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森林生态系统适应性管理的理论概念框架与模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在研究森林生态系统适应性管理的基础上,对森林生态系统的适应性管理特征进行了分析,提出并建立了脆弱森林生态系统适应性管理的基本理论与概念框架;结合多智能体的特点和森林生态系统适应性管理的要求,构建了基于多智能体技术的森林生态系统适应性管理的总体结构模型,并初步阐述了模拟计算和分析方法。  相似文献   

试论森林生态系统是一类复杂适应性系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了复杂适应性系统理论产生的背景、概念和核心思想, 进而指出其在解决当代资源与环境问题以及生物、生态、经济、社会等复杂系统及复杂性管理中的开拓性意义; 从森林生态系统的特点出发, 说明其是一类复杂适应性系统, 指出该理论对于研究森林生态系统的复杂性与林业生态建设的重大意义。  相似文献   

A study on the perception of vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change (CC) was realised among 27 small private forest owners (SPFOs) of a region in southern Quebec. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with SPFOs of diverse profiles to better understand their perception of environmental disturbances and their needs to improve forest management in relation to global change and more precisely to CC. The main purpose of the research was to better understand whether perceptions of vulnerability and adaptive capacity to CC can constitute a barrier to proactive actions toward adaptation. Qualitative data shows a spectrum of attitudes and perceptions which highlight how SPFOs identify different potential and actual disturbances and assess the risk they represent for their forest-based activities. It shows how place-based experiences of environmental disturbances shape perceptions of vulnerability and capacity to adapt to disturbances. Factors such as access to financial resources and perceived resilience of forest ecosystem influence perceived adaptive capacity. Most SPFOs who participated in the research do not perceive their forest or forest-based activities to be vulnerable to CC, which may constitute a barrier to proactive adaptation to CC. The awareness of CC as a general phenomenon does necessarily translate into adaptation in forestry practices. Yet, many participants expressed a need for better access to knowledge and financial support to improve adaptive capacities to CC and broader environmental or economic stressors.  相似文献   

Scaling is widely recognized as a central issue in ecology. The associated cross-scale interactions and process transmutations make scaling (i.e. a change in spatial or temporal grain and extent) an important issue in understanding ecosystem structure and functioning. Moreover, current concepts of ecosystem stewardship, such as sustainability and resilience, are inherently scale-dependent. The importance of scale and scaling in the context of forest management is likely to further increase in the future because of the growing relevance of ecosystem services beyond timber production. As a result, a consideration of processes both below (e.g. leaf-level carbon uptake in the context of climate change mitigation) and above (e.g. managing for biodiversity conservation at the landscape scale) the traditional focus on the stand level is required in forest ecosystem management. Furthermore, climate change will affect a variety of ecosystem processes across scales, ranging from photosynthesis (tree organs) to disturbance regimes (landscape scale). Assessing potential climate change impacts on ecosystem services thus requires a multi-scale perspective. However, scaling issues have received comparatively little attention in the forest management community to date. Our objectives here are thus first, to synthesize scaling issues relevant to forest management and second, to elucidate ways of dealing with complex scaling problems by highlighting examples of how they can be addressed with ecosystem models. We have focused on three current management issues of particular importance in European forestry: (1) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration, (2) multi-functional stand management for biodiversity and non-timber goods and services and (3) improving the resilience to natural disturbances. We conclude that taking into account the full spatiotemporal heterogeneity and dynamics of forest ecosystems in management decision-making is likely to make management more robust to increasing environmental and societal pressures. Models can aid this process through explicitly accounting for system dynamics and changing conditions, operationally addressing the complexity of cross-scale interactions and emerging properties. Our synthesis indicates that increased attention to scaling issues can help forest managers to integrate traditional management objectives with emerging concerns for ecosystem services and therefore deserves more attention in forestry.  相似文献   


