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When 71 samples were collected from ponds throughout New Zealand, 35 (49.3%) were found to contain mycobacteria. The majority of these strains (62.9%) belonged to a homogeneous group (tentative designation H-Group, which differed from any known mycobacterial species. Mycobacteria of this H-group had also been found in sphagnum vegetation growing in the immediate vicinity of many of the ponds. H-Group mycobacteria induce sensitization in guinea pigs against bovine tuberculin. The PPD sensitin prepared from these mycobacteria gave rise to larger reactions in guinea pigs than did bovine tuberculin when used in the same concentrations (500 and 50 TU). The possible sensitization of cattle to bovine tuberculin via drinking water containing H-Group mycobacteria, is discussed. The larger size of the delayed hypersensitivity reactions in guinea pigs using the same concentrations of bovine and homologous tuberculin, suggests that comparative intradermal testing might enable this non-specific reaction to be distinguished from the specific reaction developed during bovine tuberculosis infection in cattle.  相似文献   


AIM: To determine the effect of age and prior use of mature rams at a given ram-to-ewe ratio, and the effect of body condition on breeding performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets.

METHODS: Ewe hoggets (n=733) aged 7–8 months were weighed and their body condition scored, then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (Day 0) and joined with either four two-tooth rams (20 months of age) not used previously (n=244; Two-tooth), four mixed-aged mature rams that had not been used earlier in the season (n=244; Mature-fresh), or four mixed-aged mature rams that had been used with mature ewes immediately prior to joining with hoggets (n=245; Mature-used). The breeding period was 34 days. Ewe hoggets were identified as having been marked during the first 17 days only, during both 17-day periods, during the second 17 days only, or not marked. Hoggets were re-weighed on Day 34, and pregnancy status determined using ultrasound on Day 92. The breeding soundness of the rams was assessed on Days ?34 and ?1.

RESULTS: Semen samples obtained from the rams did not differ significantly in any of the parameters measured (p>0.05). Ewe hoggets joined with Mature-fresh rams were less likely (p<0.05) to be marked in the second 17 days of breeding only than those joined with either Two-tooth or Mature-used rams. No other breeding parameters were affected by breeding group (p>0.05). Hoggets marked in the first 17 days only were heavier (p<0.05) at Day 0 than those marked in the second 17 days only or not marked. Hoggets diagnosed as twin-bearing were heavier (p<0.05) than non-pregnant or single-bearing hoggets. Those hoggets marked in the first 17 days only had a greater (p<0.05) body condition score (BCS) than those marked in the second 17 days only or not marked at all. These differences were no longer apparent after correction for liveweight (LW).Correction for LW at Day 0 or change in LW during the breeding period did not affect the results for breeding performance.

CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of this study, two-tooth rams and mature rams that had been used previously were just as suitable as mature rams that had not been used previously for breeding with ewe hoggets. Further studies are warranted to verify this result. The re-use of rams without reducing breeding performance would reduce breeding costs and may make breeding hoggets a more viable option for farmers. The BCS of ewe hoggets affected breeding performance, and can thus be used to identify those animals most suitable for breeding.  相似文献   

As the first step in the development of a cervine IFN-γ assay for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in deer, cervine IFN-γ cDNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction using primers based on the bovine IFN-γ sequence. A high level of amino acid homology was found between the cervine and the ovine and bovine sequences (94% and 91% respectively). There was less identity with the porcine, human, mouse and rat sequences (78%, 62%, 37% and 39%, respectively). The amino terminus of the mature IFN-γ protein, which is critical for interaction with its receptor and for triggering biological activity, is highly conserved between the cervine, bovine and ovine proteins. A monoclonal antibody-based sandwich enzyme immunoassay (EIA) specific for bovine IFN-γ also detects ovine but not cervine IFN-γ. This suggests that the antibodies recognise epitopes common to the bovine and ovine protein but not cervine IFN-γ. Seven amino acid residues that were common to the bovine and ovine sequence differed in the cervine sequence, suggesting that the specificity of the monoclonal antibodies may be dependent on one or more of these residues. The possibility of the development of an EIA for cervine IFN-γ as a commercial in vitro diagnostic assay for tuberculosis in deer is discussed.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and use of teaser rams prior to mating on both the mating performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets.

