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Recognition that one infective agent could cause ram epididymitis and ewe abortion in New Zealand was due to McFarlane et al. (1952 McFarlane, D., Jebson, J. L., Hartley, W. J., Salisbury, R. M., McClure, T. J. and Osborne, H. G. 1952. Aust. vet. J., 28: 226226. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The organism was not identified at that time, but Buddie and Boyes (1953 Buddle, M. B. and Boyes, B. W. 1953. Aust. vet. J., 29: 145153. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) classified it in the genus Brucella—possibly a variant of Br. melitensis. This finding provided a basis for research on control and treatment of the disease. The present paper describes studies on one aspect of this problem, the chemotherapy of affected rams.  相似文献   



Feild outbreaks of acute lameness in sheep in New Zealand are usually attributed to contagious footrot (Fusiformis nodosus) (Beveridge, 1941 Beveridge, W. I. B. 1941. Bull. Counc. Sci. indusir. Res. Aust., 140 [Google Scholar]), foot abscess (Sphaerophorus necrophorus) (Gregory, 1939 Gregory, T. S. 1939. Aust. vet. J., 15: 160160.  [Google Scholar]), or so-called “nutritional scald” Occasionally Erysipelothrix rhusio pathiae is also responsible (Whitten, 1951 Whitten, L. K. 1951. Aust. vet. J., 28: 66.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



An infectious epididymitis of rams caused by Brucella ovis (Buddie, 1956 Buddle, M. B. 1956. J. Hygiene, 54: 351351.  [Google Scholar]) infection, first described in Australia (Simmons and Boyes, 1953 Simmons, C. G. and Hall, W. J. K. 1953. Aust.vet.J., 29: 3333. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and New Zealand (Buddie and Boyes, 1953 Buddle, M. B. and Boyes, B. W. 1953. Aust.vet. J., 29: 145145. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) was recognized subsequently in Czechoslovakia (Gdovin et al, 1955 Gdovin, T., Hrudka, F., Chladecky, E. and Koppel, Z. 1955. Shorn, ces. Akad. zemedelsk Ved., 28: 617617.  [Google Scholar]), the United States (McGowan and Shultz, 1956 McGowan, B. and Shultz, G. 1956. Cornel Vet., 46: 277277.  [Google Scholar]), South Africa (Van Rensburg et al, 1958 Van Rensburg, S. W. J., Van Heerden, K. M., Le Roux, D. J. and Snyders, A. J. 1958. J.S.Afr. vet. med. Ass., 29: 223223.  [Google Scholar]), Rumania (Tudoriu, et al, 1958 Tudoriu, C. D., Andrei, M., Draghici, D. and Moldoveanu, P. 1958. Anu. Inst. Pat.Igien. anim. Bucaresti, 8: 55.  [Google Scholar]), and South America (Dr Justo Zomara B, 1961, pers. comm.). As the infection can affect ram fertility and, further, can be responsible for abortion in ewes and perinatal mortality in lambs, attention has been directed to the development, evaluation, and application of control measures in a number of important sheep-raising countries.  相似文献   



Increasing references have been made in the recent veterinary literature to malacic diseases of the nervous system in sheep and other animals. Plowright (1954 Cordy, D. R. 19S4. J. Neuropath., 13: 330330.  [Google Scholar]) and Innes and Plowright (1955 Hartley, W. J. 1956. N.Z.vet.J., 4: 129129. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have described a focal symmetrical spinal poliomalacia of unknown aetiology in sheep in Kenya. In the U.S.A., Cordy (1954 Haymaker, W., Ginzler, A. M. and Ferguson, R. L. 1952. Military Surgeon, 111: 231231.  [Google Scholar]) has described a focal symmetrical encephalomalacia of horses following the ingestion of a species of thistle, and Jensen et al. (1956 Hurst, E. W. 1940. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci., 18: 201201.  [Google Scholar]) have described an idiopathic polio-encephalomalacia in cattle and sheep. In New Zealand, Hartley (1956 Innes, J. R. M. and Plowright, W. 1955. J. Neuropath., 14: 185185.  [Google Scholar]) has described a focal symmetrical encephalomalacia (F.S.E.) of lambs that may be related to the sublethal effects of the toxin of Clostridium perfringens (welchii) Type D. Smith (1957 Jensen, Rue, Griner, L. A. and Adams, O. R. 1956. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 129: 311311. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) has described widespread lesions of polio-encephalomalacia together with eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in sodium chloride poisoning of swine.  相似文献   



