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《African Zoology》2013,48(2):158-164
Seasonal floodplains occasionally comprise highly productive zooplankton communities which are exposed to rapid shifts in predator regimes, also between vertebrate and invertebrate predators.We recorded the impact of two co-occurring zooplankton predators, the notonectid Anisops sardea and 0+ fish fry of Tilapia rendalli (max gape size 1 mm), on a cladoceran community dominated by Ceriodaphnia reticulata (0.25–0.78 mm), Daphnia laevis (0.6– 1.8 mm) and Scapholeberis kingi (0.27–0.8 mm). Both predators strongly reduced abundance of all prey species, yet with a striking size-selective effect for Daphnia prey only, where fish showed a strong preference for small individuals, while Anisops preferred large Daphnia individuals. This contrasts with the general view of size selection in invertebrate versus vertebrate predators, but is logically caused by the feeding mode of the notonectid, and the gape size limitation of the fish fry. The two predators also showed a dietary niche differentiation in terms of both prey selection and habitat choice. T. rendalli fed preferably on small species and size classes, whereas predation from A. sardea concentrated on large prey. Competitive interference was indicated when feeding on Ceriodaphnia, and niche partitioning when feeding on the two other species. The predatory pattern suggests long-lasting coexistence in the system.  相似文献   

Argyrosomus hololepidotus (kob) is a top predator in the shallow marine environment of the south-eastern Cape. There is considerable change in prey taken over the size range of predators examined (256-1701 mm). Young A. hololepidotus are planktivorous taking swarming mysids, but as they grow they become piscivorous, feeding on both pelagic and demersal prey associated with soft sediments. The pelagic cephalopod Loligo reynaudi is also taken by large specimens. Prey selection varies with locality and time of year. A field experiment in which the prey were compared with fish caught in a small-mesh net revealed a preference for some slow-moving demersal species. The length distributions of dominant prey species are given and these clearly show that larger prey are preferred by larger predators.  相似文献   

Forty-six species were recorded in association with Patella spp., but most of these are casual associates, seeking temporary shelter. The shell surface offers an important substrate for algae.

The amphipod Hyale grandicornis is often associated with Patella, particularly in the juvenile stages. It is a facultative inquiline which vacates its hosts at high tide. The isopods Dynamenella australis and D. scabricula are predominantly associated with limpets and complete their life cycles under limpets. Choice chamber experiments demonstrate their preference for sheltering under limpets. The copepod Scutellidium patellarum is similar, but the association is more marked.

Calliopiella michaelseni (Amphipoda) is commensal and show a preference for certain limpet species. Its colour changes in relation to the host species. Feeding occurs on limpet faeces and algal fragments. The life cycle is completed under the limpet, two reproductive peaks occurring each year. Adults usually occur in pairs and there is a positive correlation between host and amphipod size. Juveniles remain with their parents initially, and then disperse to other limpets. Adult pairs may defend their host, excluding other amphipods. Calliopiella is strongly photonegative and thigmotactic.

The turbellarian Notoplanapatellarum is preferentially commensal with Patella oculus. This can be experimentally demonstrated. It feeds on small Crustacea, including Scutellidium.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of turbidity on the feeding strategies of fish in estuaries. Three species representing different feeding guilds were selected for the investigation. These were Elops machnata (representative piscivore), Pomadasys commersonnii (a macrobenthivore) and Atherina breviceps (a planktivore). The stomach contents of these fish were examined from a clear and a turbid estuary and some experimental work was carried out on A breviceps to test the hypothesis that turbidity affects feeding behaviour. Turbidity was found to have no effect on size selection of prey, but feeding rate, particularly of visual predators, was reduced at higher turbidity levels. This was caused by a decrease in the reactive distance of the fish. It would appear that in order to optimize the aquisition of food under different turbidity conditions fishes have the ability to change their feeding strategies. Visual predators are more affected by turbidity than are macrobenthic feeders.  相似文献   

The reproductive periodicities of the patellid limpets Cellana capensis and Patella concolor were determined from changes in macro-and microscopic appearance of the gonads over a 14-month period. Both species appear to have protracted breeding periods with several peaks in spawning activity. Problems encountered with the application of standard sampling and analytical methods to species with such cycles are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of predator–prey interactions is commonly analyzed using functional responses to gain an understanding of predation patterns and the impact they have on prey populations. Despite this, little is known about predator–prey systems with multiple prey species in sites near the equator. Here we studied the functional response of cougars (Puma concolor) in relation to their main prey, armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), coati (Nasua narica) and white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Between 2004 and 2010, cougar scats were collected along 5 transects to estimate the consumption of different prey species. A relative abundance index (RAI) was calculated for each prey species and cougar using 18 camera traps. We compared Holling type I, II and III functional response models to determine patterns in prey consumption based on the relative abundance and biomass of each prey species consumed. The 3 main prey species comprised 55% (armadillo), 17% (coati) and 8% (white‐tailed deer) of the diet. Type I and II functional responses described consumption of the 2 most common prey species armadillos and coati similarly well, while a type I response best characterized consumption of white‐tailed deer. A negative correlation between the proportions of armadillo versus coati and white‐tailed deer biomass in cougar scats suggests switching to consume alternative prey, confirming high foraging plasticity of this carnivore. This work represents one of the few studies to compare functional responses across multiple prey species, combined with evidence for prey‐switching at low densities of preferred prey.  相似文献   


