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AIMS: To determine the effects of liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating, and shearing mid-pregnancy, on birthweights and growth rates of twin lambs from birth to the time of weaning, and; to determine whether any effect of condition score is independent of liveweight. METHODS: Romney ewes (n=435) which conceived within a 17-day mating period and successfully gave birth to and reared twin lambs to weaning were used. Ewes were managed during pregnancy so that their total liveweight increased at a level equivalent to the expected growth of the conceptuses. Approximately half of the ewes were shorn 70 days after the mid-point of mating, and the remainder were left unshorn, at which time they had 6-months' wool growth. All lambs were weighed within 12 h of birth and again at weaning. RESULTS: There was a significant linear relationship (R2=0.99) between mean group liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating (difference of 7.3 kg per 1.0 unit condition score). Liveweight of ewes at mating had small but significant (p<0.05) positive effects on both birthweights and growth rates of twin lambs to weaning. Ewes that had condition scores of 3.5-4.0 (scale 0-5) at mating gave birth to significantly (p<0.05) lighter lambs than ewes that had condition scores <3.5. The condition score of ewes at mating was positively associated with growth rates of lambs, although this effect was largely explained by variation in the liveweight of ewes at mating. Twin lambs born to ewes shorn mid-pregnancy were significantly (p<0.05) heavier at birth (by 0.4 kg) and at weaning (p<0.05) than those born to unshorn ewes. The heavier weaning weights of lambs born to ewes shorn mid-pregnancy were due to a heavier birthweights rather than increased growth rate. CONCLUSIONS: Liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating had small positive effects on growth rates to weaning of twin lambs. Shearing mid-pregnancy increased birthweights and weaning weights of twin lambs. To achieve high weaning weights of twin lambs, farmers should ensure ewes attain high liveweights and condition scores at mating and shear mid-pregnancy. It is speculated that the effects of liveweight and condition score of ewes at mating on weaning weights of twin lambs would be greater than those observed in the present study under conditions in which nutrition of the dam is below optimum.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether short-term progesterone supplementation post mating or shearing of ewes in early pregnancy affected either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs.

METHODS: Romney ewes (n=457) were synchronised in oestrus using controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone, and mated to Romney rams over a 5-day period. The mid-point of mating (Day 0) occurred 2 days after the withdrawal of CIDR devices. Ewes mated (n=397) were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: shearing at Day 5, shearing at Day 30, no shearing, and no shearing plus progesterone supplementation using a CIDR device inserted on Day 3 for 6 days. During the period from Day 5 to Day 27, six harnessed Suffolk rams were placed with the ewes and matings recorded. At Day 48, all ewes that did not return to the Suffolk rams were scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound. At Day 140, single- and multiple-bearing ewes were set-stocked at 15.1 and 12.2 ewes/ha, respectively, and equivalent numbers of ewes from each treatment group were placed in each paddock. Blood samples from 10 unshorn and 10 progesterone-supplemented ewes were collected on Days 3, 6 and 9, and analysed for plasma progesterone concentrations. Lambs were identified to their dam and weighed within 12 h of birth, and again at 27 and 93 days after the mid-point of lambing. The ewes were weighed at regular intervals throughout the trial.

RESULTS: Plasma progesterone concentrations of supplemented ewes were higher than those of unsupplemented ewes (3.28 vs 1.75 ng/ml) on Day 6 (p=0.02) but not on Day 9 (4.58 vs 4.63 ng/ml). Treatment of ewes had no effect on either the proportion of ewes which lambed to the synchronised mating period or that had multiple lambs. Lambs born to ewes shorn at Day 30 tended (p=0.09) to be heavier at birth (by 0.28 kg) than those born to unshorn ewes but this effect was not evident when data were corrected for length of gestation. Neither shearing at Day 5 nor progesterone supplementation had any effect on the birthweight of lambs, and the treatment of ewes had no effect on the survival rate of lambs to weaning.

CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone supplementation for 6 days beginning 3 days post mating did not increase either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs. Shearing 5 days after mating had no significant effect on the reproductive performance of ewes and need not be avoided, but is unlikely to result in an increase in lamb birthweight. Shearing ewes at Day 30 may result in an increase in the birthweight of lambs but, ideally, ewes should be further advanced in pregnancy before shearing is undertaken.  相似文献   


Aims: To investigate associations between lamb growth to weaning and dam udder and teat scores measured at pre-mating, pre-lambing, docking and weaning.

