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Animal welfare-conforming fallow deer farming in Germany--a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fallow deer farming for venison production on pasture and fallow land has gained importance in Germany during recent years. As fallow deer farming constitutes a relatively young farming practice, many questions concerning a welfare-conforming and ecologically sound keeping of fallow deer are still open. Based on the recommendations on the keeping of fallow deer in enclosures for the purpose of venison meat production including by-products from 2 November 1979, a critical comparative review considering the current knowledge from research and practical deer farming experience was conducted. Recommendations on measures for breeding management and administration (statistics on farms and stocks, security and control of enclosures, training and experience of stockperson, practical skills for immobilisation and killing) are proposed. The cultivation goals for the care of landscape by fallow deer farming in protected areas need to be defined precisely. Due to infection risk, mixed herds with domesticated ruminants are not recommended. Potential progress can be foreseen in preventive health measures (control of endoparasites) and by appropriate feeding and water supply, considering feeding and drinking place design, feeding behaviour and water needs. The knowledge on handling and immobilisation methods should also be applied to small herd sizes. More research is needed on transportation of fallow deer.  相似文献   

浅谈我国养鹿业可持续发展的对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国养鹿业面临入世后的严峻挑战 ,基于国内和国际区域性养鹿业的现状和形势 ,从几方面扼要阐述了我国养鹿业可持续发展应采取的对策。  相似文献   

Deer farming is on its increase in Denmark. Based on experiences from other countries, lungworm infection is expected to cause severe problems in farmed deer. Therefore, in the present paper, which is the first one to deal with pathogens in Danish deer farms, the faecal larval excretion in red deer is examined.  相似文献   

Since the emergence of deer farming as an alternative farming enterprise over the past 30 years, there has been an increasing awareness of the potential threat posed by tuberculosis (TB) to domesticated deer. TB, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, has been found in deer in every country involved with deer farming. Different types of TB control policies, which vary from whole-herd depopulation to selective testing and slaughter of reactor animals, have been implemented. Extensive research has been carried out, incorporating modern microbiological and immunological concepts and advanced molecular methodologies, to find new solutions for the eradication of TB from domesticated deer. This work has resulted in valuable new insights into the aetiology, transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and heritability of resistance to M. bovis infection in ruminants. This knowledge has complemented the existing literature database on bovine and human TB and will provide new strategies for improved diagnosis, vaccination and selective breeding to control TB, which should be relevant for human, domestic livestock and wildlife populations.  相似文献   

梅花鹿人工养殖在我国已有200多年的历史。通过对近几年来我国梅花鹿能量代谢与能量需要方面研究的回顾,总结了成年公鹿绝食代谢产热量、维持能量需要量、生茸期能量代谢规律、不同生理时期饲粮中适宜能量浓度以及能量需要量等研究结果。  相似文献   

东北梅花鹿配种适宜公母比例的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究在考虑核心群与生产群规模、遗传进展传递速度以及梅花鹿的遗传育种、饲料与营养、繁殖等诸因素的基础上 ,科学、合理地给出了确定东北梅花鹿配种适宜公母比例的方法 ,对鹿的育种实践具有指导作用  相似文献   

麝类动物(Moschus spp.)雄性个体可分泌麝香,是濒危珍稀资源动物,驯养是濒危麝类动物的迁地保护(ex situ protection)和麝香生产的重要方式。我国从1958年开始麝类驯养,初期的主要驯养麝种为林麝(M.berezovskii),从1990年开始马麝(M.sifanicus)驯养。论文总结了濒危马麝的分群驯养,归纳了麝场选址、麝场修建、圈舍设计、分圈分群及日常驯养管理等方法体系,对我国麝类驯养、资源保育及麝香生产等提供重要参考。  相似文献   

我国茸鹿杂交试验研究工作的成就及思考   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
我国养鹿业近40年开展了12种茸鹿的种间和亚种间的8种杂交(系)、28种组合方式的试验。选育出高产、优质、低耗的茸鹿新品种(系),对开辟茸鹿杂交育种研究的新领域具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

