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The primate fauna of South Africa has historically been viewed as comprising three diurnal cercopithecoid taxa – chacma baboons (Papio ursinus), vervet (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) and samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis) – and two nocturnal lorisoid species – the thick-tailed greater galago (Otolemur crassicaudatus) and the southern lesser galago (Galago moholi). Here we report the positive identification of a third galago species within South Africa’s borders: the Mozambique dwarf galago or Grant’s galago, Galagoides granti (Thomas and Wroughton, 1907). The taxon was previously held to be restricted to Mozambique, eastern Zimbabwe, Malawi and Tanzania, but we have also observed it in the sand forest of Tembe Elephant Park and the Tshanini Community Reserve, near the Mozambique border. The species was formerly mistaken for Galago moholi, erroneously (we believe) extending the range of the latter species into northern KwaZulu-Natal. In South Africa the two small galagos are unlikely to have overlapping ranges: Galago moholi prefers dry savanna woodlands, whereas Galagoides granti is apparently confined to dry sand forest. However, both species may coexist with the larger and more widespread Otolemur crassicaudatus, an inhabitant of moist savanna, forest edge and thicket. The true South African ranges of both small galago species need to be ascertained.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(3):83-97
Throughout the Miocene, the African landscape underwent broad climatic shifts that profoundly influenced the distribution of fauna and flora. Since the late Miocene, these shifts have created a landscape in southern Africa that is strongly characterised by savanna and arid environments. Forests persist in small fragments, primarily in mountainous or heterogeneous landscapes. Arthroleptis wahlbergii is a small frog endemic to eastern South Africa that has presumed low dispersal ability. Because of its preference for forests, the dynamics of forests since the late Miocene in this region might have promoted diversification within A. wahlbergii. To investigate whether habitat fragmentation might have driven divergences among populations, we carried out species distribution modelling and population level and phylogenetic analyses using two genetic loci (16S, mitochondrial; RAG-1, nuclear) sequenced for 48 individuals from 14 forests across the c. 500 km range of this species. There is substantial population-level structuring within A. wahlbergii, however the structure does not relate to forest types or catchments. We instead propose that the structure is a result of dynamic and idiosyncratic changes in forest connectivity over the Pleistocene. We identified two geographically circumscribed clades, the northern of which corresponds to true A. wahlbergii. The southern clade corresponds to populations from which Arthroleptis wageri FitzSimons, 1930 was described. This has long been considered a synonym of A. wahlbergii, but our molecular phylogenetic and distribution modelling supports recognising A. wageri as a distinct species.  相似文献   

蒙古高原鸦葱属植物区系地理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒙古高原地处亚洲温带地区,共有鸦葱属植物11种,分属于6个区系分布类型,欧亚温带成分(1种)的存在与其蒙古高原所处地理位置在亚洲温带地区相一致,在蒙古高原的北部渗入西伯利亚成分(1种),在其东部和南部渗入东亚成分(2种),反映了该区植物区系与西伯利亚和东亚森林区植物区系的联系。黄土高原成分(1种)的出现同原植物区系与黄土高原植物区系的紧密联系。亚洲中部成分(5种)构成主体,特别是S.capito和S.grubovii为蒙古高原所特有,是该区植物在蒙古高原长期适应进化的结果,蒙古高原的雅葱属植物以旱生为主,多生于山区及沙地,其区系联系与华北最为紧密,其次是东北和东西伯利亚。  相似文献   

African swine fever continues to spread in western Russia Brucellosis outbreaks in Europe Foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks across the Middle East and north Africa continue to present a threat to Europe Highly pathogenic avian influenza H3N7 in Mexico in an area of high poultry density Continued outbreaks of HPAI H5N1 in endemic areas Information on Schmallenberg virus in ruminants in northern Europe These are among matters discussed in the international disease monitoring report for April to June 2012, prepared?by Defra's Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency.  相似文献   

S. Viljoen 《African Zoology》2013,48(4):378-387
Food utilization by three arboreal squirrels was studied with regard to feeding habits and efficiency, food preferences and chemical analyses of the food. Food selected in the field by the two forest subspecies the Ngoye red squirrel Paraxerus palliatus omatus and the Tonga red squirrel, P. p. tongensis are listed. Measurements of lengths of the different parts of their intestinal tracts indicate that the southern African arboreal squirrels are more insectivorous than tropical African squirrels. With regard to feeding efficiency, the tree squirrel P. cepapi cepapl, a savanna species, is relatively more adept at handling small seeds and the flesh of fruits, whereas the two forest subspecies mainly concentrate on the endosperm of large fruits. Chemical analyses of fruits and seeds indicate that the fat content is noticeably higher in fruits and endosperm from forests and that the protein content of savanna endosperm is higher than from the forest.  相似文献   