Climatic warming may lead to increased or decreased future forest productivity. However, more frequent heat waves, droughts and storms and accompanying pathogen attacks are also expected for Europe and are considered to be increasingly important abiotic and biotic stress factors for forests. Adaptive forestry can help forest ecosystems to adapt to these new conditions in order to achieve management goals, maintain desired forest ecosystem services and reduce the risks of forest degradation. With a focus on central Europe, this paper presents the following management strategies: (1) conservation of forest structures, (2) active adaptation, and (3) passive adaptation. The feasibility and criteria for application of the different strategies are discussed. Forest adaptation may entail the establishment of “neonative” forests, including the use and intermixing of native and non-native tree species as well as non-local tree provenances that may adapt better to future climate conditions. An integrative adaptive management concept is proposed that combines (1) species suitability tests and modelling activities at the international scale, (2) priority mapping of adaptation strategies at the national to regional scale, and (3) implementation at the local scale. To achieve this, an international experimental trial system is required to test suitable adaptive measures throughout Europe and worldwide.  相似文献   

Evaluating sustainability in forest management requires decision makers to consider multiple, conflicting definitions in an environment of risk, uncertainty, and incomplete or non-quantitative information. Zadeh's fuzzy set theory provides a rigorous, flexible approach to the problem of defining and evaluating sustainability and comparing alternative scenarios. We discuss how fuzzy set concepts can be used to better manage for goals such as sustainability, equity, and ecosystem health. We then show how a simple tabular technique using fuzzy sets can be used to compare management alternatives, incorporate multiple objectives, and identify knowledge gaps and areas of disagreement. The simplicity and flexibility of this technique provides needed support for more explicit, objective decisions.  相似文献   

生态问题与森林生态系统管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从当代生态问题的严峻形势出发,分析了生态问题的形成,与人类对生态过程的认识.进而从生态系统管理的基本概念出发,提出森林生态系统管理研究的重大意义,并从理论到实践上提出了研究森林生态系统的一些基本原则.  相似文献   

海岸带木麻黄林生态系统过程与可持续管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
木麻黄为我国东南沿海防护林体系的主栽树种,如何维持和提高其环境调控功能成为当前沿海防护林经营的重要科学问题。文中概述了海岸带木麻黄林生态系统的物质循环、能量流动和防护功能以及育林措施对森林生态系统的影响等国内外研究成果,指出木麻黄人工林具有生产力高、光能利用率高和适应性强的特点;在探讨干扰与木麻黄林生态系统退化之间关系的基础上,提出加强木麻黄海岸防护林的恢复重建与生态系统管理等建议。  相似文献   

国外森林生态系统管理模式的经验与启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了美国、加拿大和德国3个国家森林生态系统管理模式的基本情况及其相应的社会、经济和文化发展背景, 分析比较了它们的基本特征, 并在此基础上讨论对我国开展森林生态系统管理的几点启示。  相似文献   

生态恢复理论基础分别是:生态系统演替、可持续发展和生态系统管理理论.生态恢复本质上是尽量避免逆行演替,促进生态系统的自然进展演替.生态恢复的方向和目标是通过一定的方法和技术减少生态的不可持续性,实现生态可持续发展,为人类提供良好的生态环境.生态系统管理理论认为,通过有效的生态系统管理,可以促进退化生态系统得以恢复和重建.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and the lexicon zoo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecologists and natural resource managers struggle to define and relate biodiversity, biocomplexity, ecological integrity, ecosystem services, and related concepts; to describe effects of disturbance dynamics on biodiversity; and to understand how biodiversity relates to resilience, resistance, and stability of ecosystems and sustainability of resource conditions. Further diversifying this “lexicon zoo” are the ecological roles of rare species and refugia, and measures of surrogates and indicators of biodiversity parameters. To impart order on this lexicon zoo, a “concept map” framework is suggested for clearly defining biodiversity parameters and related terms, relating biodiversity to ecosystem services and sustainability, describing how disturbance affects biodiversity, and identifying biodiversity parameters for management and monitoring. Many relations among these concepts are poorly understood in managed forest environments and are presented here as testable tenets.  相似文献   