METHODS: Romney hoggets (n=841) were weighed and randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups; either exposed to seven harnessed, vasectomised (teaser) rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period (n=283); or not exposed to teaser rams (unteased, n=558). Harnessed Perendale rams were then introduced for two oestrous cycles. Using crayon marks, hoggets were identified as having been mated during the first 17 days only, during the second 17 days only, during both periods, or not mated. All mated hoggets were then scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound, 48 days after the end of the breeding period, and identified as being either non-pregnant, or as single-, twinor triplet-bearing.

RESULTS: Hoggets mated in either the first 17 days only or in both the first and second 17-day periods were heavier than those mated in the second period only (p<0.001). Those mated in the first or second 17-day period only, and those mated in both periods were all heavier prior to mating than those not mated at all (p<0.001). Twin-bearing hoggets were heavier than both their single-bearing and non-pregnant counterparts (p<0.001). A greater proportion of the teased hoggets were mated in the first 17 days only compared with unteased hoggets (62.6 vs 32.1%; p<0.001). In contrast, more of the unteased hoggets were marked in the second 17-day period only (p<0.001). A greater proportion of mated, unteased hoggets were found to be non-pregnant in comparison to their teased counterparts (17.8 vs 11.2%; p=0.02).

CONCLUSIONS: Heavier hoggets at breeding were more likely to be mated in the first 17 days of the breeding period and more likely to be twin-bearing. Use of teaser rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period increased the proportion of hoggets mated in the first 17 days, increased conception rates, and thus increased the proportion of pregnant hoggets. These results indicate that farmers should utilise teasers for 17 days prior to commencement of the breeding period and avoid mating hoggets that weigh below 36 kg.  相似文献   

It is probable that bovine brucellosis will be eradicated from New Zealand by 1990. However, continued surveillance for the disease will have to be maintained for a number of years. This paper examines alternative methods of surveillance in beef herds with a view to ensuring that the most cost effective method is used. The three surveillance methods examined are the present automated complement fixation test, abattoir surveillance, and a system based on a delayed hypersensitivity skin test using a purified Brucella protein antigen. It is concluded that despite the relatively low sensitivity of the skin test the probability of its identifying herds as infected is likely to be greater in practice than abattoir surveil- lance. The skin test is cheaper than the present complement fixation test.  相似文献   


Case history and clinical findings: A flock of 20 sheep was kept within three paddocks on a single property. None of the animals in the flock had been vaccinated against any disease for at least three years. Abdominal bloating and haemorrhagic diarrhoea were observed in Lamb 1 at 24 hours-of-age. The lamb subsequently died within an hour of the onset of clinical signs. Lamb 2 was 3-days-old when observed to be recumbent with opisthotonus. The lamb was treated with dextrose, vitamins B1 and B12, and penicillin G, but died 4 hours later.

Pathological findings: Examination of Lamb 1 revealed markedly increased gas within the peritoneum and within dilated loops of intestine. The intestines were dark red and contained large quantities of haemorrhagic fluid. Histology of the intestines revealed peracute mucosal necrosis with minimal accompanying inflammation. The intestinal lumen contained cell debris, haemorrhage, and myriad large Gram-positive bacilli. The intestines of Lamb 2 did not appear bloated or reddened. However, multiple fibrin clots were visible within the pericardial sac. Histopathological examination revealed small foci of necrosis within the mucosa of the distal intestine. The necrotic foci were often associated with large numbers of large Gram-positive bacilli.