奶业是非洲居民重要的收入和就业来源,是重要的农业产业。2018年,非洲奶业生产总值171.22 亿美元,占畜牧业总产值的24.0%;奶牛存栏6 752.49 万头,主要集中在东非、北非和西非地区,养殖方式以散养为主,平均存栏仅3 头,部分品种仍以役用为主,牛奶生产仅是副产品,平均单产512.8 kg/头·年,年生鲜乳产量3 462.85 万t;埃及、肯尼亚和南非是主要的乳制品加工国家,加工量占非洲生鲜乳产量的近30%;2019年乳制品消费量折合生鲜乳为5 468.21 万t,鲜奶是最主要的消费品类,占60%以上,其次是奶粉和奶酪,分别占消费量(折合生鲜乳)的16%和15%,人均消费量有所下降,2019年为41.74 kg/人·年;乳制品贸易长期处于净进口趋势,2018年进口量198.72 万t,进口额48.57 亿美元,北非、西非和东非是主要进口地区。非洲奶牛养殖提升空间巨大,乳制品加工前景广阔,乳制品消费增长空间巨大,中国进一步加强与非洲奶业在奶牛养殖、乳制品加工以及奶业贸易等方面的国际合作,推动奶业走出去。  相似文献   

Previous studies characterizing the Theileria parva p67 gene in East Africa revealed two alleles. Cattle-derived isolates associated with East Coast fever (ECF) have a 129 bp deletion in the central region of the p67 gene (allele 1), compared to buffalo-derived isolates with no deletion (allele 2). In South Africa, Corridor disease outbreaks occur if there is contact between infected buffalo and susceptible cattle in the presence of vector ticks. Although ECF was introduced into South Africa in the early 20th century, it has been eradicated and it is thought that there has been no cattle to cattle transmission of T. parva since. The variable region of the p67 gene was amplified and the gene sequences analyzed to characterize South African T. parva parasites that occur in buffalo, in cattle from farms where Corridor disease outbreaks were diagnosed and in experimentally infected cattle. Four p67 alleles were identified, including alleles 1 and 2 previously detected in East African cattle and buffalo, respectively, as well as two novel alleles, one with a different 174 bp deletion (allele 3), the other with a similar sequence to allele 3 but with no deletion (allele 4). Sequence variants of allele 1 were obtained from field samples originating from both cattle and buffalo. Allele 1 was also obtained from a bovine that tested T. parva positive from a farm near Ladysmith in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. East Coast fever was not diagnosed on this farm, but the p67 sequence was identical to that of T. parva Muguga, an isolate that causes ECF in Kenya. Variants of allele 2 were obtained from all T. parva samples from both buffalo and cattle, except Lad 10 and Zam 5. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that alleles 3 and 4 are monophyletic and diverged early from the other alleles. These novel alleles were not identified from South African field samples collected from cattle; however allele 3, with a p67 sequence identical to those obtained in South African field samples from buffalo, was obtained from a Zambian field isolate of a naturally infected bovine diagnosed with ECF. The p67 genetic profiles appear to be more complex than previously thought and cannot be used to distinguish between cattle- and buffalo-derived T. parva isolates in South Africa. The significance of the different p67 alleles, particularly the novel variants, in the epidemiology of theileriosis in South Africa still needs to be determined.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):350-361
The yellow-bellied Scotophilus dinganii is the only African house bat species reported to occur in the Arabian Peninsula. Formerly, the Arabian house bats were referred to similar-looking white-bellied S. leucogaster, which differs from S. dinganii mainly by the colour of ventral pelage. We reassessed the taxonomic status of house bats from southwestern Yemen using genetic and morphological analyses. The Yemeni specimens clustered within two distantly related mitochondrial lineages of African Scotophilus: East African S. aff. dinganii, which is a paraphyletic group to S. dinganii s.str. from South Africa, andWest African S. leucogaster. This taxonomic assignation was based on published sequences of reference museum specimens. Differences in external and cranial measurements also indicated the presence of two distinct taxa in Yemen. The Yemeni and comparative Ethiopian populations of S. aff. dinganii showed close morphological similarity to the type specimen of S. nigrita colias from Kenya. Because the Yemeni and Ethiopian yellow-bellied house bats cannot be synonymized with S. dinganii, the designation S. colias is tentatively suggested for this particular East African and Yemeni lineage of the S. dinganii complex. However, final correspondence of this name with the respective populations or applicability of some of other available names must yet be explored. Based on environmental differences of the Yemeni localities of origin, S. colias appears to be ecologically delimited to mountainous habitats, while S. leucogaster to harsh lowland deserts. This is consistent with known habitats of African populations of both species.  相似文献   