Methods: Mature Romney ewes (n?=?1,009) were enrolled from a commercial sheep flock located near Masterton, in the Wellington region of New Zealand in 2017. A range of udder and teat traits were scored in all ewes, using visual assessment and palpation, at pre-mating, pre-lambing, docking and weaning. During the lambing period, each newborn lamb was matched to its dam and lamb sex, birthweight and birth-rank were recorded. A rearing rank was allocated to each live-lamb at weaning, when all lambs were weighed (n?=?1,570), allowing calculation of daily growth rates (g/day). Associations between udder and teat scores and lamb growth rates to weaning were examined using multivariable models for each udder-scoring time.

Results: Growth rates of lambs whose dams had udder palpation scores of hard, or both teats recorded as abnormal, pre-mating were lower than lambs whose dams had normal scores (229.9 (95% CI?=?213.2–246.6) vs. 254.5 (95% CI?=?245.6–263.5) g/day; p?=?0.011) and (227.4 (95% CI?=?208.3–246.6) vs. 247.9 (95% CI?=?235.7–260.2) g/day; p?=?0.024), respectively. Growth rates of lambs whose dams had clinical mastitis at docking or weaning were lower than those without mastitis (215.8 (95% CI?=?199.9–231.7) vs. 235.4 (95% CI?=?225.4–255.0) g/day; p?=?0.007) and (220.0 (95% CI?=?205.2–234.8) vs. 254.7 (95% CI?=?248.9–260.5) g/day; p?<?0.001), respectively. Growth rates of lambs whose dams had asymmetrical udders at docking or weaning were lower than lambs whose dams had symmetrical udders (204.6 (95% CI?=?189.7–219.5) vs. 240.2 (95% CI?=?225.4–255.0) g/day; p?<?0.001) and (223.3 (95% CI?=?213.9–232.7) vs. 242.2 (95% CI?=?229.4–255.0) g/day; p?=?0.014), respectively.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Pre-mating udder palpation and teat palpation scores can be used to identify ewes whose lambs are predicted to have lower growth to weaning. Assuming a mean lamb age at weaning of 84.4 days, lambs born to ewes with a pre-mating score of hard would be expected to have a mean weaning weight that was 2.1?kg less than those whose dams had normal scores. Udder palpation, udder symmetry and clinical mastitis scores during lactation were also associated with lamb growth rates.

Abbreviation: CALW: Conceptus-adjusted liveweight  相似文献   


AIMS: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and condition score (CS) of ewes at mating on both mating performance and scanning percentage, and to determine if effects of CS were independent of LW.

METHODS: Two groups of ewes, comprising 1,780 mixedaged Romney (Rom MA) and 692 composite two-tooth (? East Friesian 1/16 Finn 13/16 Romney, Comp TT) ewes were grazed separately with harnessed rams for two reproductive cycles. Romney rams were used for the first 17 days of mating and then replaced on the morning of Day 18 by Suffolk rams. Ewes were weighed and CS assessed on a scale of 0–5 before the introduction of the rams. Ewes were identified as having been mated during the first cycle only, during both cycles, during the second cycle only, or not mated. All mated ewes were scanned using ultrasound, 50 days after the end of mating, and identified as being either non pregnant, single-, twin- or triplet-bearing.

