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Vegetation restoration is a key measure to improve the eco-environment in Loess Plateau, China. In order to find the effect of soil microbial biomass under different vegetation restoration models in this region, six trial sites located in Zhifanggou watershed were selected in this study. Results showed that soil microbial biomass, microbial respiration and physical and chemical properties increased apparently. After 30 years of vegetation restoration, soil microbial biomass C, N, P (SMBC, SMBN, SMBP) and microbial respiration, increased by 109.01%–144.22%, 34.17%–117.09%, 31.79%–79.94% and 26.78%–87.59% respectively, as compared with the farmland. However, metabolic quotient declined dramatically by 57.45%–77.49%. Effects of different models of vegetation restoration are different on improving the properties of soil. In general, mixed stands of Pinus tabulaeformis-Amorpha fruticosa and Robinia pseudoacacia-A. fruticosa had the most remarkable effect, followed by R. pseudoacacia and Caragana korshinkii, fallow land and P. tabulaeformis was the lowest. Restoration of mixed forest had greater effective than pure forest in eroded Hilly Loess Plateau. The significant relationships were observed among SMBC, SMBP, microbial respiration, and physical and chemical properties of soil. It was concluded that microbial biomass can be used as indicators of soil quality. __________ Translated from Journal of Natural Resources, 2007, 22(1): 20–27 [译自: 自然资源学报]  相似文献   

The growth and water metabolism of three common shrubs on the Loess Plateau were studied under soil with different water contents. Results showed that water consumption of those species decreased with the increase in drought stress, and water consumptions of these shrubs were different: Forsythia suspensa was the greatest, and Syringa oblata was the lowest. The growth rate of new branches and leaf area of three species were the fastest under adequate soil water conditions, and were the lowest under severe drought. Under the same water conditions, the growth of F. suspensa was the fastest while that of S. oblata was the slowest. The water content, proline and chlorophyll content of different species changed with the increase in soil water stress. The leaf water content of Periploca sepium and F. suspensa was obviously higher than that of S. oblata, while the leaf proline content of F. suspensa and S. oblata was lower than that of P. sepium. The ratio leaf chlorophyll a: b of F. suspensa and S. oblata decreased with the decrease in soil water content. Although these three shrubs had different mechanisms in response to drought stress, they all had higher drought resistance and could adapt to the drought condition on the Loess Plateau. This paper provided some bases for choosing tree species on the Loess Plateau. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2007, 27(1): 91–97 [译自: 西北植物学报]  相似文献   

A group of scientists conducted a comprehensive investigation on ecological safety and water and soil erosion in the Northwest Loess Plateau, Northwest China. The data gathered was analyzed in terms of achievement, existing problems, and strategy and measures on vegetation restoration in the area. Since the policies of conversion from cropland to forest (CCF) and forbid grazing and cutting (FGC) were carried out, vegetation quality and coverage rate increased quickly in the Loess Plateau area, strengthening the concept of eco-environment protection. Environment harness measurements were optimized. The multiform investments on eco-environment and urbanization development in China will benefit vegetation restoration. However, there have been some persisting problems, such as the shortage of investment, instability of government policy, expectation of extravagant economic benefit, larger rate of plantation, and scarce technologies supporting vegetation restoration. Many key theories and practice problems require an urgent resolution. In the future, short-, mid-, and long-term goals for vegetation restoration should be clear, achievement should be expanded, and the natural restoration area should be increased. The benefit for the contractor on vegetation restoration should be ensured. Investment on vegetation building research work should be increased. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(1): 102–106 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

Soil water is an important factor restricting afforestation on the semi-arid Loess Plateau.The microtopography of the loess slope has changed the distribution pattern of soil water on the slope.To improve water utilization efficiency and optimize afforestation configuration patterns,the relationship between soil water and precipitation at micro-topographic scale must be studied.We used time series analysis to study the temporal variation of soil water and its response to precipitation in four kinds of micro-topographies and undisturbed slope on loess slopes.Micro-topographies significantly influenced soil water distribution and dynamics on the slopes.Soil water stored in the platform,sinkhole,and ephemeral gully influenced subsequent soil water for 4 weeks,whereas soil water stored in the scarp and undisturbed slope could influence soil water for 2 weeks.It took 12 weeks,10 weeks,18 weeks,6 weeks,and 12 weeks for precipitation to reach the deeper soil layer in the platform,sinkhole,scarp,ephemeral gully,and undisturbed slope,respectively.These soil water characteristics in different micro-topographies are vital factors that should be taken into consideration when undertaking afforestation on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

