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In a previous publication (Sinclair and Andrews, 1958 Sinclair, D. P. 1958. N.Z. vet. J., 6: 8787. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) the writers discussed methods of preventing goitre in lambs from ewes fed brassica crops. In particular, it was found that two oral doses of an inorganic iodine compound, one given. about two months and the other about one month before lambing, largely prevented signs of the disease. Death rates associated with severe outbreaks were markedly reduced. Later, Myers and Ross (1959 Myers, Ballinda J. and Ross, D.A. 1959. N.Z. J. agric. Res., 2: 552552. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) reported that injections of “Neo-Hydriol” (May and Baker) an iodized poppy-seed oil preparation of specific gravity 1·375 and containing 40 per cent, (weight/weight) of bound iodine, had a significant effect on the thyroid glands of ewes as measured by decreased cell height and increased iodine content. The main aims of the work reported here were to determine the effects of single injections of Neo-Hydriol given to ewes grazed during the last two months of pregnancy on thousand-headed kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala), on gestation periods, lamb lamb birth weights, lamb thyroid glands, and the high death rate accompanying severe goitre in new-born lambs.  相似文献   


Seven dairy farmers in the South Taranaki area had asked for assistance in dealing with the problem of recurrent abortion storms due to Brucella abortus in successive years.  相似文献   

A novel technique, based on cytotoxicity-neutralization, was developed for the in vitro titration of anti-sheep lymphocyte and anti-sheep macrophage sera. The titres obtained for a number of antisera were compared with those found in an agglutination assay. Anti-lymphocyte sera with a high cytotoxicity-neutralization titre very effectively suppressed the number of circulating lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of treated new-born lambs, thus indicating in vivo immunosuppressive activity.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify the histological changes in the thyroid associated with subclinical goitre. METHOD: Thyroids were histologically examined from lambs that died within 24 hours of birth in a trial to investigate the effect of iodine supplementation to Merino ewes on perinatal mortality. RESULTS: Thyroids with follicles depleted of colloid, infolded and lined by columnar epithelium are indicative of hypothyroidism. These findings can occur in thyroids considered to be in the normal weight range of less than 1.3 g. CONCLUSION: Thyroid histological changes are a useful aid in diagnosing subclinical goitre.  相似文献   

Three-hour milk production measurements determined by machine milking at 3-d intervals throughout a 63-d lactation period were used to describe lactation curves for crossbred ewes lambing at 1 and 2 yr of age and rearing single and twin lambs. Age of ewe, type of rearing, and day of lactation affected (P < 0.05) milk production. Over the 63-d lactation, average daily milk production was 2.56 and 2.63 kg, respectively, for 1- and 2-yr-old ewes rearing single lambs and 2.73 and 3.47 kg, respectively, for 1- and 2-yr-old ewes rearing twins. Milk production of 2-yr-old ewes rearing twin lambs peaked at 21 d of lactation, and that of 1- and 2-yr-old ewes rearing singles peaked between 27 and 30 d of lactation. The largest differences in the lactation curves among age and rearing ewe classes were found in early lactation. These differences were reduced by midlactation, and by late lactation, milk production for all ewes was similar. Diurnal variation in milk production by ewes was evaluated in an 8 x 8 Latin square design. Diurnal variation in milk yield measurements of eight mature ewes, each bearing and rearing twin lambs, was similar between d 21 and 24 of lactation. Time of milk production measurements within a day did not affect yield determinations. Extrapolation from 3-h production estimates to daily milk production is valid in determining a ewe's milk contribution in support of lamb growth.  相似文献   

所谓初生羔羊一般是指出生后1~7天之内的羔羊。我国北方大部分地区,绵羊产羔旺季正值寒冷的冬季和早春,羔羊从母体产出,温差大,此时羔羊体温调节机能还尚不完善,抵抗力很弱,极易死亡,从而影响羊的繁殖成活率,造成损失。因此,初生羔羊的护理在养羊生产中是不可忽视的重要一个环  相似文献   

