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Leadership is a quality that can be learned. It is a behavior that one practices, and, after lots of practice, it becomes a habit. This is a lesson I learned from my father, who was a career pilot in the US Air Force and instilled this into me and my siblings from a very early age. It is also something I have learned in observing others. I have frequently asked why some people from certain disciplinary backgrounds seem to have an advantage in the leadership area. Think of the backgrounds of our Presidents, for example; so many of them have been attorneys. Members of Congress, as well, also frequently come from that disciplinary background. Key decision makers in government frequently come from economics backgrounds. I have also asked why this is the case. Frequently, the answer seems to be that these disciplines define themselves as being those that create leaders, not that they limit their members' aspirations. Why are so few veterinarians in leadership positions? It seems quite a paradox that they are not. The assets of an education in veterinary medicine are many. The education provides a very broad background in systems biology, medicine, and public health. There are many career paths for veterinarians. Most choose private practice, but, beyond that, career paths exist in industry, particularly the biomedical industry; in trade associations; in government and industry research; and in public health and regulatory positions. There are also many opportunities in academia, certainly in colleges of veterinary medicine but, beyond that, also in human medicine and in the biology disciplines. International opportunities also exist in governmental and non-governmental organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization at the United Nations and the World Health Organization, and in advocacy and lobbying. Veterinarians are also making news these days. The emerging zoonotic diseases that have seized headlines in papers around the world give prominence to veterinarians and the skills they bring to bear in fighting current outbreaks and preventing future outbreaks of these diseases, such as SARS, Ebola, West Nile virus, and even HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

Animal health surveillance is an ever-evolving activity, since health- and risk-related policy and management decisions need to be backed by the best available scientific evidence and methodology. International organizations, trade partners, politicians, media and the public expect fast, understandable, up-to-date presentation and valid interpretation of animal disease data to support and document proper animal health management - in crises as well as in routine control applications. The delivery and application of surveillance information need to be further developed and optimized, and epidemiologists, risk managers, administrators and policy makers need to work together in order to secure progress. Promising new developments in areas such as risk-based surveillance, spatial presentation and analysis, and genomic epidemiology will be mentioned. Limitations and areas in need of further progress will be underlined, such as the general lack of a wide and open exchange of international animal disease surveillance data. During my more than 30 year career as a professor of Veterinary Epidemiology I had the good fortune of working in challenging environments with different eminent colleagues in different countries on a variety of animal health surveillance issues. My career change from professor to Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) - "from science to application" - was caused by my desire to see for myself if and how well epidemiology would actually work to solve real-life problems as I had been telling my students for years that it would. Fortunately it worked for me! The job of a CVO is not that different from that of a professor of Veterinary Epidemiology; the underlying professional principles are the same. Every day I had to work from science, and base decisions and discussions on documented evidence - although sometimes the evidence was incomplete or data were simply lacking. A basic understanding of surveillance methodology is very useful for a CVO, since it provides a sound working platform not only for dealing with immediate questions when new or emerging disease situations arise, but also for more long-term activities, such as policy development, contingency planning and trade negotiations. Animal health issues, which emerged during my eight years as a CVO in Denmark from 1999 to 2007, will be used as examples, including BSE, FMD, HPAI and Trichinella testing. Emphasis will be placed on how science-based surveillance methodology and tools were developed, applied and documented.  相似文献   


It is a very great pleasure to be here today to deliver the Jubilee Veterinary Oration at this veterinary school, for whose staff and graduates I have a very great affection. I feel some empathy with Marc Antony whose words so well reflect my own feeling about my capacity for the task.  相似文献   

I have attempted to give insight into many of the aspects of a corporate veterinary job in the retail pet industry. Understand that these are my experiences, and corporate jobs are as diverse as the number of corporations in this field. My experiences have been positive because I have been fortunate enough to become an integral part of a company with an outstanding company ethic regarding animal care and business as a whole. This is a dream position for a veterinarian who wishes to make a far-reaching difference for animals. At PETCO I am the Animal Advocate and I do have the responsibility to look at every situation through the eyes of the animals. I take this responsibility very seriously and understand that every decision I make has a lasting impact on not only the animals we sell but also the associates who daily give their heart and soul as they care for the animals in our stores. This is the way I have chosen to make a difference in the world: by using my veterinary education as well as my life experiences in ways that are very different from the James Herriot of old-different from the advanced veterinary practices in this new millennium but steadfastly following the same principles we promised to uphold when we took the veterinary oath... Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering,the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge. I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics. I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.  相似文献   


