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An ectopic fetus was discovered in an 18-month-old uniparous queen that was admitted for an elective ovariectomy. Six months prior she had delivered three healthy kittens. During the preoperative examination, a mass similar in size to a full-term fetus was detected in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound examination revealed the mass to be an ectopic fetus in the mid-abdominal region. A mummified fetus was removed by laparotomy. No rupture of the uterine wall was visible, but a small necrotic area was present on the left uterine horn, adjacent to the very proximal portion of the uterine horn. The fetus, which was fully developed and covered by a thin membrane, was carefully dissected. Histological examination did not enable us to definitively prove the extra-uterine development of the fetus; however, the ectopic development of the conceptus secondarily expelled into the peritoneal cavity could be assumed.  相似文献   

A case of hypervitaminosis A with secondary entrapment and compression of the left brachial plexus nerve roots is described. A 9-year-old male castrated domestic shorthair, fed a home-made diet based on raw pork liver, was submitted for examination for a left forelimb lameness that evolved to paralysis over a 2-month period. Clinical examination revealed a flaccid paralysis and atrophy of all left forelimb muscles. An ipsilateral Horner's syndrome was also noted. Radiological examination of the cervical and thoracic spine showed massive new bone formation at the ventral aspect of the second cervical to sixth thoracic vertebra. The diagnosis of hypervitaminosis A was made, based on the clinical and radiographic findings, as well as the determination of serum vitamin A concentration, which was 630 microg/dl, three times above the upper normal limit for this species. Despite the unfavourable initial prognosis, the cat progressively regained function of the affected limb approximately 6 months after the diet was changed to a commercial canned food.  相似文献   

Four cases of feline pansteatitis ('yellow fat disease') are presented and the characteristic clinical signs discussed. In three of the cats diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy and successful treatment instigated.  相似文献   

OVERVIEW: Mycobacterium microti infection is infrequently described in cats in the veterinary literature. It can be one of a large number of possible differential diagnoses in a feline patient with dermal nodules and non-healing draining ulcers, and can occasionally spread to involve the lungs and/or other areas of the body. CASE SUMMARY: This report describes the clinical signs, eventual diagnosis and variable response to treatment in a cat in Switzerland with recurrent cutaneous M microti infection. Only after several diagnostic and therapeutic attempts, over more than 2 years, was the species of Mycobacterium finally identified and targeted therapy given. PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: For any cat in which there is even a low suspicion of mycobacterial infection, the authors recommend that an aggressive diagnostic approach is taken. Tissue specimens should be collected and frozen early on, and, as soon as acid-fast bacilli are detected, samples should be sent to a mycobacterial reference laboratory for definitive identification. LITERATURE REVIEW: A review of the literature relating to the aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and management of M microti infection in cats and dogs is included. This is supplemented with clinical and therapeutic experience gained from this case and other, unpublished cases managed over the past 15 years by one of the authors (DGM).  相似文献   

An oral lesion in a cat caused by the actinomycete Dermatophilus con-golensis is described. Multiple granulomata were present in biopsy material taken from a tongue lesion. After surgical excision and daily penicillin therapy the condition regressed.
Résumé. Une lésion oralle dans un chat, causée par l'actinomycète Dermatophilus congolensis est décrit. Des granulomes multiples étaient présentes dans la substance de la biopsie, prise de la lésion de la langue. Après l'excision chirurgicale et la thérapie journalière de pénicilline, la condition décroissait.
Zusammenfassung. Man beschreibt eine orale Verletzung in einer Katze, die durch den Strahlenpilz Dermatophilus congolensis , verursachet wird. Die multipelen Granulomata waren im Stoff von der Biopsie, Welches von der Verletzung der Zunge, genommen wird. Der Zustand klang ab, nach der chirurgischen Exicision und nach der täglichen Heilung von Penizillin.  相似文献   

A case of ventricular septal defect in a cat is described in which the palliative operation of pulmonary artery banding was performed.
Résumé: On décrit un cas de communication interventriculaire chez un chat; un cerclage de l'artère pulmonaire a été effectué comme traitement palliatif.
Zusammenfassung: Ein Fall von Ventrikelseptumdefekt bei einer Katze wird beschrieben, bei der die Palliativoperation an der Pulmonalarterie durchgeführt wurde.  相似文献   