Nitrogen metabolism by lactating ewes and their lambs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty multiparous ewes and their newborn lambs were assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial experiment in which ewes were fed ad libitum either a moderate (MP, 15%) or a low (LP, 10%) CP diet and nursed either twin (T) or single (S) lambs. Nitrogen (N) balance trials were conducted on both the ewes and lambs during wk 2, 4 and 8 of lactation. Nitrogen balance, N digested and the portion of digested N retained were greater (P less than .01) with the MP diet. Nitrogen retention and serum urea-N values were lower for the ewes nursing T lambs. Plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and serum glucose values were lower (P less than .01) for ewes fed the LP diet, and certain plasma amino acids and the ketogenic amino acids were lower with the LP diet. Insulin increased (P less than .01) with time throughout lactation. Triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations were higher (P less than .01) in ewes nursing T lambs. Thyroxine (T4) was greater (P less than .04) with the LP diet and greater (P less than .01) for ewes nursing T lambs. The T4:T3 ratio was lower (P less than .02) in the ewes consuming LP. The portion of the ewe's retained N used for milk synthesis was lower (P less than .01) with the MP diet. Ewes fed LP and nursing T lambs utilized all of their retained N plus a portion of their body protein reserves for milk production by the 2nd wk of lactation. Body weights of creep-fed lambs were not changed by protein content of the ewe's diet.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the development of maternal-filial social attachments between ewes and alien lambs using the technique of "restraint fostering." Forty-eight to 72 h after parturition, 22 Targhee -type ewes were separated from their natural lambs, placed in restraining devices ( stanchions ) and each exposed to a single alien lamb. After a period of 1 or 4 d of restraint, the ewes were subjected to five 10-min lamb acceptance tests over a 48-h period. The observer recorded butts and butt attempts by the ewe and successful and unsuccessful suckle attempts by the lamb. The ewe-lamb pairs were then housed in pens with other groups of ewes and lambs and observed intermittently for acceptance behaviors. Six of the 14 ewes restrained for 4 d and none of the eight ewes restrained for 24 h met the criterion for successful adoption within 48 h. After being housed in group pens, adoptions were achieved by three ewes in the 1-d group and an additional four ewes in the group restrained for 4 d. Ewes restrained for 24 h were significantly more aggressive toward fostered young than ewes restrained for 4 d. In addition, the proportion of successful suckling attempts was significantly lower for lambs fostered on ewes in the 1-d group. Both groups showed a decline in butts and butt attempts over successive acceptance tests, but while the proportion of successful suckling attempts declined for lambs housed with 1-d ewes, they increased over time for lambs fostered on ewes restrained for 4 d.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Adequate Se transfer from ewes to lambs is important to prevent Se-deficiency diseases. To evaluate how different chemical forms of Se administered at comparative dosages to mature ewes affect Se status of their lambs, 240 ewes were divided into 8 treatment groups (n = 30 each) and drenched weekly (at an amount equal to their summed daily intake) with no-Se (controls); at recommended amounts (4.9 mg of Se/wk) with inorganic Na-selenite, inorganic Na-selenate, or organic Se-yeast; or at supranutritional amounts (14.7 and 24.5 mg of Se/wk) with Na-selenite or Se-yeast for 1 yr. Weekly drenching of Se was effective at increasing (P < 0.002) Se concentrations in ewe colostrum and milk at 30 d of lactation and in improving (P < 0.001) the Se status of lambs (whole-blood and serum-Se concentrations at birth, and skeletal-muscle Se concentrations at 14 d of age). Selenium concentrations in lacteal secretions were greater in ewes drenched with Se-yeast (colostrum: 374, 436, and 982 ng/mL at 4.9, 14.7, and 24.5 mg of Se/wk, respectively; milk: 26, 39, 64 ng/mL) compared with ewes drenched with Na-selenite (colostrum: 204, 334, 428 ng/mL; milk: 16, 21, 24 ng/mL), and were also greater (P < 0.001) in their lambs. Selenium concentrations continued to increase (P < 0.001) in lamb whole blood (558 and 695 ng/mL at 14.7 and 24.5 mg of Se/wk, respectively), serum (126, 183 ng/mL), and skeletal muscle (991, 1,696 ng/mL) with supranutritional concentrations of Se-yeast, whereas Se concentrations did not differ in whole blood (304, 332 ng/mL), serum (77, 85 ng/mL), or skeletal muscle (442, 482 ng/mg) of lambs from ewes drenched with 14.7 or 24.5 mg of Se/wk of Na-selenite. We conclude that weekly oral drenching of ewes during gestation and lactation with organic Se-yeast results in a more efficient transfer of Se (over a wide range of supplementation rates) from ewe to lamb than does inorganic Na-selenite.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels was used to identify isoenzymes of serum alkaline phosphatase in sheep. Skeletal isoenzyme predominated in the serum of lambs and liver, skeletal and intestinal isoenzymes were found in the serum of adult ewes. In r ewes (R-r-i blood group system) intestinal isoenzyme activity was 67 per cent of total serum activity; in R ewes intestinal activity was only 36 per cent of total activity. Relative activities of the three isoenzymes differed greatly within individual ewes and between individual ewes during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