黄土高原和六盘山区森林面积增加对产水量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]定量评价黄土高原地区造林对流域产水量的影响,指导林水协调的林业发展和森林管理。[方法]综合分析多年在黄土高原、泾河流域、六盘山区开展的森林产流影响的多尺度研究结果。[结果]在黄土高原区域尺度,林地平均年径流(16 mm)比非林地(39 mm)减少59%;在典型流域尺度(泾河干流上游流域),森林年均产水量(76 mm)比自然草地减少51%,其中,半湿润土石山区的森林年均产水量(88.8 mm)比自然草地减少58%;在典型小流域尺度(半湿润的香水河小流域),完全覆盖森林后的年均产流比无森林覆盖情景减少59%。森林增加导致的年产流减幅在干旱地区和干旱年份会更大,并可能超过100%,如年降水量低于450 mm的黄土流域、半干旱的泾河上游黄土区的林地及半干旱的叠叠沟小流域的坡面乔木林分样地,其年产水量常为零或负值,即需消耗土壤水分和坡上汇入径流等维持生存。低度间伐不能显著减少森林蒸散耗水。[结论]在黄土高原研究的小流域、流域和区域空间尺度内,造林减少年产流量的平均幅度都在50%~60%以上,且随干旱程度的增加可达到100%,并因消耗降水外的其他水源而出现负产流。需依据水分承载力合理选择待恢复植被类型和确定森林覆盖率,这是保障区域供水安全和实现林水协调管理的基本途径。  相似文献   

黄土高原生态环境建设中存在问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
黄土高原生态环境建设对西部大开发的顺利实施、国民经济的持续发展具有极其重要的使用。文中指出植被建设是黄土高原生态环境建设的根本措施,并分析了植被建设的重要性,可行性及其基本原则。同时,还提出了加强黄土高原生态环境建设的有关建议。  相似文献   

徐州石灰岩山地不同植被恢复模式对土壤健康的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对徐州石灰岩山地不同植被恢复类型土壤理化性质研究的基础上,综合分析了不同植被恢复类型对土壤健康影响,结果表明:石灰岩山地不同植被恢复模式土壤健康存在明显差异。其中:针阔混交林中土壤物理性质较好,说明混交林在一定程度上改善了土壤物理性质;土壤有机质和各养分含量上层明显高于下层,且各养分含量均以针阔混交林最高,进一步说明混交林在一定程度上改善了土壤化学性质。应用主成分分析方法对3种植被类型林分土壤健康状况综合评价指标主成分得分,针叶林为-8.309,针阔混交林为6.876,阔叶林为1.433。各类型林分土壤健康状况排序为:针阔混交林〉阔叶林〉针叶林,表明针阔混交林能够改善土壤健康状况。建议在徐州石灰岩山地上应以针阔混交林为主要恢复模式,从而提高该地区土壤的健康水平。  相似文献   

黄土高原水土流失严重地区植被恢复策略分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
以晋西黄土高原地区为例,对黄土高原水土流失严重地区植被恢复的现状和前景进行了全面而细致的分析,提出土石山次生林区应实行“封山育林为主,辅之以人工措施”植被恢复策略。在土层浅薄、坡度较陡的生态脆弱地段,需要进行长期的植被封育;在土层深厚而且坡度平缓地段,可适当辅之以人工措施,包括人工抚育,以及补植或补造有经济价值的乡土树种等。当前土石山区次生林经营管理中急需解决的问题是提高林分质量,加强管护力度;黄土丘陵区应该实行封山禁牧或轮牧、围栏圈养以及陡坡地退耕等措施,这是植被恢复的前提和基础。同时,对黄土丘陵区恢复和建设森林植被的可能性进行了分析和探讨。最后指出只有转变农村传统的以破坏生态环境为代价的粗放生产经营方式,长期坚持植被封育和保护为主的策略,结合人工营造乡土树种为主的森林群落,晋西黄土高原地区才有可能恢复原来的森林植被景观,真正实现该地区的植被重建和水土流失的根治。  相似文献   