Sir — The recently published advances by Done (1957 Done, J. T. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 13411341.  [Google Scholar]). Done et al. (1957 Done, J. T., Brooksbank, N. H. and Buntain, D. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 6767.  [Google Scholar]) and Harding cl al. (1957 Harding, T. D. J., Done, J. T. and Kershaw, G. F. 1957. Vet. Rec., 69: 824824.  [Google Scholar]); ill Great Britain concerning the knowledge of different disease of the central nervous system ot pigs have prompted a closer examination of these diseases by Diagnostic Officers of the Animal Research Division in this country.  相似文献   



An acute epididymitis affecting mainly young rams and associated with a gram-negative pleomorphic organism was first reported in New Zealand in 1955 (1) Dodd, D. C. and Hartley, W. J. 1955. A specific suppurative epididymitis of rams. N.Z. vet. J., 3: 105110. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]. Subsequently a similar syndrome attributed to Actinobacillus seminis has been reported in Border Leicester and other rams in Australia (2) Baynes, I. D. and Simmons, G. C. 1960. Ovine epididymitis caused by Actinobacillus seminis. N.Sp. Aust. vet. J., 36: 454459.  [Google Scholar] (3) Simmons, G. C., Baynes, I. D. and Ludford, C. G. 1966. Epidemiology of Actinobacillus seminis in a flock of Border Leicester sheep. Aust. vet. J., 42: 183187.  [Google Scholar] (4) Baynes, I. D. and Simmons, G. C. 1968. Clinical and pathological studies of Border Leicester rams naturally infected with Actinobacillus seminis. Aust. vet. J., 44: 339343.  [Google Scholar]. A like condition also described in Australia in a single crossbred ram was causally attributed to Histophilus ovis (5) Claxton, P. D. and Everett, R. E. 1966. Recovery of an organism resembling Histophilus ovis from a ram. Aust. vet. J., 42: 457458.  [Google Scholar]. Actinobacillus seminis was isolated from an epididymal infection in a Rambouillet ram in America (6) Livingston, C. W. and Hardy, W. T. 1964. Isolation of Actinobacillus seminis from ovine epididymitis. Am. J. vet. Res., 25: 660663.  [Google Scholar] and from a Dorper ram in South Africa(7) Worthingron, R. W. and Bosman, P. P. 1968. Isolation of Actinobacillus seminis in South Africa. J I. S. Aft. vet. med. Ass., 39: 8185.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   



Both Candida albicans and C. tropicalis have been implicated in cases of bovine mastitis following udder infusion with antibiotics (Loken et al., 1959 Loken, K. I., Thompson, E. S., Hoyt, H. H. and Ball, R. A. 1959. J. Amer. vet. med. Ass., 134: 401401.  [Google Scholar]). In some cases (Tucker, 1954 Tucker, E. W. 1954. Cornell Vet., 44: 7979.  [Google Scholar]), contamination of the diluting fluid and teats with yeasts from the operator has been given as the cause, while in other cases (Stuart, 1951 Stuart, P. 1951. Vet. Rec., 63: 314314.  [Google Scholar]; Hulse, 1952 Hulse, E. C. 1952. Vet. Rec., 64: 210210.  [Google Scholar]), yeasts from brewer's grains on which the cows were feeding have been blamed.  相似文献   