The use of aversive conditioning, repellents and deterrents in the management of predator-livestock problems is evaluated based on a comprehensive literature review, contact with leading authorities and visits to areas with similar predation problems. The status of these management tools is reported and their applicability under Scandinavian conditions evaluated. Aversive conditioning usually involves treating baits with an emetic compound (usually lithium chloride), and has shown inconsistent and inconclusive results. Repellents and deterrents include physical, chemical and acoustic stimuli or devices that cause predators to stop an unwanted behaviour or to retreat from an area. Chemical repellents are not particularly effective against coyotes but have been effective for wolverines and bears under some conditions (e.g. with the availability of untreated, alternative prey). Projectile repellents give an immediate, positive result with bears, but their use is limited. Visual and acoustic devices work well, but only for a limited time, as predators quickly habituate to these devices. To summarize, these methods generally show little promise in reducing livestock depredation on a large-scale or long-term basis, especially under the conditions prevailing in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Resource depletion exerts opposing pressures on co-occurring consumers to expand diets while limiting overlap with competitors. Using foraging theory as a framework, we tested the effects of prey availability on diet specialization and overlap among competing Asian predators: dhole, leopard, and tiger. We used scat analysis from a prey-poor site, combined with a quantitative synthesis of 40 other diet studies, to determine biomass of different prey types consumed by each predator. We then assessed diet composition in relation to prey density, and compared diet breadth and overlap between prey-poor and prey-rich sites. In prey rich areas, all three predators specialized on energetically profitable medium and large ungulates (>30 kg), resulting in narrow, overlapping niches. Each predator shifted toward less profitable small-bodied prey (≤30 kg) as preferred ungulates declined, whereas consumption of preferred ungulates was unrelated to small prey abundance, as predicted by foraging theory. Diet breadths doubled under prey depletion (except leopard), but overlap declined as diets diverged via species-specific traits that facilitated capture of different types of alternative prey. Asia's apex predators adapt similarly to depletion of mutually preferred ungulates by switching to more numerous but less profitable small prey. Yet they can also partition a depleted prey base through intrinsic niche differences, thereby avoiding competitive exclusion. Our findings illuminate the stabilizing properties of adaptive foraging and niche differences in ecological communities, and provide insights into the behavior and resilience of Asia's endangered apex predators in response to prey depletion in the heavily poached forests of this region.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the giant clingfish Chorisochismus dentex in the eastern Cape Province, South Africa, are described. Juveniles share a diet of small crustaceans with numerous other fish species but adults feed on sea urchins as well as on a rarely used resource — limpets (Patellidae) which are firmly attached to rocks in the intertidal zone. The limpets are removed by levering with the large upper incisiform teeth. Undigested shells are eliminated whole encased in mucous capsules.  相似文献   

Predator–prey size relationships are among the most important patterns underlying the structure and function of ecological communities. Indeed, these relationships have already been shown to be important for understanding patterns of macroevolution and differential extinction in the terrestrial vertebrate fossil record. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) is a powerful remote approach to examining animal diets and paleodiets. The approach is based on the principle that isotope compositions of consumer tissues reflect those of their prey. In systems where resource isotope compositions are distributed along a body size gradient, SIA could be used to reconstruct predator–prey size relationships. We analyzed stable carbon isotope distributions amongst mammalian herbivores in extant and Plio–Pleistocene African savanna assemblages, and show that the range of δ13C values among mammalian prey species (herbivores and rodents) increases with body mass (BM), because C4 plant feeding (essentially grazing) is more common among larger taxa. Consequently, δ13C values of mammalian carnivores in these systems are related to species' BM, reflecting a higher average C4 prey component in the diets of larger‐bodied carnivores. This pattern likely emerges because only the largest carnivores in these systems have regular access to the C4 prey base, whereas smaller carnivores do not. The δ13C–BM relationship observed in mammalian carnivores is a potentially powerful approach for reconstructing and parameterizing predator–prey size relationships in contemporary and fossil savanna assemblages, and for interpreting how various behavioral, ecological and environmental factors influence prey size selection.  相似文献   

