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维生素E又名生育酚。天然维生素E有8种生育酚和生育三烯酚,统称为维生素E,其中α-生育酚活性最强。维生素E是体内强抗氧化剂,是神经、肌肉、循环和免疫等系统的正常功能和代谢活动所必须的,具有广泛的生物学功能。猪的原发性维生素E缺乏症相对较少,因为猪是杂食动物,维生素E在动植物  相似文献   

维生素E又名生育酚.天然维生素E有8种生育酚和生育三烯酚,统称为维生素E,其中α-生育酚活性最强.维生素E是体内强抗氧化剂,是神经、肌肉、循环和免疫等系统的正常功能和代谢活动所必须的,具有广泛的生物学功能.猪的原发性维生素E缺乏症相对较少,因为猪是杂食动物,维生素E在动植物饲料中广泛存在,维生素E储存于猪体内肝、肾、脑和肌肉等组织内,在体内可以保留相对较长时间.但是饲料中的其他因素可以促进维生素E的缺乏.维生素E多含于植物的籽实和胚芽中,青饲料中含量也较多,但是由于其本身的化学性质不稳定,易被各种因素氧化,经暴晒、烘烤、当饲料品质不良、加工不当和贮存不好时,使维生素E被氧化,造成饲料中含量不足.另外,饲料中不饱和脂肪酸含量过多,或酸败的脂类(包括陈旧、变质的动植物油或鱼肝油)以及霉变的饲料、变质的鱼粉等,均可使体内不饱和脂肪酸过多,易于氧化成大量过氧化物,使机体对维生素E的需要量增加.此外,饲料中含大量维生素E颉颃物质,或微量元素硒缺乏(它和硒的代谢关系密切)等饲养管理条件不好的情况下,机体比较容易引发维生素E缺乏.维生素E缺乏能引起机体多种多样的临床症状和病理变化,如繁殖系统、神经系统、循环系统、肌肉、肝脏、消化道、脂肪组织甚至外皮等都会发生变化的一种营养代谢病.本病可发生于各种猪,多发生于仔猪和育成猪.生长较快的猪更易出现维生素E缺乏症.且常与硒缺乏症并发.缺乏症损伤的系统不同,所表现的症状各异.  相似文献   

在肉品的生产、加工和销售过程中,氧化反应对肉品品质的影响很大。氧化反应导致肉品中的脂肪发生变质酸败,并使肉品中的肌红蛋白发生褐变;氧化反应还可破坏饲料中和动物体内的叶黄素,使鸡的皮肤黄度降低。维生素E是一种天然抗氧化剂,日粮中添加高水平的维生素E不仅可以提高畜禽的生产性能,还可提高动物活体和屠宰后屠体的抗氧化水平,从而提高肉品的质量。  相似文献   

3 肉鸡维生素E需要量3.1 影响肉鸡维生素E需要量的因素3.1.1 多不饱和脂肪酸 不论是多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)或是它们的氧化产物,尤其是含有双键的亚油酸,均会干扰微团的形成,使V_E的吸收降低.雏鸡和大鼠的研究表明,高比例的单油酸甘油酯和三油酸甘油酯会促进V_E吸收,而高比例的亚油酸则抑制V_E吸收.低水平(3%一4%)添加动物脂肪时,可增强肉仔鸡对V_E和V_A的吸收、输送和存留.  相似文献   

由于VE的商业化应用,研究的重点集中在以围绕提高机体免疫力的最佳用量上,有关研究结果综述如下:①产蛋母鸡饲料中添加150~450iu/kgVE,其雏鸡接种流产布氏菌疫苗后,抗体产生显著提高。②雏鸡添加150~300iu/kgVE后,人工感染大肠杆菌,其体液和细胞免疫水平均显著提高。③VE可降低法氏囊和脾脏的前列腺素水平,其机理可能与抗氧化特性有关。④雏鸡接种新城疫疫苗的同时,饲料中再添加300mg/kgVE,可产生高效价的循环抗体。⑤接种鸡新城疫和巴氏杆菌疫苗后,饲料添加300iu/KgVE,可有效提高雏鸡对病毒和细菌抗原的免疫应答。VE直接作用于T细胞,当接种的抗原浓度较高时,VE的作用效果就更明显。补充VE对提高免疫应答的理想时期应在雏鸡免疫系统发育时期,即1日龄至4周龄,⑥雏鸡接种柔嫩艾美耳球虫后,添加100iu/KgVE,可降低死亡率,并增加体重。⑦添加178iu/kgVE会使隐性感染IBD的商品雏鸡免疫应答提高,这是由于免疫竞争的结果。在机体的免疫系统受到刺激时,摄入高含量的VE对改善机体的免疫力有明显效果。  相似文献   

