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沈从文先生不仅是一位“乡土文学”大师,而且其创作的都市文学也独特而深刻,成为他所构筑的文学世界中又一坚实的轴心。作家的都市文本以独特的透视视角、鲜明而激切的批判姿态,书写都市人在畸形的现代文明围困中生命力萎缩退化与人性被异化扭曲。沈从文试图用一种“生命哲学”去探究重建民族文化的途径,呼唤自然人性的复归,其都市小说在整个现代都市文学中彰显出独异而深远的价值和意义。  相似文献   

作为我国历史上最伟大的现实主义诗人,杜甫的诗具有极为丰富的社会内容、鲜明的时代特色和强烈的政治倾向。在他的全部作品中,咏马诗颇具特色,历来为人称道。他的诗突破了前人咏物仅对外在形貌作具体细腻描写的传统,借马言志、托马抒怀、寓情于物,使人、马浑然一体,具有丰富的比喻与象征意义,从而达到外秀内美的境界。  相似文献   

Prof. C. Krause spent six years in Bulgaria, from 1928 to 1934. He officially assumed his position on October 10, 1928, as he delivered his opening lecture titled About the past, present and future of the general pathology and pathological anatomy. He worked skillfully and with utmost devotion on the organization of the department of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy at the Veterinary Faculty. The educational process normalized. Seven students completed their doctoral theses under his leadership and first research assistants were prepared. He lay the foundations of the pathoanatomical museum in his department. Prof. Krauseus contributions to the development of the pathological anatomy in Bulgaria both as a scientific discipline and as a veterinary practice are substantial. In 1939, Prof. Krause received the highest honour for his work in Bulgaria - he was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa of veterinary medicine of the Sofia University.  相似文献   

19世纪法国伟大的启蒙思想家让·雅克·卢梭提出培养“自然人”的教育目标,引起了广泛而持久的争议。在冷静思索卢梭关于人类社会及其文明异常激烈的批判之际,综合分析他的感性观、理性观和自然观三者之间的辨证关系,有助于更深刻地认识和理解他倾注了毕生精神与情感而为之奋斗的事业——人的解放。今天的教育力图冲破普遍理性主义的樊笼,追求个人自由完整的发展以及个人与他者、与世界和谐共处的可持续发展,正可以从两百多年前卢梭通过“自然人”而描绘的教育理想中得到启示。  相似文献   

Before the time that certified veterinarians from the Veterinary School of Utrecht became available, assistance with difficult parturitions of farm animals often was given by experienced cow doctors. Such a cow doctor was W. Munter, who practised at one of the islands of South-Holland. He had obtained a license for veterinary practice after being examined by the socalled Leyden Commission, in 1808 installed by King Louis Napoléon. In 1829 Munter communicated several of his case stories to Alexander Numan, director of the Veterinary School. These are edited and commented here. They shed light on the obstetrical problems Munter met in his practice and on the manner he solved them, and also on his views on the backwardness of many of his clients. It is concluded that Munter had a good practical knowledge and that he worked with accuracy.  相似文献   

延清是近代蒙古族现实主义诗人,他在庚子事变时期所写的诗被时人誉为“诗史”,将他和杜甫等量齐观,给予了很高的评价。他的诗记录了庚子事变这一特定历史事件,从义和团进京、八国联军在北京烧杀抢掠、到战后的议和等各个方面都从一个亲历者和见证者的角度,予以全面真实的记录,与史实高度一致,而且更有很多正史所未载的事实,能补正史之不足。他在记史的过程中往往融入自己强烈的主观感情,表达自己忠君爱国报效国家的情愫。他的诗是近代国难文学的代表,是清末诗史。  相似文献   

Erxleben could be regarded as the founder of the modern, systematic and scientific training of verterinary surgeons in Germany. Thanks to an open-minded up-bringing and a large interest in other scientific fields beyond his medical studies he acquired the ideal basis to turn veterinary medicine into a subject at university. He acquired his knowledge in veterinary medicine by reading numerous veterinary books and by visiting the Netherlands and France and the expert of horses Johann Baptist von Sind. Since 1770 he started with veterinary lessons. When planning his teaching, he tried to avoid the mistakes made by the first schools in France. In order to do so he attached a great importance to a fundamental but practical training. Erxleben also wrote two volumes about veterinary medicine, which he used as a literary basis for his lessons.  相似文献   