Immunohistochemsitry and molecular biology: Intestinal samples from Lamb 1 were processed for Clostridium perfringens immunohistochemistry, which revealed large numbers of intralesional, positively immunostained rods. Fragments corresponding to the expected sizes for genes encoding alpha, beta, and epsilon C. perfringens typing toxins were amplified by PCR from DNA extracted from formalin-fixed sections of intestine.

Diagnosis: Lamb dysentery due to C. perfringens type B.

Clinical relevance: C. perfringens bacteria have a worldwide distribution, but disease due to C. perfringens type B has only been diagnosed in a small number of countries and has never been reported in New Zealand or Australia. C. perfringens type B produce both beta toxin and epsilon toxins, therefore both haemorrhagic enteritis and systemic vascular damage can develop. As many animals are exposed to C. perfringens without developing disease, there must be additional unknown factors that resulted in disease in these particular sheep. Vaccines that specifically protect against C. perfringens type B are available and may be recommended for use in smaller non-commercial flocks, as in the present case.  相似文献   

Episodes of frenzy lasting approximately 30 minutes were observed among horses confined to enclosures surfaced with sand or soil. The probability of sighting these episodes increased by a factor of three when within 24 hours there was 0.2mm or more of rain, a maximum air temperature between 16.7 – 26.6°and a soil temperature of 16.3 – 23.9°C at 30 cm. High egg counts of Strongyloides westeri appeared in faeces four to five days later and persisted for several days.

Rhodococcus equi was recovered from all soil samples, and from the faeces of 76% of mares and 82% of foals. The youngest foal was five days old when the organism was isolated from rectal faeces. In contrast to the majority of reports, the lesions of R. equi in the foals were confined to limbs and peripheral lymph nodes.

It is proposed that the percutaneous invasion of these foals by third stage larvae of S. westeri facilitated invasion of R. equi, and ubiquitous saprophytic opportunist pathogen.(2)  相似文献   


AIM: The objective of this study was to utilise multivariable statistical methods appropriate for clustered data to identify mare-related explanatory variables that significantly affected the reproductive performance of Thoroughbred mares in the Waikato region of New Zealand. In addition, we aimed to determine the relative contribution of the mare, stallion and stud farm to reproductive performance.

METHODS: A prospective cohort study was performed involving five stud farms in the Waikato region of New Zealand during three consecutive breeding seasons (2006–2008). A total of 1,482 individual mares contributed 2007 mare years and 3,402 oestrous cycles over the three breeding seasons. Reproductive performance was measured using three parameters; (a) first-cycle pregnancy rate (FCPR), (b) end-of-season pregnancy rate (SPR), and (c) the start-of-mating to conception interval.

RESULTS: When controlled for the effects of serving stallion, stud farm and year of study the only significant mare-related variables included in the final models of FCPR, SPR and conception interval were the age of the mare and her reproductive status (classified as dry or foaling). Advancing mare age significantly reduced reproductive performance regardless of reproductive status and foaling mares had significantly poorer reproductive outcomes compared with dry mares when controlled for age. For each additional increase in year of age, the FCPR was reduced by a factor of 0.94 (95% CI=0.92–0.96) and the SPR was reduced by a factor of 0.91 (95% CI=0.88–0.93). Mares older than 14 years of age took longer to conceive after the start-of-mating compared with younger mares. The daily hazard of conception for mares 14 years and older was 0.64 (95% CI=0.47–0.83) times less than mares younger than 9 years of age. Determining the relative contribution of the mare, stallion and stud farm to the FCPR indicated that 95.9% of the variation was at the mare level, 4.1% was at the stallion level and 0% was at the stud farm level. For the SPR the variance components indicated that 92.5% of the variation was at the mare level, 6.7% was at the stallion level and 0.8% was at the stud farm level.

