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In New Zealand dairy cattle, the average gestation length is commonly accepted as 282 days. This is slightly longer than that reported in European and American studies of Jersey and Holstein or Friesian cattle (Anderson and Plum, 1965 Anderson, H. and Plum, M. 1965. Gestation length and birth weight in cattle and buffaloes: A review. J. Dairy Sci., 48: 12241235. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; O'Conner et al., 1968 O'Conner, L. K., Wood, P. D. P. and Smith, G. F. 1968. A note on the differences between geographical areas in the gestation length and birth weight of British Friesian calves. Anim. Prod., 10: 125128.  [Google Scholar]). A feature of these reports and previous New Zealand studies is the differing variation associated with the mean gestation lengths. Part of this may be due to sex, season, breed of sire, age of dam and unspecified herd effects, but is largely the result of excluding or including abnormal gestation periods. The criteria for determining normality have been rather arbitrary in most cases. Abnormally short and long gestation periods may result from disease or from incomplete data recording for conception dates.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The milk production of cows after induced parturition was compared with that of non-induced cows with similar calving dates, in 37 winter-calving, pasture-fed, commercial dairy herds in south-western Victoria. Parturition was induced when most cows were between 27 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. Milk production was compared for the lactation that commenced immediately after induction. The percentage of cows whose lactations were terminated less than 120 days after calving was increased by induction. Mean percentages for untreated and induced groups were 3.0% and 5.4%, respectively . For cows with lactations of at least 120 days duration, lactation length was not affected by the prior induction of parturition. However, milk production during the subsequent lactation was 9.0% less in induced groups. Fat and protein concentrations were not substantially affected. The reduction in milk production was not affected by stage of pregnancy when cows were induced, but tended to be greater in herds that delayed milking of induced cows .  相似文献   

Two dry-cow therapy products were evaluated in seven factory-supply dairy herds in the Waikato area. A product containing neomycin sulphate and the benzathine salt of penicillin (Neopen D.C. White; Smith-Biolab) was used in five herds, and one containing benzathine cloxacillin (Orbenin, Beecham) was used in two herds. Non-treated control cows were included in each herd. Both products were effective in eliminating intramammary infections with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, and Streptococcus agalactiae. Efficacy of dry-cow therapy against S. aureus was 83.8% and 85.2% respectively. Spontaneous cure rate among controls was 30.8% for S. aureus during the dry period. Spontaneous cure rate for Str. uberis was 50%, while dry-cow therapy eliminated 100% and 77.8%, respectively, for the two products. Dry-cow therapy with either product eliminated more than 90% of Str. agalactiae infections while spontaneous cure rate was only 28.6%. These results further support the effectiveness of dry-cow therapy in reducing the level of subclinical mastitis in dairy herds by shortening the duration of intramammary infections.  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate the distribution and causes of abortion in dairy herds across New Zealand during the 2001/2002 breeding season.

METHODS: A questionnaire survey was sent to all veterinary practices that employed members of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. Veterinarians were requested to record the numbers of dairy herds serviced by their practice in which the rate of aborting cows was zero (0%), low (1–5%) and high (6–10% and >10%), and all laboratory submissions, specimens, tests and results related to their investigation of abortions in these herds, for each category.

RESULTS: Forty-two large animal practices serving 1,431 dairy clients from all except one region in New Zealand responded. The within-herd incidence of abortion was zero in 497 herds (34.7%), low in 876 herds (61.2%), and high in 58 herds (4.1%) in the season 2001/2002. Within the high category, 0.6% herds reported abortions at a frequency as high as may be expected in epidemic abortions (>10%). Compared to other regions, the abortion incidences tended to be relatively high in Northland, Auckland and the Bay of Plenty, and low in Hawke Bay, Waikato and Nelson (p<0.001). Cases were submitted for laboratory investigation from 51/934 (5.5%) herds. Even though submission rates increased with the level of abortion, most submissions originated from herds with a low abortion rate. The main agents identified among submissions as the cause of abortion were Neospora caninum (Nc) (35%) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) (16%). Among 39 submissions from low abortion herds, 33% were suspected due to Nc and 15% to BVDV, and this was not statistically different (p>0.10) from the distribution in 13 submissions from high abortion herds (46% Nc, 23% BVDV). While cases associated with Nc were submitted in April, May and June, submissions for suspected BVDV spread evenly over the months of March to July.