It is with considerable hesitance that I have selected for the topic of my presidential address, a subject which has been so near to the hearts of previous presidents. For the last three months, after 12 years' fallow in the diagnostic, research, practice, and survey fields, the problems of veterinary education have become my constant companions. It is no longer possible to argue in a detached way with friends on how a veterinary surgeon should be trained—it has become essential for me to recognize clearly the main services which our profession could and should give, and, with the help of my colleagues in the Department of Medicine, to ensure that, in the subjects of anatomy, surgery, and medicine, the training given fits the students in the best possible manner for the tasks ahead.  相似文献   

Objective: To explain the regulations regarding controlled substance use, and present the veterinary practitioner with simple systems for ensuring complete regulatory compliance. Data source: United States Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Agency. Conclusions: All practitioners using controlled substances should perform mental audits and ask the following questions of their practice: can I trace the ultimate disposition of every dosing unit of controlled substances used in my hospital from purchase to patient? Are all controlled substances stored in an adequately secure location such as a locking cabinet or safe? Have I performed an actual count inventory of all controlled substances in my practice within the last 2 years? Do I have a system that will alert me to any controlled substances that have been diverted or are unaccounted for? Are all of my controlled substance invoices and order forms in an easily retrievable yet secure storage area? Do I have documented policy and procedure indicating my practice standards for compliant use of controlled substances?  相似文献   

I am extremely proud to receive the WAAVP/Pfizer Animal Health award, and particularly so in Africa, the continent where I have spent a large part of my professional life. In the nearly 40 years in research I have had the privilege and excitement of being involved with many great parasites, predators, places and people. In my early days in Kenya I saw all the great wild animal predators, but soon came to appreciate that the greatest predator of all was disease, particularly parasitic disease, with the devastating effects of tsetse and ticks and the infections they transmitted, and of the all-prevailing roundworms. I learned several key lessons while working with research teams to develop better diagnostics, to improve epidemiological understanding as a basis for rational treatment and control, and to extend the understanding of disease processes with the view to developing novel methods of treatment or prevention. The Power of Pathology in diagnosing diseases, identifying new diseases and as a major tool for pathogenic diseases. The Power of Pathogenesis in identifying key mechanisms that led to new diagnostic techniques, improved methods of treatment, and possibly to future vaccines. The Power of Application of what we already know; while recognising that molecular biology will make a massive contribution to improving animal and human health, it is important to appreciate that we already have a very powerful armamentaria to diagnose, treat, control or prevent disease, and when used properly they have been successful and cost-effective. The Power of Genetic Resistance: the recognition that certain species, certain breeds, and certain individuals within breeds possess remarkable resistance to certain parasitic diseases such as trypanosomosis and helminthosis, and that this trait is genetically correlated with production, opens up a very powerful additional approach to improving animal health. The Importance of Measurement: I completely endorse the sentiments of Lord Kelvin, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Glasgow University who stated in 1846: "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it: but when you cannot measure it, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind." This applies very much to Parasitology. The future is bright. The combination and integration of the new technologies of Biotechnology, Mathematical Methods and Bioinformatics coupled with advances in Computer Power will produce new standards in animal and human health in the 21st century. New methods of predicting, diagnosis, treating, controlling, prognosing and preventing disease will become available. WAAVP has a major role to play by ensuring that veterinary parasitologists are provided with the proper training, infrastructure and forum to advance new technologies and that the veterinary profession plays a leading role in the future direction they take.  相似文献   


Sir, —In reply to the letter of Quinlivan and Wallace in this issue, I must state that their comments give me no reason to modify or retract my comments in Surveillance (1978) No.5.  相似文献   