CONCLUSIONS: The reproductive performance of Thoroughbred mares in the Waikato region of New Zealand is influenced by two main mare-related factors; the age of the mare and her reproductive status (dry or foaling). The majority of variation in reproductive performance was associated with mare-level factors and the contribution of the stallion and stud farm was relatively minor.  相似文献   

The number of herds with group housed non-lactating sows is increasing rapidly in Europe as a consequence of changed legislation initiated by elevated public concern for animal welfare. However, lower litter size and pregnancy rate in group housed compared to individually housed non-lactating sows has been observed in several on-farm studies. Based upon existing knowledge, it is considered whether stress and fear caused by social interactions are possible mediators of impaired reproduction in group housed sows. A review of 15 experiments with group housed sows showed that although the results are few and inconsistent, there are indications that stress and fear may be contributory reasons for the impaired reproduction seen in group housed sows and that possible initiators of stress and fear might be the mixing of unfamiliar sows and high stocking rate levels. A suggestion for indicators of stress and fear related reproduction problems suitable for use in practice are put forward.  相似文献   

AIMS: To quantify the range of attitudes and perceptions of cattle practitioners to painful procedures and conditions in cattle, to identify some of the demographic factors affecting those attitudes and perceptions, and to compare results from veterinarians based in New Zealand with those from the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe.

METHODS: A questionnaire, based on one used for similar surveys in Europe, was sent to all 455 members of the Society of Dairy Cattle Veterinarians (DCV) of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. This questionnaire included a section on demographic data, e.g. gender, year of graduation, and preveterinary school background, and a section which asked the respondents to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how painful they thought 24 procedures and conditions would be without any analgesia.

RESULTS: A total of 166 questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 37%. From the range of procedures and conditions outlined in the questionnaire, those perceived as most painful were claw amputation, then Caesarean section, followed by surgery for left-displaced abomasum (LDA). The two least painful were mastitis with milk clots only, and the effect on a calf of dystocia.

There were significant differences between the pain scores assigned by men and women and by respondents who had graduated in different decades. Female respondents and more recent graduates tended to give a higher pain score for most conditions. These effects remained, even after the potential interaction between age and gender had been assessed. The effect on pain score of either background or time spent treating cattle was much less marked than the effect of age and gender.

Overall, the results were very similar to results from similar surveys undertaken in the UK and Europe.

CONCLUSIONS: The responses to this survey indicate that, as in the UK and Europe, dairy cattle practitioners in New Zealand have a wide range of attitudes to pain in cattle. The estimates of the severity of pain were subjective, but such a survey allows the majority opinion of a considerable number of informed assessors to be quantified.

CLINCAL RELEVANCE: The wide range of results suggests that more needs to be done to disseminate up-to-date knowl- edge of pain in cattle to veterinarians to ensure they provide appropriate levels of analgesia. In particular, the baseline data from this study can be used by practitioners to identify whether they are underestimating pain in cattle and, if they are, to assess whether they are using analgesia appropriately. Additionally, this dataset provides an informed and independent assessment of the pain associated with husbandry procedures, and could be used to better guide legislation concerning pain control of such procedures.  相似文献   

The major impacts of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) on cattle health and production have prompted many countries to embark on national elimination programmes. These programmes typically involve identifying and removing persistently infected (PI) cattle in infected herds and implementing biosecurity measures, such as pre- or post-movement testing. In order to design a systematic national control programme to eliminate BVD in New Zealand, which achieves the greatest benefits to the industries at the lowest cost to individual farmers, an accurate understanding is necessary of the epidemiology, economics and social motivation for BVD control in New Zealand. In this article we briefly review the pathogenesis of BVD, transmission and diagnosis of BVD virus infection, and effectiveness of vaccination. We summarise the current state of knowledge of the prevalence, risk factors for transmission, and financial impacts of BVD in New Zealand. We describe control programmes in Europe and then discuss the challenges that must be addressed to design a cost-effective national control programme to eliminate BVD in New Zealand.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of a bulk tank milk (BTM) antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect likely infection of a dairy herd with bovine vi- ral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). The ELISA was subsequently used to estimate the prevalence of likely infected herds in parts of the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: BTM samples from 724 randomly selected dairy herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand were tested for BVDV antibodies. From this group, 20 herds were again randomly selected from each of the quartiles of the ELISA percentage inhibition (%INH) result. From each participant herd, serum from 15 randomly selected calves aged 6–18 months and 15 cows was collected and tested using an indirect blocking ELISA for BVDV antibodies.