Malignant hyperthermia is a rare and usually fatal complication of general anaesthesia. It occurs in man (Britt and Kalow, 1970 Britt, B. A. and Kalow, W. 1970. Malignant hyperthermia: a statistical review. Can. Anaesth. Soc. J., 17: 293315. [Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]) and in certain breeds of pigs, the, Landrace (Hall et al., 1966 Hall, L. W., Woolf, N., Bradley, J. W. P. and Jolly, D. W. 1966. An unusal reaction to suxamethonium chloride. Br. med. J., 3: 594594.  [Google Scholar]; Berman et at, 1970 Berman, M. C., Harrison, G. G. and Bull, A. B. 1970. Changes underlying halothane-induced malignant hyperpyrexia in Landrace pigs. Nature. Lond., 225: 653655.  [Google Scholar]; Harrison et al., 1970 Harrison, G. G., Berman, M. C., Heekman, R., Bull, A. B., Terblanche, J. and Kench, J. E. 1970. “Anaesthetic induced malignant hyperpyrexia — Some observations of the syndrome in Landrace pigs”. In Ill Asian Australasian Congress of Anesthesiology, Canberra. Butterworths 158166.  [Google Scholar]) the Poland China (Jones et al., 1972 Jones, E. W., Nelson, T. E., Anderson, I. L., Kerr, D. D. and Burnap, T. K. 1972. Malignant hyperthermia in swine. Anesthesiology, 36: 4251.  [Google Scholar]), the Pietrain (Allen et al., 1970 Allen, W. M., Harding, J. D. J. and Paterson, D. S. P. 1970. Experimentally induced acute stress syndrome in Pietrain pigs. Vet. Rec., 87: 6469.  [Google Scholar]) and the Large White (Mawdesley-Thomas, 1969 Mawdesley-Thomas, L. E. 1969. Cited by Allen, W. M. et al. (1970) [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



Poisoning of cattle and sheep with superphosphate where the fertilizer was stored within reach of the animals has been reported by Romanenko (1954 Romanenko, K. L. 1954. Poisoning of farm animals with superphosphate. Veterinariya, 31(8): 5252.  [Google Scholar]). In New Zealand losses of pregnant and lactating ewes grazing pastures topdressed with phosphatic fertilizers have been recognixed for several years, and records kept since 1965 show that 39 outbreaks have been reported to Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory (P. J. O'Hara, pers. comm.). Swan and McIntosh (1952 Swan, J. B. and Mcintosh, I. G. 1952. The toxicity of North African phosphate and superphosphate to milking cows. Proc. N.Z. Soc. Anim. Prod., 12: 8388.  [Google Scholar]) have described the toxicity to dairy cows of grazing pasture topdressed with North African phosphate and superphosphate. The toxic factor was later identified as fluorine (Animal Research Division of the New Zealand Department of Agriculture Reports 1952–3, p. 28; 1953–4, p. 34; 1954–5, p. 35). Phosphatic fertilizers are known to contain 1 to 4% fluorine (Caro, 1964 Caro, J. H. 1964. Superphosphate. Its History, Chemistry and Manufacture, Washington, D.C.: USDA arid TVA. In [Google Scholar]), and the danger of poisoning stock with fluorine in untreated phosphates used as feed supplements has been described by many authors (Emmerling, 1902 Emmerling, A. 1902. Warning against the use of toxiccalcium phosphate in feed. Milchzeitung, 31: 728728.  [Google Scholar]; Dammann and Manegold, 1904 Dammann, C. and Manegold, O. 1904. Poisonings by fluorine-containing calcium phosphate used as a feed supplement. Dt tierarztl. Wscht., 12: 129131.  [Google Scholar]; Gardiner, 1930 Gardner, U. R. 1930. Agricultural Experiment Station Report, 201201. Michigan State College. June 30 [Google Scholar]; Phillips et al., 1934 Phillips, P. H., Hart, E. B. and Bohstedt, G. 1934. Chronic toxicosis in dairy cows due to the ingestion of fluorine. Wisconsin Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull., 123: 13.  [Google Scholar]; Hatfield et al., 1942 Hatfield, J. D., Shrewsbury, C. L. and Doyle, L. P. 1942. The value of rock phosphate as a supplement for sheep. J. Anim. Sci., 1: 5959.  [Google Scholar]; Udall, 1947 Udall, D. H. 1947. The Practice of Veterinary Medicine, 5th ed., 724725. Ithaca, New York: Udall.  [Google Scholar]; Fincher, 1952 Fincher, M. G. 1952. Fluorine Poisoning in Cattle. Report of the New York State Veterinary College of Cornell University 1950–51, : 3434.  [Google Scholar]; Harris et al., 1952 Harris, L. E., Baird, G. T., Bateman, G. Q., Binns, W., Draper, C. I., Greenwood, D. A., Henderson, G. R., Jenkins, W. R., Rich, L. H., Thorne, D. W. and Wann, F. B. 1952. Recommended practices to reduce fluorosis in livestock and poultry. Utah State Agric. Coll. Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ., : 130130.  [Google Scholar]; Crampton, 1954 Crampton, E. W. 1954. Fluorosis in dairy cows traced to rations. Can. Milling and Feed, 35(12): 2426.  [Google Scholar]; Dale and Crampton, 1955 Dale, G. D. and Crampton, E. W. 1955. Observations on chronic fluorosis in dairy cattle. Can. J. comp. Med., 19: 616.  [Google Scholar]; Snook, 1962 Snook, L. C. 1962. Rock phosphate in stock feeds. The fluorine hazard. Aust. vet. J., 38: 4247.  [Google Scholar]; Rek, 1967 Rek, L. 1967. Tolerance to dietary fluorine by farm animals. Agrochemia, 7: 334336.  [Google Scholar]; Agarwala et al, 1971 Agarwala, O. N., Nath, K. and Mahadevan, V. 1971. Use of superphosphate as a phosphorus supplement for lambs — effect on calcination or supplementation with oral cobalt or parenteral vitamin B12. J. agric. Sci., Camb., 77: 467471.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



