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The role of Penicillia in ryegrass staggers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tremorgenic strains of Penicillium verrucosum var cyclopium, P canescens, P janthinellum, P novaezeelandiae and P estinogenum were isolated from the faeces of 15 of 23 affected sheep and cattle in eight of nine field outbreaks of ryegrass staggers. One tremorgenic strain of P griseofulvum was isolated from the faeces of one of 25 sheep grazing in unaffected flocks. Tremorgenic strains of P verrucosum var cyclopium, P canescens, P janthinellum and P estinogenum were also isolated from the A horizon of New Zealand soils. Since a large proportion of experimentally dosed live P verrucosum var cyclopium died during passage through the gut, the faecal evidence from naturally staggering animals suggests that at least some outbreaks of ryegrass staggers are caused by tremorgenic Penicillia and that their source may be soil.  相似文献   

Enhanced unstimulated release of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters aspartic acid and glutamic acid was measured in cerebrocortical synaptosomes prepared from sheep showing severe symptoms of ryegrass staggers. A similar pattern of deviation from neurologically normal animals was seen whether the sheep had contracted the disorder naturally or whether they had been deliberately caused to develop the disorder by grazing specific pastures rich in endophyte infected ryegrass. Deranged neurotransmitter release may reasonably be involved in the chemical pathology of ryegrass staggers and the findings are in accord with the putative synonymy of lolitrem toxicosis and ryegrass staggers.  相似文献   

Background The occurrence of Tribulus terrestris motor neurone disease (MND) in sheep is linked with grazing Tribulus growing on cultivation paddocks. A previous survey found that the molybdenum (Mo) content of Tribulus growing on uncultivated soils in the Coonabarabran district of New South Wales was 3.03 ppm, but on cultivated soils it was <0.04 ppm. Tribulus contains the purine, xanthosine, which functions as a neuromodulator, and the catabolism of xanthosine is Mo‐dependent. Design To investigate the relationship between xanthosine ingestion and low Mo concentration, eight sheep were fed Mo‐deficient lucerne chaff (<0.10 ppm), the Mo antagonist, sodium tungstate, and xanthosine (25 mg/kg/day) over 18 weeks and then returned to pasture. Results Signs of MND developed in two sheep 30 months later and astrocyte degeneration occurred in all sheep. Conclusion The findings were similar to those observed in sheep with T. terrestris MND, suggesting that the combination of xanthosine ingestion and Mo deficiency may be the cause of this disorder.  相似文献   

Inhalt: In den Ovarien von Schafen kommen während des Brunstzyklus in den Folli-kelwandungen Hypotaurin und Inositol in Konzentrationen von 0–7 mg % bzw. 40 mg % vor. Hypotaurin wurde auβerdem in den Eileitern von Schaf, Pferd, Rind, Schwein und Kaninchen gefunden; in zwei Fällen gelang auch der Nachweis von Hypotaurin in der Fimbrienplatte der Hündin. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daβ bei mit Progesteron bebandelten Tieren das Fehlen von Hypotaurin möglicherweise die Entwicklung und den Transport der Eier ungünstig beeinfluβt.  相似文献   

An analysis of veterinary diagnostic cases submitted to the Batchelar Animal Health Laboratory for faecal egg count reduction testing in sheep between 1986 and 1992 showed that 63% of them originated from properties carrying anthelmintic-resistant worms. Most of these cases involved resistance to a single drench type only, with the benzimidazoles being implicated most frequently. Overall, the figures suggested a frequency of occurrence of resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics of 74%, to levamisole-type anthelmintics of 23% and to benzimidazo-lelevamisole combinations of 30%. No cases of resistance to milbemycin/avermectin-type drenches were recorded.  相似文献   

This study examined the occurrence of Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii), the infectious agent of Q-fever, in sheep and sheep-ticks in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, as a possible source of infection in Q-fever outbreaks. Using PCR, we examined a total of 1066 Dermacentor ticks from 23 herds and 49 samples of tick excrement from 18 herds for C. burnetii. We found the infectious agent in one non-engorged tick and in one sample of tick excrement from the same herd, in Efringen-Kirchen (district Loerrach). Sequencing the PCR-products confirmed the amplifications as specific for C. burnetii. Further serological tests of random samples of the four districts of Baden-Wuerttemberg showed a seroprevalence from 0 to 1.4% using complement fixation test (CFT), as well as a 0.9 to 10.2% seroprevalence, using ELISA test. Serum samples from a Q-fever-suspicious herd resulted, however, in 6% (CFT) and 53% (ELISA) positive reactions. A comparison between CFT and ELISA showed both a correlation of the two test methods that increased with higher CFT titration levels and positive reactions using ELISA for 9.4% of the serums that had tested negative using CFT. The results of the present study reveal that ticks and their excrements are important vectors of transmission of Q-fever in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Investigations on C. burnetii using PCR as well as serological surveys of sheep are important instruments for diagnosis and disease control of Q-fever.  相似文献   

In a period of one year blood samples of 374 sheep of Lower Austrian flocks were examined in intervals of two months for antibodies against Maedi-Visna (MV). Further on specific attention was paid to the prevalence of MV-infection in the flocks. The antibody-titers were determined by means of agar gel-immunodiffusion test. In 5 (23.8%) of 21 flocks 45 (12.0%) of the sheep were seropositive. Seroprevalence varied within the examined breeds: 19 (27.1%) of 70 Karakul-sheep, 18 (28.1%) of 64 East-Friesian milk-sheep, 7 (9.4%) of 74 Merino sheep and 1 (0.9%) of 111 mountain sheep. None of 55 black-headed sheep showed MV seropositive reaction. Clinical symptoms of Maedi-disease were especially observed in milk-sheep and for the first time in Austria in Karakul-sheep. Unfavorable housing conditions (insufficient room, bad climatic conditions), breed specific behavior patterns (crowding of Karakul-sheep) and a high prevalence of MV infections promote a high incidence the disease.  相似文献   

The preslaughter handling and behaviour, and subsequent bruising was observed in 49 groups of sheep in a commercial slaughterhouse. A greater percentage of bruised carcases was found in lambs (71%) than in ewes (49%) (P less than 0.01). A greater percentage of severely bruised carcases was found in lambs from markets (20%) than in those direct from farms (12%) (P less than 0.05). Significant correlations were found between the occurrence of recent bruising and wool-pulls during unloading, riding by another sheep, and hits and squashes against structures at the slaughterhouse. However, even assuming that each potentially traumatic event observed in the slaughterhouse caused a bruise, only about one-quarter of the bruising could have been attributed to handling problems at the slaughterhouse. Eight-eight per cent of all bruises were estimated to have been caused within about 24 h of death, indicating that most bruising probably was caused by handling problems during loading on the farm, during transit and particularly at markets.  相似文献   

A computerised information retrieval system of abattoir pathology and meteorological data has been used to investigate the effect of prevailing weather conditions on the occurrence of pleurisy and pneumonia in the sheep population of Northern Ireland. Significant correlation coefficients were found between the percentage condemnations due to pleurisy and pneumonia in sheep and rainfall, windspeed, temperature and humidity. The most significant correlation was found with windspeed. The paper describes the calculation of a new meteorological variable, the rain/windchill factor. Very highly significant correlation coefficients were found between the percentage lung condemnations in sheep and the rain/windchill factor prevailing during the same month and both one and two months previously. The paper discusses the practical implications of these findings for sheep production and highlights the desirability of protecting sheep from adverse climatic conditions during the winter months.  相似文献   

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