RESULTS: Among serum results from calves from 50 herds available for analysis, 34 (68%) herds were classified as likely non-infected (0-3 seropositive among 15 calves) and 16 (32%) as likely infected (5–15 seropositive among 15 calves). Receiver- operator characteristic (ROC) analysis identified an optimal cut-off for BTM of 80%INH associated with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity for likely herd infection. The prevalence of BVDV antibodies in cows within herds and %INH for BVDV in bulk milk were positively correlated (p<0.01). The association between bulk milk %INH and the prevalence of BVDV antibodies in calves was stronger than the same association in cows. Based on the threshold of 80%INH, the 95% confidence interval (CI) for prevalence of likely infection in the 724 herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand was 12–17%. Vaccination against BVDV was not significantly associated with the likely infection status of the herd based on prevalence of BVDV antibodies among calves.

CONCLUSION: An ELISA test result for BVDV antibodies in BTM ≥80%INH can be used as a threshold to indicate the presence of likely infection with BVDV in dairy herds in New Zealand, with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of a bulk tank milk (BTM) antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect likely infection of a dairy herd with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). The ELISA was subsequently used to estimate the prevalence of likely infected herds in parts of the North Island of New Zealand. METHODS: BTM samples from 724 randomly selected dairy herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand were tested for BVDV antibodies. From this group, 20 herds were again randomly selected from each of the quartiles of the ELISA percentage inhibition (%INH) result. From each participant herd, serum from 15 randomly selected calves aged 6-18 months and 15 cows was collected and tested using an indirect blocking ELISA for BVDV antibodies. RESULTS: Among serum results from calves from 50 herds available for analysis, 34 (68%) herds were classified as likely non-infected (0-3 seropositive among 15 calves) and 16 (32%) as likely infected (5-15 seropositive among 15 calves). Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) analysis identified an optimal cut-off for BTM of 80%INH associated with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity for likely herd infection. The prevalence of BVDV antibodies in cows within herds and %INH for BVDV in bulk milk were positively correlated (p<0.01). The association between bulk milk %INH and the prevalence of BVDV antibodies in calves was stronger than the same association in cows. Based on the threshold of 80%INH, the 95% confidence interval (CI) for prevalence of likely infection in the 724 herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand was 12-17%. Vaccination against BVDV was not significantly associated with the likely infection status of the herd based on prevalence of BVDV antibodies among calves. CONCLUSION: An ELISA test result for BVDV antibodies in BTM >/=80%INH can be used as a threshold to indicate the presence of likely infection with BVDV in dairy herds in New Zealand, with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity.  相似文献   

The formation of placenta at the beginning of pregnancy and its separation at parturition require not only deep remodelling of extracellular matrix, which mainly consists of proteins conjugated with sugar moieties, but also the cooperation with cells from both maternal and foetal parts of placenta. The aim of the study was to compare the patterns of selected conjugated proteins with sugar moieties between pregnant and term placenta as well as between released and retained placenta in cows. Placental samples from healthy pregnant cows (3–5 months of pregnancy) were collected at a slaughterhouse (n = 6), and parturient samples were collected during caesarean section at term and retrospectively divided into retained (n = 6) and released (n = 6). The pattern of selected sugar moieties conjugated with proteins was detected by use of lectin blotting with Phaseolus Vulgaris leucoagglutinin, Maackia Amurensis and Sambucus Nigra (Elderberry). The comparison and analysis of obtained band patterns showed differences between their number, molecular weight and abundance related to the intensity of staining. Samples from 3 to 4 months showed similarities, while at the 5th month, clear differences were visible in all 3 lectins, which were used in this study. Samples from retained/released placenta expressed significant differences in PHA‐L and SNA pattern in the foetal part. Obtained results indicate that the development of placenta related to extracellular matrix and accompanying cells from both sides of placenta shows dynamic changes during pregnancy. Moreover, in the case of animals with the retention of foetal membranes the patterns of proteins conjugated with sugar moieties are altered, suggesting that the changes in extracellular matrix metabolism can be involved in the attachment and detachment of the placenta in cows.  相似文献   