Various approaches have been developed to achieve sustainability in forestry, under changing social needs and, consequently, changing definitions of sustainability. This has led to the confusing situation in which various groups have different understandings of the meaning of ‘sustainability’. Likewise, the concepts utilized to achieve sustainability, often with a poorly defined objective, are sometimes not clear and/or inconsistent as a systematic overview regarding definitions and concepts is lacking. Based on a literature review, this paper discusses related terms such as sustainability, sustained yield management, sustainable forestry, sustainable forest management and sustainable development: their history, concepts and relationships, from a European perspective. Finally, flexibility is proposed as a solution to overcome the identified shortcomings at all scales, while focussing on the enterprise level. The origin of the sustainability concept in forestry was first driven by forest experts, while participatory elements have been considered since the more recent idea of sustainable development. Since then, much effort has been made to achieve intragenerational fairness by creating an improved participatory process. Concurrently, the original idea of sustainable forestry as long-term and future-oriented management, considering future generations’ needs fell behind. An increasing standing timber volume in Europe and the discussion on climate change brought new interest in how to cope with risks in the context of pervasive future uncertainties within the scope of promoting sustainable development. Although the consideration of risk has been concentrated on as a topic in forest science in recent years, studies have mainly focused on the enhancement of forest resistance against disturbances. However, precaution and risk avoidance alone are probably insufficient to achieve an improved sustainable development that focuses on intergenerational fairness, as these more defensive approaches may disregard important management opportunities involved with an uncertain future. A perhaps more promising approach, the idea of future options and the ability to respond to changing social and biophysical circumstances (i.e. flexibility) as criteria for sustainable development have only shown a shadowy existence up to now. To further develop the consistency of sustainability concepts, a shift of sustainability approaches from continuity towards flexibility options is proposed.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统管理以湿地生态系统功能和产品的长期可持续为核心目标,强调基于生态系统完整性的湿地保护和修复,是人类应对湿地退化的重要工具。通过梳理湿地生态系统管理相关研究,文中对其热点领域和方法采用文献列举方式进行分析,概述当前的研究热点,包括湿地生态系统评价、湿地生态系统时空演化及驱动因素、湿地水文过程调控、湿地保护修复的策略与规划、湿地生态系统服务及其权衡与协同、湿地利益相关者需求与协调、湿地综合生态系统管理等;归纳了主要研究方法,包括情景分析法,统计学、数学分析法,模型模拟法,社会、经济协同分析法,统一框架综合决策法等;指出未来研究可能向跨学科交叉与融合持续深化,湿地生态系统服务测量、评价和价值实现,多尺度研究的协同,案例研究进一步丰富和接续等方向发展。  相似文献   

The ecosystem service concept has been proposed as a meaningful framework for natural resource management. In theory it holds concomitant benefit and consequence for the forest product sector. However, numerous barriers impede practitioners from developing concrete and enduring responses to emerging ecosystem service markets, policies, and initiatives. Principle among these barriers is that the ecosystem service concept has a complex history, numerous definitions in use, and an astounding diversity in rationale and application. This article provides a conceptual review of ecosystem services and its economic foundations, distinguishes among several current definitions of the term and their relatedness to strategies in practical application, discusses diverse approaches to valuation, and explores potential for future relevance in forest product and other sectors.  相似文献   

Concerns for maintaining biodiversity have led to the adoption of ecosystem management as the paradigm for federal land management. This approach will identify desired future conditions as the goal for management, based on ecological objectives for a given landscape. Some management efforts attempt to identify desired future conditions based on existing successional stages as defined by a classification of overstory vegetation types. Such an approach ignores most of the underlying ecological parameters of the landscape, and is inadequate for identifying past disturbance regimes and future successional pathways. An assessment of desired future conditions based on an ecological classification system is essential to overcome these inadequacies. The strategy proposed in this paper uses an appropriate ecological land classification, based on either ecological land types or habitat types, included in a broader hierarchical classification system. It also uses a vegetation map of existing overstory vegetation. These two maps are overlaid to generate polygons of ecological units that can then be used to create an ecosystem diversity matrix. Each polygon (stand) can be evaluated as to its composition and structure relative to its possible placement within the ecosystem diversity matrix through comparisons with historical ranges of variability. The overall ecosystem diversity matrix can then be examined in terms of the distribution of successional stages within each habitat type or ecological land type. The goal should be to maintain at least adequate ecological representation of all successional stages within each habitat type that occurred historically, based on past disturbance regimes. Adequate ecological representation is defined as sufficient size and distribution of inherent ecosystems to maintain viable populations of all endemic species dependent on these ecosystems. This approach can maintain and enhance regional biodiversity, but also maintain flexibility in land management options.  相似文献   

