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Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis are intra-erythrocytic protozoan parasites transmitted by ticks to cattle in which they induce babesiosis, a disease that resembles human malaria. Anemia, caused by the destruction of non-infected erythrocytes, is a critical feature of the disease. Anti-erythrocyte antibodies could be one of the explanations for such destruction. These antibodies are found in the sera of dogs and mice respectively infected with B. gibsoni and B. rodhaini. However, data concerning the presence of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in the sera of infected cattle are not conclusive. In the present study, we made an attempt to detect anti-erythrocyte antibodies from the sera of cattle naturally infected with B. bigemina. Erythrocytes from a non-infected calf were used in ELISA reaction for the detection of antibodies from samples. Results confirmed the presence of anti-erythrocytes antibodies in higher amounts in the serum of infected cattle. In order to correlate this increment with the parasite, anti-erythrocyte antibodies from the sera from infected calves were purified, coupled to a Sepharose-4B column and than used for anti-idiotypic antibodies purification. These antibodies were found to react with the parasites, suggesting a correlation between both anti-parasite and anti-erythrocyte antibodies.  相似文献   

Summary Virulent rinderpest virus was detected by immunoperoxidase staining of microtitre bovine kidney cell cultures within 24 to 48 hours of inoculation with prescapular lymph node and spleen homogenates from experimentally infected steers. Rinderpest virus specific cytopathic effects were evident from 48 hours in microtitre plates and from 72 hours in rolled tube cultures. Nasal and ocular secretions collected from cattle naturally infected with rinderpest and inoculated into bovine kidney cell cultures did not readily yield cytopathic virus in both tubes and microtitre plates, but immunoperoxidase staining of microtitre cultures on the fourth day of inoculation detected replication of virus in cultures inoculated with ocular and nasal secretions from seven of 17 cattle tested.
Resumen Se detectó el virus virulente de mediante la tinción con inmunoperoxidasa de cultivos de células de ri?ón bovino en bandejas de microtitulación, después de la inoculación de estos con suspensiones homogenizadas de ganglios linfáticos preescapulares y de bazo provenientes de novillos infectados experimentalmente. El efecto citopático del virus de la peste bovina fue evidente desde las 48 horas en bandejas de microtitulación y desde las 72 horas en tubos de cultivo giratorios. Secreciones oculares y nasales colectadas de ganado infectado en forma natural con la peste bovina e inoculadas en cultivos de células de ri?ón bovino, no mostraron efecto citopático fácilmente en tubos giratorios o bandejas de microtitulación, pero la tinción de las bandejas con inmunoperoxidasa reveló replicación del virus a partir del cuarto día de inoculación con secreciones oculares y nasales en siete de los 17 animales examinados.

Résumé Un virus bovipestique virulent a été décelé par le test de coloration à l'immunoperoxydase de cellules rénales bovines en culture dans des plaques de microtitrage et infectées 48 heures plus t?t avec des homogénats de ganglions lymphatiques et de rate provenant de bouvillons infectés expérimentalement. Les effets cytopathogènes du virus étaient évidents au bout de 48 h dans les plaques de microtitrage et 72 h dans les tubes en rollers. Les sécrétions nasales et oculaires prélevées sur du bétail infecté naturellement par la peste bovine et inoculées sur des cellules rénales bovines n'ont pas toujours montré d'effet cythopathogène aussi bien dans les tubes que dans les plaques de microtitrage. Cependant, la coloration à la peroxydase au jour 4 après l'inoculation a permis de déceler la présence de virus dans 7 cas sur 17.

The ELISA test was evaluated for the diagnosis of bovine cysticercosis using heterologous antigens from the larvae of T. solium and T. crassiceps, by using different types of positive and negative control sera, to allow a broader analysis of the results. The ELISA test showed low sensitivity under natural conditions of bovine cysticercosis manifestation, but high rates (up to 90%) under experimental conditions. The high specificity of the test (81-100%) made evident its capacity to differentiate cysticercosis from other bovine diseases. No difference in performance was found among the antigens studied. It was concluded that the ELISA test has deficiencies in detecting anti-cysticercosis antibodies of animals at slaughterhouse. However, it can be useful in detecting experimentally infected animals and differentiating cysticercosis from other bovine diseases.  相似文献   