It is now over a hundred years since Lister's epoch making discoveries, yet many human and many more veterinary operating theatres have not advanced very much during this time. Perhaps Lister's theories were so good when applied to veterinary surgery that no further effort was felt necessary. I realise full well that economics play such an important part in our work, but this is very little excuse and very little compensation to a discriminating client if he were aware that his pet would be operated on on the kitchen table and the instruments sterilized by immersing in disinfectant.  相似文献   


Sir,—I recently added two nine-month-old heifers showing typical symptoms of lead poisoning, but when the usual search for the source was found. On my third visit the owner produced a half-chewed tape measure which he remembered having mislaid the day before the oneset of the illness of the heifers. Although not expecting it to be the source of the lead, I examined it and found a residue of silvery threads after the organic matter had been calcined. These threads, when dissolved in nitric acid and tested with a solution of potassium iodide, gave a heavy precipitate of “golden spangles” of lead iodide. The heifers had chewed about two feet of tape, which apparently contained enough lead cause the very severe symptoms. After three weeks, they are now recovering.  相似文献   


My first visit to New Zealand was in 1924, when, immediately after graduating at the Veterinary School of the University of Melbourne, I took up a first appointment to a subsidized practice in the County of Ellesmere. I was then one of fewer than a dozen practitioners, and Government veterinarians were not much more numerous. This period of about two years in practice provided a valuable part of the field experience which is so essential to a research worker. It is again a memorable occasion when, on my return 37 years later, I have the honour to address the New Zealand Veterinary Association comprising some 300 members.  相似文献   

Ovine obstetrics     
Sir,—There has recently been some correspondence in the Veterinary Record (Vol. 69, No. 15 et seq.) on the subject of Ring Womb in sheep. Whether or not one should leave the ewes to lamb in 2 or 3 days or more, as suggested by Mr. Straiton, remains debatable and can be left to those who are willing to try. However, for those who prefer to take prompt action, I would like to describe a method I have adopted in my practice. r have found that caesarian section, which is recommended for this condition, is time-consuming and is done preferably at the surgery for best results. My method can be performed quickly in the field and the results are excellent, although it necessitates culling the ewe from the breeding flock. This is not realy a disadvantage, as the condition tends to recur and thus the ewe should be culled anyway.  相似文献   

Despite its many imperfections, the peer review process is a firmly established quality control system for scientific literature. It gives readers some assurance that the work and views that are reported meet standards that are acceptable to a journal. Maureen Revington's editorial in a recent issue of the Australian Veterinary Journal (Revington2002) gives a good concise warts and all overview of the process and is well worth reading. I have some concerns about several articles in the December 2002 issue of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Volume 50, Number 6), devoted to the health and welfare of farmed deer, that relate to extensive citing of non-peer reviewed papers. I can understand the need for information to flow from researchers to the wider community but that need is already satisfied by publications such as the proceedings of the Deer Branch of the New Zealand Veterinary Association and Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. Non-peer reviewed papers have been cited in the Journal in the past but never to the extent displayed in this particular issue. It degrades the peer-review process and creates an added burden for reviewers who are forced to grapple with the uncertainties of the science in non-peer reviewed citations. One of my fears is that this process allows science from non peer reviewed articles to be legitimised by its inclusion in a peer reviewed journal and perhaps go on to be accepted as dogma. This is a real danger given the difficulties associated with tracing back to original citations and the increasing volume of scientific literature. It also affords opportunities for agencies to pick up questionable and doubtful science and tout it as support for their products or particular points of view. If deer researchers choose to publish most of their work in proceedings then so be it. However this approach, which seems to becoming increasingly prevalent in the deer sector, is questionable from an established science point of view. For my part, I am increasingly reluctant to spend time reading non-peer reviewed material, despite its appeal. At present there are two distinct baskets for scientific literature, one for non-reviewed articles and another for peer reviewed information. I would sincerely hope that we are not going to need another basket as a halfway house for issues that fall in between that classification.  相似文献   

It appears that it is expected of the incumbent President of the New Zealand Veterinary Association to impart in the address to this Conference words of wisdom that have been garnered over the years; words that should encourage, challenge and maybe chastise; and I hope to do this within an optimum concentration period for this type of talk. I have selected my subject very carefully though it contains but a single word, since I believe that it can encompass the whole range of veterinary endeavour in my time.  相似文献   

