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The efficacies of four methods, used for the prophylaxis of cobalt deficiency in sheep as measured by the elevation of liver and serum vitamin B12 levels, were compared in marginally deficient sheep over 14 weeks. The methods used were weekly drenches of either cobalt sulphate or cobalt chelate (EDTA) three-weekly injections of hydroxocobalamin, and ruminal cobalt pellets. On the basis of elevated liver and serum vitamin B12 levels, chelated cobalt was shown to be available to rumen microflora for the synthesis of vitamin B12. However, at no stage were liver and serum vitamin B12 levels of sheep receiving the chelate significantly different from those receiving the same amount of cobalt as the sulphate. After five, three-weekly injections of hydroxocabalamin liver vitamin B12 levels were significantly higher (p<0.01) than for the other treatments, with the exception of cobalt sulphate. Cobalt pellets led to an initial rapid and significant rise in serum vitamin B12 when compared with the other treatments. However, at four weeks there was no significant difference between treatment groups for serum vitamin B12. Fourteen weeks after the administration of cobalt pellets, serum and liver.vitamin B12 levels in this group were not significantly different from those of untreated sheep. At this time, three out of 12 sheep had lost their pellets. 相似文献
A comparison of serum vitamin B12 and serum methylmalonic acid as diagnostic measures of cobalt status in cattle 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In two trials an assessment was made of serum methylmalonic acid as a diagnostic criterion of cobalt status in housed cattle. Despite the small number of animals used the method showed some promise, and normal concentrations are tentatively suggested as being less than 2 mumole/litre, subclinically cobalt deficient 2 to 4 mumole/litre and cobalt-deficient greater than 4 mumole/litre. However, for assessing how cobalt status is likely to influence the rate of liveweight gain of cattle, measurements of both serum methylmalonic acid and vitamin B12 concentrations would appear to be better. 相似文献
AIM: To derive reference ranges for serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) for the diagnosis of cobalt/vitamin B12-responsiveness in lambs and critique existing serum vitamin B12 reference ranges. METHODS: Individual animal data from earlier supplementation trials, involving 225 ewes, 106 suckling lambs, 301 lambs during the suckling and post-weaning periods and 414 weaned lambs, for which weight gain to supplementation was observed, were used to derive relationships between serum vitamin B12 and MMA, and liveweight gain. RESULTS: Serum MMA concentrations were rarely elevated above the norm of <2 micromol/L when serum vitamin B12 concentrations were >375 pmol/L, and not elevated into the range where a liveweight response to supplementation occurred (>10 micromol/L) unless serum vitamin B12 concentrations were below 200 pmol/L. Suckling lambs were able to maintain high growth rates despite elevated serum MMA concentrations (>20 micromol/L). CONCLUSIONS: The current reference ranges used in New Zealand for serum vitamin B12 are set conservatively high. Serum MMA concentrations appear to allow better differentiation of a responsive condition than vitamin B12 concentrations. Serum MMA concentrations >13 micromol/L indicate responsiveness to supplementation whilst concentrations <7 micromol/L indicate unresponsiveness. In the range 7-13 micromol/L, variation in response was observed and predictability of response is less certain, but supplementation is advisable. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The current reference ranges for vitamin B12 responsiveness are conservatively high and lead to over-diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency in ill-thriftiness of sheep. 相似文献
AIM: To develop a long-acting Vitamin B12 injection to prevent Co deficiency in sheep. METHODS: Formulations of microencapsulated Vitamin B12 in lactide-glycolide polymers were injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously into the anterior neck region of groups of 10 lambs and their efficacy determined from changes in serum and liver Vitamin B12 concentrations. RESULTS: The 95:5 lactide glycolide and the 100 lactide formulations containing more than 12.5% Vitamin B12 w/w significantly increased and maintained serum Vitamin B12 concentrations for at least 210 days as well as liver Vitamin B12 concentrations in treated lambs when compared with untreated controls. CONCLUSIONS: Injections of microencapsulated Vitamin B12 in lactide/glycolide copolymers are able to increase and maintain the Vitamin B12 status of lambs for at least 210 days. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Another option for the prevention of Co deficiency in sheep is now available using a long acting injectable Vitamin B12. 相似文献
A field outbreak of facial eczema occurred during a vitamin B12 response trial in young growing sheep. Pasture cobalt levels were in the low range for sheep (<0.08 mg/kg, 1.358 micromol/kg) and mean (of 3) liver vitamin B12 levels in the sheep were low (<400 nmol/kg) during the period in which facial eczema occurred. Mean serum vitamin B12 levels of the untreated group were low (<485 pmol/l) for the two months (January and February) preceding the period of facial eczema. However, levels showed an approximate 3.5 fold increase in both cobalt supplemented and unsupplemented groups with the onset of facial eczema in March. From February to March the mean serum vitamin B12 and glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity showed parallel increases with a positive correlation (r = 0.73) between log serum vitamin B12 and log serum GGT activity during the period January to July for both groups. This finding suggested that the increase in serum vitamin B12 was due to sporidesmin induced liver damage. The diagnostic implication is that, in areas where facial eczema is a problem, liver is the sample of choice for determining vitamin B12 status. because sporidesmin toxicity can elevate low serum vitamin B12 levels to diagnostically normal levels. 相似文献
Gruner TM Sedcole JR Furlong JM Grace ND Williams SD Sinclair G Hicks JD Sykes AR 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2004,52(3):129-136