Pregnant ewes were vaccinated twice, seven weeks and three weeks before lambing, with a multivalent formalin-killed Escherichia coli vaccine containing an added K99, F41 antigen preparation. Lambs born to vaccinated and unvaccinated ewes were exposed to oral infection with E coli B44 (09:K30, K99, F41). All 10 lambs from vaccinated ewes were protected whereas all 10 control lambs developed severe diarrhoea and five died or were killed in extremis. In the following year, previously immunised ewes were given a single dose of the vaccine two weeks before lambing. Eleven of their 12 lambs were protected against a similar challenge, which caused the death of six of eight control lambs and severe diarrhoea in the two survivors. Higher levels of antibody to the K99, F41 preparation were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the serum and colostrum from vaccinated ewes and in the serum of their lambs when compared with similar samples from control ewes and lambs.  相似文献   

Maedi-visna virus (MVV) seroprevalence associated with consumption of colostrum from seropositive ewes was investigated in 276 housed lambs from birth to 300 days-old. At birth, lambs were allocated to five experimental groups according to the maternal MVV-serological status, source and mode of feeding colostrum (bovine or ovine and bottle fed or suckled from the dam) and type of horizontal MVV-exposure (raised with the dam or separately with other lambs). The risk of being seropositive at 300 days-old was associated with feeding ovine colostrum from seropositive ewes and increased with intake of bottle-fed ovine colostrum and was higher in lambs separated from their dams and raised with other experimental lambs compared to lambs raised with their dams. Approximately 75-87% of ELISA-positive results in lambs that had ovine colostrum was attributable to colostrum itself. However, approximately only 16% of naturally raised and 29-61% of bottle-fed ovine colostrum lambs were ELISA-positive as a result feeding ovine colostrum. These results confirm that ovine colostrum from seropositive ewes can be a major source of MVV but its overall contribution to seroprevalence in natural conditions is relatively low, and shows that horizontal MVV transmission can be an important source of infection in new-born lambs.  相似文献   

Responses of pregnant ewes and young lambs to cold exposure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of cold stress were studied in pregnant ewes during the last three weeks of gestation and in their progeny during the first three days of life. In general, ewes were unaffected by treatment whereas changes were observed in the cold-stressed lambs. Cold-induced changes in lambs included physical weakness, depression, and poor nursing response. Serum concentrations of glucose and insulin were lowered whereas concentrations of blood urea nitrogen, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, triglycerides, and cortisol tended to be higher in cold exposed lambs. The mortality rate was higher (40%) in cold-stressed lambs than in lambs kept at warmer temperatures (10%). At necropsy, cold-exposed lambs had reduced amounts of adipose tissue in perirenal areas, and extensive subcutaneous hemorrhages and edema in the distal portions of the thoracic and pelvic limbs.  相似文献   

Objectives of this study were to estimate the magnitude of the effects of various factors associated with ewes and their ram lamb mates on fertility, prolificacy, lamb survival, lamb weaning weight and ewe productivity and to estimate the heritability and repeatability of each trait. Records from 731 ewe-years, 75 ram lamb sires and 616 lambs born from the University of Illinois Rambouillet flock were used. Ewes mated to single-born ram lambs had higher fertility rates (P less than .01), gave birth to lambs with higher survival rates (P less than .01), weaned lighter (P less than .05) individual lambs but weaned more weight of lamb per ewe exposed (P less than .01) than ewes mated to multiple-born ram lambs. Ram lamb breeding weight, ram lamb scrotal circumference, ewe breeding weight and ewe age had relatively large and positive effects on the composite trait of weight of lamb weaned per ewe exposed and significant effects on a number of the component traits. Heritability and repeatability estimates were, respectively, as follows: fertility, 3%, 3%; prolificacy, 34%, 19%; lamb survival, 15%, 8%; lamb weaning weight, 7%, 36%; and ewe productivity, 27%, 10%.  相似文献   

When lambs born to and suckling Eperythrozoon ovis carrier ewes were inoculated with heparinised blood containing large numbers of E. ovis organisms, the lambs were either sterilised of the infection or patent infection was suppressed till the lambs were weaned. In vitro infection, transplacental transfer of antibodies or soluble antigens could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

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