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Sterilization may be defined as a process that renders a patient infertile without impairing sexual urge. The interest in sterilization of bulls has grown in recent years in New Zealand, for there is an increasing need for teasers for oestrus detection in both the dairy and beef herds. The advent of the mating harness (Lang et al., 1968) has increased the usefulness of such animals. Bulls may be sterilized by vasectomy, surgery on the cauda epididymis, injection or sclerotherapeutic agents into that organ, or by operations to shorten or deviate the penis. In this article vasectomy is compared with transection of the cauda epididymis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible use of biometric testicular traits as selection criteria for young Nellore bulls using Bayesian inference to estimate heritability coefficients and genetic correlations. Multitrait analysis was performed including 17,211 records of scrotal circumference obtained during andrological assessment (SCAND) and 15,313 records of testicular volume and shape. In addition, 50,809 records of scrotal circumference at 18 mo (SC18), used as an anchor trait, were analyzed. The (co)variance components and breeding values were estimated by Gibbs sampling using the Gibbs2F90 program under an animal model that included contemporary groups as fixed effects, age of the animal as a linear covariate, and direct additive genetic effects as random effects. Heritabilities of 0.42, 0.43, 0.31, 0.20, 0.04, 0.16, 0.15, and 0.10 were obtained for SC18, SCAND, testicular volume, testicular shape, minor defects, major defects, total defects, and satisfactory andrological evaluation, respectively. The genetic correlations between SC18 and the other traits were 0.84 (SCAND), 0.75 (testicular shape), 0.44 (testicular volume), -0.23 (minor defects), -0.16 (major defects), -0.24 (total defects), and 0.56 (satisfactory andrological evaluation). Genetic correlations of 0.94 and 0.52 were obtained between SCAND and testicular volume and shape, respectively, and of 0.52 between testicular volume and testicular shape. In addition to favorable genetic parameter estimates, SC18 was found to be the most advantageous testicular trait due to its easy measurement before andrological assessment of the animals, even though the utilization of biometric testicular traits as selection criteria was also found to be possible. In conclusion, SC18 and biometric testicular traits can be adopted as a selection criterion to improve the fertility of young Nellore bulls.  相似文献   

In two experiments, Black Angus bulls were challenged at weaning with GHRH analog and evaluated for their GH response to determine whether GH response can predict subsequent growth characteristics. The GH response was determined by measuring GH in blood serum collected 0 and 10 min after GHRH injection (Exp. 1: 1.5 microg/100 kg BW human GHRH, n = 34; Exp. 2: 1.5 and 4.5 microg/100 kg BW bovine GHRH [treatments LGHRH and HGHRH, respectively] administered 3 h after a 4.5 microg/100 kg BW "clearance dose" of GHRH, n = 38]. In Exp. 1, GH response did not predict growth or carcass measurements. In Exp. 2, GH response to LGHRH was positively related to ADG (R2 = .18; P = .007) during a 112-d controlled feeding trial. In addition, there was a tendency for bulls with a greater GH response to HGHRH to exhibit greater ADG than animals with a low response. However, GH response to GHRH was not related to changes in hip height (HH) or carcass ultrasound measurements at d 112 of the growth performance trial. Response of GH to repeated GHRH challenges was consistent within animal over time (r = .47; P = .003). The use of a clearance dose 3 h prior to GHRH challenge improved the relationship between GH response and ADG. Results of this study suggest that GH response to GHRH challenge is a useful tool for identifying beef bulls with superior growth potential.  相似文献   

Young (16- to 30-month-old) beef bulls of 6 different genotypes were assessed for production and reproduction traits at different ages and intervals from single-sire mating. Fertility indices, in the form of multiple regression equations using pregnancy rate as the dependent variable, were derived from these assessments using non-orthogonal analyses of variance and covariance. "Among" and "within" genotype fertility indices showed significant correlations with pregnancy rate. "Within" genotype fertility indices showing significant multiple correlations (p less than 0.01) at 11 (r = 0.75), 8 (r = 0.89), 6 (r = 0.86) and 2 (r = 0.80) months prior to mating. It was found that the most important traits to include in the fertility indices were peripheral LH levels following GnRH stimulation, testicular volume, libido and body weight. In general, the fertility indices showed good correlations with bull reproductive performance and were not significantly affected by bull genotype.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify endogenous nitrogen (N) recycled for microbial protein synthesis in the rumen. Four growing bulls (Schwarzbuntes Milchrind; bodyweight: 240–310 kg) with duodenal T‐shaped cannulas were fed diets containing four levels of crude protein content (200, 156, 102 and 63 g/kg dry matter, respectively). The diets were based on wheat, barley, tapioca meal, soybean extracted meal, dried beet pulp, meadow hay and straw. The diets had an energy level of 11.1, 10.9, 10.2 and 9.6 MJ metabolizable energy/kg dry matter. Faeces and urine were collected in four 7‐day balance periods. Duodenal flow rate was estimated by TiO2, pelleted with grain, as a marker. The relationship between urine N excretion, the amount of microbial N reaching the duodenum, ruminal N balance and N retention were examined and the amount of endogenous N available for microbial protein synthesis without negative effects on the N retention was determined. It can be concluded that up to 16% of the microbial N supply could be covered by recycled endogenous N, but N retention should not be decreased by more than 1.5 residual standard deviations of maximal N retention.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments 137 fattening bulls received between 0 and 20 mg Mestranol per animal and day. In one experiment a dose of 10 mg/day reduced consumption. The cause of this effect could not be found. In three experiments Mestranol increased weight gain by 4-13%. Feed expenditure was significantly decreased in only one experiment, in which 5-10 mg were given (average of all experiments: 4%). In dependence on the amount of Mestranol the weight of skin, horn and testicles decreased, when only 5-10 mg were given, however, protein retention increased whereas fat retention decreased. When 20 mg Mestranol are given per animal and day, the anabolic effect is missing although the NEFcattle-expenditure per kJ retention including maintenance decreases. This is due to a higher fat retention, which is causally inexplicable. The ergotropic effect of Mestranol depends on its dosage and possibly the nutrients in the ration.  相似文献   

