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The aim of the study was to establish the amount of decaying wood (logs and stumps) in various groups of Hepatica site-type pine forests of different age and management intensity and to analyse the composition of bryophytes in dependence of these factors. The average volume of CWD in old unmanaged forests was 47.5 m3/ha, which is rather well comparable with respective estimations from Fennoscandia. Reduced human impact contributes positively to the amount of CWD. Diversity of log diameter classes and decay stages is larger in old forests. Altogether 73 bryophyte species were recorded, 65 species on logs and 55 on stumps. Species richness on stumps was higher in managed forests than in unmanaged ones. At the same time, the species having high indicator value for man-cut stumps are very common species in boreal forests and grow on other substrata as well. Species composition and ecological conditions differed between stumps and logs. Logs are more humid microhabitats than stumps, therefore the occurrence of hepatics is more frequent on them. According to species composition on decaying wood the old unmanaged forests distinguished from others. As the differences of substratum characteristics were notable between old and young forests, the stand age described a considerable part of species variance on logs.  相似文献   

For estimating the amount of carbon (C) in dead wood, conversion factors from raw volume per decay class to dry weight were developed using three different classification systems for the species Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh) in Sweden. Also the C concentration in dead wood (dry weight) was studied. About 2500 discs were collected from logs in managed forests located on 289 temporary National Forest Inventory (NFI) sample plots and in 11 strips located in preserved forests. The conversion factors were based on an extensive data compilation with a wide representation of different site-, stand-, species- and dead wood properties and were assumed to represent the population of fallen dead wood in Sweden. The density decreased significantly by decay class and the range in density for decay classes was widest for the NFI decay classification system, suggesting this to be the most suitable. The C concentration in dead wood biomass increased with increasing decay class and in average Norway spruce (P. abies) showed a lower C concentration than Scots pine (P. sylvestris). The average dead wood C store of Swedish forests was estimated to 0.85 Mg C/ha.  相似文献   

Decay rates of stems, branches and roots were assessed in Pinus radiata (D. Don) plantation forests located throughout New Zealand. Stem and branch decay rates were obtained using (1) post-harvest material from two central North Island locations (Kaingaroa and Tarawera Forests) based on a 10-year chronosequence (in ground contact or suspended) and (2) post-thinning stems and attached branch material from five sites covering a range of climatic conditions across New Zealand (Woodhill, Puruki, Hokonui, Nemona and Selwyn) with up to 5 years of decay. Stem, stump and root decay rates were determined from two central North Island locations (Kinleith and Puruki) from thinnings with 0, 5, and 10 years of decay (Kinleith) and mature trees at 0 and 11 years of decay (Puruki). Stem and branch post-harvest material decayed faster when in contact with the ground than when elevated above the ground. The proportion of material elevated or in ground contact was not estimated in this study. P. radiata discs from young trees and post-harvest residue showed no significant diameter effect on decay rate and could be used confidently to predict whole stem decay rate. Discs from older trees covering a larger diameter range at Puruki showed a significant effect of diameter on decay rate. Decay rates of coarse roots at the two central North Island sites were faster than above-ground whole stem decay rates. Exponential models incorporating mean annual temperature for P. radiata stems in ground contact arising from thinning and harvest currently provide the best estimate of residue decay in New Zealand. There was no increase in carbon concentration with decay, suggesting that live stem values may be applied to all dead wood for determining the mass of carbon change with decomposition. Nitrogen concentrations increased with decay.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) has been identified as a key microhabitat component for groups that are moisture and temperature sensitive such as amphibians and reptiles. However, few experimental manipulations have quantitatively assessed amphibian and reptile response to varying CWD volumes within forested environments. We assessed amphibian and reptile response to large-scale, CWD manipulation within managed loblolly pine stands in the southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States from 1998 to 2005. Our study consisted of two treatment phases: Phase I treatments included downed CWD removal (removal of all downed CWD), all CWD removal (removal of all downed and standing CWD), pre-treatment snag, and control; Phase II treatments included downed CWD addition (downed CWD volume increased 5-fold), snag addition (standing CWD volume increased 10-fold), all CWD removal (all CWD removed), and control. Amphibian and anuran capture rates were greater in control than all CWD removal plots during study Phase I. In Phase II, reptile diversity and richness were greater in downed CWD addition and all CWD removal than snag addition treatments. Capture rate of Rana sphenocephala was greater in all CWD removal treatment than downed CWD addition treatment. The dominant amphibian and snake species captured are adapted to burrowing in sandy soil or taking refuge under leaf litter. Amphibian and reptile species endemic to upland southeastern Coastal Plain pine forests may not have evolved to rely on CWD because the humid climate and short fire return interval have resulted in historically low volumes of CWD.  相似文献   