国内对英国作家福斯特的小说研究主要集中在他的人文主义思想、反殖民主义意识和构建和谐人际关系等方面。由于福斯特对同性恋关系的隐蔽书写使得大多数人误读了贯穿于他大部分作品中的男男“连接”的真实含义。本文从同性恋的视角拟对他的自传体小说《最漫长的旅程》进行解读,发掘出隐藏在异性恋关系和男男友谊中的同性恋欲望和关系,从而对作家倡导的“唯有联结”的思想有更正确的认识。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代是决定中华民族生死存亡的战争时期,此时作为“九叶诗派”主要成员的穆旦,一方面用诗歌表达着自我意识与现实世界矛盾冲突时的愤怒、痛苦,另一方面又表达了他对充斥着战争、饥饿、灾难和死亡的社会现实的敏锐感受。在《赞美》中,年青的诗人关注着这场残酷的战争,忧虑着我们民族的命运,以富有象征意味的语言歌颂了缔造我们这个悠久民族的劳动者,表达出作者在苦难岁月里的激情和沉思。诗歌在艺术上融传统与现代为一炉,密集铺排的意象大大增强了诗歌的形象性,同时也显示了作者高超的现代技巧。  相似文献   


Tommy Hankin was born in 1888. He graduated from the Melbourne Veterinary School in 1914. He soon joined the A.I.F. and served in the war as Veterinary Officer in Egypt and in France. After the war he went to Edinburgh and obtained his M.R.C.V.S. and then returned to New Zealand and set up practice in Pukekohe. In 1927 he joined the Department of Agriculture as a Veterinarian and was stationed successively in Wanganui, Masterton and Whangarei before his appointment as Livestock Superintendent, Auckland, where he stayed until his retirement in 1953. After he retired he moved to Pukekohe and was kept busy with land and livestock until his sudden death on November 1, 1971.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is described in a champion pacer which earlier had been named Australian Harness Horse of the Year as a 3-year-old in 1986-87. Prior to conversion atrial fibrillation had been present for at least 6 weeks, during which the horse had not raced. Successful treatment was achieved with two 10g doses of quinidine sulphate per oesophageal tube, after slow digitalisation with intravenous digoxin over 4d. Four hours after commencement of quinidine therapy the arrhythmia had regressed to atrial flutter and converted to sinus rhythm 10 min later. Considering his age, standard of racing and high reputation the horse's overall performance as a 5-year-old after conversion from atrial fibrillation appeared comparable to his previous performance as a 4-year-old before the disorder occurred. In one of the wins since his return to sinus rhythm, the horse recorded his fastest winning speed and created a new track record at the major Melbourne racetrack. The absence of abnormalities of atrial and atrio-ventricular conduction after the cessation of the arrhythmia, together with the horse's return to successful racing, indicate that this was case of atrial fibrillation occurring as a functional disorder without persistent atrial pathology.  相似文献   


It is with deep regret that we learn of the death at Palmerston North, in his eighty-first year, of William Maurice Webster. ‘Wally’ as he was affectionately known, really had no desire to enter the veterinary profession, but his father (himself a veterinarian and farmer from Wiltshire County in England) was a man of firm views concerning the career his son should follow. It was thus that in 1922, after 4 years study at the Royal Dick Veterinary College and Edinburgh University, the young Webster completed concurrently the necessary qualifications for both Membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the Bachelor of Science degree, the latter with a major in medical physiology.  相似文献   