In January 1975, Elaphostrongylus cervi was identified in material derived from red deer in the Fiordland National Park (Mason et al., 1976 Mason, P. C., Kiddey, N. R., Sutherland, R. J., Rutherford, D. M. and Green, A. G. 1976. Elaphostrongylus cervi in red deer. N.Z. vet. J., 24: 2223. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). This paper describes lesions associated with the presence of adult worms in the fascia and epimysium of skeletal muscles, lesions in lymph nodes, and lung lesions resulting from the presence of the first stage larvae of Elaphostrongylus cervi. This parasite is also known to cause meningo-encephalitis and spinal demyelination with consequent ataxia in red deer (Dykova, 1969 Dykova, I. 1969. Elaphostrongylus cervi (Cameron, 1931) in the central nervous system of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Folia parasit (Praha), 16: 7474.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



Tutu (Coriaria arborea Lindsay) is a small tree or shrub, variable in height, with leaves lin. to 3in. long, oblong and sessile, which has many flowers in long, drooping racemes. The fruit is purplish-black and is enveloped by juicy, persistent, and enlarged petals. It is a shrub that is found abundantly on certain river banks, bush, scrub, and tussock grassland throughout New Zealand (Connor, 1951 Aston, B. C. 1934. N.Z.J. Agric, 49: 150150.  [Google Scholar]). The green fruit and associated racemes, and also the flowering racemes, are highly toxic. The ripe fruit is relatively not as toxic (Easterfield, 1901 Christie, L. 1890. N.Z. med. J., 4: 11.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



In New Zealand, cobalt-containing drenches are recommended for the field diagnosis of cobalt deficiency, but find little use as a routine method of controlling the disease. For the latter purpose, cobaltized licks have a place on extensively-grazed untopdressed hill country. Otherwise, topdressing pastures annually with cobalt sulphate, usually as cobaltized superphosphate, has proved the best method of prevention (N.Z. Dept. Agric, 1954 N.Z. Dept. Agric. 1954. N.Z. Dept. Agric. Bull.,  [Google Scholar]; Andrews, 1956 Andrews, E. D. 1956. N.Z. J. Agric., 92: 239239.  [Google Scholar]). In Australia, however, greater reliance has been placed on drenches and licks, partly because cobalt topdressing is regarded as uneconomic on the extensive undeveloped holdings usually associated with cobalt deficiency in that country, and partly because the effects of cobalt applied to the land have often proved ephemeral, particularly on the acutely-deficient calcareous coastal sands (Lee, 1950 Lee, H. J. 1950. Aust. vet. J., 26: 152152. [Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]; Bennetts, 1955 Bennetts, H. W. 1955. J. Agric. West Ami., 4: 4242.  [Google Scholar]). However, recent work in South Australia opens up an entirely new approach to the control of cobalt deficiency disease. Dewey et al. (1958 Dewey, D. W., Lee, H. J. and Marston, H. R. 1958. Nature (Lond), 181: 13671367.  [Google Scholar]) report that when semi-porous pellets containing cobaltic oxide are administered to sheep they are retained in the reticulum, or less commonly in the rumen, and release a continuous and adequate supply of cobalt to the animal. Phalaris staggers and cobalt deficiency disease can be prevented in this way.  相似文献   



