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Resistance of Cooperia curticei against fenbendazole was demonstrated in The Netherlands. Experimental infection of lambs followed by intraruminal injection of 5 mg kg-1 showed a 100 per cent survival of the C curticei population. With an in vitro egg development assay LC50 values between 0.23 and 0.38 micrograms ml-1 thiabendazole were found. This is the first record of a Cooperia species resistant against an anthelmintic.  相似文献   

Lambs were inoculated with a single dose of Cooperia curticei. Subcutaneous administration of ivermectin at a dosage of 200 micrograms/kg of body weight resulted in 61.1% and 90.4% anthelmintic efficacy, when measured at 7 and 14 days after treatment, respectively. In the treatment groups, parasites that remained were located more distally in the small intestine than those in the lambs in the control groups.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the occurrence of resistance to a full dose of oral ivermectin by Cooperia curticei in sheep.

METHODS: Twelve lambs on a sheep and cattle property in the North Island of New Zealand were randomly allocated to one of two equal-sized groups. One group was treated orally with a single dose of ivermectin at the manufacturer's recommended dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg, while the other remained as an untreated control. Worm counts were carried out post mortem on the abomasa and small intestines of all animals in both groups 7 days after treatment.

RESULTS: While treatment with ivermectin reduced the numbers of all other worm genera to almost zero, those of Ostertagia (= Telodorsagia) circumcincta and C. curticei were reduced by only 37% and 19%, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: These results provide clear evidence of resistance to ivermectin by O. circumcincta and C. curticei. They also appear to represent the first record of macrocylic lactone (ML) resistance in C. curticei in sheep in New Zealand or elsewhere.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the occurrence of resistance to a full dose of oral ivermectin by Cooperia curticei in sheep. METHODS: Twelve lambs on a sheep and cattle property in the North Island of New Zealand were randomly allocated to one of two equal-sized groups. One group was treated orally with a single dose of ivermectin at the manufacturer's recommended dose rate of 0.2 mg/kg, while the other remained as an untreated control. Worm counts were carried out post mortem on the abomasa and small intestines of all animals in both groups 7 days after treatment. RESULTS: While treatment with ivermectin reduced the numbers of all other worm genera to almost zero, those of Ostertagia(= Telodorsagia) circumcincta and C. curticei were reduced by only 37% and 19%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide clear evidence of resistance to ivermectin by O. circumcincta and C. curticei. They also appear to represent the first record of macrocylic lactone (ML) resistance in C. curticei in sheep in New Zealand or elsewhere.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the exsheathment kinetics of Ostertagia ostertagi infective larvae (L3) following in vivo exposure to bovine rumen contents derived from low and high roughage diets. O. ostertagi L3 were placed in disposable dialysis bags and incubated for various time points between 0 and 360 min in the rumen of a fistulated steer maintained on a 71% grain diet or a 100% grass diet. The maximum percentage of exsheathed L3 was observed 120 min post-exposure to grass-derived rumen contents, while maximum exsheathment for L3 exposed to grain-derived rumen contents did not occur until 360 min. This work provides the first report of the in vivo exsheathment kinetics for O. ostertagi in its bovine host. Results of this study also support earlier reports that rumen pH may affect the exsheathment efficiency of abomasal trichostrongylids.  相似文献   

The parasitic stages of Cooperia punctata were cultivated in vitro, and the incubation fluid from these stages containing exoantigen (ExoAg; metabolites, secretions, excretions) was diafiltered (retaining material of approximate molecular weight greater than 10,000), concentrated, and lyophilized. Using serum of calves immune to C punctata, ExoAg activity was verified by agar gel immunodiffusion. The ExoAg was combined with adjuvants and was inoculated into calves. Results of preliminary experiments indicated that the ExoAg had potent biological activity capable of inducing severe respiratory distress and death. Subsequently, however, improved inoculation procedures and combination of ExoAg with aluminum hydroxide gel or Freund complete adjuvant consistently prevented this reaction in 25 calves. In helminth-free calves, the ExoAg induced marked eosinophilia, which generally was greater during the ExoAg-exposure period than after challenge exposure with infective larvae. Of 27 calves exposed to the various ExoAg inoculation schedules, 12 had nematode reductions greater than 80%, 10 had less than 16% reduction, and 5 had reductions between 39 and 72%. This polarization of the nematode recovery data generally thwarted statistical difference in overall consideration of all ExoAg inoculation schedules. Additional manifestations of resistance, ie, prolonged prepatent period, reduced patent period, reduced number or lack of nematode eggs passed in feces, and reduced nematode length, were observed in calves of certain ExoAg inoculation schedules. In vitro blastogenic responses of blood lymphocytes was observed in calves exposed to ExoAg. Quantitatively, this cell-mediated immune response to ExoAg was as great as or greater than that after subsequent challenge exposure with infective larvae. Intradermal inoculation of ExoAg into a calf resistant to C punctata induced delayed-type hypersensitivity. However, this reaction to ExoAg was not observed in nonimmunized, helminth-free calves used as controls. Humoral antibodies against ExoAg were detected by an agar gel immunodiffusion test. Calves exposed to ExoAg always seroconverted and usually remained seropositive until necropsy. There were no false-positive results; however, ExoAg did not consistently coprecipitate (by agar gel immunodiffusion) with serum from infected calves that were not exposed to ExoAg.  相似文献   