Fire has long been used as a tool to remove pests and disease, regenerate land, and remove unwanted vegetation buildup. Although traditionally used as a widespread land management tool in the past, its continued use could be under threat due to public perceptions pertaining to risks from burns getting out of control, as well as the impacts of smoke pollution and ecological damage. To determine the attitudes of rural practitioners and residents toward use of fire as a land management tool, this paper reports the results, analysis, and interpretation to a survey question: “Do you feel fire is a good option for managing rural land?”, along with an analysis of key attitudes toward the use of fire as a land management tool. The survey was undertaken with 696 respondents consisting of (rural land managers, rural populace, and rural fire personnel) within New Zealand. The survey identified differing perceptions about the suitability of prescribed fire use by land-based sectors. Five constructs explained the attitudes toward use of fire as a land management tool: benefits of fire use, the tradition of fire as a tool, regulations and liabilities, smoke impacts from fire, and the risks from knowledge loss and changing land use. Results showed that a person’s high agreement with the construct concerning negative smoke impacts resulted in less agreement that fire was a good option for use in rural land management in New Zealand. Main demographics influencing a positive attitude toward the use of fire included gender (male), their current use of fire, and larger land area managed. For prescribed fire to continue to be a useful tool, an improved understanding of current management practices and clear guidelines around best practice in using fire in New Zealand to manage land are required, with particular emphasis on limiting smoke impacts.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: During the 2014/2015 season 823 predominantly Holstein-Friesian cows calved on a pasture-based farm in the Waikato region of New Zealand. A high prevalence and recurrence rate of lameness had been noted for several years but cows feet were not routinely picked up and therapeutically trimmed.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: At a farm visit in December 2015, 23 cows feet were examined and 18/23 (78%) cows had white line disease and 17/23 (74%) sole haemorrhages, as well as severely overgrown and misshapen hooves.

EPIDEMIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION: Lameness, culling and reproductive data were collected for the farm for the period from 01 July 2014 to 30 November 2015. In the 2014/2015 season, 207/823 (25.2%) cows were recorded lame, and in the first half of the 2015/16 season 120/850 (14%) cows were recorded lame. Of the cows recorded lame, 52/207 (25.1%) in the 2014/15 season had >1 case of lameness, and 39/120 (32.5%) cows recorded lame in the 2015/2016 season had been lame in the previous season. There was an apparent increase in prevalence between 29–37 weeks post-calving. Cows >7-years-old had seven times the odds of being recorded as lame compared to 2–3-year-old cows (p<0.001). Lameness was not associated with culling, empty rate or days to conception (p>0.3).

DIAGNOSIS: No direct cause for the lameness could be determined.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It was hypothesised that, along with the degenerative changes in the pedal bone as dairy cows increased in age, suboptimal treatment and overgrowth of hooves resulted in permanent changes in the cows feet, resulting in a high prevalence of lameness in older cattle and a high recurrence rate of lameness within and between seasons. This case highlights the importance of prompt identification and treatment of lame cattle.  相似文献   


Aims: To investigate the seroprevalence of infection with bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus among 75 beef herds and seroconversion in cattle during early pregnancy, and to determine the practices and opinions of farmers towards BVD control and their association with real and perceived herd serological status.

Methods: Blood samples were collected before mating in 75 beef herds across New Zealand from 15 unvaccinated heifers that had delivered their first calf that season. Serum samples were tested for BVD antibodies using ELISA individually, and after pooling samples for each farm. Animals that were antibody-negative were retested at either pregnancy diagnosis or weaning. Farmers were asked to complete a detailed survey about herd demographics, BVD testing and vaccination practices, and opinions towards national BVD control.