Surveys on perinatal infection in lambs in New Zealand have been reported and the pathology and bacteriology of the conditions described (Hartley and Boyes, 1955 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 120120.  [Google Scholar], 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 3333. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]; McFarlane, 1955 McFarlane, D. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 104104.  [Google Scholar]; Hartley and Kater, 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Kater, Joan C. 1964. N.Z. vet. J., 12: 4949. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Potentially pathogenic organisms were isolated from 58 to 288 lambs from five flocks, Clostridium septicum being isolated from five of these cases (Hartley and Boyes, 1955 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 120120.  [Google Scholar]). In another survey, 5.5% of lambs born dead or dying up to 4 weeks of age died from navel infection. Clostridium septicum was isolated from 69% of 48 consecutive cases (Hartley and Boyes, 1964 Hartley, W. J. and Boyes, Betty W. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 3333. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). McFarlane (1955 McFarlane, D. 1955. Proc. N.Z. Soc. anim. Prod., 15: 104104.  [Google Scholar]) recorded that 7.3% of perinatal mortality was due to navel infection but no bacteriology was carried out nor was the organism suspected stated. On individual farms, up to 15% of lambs recorded died from navel ill. It should be pointed out that, in this survey, only small numbers of lambs were received from some properties.  相似文献   



The recognition that animals develop immunity to a wide range of protozoan and helminth parasites first began about 80 yearsago with the observations of Smith and Kilbourne (1893 Smith, T. and Kilbourne, F. L. 1893. Cited by Soulsby (1957) [Google Scholar]) that cattle recovered from Texas fever (Babesia bigemina) were immune to subsequent infection. This was followed by reports of acquired immunity in various helminth infections including trichinosis (Ducas, 1921 Ducas, R. 1921. Cited by Tromba, F. G. (1972). [Google Scholar]), strongyloidosis (Sanground, 1928 Sanground, J. H. 1928. Some studies on susceptibility, resistance and acquired immunity to infection with Strongyloides stercoralis (Nematoda) in dogs and cats. Am. J. Hyg., 8: 507538.  [Google Scholar]), haemonchosis (Stoll, 1928 Stoll, N. K. 1928. The occurrence of ‘self cure’ and protection in typical nematode parasitism. J. Parasit., 15: 147148.  [Google Scholar]; 1929 Stoll, N. K. 1929. Studies with the strongyloid nematode Haemonchus contortus. I. Acquired resistance of hosts under natural reinfection conditions out-of-doors. Am. J. Hyg., 10: 384418.  [Google Scholar]) and nippostrongylosis (Africa, 1931 Africa, C. M. 1931. Studies on the host relations of Nipposlrongylus muris, with special reference to age resistance and acquired immunity. J. Parasit., 18: 113.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



A gram-negative pleomorphic facultative aerobic organism, indistinguishable morphologically and culturally from that isolated from suppurative epididymitis in rams and described by Dodd &; Hartley (1955) Dodd, D. C. and Hartley, W. J. 1955. N.Z. vet. J., 3: 105105. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar], has, over the last five years, been isolated at this laboratory on more than ten occasions from polytenosynovitis and pyaemia in lambs, and on one occasion from mastitis in a ewe. It still remains to characterize and classify this organism, but Roberts has made a detailed comparison of it with his Histophilus ovis (Roberts, 1956 Roberts, D. S. 1956. Aust. vet. J., 32: 330330.  [Google Scholar]) and considers that the two are indistinguishable (Roberts, 1958, pers. comm.).  相似文献   