入世后中国养鹿业可持续发展的思路   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
在综合分析国内外养鹿业发展状况的基础上 ,针对中国养鹿业存在的问题 ,提出了入世后中国养鹿业可持续发展的思路  相似文献   

中国茸鹿育种的成就与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国养鹿业历史悠久。中华人民共和国成立 40多年来 ,逐步建立起一支宏大的茸鹿种质资源保护和利用、茸鹿育种及推广的专业队伍 ,培育出双阳梅花鹿、西丰梅花鹿新品种和长白山梅花鹿、天山马鹿清原品系 ,使梅花鹿成品茸平均单产由选育前 0 .50~ 0 .74kg提高到1 .2 3~ 1 .30 kg,马鹿鲜茸平均单产由选育前的 2 .70 kg提高到 7.1 5kg,推广优良种鹿 1 80 0 0余头 ;“高产马鹿选育”和“塔里木马鹿品种选育”等方面的研究也取得了突破性的进展  相似文献   

The browsing preference and ecological carrying capacity (ECC) of sambar deer (Cervus unicolor brookei) in acacia plantations for management and conservation of the ecosystem were investigated at Sabal Forest Reserve in Sarawak, Malaysia. The identification of the species browsed by the sambar deer was based on an observation of the plant parts consumed. ECC estimation was based on body weight (BW) and the physiological stages of animals browsed in six fenced 4‐ha paddocks. Sambar deer were found foraging on only 29 out of 42 species of secondary vegetation in the acacia plantation. The remaining species are too high for the deer to reach. Planted species, Shorea macrophylla are not palatable to the deer. This augurs well for the integration of sambar deer into shorea plantations. The most frequently exploited plants were Ficus spp. Sambar deer preferred woody species more than non‐woody species and they are browser animals. By producing metabolizable energy of 19 000 to 27 000 MJ/ha, the ECC was five head/ha to 5.25 head/ha. Given its contribution to the conservation of wildlife and its capacity to sustain the ecosystem, the sambar deer integrated farming system offers a promising strategy for the future of tropical forestry management.  相似文献   

系统报道了48年来我国几个主要单位开展家养马鹿(♀)与梅花鹿(♂)杂交,即马.花杂交试验研究工作及其马.花杂交F154只290副茸的鲜茸产量和2只创记录者各锯龄的锯茸规格茸型和鲜茸产量、本交繁殖方法,并探讨了采用马鹿人工授精和同期发情等现代繁殖技术,大规模高效开展育成杂交,尤其清.双杂交和清.西杂交,乃至培育茸肉血兼用型鹿与该项最佳杂交组合的显效性,为养鹿业种鹿场、良繁体系、良繁基地和大型企业名牌鹿的产业化高效生产经营提供了新理念和科学依据。  相似文献   

圈养优良梅花鹿经济效益的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据饲养成本、产品价格和有关生产技术参数 ,对优良梅花鹿的仔鹿保底价、自繁仔自留和自繁仔外销、外购仔外销、自繁茸外销和外购茸外销 5种生产类型优良梅花鹿的回本期及其创净利进行了统计与讨论 ,其结果可为指导养殖企业生产提供参考  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid treatment of imported red deer (Cervus elaphus), seropositive to Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus, reactivated a latent herpesvirus infection, which was transmitted to a seronegative deer with a fatal outcome. However the virus did not spread to cattle housed in close contact with the infected deer, and serological indication og infection in the cattle was observed only on direct nasal installation of virus. The virus isolate had characteristics in common with other Alpha herpesviruses and especially the Bovid Herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) but distinguished itself from the latter by its host specificity, serological reaction and genomic restriction fragment pattern (RFP). The host specific red deer herpesvirus was tentatively designated Cervid Herpesvirus type 1 (CHV-1). It was concluded that CHV-1 seropositive deer can be a threat to red deer farming, while in cattle the infection may only cause minor inconvenience through interference with the serological IBR diagnosis.  相似文献   