Live food items are often fed to exotic pet species whether they are birds, amphibians, reptiles, or mammals. This raises issues of welfare, both of the animals fed live prey items and the prey itself. Concerns over live food welfare are particularly marked in the feeding of vertebrate prey items and evidence presented here shows the prolonged time taken for rodents to die. However, the welfare of all exotic pets relies both on providing optimal nutrition to the predator and ensuring, as much as possible, that their natural behaviours can be expressed. Does that mean that predatory species must be fed live prey? This article discusses this problem and seeks potential solutions.  相似文献   

The diets of three species of Ambassis in six estuaries of southern Africa were investigated using four methods of stomach content analysis. Diets varied from one estuary to another as the faunal composition changed according to physical conditions. Ecological separation among the species is achieved to a large extent through diet alone. While all Ambassis feed mainly on a wide variety of zooplankters, Ambassis productus and A. natalen-sis are also piscivorous and insectivorous respectively. Seasonal analysis of diet showed that A. gymnocephalus feeds mainly on fish eggs during winter (June-August). The possible impact of egg predation on fish numbers at St Lucia is discussed. Feeding periodicity was investigated using dry mass and volumetric methods. All Ambassis showed similar bimodal feeding intensities during the night with peaks in early evening and early morning. Food selection at different levels in the water column showed that all Ambassis feed mainly on food in suspension. Additionally A. natalensis feeds on surface prey while A. productus takes ben-thic prey. It is postulated that interaction between Ambassis and filter-feeding planktivores in St Lucia is minimal due to feeding strategies and feeding periodicity. In addition the impact of the piscivorous predatory role played by Ambassis on estuarine fish communities is emphasized.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):180-186
The mesopredator release hypothesis predicts that reductions in top-predator abundance in a community will increase the abundance or activity of smaller ‘mesopredators’, and increase predation pressure on mesopredator prey, including bird nests. Top predators have been extensively controlled in rangelands managed for sheep in South Africa, because top predators prey on sheep. To test whether this control of top predators has increased nest predation risk for breeding birds in rangeland landscapes, I compared nest predation rates between rangeland areas subject to predator control, and large protected areas with no predator control. An artificial nest experiment found that nest predation by mammalian mesopredators was non-significantly higher in rangeland areas, providing weak support for increased predation by mammalian mesopredators as a consequence of mesopredator release. However, nest predation rates on natural nests of a suite of nine species did not differ between rangeland and protected area landscapes. Thus, control of top predators does not appear to reduce bird nesting success in this system. This result may reflect complex interactions between mammalian mesopredators and other predators of birds’ nests, particularly snakes.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):261-268
Seasonal changes in the diet of Cape clawless otters Aonyx capensis feeding in the surf zone in False Bay, Western Cape Province, South Africa, were investigated by spraint (faecal) analysis. The most common prey species, during all seasons, was the Cape rock crab, Plagusia chabrus. The next most important prey species was the Cape rock lobster, Jasus lalandii, with the fish species Clinus superciliosus being equally important in winter. Other prey were fresh-water crabs, Potamonautes perlatus, octopus, Octopus granulatus, and 17 other species of fish, frogs and mammals. In winter and autumn the most important prey category was fish while in spring and summer, crustaceans were the most important. Diversity of prey was lowest in winter, increasing through the seasons from spring to autumn.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region on the southeast coast of China has long been known as a highly productive fishing ground. Since the late 1980s, fishing pressure in the PRD has been intense, which warrants concerns of potential fishery-related impacts on the food resources and foraging ecology of apex marine predators in this region, such as the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis). In this study, we examined 54 stomachs with food remains, collected from beached carcasses of humpback dolphins recovered during fifteen years between 2003 and 2017. The 6043 identified prey items represent 62 teleost taxa, primarily small estuarine fish, but also larger reef fish. The dolphins appear to be opportunistic foragers, hunting across the water-column, with preference for shoaling and meaty fishes (e.g. Collichthys lucidus IRI% = 38.6%, Johnius belangerii IRI% = 23.1%, Mugil cephalus IRI% = 14.0%). Our findings suggest a dietary shift in recent years, from primarily demersal (as previously reported) to greater intake of neritic and pelagic fish. Dolphin foraging group size has decreased in recent years, which corresponds with declining size and numbers of prey items retrieved from dolphin stomachs. We suggest that these are indicators of declining food resources. Faced with a shortage of preferred prey, humpback dolphins may have broadened their dietary spectrum to maintain their daily energy intake, while their foraging group size decreased in response to the altered tradeoff between the costs and benefits of group foraging.  相似文献   