Much work has been, carried out in New Zealand to ascertain the response in young sheep to drenching with anthelmintics (for review see Whitten, 1954 Brown, H. D., Matzuk, A. K., Iives, I. R., Peterson, L. H., Harris, S. A., Sarett, L. H., Egerton, J. R., Yakstis, J. J., Campbell, W. C. and Cuckler, A. C. 1961. J. Amer. chem. Soc, 83: 17641764. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Clarke &; Filmer (1958) Brunsdon, R. V. 1960. N.Z. vet. J., 9: 1313.  [Google Scholar] have also examined response to drenching in their studies on hogget' ill-thrift. As Whitten (1954) Clarke, E. A. and Filmer, D. B. 1958. N.Z. J. agric. Res., 1: 382382. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] has shown, results of past drenching trials have been extremely variable. In some cases little or no response has been observed, in others considerable increases; in weight gains have been achieved. More recently, Robertson (1963) Gordon, H. McL. 1961. Nature, 191: 14091409. [Lond.] [Google Scholar] has summarized the results of part of an extensive series of country-wide post-weaning drenching trials conducted by the Department of Agriculture with the new anthelmintic thiabendazole. In those trials consistent, weight gain responses were recorded in favour of the drenched animals. However, most of the published data are from trials involving strategic drenching programmes designed to control or limit infestation rather than to suppress completely, patent infestation. Most of these trials have been confined to late summer, autumn and winter, and few have attempted to cover the entire first year of young sheep. Furthermore, little attempt has hitherto been made to correlate responses obtained with the changing degree and species composition of infestation throughout the course of the trial.  相似文献   



The nature of the agent causing hairy shaker disease of lambs in New Zealand is uncertain. A report by Manktelow et al. (1969) Manktelow, B. W., Porter, W. L. and Lewis, K. H. C. 1969. Hairy shaker disease of lambs. N.Z. vet. J., 17: 245248. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] demonstrated the transmissibility of the disease, using homogenized tissue as the inoculum, and drew attention to its similarity on clinical and pathological grounds to the condition of Border disease found in the United Kingdom. Transmission of Border disease using homogenized tissues had been previously reported by Dickinson and Barlow (1967) Dickinson, A. G. and Barlow, R. M. 1967. The demonstration of the transmissibility of Border disease in sheep. Vet. Rec., 81: 114114.  [Google Scholar], Shaw et al. (1967) Shaw, I. G., Winkler, C. E. and Terlecki, S. 1967. Experimental reproduction of hypomyelinogenisis congentia of lambs. Vet. Rec, 81: 115116.  [Google Scholar] and Barlow and Gardiner (1969) Barlow, R. M. and Gardiner, A. C. 1969. Experiments in Border disease. I. Transmission, pathology and some serological aspects of the experimental disease. J. comp. Path., 75: 387405.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   



Published records of Escherichia coli infection in lambs have appeared with increasing frequency in recent years. Reports have come from Australia (Roberts, 1957 Roberts, D. S. 1957. Anst. vet. J., 33: 4343.  [Google Scholar], 1958 Roberts, D. S. 1958. Anst. vet. J., 34: 152152.  [Google Scholar]; Charles, 1957 Charles, G. 1957. Anst. vet. J., 33: 329329.  [Google Scholar]) and from Britain (Terlecki and Shaw, 1959 Terlecki, S. and Shaw, W. G. 1959. Vet. Rec., 71: 181181.  [Google Scholar]; Rees, 1958 Rees, T. A. 1958. J. comp. Path., 68: 399399.  [Google Scholar]; Hughes, 1962 Hughes, L. E. 1962. Vet. Rec., 74: 350350.  [Google Scholar]). In the Australian outbreaks, the age of affected lambs ranged from three to eight weeks, while in the British outbreaks lambs became affected within one day of birth. In both countries the illness lasted from one to three days. Characteristically, the infection localized in the central nervous system leading to purulent meningo-encephahtis, and in the joints causing fibrino-purulent arthritis.  相似文献   