东北梅花鹿优化育种规划中育种目标的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了东北梅花鹿依据经济指标确定育种目标的问题 ,以及在东北梅花鹿育种规划中 ,应如何挑选在综合育种目标中的生产性状及其对应的选择性状。并着重介绍了应用综合育种值作为数量化育种目标的方法。指出在确定以茸用为主的东北梅花鹿育种目标时 ,除了主要考虑茸用性状外 ,还应适当地考虑繁殖和使用寿命等性状 ,同时对于直接影响茸鹿生产效益的直接性状和次级性状不容忽视。  相似文献   

Tuberculosis in deer: a review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In recent years tuberculosis in deer caused by Mycobacterium bovis has become a disease of economic as well as public health importance to the deer farming industries of several countries, in particular those in Denmark, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. This paper sets the disease in a historical context and reviews current knowledge about various aspects of the condition, with particular reference to diagnosis and control and to research requirements for the future.  相似文献   

近年我国养鹿业发展动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从鹿业的市场行情、鹿业生产技术及生产用品的开发状况、鹿产品的开发利用现状和鹿业的发展趋势 4个方面概述了近 3年来我国鹿业的变化动态 ,着重论述了鹿茸的行情变化 ,销路走势 ,鹿只销售价格的变化以及形成的原因等。  相似文献   

依据秦岭地区林麝场天然树叶种类,测定了秦岭地区饲喂林麝常用的17种树叶氨基酸含量,并计算必需氨基酸/氨基酸总量比值(E/T)、必需氨基酸/非必须氨基酸含量比值(E/N)、氨基酸比值(RAA)、氨基酸比值系数(RC)及氨基酸比值系数分(SRC).结果表明,E/T比值41.0%~45.0%,E/N比值为0.71~0.81,分别高于WHO/FAO提出的蛋白质参考模式40%和0.60.因此,总体上17种树叶氨基酸种类齐全且含量较高.但按RC值,亮氨酸和苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸含量相对过剩,蛋氨酸+胱氨酸含量及部分植物的赖氨酸相对不足;按SRC值,仅一种植物的第一限制氨基酸为赖氨酸,其余16种植物的第一限制氨基酸为蛋氨酸+胱氨酸.结合秦岭林麝实际饲喂树叶情况,建议有针对性补充蛋氨酸+胱氨酸含量高的食物种类.同时针对秦岭养麝业依赖天然树叶的现状及其林木毁坏问题,提出营造林麝饲料林以解决林麝天然食物来源的建议.  相似文献   

Owing to poor breeding success in captive alpine musk deer, an understanding of the behavioral patterns of musk deer in captivity is important. This study was conducted from June 2004 to January 2005 at the Xinglongshan Musk Deer Farm, which is located within Xinglongshan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China. Focal sampling and continuous recording were used to observe the behaviors of 51 female alpine musk deer (Moschus sifanicus), 42 of which had completed a single estrus cycle and nine of which had completed two or more estrus cycles. All animals were adults that had been born and raised in captivity. The durations of 12 behaviors, including environmental sniffing, moving and feeding, were recorded during the non‐breeding seasons and behavioral patterns were compared. The behavioral patterns of females that had completed a single estrus cycle and females that had completed multiple estrus cycles were compared to assess potential behavioral differences. The results showed that females who had only one complete estrus cycle demonstrated more resting behavior, but less feeding and locomotor behavior than females who had completed multiple estrus cycles. Furthermore, single estrus cycle females demonstrated tail‐rubbing during the breeding season. The results may yield useful information that can be used in developing better musk deer farming practices.  相似文献   

Dictyocaulus species larvae were obtained from young red deer which had become infected on pastures considered to be carrying the Dictyocaulus species indigenous to the red deer of Scotland. These larvae were cultured to third stage and transmitted to five bovine calves. Five other bovine calves were infected with third stage Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae of bovine origin. Microscopic appearances of both groups of larvae were indistinguishable and their lengths were similar. Results indicated that the Dictyocaulus species derived from deer induced milder though similar clinical and pathological responses in cattle than did the D viviparus derived from cattle. It was concluded that there are strains of different pathogenicity within the species D viviparus, that the deer derived Dictyocaulus species was a strain of D viviparus, and that the hazards to animal health associated with infection by D viviparus in farming systems where red deer and cattle may graze alternately are likely to be acceptable.  相似文献   

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