AIM: To compare serum analyses of vitamin B12 and methylmalonic acid (MMA) as indices of cobalt/vitamin B12 deficiency in lambs around weaning. METHODS: Lambs on five properties, considered to be cobalt- deficient, were supplemented with either cobalt bullets, or short- or long-acting vitamin B12 preparations. Blood samples, and in some cases liver biopsies, and liveweights were obtained at monthly intervals. Serum samples were assayed for vitamin B12 and MMA and liver for vitamin B12 concentrations. Pasture cobalt concentrations were measured on three of the properties. RESULTS: Pasture cobalt concentrations were generally maintained below 0.07 microg/g dry matter (DM) on the properties sampled. Growth responses to supplementation were observed on only 2/5 properties, despite serum vitamin B12 concentrations being within the currently used 'marginal' reference range (336-499 pmol/L) for at least 3 months on all properties and in the deficient reference range (0-335 pmol/L) for at least 2 months on all farms except one. Serum MMA concentrations in supplemented lambs were <2 micromol/L, except in those animals sampled 1 month after receiving treatment with a short-acting vitamin B12 injection. Serum MMA concentrations in unsupplemented animals on properties on which no growth response to supplementation occurred generally reached peak levels of between 4 and 7 micromol/L at the nadir of serum vitamin B12 concentration. When a growth response was observed, differences in weight gain between supplemented and unsupplemented lambs occurred as mean serum MMA concentrations increased from 9 to 14 micromol/L. On one property where supplementation commenced before weaning, normal growth rates were maintained despite serum vitamin B12 concentrations of 140 pmol/L and serum MMA concentrations in excess of 40 micromol/L serum. CONCLUSIONS: The possibility that current serum vitamin B12 references ranges for diagnosis of cobalt deficiency are set too high and lead to over-diagnosis of responsiveness to cobalt/ vitamin B12 supplementation is discussed. The suggestion is made that serum MMA concentrations in excess of 9-14 micromol/L will provide a more reliable diagnostic test for cobalt deficiency. However, there was sufficient variation between properties in the relationships between cobalt concentrations of pasture and serum vitamin B12 or MMA concentrations to require more rigorous testing of the reliability of using serum MMA concentration for this purpose. The possibility that differences in rumen fermentation and therefore propionate and vitamin B12 production could be involved is discussed. The measurement of serum MMA and vitamin B12 appears to be of little value whilst the lamb is still suckling. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Serum MMA concentration may offer advantages over serum vitamin B12 concentrations in the diagnosis of a cobalt/vitamin B12 responsiveness in weaned lambs. 相似文献
Abstract Extract In the course of some earlier experiments, it was observed that vitamin B12 deficiency in 2 hoggets was corrected by injection of hydroxocobalamin (vitamin B12b) (E. D. Andrews, pers. comm., 1972). Since this form of therapy offered a convenient and effective means of treating young lambs suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency, more detailed investigations were desirable. It has been known for some time that lambs on the cobalt-deficient area at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Kaitoke Farm lose condition after weaning. Abnormal amounts of methylmalonic acid (MMA) had been found in the urine of some of these lambs, indicating a state of vitamin B12 deficiency Andrews et al, (1970). 相似文献
Grace ND 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2006,54(1):44-46
AIM: To determine the impact of ingestion of soil on the iodine (I), selenium (Se), copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co; vitamin B12) status of young sheep. METHODS: Twenty young sheep were divided into two groups; one group was fed lucerne pellets, while the other group was fed lucerne pellets plus 100 g soil, for 63 days. At the end of the study the animals were blood-sampled, slaughtered, and the liver removed, and concentrations of I, Cu, vitamin B12 and Se were determined. RESULTS: The ingestion of soil significantly increased concentrations of I and vitamin B12 in serum, but had no effect on concentrations of Cu and Se in serum/blood and liver, and vitamin B12 in liver. CONCLUSION: Ingested soil can be a significant source of I and Co (vitamin B12) for grazing sheep. 相似文献
Six livers from one-year-old sheep were each sampled at 27 different sites and the concentrations of copper, vitamin B12 and zinc determined for each sample. The distribution of these components was uniform throughout the liver, indicating that analysis of a single liver biopsy sample would give an accurate assessment of their hepatic concentration. 相似文献
The speed and accuracy of 4 ultrasonic devices (Scanopreg, Pregmatic 3, Medata external probe and Medata rectal probe) were compared with udder scoring and harnessed vasectomised rams as methods of pregnancy diagnosis in 177 ewes, 59 of which were non-pregnant. When using the Scanopreg in ewes of greater than 50 days gestation, accuracy in pregnant ewes averaged 98% and in non-pregnant ewes 87%. The Pregmatic 3 was 97% accurate in pregnant ewes after 50 days gestation and was 96% accurate in non-pregnant ewes. Ewes were examined at between 85 and 185 per hour using these devices. The Medata external probe was 99% accurate in pregnant ewes of greater than 110 days gestation but less accurate in early gestation. This instrument averaged 89% accuracy in non-pregnant ewes and an examination rate of 29 to 35 ewes per hour was achieved. The Medata rectal probe averaged 85% accuracy in pregnant ewes after 70 days gestation. Accuracy averaged 94% in non-pregnant ewes. Ewes were examined at between 35 and 59 per hour using this device. After 130 days gestation 84% of ewes had firm, obviously enlarge udders and another 14% had slight to moderate udder development. After 130 days gestation thick, clear udder secretions were expressed from 18% of ewes and thick, milky udder secretions were expressed from 8%. Harnessed vasectomised rams raddled one of 118 pregnant ewes (an accuracy in pregnant sheep of 99%) and raddled 53% of non pregnant ewes. It was concluded that the ultrasonic pregnancy testing devices have a commercial role, especially as aids to decision making.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献