Although it is unwise to recommend any preanaesthetic drug or regimen to be used routinely without consideration for the individual patient, the procedure being undertaken or the other drugs that will be used during the anaesthetic, of all anaesthetic-related drugs that might be under review, atropine is probably one of the least 'toxic' and least likely to cause life-threatening complications when used correctly. In most small veterinary practices there isn't the luxury of a dedicated anaesthetist available to monitor and manage each anaesthetised patient and the best form of cardiac monitor available may be an audible rate monitor. In this situation the advantages combined with the usual indications probably far outweigh the disadvantages of using atropine prophylactically. If a choice must be made, a sinus tachycardia under anaesthesia is probably preferable to a profound bradyarrhythmia. Absolute contraindications for using atropine are rare; the drug, when used alone, has low incidence of toxicity at clinically recommended doses in dogs and cats. Further, the new inhalation agents available to veterinarians (enflurane and isoflurane) do not sensitise the heart to the effect of catecholamines, so that the predominance of sympathetic tone produced when atropine is used is unlikely to precipitate dysarrthythmias during gaseous anaesthesia. Rhythm disturbances that occur under halothane anaesthesia when atropine is used, suggest there is some other cause, or agent, that is arrhythmogenic, such as an alpha 2 agonist, excessively deep level of anaesthesia, hypercapnia or hypoxaemia. Notwithstanding the above arguments, my preference, as a specialist anaesthetist, is that a drug is given only as required (not before) and that when, for example, any unusual heart rhythm occurs, all possible reasons for the occurrence (such as excessively deep anaesthesia or hypoventilation) are eliminated before other drugs like atropine or antiarrhythmics are administered.  相似文献   


Mr. President, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for inviting me to address your Association this morning. Before commencing on my subject, I wish to pay tribute to your profession. The pathways of our professions have met on many occasions during the centuries we have practised our respective arts and sciences. Both professions have contributed in no mean way to the advancement of the other, and symbiotically we have advanced to the greater benefit of mankind as a whole.  相似文献   

Opening Address     

I have spoken many times over the past few years about the necessity for diversification if farmers are not to be dangerously vulnerable to changes in those overseas markets we depend on for survival. The day of “what was good enough for Grandad is good enough for me” is long past in an age when the future is seen in terms of a few years, rather than several decades.  相似文献   


It is not unusual for the President of this Association or like bodies, when delivering the presidential address, to base the views and opinions expressed on prolonged experience of some particular branch or specialist function of the profession in which he is an acknowledged expert. I can claim no expertise and can draw only on experience of a general nature gained in 25 years since qualification. All but the last four years have been in the field, and it is from this background, devoid of academic or specialist distinction, that I have the privilege of addressing this gathering, and it is fitting that my discourse should be of a general rather than an. academic nature.  相似文献   

I am very proud and pleased to be in this very room tonight to deliver the Second Annual Mark Allam Lecture. I take it to be a great honor that you invited a member of a sister profession rather than one from your own ranks to give this lecture. You will recall last year on this occasion Dean Armistead prophesized that M.D.'s and D.V.M.'s would come closer together. I hope that my presence here tonight is a good omen for that very worthwhile goal.  相似文献   

The aetiology of otitis externa is complex and several factors are involved, either as primary initiating causes or as secondary complications. In many cases, the condition is brought about by a combination of events, resulting in dynamic changes in the physiological, anatomical and microbiological state of the ear. Thus, identification of the cause in a particular case is very often impossible, impractical, or too time-consuming. Furthermore, the expense of bacteriological investigations may not be justified because the findings can be very difficult to interpret. Therefore, there are many occasions when a combination of therapeutic agents in one preparation — polypharmacy — would be advantageous as a first-line treatment. It is important, indeed fundamental, that such a medicament should be effective against all the common aetiological factors. Ideally, an antibiotic, an antifungal, a parasiticidal and an anti-inflammatory agent should be included. The results obtained in a clinical trial with a combined preparation that met the above requirements have shown that this approach to therapy is efficacious.  相似文献   

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