Understanding of the effects of isolated plants with different morphologies on water runoff and soil loss is important for vegetation restoration in arid environments. We selected three representative species (Artemisia gmelinii; Ajania potaninii; Pulicaria chrysantha) of the dry-warm river valley of the upper reach of Minjiang River, SW China to examine these effects. Twenty-five runoff events were recorded using runoff plots at micro scale (<40 cm × 40 cm) on a south facing slope from July through October 2006. A. potaninii had sparse canopy, the smallest leaf area (0.49 ± 0.25 cm2) and specific leaf area (67.8 ± 16.5 cm2/g), and the highest leaf relative water content (27.1 ± 4.4%). It is the most resistant to drought stress. A. gmelinii was the shortest, and had relatively small leaf area (0.55 ± 0.50 cm2) and the densest canopy. P. chrysantha had the greatest leaf area (1.41 ± 0.49 cm2) and most extended canopy (4450 ± 1646 cm2). Dead branches and leaves of A. gmelinii and P. chrysantha commonly fall and collect on the soil surface. Thus they had greater improvements on soil porosity and soil water content, and higher effectiveness in controlling soil loss. However, A. gmelinii had more stable effectiveness in controlling runoff as compared with P. chrysantha. The characteristics such as relatively small leaf area but low height and dense canopy might be one criterion for selecting species to improve soil properties and controlling runoff and soil loss. Differences in soil environments, and runoff and soil loss production capacity for micro-surfaces regulates water and materials redistribution, which emphasizes the importance in designing vegetation restoration pattern.  相似文献   

应用热扩散式树干茎流计(TDP)对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区六道沟小流域内分布在坡地与坝地的旱柳树干液流进行连续监测,探讨2种立地条件下旱柳树干液流量与环境因子关系的差异.结果表明:2种条件下的旱柳树干液流速率变化趋势基本相同,但坝地旱柳的液流速率和树干液流量均显著高于坡地旱柳,坝地旱柳平均液流速率和树干液流量分别是坡地的1.4和3倍.2样地旱柳树干液流量的变化规律与气象因子基本一致,气象因子对旱柳树干液流量影响显著,旱柳树干液流量由气象因子与0 ~ 50 cm土壤含水量综合作用决定,并且在气象因子增加到某一程度时旱柳树干液流量主要受到土壤含水量的影响.2样地土壤质地不同,土壤蒸发和渗漏强度存在较大差异,坡地沙土持水能力差,降雨后水分易发生渗漏,根区土壤有效含水量低,旱柳经常受到干旱胁追,以致生长不良形成“小老树”;而坝地无渗漏现象发生,供植物吸收的有效水分多,旱柳生长良好.  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原人工刺槐林生长与土壤干化的关系研究   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
通过对陕北黄土高原南北 6个人工刺槐林样地进行标准地调查 ,结合树干解析与土壤含水量资料 ,分析了人工刺槐林树高、胸径、材积等指标的生长状况与土壤含水量亏缺的关系。结果表明 ,土壤含水量的亏缺程度与刺槐林的生长有明显的一致性。南部的宜君降雨充沛 ,土壤含水量基本没有亏缺 ,没有产生明显的土壤干化现象 ,相应刺槐林的生长状况良好 ,没有产生衰退迹象。随着降雨量的减少 ,从富县开始 ,土壤含水量发生了严重程度不一的亏缺现象。富县样地因水分亏缺而形成的干化层已影响到了人工刺槐林的生长 ,林分已有了衰退的迹象。样地吴旗、安塞、绥德和米脂则土壤含水量亏缺严重 ,形成了明显的土壤干化层 ,并且严重影响到了人工刺槐林的生长和发育 ,导致人工刺槐林成为低效低产林 ,限制了林分的生态防护效益 ,说明这些地区属于不适宜人工刺槐林生长的分布区。  相似文献   