RESULTS: Linear relationships (R2=0.99) between mean LW and CS at mating were evident for both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes and the mean increase in LW per unit increase in CS was greater in the Rom MA ewes (7.88 kg) than the Comp TT (4.78 kg) ewes (p<0.05). Ewes mated in the second cycle only were significantly (p<0.05) lighter than those mated in the first cycle only. In Rom MA ewes, a greater proportion were mated in the first cycle only if CS was .2.0 than if CS was <2.0, and the proportions of ewes mated in the first cycle only or in both cycles did not differ if CS was ≥2.5. In Comp TT ewes, there was no difference in the proportions mated in the first cycle or both cycles, if CS was ≥2.0. Triplet-bearing ewes were heavier than twin-bearing ewes, which were in turn heavier than both singleton-bearing and non pregnant ewes. Twin-bearing ewes had higher CS than both single-bearing and non pregnant ewes (p<0.05) but differences were not significant if LW was included as a covariate. In both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, greater proportions were non pregnant and lower proportions had twins if CS was <2.0 than if CS was ≥2.0. In Rom MA ewes only, a greater proportion again had twins and a lower proportion had singletons if CS was ≥3.0 than if CS was <3.0. In Comp TT ewes, the proportion that were non pregnant or twin-bearing did not vary with CS if CS was ≥2.0. Reproductive performance was maximal for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes that had CS at mating ≥3.0 and ≥2.0, respectively, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: In both groups of ewes, CS and LW at mating positively affected reproductive performance measured at the time of mating and at scanning, however, no reproductive advantage was evident above a minimum CS of 3.0 and 2.0, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, respectively. Sheep farmers should direct management to ensure that no ewes are below these minimum targets rather than ensuring high average LW and/or CS of a mob.  相似文献   


AIM: To determine the effect of age and prior use of mature rams at a given ram-to-ewe ratio, and the effect of body condition on breeding performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets.

METHODS: Ewe hoggets (n=733) aged 7–8 months were weighed and their body condition scored, then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (Day 0) and joined with either four two-tooth rams (20 months of age) not used previously (n=244; Two-tooth), four mixed-aged mature rams that had not been used earlier in the season (n=244; Mature-fresh), or four mixed-aged mature rams that had been used with mature ewes immediately prior to joining with hoggets (n=245; Mature-used). The breeding period was 34 days. Ewe hoggets were identified as having been marked during the first 17 days only, during both 17-day periods, during the second 17 days only, or not marked. Hoggets were re-weighed on Day 34, and pregnancy status determined using ultrasound on Day 92. The breeding soundness of the rams was assessed on Days ?34 and ?1.

RESULTS: Semen samples obtained from the rams did not differ significantly in any of the parameters measured (p>0.05). Ewe hoggets joined with Mature-fresh rams were less likely (p<0.05) to be marked in the second 17 days of breeding only than those joined with either Two-tooth or Mature-used rams. No other breeding parameters were affected by breeding group (p>0.05). Hoggets marked in the first 17 days only were heavier (p<0.05) at Day 0 than those marked in the second 17 days only or not marked. Hoggets diagnosed as twin-bearing were heavier (p<0.05) than non-pregnant or single-bearing hoggets. Those hoggets marked in the first 17 days only had a greater (p<0.05) body condition score (BCS) than those marked in the second 17 days only or not marked at all. These differences were no longer apparent after correction for liveweight (LW).Correction for LW at Day 0 or change in LW during the breeding period did not affect the results for breeding performance.

CONCLUSIONS: Under the conditions of this study, two-tooth rams and mature rams that had been used previously were just as suitable as mature rams that had not been used previously for breeding with ewe hoggets. Further studies are warranted to verify this result. The re-use of rams without reducing breeding performance would reduce breeding costs and may make breeding hoggets a more viable option for farmers. The BCS of ewe hoggets affected breeding performance, and can thus be used to identify those animals most suitable for breeding.  相似文献   