In the savanna rangelands of southern Africa, the debate about land reform tends to be about the redistribution of formerly freehold ranches and fencing-off the rangeland commons into ranches for better-off African farmers. The position of those who favour privatisation has been strengthened by the belief that the only environmentally sound way to manage the range is to subdivide it into private ranches because traditional open-range pastoralism is environmentally destructive. This point of view is at variance with an ever-increasing body of research. Insufficient attention has been given to the sustainable nature of communal rangeland in savanna areas and to the needs of the poor who depend upon them. Following decades of policies that further reduced and fragmented the commonage, governments have the challenging task of developing and implementing policies for those whose livelihoods depend on more secure and sustainable access to the remaining communal rangelands.  相似文献   

Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are responsible for the transmission of a large number of pathogens to livestock and wild animals. In this study the presence of the genus, using light traps based at four different sites within the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, was investigated during 2002-2004. In total, 37 species were recorded, including large numbers of Culicoides imicola Kieffer, 1913, which is responsible for the transmission of economically important arboviruses in South Africa, Europe, Middle and Far East. These results are discussed with reference to the wider Culicoides fauna in the Onderstepoort area of South Africa, their vector competence as well as biosecurity at the National Zoological Gardens.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the susceptibility of buffaloes, cattle and goats to infection with Trypanosoma vivax transmitted either by Glossina morsitans centralis or by syringe inoculation. Three different isolates of T vivax (two from East Africa, one from West Africa) were used to compare skin reactions, parasitaemia, anaemia and the development of trypanosome-specific antibodies in buffaloes, cattle and goats. African buffaloes reared in captivity in an area free from trypanosomiasis proved to be highly resistant to infection with the three stocks of T vivax tested, irrespective of whether infection was by tsetse transmitted metacyclic forms or by intradermal or intravenous inoculation of bloodstream forms of the parasite. The bites of 19 tsetse infected with a West African T vivax stock did not cause local skin reactions, detectable bloodstream infections or antibody responses in two buffaloes. Following the bites of 120 tsetse flies infected with the same stock, two different buffaloes showed no local skin reactions, but had detectable bloodstream infections without showing signs of anaemia. Cattle and goats infected in a similar way showed severe local inflammatory skin reactions, high levels of parasitaemia and severe anaemia. The two East African stocks of T vivax caused no local skin reactions and only a transient parasitaemia in buffaloes following tsetse-transmitted infection or intradermal inoculation of bloodstream forms. On the other hand, cattle and goats infected with the East African stocks showed high parasitaemias but local skin reactions only occurred in the goats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to document recent additions to the South African barnacle (Cirripedia) fauna. New species records were obtained by examining accumulated collections of unidentified material in the Iziko South African Museum, as well as via material collected directly by the authors. Fourteen species, none of which are new to science, are added to the known fauna, raising the total number of barnacle species recorded from South Africa by over 20%, from 69 to 83 species. Ten of the additional species are offshore benthic forms and represent deep-water taxa whose ranges are extended into South African waters. The remaining four are coastal inshore or surface-dwelling species, of which three are considered recent anthropogenic introductions. The large number of additions to the fauna can be attributed to a long absence of taxonomic expertise on this group in the region and consequent accumulation of unidentified samples. A high proportion of the deep-water samples examined contained previously unreported species, suggesting that additional sampling of hard abyssal substrata in the region is certain to yield yet more new cirripede records.  相似文献   

The savanna areas of South Africa can be divided into the moist and arid savanna types according to the availability of soil moisture. Bush encroachment is a serious veld management problem in all the savanna areas and veld burning is a potential eradication technique in situations with an adequate grass cover to support an intense fire. In the moist savannas fire per se can be used to control bush encroachment but in the arid savannas it has the role of maintaining trees and shrubs at an available height and in acceptable state for browsing animals. Intense head fires applied at the end of the dormant season are used for bush eradication. The frequency of burning is relatively high in the moist savannas but is very low in the arid savannas, being usually limited to years with above average rainfall when adequate grass fuel loads can be accumulated. Veld burning provides an attractive economic and energy saving technique of solving the problem of bush encroachment in the savanna areas of South Africa.  相似文献   

为掌握辽宁省北部草地现状及群落特征,以辽河平原北部的彰武、康平、昌图、法库4县确权草地为范围,通过2年的野外详查,分析草地植被特征,并重新划分草地类型,运用ArcGIS 10.0软件勾绘出草地分布图。结果显示:25个调查样地共出现164种植物,隶属46科129属。根据水热、地形及植物群落结构特征,将调查区草地划分为疏林草地类、暖性灌草丛类和低平地草甸类3大类。其中,疏林草地类所含物种数最丰富,占到了总物种数的71.3%;疏林草地类和暖性灌草丛类以旱生植物为主,低平地草甸类湿生和水生植物相对较多。3类草地共出现8个草地型,疏林草地类2个,暖性灌草丛类3个,低平地草甸类3个,且均有乔木和灌木。与80年代相比,披碱草(Elymus dahuricus)、野古草(Arundinella anomala)、荻(Triarrhena sacchariflora)等中生植物占优势的草地型已消失,糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)等旱生植物的优势度有所增加,典型草原旱生植物分布区向东扩展。3类草地的分布具有明显的区域性差异:彰武县以疏林草地类为主,昌图县以暖性灌草丛类为主,而康平和法库县则以低平地草甸类为主。4县共出现草地斑块11 250块,其中50亩以下的占81.2%,100亩以上的仅占8.8%,草地分布零散而面积小。  相似文献   