During the past few decades, China has implemented several large-scale forestation programs that have increased forest cover from 16.0% in the 1980s to 20.4% in 2009. In northern China, water is the most sensitive and limiting ecological factor. Understanding the dynamic interactions between forest ecosystems and water in different regions is essential for maximizing forest ecosystem services. We examined forest cover and runoff relationships in northern China using published data from a variety of sources. In the Loess Plateau region, forest cover is not correlated with annual precipitation (r = 0.08, p > 0.05) at micro (<50 km2) and meso scales (50-1000 km2), while they are positively correlated at macro (>1000 km2) scale (r = 0.77, p < 0.05). Moreover, forest cover is negatively correlated with the runoff coefficient (r = −0.64, p < 0.05). In Northwest China, natural forest distribution is highly correlated with annual precipitation (r = 0.48, p < 0.05) but not with the runoff coefficient (r = −0.09, p > 0.05). In Northeast China, we found a positive relationship between forest cover and the runoff coefficient (r = 0.77, p < 0.05), but the correlation between forest cover and precipitation was not significant (r = 0.28, p > 0.05). The multiple stepwise regression analysis indicated that runoff was influenced by altitude, annual precipitation, forest cover, and PET (potential evapotranspiration) in Northeast China. We concluded that geographic differences could mask the true role of forests in the partitioning of rainfall into runoff and evapotranspiration (ET) in a catchment. In determining the forest-water relationship, one must consider climatic controls on ET in addition to forest cover. Forests could potentially enhance the complementary relationship between ET and PET. Therefore, a greater amount of ET in forested areas may decrease the PET on a regional scale.  相似文献   

晋西黄土区水土保持林地的土壤水分   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2008年5月12 日-10月12日间采用EnviroSMART土壤水分定位监测系统,以每30 min监测1次的频度对晋西黄土区刺槐人工林地、油松人工林地、次生林地的土壤水分变化进行研究.结果表明:0~150 cm土层中次生林地蓄水量是刺槐人工林地的1.4倍,有整地措施的油松林地蓄水量与次生林地相近.人工林较次生林多消耗的土壤水分主要是深层的土壤水分,次生林主要依靠天然降水和消耗浅层土壤水分维持其生长.从表层到深层次生林地蓄水量逐渐增加,而有整地措施的油松人工林地蓄水量逐渐减少.随深度的增加各林地蓄水量的变幅逐渐减弱.0~150 cm土层的平均蓄水量8月最低.层次越深,蓄水量的最低值出现时间越晚.90~150 cm土层的蓄水量5-10月处于消耗状态.生长季刺槐人工林地0~150 cm土层耗水量为249.73 mm,油松林人工林地为248.09mm,次生林地为129.40 mm.刺槐人工林地最大的日耗水量为4.70 mm,油松林为4.77 mm,次生林为2.28 mm.刺槐与油松人工林地的耗水量明显大于次生林,因此,在干旱的黄土区应该模拟次生林营造水土保持林.  相似文献   

We studied the biomass and its allocation in natural secondary forests, as well as the amounts, accumulation and distribution of nutrient elements (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in sample plots established in the Loess Plateau in Shanxi Province, northern China. The results show that biomass in natural secondary forests amounted to 36.09 t/hm2, of which the tree layer accounted for 46%, the shrub layer for 29%, the herb layer for 13% and the litter layer for 12%. The total storage of the five nutrient elements is 1089.82 kg/hm2. Nutrient storage in the tree layer is the largest, at 41%. The sequence of storage of the elements varied among different layers and is given as follows: shrub layer 31.27%, herb layer 12.55% and litter layer 15.36%. The accumulation of nutrient elements in the tree layer, ordered from high to low, is: branches > roots > stems >bark > leaves. The total storage of the five nutrient elements in the soil is 634.97 t/hm2, where the accumulation of the nutrients accounts for 95.32% (N), 99.64% (P), 99.91% (K), 99.84% (Ca) and 99.95% (Mg) of the total amounts. The accumulation coefficients of different organs in the tree layer are, from high to low: leaves > branches > roots > bark > stems. The accumulation coefficients in the different layers are listed as follows: shrub layer > tree layer > herb layer and for the elements as: N > P > Ca > K > Mg. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2008, 30(3): 57–62 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