Influence of pre‐weaning live weight on post‐weaning growth performance was assessed on thirty‐nine 15‐day‐old Indian native lambs, randomly fed in three equal groups until 180 days of age. During pre‐weaning phase lambs were maintained under feeding regimen of grazing (C‐0; Control), grazing and ad lib creep mixture supplementation (C‐AL) or grazing, with ad lib creep mixture and milk replacer supplementation (C‐ALMR). Lambs were allowed to suckle respective dam in morning and evening till 90 days of age, and fed ad lib green leaves of Ailanthus excelsa after grazing. After weaning all lambs were maintained on grazing and ad lib finisher concentrates supplementation. Pre‐weaning performance of lambs in terms of weaning weight (17.2 kg), average daily gain (ADG; 154 g) and feed conversion ratio 3.73 was higher (p < 0.01) in C‐ALMR lambs but total gain and ADG were similar among three groups during post‐weaning phase. However, improved pre‐weaning plane of nutrition and growth rate increased (p < 0.01) finishing weight (FW) of lambs in C‐AL, 33 kg and C‐ALMR, 32 kg. Dry matter intake was significantly (p < 0.01) higher in C‐AL and C‐ALMR lambs due to combined effect of feeding. Rumen pH was lowest (p = 0.049) in C‐AL lambs. Rumen ciliate protozoa population (104/ml) decreased in C‐ALMR lambs (4.3) but increased in C‐AL lambs (50.0) more so in C‐0 Lambs (19.8). Concentrate feeding of C‐AL lamb improved nutrient digestibility. Lambs of C‐0 group consumed more DM during post‐weaning phase that improved growth performance, while nutrient digestibility was not affected by pre‐weaning nutrition. Thus, pre‐weaning nutrition has significant influence on FW, however influence of milk replacer feeding on lamb growth need further studies.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to study the influence of induced body condition score (BCS) differences on physiological response, productive and reproductive performance of Malpura ewes to optimise BCS for these ewes for maximising production making it economically viable. The study was conducted for a period of 1 year using thirty healthy Malpura ewes (2–4 year old). The animals were randomly divided and different BCS was induced within three groups named Group I (BCS 2.5; n = 10), Group II (BCS 3.0–3.5; n = 10) and Group III (BCS 4.0; n = 10). The parameters included in the study were allometric measurements, physiological response, wool yield and reproductive performance. BCS had a significant influence on allometric measurements, respiration rate and different reproductive parameters studied, while wool production differed significantly during spring and non‐significantly during autumn. The results revealed that the reproductive performance of Malpura ewes with a BCS of 3.0–3.5 was better in comparison with the groups with lower and higher BCS. It may be concluded from this study that an active management of breeding sheep flock to achieve a BCS of 3.0–3.5 may prove to result in an economically viable return from these flocks.  相似文献   

为研究富硒酵母制剂对断奶羔羊生长性能及抗病能力的影响,分析其临床应用效果,试验选取日龄相近断奶羔羊40只,随机分为高剂量组(2.0mg/kg)、中剂量组(1.0mg/kg)、低剂量组(0.5mg/kg)和对照组4组,连续用药30d,测定各组羔羊平均日增重、血液生理生化指标,并统计各组羔羊发病情况。结果表明,试验组羔羊平均日增均对照组,其中,高剂量组断奶羔羊平均日增重与对照组差异极显著(P<0.01);血液生理指标测定结果表明,高剂量组、中剂量组的白细胞数目(WBC)与对照组差异极显著(P<0.01),而3个试验组的红细胞数目(RBC)均与对照组差异显著(P<0.05);血液生化指标测定结果表明,高剂量组的谷丙转氨酶与对照组差异极显著(P<0.01),白蛋白(ALB)、葡萄糖(GLU)与对照组差异显著(P<0.05);高剂量组和中剂量组的总胆固醇(CHOL)均与对照组差异显著(P<0.05);对各组羔羊腹泻率统计分析,发现试验组腹泻率均低于对照组,其中,高剂量组的腹泻率最低,仅为3.3%。综上所述,中剂量的富硒酵母对断奶羔羊具有良好的促生长和抗腹泻作用。  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and use of teaser rams prior to mating on both the mating performance and pregnancy rate of ewe hoggets.

METHODS: Romney hoggets (n=841) were weighed and randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups; either exposed to seven harnessed, vasectomised (teaser) rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period (n=283); or not exposed to teaser rams (unteased, n=558). Harnessed Perendale rams were then introduced for two oestrous cycles. Using crayon marks, hoggets were identified as having been mated during the first 17 days only, during the second 17 days only, during both periods, or not mated. All mated hoggets were then scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound, 48 days after the end of the breeding period, and identified as being either non-pregnant, or as single-, twinor triplet-bearing.

