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The comparative hoarding behaviour of four rodent species,Saccostomus campeslris, Desmodillus auricula-is. Tatera brantsii and T. leucogaaer was studied under semi-natural conditions after prior determination of the seed preferences of each species.

The results are consistent with all available ecological data. Desmodillus and Saccostomus are true larder-hoarders, although Desmodillus also scatter-hoards on occasion. The Tatera spp. did not hoard, but frequently covered seeds, a possible primitive form of scatter-hoarding.  相似文献   

Two basically different forms of social organisation have been discovered in the equids. Type one is represented by the plains zebra, Equus quagga, and by the mountain zebra, E. zebra, who live in non-territorial and coherent family groups and stallion groups. The young leave their original families in a set pattern. Type two comprises Grevy's zebra, E. grevyi, and the wild ass, E. africanus, species with stallions keeping large territories which they defend under certain conditions against their neighbours. There is no evidence for the existence of personal bonds between any two or more adults.

With the exception of a few small populations, equids live in areas where their food and water supplies change with the seasons. In the territorial species the females emigrate when living conditions deteriorate, whereas the territorial stallions stay behind until living conditions become critical. Thus there is a segregation of the sexes for part of the year, a factor which will certainly influence the reproductive rate. The non-territorial species, by contrast, can reproduce throughout the year.

The evolution of equine sociology is discussed.  相似文献   

Mating calls are known for 29 species of African Bufo belonging to 11 species groups. Twenty-five African species, representing eight species groups (including four groups or complexes having 2N=22) have calls which Martin (1972) termed Type I. This call type is also found in Schismaderma carens, Nectophrynoides tornieri and N. occidentalis. It is known in only four species of Bufo outside Africa and in Odontophrynus americanus which is thought to be closely related to leptodactylids that gave rise to the genus Bufo. Four African species of Bufo have Type II calls.

Geographic distribution of three call types indicates large radiations of one or two call types in South America, North America and Africa. The European and Asian Bufo faunas appear to be derived primarily from American radiations.

The radiation of bufonids in Africa appears to be equal to that of South America. An explanation of this may be that Bufo or its progenitor evolved prior to the continental separation of South America and Africa.  相似文献   

作者阐述了瘤胃内主要纤维分解菌的生物学特性、对纤维物质的降解能力,并介绍了近几年国内外对这几种主要纤维分解菌的研究进展。  相似文献   

Brown headed parrots (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus) are often seen in large feeding flocks during summer and in pairs during winter. This has led to the belief that pair bonds within the species are ephemeral, lasting as long as the breeding season. Observations of group composition and association indices are used to show that this view is mistaken. Brown headed parrots are monogamous, seasonal flock formers. The selection pressures involved in monogamy involve ecological constraints concerning the costs and benefits of mating systems and parental care. Some of these constraints are discussed in the context of the life history strategy of the brown headed parrot.  相似文献   

对华北驼绒藜、驼绒藜和内蒙古驼绒藜10个供试材料的根、茎、叶3个营养器官的横切面进行了观察,发现3种植物的叶片具有比较典型的旱生结构,根和茎中都具有异常次生结构。  相似文献   

对华北驼绒藜、驼绒藜和内蒙古驼绒藜10个供试材料的根、茎、叶3个营养器官的横切面进行了观察,发现3种植物的叶片具有比较典型的旱生结构,根和茎中都具有异常次生结构.  相似文献   

All the species of monstriliids (Copepoda, Monstrilloida) reported from African waters are listed. A new species, Monstrilla papilliremis, is described from Richard's Bay, South Africa.  相似文献   

齐代华  贺丽  周旭  刘成  闵鹏 《草地学报》2014,22(5):966-970
以三峡库区典型区域的消落带植物群落为研究对象,通过对区域内5个不同海拔段的植物群落进行样方调查,采用α多样性指数及β多样性指数进行测度,探讨该区消落带水淹梯度上的物种组成、多样性变化规律。结果表明:共有298种维管植物,隶属于82科175属,种类较少;优势种组成变化明显,Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和物种丰富度指数总体均表现为随海拔升高而升高,均匀度指数则表现为先降低后升高的趋势;βT与CN随海拔升高呈基本相反的变化趋势。  相似文献   