本文介绍了黄土高原4个典型小流域的景观格局配置模式。  相似文献   

张岩  朱岩  张建军  卢路 《林业科学》2012,48(5):8-14
采用EnviroSMART土壤水分定位监测系统于2008-05-14至2008-10-11及2009-05-05至2009-08-05对晋西黄土区刺槐人工林、油松人工林(水平条整地)、天然次生林0~150cm土层的土壤水分进行实时监测。以这些监测数据为基础,分析SWUF模型参数的敏感性,进行参数率定,验证SWUF模型在晋西黄土高原水土保持林地的适用性。结果表明:SWUF模型中的蒸发参数、产流参数、非饱和水流参数属于高度敏感性参数,使用SWUF时必须对这些参数进行率定;SWUF模型对刺槐人工林20~150cm各土层、油松人工林和次生林0~150cm各土层土壤水分动态模拟效果较好,模拟值与实测值相对误差在20%以内;SWUF适用于模拟油松人工林和天然次生林各土层每日土壤含水量,也能够比较充分地模拟3种林地不同深度土壤层土壤水分的日变化趋势,但在模拟耗水量大的刺槐林表层土壤水分方面还需要改进。  相似文献   

Dynamic changes of soil erosion affected by conversion of farmland to forest or grassland in the Yanhe River Basin were analyzed based on the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). The RUSLE variables were selected and calculated reasonably using the GIS technique. Results show that: 1) After the conversion of farmland to forest or grassland, soil erosion decreased greatly. Compared with soil erosion in period of 1986 to 1997, the soil erosion amount had been reduced on the average by 30.6% by 2000; 2) Of the different land uses, slope farmland, especially the steep slope land had the greatest impact on soil erosion. The conversion of forest or grassland was the main driving force for the reduction of soil erosion; 3) In the short term, soil erosion was mainly controlled by C-factor, implying that the adjustment of land use structure might be an effective approach to reduce soil erosion. __________ Translated from Science of Soil and Water Conversation, 2007, 5(4): 27–33 [译自: 中国水土保持科学]  相似文献   

A simplified water balance model in conjunc-tion with an evapotranspiration (ET) model and cumulative forest cover data were used to quantify the changes in annual water yield in response to reforestat...  相似文献   

黄土高原小流域水土保持与雨水利用技术措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土高原气候干旱少雨,粮食产量低下,其原因不仅仅是天然降水不足,更主要的是(1)土质疏松,水土流失严重;(2)蒸发强烈,土壤深层蓄水有限;(3)作物水分利用效率低。基于国内有关专家学者的研究和鹿马岔流域治理经验,目前提高雨水利用率的有效技术主要有:1,改造坡地小地形,最大限度地拦蓄降水;2,调整农业用地结构,增加林草植被和其它形式的覆盖,减少地面蒸发,提高雨水利用效率;3,合理耕作,提高土地渗水保水能力;4,修筑蓄水窑窖,应用滴灌,渗灌技术发展庭院经济,建立雨水高效拦蓄利用系统。  相似文献   

对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区4种典型立地下刺槐人工林根系分布与土壤水分的关系进行了研究.结果表明:阴坡、半阴坡的细根(直径≤1 mm)在400 cm土层中的分布较为均匀,半阳坡和阳坡的细根集中分布在0~100 cm土层中,在200~400 cm土层中分布较少;各立地输导根(直径>1 mm)在分布深度上存在差异,阴坡和半阴坡输导根分布较深,阳坡输导根分布均较浅,半阳坡分布较阳坡为深;各立地下刺槐根系的水平分布均较广,水平根单向延伸最大均在8 m左右.不同立地条件下土壤水分状况的差异是各立地根系尤其是细根分布差异的主要原因之一;各立地细根分布范围对土壤水分变化有较大影响,同时根系分布也会影响到土壤水分的季节变化.  相似文献   

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