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Between January and March 2002, 55 cows in a 1,200-cow commercial dairy herd in south Florida died. Most of the cows that were found dead did not have any clinical signs of disease prior to death. Because of a history of a feed change, a bloom of blue-green algae in cow cooling ponds, and initial necropsy findings of moderate enteritis, the preliminary differential diagnosis included clostridial enteritis, blue-green algae toxicosis, and mycotoxicosis. Rumen acidosis, hypomagnesemia, and heavy metal toxicosis were included as secondary considerations. On the basis of physical examination and gross necropsy findings, results of clinicopathol ogic testing, and results of feed and water analyses, a diagnosis of hypomagnesemia was made. Control procedures that were implemented included changing the forage source and increasing the magnesium concentration in the diet.  相似文献   

Mastitis caused by the colourless alga Prototheca zopfii was diagnosed in 17 of 120 cows in a dairy herd. Infection occurred in animals varying from 3-14 years old and was present in one to four quarters of each cow. Nine cases were associated with clinical mastitis characterised by the presence in milk of flakes or small clots. Somatic cell counts consistent with subclinical mastitis (>500 x 10(3) cells/ml) were recorded in five of the eight remaining cows. Histological examination of udder tissue showed the presence of granulomatous lesions associated with the presence of Prototheca. The problem was identified and controlled by repeated microbiological examination of milk samples from all lactating cows and immediate culling of infected animals. P. zopfii was also recovered from environmental water samples on this farm. It is suggested that infection may have occurred as a result of teat sores caused by trauma from a milking machine, and the tendency for cows to lay down on a race, the surface of which was sometimes flooded by drain water in which Prototheca were present.  相似文献   

Mastitis caused by the colourless alga Prototheca zopfii was diagnosed in 17 of 120 cows in a dairy herd. Infection occurred in animals varying from 3–14 years old and was present in one to four quarters of each cow.

Nine cases were associated with clinical mastitis characterised by the presence in milk of flakes or small clots. Somatic cell counts consistent with subclinical mastitis (>500 × 103 cells/ml) were recorded in five of the eight remaining cows.

Histological examination of udder tissue showed the presence of granulomatous lesions associated with the presence of Prototheca.

The problem was identified and controlled by repeated microbiological examination of milk samples from all lactating cows and immediate culling of infected animals.

P. zopfii was also recovered from environmental water samples on this farm. It is suggested that infection may have occurred as a result of teat sores caused by trauma from a milking machine, and the tendency for cows to lay down on a race, the surface of which was sometimes flooded by drain water in which Prototheca were present.  相似文献   

A group of 60 housed Friesian cows were observed continuously for a period of 25 days, during which time all cows were recorded for incidence of mounting activity and 18 selected cows were recorded for various aspects of maintenance activity. All 60 cows were judged as showing oestrus. Average duration of oestrus (+/-SD) in 33 cows was 14-9 +/- 4-7 hours, and the cows were mounted 56-3 +/- 34-8 times. The greatest mounting activity was associated with the night hours. There was no diurnal pattern of onset of oestrus. The majority of mounting activity (79 per cent) occurred in the cubicle area of the building. Comparison of maintenance activities showed that oestrous cows spent, on average, less time standing in a cubicle (P less than 0-01), lying in a cubicle (P less than 0-001) and more time standing elsewhere (P less than 0-001) than non-oestrous cows. The results are discussed in relation to oestrus detection.  相似文献   

During the autumn/winter of 1976, a study was made of a severe mastitis outbreak which occurred in a herd of 96 cows. Forty-four cows and 61 quarters were clinically infected with new infections between September and mid-December. Escherichia coli was isolated in 84 per cent of clinical samples submitted for bacteriological examination.  相似文献   

The purpose was to analyse the economic consequences of postponed first insemination of cows in dairy herds with different reproduction management, and to analyse the sensitivity of the results to a further decrease in beef prices, using a model simulating production and health in a dairy cattle herd. Three different period-to-first-insemination scenarios were analysed. Period to first insemination was defined as days post partum for initiating insemination at observed heat. The three scenarios consisted of a short period to first insemination (70 days for primiparous and 35 days for older cows), a 70 days postponed first insemination of primiparous cows and a scenario with 70 days postponed first insemination for all cows. At a 70 days postponed first insemination for primiparous cows a decrease in annual herd profit of 1% were found. A 70 days postponed first insemination for all cows led to a decrease in annual herd profit by 3% at good reproductive efficiency and 4% at poor reproductive efficiency. The herd profit was calculated as the profit to cover labour costs and fixed costs. Postponed inseminations might reduce labour per cow-year. The reduction in labour per cow-year need to be 3.2 h at good reproductive efficiency and 4.3 h at poor reproductive efficiency to counterbalance the reduction in herd profit by postponing first insemination for all cows by 70 days. In a situation with a 50% decrease in beef prices in a herd constrained by a milk quota (optimising profit per kg milk) herd profit was increased by 0.8% at good reproductive efficiency and 0.3% at poor reproductive efficiency by postponing first insemination for all cows by 70 days.  相似文献   