RESULTS: Hoggets mated in either the first 17 days only or in both the first and second 17-day periods were heavier than those mated in the second period only (p<0.001). Those mated in the first or second 17-day period only, and those mated in both periods were all heavier prior to mating than those not mated at all (p<0.001). Twin-bearing hoggets were heavier than both their single-bearing and non-pregnant counterparts (p<0.001). A greater proportion of the teased hoggets were mated in the first 17 days only compared with unteased hoggets (62.6 vs 32.1%; p<0.001). In contrast, more of the unteased hoggets were marked in the second 17-day period only (p<0.001). A greater proportion of mated, unteased hoggets were found to be non-pregnant in comparison to their teased counterparts (17.8 vs 11.2%; p=0.02).

CONCLUSIONS: Heavier hoggets at breeding were more likely to be mated in the first 17 days of the breeding period and more likely to be twin-bearing. Use of teaser rams for 17 days prior to the breeding period increased the proportion of hoggets mated in the first 17 days, increased conception rates, and thus increased the proportion of pregnant hoggets. These results indicate that farmers should utilise teasers for 17 days prior to commencement of the breeding period and avoid mating hoggets that weigh below 36 kg.  相似文献   

旨在研究藏羔羊早期断奶料蛋白水平及Lys/Met配比对其生长发育的影响。试验选取(55±2)日龄断奶、体重(10.85±0.65)kg藏羔羊98只,随机分为7组,每组14只,公母各半。分别饲喂不同蛋白水平和Lys/Met配比的藏羔羊早期断奶料,试验期20 d。结果:藏羔羊早期断奶料蛋白水平在15%~21%,随断奶料蛋白水平的提高,采食量和日增重增加、腹泻率降低、血清蛋白含量增加;18%蛋白,Lys/Met配比为3.1∶1的日粮最为合理,可以替代21%高蛋白断奶料;在15%蛋白水平的日粮,Lys/Met配比为3.1∶1最为合理,可以替代18%中蛋白断奶料。结果提示:早期断奶料营养水平影响藏羔羊早期的生长发育和血清指标,本试验推荐的早期断奶藏羔羊断奶料适宜的配比为18%蛋白水平和Lys/Met配比为3.1∶1。  相似文献   

本研究旨在研究日粮添加水果提取物对羔羊生长和屠宰性能、组织器官抗氧化及肉品质的影响.试验将60只体重接近的羔羊随机分为2组,每组6个重复,每个重复5只.在为期4周的饲养期间,对照组饲喂基础日粮,处理组饲喂基础日粮+150?mg/kg水果提取物.结果:粮添加150?mg/kg水果提取物对羔羊屠宰率、热胴体重、冷胴体重、内...  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of body condition score (BCS) on testicle and epididymis biometrics, semen characteristics and testosterone level in Egyptian Jack. This study was conducted on 50 mature Jacks divided according to their body condition score into four groups: Poor (G1), moderate (G2), good (G3) and fat (G4). The complete testis was collected immediately after execution in the Giza Zoo abattoir; then, the epididymis was carefully dissected at the testicular junction. Biometrical measures including length, weight and volume were determined for the right and left testis and epididymis. Also, epididymal sperm was collected from all examined animas and evaluated for sperm concentration, progressive motility, viability and sperm abnormalities. Serum samples were collected for determination of total testosterone level. Results showed that the body condition score of the examined animal affects their biometrical measure of testicles and epididymis. There is a significant decrease (p < .05) in biometrical measures for the testicles and epididymis, sperm concentration, motility, viability and testosterone level in poor BCS animals (G1). The highest values were recorded in Good BCS (G3) Jacks. Conclusion: Jacks with good BCS (G3) should be selected for breeding activity in donkey.  相似文献   

分析探讨口感化及颗粒化开食料对早期断奶羔羊生长和胃肠道发育的影响。选取新生健康的双羔湖羊公羔42只,随机分为两组,分别饲喂颗粒化和口感化开食料,试验期42 d。两组羔羊21日龄之前的采食量、体重和绝对生长的变化趋势相似。21日龄以后,口感化开食料组羔羊的采食量、体重、绝对生长和相对生长均明显高于颗粒化开食料组,42日龄体重、后两周的采食量及15~21日龄的相对生长率在两组间有显著差异(P < 0.05)。口感化开食料还显著提高(P < 0.05)了羔羊42日龄时的育肥指数、体长指数、胸围指数、管围指数和断奶前的瘤胃质量和瘤胃/胴体。以上结果表明,与颗粒化开食料相比,口感化开食料更有利于羔羊早期断奶前后的瘤胃发育、采食量提高、体重和体尺的发育,但对其他胃室及肠道发育没有影响。  相似文献   