Camels are the most valuable livestock species in the Horn of Africa and play a pivotal role in the nutritional sustainability for millions of people. Their health status is therefore of utmost importance for the people living in this region. Streptococcus agalactiae, a Group B Streptococcus (GBS), is an important camel pathogen. Here we present the first epidemiological study based on genetic and phenotypic data from African camel derived GBS. Ninety-two GBS were characterized using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), capsular polysaccharide typing and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing. We analysed the GBS using Bayesian linkage, phylogenetic and minimum spanning tree analyses and compared them with human GBS from East Africa in order to investigate the level of genetic exchange between GBS populations in the region. Camel GBS sequence types (STs) were distinct from other STs reported so far. We mapped specific STs and capsular types to major disease complexes caused by GBS. Widespread resistance (34%) to tetracycline was associated with acquisition of the tetM gene that is carried on a Tn916-like element, and observed primarily among GBS isolated from mastitis. The presence of tetM within different MLST clades suggests acquisition on multiple occasions. Wound infections and mastitis in camels associated with GBS are widespread and should ideally be treated with antimicrobials other than tetracycline in East Africa.  相似文献   

Intestinal helminths are reported from four species of scincid lizards from southern Africa: Mabuya occidentalis, Mabuya spilogaster, Mabuya striata and Mabuya variegata. The helminth fauna consisted of one species of Cestoda, Oochoristica truncata and five species of Nematoda, Abbreviata paradoxa, Maxvachonia dimorpha, Parapharyngodon rotundatus, Spauligodon petersi and Thubunaea fitzsimonsi. All findings represent new host records. Ascarid larvae were also found. It appears that Mabuya is infected by generalist helminths that occur in other species of African lizards.  相似文献   

Partial 1D gene characterization was used to study phylogenetic relationships between 17 serotype O foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viruses in Ethiopia as well as with other O-type isolates from Eritrea, Kenya, South and West Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America. A homologous region of 495 bp corresponding to the C-terminus end of the 1D gene was used for phylogenetic analysis. This study described three lineages, viz. African/Middle East-Asia, Cathay and South American. Within lineage I, three topotypes were defined, viz. East and West Africa and the Middle East-Asia together with the South African isolate. The Ethiopian isolates clustered as part of topotype I, the East African topotype. Two clades (based on < 12 % nucleotide difference) A and B were identified within the East African isolates, with clade A being further classified into three significant branches, A1 (80% bootstrap support), A2 (89% bootstrap support) and A3 (94% bootstrap support). Clade B consisted of two Kenyan isolates. Within topotype I, the 17 Ethiopian isolates showed genetic heterogeneity between themselves with sequence differences ranging from 4.6-14 %. Lineage 2 and 3 could be equated to two significant topotypes, viz. Cathay and South America. Comparison of amino acid variability at the immunodominant sites between the vaccine strain (ETH/19/77) and other Ethiopian outbreak isolates revealed variations within these sites. These results encourage further work towards the reassessment of the type O vaccine strain currently being used in Ethiopia to provide protection against field variants of the virus.  相似文献   

大兴安岭北部草本沼泽30个群系共含维管植物99种,分属于37科73属。多年生草本占绝对优势,共66种。区系地理成分以北温带种、旧大陆温带种和东亚种占优势。群落类型多样,区系组成单纯,种类贫乏,群落结构简单,生产力高。  相似文献   

Notable diversity observed within African ovine breeds makes them of great interests, but limited studies on genetic origins and domestications remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the evolutionary status of West African native breeds, Djallonke and Sahelian sheep using mitogenome sequencing. Compared with other ovine mitogenome sequences, West African sheep were revealed a Eurasian origin, and the initially tamed sheep breeds in West Africa have been genetically mixed with each other and mixed with European breeds. Worldwide domestic sheep is deemed the Eurasian origin and migrated west to Europe and Africa and east to the Far East, in which dispersed and received selection for acclimation to autochthonic environment independently and ultimately evolved into different native breeds, respectively. Our results contribute to the comprehensive understanding of the domestic sheep origin and reveal multiple postdomestication genetic amelioration processes.  相似文献   

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