The non-selective antibiotic treatment of dairy cows at the last milking in lactation was studied for its influence on the reduction in the occurrence of infectious processes in the udder after calving. The herd of 120 dairy cows, on an average, was housed in the K 98 cow-house and in a calving house equipped with the traditional technology. The non-selective treatment was performed in 125 dairy cows in the form of single administration of Oxymykoin foam (Galena) (70 cows) and Chronicin foam (Galena) (55 cows) after the last milking in lactation. The treatment of 53 bacteriologically positive cows with Oxymykoin foam had 86.8% therapeutic effectiveness; this indicates the excellent effectiveness of the preparation. Five additional new infections arose in this group of cows treated with Oxymykoin. The treatment of 36 bacteriologically positive cows with Chronicin foam had the effectiveness of 63.9%; in almost 2/5 of the treated cows (13 animals) the bacteria causing mastitis persisted in the post-parturient period. Eight new infections occurred in this group of treated cows. The results of the non-selective antibiotic treatment of dairy cows after the last milking in lactation prove the good effectiveness of the method reducing the percentage of infected cows in the period after calving.  相似文献   

Staphylococci are the most common and costly mammary disease of dairy cattle worldwide. Target of RNAIII Activating Protein (TRAP), a membrane associated 167AA protein, is highly conserved among staphylococci and was shown in Staphylococcus aureus to be involved in bacterial stress response. The aims of this study were to test the safety and efficacy of recombinant TRAP (rTRAP) vaccine in dairy animals. The vaccine was safe as 2-3 subcutaneous injections of rTRAP (54-100 μg) with adjuvant ISA 206 to cows and goats did not lead to any abnormal symptoms of sensitivity to the vaccine. The rTRAP vaccine was immunogenic and caused the induction of a humoral immune response that remained high for at least 160 d post second immunization. The rTRAP vaccine was efficacious; at parturition only 13.5% (5/37) heifers in the immunized group were infected with Staphylococcus chromogenes as compared to 42.9% (18/42) in the non-immunized group. Additionally, when cows were immunized in mid-lactation, the difference between somatic cell count (SCC) in immunized and control animals was profound (45 ± 7 vs. 470 ± 194, respectively). At the same time, the difference in milk yield was also evident (48.3 ± 1.4 L d(-1)vs. 44.3 ± 0.9 L d(-1), respectively). Put together, these studies indicate the value of the rTRAP vaccine in preventing new udder infections by staphylococci, which significantly lead to lowered SCC and some increase in milk yield. TRAP is conserved among all strains and species and is constitutively expressed in any strain of S. aureus or CNS tested so far, including those isolated from cows. TRAP may thus serve as a universal anti-staphylococcus vaccine.  相似文献   

A three-year study of Salmonella dublin infection in a closed dairy herd   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Over a period of three years, Salmonella dublin was isolated occasionally from the faeces of nine adult cattle in a closed dairy herd. The organism was also isolated from 12 of the samples collected after parturition; isolations were made from newborn calves on 11 occasions, from a vaginal swab once and from a milk sample once. Nine of the isolations from the calves were made from swabs obtained within 24 hours of birth. Throughout the investigation isolations were made from heifers, steers and older calves and 11 infected animals were detected. S. dublin was widespread in the farm environment and it was concluded that environmental contamination was an important source of infection for animals of all ages, some of which may have become latent carriers. The family history of one cow, seven of whose offspring were infected with S dublin, suggested the possibility of vertical transmission. Without reliable tests to detect latent carriers, it is suggested that control of this infection must be based on improved hygiene and the use of vaccination to improve the immunity of the herd.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was performed in a Swedish dairy herd where Neospora caninum had been isolated from a stillborn calf. Starting in autumn 1994, blood samples from all female animals in the herd were collected once yearly until 1999. The sera were analysed for presence of IgG1 antibodies to N. caninum by the iscom ELISA, and by an avidity ELISA to establish the timing of infection. In addition, data on reproductive performance were compiled. During the study the percentage of seropositive female animals increased from 63% to 87%. In 1994 a large number of young animals tested seropositive although their dams were seronegative, indicating that a transmission of the parasite other than the vertical had recently occurred. Low avidity values supported this assumption. The annual abortion rate increased from a mean of 2% before the initiation of the study to 9% in 1994-1998. During the same time, as judged by the avidity data, a large proportion of the animals shifted from being recently to being chronically infected. The source of the external infection in the herd could not be identified.  相似文献   