Trimethoprim became generally available 3 years ago, following its original discovery as a unique antibacterial agent for combating diseases of both man and animals (Hitchings and Bushby, 1961 Hitchings, G. H. and Bushby, S. R. M. 5-Benzyl-2, 4-diaminopyrimidines a new class of systemic anti-bacterial agents. 5th Int. Congr. Biochem. Moscow. pp.165165.  [Google Scholar]; Pugsley et al., 1969 Pugsley, D. G., Mwanje, L., Pearson, C and Blowers, R. 1969. Use of trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole in tropical Africa: Typhoid fever; Salmonella typhi carriage and Staphylococcus aureus sepsis. Postgrad, med. J., 45: 9599. Nov. 1969, Suppl. [Google Scholar]; McGuinness, 1969 McGuinness, B. W. 1969. A combination of trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole in upper respiratory infection. Postgrad, med. J., 45: 99101. Nov. 1969, Suppl. [Google Scholar]; McCaig, 1970 McCaig, J. 1970. A clinical trial using trimethoprim-sulphadiazine in dogs and cats. Vet. Rec., 87: 265265.  [Google Scholar]; Barnett and Bushby, 1970 Barnett, Margaret and Bushby, S. R. M. 1970. Trimethoprim and the sulphonamides. Vet. Rec., 87: 4351.  [Google Scholar]; Rehm and White, 1970 Rehm, W. F. and White, G. 1970. A field trial with trimethoprim and sulphadoxine in bacterial diseases of cattle and pigs. Vet. Rec., 87: 3942.  [Google Scholar]; Craig 1972 Craig, G. R. 1972. The place of potentiated trimethoprim in the therapy of diseases of the skin in dogs and cats. J. small Anim. Pract., 13: 6570.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   



The toxicity of zinc salts to ruminants has been studied by Ott et al (4) Ott, E. A., Smith, W. H., Harrington, R. B. and Beeson, W. M. 1966. Zinc toxicity in ruminants. I. Effect of high levels of dietary zinc on gains, feed consumption and feed efficiency of lambs. J. Anim. Sci., 25: 414481. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] (5) Ott, E. A., Smith, W. H., Harrington, R. B. and Beeson, W. M. 1966. Zinc toxicity in ruminants. II. Effects of high levels of dietary zinc on gains, feed consumption and feed efficiency of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 25: 419423. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] (6) Ott, E. A., Smith, W. H., Harrington, R. B., Stob, M., Parker, E. H. and Beeson, W. M. 1966. Zinc toxicity in ruminants. III. Physiological changes in tissues and alterations in rumen metabolism in lambs. J. Anim. Sci., 25: 424431. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] (7) Ou, E. A., Smith, W. H., Harrington, R. B., Parker, H. E. and Beeson, W. M. 1966. Zinc toxicity in ruminants. IV. Physiological changes in tissues of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 25: 432428.  [Google Scholar] and others (3) Miller, W. J., Clifton, C. M., Fowler, P. R. and Perkins, H. F. 1965. Influence of high levels of dietary zinc on zinc in milk, performance and biochemistry of lactating cows. J Dairv Sci., 48: 450453.  [Google Scholar] (16) Zurcher, T. D. 1970. “A study of the zinc requirement of beef cattle”. In PhD Thesis, Purdue University.  [Google Scholar] (2) Feaster, J. P., Hansard, S. L., McCall, J. T., Skipper, F. H. and Davis, G. K. 1954. Absorption and tissue distribution of radio zinc in steers fed high-zinc rations. J Anim. Sci., 13: 781788.  [Google Scholar] (12) Thompson, A., Hansard, S. L. and Bell, M. C. 1959. The influence of aluminium and zinc upon absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorous in lambs. Anim. Sci., 18: 187197.  [Google Scholar] (9) Rosenberger, G. and Gruender, H. D. 1975. “Experiments on the toxicity of zinc dusts in cattle”. In 20th World Veterinary Congress Summaries Vol. 2 Thessaloniki Greece 920921.  [Google Scholar]. In much of this work zinc has been incorporated in the feed, a situation more applicable to intensive feedlot farming rather than the New Zealand pastoral situation, or the zinc has been fed for limited periods of time with the possibility that the full potential of zinc for causing toxicity has not been realised.  相似文献   

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