Kidneys from cattle at slaughter were examined for the presence of leptospires. Of 218 (8.3%) kidneys leptospires were isolated from 18; all were identified as Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo. None of the leptospire-infected kidneys had histopathological lesions indicative of leptospirosis and leptospires were demonstrated in only 2 by immunogold silver staining. Leptospires infected kidneys remained viable for at least 21 days when stored at 4 degrees but became non-viable within 14 days when stored frozen at -15 degrees.  相似文献   

Four viruses belonging to the bovine ephemeral fever (BEF) group have been isolated from bovine blood. Infection of cattle with BEF virus was associated with neutralizing antibody responses to BEF, Kimberley (KIM), Berrimah (BRH) and Adelaide River (ADE) viruses, with highest antibody titres to BEF and KIM viruses. Infection of one cow with KIM virus was associated with a homologous neutralizing antibody response and nil or minimal responses to the other three viruses. Infection of a steer with ADE virus was associated with a rise in neutralizing antibody levels to ADE virus and to KIM virus, but not to BEF or BRH viruses. Infection of a steer with BRH virus was associated with marked neutralizing antibody rises to BRH and BEF viruses and small rises to KIM and ADE viruses. An antibody rise to BEF virus did not necessarily indicate recent BEF virus infection, and should be considered of diagnostic value only when taken in conjunction with clinical signs of disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effective dose of an experimental fasciolicide called compound alpha or 5-chloro-2-methylthio-6-(1-napthyloxy)1H-benzimidazole in experimentally and naturally infected cattle. In the first experiment, 24 fluke-free heifers were each infected with 800 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica and re-infected on day 45 with other 600 cysts per animal. On day 75, when the animals had 4- and 10-week-old flukes respectively, they were divided into four groups (G) of six animals each according to fluke egg counts. Groups 1-3 received compound alpha at 10, 12 and 14 mg/kg/p.o., respectively. G4 remained as an untreated control. Twenty days after treatment, the animals were sacrificed for the recovery of flukes. Efficacy was assessed as a percentage of egg or fluke reduction relative to the untreated control. In the second experiment (naturally infected cattle), 24-year-old steers positive to F. hepatica eggs were blocked into four groups of five animals each. Groups 1-3 received compound alpha at 10, 12 and 14 mg/kg/p.o., respectively. Group 4 served as a non-treated control. All procedures to determine efficacy were carried out as mentioned in the first experiment. The results in the first study showed a percentage on egg reduction of 97.3, 100 and 100 and overall fluke reduction of 94.3, 100 and 100 for Groups 1-3, respectively. In the second study, the percentage of egg reduction was of 87.5, 99.1 and 100 and overall efficacy regarding fluke reduction was of 84.2, 99.6, and 100 for Groups 1-3, respectively. It is concluded that the effective dose selected for compound alpha was of 12 mg/kg/p.o. in cattle having an induced or natural F. hepatica infection.  相似文献   

Samples from the mammary tissue of 14 lactating goats (12 naturally infected and two experimentally infected) were examined for the presence of Mycoplasma agalactiae. A monoclonal antibody (5G12) was applied to formalin-fixed, paraffin-wax-embedded sections and labelled by the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex (ABC) method. Histological examination of tissue sections revealed strong immunoreactivity in all animals included in the study. Mycoplasma agalactiae antigen was mainly detected in the cellular debris at the periphery of purulent exudates present within lactiferous sinuses, and lactiferous and interlobular ducts. In addition, M. agalactiae organisms appeared in the cytoplasm of the epithelium of ducts, and in infiltrating macrophages and neutrophils within the ducts, alveoli, interstitial tissue and regional lymph node sinuses. It is concluded that this monoclonal antibody-based immunohistochemical technique is an efficient and specific method for the post-mortem detection of M. agalactiae in cases of clinical mastitis as well as being a useful tool for the study of the route of infection and cellular types involved during mastitis caused by this organism.  相似文献   

Results from recent serological surveys and epidemiological studies show that pigs raised in a variety of management systems can be carriers of the tissue cyst stage of Toxoplasma gondi. This parasite can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of improperly prepared pork, making detection and removal of infected swine carcasses from the food chain an important food safety issue. Several methods are available for detection of T. gondii infected swine, including serological assays, polymerase chain reaction, and animal bioassays. The aim of the present study was to compare the detection sensitivities of six of these commonly used methods for detection of T. gondii infection in tissues from naturally and experimentally infected pigs. The results indicate that a serum-based ELISA is the most sensitive method, of those tested, for detection of T. gondii infected swine.  相似文献   