2改善肉品氧化稳定性和颜色的途径2.1体内抗氧化途径动物体内有两类抗氧化剂:①清除抗氧化剂(Preventiveantiox-idants):包括超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶。这些酶主要清除细胞水相中已存在的过氧化物。②断链抗氧化剂...  相似文献   

The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in dogs was studied in the province of Córdoba (southern Spain), with special attention to those parasites that can be transmitted to man. The experiment was completed with the examination of soil samples from public parks and city gardens. The study was carried out over a population of 1800 animals entered in the Control Animal Centre (CECA) by coprological methods, and within this group, 300 dogs were sacrificed and necropsied. The prevalence of any intestinal parasitic infection was 71.33%. The following parasites of the gastrointestinal tract were recorded: Isospora canis (22%), Isospora (Cystoisospora) spp. (10.22%), Sarcocystis (2.5%), Hammondia/Neospora (1.94%), Giardia canis (1%), Dipylidium caninum (13.2%), Taenia hydatigena (7.66%), Taenia pisiformis (4%), Uncinaria stenocephala (33.27%), Toxascaris leonina (14.94%), Toxocara canis (17.72%) and Trichuris vulpis (1.66%). Related to public health, it is important to point out the presence of T. canis only in puppies younger than one year and Uncinaria, more frequent in adult dogs. Soil samples of parks revealed the presence of eggs of Toxocara, and it suggests the existence of real risk for human infection.  相似文献   

<正> 大多数成年母猪日粮中都应当添加VE,其添加量—般为10~20IU/kg日粮,此水平足以满足成年母猪持续几个胎次的繁殖及贮备需要。日粮中Se供应充足时,繁殖母猪对VE不足的耐受性增强。如果体内具有一定量  相似文献   


To identify a simple method for assessing the selenium demand in cattle, the relationship between selenium content in whole blood and the concentration of the selenium containing enzyme glutathion peroxidase (EC 1.11. 1.9; GSH‐Px) in red blood cells was studied. On six farms with suspected low soil selenium content, blood samples were collected from groups of calves, yearlings and adults at the end of the housing period and of the grazing period.

The data obtained showed a highly significant correlation between the parameters mentioned: GSH‐Px (U/g Hb) = 3.261 * Se (μg/kg) ‐ 40.553. In growing animals there was a decline in Se supply with age, followed by a gradual recovery in heifers. This was most pronounced on some sandy soils and on peat soil.

Seasonal effects could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

动物具有天然的防卫系统来抵抗象细菌、原生动物和病毒等致病生物。此防卫系统即免疫系统。由体液免疫和细胞免疫两部分组成。外来物质(也就是抗原)可激起其中一个部分发生反应或同时激起两部分都发生反应。发生体液免疫时,先由淋巴组织产生针对某种抗原的特异性抗体,再由这些抗体来灭活抗原。当动物体第一次遇到某种抗原时,最初产生的抗体是免疫球蛋白M(IgM),接着再产生的是免疫球蛋白G(IgG)。这些抗体的作  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Bovine brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that causes great economic losses. The disease is endemic in Colombia and animal movements from infected herds carry...  相似文献   

The influence of phthalate esters di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) on uterine prostaglandin (PGF2α and PGE2) and ovarian oxytocin secretion was investigated. Endometrial, granulosa, and luteal cells from cows on days 8–12 of the estrous cycle were treated with DEHP or MEHP (0.1, 1, or 10 ng/mL). We found that DEHP and MEHP stimulated (P < 0.05) secretion of PGF2α and inhibited (P < 0.001) secretion of PGE2 from endometrial cells. The ratio of PGF2α to PGE2 was markedly altered. The endocrine disrupting chemicals also enhanced secretion of oxytocin (P < 0.05) from ovarian cells. Our results indicated that DEHP and its metabolite MEHP could affect the process of the estrous cycle by impairing secretion of prostaglandin from the uterus and oxytocin from the ovary.  相似文献   

三、诊断的方法、指标及原则综合征的诊断方法和原则,应根据临床诊断、病理解剖及组织学诊断、流行病学调查及防治实践结果,进行综合判定。而各项的具体条件和指标如下: (1) 病畜的临床表现,具有上述以运动功能障碍及平衡失调、心脏功能不全及休克发作、整体状态改变及消化紊乱等方面的主要症状所组成的综合症候群和按具体病畜的种属、年龄、性别以及疾病的  相似文献   

