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Data concerning the species composition, abundance and distribution of fishes inhabiting the Berg River estuary are presented and used to assess the value of the estuary to fish, and the likely eflects of reduced freshwater inflows. A total of 31 species was recorded, eight of which were classified as estuarine residents, 11 as marine estuarine-opportunists, six as marine stragglers and six were freshwater species. Liza richard- sonii, an opportunist, was the most abundant (54% N) and widely distributed species encountered during the winter and summer seine-net surveys. Three other species (all residents) contributed more than 10% of the total catch; Atherina breviceps and Caffrogobius nudiceps occurring most abundantly in the lower estuary, and Gilchristella aestuaria in the middle estuary. The low number of species compared with estuaries in other regions of the South African coast reflect a well-established marine biogeographical trend. The higher proportions ol resident species, entirely dependent species and partially dependent species suggest, however, that west coast estuaries may be more important to the fish that inhabit them than are estuaries in other regions. It is concluded that the fish community of the estuary is already suffering the effects of habitat degradation and that further reductions in freshwater inllows are not desirable.  相似文献   

Catch per unit effort was obtained for the nekton of the Swartkops estuary near Port Elizabeth by means of gill netting. Fifty gill net catches were made in which 1 269 fish were caught in areas representative of the mouth, middle and upper reaches of the estuary. Pomadasys commersonni, already shown to be the most abundant angling species in the estuary, dominated gill net catches both in terms of mass (29%) and numbers (17%). The family Mugilidae (five species) comprised 25% of the mass and 42% of the numbers caught. Environmental factors and availability of food that might determine distribution offish in the estuary are discussed. The largest mean mass per individual was found in Chanos chanos (4 473 g), Elops machnata (1 656 g) and Valamugil buchanani (1 580 g). Lowest mean masses were recorded for Monodactylus falciformis (63 g), Rhabdosargus holubi (88 g) and Liza dumerili (94 g).  相似文献   

To gain further insights into temperate and tropical grass ensiling, fermentation products and bacterial communities were examined at both the initial and late stages of ensiling of wilted Italian ryegrass and wilted guinea grass silages. 2,3‐Butanediol and ethanol fermentation were observed in wilted Italian ryegrass silage. Enterobacteria such as Rahnella sp. and Enterobacter sp. may have been involved in fermentation; however, alcohol production was intensified after the silage enterobacterial community overwhelmed the pre‐ensiled enterobacterial community. Pediococcus spp. appeared in silage stored for 4 months, when a significant increase in lactic acid content was seen compared with that at 2 months. Prolonged storage enhanced acetic acid fermentation in wilted guinea grass silage. The disappearance of Enterococcus sulfureus and appearance of Lactobacillus plantarum may have been associated with the increased acetic acid content. Although many species of enterobacteria were found in common between the pre‐ensiled crop and silages of Italian ryegrass and guinea grass, marked differences were seen in the type of fermentation from the initial stages. These results indicate that the bacterial community of pre‐ensiled crops may be immediately replaced by one that is adapted to ensiling environments, although metabolic changes may continue over the course of ensiling.  相似文献   

Although the Three Gorges Project (TGP) may have affected the population structure and distribution of plant and animal communities, few studies have analyzed the effect of this project on small mammal communities. Therefore, the present paper compares the small mammal communities inhabiting the beaches of Dongting Lake using field investigations spanning a 20‐year period, both before and after the TGP was implemented. Snap traps were used throughout the census. The results indicate that the TGP caused major changes to the structure of the small mammal community at a lake downstream of the dam. First, species abundance on the beaches increased after the project commenced. The striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius) and the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), which rarely inhabited the beach before the TGP, became abundant (with marked population growth) once water was impounded by the Three Gorges Reservoir. Second, dominant species concentration indices exhibited a stepwise decline, indicating that the community structure changed from a single dominant species to a more diverse species mix after TGP implementation. Third, the regulation of water discharge release by the TGP might have caused an increase in the species diversity of the animal community on the beaches. A significant difference in diversity indices was obtained before and after the TGP operation. Similarity indices also indicate a gradual increase in species numbers. Hence, a long‐term project should be established to monitor the population fluctuations of the Yangtze vole (Microtus fortis), the striped field mouse and the Norway rat to safeguard against population outbreaks (similar to the Yangtze vole outbreak in 2007), which could cause crop damage to adjacent farmland, in addition to documenting the succession process of the small mammal community inhabiting the beaches of Dongting Lake.  相似文献   