Thirty lambs (Avishaan genotype, 10 weeks old, 14.0 ± 0.2 kg live weight) were randomly assigned into three equal treatment groups to study the effect of complete feed blocks (CFB; concentrate and roughage at 70:30 ratio) with three different tanniniferous tree leaves on intake and utilization of nutrients, rumen fermentation, microbial protein synthesis and growth performance. The treatments were T1 (Control), CFB1 with Vigna sinensis hay; T2, CFB2 with Acacia nilotica leaves rich in hydrolysable tannins (HT); and T3, CFB3 with Ziziphus nummularia leaves rich in condensed tannins (CT). The three CFBs were fed ad libitum to the respective groups of lambs for a period of 12 weeks. There was lower (p < .05) intake of dry matter (DM), total carbohydrates (TCHO) and fibre components in T2 compared with T1 and T3. However, the digestibility of nutrients except crude protein (CP) was higher in T2. Diet had no effect (p > .05) on the LW gain in lambs. Amongst the three groups, T3 showed enhanced N utilization with a comparable microbial protein synthesis, the lowest being in T2. The T2 group of lambs had higher propionate and lower non-glucogenic: glucogenic short-chain fatty acids ratio. It may be concluded that tanniniferous tree leaves at 30% of total mixed ration can meet the requirement of nutrients for desired post-weaning growth.  相似文献   

Body condition scoring is widely used for sheep and cattle but the practice is included in only one Code of Practice for the welfare of goats in Australia. There is no published scientific evidence to support or defend its use in the assessment of welfare risks to farmed goats. PROCEDURE: The significance of stocking rate, grazing system, body condition score (CS) and live weight were investigated in explaining the risk of mortality of individual and flocks of grazing Angora goats from hypothermia following a severe weather event in April. This event occurred 5 weeks after shearing the goats. Angora goats and Saxon Merino sheep were grazed alone, or mixed together in equal numbers at each of three stocking rates. RESULTS: There was no mortality amongst Angora goats provided they grazed at the lowest stocking rate even when their CS was < or = 2.0. Mortality in flocks of Angora goats was most related to the CS reached during the preceding 2 months. For flocks of Angora goats there was no mortality at CS > or = 2.5 and mortality increased sharply at mean CS < 2.0. For individual Angora goats, mortality increased as CS declined and stocking rate and grazing combinations were additive in effect on mortality. Grazing with sheep increased mortality of Angora goats at higher stocking rates. The individual goat mortality rate was not dependent on individual plot effects suggesting that these results are applicable widely. Live weight loss was not related to mortality rates of goats once CS had been accounted for. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that CS and stocking rate were highly significant determinants of welfare risk in Angora goats.  相似文献   

This study had the aim of investigating the efficiency of timed artificial insemination (TAI) through the progesterone‐releasing intravaginal device (PRID), used in new condition and for the second and third times in Nelore cows. The effects of device reuse and body condition score (BCS) on the conception rate (CR) were evaluated in 1,122 multiparous Nelore cows (mean BCS of 2.7 ± 0.4), which were randomly distributed into three groups that received new (n = 330), once (n = 439) and twice used (n = 353) PRID. Among the 1,122 females that underwent TAI, 573 became pregnant, thus representing an overall CR of 51.06%. Cows with BCS between 2.75 and 4.0 had greater (p < .0001) CR (69.75%) than cows with BSC of 2.0–2.5 (32.98%). It was observed that the CR through using PRID was 60.00%, 51.71% and 41.93% for new, once and twice used PRID, respectively, with difference between all groups (p < .0001). Under tropical conditions, animals with BCS greater than 2.5 had a higher CR, and the CR decreased proportionally with the number of times that the PRID had been used.  相似文献   