Results: Based on the pooled serum antibody ELISA results, there were 28/75 (37%) negative herds, 15/75 (20%) suspect herds, and 32/75 (43%) positive herds. Of 1,117 animals sampled 729 (65.3%) tested negative for BVD virus antibodies; when retested, 47/589 (8.0%) animals from 13/55 (24%) herds had seroconverted. Among 71 famers providing survey responses 11 (15%) believed their herd was infected with BVD, 24 (34%) were unsure and 36 (51%) did not think their herd was infected. Only 19/71 (18%) farmers had performed any BVD testing within the past 5 years and 50/70 (71%) had not vaccinated any cattle for BVD. Support for national BVD eradication programme was strong in 51/71 (56%) respondents, but the biggest challenge to BVD control was considered to be famer compliance. Compared to farmers who did not think their herd was infected, more farmers who thought BVD was present in their herds had previously tested for BVD, would consider testing all replacement calves, and would support establishing a national BVD database; fewer would consider purchasing BVD tested or vaccinated cattle only.

Conclusions and clinical relevance: Only 15% of the beef farmers in this study believed their herds were infected with BVD virus and few of them had undertaken BVD screening. Nevertheless many were supportive of implementing a national BVD control programme. It is likely that the lack of farmer awareness around BVD and the failure of farmers to recognise the potential impacts in their herds are hindering progress in controlling the disease in New Zealand. There are opportunities for New Zealand veterinarians to be more proactive in helping beef farmers explore BVD management options.  相似文献   

A 2-year longitudinal observational study of 15 red deer farms was carried out in New Zealand from March 1992. Both years combined, 3364 adult and 653 yearling hinds were diagnosed pregnant in June by ultrasound scanning and monitored for reproductive success up to weaning. At weaning, pre-rut at approximately 100 days after calving, udders were palpated or observed by the farmer and hinds were categorised as lactating (wet) indicating survival of calf, or not lactating (dry). Farm management practices during calving and early lactation were recorded. Analysis of risk factors associated with progeny survival was done using path analysis (separately for adult and yearling hinds). Adult hinds >3 years old at calving, conceiving before 1 May and having a body-condition score >2 in September had 2.8, 2.4 and 2.9 times significantly higher odds of rearing a calf to weaning than other hinds, respectively. Adult hinds had about 5 times lower odds of rearing a calf to weaning when they were mixed with mature stags during calving. When farmers visited calving paddocks and checked for calving problems, adult hinds had 1.7 times higher odds of rearing a calf to weaning. When the farmer entered calving paddocks at least every second time they observed the hinds, yearling hinds had a twice higher odds of rearing a calf up to weaning. Sunny weather and high maximum temperatures were positively and negatively associated, respectively, with the probability of an adult hind being in lactation at weaning.  相似文献   

为了研究植物小肽对断奶肉兔生长发育、免疫性能及血液生化指标的影响,将150只断奶新西兰兔,随机分为5组,设对照组和4个试验组。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组分别饲喂基础日粮中植物小肽添加量为0.30%、0.60%、0.90%、1.20%的试验日粮。结果表明:日粮添加植物小肽对试兔平均日增重和料重比影响显著(P<0.05),添加量为0.60%时,试兔平均日增重比对照组提高29.85%,料重比降低24.59%;对试兔胸腺指数、下颌淋巴结指数产生显著影响(P<0.05),但脾脏指数和腹股沟淋巴结指数变化不显著(P>0.05),随着植物小肽添加水平的增加,血清ⅠgG出现先升高后降低的趋势(P<0.05);植物小肽对试兔血总蛋白和胆固醇也产生显著影响(P<0.05)。综合以上结果:日粮中添加植物小肽可以增强断奶~2月龄新西兰兔的生长发育和免疫性能,添加量以0.60%为宜。  相似文献   

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