A six-year-old male silkie terrier presented with a history of chronic vomiting. A diagnosis of gastric outflow obstruction was made using contrast radiography of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Surgical examination of the stomach revealed thickened pyloric antral mucosa. A Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty combined with resection of the hypertrophic pyloric mucosa were performed to increase the patency of the pyloric lumen. The dog recovered well from surgery and his condition remained stable until the sixth day postoperatively when his condition deteriorated rapidly resulting in his death that night. At autopsy a perforated gastric ulcer was found in the cardiac region of the pylorus with evidence for a generalised peritonitis. An association between gastric outflow obstruction and gastric ulceration has been reported in human clinical literature and in canine experimental models. No such association has been previously documented in the veterinary clinical literature.  相似文献   

The Jewish physician Dr. med. Max Flesch, a student of the Würzburger anatomist Albert von K?lliker (1817-1905), was professor of anatomy, histology and embryology at the School of Veterinary Medicine in Bern from 1882-1887. He was the first at that school who unified the three anatomical fields in one hand. From his Institute came Oskar Rubeli (1861-1952) who was also his successor. From 1888 on Max Flesch was engaged as practitioner and later as gynaecologist. During the First World War he proved his worth as a hospital physician. After the war he most likely was working for another decade in his practice in Frankfurt before retiring in Hochwaldhausen at the Hessian Vogelsberg. During his retirement Flesch published his experiences as 1 nurse and hospital physician, respectively during the wars 1870/71 and 1914-1918. With the assumption of power by the National Socialists the living conditions for Jews in Germany radically changed; also Max Flesch became victim of the Nazi racism. Although very old he was carried off 1942 into the concentration camp Theresienstadt where he lost his life in May 1943. We owe Max Flesch honourable remembrance.  相似文献   

The periodical, Veeartsenijkundig Magazijn, that Numan had started in 1828 caught the attention of a surgeon in a small town in the neighbourhood of Middelburg. In his two letters he tells about his experiences in animal healing, leaving it to Numan which use he eventually might make of these observations. In the first letter (1829) he tells how he as a ship's doctor was shipwrecked in the Indian Ocean, and after being put ashore on a small island, had successfully performed an operation on an ass, suffering from a very large praeputial tumor. In his second letter (1830) he tells about his practice in Arnemuiden where he settled after leaving the navy. As there were no trained veterinarians in the surroundings, he extended his care also to animals. l.a. he reports on a case of a cow suffering from an enlarged heart, and this item was, indeed, published by Numan. A biographical sketch of Van Opdorp is added. His name is known in the medical history of The Netherlands, because he was the most fervent adherent of the teachings of Broussais, a professor of medicine in Paris. Although these teachings found many followers in the French-speaking countries, the propaganda made by Van Opdorp through a periodical, devoted to this so called physiological medicine, did not meet with success in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

在中国现当代文学中,沈从文绝对是一个不容忽视的作家。他的作品丰富、体式多样,而最能代表他创作艺术水准的是他的小说,特别是他成熟期的许多小说。这些小说的结尾留下了许多“空白”,这些“空白”既包含着传统的美学意蕴,又体现了沈从文对现代文明的反思。  相似文献   


It is with regret that we learned that Thomas Arnold Blake passed away at his home in Hamilton on September 16, 1966, in his 85th year.  相似文献   

人生短暂,贵在把握现在。只有把握好现在的人才能叱咤风云,报效家国。提倡当代大学生应在遵纪守法、敬、德、责任、乐观、智慧和健康等方面及时修身,作优秀学子。  相似文献   

东北马鹿与天山马鹿杂交F_1茸重性状的杂种优势率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用本交和人工授精方法,用选育的东北马鹿母鹿与天山马鹿特级种公鹿杂交( 简称东天杂交) ,对东天杂交 F1 茸重性状及其杂种优势进行了观测,结果表明,本交获得的112 只1 ~5 锯 F1 头茬茸鲜重平均为4193 kg ,对双亲的3997 kg 的杂种优势率为49 % ( P< 005) ,比母本的提高529 % ;人工授精获得的55 只1 ~3 锯 F1 头茬茸鲜重平均为3710 kg ,对双亲的3327 kg 的杂种优势率为1002 % ( P< 001) ,比母本的提高465 % 。  相似文献   

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