This paper examines the process of adaptation of the regional forestry administration in Finland to cross-scale socio-ecological changes in national policies and in the forest ecosystem. Self-organisation and knowledge building are the key elements employed in this case study conducted in the Southern Ostrobothnia Forestry Centre to analyse how the knowledge claims and networks are created in order to implement wood energy development projects. The case study method and the theory of adaptive co-management are found to be useful in explaining and understanding policy implementation and outcomes at the regional and local levels. A wood energy project met the forest, climate change and rural development policy targets by facilitating the establishment of a small heating business producing renewable energy from young forest thinnings. The practical outputs at the local level were energy generation from a renewable source; an increase in the area of young forest management; and increased rural entrepreneurship and employment. The unintentional output was that a new wood market arose. As a result of the case study, a two-level network has been introduced as an adaptive policy implementation practice.  相似文献   

森林有害生物生态控制   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
梁军  张星耀 《林业科学》2005,41(4):168-176
从森林生物灾害与森林生态系统功能的关系、森林病虫害防治历史、社会对森林病虫害防治策略以及森林经营目标的需求出发,系统化森林有害生物控制策略———生态控制;定义森林有害生物生态控制;分析森林有害生物生态控制的特点、理论基础以及技术基石;认为自然控制论和自组织理论是森林有害生物生态控制的理论基础,森林有害生物生态控制的技术基石是森林生态系统管理;对森林有害生物生态控制遵循的原则进行讨论,包括生态系统原则、协调性原则、生态平衡原则、生态位原则、环境保护原则、协同进化原则、林副产品安全原则、生态系统稳定性原则、生态系统的高功能原则(生产力、经济效益、生态效益、社会效益)、森林生态系统生物灾害的可持续控制原则;对森林有害生物生态控制及其适用条件进行评价。森林有害生物生态控制与森林有害生物综合管理相比具有多项优点,是未来森林有害生物控制的主要方向,具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

In this paper, circumstances where various human activities and interests clash with the conservation of forest biodiversity are examined, with particular focus on the drivers behind the conflicts. After identifying past and current human-related threats potentially leading to conflicts in forests, the paper will focus on conflict management and monitoring, with an emphasis on inclusionary stakeholder networks and a range of approaches towards sustainable land use. Three dimensions of conflicts are examined: substance (‘how things are’), procedure (‘how things are done’), and relationships (‘how people behave’). These relations will relate to three conflict management approaches: (1) technical, which may contribute to reduce or solve the conflict acting on the ‘substance’ dimension, (2) political, which may influence the ‘procedure’ dimension of the conflict establishing principles or rules, and (3) cultural, which may affect the ‘relationship’ dimension of the conflict. Finally, a general model of adaptive conflict management emphasising communication among the parties and a participatory approach that involves monitoring of the conflict resolution outcomes is proposed. The recognition that strong perceptions among stakeholders have the potential to aggravate conflicts is central to the concept of a inclusionary conflict management framework, improved communication between all stakeholders, and better awareness of the context of the conflicts is emphasised.  相似文献   

三区式森林经营管理模式对天然林资源保护工程的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从17世纪中叶森林永续利用理论的诞生, 到当前森林可持续经营理论的应用, 国际社会不断地对森林经营管理模式进行有益探索。目前正在美国、加拿大等地区应用的三区式森林经营管理模式的核心目的就是在满足木材生产需要的同时, 最大程度地减少森林经营活动对森林生态系统的干扰及影响, 恢复和保护森林生态系统的完整性和自然性。经过多年实验和评估, 其实施效果已经得到不同利益群体、政府部门和学术界的广泛认可, 而它的森林区划、经营理念等很多方面又与我国正在实施的天然林资源保护工程存在着相似性。因此, 希望通过对三区式森林经营管理模式的系统研究, 为我国更好地实施天然林资源保护工程提供启示和参照。  相似文献   

我国自然保护区应对气候变化风险现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化会导致自然保护区主要保护对象、潜在边界或关键生境发生迁移或灭失,直接影响自然保护区的生态服务功能,甚至威胁国家生态安全。根据实地调研材料,文中分析了气候变化对我国自然保护区的影响、风险管控现状和面临的问题,从加强自然保护区气候变化影响监测、风险预警与管控科学研究,构建应对气候变化风险的适应性管理技术体系,建立健全管控机制,开展试点示范,开展应对气候变化风险的国际合作与交流等方面提出了对策建议,以期为我国在应对气候变化和划定生态红线的新形势下加强自然保护区适应性管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   

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