The Mntafufu and Mzamba Rivers have small catchment areas (178 and 505 km2, respectively) in the forested coastal belt of Transkei and have relatively small estuaries (5 and 2 km long, respectively). Although the annual rainfall is in excess of 1000 mm in this area, the mean annual runoff was less than 70 Mm3 in both cases. Serious floods were not observed during the survey period, while turbidity and sediment loads were usually very low. Salinities were usually high (x? = 30,0-38,0‰) in the bottom water and temperatures in the upper reaches were usually higher than in the lower reaches. The species composition, and seasonal and spatial abundance of the fish fauna of the two estuaries were determined by means of gill nets. A total of 1043 fish (385,8 kg) representing 42 species were caught in the Mntafufu estuary. The orangemouth glassnose Thryssa vitrirostris and V. cunnesius were the most abundant fish in the estuary. Numerically 42% of the catch (46% gravimetrically) belonged to the family Mugilidae (11 species) of which Mugil cephalus, Valamugil buchanani and V. cunnesius were the most important. A total of 389 fish (241,1 kg) were caught in the Mzamba estuary. Twenty-five species were obtained with Hilsa kelee dominating numerically. Seven species of mullet contributed 38,3% of the numbers or 54,2% of the fish biomass. The diamond mullet (Liza alata) and the flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus) were the most abundant in terms of biomass. The highest catches in the two estuaries were taken in the lower reaches. Mean number and biomass of fish taken per net was 20,5 fish and 7,2 kg, and 16,2 fish and 10,1 kg in the Mntafufu and Mzamba estuaries, respectively.  相似文献   

This study provides a quantitative account of fish predation by piscivorous birds in the temporarily open/closed East Kleinemonde Estuary and represents the first global attempt to simultaneously relate such consumption to production by a fish community in the same estuary. Cormorants and herons were the dominant predators and seasonal variations in the avifaunal community composition were noted. Based on comprehensive counts over three years, the piscivorous bird population was estimated to have consumed a maximum of 4 414?kg of fish in 1994, 2 400?kg in 1995/96 and 2 960?kg in 2004/05. In 1995/96 fish production in the East Kleinemonde Estuary (55.89?g m?2 a?1) was estimated at 9 780?kg and maximum bird predation amounted to 25% of annual fish production within the system over the same period, assuming that all birds counted on the estuary foraged there and that the diet of these birds comprised only fish. The above 1995/96 figures, together with an estimate of fish predation by the dominant piscivorous fish Lichia amia of 696?kg suggests that birds are probably the single most important natural predator of fishes within this estuary. An unusual mass invasion by marine Cape Cormorants Phalacrocorax capensis during July 1994 was responsible for large-scale predation of fish (2 155?kg) and resulted in the population of estuary-associated marine fishes declining from approximately 63 300 to about 18 600 individuals during the 1994 closed phase. Given that little or no marine fish recruitment was possible while the estuary mouth was closed, piscivorous birds are likely to have a higher predatory impact on populations of juvenile marine fishes in small temporarily closed estuaries than in larger permanently open systems.  相似文献   

The euryhaline component of the Zooplankton in the Sundays River estuary was sampled monthly at 10 stations from August 1979 to April 1981. In deeper regions surface and near-bottom samples were taken (Stations 1-7) using WP2 nets. Shallow (< 2,0 m) stations were sampled in surface waters only. Water temperature ranged between 14-27 °C. A full salinity gradient was present and salinity stratification was well developed. Acartia longipatella was most abundant during winter and spring (maximum 73 300 m-3) in the lower estuary. The interaction of temperature and salinity as factors regulating temporal and spatial distribution was evident, these factors also interacting in the water column owing to stratification. The pioneer copepod species, seudodiaptomus hessei, attained high abundance following floods or increased river inflow. Three species of mysid shrimps were common in the plankton in summer, each species showing clear zones of maximum distribution. Zooplankton standing stock (dry mass) ranged from < 10 mg m-3 to 1 450 mg m-3 In surface samples and < 10 mg m -3 to 8 275 mg m -3 in bottom samples. Contribution of mysids to standing stock was rarely less than 70% and often exceeded 90%. Differences in standing stock between surface and bottom samples were owing to behavioural differences between the Zooplankton species, particularly the mysids. Behavioural adaptations play an important role in the retention of the indigenous Zooplankton in the estuary. Aspects of trophic relationships are discussed and demonstrate the significance of the Zooplankton in the transfer of energy to higher trophic levels In this estuary.  相似文献   