The aggregation capacity of human erythrocytes lies between that of the non-aggregating bovine erythrocytes and the remarkably aggregating equine ones. As the ability to aggregate is attributed to cell factors and the composition of the plasma proteins, the role that plasma proteins play in the aggregation process in these three species was studied. Washed erythrocytes were suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4, 300 mOsm/L) plus polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in a suitable concentration to obtain an average intensity of aggregation (control media). The superimposed effect of replacing 80% of the medium by either autologous plasma, serum or albumin solution was studied. The plasma proteins appeared to enhance aggregation by human and equine erythrocytes, but impaired this process in bovine erythrocytes. Some evidence was obtained supporting the existence of serum factors capable of reducing aggregation of erythrocytes in cattle and it was concluded that the non-aggregating behaviour of bovine erythrocytes may be due to the cells interacting particularly with the macromolecules in the serum.  相似文献   

采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对34头白唇鹿,58头马鹿和11头梅花鹿的血清淀粉酶同工酶进行了比较研究。结果发现:(1)3种鹿的血清淀粉酶都有AMY1,AMY2和AMY3种同工酶,但白唇鹿AMY1和AMY2同工酶的相对迁移率小于马鹿和梅花鹿;(2)3种鹿的AMY1同工酶都有AMY1F和AMY1S两种表型,以AMY1F为优势表型(分别为64.71%,68.97%和81.82%);(3)白唇鹿的AMY2同工酶存在AMY2AA,AMY2AB和AMY2BB3种表型,以AMY2AA为优势表型(50.00%);(4)马鹿的AMY2同工酶存在AMY2AA,AMY2AB,AMY2BB和AMY2O4种表型,梅花鹿存在AMY2AB和AMY2BB两种表型,以AMY2AB为优势表型(分别为89.66%和90.91%)。  相似文献   

壳斗科植物具有丰富花蜜和花粉.2007年4~7月,对云南哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林壳斗科蜜源植物开发利用的潜力进行了初步研究.在该季节,中华蜜蜂可利用的壳斗科植物主要有木果石栎、景东石栎和腾冲栲.3种植物的花期均为50天左右.放置在原始森林林缘蜂群的取蜜量明显高于放置在原始森林内和附近次生林的蜂群.一群放置在林缘、群势为5标准框的中华蜜蜂蜂群,一个花期可以取蜂蜜约5 kg.  相似文献   

杨允菲 《草业学报》1997,6(3):37-41
对拂子茅、假苇拂子茅、硬拂子茅3种拂子茅种群圆锥花序小穗的分布格局分析,结果表明,3种拂子茅种群在各节位上的小穗数均适合于Weibull分布,随着节位序的增加均呈饱和型指数增长,通过赋予各统计参数生物生态学涵义,从宏观上分析与揭示了有关生命现象与发展规律及其生物生态学机理。  相似文献   

2008年7月23日~8月5日和8月7~13日,采用目标动物取样法分别研究了4只蓝鹇(2♂2♀)、3只白鹇(1♂2♀)和5只白腹锦鸡(2♂3♀)的各种行为的发生频率进行了研究。结果发现3种雉类的各种行为类型都相似,但不同雉类间各种行为发生频次有差异。白腹锦鸡、蓝鹇和白鹇的休息行为分别在8:00、9:00和10:00达到日高峰,分别为12.05次/h、28.39次/h和14次/h。蓝鹇、白鹇、白腹锦鸡运动相关行为分别在7:00、8:00、9:00出现峰值,为19.29次/h、21.76次/h、24.90次/h;10:00蓝鹇、白鹇、白腹锦鸡的运动相关行为发生频次都出现了白昼的第一个谷值,分别为6.71次/h、9.29次/h、15.19次/h。蓝鹇、白鹇、白腹锦鸡的梳理行为9:00出现谷值分别为7.64次/h、8.05次/h、11.67次/h,10:00出现峰值分别为17.25次/h、21.19次/h、21.0次/h。3种雉鸡的采食行为的日节律相似。  相似文献   

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