In this paper an outbreak of bovine mastitis in a dairy herd caused by Streptococcus group G is described. Initial identification of the organism as Streptococcus agalactiae was based upon hemolysis, esculin reaction, and CAMP reaction observed on blood agar used for bulk milk analysis. Initial therapy with a penicillin-containing, lactating cow product cured 24.4% of all streptococcal infections. Definitive serogrouping by coagglutination determined that the majority of infections were due to a weakly-hemolytic, esculin-negative Streptococcus group G. Treatment with a cephalosporin, lactating cow product was only moderately successful (54.9%). Dry-cow therapy with 300 mg cephalosporin eliminated 69.5% of refractory infections. Animals remaining infected following dry-cow therapy were culled. Histopathological study of parenchymal tissue in the lower portion of infected quarters revealed mild damage and slight involutionary changes, whereas, deep parenchymal areas appeared relatively unaffected.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine whether oral administration of colostrum to mastitic cows reduced inflammation in the udder. Fifty milliliters of a colostrum whey product was administered orally daily for 3 days to cows suffering from mastitis. Milk was collected on day 0 and 7 of colostrum administration. For Experiment 1, milk from 11 udder quarters with high somatic cell counts (SCC) in four cows was used. SCC in milk decreased significantly after colostrum administration, whereas colostrum administration increased sodium and IgA concentrations significantly compared with those before administration. In Experiment 2, cows with clinical mastitis were divided into two groups, with and without colostrum administration, whereas all cows with subclinical mastitis were administered colostrum. Antibiotics were infused into the mammary gland from the first day of colostrum administration for 2–4 days. There was no significant decrease in SCC after colostrum administration in any group. However, udder firmness in both clinical mastitis groups was reduced after administration regardless of colostrum administration. IgA concentration in both clinical mastitis groups was significantly increased after colostrum administration compared to that before administration, although there was no significant difference between them. These results suggest the possibility that oral administration of colostrum attenuates inflammation of the mammary gland. Further studies are required to examine the effect of colostrum more precisely using cows with subclinical and chronic mastitis and longer duration of colostrum administration.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in an Israeli dairy cattle herd is described. The disease was characterized by ulcerative granulomatous lesions, which occurred in an epidemic form. Thirty-two cows and two heifers were affected, the ratio of the number affected to number at risk being 17.5 : 1 and 9.5 : 1, respectively. The culling rate was 50% of the affected animals. Most of the affected animals were cows (91.2%), with one first-calving cow (2.9%) and two heifers (5.9%) also affected. The infection occurred during the summer to autumn months (August-December), and lasted 118 days. The incubation period is about 2 months. The disease appeared in two clinical forms - cutaneous and mastitic - or as a mixed form. C. pseudotuberculosis organisms that were isolated from the ulcerative granulomatous lesions and from milk samples failed to reduce nitrate. A decrease in milk production (4%) and an increase in the bulk-milk somatic cell count from a herd mean of 240 x 10(3) mL(-1) to 460 x 10(3) mL(-1) were noted during the morbidity period. The organism was isolated from milk samples of eight animals (25%). Clinical, epizootiological and microbiological aspects of the infection are described.  相似文献   

Following the initial diagnosis of chronic copper poisoning (CCP), the copper (Cu) status of a British dairy herd was investigated. Eight fatal cases of CCP were identified over a 17-month period, from December 1999 to May 2001, involving seven Jersey cows and one Holstein-Friesian; seven cows were dry when CCP occurred. Case diagnostic criteria were necrotising hepatopathy associated with abnormally high liver and kidney Cu concentrations. Analysis of the ration for the high-yielding Jersey cow group revealed about 50 mg Cu/kg dry matter intake (DMI). Risk factors predisposing to fatal CCP were Jersey breed, previous high yield, first two weeks of the dry period and moderately high dietary Cu (greater than 40 mg Cu/kg DMI).  相似文献   

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