Mgazana, a mangrove estuary inTranskei, was investigated from May 1972 to March 1973 at six-week intervals. Salinities were consistently above 25 parts per thousand in the middle and lower estuary. In the upper estuary the salinity varied between 4 and 29 parts per thousand. Water temperatures varied between I5,5°C and 28°C. One hundred and fifteen taxa of zooplankton organisms were recorded in the samples. The copepods Acartia naialensis and Oithona brevicornis reached high population densities and numbers exceeding 100 000/m3 of water were recorded. Mysids were major contributors to zooplankton biomass. A maximum biomass of I 200 mg/m3 was recorded in February in the middle estuary and was attributed to the mysid Mesopodopsis africana. Species of mysids showed clear seasonal and spatial patterns of distribution in the estuary.  相似文献   

The Mtentu River has a straight open tidal estuary flowing between steep grassy or indigenous forest-covered slopes. Total high-water surface area is about 0,3 km.a The zooplankton was studied by periodic sampling over a period of thirteen months. Some physical characteristics of the estuary are presented. The seasonal and spacial distribution and relative importance of four species of mysid, is discussed. The most common mysid in the estuary was Mesopodopsis africana, although Rhopalophthalmus terrcmatalis, in view of its larger size, contributed more to the overall mass of mysids in the samples.  相似文献   

Low‐ and middle‐income countries are experiencing rapid urban population growth, particularly in peri‐urban informal settlements. In these urban areas, animal husbandry remains a valuable source of income and protein‐rich foods but may also present a risk of zoonotic disease threat. To date, there have been studies that have assessed the prevalence and nature of animal ownership in these communities. This cross‐sectional survey assessed the geographical, sociocultural and economic factors behind the presence, ownership and purpose of domestic animals in three informal peri‐urban communities of Kisumu, Kenya. A majority (n = 587) of the study households exhibited domestic animal presence in the living space yet only 32% of households reported animal ownership (n = 252). The purposes of ownership included: for meat/eggs (55%); for income, sale or trade (43%); for milk production (31%); and as companions/pets (31%). Among households that owned animals, 76% reported that at least one animal slept in the house at night. In multivariate logistic regression, the following factors were significantly associated with household animal ownership: ownership of agricultural land (OR = 1.94, 95% CI = 1.12, 3.35), perceiving a strong community bond (OR = 2.28, 95% CI = 1.25, 4.16), and household membership in a community group (OR = 1.64, 95% CI = 1.04, 2.60). This research demonstrates the high prevalence of animal ownership in a low‐income and high‐density peri‐urban neighbourhood of an African city, which may facilitate zoonotic disease transmission. Further research should assess if and to what extent animal ownership in such communities is associated with disease risk.  相似文献   

The Palmiet estuary is only 1,67 km in length, but has a relatively large catchment of 539 km2. Rain falls largely during winter when it scours the estuary and widens the mouth, but by late summer the mouth narrows and, in some years, may close. The estuary never closes for more than a few months, and salinities are normal. The entire estuary has clear bottom water and high bottom salinities, but the surface waters are usually fresh and darkly stained with humic acid. This permanent stratification allows many marine species to penetrate the estuary.

Owing to the scouring in winter, the sediments are coarse, >98% consisting of sand and gravel, with a low organic content. In situ primary production is low, contributing only about one fifth of the organic material in the system, the rest being imported from the river and the sea. Species richness is low, only 28 species of invertebrates being recorded, but many of these occur in enormous numbers. Callianassa kraussi plays a crucial role, trapping fine particles around its burrows and locally enhancing the organic content of the sediments. Its faeces are an important vehicle for the concentration and turnover of organic matter.

Four of the 19 species of fish recorded breed in the estuary, the rest being represented largely by juveniles or small adults. Only three species occurred in the estuary year-round, the other species being absent during the period that the estuary is in flood.

