Lama pacos) to determine the economic benefit of controlling both external and internal parasites using ivermectin (Ivomec, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme). After four months the treated male alpacas had gained on average 3·1kg more than the untreated males and their fleece weighed 0·36kg more. Treated females gained 1·9kg more than the controls but their fleece weighed 0·03kg less. This resulted in a net financial benefit to the farmer of US$3·54 for each male alpaca and US$1·36 for each female.
Resumen Se Ilevó a cabo una investigación en alpacas para determinar el beneficio económico del control de parásitos internos y externos, mediante el uso de “Ivomec” (Ivermectin, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme). Después de 4 meses las alpacas machos tratadas habian ganado un promedio de 3·1kg. mas que aquellas que no fueron tratadas y su vellón pesó 0·36kg más. Las alpacas hembras tratadas ganaron 1·9kg mas que los controles, pero su vellón pesó 0·03kg menos. Este tratamiento dio una ganancia neta al ganadero de US$3·54 por cada alpaca macho y $1·36 por cada alpaca hembra.

Résumé Un essai a été mené sur des alpacas(Lama pacos) pour déterminer le bénéfice économique réalisé par la lutte contre les parasites internes et externes à l'aide de l'ivomec (Ivermectine, Merck, Sharpe & Dohme). Après 4 mois de traitement, le gain de poids pour les males a été d'environ 3,1kg et de 0,36kg pour leur toison par rapport aux non traités. Les femelles avaient gagné 1,9kg en poids vif mais leur toison avait perdu 0,03kg toujours par rapport aux non traités. Cette thérapeutique procure un bénéfice financier net pour le fermier de 3,54$US par male et de 1,36$US par femelle.

Vaccination of alpacas (Lama pacos) with heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) in oil adjuvant produces an immune response that is able to be measured in vitro. Lymphocyte transformation was present 2 weeks after boosting while antibody as measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was present 4-6 weeks after primary vaccination. Two vaccinated animals were positive to the intradermal skin test at the conclusion of the experiment and showed signs of systemic inflammation 72 hours after the skin test, while the controls remained negative for all tests. The BCG vaccine studies showed that these laboratory tests can also identify M. bovis-specific reactivity, so the technique has potential for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in alpacas. Apart from diagnosing M. bovis-specific reactivity, the blood test for tuberculosis may also be used to diagnose non-specific mycobacterial sensitisation in farmed New Zealand alpacas.  相似文献   



Ectoparasites known to cause skin lesions in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) include the mites Sarcoptes scabiei, Chorioptes bovis and Psoroptes spp., and the lice Microthoracius mazzai and Bovicola breviceps (Cicchino et al. 1998 Cicchino, AC, Munoz, Cobenas ME, Bulman, GM, Diaz, JC and Laos, A. 1998. Identification of Microthoracius mazzai (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) as an economically important parasite of alpacas. Journal of Medical Entomology, 35: 922930.  [Google Scholar]; Foster et al. 2007 Foster, A, Jackson, A and D'alterio, GL. 2007. Skin diseases of South American camelids. In Practice, 29: 216223. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Occasionally, Demodex spp. infestations have been reported or mentioned as incidental fi ndings in llamas (Lama glama) (Atlee et al. 1997 Atlee, BA, Stannard, AA, Fowler, ME, Willemse, T, Ihrke, PJ and Olivry, T. 1997. The histology of the normal llama skin. Veterinary Dermatology, 8: 165176. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and alpacas (Foster et al. 2007 Foster, A, Jackson, A and D'alterio, GL. 2007. Skin diseases of South American camelids. In Practice, 29: 216223. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). So far, only Sarcoptes scabiei (McKenna et al. 2005 McKenna, PB, Hill, FI and Gillett, R. 2005. Sarcoptes scabiei infection on an alpaca (Lama pacos. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 53: 213213. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), Chorioptes bovis (Arthur 1997 Arthur, DG. 1997. Diseases of lamoids in New Zealand. Surveillance, 24(1): 2930.  [Google Scholar], non-peer reviewed) and Bovicola breviceps (Palma et al. 2006 Palma, RL, McKenna, PB and Aitken, P. 2006. Confirmation of the occurrence of the chewing louse Bovicola (Lepikentron) breviceps (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae) on alpacas (Lamas pacos) in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 54: 253254. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) have been recorded on lamoids in New Zealand. Here, we report the first record of Demodex spp. infestation of an alpaca in New Zealand.  相似文献   


AIM: To investigate the cause of classical swine fever (CSF) virus-seropositive animals in a nucleus pig-breeding herd in New Zealand, where porcine circovirus-associated disease had been diagnosed.

CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: An exotic disease investigation was undertaken to exclude CSF and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) on a nucleus pig-breeding herd comprising approximately 300 breeding sows, 1,000 weaners, and 650 grower pigs. The herd was experiencing poor reproductive performance in sows, and breeding records showed a declining farrowing rate attributable to a single manager. The growing pigs (10–15 weeks old) were experiencing respiratory disease and wasting, and the mortality rate by pen varied between 9 and 20%. Post-mortem changes in affected grower pigs were consistent with circovirus-associated diseases.

DIAGNOSTIC TESTING: Serological screening using an IDEXX-ELISA gave negative results for PRRS virus antibodies, but two grower pigs and one sow tested positive for CSF virus antibodies. These three seropositive animals remained positive to CSF virus, using three commercial ELISA test kits, over 27 weeks. A newly developed virus neutralisation test (VNT), using a New Zealand isolate of border disease (BD) virus, demonstrated that the seropositive pig sera had higher antibody titres to BD virus than to bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus and CSF virus.

PCR performed on tonsil, kidney, ileum and spleen gave negative results for CSF virus, and histopathology on lymph nodes, intestine, lung, kidney, liver and brain showed no evidence of the disease. Virus isolation performed on a number of samples was negative.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The seropositive samples for CSF virus found in this investigation were likely to be a cross reaction to a pestivirus other than CSF virus. The finding of a possible endemic pestivirus capable of being transmitted between sheep and pigs on this farm may explain findings from previous serological survey work in New Zealand, and supports experience elsewhere, where BD virus was found to be the predominant ruminant pestivirus infecting pigs. The results show that pestivirus cross reactivity can result in unexpectedly high titres, and that testing with a full set of (local) pestiviruses is necessary to reach the correct conclusion. The investigation has direct relevance where pig herds with a low seroprevalence are encountered during surveillance for CSF.  相似文献   

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