Hip dysplasia was diagnosed in three cats. Two were presented with a history of hindlimb lameness and the other had a history of constipation. All were confined for two weeks and showed considerable clinical improvement. At follow-up examination the cats were free of clinical signs despite the deterioration in the radiological appearance of their hips. Luxation or subluxation of the hips, insufficient development of the craniolateral acetabular edges, loss of the arched shape of the cranial subchondral acetabular bones, shallow acetabula and secondary degenerative changes on the femoral heads and necks were the main radiological findings in the affected cats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine possible differences in felinine excretion between domesticated cat breeds. For this purpose, urine was collected from a total of 83 privately owned entire male cats from eight different breeds in the Netherlands during the period of November 2010 till November 2011. In the collected samples, free felinine and creatinine concentrations were measured. Free felinine concentrations were expressed relative to the urinary creatinine concentration to compensate for possible variations in renal output. The mean (±SD) felinine:creatinine (Fel:Cr) ratio as measured over all cats was 0.702 (±0.265). Both the Abyssinian and Sphynx breeds showed the highest Fel:Cr ratio (0.878 ± 0.162 and 0.878 ± 0.341 respectively) which significantly differed from the ratios of the British Shorthairs (0.584 ± 0.220), Birmans (0.614 ± 0.266), Norwegian Forest cats (0.566 ± 0.296) and Siberian cats (0.627 ± 0.124). The Fel:Cr ratios of the Persians (0.792 ± 0.284) and Ragdolls (0.673 ± 0.256) showed no statistical difference with either of the other breeds. A significant proportion of the observed variation between the different feline breeds could be explained by hair growth, as both hair growth and felinine production compete for available cysteine. Shorthaired and hairless cat breeds generally showed a higher Fel:Cr ratio compared to longhaired cat breeds, with the exception of Persian cats. Further research is warranted to more closely study the effect of hair growth on felinine production.  相似文献   

Congenital portosystemic shunts in the cat: A report of nine cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The clinical features, diagnosis, management and outcome of nine cases of congenital portosystemic shunt in the cat are reported. Neurological signs associated with hepatic encephalopathy and ptyalism were the main clinical signs. Six cases were presented as kittens less than six months of age and the remaining three cases were presented as adults, although in one of these signs were first noted at eight to 12 weeks of age. Fasting hyperammo-naemia was the only consistent abnormal biochemical finding. Medical management was instituted in all cases and surgical partial ligation was later performed in four with recanalisation of the ligated vessel occurring in three cases. The condition in the cat is compared and contrasted with that in the dog.  相似文献   

An unusual tracheal foreign body in a cat and the problems associated with its removal is described. A review of other documented feline tracheal foreign bodies is included.  相似文献   

A case of secondary ectopic pregnancy found in a 2½-year-old queen. The clinical case history, surgical findings and examination of excised tissue are described and discussed.  相似文献   

A case of congenital biliary atresia in a six-month-old cat is presented. The cat had recurrent bouts of depression, anorexia, vomiting and pyrexia, since it was acquired as a three-month-old kitten. Physical examination showed the cat to be jaundiced. Abdominal palpation revealed several smooth, round masses, confluent with the liver in the right cranial quadrant. A tentative diagnosis of congenital biliary atresia was made based on history, clinical and laboratory examination and radiography. This was confirmed at necropsy.  相似文献   

Two cases of ectopic ureters in cats are described. In both the male and the female cat urinary incontinence was the prominent feature. Diagnosis was made by excretion urography. In both cats the ectopia was bilateral. The ureters were surgically reimplanted in the bladder, which gave total relief of the incontinence. A follow–up study is described, and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

A case of mannosidosis in the cat: clinical and histopathological findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case of feline mannosidosis is described. The animal was very small for its age (nine months) and showed skeletal defects and severe neurological signs which were first recognized at seven months of age. There was extensive cytoplasmic vacuolation of cells in visceral organs and in the nervous system. The vacuoles were usually empty. This case of mannosidosis in the cat most closely resembles the severe human variant of this disease rather than the bovine disease.  相似文献   

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