The rejuvenation ecology of three main tree species in anthropogenic pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests is explored in our study. We focus on the scale of micro-plots, which provide the safe sites for tree rejuvenation. We thrive on the multi-factorial relationship of tree establishment and driving ecological factors using a large dataset from pine stands in NE Germany and applying multivariate analyses. The success of the establishment of the investigated focal tree species Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea Liebl. and Pinus sylvestris L. is, on general, mostly affected by three factors, i.e. water balance of the upper soil layers, browsing pressure, and diaspore sources. Our investigations on the micro-plot scale revealed species-specific differences. For beech saplings <50 cm growth height, primarily the availability of water, indicated by available water capacity (AWC), thickness, quality, and structure of the organic layer, silt and humus content in the topsoil, and the lack of a dense competitive herb layer, were identified as most important factors. On the contrary, oak seems hardly be restricted by hydrologic and/or trophic deficits in the topsoil or humus layer. In conclusion and comparison to Fagus sylvatica L., we assume for Quercus petraea Liebl. advantages in natural regeneration processes under sub-continental climate conditions and thus under the scenarios of climate change. Pinus sylvestris L. regeneration in our investigation area occurs only in a narrow niche. We conclude with regard to future forest development and the objective of stand conversion with low management intensity that oak should be favoured within natural stand regeneration.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in 1999, 2005 and 2007 in the area of Kunda cement plant in Northeast Estonia on sample plots 3 km W and 2.5 and 5 km E of Kunda. As control stands, two plots for pine and spruce were established in Lahemaa National Park (34-38 km W of Kunda). The selected pine and spruce stands were 75-85-year-old Myrtillus site type, of 0.7-0.8 density and II quality class, with moderately dense or sparse understorey. The values concerning needle density and number of needle scars were higher for shoots formed in the period of higher pollution than for the shoots grown under a considerably lower pollution load. Although the cement dust pollution has notably decreased from year to year, the number of needle pairs per 1 cm of the shoot was 1.8-2.1 times greater in the shoots formed in 1998 than in those formed in 2003, whereas the changes were statistically reliable. Possibly the low temperatures at the time of shoot and needle formation affected the density of needles on all sample plots, and thus the number of needles on shoots formed in 2003 was many times smaller. After the significant fall in the pollution load since 1996 the length growth of needles intensified around Kunda cement plant, at the same time no changes occurred in the length growth of needles in the control area. As compared to the data from 1998, the length growth of pine needles had improved, especially 2.5 and 5 km E from the cement plant, needles being respectively 1.5 and 1.1 cm longer than 6 years ago. The stimulation of the growth of pine and spruce needles 2.5 and 5 km E of the cement plant may be a sign of a positive effect of reduced doses of cement dust in soil. The greater length of pine and spruce needles is the reason for the larger biomass of the needles.  相似文献   

Storm damage in production forests constitutes a major source of economic loss world wide, yet the retrieval of salvageable timber remains problematic. In particular, an inability to anticipate when sapstain and degrade will appear hampers the planning of log recovery operations. A study was conducted to monitor the deterioration of fallen trees following two winter storms causing wind and snow damage in a Pinus radiata plantation forest in the upper South Island of New Zealand. Percentage sapstain, incidence of basidiomycete decay fungi, and frequency of bark beetle infestation increased, while percentage sapwood moisture content decreased, over a period of 1 year. These changes proceeded more rapidly in fallen trees that were severed at stump height, to simulate breakage, than in those that were left partially rooted. There was little beetle activity at the time of the storms, but Arhopalus ferus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), and Hylastes ater, Hylurgus ligniperda and Pachycotes peregrinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), were collected in flight traps during the following spring and summer. The predominant fungal species associated with sapstain was Diplodia pinea, while Ophiostoma piceae and Grosmannia huntii were isolated near the end of the period. The main decay fungi obtained were Phlebiopsis gigantea, Stereum sanguinolentum, and Schizophyllum commune. A generalized linear mixed model was constructed to predict the development of sapstain in fallen trees for conditions prevailing during the study after a storm at the same time of year. According to the model, a 10 m long butt log of 22 cm mid length diameter will have minimal stain (<10% of the cross sectional area affected) when cut from severed stems up to 4 months after the storm; if taken from still-rooted trees this period will extend to 1 year. However, because of large between-tree variation, economically productive log recovery will also depend on the proportion of trees that lie below an acceptable sapstain threshold. Further research is needed to determine regional and seasonal influences on the development of sapstain in fallen trees.  相似文献   

Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.)-dominated ecosystems in north-central Colorado are undergoing rapid and drastic changes associated with overstory tree mortality from a current mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreak. To characterize stand characteristics and downed woody debris loads during the first 7 years of the outbreak, 221 plots (0.02 ha) were randomly established in infested and uninfested stands distributed across the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado. Mountain pine beetle initially attacked stands with higher lodgepole pine basal area, and lower density and basal area of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii [Parry]), and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. var. lasiocarpa) compared to uninfested plots. Mountain pine beetle-affected stands had reduced total and lodgepole pine stocking and quadratic mean diameter. The density and basal area of live overstory lodgepole declined by 62% and 71% in infested plots, respectively. The mean diameter of live lodgepole pine was 53% lower than pre-outbreak in infested plots. Downed woody debris loads did not differ between uninfested plots and plots currently infested at the time of sampling to 3 or 4–7 years after initial infestation, but the projected downed coarse wood accumulations when 80% of the mountain pine beetle-killed trees fall indicated a fourfold increase. Depth of the litter layer and maximum height of grass and herbaceous vegetation were greater 4–7 years after initial infestation compared to uninfested plots, though understory plant percent cover was not different. Seedling and sapling density of all species combined was higher in uninfested plots but there was no difference between infested and uninfested plots for lodgepole pine alone. For trees ≥2.5 cm in diameter at breast height, the density of live lodgepole pine trees in mountain pine beetle-affected stands was higher than Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, and aspen, (Populus tremuloides Michx.), in diameter classes comprised of trees from 2.5 cm to 30 cm in diameter, suggesting that lodgepole pine will remain as a dominant overstory tree after the bark beetle outbreak.  相似文献   

We assessed shrew (soricids) response to coarse woody debris (CWD) manipulations in managed upland loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) stands in the upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina over multiple years and seasons. Using a completely randomized block design, we assigned one of the following treatments to 12, 9.3-ha plots: removal (n = 3; all CWD ≥ 10 cm in diameter and ≥60 cm long removed), downed (n = 3; 5-fold increase in volume of down CWD), snag (n = 3; 12-fold increase in standing dead CWD), and control (n = 3; unmanipulated). Therein, we sampled shrews during winter, spring, and summer seasons, 2003–2005, using drift-fence pitfall arrays. During 1680 drift-fence plot nights we captured 253 Blarina carolinensis, 154 Sorex longirostris, and 51 Cryptotis parva. Blarina carolinensis capture rate was greater in control than in snag treatments. Sorex longirostris capture rate was lower in removal than downed and control plots in 2005 whereas C. parva capture rate did not differ among treatments. Overall, the CWD input treatments failed to elicit the positive soricid response we had expected. Lack of a positive response by soricid populations to our downed treatments may be attributable to the early CWD decay stage within these plots or an indication that within fire-adapted pine-dominated systems of the Southeast, reliance on CWD is less than in other forest types.  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis) are important high-elevation pines of the southern Rockies that are forecast to decline due to the recent spread of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) into this region. Proactive management strategies to promote the evolution of rust resistance and maintain ecosystem function require an improved understanding of the role of disturbance on the population dynamics of both species and environmental conditions that favor seedling establishment. We examined patterns of bristlecone and limber pine regeneration across the perimeters of three, 29-year-old, high-severity burns in northern, central, and southern Colorado: Ouzel, Badger Mountain, and Maes Creek, respectively. Both species exhibited a very protracted regeneration response to these fires. Bristlecone pine regeneration was concentrated near burn edges and beneath surviving seed sources. This spatial pattern is consistent with limitations incurred by wind-dispersal, also borne out by the low occurrence of seedling clusters. Relative to unburned stands, the absolute abundance of bristlecone pine generally increased only on plots retaining some surviving trees. Limber pine regeneration pattern varied between sites: high in the burn interior at Ouzel, concentrated at burn edges at Badger, and mostly in unburned stands at Maes. Clark’s Nutcracker dispersal of limber pine in each study area was indicated by high seedling distance from possible seed sources and high frequencies of clustered stems. Except at Ouzel, the absolute abundance of limber pine decreased in burns. Across sites, establishment by both species was boosted by nearby nurse objects (rocks, fallen logs, and standing tree trunks), a relationship that extended out at least as far as the closest three such objects, usually found within 50 cm. Fire decreased the frequency of Pedicularis but increased Castilleja and Ribes species (alternate hosts of white pine blister rust), though only one species, R. cereum, was positively associated with either pine species. We conclude that regeneration of bristlecone and limber pine may benefit from natural disturbance or proactive management creating appropriately sized openings and microtopographic structure (e.g., abundant fallen logs); however, beneficial responses may require many decades to be achieved.  相似文献   