Floods and a relatively high flow of river water are critical to keeping the estuary open. If, as proposed, a dam is built on the river, steps will have to be taken to ensure that the mouth is kept open. A related problem will be the reduction of organic material entering the estuary from the river and the sea.  相似文献   

The ecology of Sphyraena barracuda was studied in the Kosi estuary system of Natal. Fry enter from the sea at a length of 20 mm and live in shallow marginal weed-beds until a length of 80 mm when they move to fringing Phragmites reed-beds. After reaching 300 mm they move to open water areas. No specimens longer than 500 mm were recorded and none were mature. Growth is rapid, they attain 180 mm in the first six months and after two years measure 400-500 mm. They leave the estuary after about two years. Their significance in the estuarine fish community is due to their predation, at all sizes, on a variety of estuarine-dependent juvenile fishes (e.g. Rhabdosargus spp., Mugilidae) and adults of estuarine species (e.g. Ambassis spp.). S. barracuda was recorded at salinities between 4°/oo and 35°/oo, only in very clear water and at temperatures from 14,4 °C to 37 °C. Sphyraena bleekeri and S. qenie, which are also clear-water species, were found at Kosi in salinities from 0,5 to 35%o. They are also piscivorous on a range of small teleosts. Sphyraena iello is the most widespread barracuda in Natal estuaries, but only juveniles were recorded. This species is tolerant of a wide range of turbidities and salinities which enables it to live under most estuarine conditions. The distribution, ecology and interspecific interactions among Sphyraenidae in Natal estuaries are discussed in relation to their feeding biology, habitat preferenda and physical tolerances.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):317-325
The historical canalization of the Mfolozi River resulted in the St Lucia Estuary losing its main freshwater source. This, combined with the recent drought, led to low water levels, hypersaline conditions and dramatic losses in biodiversity. The excavation of a beach spillway between the estuary and the Mfolozi River mouth in 2012, combined with the commencement of a wet phase in the preceding year, has alleviated the freshwater deprivation crisis. This study compares the meso-zooplankton composition within the channel on both flood and ebb tides, providing a preliminary understanding of the role of the Mfolozi channel in the migration and recruitment of organisms. Abundance was higher on ebb tides, while species richness was higher on flood tides. A total of 53 zooplankton taxa were recorded in the channel. Of these, one had never been recorded in St Lucia before, namely the gastropod Pterotrachea cf. hippocampus. Additionally, the ctenophore Pleurobrachia cf. pileus and the mysid Gastrosaccus gordonae were again recorded for the first time since the late 1970s. Results show that the beach spillway has facilitated recruitment into St Lucia from the ocean and the Mfolozi River. Further research is needed to ascertain what effect this recruitment has on long-term zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

The diets of three species of Ambassis in six estuaries of southern Africa were investigated using four methods of stomach content analysis. Diets varied from one estuary to another as the faunal composition changed according to physical conditions. Ecological separation among the species is achieved to a large extent through diet alone. While all Ambassis feed mainly on a wide variety of zooplankters, Ambassis productus and A. natalen-sis are also piscivorous and insectivorous respectively. Seasonal analysis of diet showed that A. gymnocephalus feeds mainly on fish eggs during winter (June-August). The possible impact of egg predation on fish numbers at St Lucia is discussed. Feeding periodicity was investigated using dry mass and volumetric methods. All Ambassis showed similar bimodal feeding intensities during the night with peaks in early evening and early morning. Food selection at different levels in the water column showed that all Ambassis feed mainly on food in suspension. Additionally A. natalensis feeds on surface prey while A. productus takes ben-thic prey. It is postulated that interaction between Ambassis and filter-feeding planktivores in St Lucia is minimal due to feeding strategies and feeding periodicity. In addition the impact of the piscivorous predatory role played by Ambassis on estuarine fish communities is emphasized.  相似文献   