CONCLUSION: In the 2001/2002 season, approximately 4% of dairy herds in New Zealand recorded a relatively high incidence of abortion (>5%) and 0.6% herds experienced an incidence of >10%. BVDV and Nc were the most frequently diagnosed agents associated with abortion, regardless of whether the seasonal incidence of abortion within a herd was low or high.  相似文献   

A spatio-temporal analysis was undertaken with the aim of identifying the dynamics of herd mean individual cow SCCs (MICSCC) in seasonally calving New Zealand dairy herds. Two datasets were extracted from the Livestock Improvement Corporation's extensive national dairy recording database: (1) milk-recording data aggregated at the herd-level and (2) sales questionnaire data containing information on the size, location and infrastructure of each farm. A Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling approach was applied to the analysis. The data were aggregated by 10 km2 grid cells and linear regression models were developed with spatially structured and unstructured random effects, a linear temporal trend random effect and spatial-temporal interactions for log-transformed median MISCC (ln(median MISCC)).

Significant associations were found between ln(median MISCC) and milk yield, milk fat, milk protein, farm area and number of cups in the dairy. This led us to suggest that SCCs should be adjusted for volume and constituents prior to determining a threshold MISCC for identification of subclinical mastitis (SCM) problem herds. Part, or all, of the temporal trend in MISCC in the spatio-temporal model was accounted for by inclusion of yield and milk constituents as independent variables. This supports the hypothesis of a dilution effect with potential consequences for misdiagnosis of SCM, particularly in late lactation. Unmeasured covariates were similarly likely to be spatially structured and unstructured.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The effects of induced parturition on calf mortality rates were studied in 24 winter-calving, pasture-fed, dairy herds in south-western Victoria. Parturition was induced when most cows were between 27 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. Control groups were selected from cows in the same herds in which calving was not induced. The incidence of mortality within 7 days of birth was much higher among calves from cows in induced groups relative to those in control groups (estimated median herd mortality incidence 72% and 7%, respectively). The incidence of calf mortality was high among groups induced at all stages of pregnancy that were investigated. However, differences in calf mortality incidence, relative to controls, were increased among groups induced at earlier stages of pregnancy.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Reproductive performance was compared between cows whose previous parturition was induced and non-induced cows with similar calving dates, in 49 winter-calving, pasture-fed, commercial dairy herds in south-western Victoria. Parturition was induced in winter when most cows were between 27 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. Reproductive performance was assessed during the next mating period after induction which was mainly in spring of the same year. Percentages of cows in induced and untreated groups that were not pregnant after the mating period (9.0% and 7.2%, respectively) did not differ significantly. Induction tended to increase the percentage of cows of unknown pregnancy status. Mean percentages for induced and untreated groups were 11.5% and 7.9%, respectively. Induced and untreated groups calved at similar intervals after the planned start of calving in the following year, and the percentages of groups that required induction in that year did not differ significantly. The direct effects of induced parturition on reproduction were therefore concluded to be minimal. In seasonal calving herds, improvements in reproductive performance could be expected among cows whose calving dates were altered substantially by induction, due to increased intervals from calving to mating start date .  相似文献   

SUMMARY The effects of induced parturition on clinical disease and mortality of cows were studied in 51 winter-calving, pasture-fed, dairy herds in south-western Victoria. Parturition was induced when most cows were between 27 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. Control groups were selected from herdmates that were not induced to calve. The incidence of retained placenta was much greater among induced cows of all ages. The proportion of cows affected by any clinical disease other than retained placenta, and the incidence of mortality were much greater after induction among cows aged over 6 years but not among cows aged 3 to 6 years.  相似文献   


New zealand holds a leading position among the world's exporters of dairy produce. In most dairying countries, mastitis is considered a major disease problem and certainly this is true in New Zealand, but until now there has been very little published evidence on the incidence of the disease in this country.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine associations between various cow-level factors and quality of first-milking colostrum (measured as Brix), and to evaluate herd-level associations between vaccination against calf diarrhoea and colostrum quality, in cows from dairy herds in the Waikato region of New Zealand.