The 22,23-dihydro derivative (ivermectin) of the major B1 components of the avermectins was evaluated, by oral and parenteral routes, for anthelmintic activity in cattle experimentally infected with 7 gastro-intestinal nematode species and lungworm. Treatment at three dosage levels was administered when the parasites were in the L4 developmental stage or when adult. The dosage expected to remove 95% of the nematodes (ED95) by each route of administration against the various developmental stages of each species of parasite was calculated by methods of linear regression to choose dose levels to be used in subsequent developmental field trials. Parenterally, efficacy against L4 stages of Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Cooperia oncophora, C. punctata, Oesophagostomum radiatum and Dictyocaulus viviparus exceeded 99% with treatment at 0.2 mg ivermectin/kg. Parenteral treatment of the adult parasites resulted in at least 98% reduction of worm burdens, except ? 90% for T. colubriformis, with 0.2 mg/kg. Oral treatment of L4 stages of development with 0.2 mg/kg resulted in at least a 95% reduction in worm burdens of each of the 8 species of parasite. Oral treatment of the adult worms with 0.1 mg ivermectin/kg produced at least a 98% decrease in each parasite species, except for T. colubriformis (90% reduction) for which dose-response calculations suggest 95% efficacy with oral treatment at 0.2 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Neutralising serum antibodies against bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) were monitored for three years in 35 cattle that were infected with the virus as calves; 24 of the calves were inoculated intramuscularly or intranasally, and 11 contracted the infection naturally. All the experimentally infected calves seroconverted within 14 to 28 days after inoculation, and all the animals still had high serum levels of antibodies to BVDV three years after infection. Determinations of antibody levels in milk and blood samples excluded the possibility that the calves had been reinfected with BVDV during the study.  相似文献   

Enzootic bovine leukaemia (EBL) which is caused by the bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) still plays a remarkable role despite a significant success in sanitation programmes. In the Federal Republic of Germany it was not possible to eradicate the disease until today. Sporadically during slaughter or necropsy of cattle neoplastic lesions of the lymphatic tissues are observed that need to be clarified with regard to BLV as etiological agent. Due to the fact that in most instances no serological data are available from the respective animals and blood drawings from the original holdings are not easy to obtain the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) opens new avenues as supplementary diagnostic tool to test unfixed lymphatic tissues for the presence of BLV proviral DNA. Lymph node tissues from 10 naturally or experimentally BLV-infected cattle, which have been monitored virologically and serologically, and tissues from 4 negative animals were processed, DNA was extracted and subjected to PCR to amplify BLV env gene specific sequences. The results show that in cattle with BLV-induced leukosis as well as in cattle, which were clinically healthy and unsuspicious at slaughter or at post-mortem, either with persistent lymphocytosis (PL) or without, BLV proviral DNA could be detected easily in samples of lymphatic tissues and in high concordance with serological data. In this article data from the National and OIE reference laboratory for EBL at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI, Germany) are presented. Elaborated laboratory protocols for processing of tissue samples and performing of BLV-PCR are recommended.  相似文献   

Infection of normal adult cattle and sporadic serological Brucella abortus reactors, which no longer had diagnostic titers to B. abortus, with a culture of Escherichia coli isolated from a cow (or its environment) resulted in the production of a primary IgM serum antibody response to both B. abortus and E. coli. Cattle injected with heat killed E. coli and guinea pigs or young calves lacking natural agglutinins to B. abortus injected with live E. coli, produced serum antibody only to E. coli. The subsequent reinjections of live E. coli into the former two groups of cattle resulted in all but one animal in each group producing IgM ‘secondary’ responses to B. abortus of decreasing magnitude, while the anti-E. coli responses increased and eventually switched to synthesis of IgG class antibody. The remaining two animals produced a series of ‘secondary’ responses of IgM antibody to B. abortus similar in amplitude and duration to the primary immune response. The anti-E. coli agglutinins of these two animals increased in titer and IgG class antibody to E. coli was evident after several injections of E. coli. These results indicate that infection of cattle by E. coli can cause a problem in the serological fiagnosis of B. abortus infection. Speculations on the cause of this cross-reaction and ways of minimizing misdiagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

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