Populus–Salix forests are a valued riparian vegetation type in western North America. These pioneer, obligate phreatophytes have declined on some rivers, raising conservation concerns and stimulating restoration plantings, but have increased on others. Understanding patterns and causes of forest change is essential for formulating conservation, restoration and management plans. Our goal was to assess spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation change on the Upper San Pedro River in semiarid Arizona, USA, one of the few undammed rivers in the region. Over 100 years ago, intense floods initiated channel incision and substantially altered hydrogeomorphology. Pioneer trees began to establish in the widening post-entrenchment zone as the surfaces began to stabilize. Using a time-series of aerial photographs (1955–2003) we quantified recent change in area of riparian cover types. Analysis indicated that wooded area in the post-entrenchment zone nearly tripled from 1955 to 2003, at the expense of bare ground, and the active channel narrowed appreciably. This forest expansion represents a long-term response to river entrenchment, with the temporal pattern influenced by recent flood cycles and biogeomorphic feedbacks. Populus–Salix have established episodically during the infrequent years with high winter flood runoff, sequentially filling available recruitment space. Older cohorts cover wide swaths of the floodplain while young trees form narrow bands lining the channel. Barring extreme flooding, the pioneer forests are expected to senesce over the coming century. An additional factor that has shaped the pattern of post-entrenchment forest expansion is anthropogenic water withdrawal. Populus–Salix forest increase has been greatest within a conservation area, where stream flows are largely perennial. In drier, agricultural sectors, Populus–Salix have declined while the more deeply-rooted Tamarix has increased. Overall, the study reveals that long-term fluctuations in pioneer forest area and age structure are common on dryland rivers, and shows how past events such as extreme floods can interact with recent environmental practices such as freshwater withdrawal to influence riparian forest patterns. This underscores the necessity of a long-term perspective for forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of salvage logging on coarse woody debris were evaluated on four stand-replacing wildfires ages 1, 11, 17, and 35 years on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in the eastern Cascades of Washington. Total biomass averaged roughly 60 Mg ha−1 across all sites, although the proportion of logs to snags increased over the chronosequence. Units that had been salvage logged had lower log biomass than unsalvaged units, except for the most recently burned site, where salvaged stands had higher log biomass. Mesic aspects had higher log biomass than dry aspects. Post-fire regeneration increased in density over time. In a complementary experiment, soils heating and surrogate-root mortality caused by burning of logs were measured to assess the potential site damage if fire was reintroduced in these forests. Experimentally burned logs produced lethal surface temperatures (60 °C) extending up to 10 cm laterally beyond the logs. Logs burned in late season produced higher surface temperatures than those burned in early season. Thermocouples buried at depth showed mean maximum temperatures exponentially declined with soil depth. Large logs, decayed logs, and those burned in late season caused higher soil temperatures than small logs, sound logs, and those burned in early season. Small diameter (1.25 cm), live Douglas-fir branch dowels, buried in soil and used as surrogates for small roots, indicated that cambial tissue was damaged to 10 cm depth and to 10 cm distance adjacent to burned logs. When lethal soil temperature zones were projected out to 10 cm from each log, lethal cover ranged up to 24.7% on unsalvaged portions of the oldest fire, almost twice the lethal cover on salvaged portions. Where prescribed fire is introduced to post-wildfire stands aged 20–30 years, effects of root heating from smoldering coarse woody debris will be minimized by burning in spring, at least on mesic sites. There may be some long-term advantages for managers if excessive coarse woody debris loads are reduced early in the post-wildfire period.  相似文献   