METHODS: A single colostrum sample was collected, by complete udder evacuation, from each of 20 cows from 29 dairy herds in the Waikato region of New Zealand during the 2016 spring calving period. Vaccination pre-partum with a calf diarrhoea vaccine was used in 15 herds. Each colostrum sample was tested using a digital Brix refractometer. The body condition score of each cow was recorded at the time of sample collection and farmers provided records of clinical mastitis and facial eczema from the previous 12 months, as well as the age and breed of cows. Associations between cow-level variables in non-vaccinated herds and Brix were examined using a multivariable linear mixed model and estimated marginal means obtained for different categories.

RESULTS: Mean Brix of 281 samples from cows in non-vaccinated herds was 18.7 (SD 0.26)%; 63/281 (22.4%) samples had Brix ≥22% and 152/281 (54.1%) had Brix ≥18%. Mean Brix of colostrum samples from cows aged ≥6 years (20.2 (95% CI=19.1–21.2)%) was higher than for samples from 2-year-old cows (18.6 (95% CI=17.3–19.9)%) (p=0.005). Colostrum that was collected at the first milking on the day of calving had higher Brix (20.0 (95% CI=19.1–20.9)%) than colostrum collected from cows that calved the previous day (17.5 (95% CI=16.5–18.4)%) (p<0.001). Mean Brix of colostrum samples from cows which produced ≥8?L (18.2 (95% CI=17.1–19.2)%) tended to be lower than from cows which produced <8?L first-milking colostrum (19.1 (95% CI=18.3–20.0)%) (p=0.08). Among vaccinating herds, 9/15 (60%) had ≥60% colostrum samples with Brix ≥18% compared with 4/14 (29%) of non-vaccinating herds (p=0.04).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Colostrum quality, as measured by Brix, was associated with the total volume of first-milking colostrum, interval from calving to colostrum collection and cow age. Vaccination against calf diarrhoea was associated with a higher proportion of colostrum samples with adequate Brix. Careful selection of colostrum donor cows should ensure newborn calves are fed adequate quality colostrum which should be beneficial in preventing failure of passive transfer of IgG. Testing of colostrum from individual cows with a Brix refractometer is advocated for the selection of colostrum for feeding newborn calves.  相似文献   


AIMS: To determine if inequality in height between claws within each hindlimb of dairy cattle is a risk factor for the development of lameness and to determine the effect of preventive trimming of these claws on the subsequent risk of lameness.

METHODS: Cows (n=2,695) on three dairy farms in Canterbury, New Zealand, were examined and the height differential between their hind claws on each limb was measured. Cows were blocked by age, then breed and grouped by height differential, before being randomly assigned to either treatment or control groups. Cows in the control group were not trimmed, whilst cows in the treatment group were all trimmed according to the ‘Dutch Trimming’ method by an experienced foot trimmer. All subsequent clinical incidences of lameness were identified, recorded and classified according to five categories. The overall incidence of lameness, the effect of claw height differential on the incidence of lameness and the effect of trimming on the incidence of lameness were assessed using both GEE modelling and survival analysis.