病理学变化本病的病理学变化,畜禽以出血性肝小叶坏死;心肌、骨骼肌及微血管的变性、坏死;渗出性素质,胰腺萎缩等为特征。但因家畜种类不同,病变各有不同。反刍动物牛和羊剖检患病死亡的牛、羊时,一般可见尸体瘦弱,皮下蜂窝组织充血和出血,有时在颈、背部皮下结缔组织有胶样浸润。在胸、腹腔中蓄积草黄色的液体,肺水肿,切开支气管流出  相似文献   

In spring 2009 several cases of infestation with Ornithonyssus bacoti (?tropical rat mite?) in pet rodents have been diagnosed at the Institute of Parasitology, University of Zurich. Although adequate animal hosts were present, owners also became victims of mite infestation. The owners presented cutaneous lesions such as pruritic red papules partly with a central vesicle, predominantly disposed in groups. Particularly children with close body contact to their pet rodents were strongly affected. Because the definite diagnosis was usually yielded at a late time-point, the medical treatment remained unsatisfactory in some cases. The mite-infestation of the pets was mostly detected after the owners also became affected. The owners noticed merely non-specific signs such as increased restlessness, itching and shaggy coat on their animals. Efficient healing was achieved only if the parasites were completely eliminated, i.e. also the pets were treated, the cages cleaned and the apartments professionally disinfested. A definite diagnosis of ?Infestation with Ornithonyssus bacoti? is only possible by means of morphological identification on an isolated mite, which is most likely to be found in the environment of the animals. Pet owners should be informed about the zoonotic potential of O. bacoti.  相似文献   

蒋守群 《养猪》2004,(6):1-3
早在20世纪20年代,人们就发现维生素E(又名生育酚)能有效地防止鼠胎儿的死亡和被吸收。Ullery(1981)认为维生素E与哺乳动物繁殖功能有关。硒(Se)是谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)的组成成分,对母猪的繁殖功能也起着重要作用。繁殖母猪的维生素E和Se严重缺乏易导致胎儿被吸收(Adamstone等,1949)和窝产仔数降低(Mahan等,  相似文献   

1. Studies were conducted to determine the effects of anticoagulants and storage (4°C) on the PCV of blood samples from Nigerian domestic fowl (DF) and the guinea fowl (GF).

2. Citrate significantly reduced pre‐storage PCV of the DF in comparison with the effect of ethylenediamine tetra‐acetic acid (EDTA).

3. It further decreased (P<0.05) the PCV of the blood of DF and GF over 3 d of storage; this was similar to the effect of EDTA on the PCV of the GF blood.

4. Citrate and oxalates induced haemolysis of blood of the DF and the GF in storage faster than EDTA, but overall the haemolysis was more pronounced from red cells of the GF than from those of the DF.

5. The mean fall in the PCV of the DF was significant at 3.0 mg EDTA/ml of blood in contrast to the fall in the PCV of the GF blood.  相似文献   

  1. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a neuropeptide, plays a vital role in the hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis. In vertebrates, GnRH is crucial for the onset of sexual development and the entire reproductive process. The purpose of this study was to identify genetic factors associated with egg-laying traits of Muscovy ducks.

  2. The full-length cDNA (474 bp) of Muscovy duck GnRH was obtained and characterised. It encodes 92 amino acids containing a 1-amino acid signal peptide cleavage site. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Muscovy duck GnRH has a close relationship with Anas platyrhynchos GnRH.

  3. GnRH showed significantly different expression profiles between 4 developmental periods in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovary. The expression of GnRH in the laying period (36 weeks) was higher than at other periods in the three tissues. GnRH was widely expressed in 12 examined tissues of nesting and laying Muscovy ducks. In the hypothalamus, pituitary and gonads, the expression of GnRH was higher than in other tissues.

  4. In laying Muscovy ducks, the expression of GnRH in the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, muscular stomach, pancreas, heart, duodenum and spleen was significantly higher than in nesting dusks. Differences were detected in the liver and glandular stomach between laying ducks and nesting ducks. Differences between the kidney and lung were not significant.

  5. In the pituitary, the GnRH and GnRH receptor (GnRHR) genes shared the same expression profiles during 4 time points. Both genes had the highest expression at 36 weeks of age.

  6. A mutation (g.206G > A) in the 5?-flanking region was associated with egg-laying performance. Individuals with genotype GG had better egg-laying performance than the individuals with genotype AA. GnRH may be used as a marker gene for laying performance in the Muscovy duck.


维生素E和硒对动物生命的维持是必不可少的营养成分。学者们认为,鸡的渗出性素质和大白鼠的肝坏死的发病必须两种成分同时缺乏。有关两种营养成分的研究报告很多,涉及从鱼类到人类的广大范围。为什么有这样多的专家对维生素E和硒有这样大的研究兴趣呢!可见这个问题的复杂性。例如,雏鸡的维生素E缺乏症表现为营  相似文献   

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