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驼鹿(Alces alces cameloides)属国家II级保护动物,是典型的亚寒带针叶林代表物种,多栖息于原始针叶林和针阔混交林中,是世界现存鹿科动物中个体最大的物种,驼鹿肉可食,皮可制革,用作皮衣、皮靴原料,其筋、鞭、胎、茸均可入药,犴鼻是大、小兴安岭三大珍品之一,属上等美味佳肴,在国内外久负盛名.驼鹿在我国主要分布在东北地区大、小兴安岭北部和乌苏里江流域,新疆北部的阿尔泰山区还有少数分布.小兴安岭林区分布的属于远东驼鹿;新疆北部的阿尔泰林区主要分布的是欧洲驼鹿.  相似文献   

驼鹿茸角的生长及营养成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
驼鹿Alces alces仅公鹿俱角,角粗壮,多成掌状,亦有枝状,角尖距离达70厘米,最大距离2.048米。 驼鹿为环北极动物,广泛分布在欧亚北部及北美北部。在我国主要分布在大兴安岭及小兴安岭北部和西部。目前,随森林面积的减少过度猎捕,驼鹿种群呈明显下降趋势。目前,全国只有1万只左右,亟待保护。 驼鹿是传统狩猎动物,其肉、乳、筋、鞭、皮均具有较高的经济价值;尤其是其茸角营养丰富,入药功效不亚于马鹿Cervus elaphus和梅花麝Cervus nippon茸。加之,人们对野生野味的追求,野生驼鹿茸大有代替家养马鹿,梅花鹿茸的趋势,尤其驼鹿茸精及其它产品深受俄罗斯,北欧及东亚各国的欢迎,产品供不应求。为了解驼鹿茸角的营养和药用成份,特观察了驼鹿茸(角)的生长规律,并分析了其氨基酸及矿物质含量,现整理发表。  相似文献   

<正>大兴安岭西坡北部的内蒙古汗马国家级自然保护区,是中国少有的区内无人定居的自然保护区,珍藏着中国北方典型的明亮针叶林。在这广袤的寒温带针叶林中,栖息着貂熊、紫貂、棕熊、猞猁、原麝、黑嘴松鸡等珍稀寒温带森林湿地动物,包括驼鹿、马鹿、西伯利亚狍和原麝等大型偶蹄类动物,其中驼鹿是中国北方最大的动物,是汗马保护区的标志性物种。驼鹿身形巨大,成年体重愈千斤,堪称鹿科中的"巨人"。它因身躯及4条腿与骆驼相似,高耸的肩部似驼峰,因此得名  相似文献   

正1010个国家森林公园总体规划获批国家林业局日前发文,批复同意内蒙古红山、浙江梁希、江西三百山、山东东阿黄河、湖南福音山、湖南湘江源、湖南五尖山、重庆天池山、黑龙江威虎山等10个国家森林公园总体规划。6我国首次同时监测到6只驼鹿地处大兴安岭北部的汗马国家级自然保护区,其原始、稳定、完整的森林生态系统庇护着我国珍稀的寒温带森林湿地动物群。驼鹿是国家二级保护动物。我国驼鹿种群分布很少并且是亚洲最南部的种群,弥足珍贵。  相似文献   

鹿是鹿科动物的总称,有人称鹿为经济动物,有人称鹿为药用动物,都说明鹿的经济价值很高。世界上有鹿科动物47种,我国有鹿科动物9属16种,它们是斑鹿属的斑鹿;鹿属的梅花鹿、水鹿(黑鹿)、白唇鹿、马鹿、泽鹿(坡鹿);麋鹿属的麋鹿;狍属的狍;驼鹿属的驼鹿;驯鹿属的驯鹿;麂属的黑麂、小麂、赤麂;毛冠鹿属的毛冠鹿;獐属的獐(河麂)。  相似文献   

陈永生 《森林与人类》2003,23(12):36-37
大熊是大自然的孑遗物种,历史上,在我国很多地方都有分布,但现在,仅生活在四川、陕西、甘肃交界的狭小地带,生态、科研价值无与伦比,被誉为国宝。大熊猫曾经是肉食性动物,随着食物退化,如今成了“素食主义者”,主要食物是箭竹。  相似文献   

正中国泰加林最大的哺乳动物非驼鹿莫属。驼鹿是典型的北方针叶林食草动物,我国新疆阿尔泰山区和东北大兴安岭林区均有分布。我国泰加林冬季最低气温可达-53℃甚至更低。极寒之下,仍然生活着一些顽强的野生动物,比如驼鹿。世界上体型最大的鹿科动物驼鹿是泰加林的"常住居民",  相似文献   

在我国西南边陲百色市靖西县与越南北部高平省重庆县交界处,有一片热带季节性喀斯特雨林。这里生活着曾一度被认为在我国已绝迹50多年的珍稀物种、国家一级保护动物——东黑冠长臂猿。  相似文献   