RESULTS: The incidence of lameness identified in any untrimmed hindlimb irrespective of diagnosis, measured at a limb level and assessing the first incidence of lameness only, was 10.0% for a 6-month period from November to drying off. The predominant lesion identified was white line disease (WLD; 7.9% incidence and 78.6% of all lameness). The overall incidence of hindlimb lameness measured at cow level for the same period was 14.5%. The risk of lameness was influenced by breed (p=0.016), age (p=0.002) and claw height differential (p=0.026). There were no significant interactions. The risk of lameness was lowest where the claw height differential was 0–2 mm. The incidence of lameness in the first 70 days following trimming was higher in older cows than in younger cows (p<0.001). Trimming did not affect lameness incidence (p=0.185). The Cox proportional hazard model demonstrated that farm (p<0.001), trimming group (p=0.021); and age (p=0.021) significantly affected the median days to lameness in the first 70 days following trimming.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hind feet with lower height differentials between claws had a lower incidence of lameness. Trimming of these feet to remove the height differential did not reduce their overall incidence of lameness, but did increase days to first lameness.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the reproductive performance of beef cow herds in New Zealand and to develop reference ranges for assessing the reproductive performance of individual herds from in-calf rates, that take into account variation in the length of mating periods. METHODS: Veterinary practices throughout New Zealand involved in beef cattle work were asked to collect reproductive data from seasonally calving beef cow herds mated in the spring of 2001 through to the end of summer of 2002. An estimate of conception rate (termed calculated conception rate: CCR) was determined for each herd, assuming that the conception rate was constant for each 21-day interval of the mating period. The algebraic relationship between CCR and in-calf rate at pregnancy testing was defined for mating periods of different durations and, therefore, given the in-calf rate and the duration of the mating period, a CCR could be determined for each herd. Expected pregnancy rates were recalculated from CCR data for a range of mating period durations to produce a look-up table for assessing herd reproductive performance. Reproductive data describing regional differences in in-calf rates and CCRs, bull:cow ratios, breed characteristics, start dates of mating and durations of mating periods were summarised. The effect of study variables in explaining CCRs was examined using a general linear model (GLM). RESULTS: Data were collected from 1,005 beef cow herds distributed throughout New Zealand. The median in-calf rate for all herds was 91%, the lower quartile was < or =88% and the upper quartile > or =94%. The mean CCR for herds with complete reproductive data (862) was 55% (SD 11), the lower quartile was < or =48% and upper quartile > or =61%. Median in-calf rates for 2-year-old heifers (mated at approximately 15 months of age), 3-year-old heifers (mated at approximately 27 months of age), and mixed-age cows were 90%, 91% and 92%, respectively. The study variables that accounted for significant variation in breeding group CCR in a multivariate GLM were 'region' (p<0.01) and 'date mating commenced' (<0.01). The adjusted R2 for the model was 0.055. CONCLUSIONS: The reproductive reference range produced provides veterinarians and herd managers with a quantitative method for assessing reproductive performance of beef cow herds compared with industry averages, from in-calf rates at the time of pregnancy testing and durations of mating periods.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify and enumerate colony forming units (cfu) of mastitis pathogens in bulk tank milk (BTM) from pasture-fed New Zealand dairy cows in the Waikato region. METHODS: BTM samples from seven seasonal-calving dairy herds in the Waikato region were collected monthly from August to December 2004 (cows calved during July-September). Milk samples were cultured on blood aesculin and MacConkey agar plates for 24 h, and the number of mastitis pathogens identified and counted. RESULTS: Colonies identified in BTM included aesculin-positive streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), and coliforms; counts ranged from zero to >1,000 cfu/ml. Counts>1,000 cfu/ml for total aesculin-positive streptococci, CNS and coliforms were present in 48%, 51% and 11% of BTM samples, respectively. Counts of Staph. aureus ranged from zero to 1,000 cfu/ml, but first appeared in BTM samples only in October. Staphylococcus aureus was repeatedly isolated in BTM from 4/7 farms during the testing period. CONCLUSIONS: Counts of mastitis pathogens in this study appeared high relative to interpretive criteria set by other workers, which may indicate a high prevalence of mastitis risk factors on these farms. Interpretation of results is difficult as aesculin-positive streptococci, CNS and coliforms can be isolated from the environment as well as from cows with clinical or subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, Staph. aureus is inconsistently excreted from infected bovine mammary glands. More extensive study of this method is required in New Zealand to attempt to further validate the interpretation of results of bacterial culture of BTM. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This method may be used to monitor challenge from mastitis pathogens over time as part of milk quality control programmes. The technique may be of use as a screening test to provide information to veterinarians, affording them the opportunity to have an input into mastitis control on dairy farms in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Bovine herpes mammillitis in two New York dairy herds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bovine herpes mammillitis was diagnosed in 2 New York dairy herds. Lesions ranged from vesiculation and ulceration of large (up to 10 cm wide) areas of udder and teat skin to single small (2-3 cm wide) plaques of edema. Some lesions resembled "umbilicated pocks" characteristic of cowpox virus infections. Recently freshened heifers were the most severely affected; older cows and heifers with less turgid udders had milder lesions. In 2 cows, incurable mastitis developed. In other cows, the lesions healed by centripetal growth of epidermis into the lesions. Diagnosis was made by isolation of bovid herpesvirus 2 from lesions in both herds and by serum-neutralization testing. Virus isolated from a cow in 1 herd was injected into 9 members of the same herd and may have been responsible for the absence of lesions on these animals; all other members of the herd were affected.  相似文献   

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