Sir:— I would like to commend Don Fraser on his letter in the New Zealand Veterinary Journal Jan/Feb. issue, in bringing to the attention of the profession a practice that was exceedingly offensive for me to read about.  相似文献   

The mating of small beef type bulls (Angus, Eringer) to reduce difficulties at first calvings is increasingly applied in Switzerland. In contrast to this, calf producers refuse to use large type beef bulls on their cows because of direct and indirect damages due to increased calving problems. It proved to be an attractive alternative to use specially selected dual purpose bulls tested for ease of calving and high growth rate but low dairy performance, so called M-bulls (Meat bulls), out of the regular AI testing programme for Braunvieh and Simmentals.From 1974 to 1976, Charolais, Limousin and Piemontese bulls were included in the AI testing programme and compared with Braunvieh- and Simmental-M-bulls. Data included progeny from 47 bulls, 7936 calvings, 1137 animals with carcass gains, and 130 dissected carcasses. If calving performance and net gains are considered, the M-bulls compete well with the foreign breeds. If, in addition, the amount of meat in the carcass is taken into account, then Charolais and Piemontese crosses are superior. The problem is one of distributing gains and losses among calf producers, feeders and butchers. It needs specially tested bulls with emphasis on ease of calving out of the specialized beef breeds or sire lines to persuade the dairy farmer to cross his cows.  相似文献   

In two digestion experiments with wethers and seven feeding experiments with 198 fattening bulls with rations rich in (greater than 55% of the dry matter intake from roughage), the influence of the antibiotic monensin on the digestibility of the ration, on rumen-physiologic characteristic values and on fattening and slaughtering results was investigated. The digestibility of the organic matter and the crude nutrients was not significantly influenced by the use of monensin (20 mg/kg dry matter). The administration of 200 mg monensin per fattening bull and day resulted in an increase of the molar concentration of propionate in the rumen fluid by 9.7 mol%, the concentration of acetate and butyrate decreased by 7.3 resp. 2.8 mol %. On an average of the seven experiments the intake of dry matter was diminished by 5.1% through the use of monensin, the live weight increase remained almost unaffected (3.0% additional increase), feed and energy requirement per kg live weight were improved by 7.9%. The fattening results do not always correspond in the various experiments. The results of the dressing of the carcass, the composition of the carcass and the quality of the meat remained unaffected by the administration of monensin.  相似文献   

Sporadic cases of testicular hypoplasia were earlier found in bulls of the Swedish Red and White breed. An accumulation of cases have occurred since 1970 in sons of 2 outstanding progenytested bull sires, 2 F and 27 U, which had a common father, 545 B. The history and clinical examination of affected bulls varied. Some had azoospermia and very small testes at a young age, while others could be normal in all respect when they were young but had a short reproductive life and had to be culled at about 3 years of age. Most of the affected bulls were between these 2 extremes. The histologic examination showed principally different degrees of testicular degeneration. There were always some germ cells left in all affected seminiferous tubules indicating that there was not a lack of germ cells causing the hypoplasia. Germ cell weakness is obviously a hereditary condition. The sires 545 B, 2 F and 27 U had a relatively low fertility. In their pedigree were several bulls known to have had a low fertility. No sons of 2 F and only a few sons of 27 U were used for A.I. services and at present only few cases of testicular hypoplasia are seen.  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism is defined as the failure of the testis to descend into the scrotal position. Bulls with cryptorchidism have problems in both meat quality and husbandry management; thus, it is greatly important to accurately identify the retained testis and remove it during the early stage. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) was performed under general anesthesia in 34 bulls aged 3–9 months with cryptorchidism. All bulls underwent laparoscopic or incision approach for cryptorchidectomy, and 40 testes were dissected. The detection rates of retained testes were 64.5% in the abdominal cavity and 100% in the subcutaneous inguinal region, and the total detection rate was 72.5%. Furthermore, all cases in this study were suspected to have intra-abdominal cryptorchidism in primary care, but CT revealed that 22.5% of cases had cryptorchidism in the subcutaneous inguinal region. The CT value (mean ± standard deviation) of the retained testes was 20.96 ± 7.54 Hounsfield Unit, and the CT value and size of the retained testes showed a positive weak correlation with bovine age. Therefore, there is the demerit that general anesthesia and a huge device are necessary; nevertheless, CT is suggested to be useful in identifying the location of retained testes and selecting an appropriate surgical approach in bulls with cryptorchidism. Moreover, CT findings suggested that the maturation of the retained testes might depend not on the descending process but on age.  相似文献   

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