黑龙江省地处中国最北部,地理位置和自然条件特殊,是东西伯利亚、满洲和蒙古三个植物区系的交汇处,其珍贵、稀有、特产和奇观树种繁多,是我国树木种质资源的宝贵财富。许多种为国内分布的中心,在中国天然林保护、造林、园林绿化、环境保护、树木分类和物种基因资源研究中具有重要意义,应切实加强保护管理和合理开发利用。我们经过多年教学、生产实践,在全省林区和各地考察,收集标本、资料并进行分析归纳。将黑龙江省珍稀奇特的树种归纳为22科43属100种(变种、变型)。1红松(Pinuskoraiensis),分布于小兴安岭、完达山、…  相似文献   

扬子鳄属国家一级保护动物,野生仅存150条,是世界公认的全球最濒危的物种之一。  相似文献   


An extensive literature is available on browsing preference for certain tree species. However, useful predictive tools for estimating the impact of deer on forests production and biodiversity can still be improved. A step in that direction is not only to rank preference among tree species but also to quantify the relative risk of being browsed. The foraging selectivity of moose was evaluated using three different statistical methods developed to study habitat utilization. The general pattern for the three methods was consistent. From the results, groups of forage species were clustered and a quantitative index of selectivity was calculated for the groups. The selectivity index showed that rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), willow (Salix ssp.) and aspen (Populus tremula) had a 14 times higher probability of being browsed than a group consisting of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and downy birch (Betula pubescens), while juniper (Juniperus communis) and silver birch (Betula pendula) had a 3.5 times higher probability than Scots pine and downy birch. Since the most preferred species were the least abundant, one should be cautious about the generality of the index between areas, as it may indicate that preference depends on plant species composition. The method used can easily be applied in forest management. Information on quantitative selectivity indices may improve the possibility of managing moose in accordance with acceptable browsing damage.  相似文献   


The incidence of recent moose browsing of the main stem on young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees, and correlations with tree or stand characteristics, were examined using data from a large-scale survey in Sweden. On average, 10% of all Scots pine main stems showed one or more types of recent damage, with browsing of the apical leader accounting for about 75% of all damage recorded. Stripping of bark off the main stem occurred most frequently in the southern area, where site productivity is highest. Apical leader browsing was negatively correlated with height of the main stems, length of the apical leader and incidence of pre-commercial thinning, whereas bark stripping and stem breaking were positively correlated with the same variables. All types of recent stem damage correlated positively with the extent of previous stem damage and also with the extent of recent browsing of lateral shoots.  相似文献   


In order to maximize food intake per harvesting effort and minimize energy expenditures required to move between feeding patches in nature, herbivores such as moose (Alces alces L.) generally select large plant shoots when browsing in winter. To determine moose preferences for shoots of different morphologies, an experiment was conducted in northern British Columbia in which shoots from birches cut at different times of the growing season were fed in 2 consecutive years to eight human-habituated moose in cafeteria-style feeding trials. The results indicate that moose preferred smaller winter shoots of birches regardless of when the parent plant was cut and also appeared to reject larger shoots containing sylleptic branches. It is argued that the preferences for smaller shoots by moose detected in these trials should be observable under natural conditions, but are generally only supported by literature from some parts of Scandinavia. The findings underscore the importance that factors such as mouth filling per harvesting effort, snow depth and consistency, predators and browse patch distribution must have on foraging decisions made by moose while browsing in the wild. Implications of the findings include the significance of cutting time on the size of shoots produced by birch after cutting, how this affects moose browsing birch and, subsequently, how managers can theoretically use cutting time as a tool in forest cleaning operations to direct the foraging efforts of moose towards or away from forest plantations.  相似文献   

Moose (Alces alces cameloides) is typically representative of the fauna of the frigid temperate zone and has been put on the Chinese second priority list of protected animals. The moose of northeast Ch...  相似文献   


In Scandinavia, moose (Alces alces L.) sometimes cause severe browsing damage to economically-important pine. Moose-vehicle accidents have spurred construction of fences along roads, and these may interfere with moose migration between summer and winter ranges, or the road alone may be a barrier. If this happens and moose build up along roads, landowners may suffer economically. Therefore, this study investigated whether roads, fences or other factors influence the use of young pine stands by moose. Eighty stands along roads in northern Sweden were evaluated in which individually-browsed branches were counted on 9972 pines. Moose browsing was not significantly related to birch (Betula pendula Roth, B. pubescens Ehrh.) density, nor did it differ between pines (Pinus contorta Douglas or P. sylvestris L.). However, increased pine density, site productivity and proximity to a highway were associated with increased browsing. Further large-scale studies are needed to understand moose habitat selection and the effects of roads.  相似文献   

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