We investigated direct anthelmintic effects associated with the feeding of fresh tanniferous forages against established populations of Haemonchus contortus and Cooperia curticei in lambs. Twenty-four parasite naive lambs were inoculated with a single dose of infective larvae of these two parasites 27 days prior to the start of the feeding experiment. Lambs were individually fed with either chicory (Cichorium intybus), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) or a ryegrass/lucerne mixture (control) for 17 days. Animals where then united to one flock and subjected to control feeding for another 11 days to test the sustainability of potentially lowered egg excretion generated by tanniferous forage feeding. When compared to the control, administration of all tanniferous forages was associated with significant reductions of total daily faecal egg output specific to H. contortus (chicory: 89%; birdsfoot trefoil: 63%; sainfoin: 63%; all tests P<0.05) and a tendency of reduced H. contortus worm burden (chicory: 15%; birdsfoot trefoil: 49% and sainfoin: 35% reduction). Irrespective of the condensed tannin (CT) containing fodder, no anthelmintic effects were found against C. curticei. Cessation of CT-feeding followed by non-CT control feeding did not result in a re-emergence of faecal egg counts based on faecal dry matter (FECDM) in any group, suggesting that egg output reductions are sustainable. The moderate to high concentrations of CTs in birdsfoot trefoil (15.2 g CTs kg(-1) dry matter (DM)) and sainfoin (26.1 g CTs kg(-1) DM) were compatible with the hypothesis that the antiparasitic effect of these forages is caused by their content of CTs. For chicory (3 g CTs kg(-1) DM), however, other secondary metabolites need to be considered. Overall, birdsfoot trefoil and in particular sainfoin seem promising candidates in contributing to an integrated control strategy against H. contortus not only by mitigating parasite related health disturbances of the host but also by a sustained reduction of pasture contamination.  相似文献   

Four groups of three lambs per group were experimentally infected with Cooperia curticei susceptible (two groups) or resistant (two groups) to benzimidazoles, and distributions of adult worms in the small intestine were studied. For each Cooperia isolate, one group was treated with thiabendazole (TBZ) (5 or 50mg/kg bodyweight) 28 days after infection. In the two untreated groups, the population of C. curticei were present from the second to the tenth meter of intestine from the pylorus with a maximum in the sixth meter for both isolates. After treatment with TBZ, the size of the resistant worm population did not significantly decrease but a large number of worms were found towards the proximal sections of the intestine. In contrast, the susceptible population was reduced by about 40% but the surviving worms remained at this same site of predilection after treatment. Measurements of the concentration of TBZ and 5OH-thiabendazole (5OH-TBZ) in the intestinal segments do not indicate a clear relationship between the localization of worms and TBZ or 5OH-TBZ concentrations at least 12h after the anthelmintic treatment. The hypothesis of an enhanced expression of the mechanisms of resistance in the first few meters of small intestine is suggested.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to examine the effect of dried and ensiled sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on established populations of Haemonchus contortus (abomasum) and Cooperia curticei (small intestine) in lambs under controlled conditions. Twenty-four parasite na?ve lambs were inoculated with a single dose of infective larvae of these parasites 28 days prior to the start of the feeding experiment. Twenty-four days post-infection, 4 days prior to the start of the feeding experiment, animals were allocated to four groups according to egg excretion, live weight and sex. Groups A and B received sainfoin hay and control hay, respectively, for 16 days. Groups C and D were fed on sainfoin silage or control silage for the same period. Feeds were offered ad libitum and on the basis of daily refusals were supplemented with concentrate in order to make them isoproteic and isoenergetic. Individual faecal egg counts on a dry matter basis (FECDM) were performed every 3-4 days and faecal cultures and packed cell volume (PCV) measurements were done weekly. After 16 days of experimental feeding, all animals were slaughtered and adult worm populations were determined. The consumption of conserved sainfoin was associated with a reduction of adult H. contortus (47% in the case of hay, P<0.05; 49% in the case of silage, P=0.075) but had little effect on adult C. curticei. Compared to the controls, H. contortus specific FECDM was reduced by 58% (P<0.01) in the sainfoin hay group and by 48% (P=0.075) in the sainfoin silage group. For both sainfoin feeds FECDM specific to C. curticei were significantly decreased when compared to the control feeds (hay 81% and silage 74%, both tests P<0.001). Our data suggest that different mechanisms were responsible for the reduction in FECDM in response to feeding tanniferous fodder. For H. contortus, the decrease seemed to be due to a nematocidal effect towards adult H. contortus. In contrast for C. curticei, the reduction in FECDM appeared to be a result of a reduced per capita fecundity. For both, hay and silage, an antiparasitic effect could be shown, offering promising perspectives for the use of conserved tanniferous fodder as a complementary control approach against GIN.  相似文献   

Infective larvae of Ostertagia spp. and Cooperia spp. derived from naturally infected dairy calves were subjected to periods of storage of up to 16 weeks at 4 degrees C or 15 degrees C to determine if this treatment would influence their propensity for arrested development in previously worm-free calves. Results showed no significant increase in the propensity of Ostertagia spp. for arrested development in response to the treatments, but a small increase in the case of Cooperia spp.  相似文献   

Infection of parasite-free six to eight week old calves with doses of 50,000 mixed Ostertagia ostertagi and Cooperia oncophora larvae varying in age from seven to 42 days did not reveal a significant larval maturation requirement.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the abundance and survival of Haemonchus placei, Cooperia punctata and Oesophagostomum radiatum infective larvae from cattle faecal pats exposed at various times of the year in north Queensland wet tropics. Pats exposed in the hot, wet season yielded abundant larvae on herbage. In the dry season, although low numbers of infective larvae were usual, considerable numbers were produced under conditions of heavy dews on dense herbage. Irrespective of season of deposition of pats, the resulting larvae persisted generally for not longer than 10 to 12 weeks, and in large numbers for only 2 to 6 weeks. The findings suggest that prevention of contamination in the wet season, and in the dry season when light rainfalls are accompanied by heavy dews on dense herbage, will result in low levels of larval infestation on herbage. Rotational grazing in the area is suggested as a means of worm control.  相似文献   

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