Several methods have been proposed to advance the onset of the breeding season in horses. Most of them are based on the exposure to an artificial lighting period combined with hormonal treatments. Mares exposed to an artificial photoperiod are most often housed indoors where the ambient temperature is often higher than the outside temperature. Mares held in barns are also exposed to different daylight intensities than horses kept outside, depending on the architecture. In the current study, we evaluated the impact of ambient temperature, daylight intensity and changes in body condition score (BCS) on the timing of first ovulation after winter anestrus in mares exposed to an artificial photoperiod. Mares (n = 211) were housed in barns with different ambient temperature and daylight exposure but with the same artificial photoperiod exposure (except for a natural photoperiod control group). Artificial photoperiod as well as an increase in BCS over the winter significantly advanced the first spring ovulation. The BCS at the start and end of the anestrus period did not have an effect on the interval to first ovulation and neither did the modest increase in ambient temperature in the barn. However, a higher light intensity during the daytime significantly advanced the first spring ovulation. The results of this study suggest that exposure to more sunlight advances the onset of the breeding season. This effect is likely mediated through the biological effect of short wavelength blue light and its impact on melatonin suppression and biological rhythms. We suggest that greater/direct exposure to the blue light component of daylight improves the response to the artificial photoperiod. The results of the present study can further assist to optimize the conditions that lead to an efficient spring transition of breeding mares.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究不同脂肪原料(大豆油和黄油)对羔羊生长性能、养分消化率及屠宰品质的影响。试验选择均重(18.5±1.70)kg的公羊24只,随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复2只羊,对照组饲喂以大麦为主的基础日粮(不加脂肪),黄油组和大豆油组分别在大麦型日粮中添加3.2%的黄油、大豆油,试验开展9周。黄油和大豆油组较对照组显著提高了酸性洗涤纤维摄入量(P <0.05),同时粗脂肪摄入量也显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。与对照组相比,大豆油和黄油组显著提高了羔羊日增重和末重(P <0.05)。日粮添加脂肪较对照组显著提高了羔羊总增重(P <0.05)。大豆油和黄油组较对照组显著提高了粗脂肪表观消化率(P <0.05)。日粮添加脂肪显著提高了N的摄入量(P <0.05)。黄油组较对照组显著提高了热屠体和冷屠体重(P <0.05),大豆油和黄油组较对照组显著提高了肝脏和肾脏脂肪重量(P <0.05)。黄油组较大豆油组显著提高了最长肌重量(P <0.05),对照组和黄油组较大豆油组显著提高了腰肌系水力(P <0.05)。结论 :大麦型日粮中添加3.2%大豆油和黄油可以提高羔羊日增重、末重和屠体重,对养分消化率和胴体品质有一定改善。  相似文献   

文章旨在研究日粮添加酵母硒和酵母铬对羔羊生长性能、胴体品质、血液相关指标的影响。试验选择平均体重为(26±4.75)kg的呼伦贝尔羔羊60只,随机分为6组,每组10只,每只羊作为1个重复。日粮采用2×3多因子设计,其中2个酵母硒水平(0和0.3 mg/kg,以硒计)和3个酵母铬水平(0、0.2和0.3 mg/kg,以铬计),试验共进行12周。随着酵母铬添加水平的升高,羔羊采食量显著线性升高(P <0.05)。酵母硒组羔羊末重、总增重和日增重随酵母铬添加水平的升高显著线性升高(P <0.05)。无酵母硒组随酵母铬添加水平的升高,血浆葡萄糖水平显著线性升高(P <0.05)。血浆甘油三酯和胰岛素水平随酵母铬添加水平的升高表现为显著二次曲线效应(P <0.05)。酵母硒组血浆甘油三酯和胰岛素水平随酵母铬添加水平的升高显著线性升高(P <0.05),而血浆尿酸含量显著线性下降(P <0.05)。无酵母硒组随酵母铬添加水平的升高,眼肌面积和胴体蛋白沉积量显著线性升高(P <0.05)。酵母硒组添加酵母铬对羔羊胴体相关指标均具有显著影响(P <0.05),其中屠体重、热胴体和冷胴体重、眼肌面积和能量沉积量随酵母铬添加水平表现为显著二次曲线效应(P <0.05),而脂肪含量和脂肪沉积量显著线性降低(P <0.05)。综上所述,硒酵母与铬酵母联合使用可以提高羔羊生产性能和改善胴体组成,改善血液激素和代谢产物,从而提高羊肉品质。  相似文献   

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