Two 24-h plankton and seine-netting studies were carried out in the Swartkops estuary mouth, one during a spring-tide, the other on a neap-tide in order to determine larval movements of the prawns Palaemon pacificus and Upogebia africana in and out of the estuary. Two size classes of the former were caught, namely zoea 6 and adults. No zoeae 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, post-larvae or juveniles were caught. Zoea 1 of U. africana are flushed out of the estuary into Algoa Bay on the nocturnal ebb-tide with very few returning on the subsequent flood-tide. Net fluxes were 97,1% and 99,9%. Larval life is then spent at sea after which the pre-postlarvae invade the estuary to reach the estuarine nursery areas. For P. pacificus this was during zoea 6, mainly on the nocturnal flood-tides. Net fluxes of P. pacificus zoea 6 were 95,8% and 100%. Most larval movement occurred at peak velocities as they utilize the tidal currents in dispersion and recruitment. Some P. pacificus zoea 6 are washed out again on ebb-tides, but lateral movement to the banks during slack-tide appears to be a mechanism to prevent this occurring. P. pacificus adult movement in the mouth region was better cor-related with nocturnal activity than with tidal movements.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):412-417
The name Turritella declivis, as described by Adams and Reeve in the ‘The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Samarang’ (Adams & Reeve 1848-1850), is currently used for two distinct species of turritellid gastropod, one inhabiting the Agulhas Bank off South Africa and the other occurring off the Australian coast. Examination of the type material clearly shows that the name is referable to the southern African species. The Australian species must henceforth be known as Turritella captiva Hedley, 1987, a name previously regarded as a junior synonym of T. declivis. The original type locality ‘China Seas’ is erroneous, as was often the case with material collected during the voyage of the Samarang. It is emended to be the Agulhas Bank, over much of which T. declivis is common and may, in places, be hugely abundant, forming Turritella-dominated benthic communities. Such communities have been recorded in other parts of the world and are frequently associated with seasonal upwelling events, but have not previously been documented off South Africa.  相似文献   

The problem of dueling names for a species has been minimized within the scientific community through the development and use of standardized ordering and naming systems. Ambiguity, however, persists among common vernaculars. Such variation in names transcends countries and continents, and can result in a single species being known by multiple names in the same area, a single species being known by different names in neighboring communities, or many species being known by one name. As part of a group-administered survey regarding wildlife, we asked 932 Tanzanian primary school children to name the species represented by animal illustrations. Participants provided up to 37 different names for each species (M = 19.8, SD= 13.3). Determining if the names indicated familiarity with the species proved challenging. Our results highlight the complications common names can cause for human dimensions of wildlife researchers.  相似文献   

陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒演替研究-群落组成与结构分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杜峰  山仑  梁宗锁 《草地学报》2005,13(2):140-143,158
对陕北黄土丘陵区18块不同年限撂荒样地调查分析。结果表明:指数函数和幂函数均可对种数-面积曲线进行拟合;随着撂荒年限的增加,群落组成均匀度下降,Simpson、Shannon、Brilliouin和Dahl多样性指数减小,但优势度多样性指数-Whittaker则随着撂荒年限的增加而稳定上升;撂荒演替前期的样地群落基本属于对数级数分布,说明该阶段种的组成主要是生态位预占模式起作用,演替中后期属于对数正态分布,可能是生态位预占、周围繁殖体的侵入压力、种间竞争和其它因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Portions of northern Mexico are experiencing a re‐emergence of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), a tickborne disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a member of the spotted fever group of rickettsiae (SFGR). Infection with R. rickettsii can result in serious and life‐threatening illness in people and dogs. Canine seroprevalence has been used as a sentinel for human RMSF in previous studies. This study aims to quantify SFGR seroprevalence in canines in three northern Mexican states and identify risk factors associated with seropositivity. A total of 1,136 serum samples and 942 ticks were obtained from dogs participating in government sterilization campaigns and from animal control facilities in 14 Mexican cities in three states. SFGR antibodies were detected using indirect immunofluorescence antibody assays at titre values ≥1/64. Six per cent (69 dogs) showed antibodies to SFGR, with the highest seroprevalence reported in Baja California (12%), Coahuila (4%) and Sonora (4%). Dogs from Baja California had three times higher odds of having SFGR antibodies compared to dogs from Sonora (OR = 3.38, 95% CI, 1.81–6.37). Roughly one quarter (25%) of surveyed dogs were parasitized by ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) at the time of sample collection. A portion of collected ticks were tested for rickettsial DNA using polymerase chain reaction. Positive samples were then sequenced, showing evidence of SFGR including R. massiliae, R. parkeri and R. rickettsii. Dogs that spent the majority of time on the street, such as free‐roaming or community‐owned dogs, showed a greater risk of tick infestation, seropositivity, bearing seropositive ticks, and may play a pivotal role in the spread of SFGR among communities. Estimating the seroprevalence of SFGR in the canine population can help public health campaigns target high‐risk communities for interventions to reduce human RMSF cases.  相似文献   

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