It is important to predict how many individuals of a predator species can survive in a given area on the basis of prey sufficiency and to compare predictive estimates with actual numbers to understand whether or not key threats are related to prey availability. Rugged terrain and low detection probabilities do not allow for the use of traditional prey count techniques in mountain areas. We used presence–absence occupancy modeling and camera‐trapping to estimate the abundance and densities of prey species and regression analysis to predict leopard (Panthera pardus) densities from estimated prey biomass in the mountains of the Nuvadi area, Meghri Ridge, southern Armenia. The prey densities were 12.94 ± 2.18 individuals km?2 for the bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus), 6.88 ± 1.56 for the wild boar (Sus scrofa) and 0.44 ± 0.20 for the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The detection probability of the prey was a strong function of the activity patterns, and was highest in diurnal bezoar goats (0.59 ± 0.09). Based on robust regression, the estimated total ungulate prey biomass (720.37 ± 142.72 kg km?2) can support a leopard density of 7. 18 ± 3.06 individuals 100 km?2. The actual leopard density is only 0.34 individuals 100 km?2 (i.e. one subadult male recorded over the 296.9 km2), estimated from tracking and camera‐trapping. The most plausible explanation for this discrepancy between predicted and actual leopard density is that poaching and disturbance caused by livestock breeding, plant gathering, deforestation and human‐induced wild fires are affecting the leopard population in Armenia.  相似文献   

A number of predator–prey studies show that certain prey demographic classes are targeted over others. The possible mechanisms driving these effects can be two-fold. Firstly, a preference for a certain demographic class results in selective predation by a predator. Secondly, different demographic classes exhibit varied behaviour and thus susceptibility to predation risk. To test these mechanisms, a study was conducted on Samara Private Game Reserve to investigate the potential impact cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) predation has had on the kudu (Tragelaphus strepciseros) population. Kudu age and sex data were collected across both predator-present and predator-absent sections using a spotlight-count method. Results suggest that juvenile kudu and subadult male kudu are selectively hunted by cheetah. This was reflected in significantly lower proportions of these two demographic classes within the predator-present section (both 6.0%, respectively) compared with the predator-absent section (16.8% and 17.4%, respectively). These findings indicate that the shift in the demographics of the kudu population within Samara could be explained by a combination of these two mechanisms.  相似文献   

The lengths, abundance patterns and feeding habits of three species of benthic-feeding teleosts, Lithognathus mormyrus, Lithognathus lithognathus and Umbrina capensis from King’s Beach, Algoa Bay are presented. Multiple regression analysis was used to elucidate the influence of the physical environment on the abundance of L. mormyrus. The feeding habits of these species were analysed on a quantitative basis by means of gravimetry and the frequency of occurrence of prey items.  相似文献   

Little is known about how seed defense and seed abundance interact with behavioral responses of seed dispersers to predict dispersal and survival dynamics in animal‐dispersed plants. By tracking the fate of individual seeds in Camellia stands with high and low seed abundance in Southwest China in 2007, we investigated the dispersal and survival of 2 high‐saponin Camellia species (Camellia oleifera and Camellia sinensis and 1 non‐saponin species (peanut Arachis hypogaea) as a control. Saponins in Camellia seeds are chemical compounds that act as seed defense. Our results were most consistent with the predictions based on the predator satiation hypothesis and the plant defense hypothesis. At the abundant Camellia stand (predators and dispersers were satiated), more Camellia seeds survived at the source but fewer were hoarded and survived at cache sites. At the sparse Camellia stand (predators and dispersers were not satiated), no Camellia seeds survived at the source, but more Camellia seeds were hoarded and survived at cache sites. Unlike Camellia seeds, no peanuts survived at the source at both stands, while more peanuts were hoarded and then survived at cache sites in the abundant Camellia stand compared to none at the sparse Camellia stand. In addition, the 2 Camellia species showed similar trends for seed fates across different dispersal stages. Our study indicates that the combined effects of seed abundance and seed defense, compared to their separate effects, provide a more accurate prediction for dispersal and survival patterns in animal‐dispersed Camellia species.  相似文献   

Climate change, habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats for populations and a challenge for individual behavior, interactions and survival. Predator–prey interactions are modified by climate processes. In the northern latitudes, strong seasonality is changing and the main predicted feature is shortening and instability of winter. Vole populations in the boreal Fennoscandia exhibit multiannual cycles. High amplitude peak numbers of voles and dramatic population lows alternate in 3–5‐year cycles shortening from North to South. One key factor, or driver, promoting the population crash and causing extreme extended lows, is suggested to be predation by the least weasel. We review the arms race between prey voles and weasels through the multiannual density fluctuation, affected by climate change, and especially the changes in the duration and stability of snow cover. For ground‐dwelling small mammals, snow provides thermoregulation and shelter for nest sites, and helps them hide from predators. Predicted increases in the instability of winter forms a major challenge for species with coat color change between brown summer camouflage and white winter coat. One of these is the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis. Increased vulnerability of wrong‐colored weasels to predation affects vole populations and may have dramatic effects on vole dynamics. It may have cascading effects on other small rodent–predator interactions and even on plant–animal interactions and forest dynamics.  相似文献   

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