The persistence of Sphaeropsis sapinea, Leptographium serpens and Heterobasidion annosum s.s. in artificially inoculated pine branch pieces (S. sapinea and L. serpens) and wood blocks (L. serpens and H. annosum s.s.) was investigated in order to discuss the alternative of leaving coarse woody debris in stands of Italian stone pine (Pinus pinea). Also, natural colonization by S. sapinea of pine cones of different ages was assessed. Methods used for inoculating branch pieces and wood blocks were highly effective for all fungi. Type of a forest stand in which branch pieces and wood blocks have been incubated did not affect the persistence of the pathogens in the inoculated samples. For branch pieces, the success of re-isolation of L. serpens dropped as the sample incubation time increased, while S. sapinea was always successfully (100%) re-isolated (even 12 months after the inoculation). L. serpens and H. annosum s.s. were re-isolated from most of the buried wood blocks (from more than 95% samples) up to 3 months following the inoculation. Of the observed P. pinea cones (in most cases, more than 2 years old), 74% were naturally infected byS. sapinea. All three investigated pathogens were able to survive in dead plant tissues for long periods of time (at least for several (3–12) months). The persistence of these pine-pathogenic species in dead plant material questions the feasibility of leaving coarse woody debris in managed Italian stone pine forests meant for landscape conservation and leisure activities.  相似文献   

Infestations of Essigella californica following the installation of post-thinning fertilizer trials in Pinus radiata plantations provided an opportunity to examine the impact of repeated defoliation over a period of 8 years (1997–2005). Replicated treatments (n = 4) of nil fertilizer (control), N (300 kg ha−1) as urea, P (80 kg ha−1) and S (45 kg ha−1) as superphosphates were applied immediately after thinning at three sites and this was followed by a second application of NPS fertilizers 6 years later with N applied at 300 kg ha−1 as urea and ammonium sulphate and P at 80 or 120 kg ha−1. Defoliation of untreated P. radiata gradually increased to 50% over a period of 8 years. Basal area growth was negatively correlated with average defoliation for two consecutive post-fertilizer periods of 6 and 2 years. Growth responses to fertilizer varied considerably between sites but the largest improvement in growth was due to NPS fertilizer, this increased basal area by 30–80%. Application of N fertilizer raised total N levels in foliage and increased defoliation with a commensurate loss in growth under conditions of deficiencies of S or P. Repeated infestations gradually increased the percentage of trees with severe defoliation (>80% loss of foliage) indicating that nutrient-deficient trees have a reduced capacity for foliage recovery between episodes of peak infestation. In contrast, treatment with N fertilizer in combination with S- and P-corrected deficiencies of these nutrients, raised levels of total N in foliage and reduced defoliation to approximately 20%. Basal area growth responses to NPS fertilizers reflected improved nutrition as well as reduced insect damage. The reduction in defoliation under conditions of balanced tree nutrition was most likely due to enhanced needle retention following correction of P deficiency as well as greater availability of nutrients enabling a more vigorous recovery of P. radiata after an episode of E. californica activity. Treatment with fertilizer therefore reduced the long-term impact of aphid damage and improved growth of P. radiata.  相似文献   

为了解有无枯落物对K随地表径流损失的影响,研究比较了有无枯落物加勒比松林地表径流中的K流失的特点,结果表明:有、无枯落物加勒比松林的年地表径流量分别为12.6、51.8 mm,主要发生在夏季,对应的地表径流系数分别为0.60%、2.48%,表明前者能有效削弱地表径流。2种林分的降水量和地表径流量的关系可用二项式方程表示。有、无枯落物加勒比松林各月的地表径流K浓度分别为3.2~36.3、1.8~6.0 mg.kg-1,通过地表径流输出的K量分别为701、982 g.hm-2。2008年5、6月为有枯落物加勒比松林的K流失高峰,6月为无枯落物加勒比松林的K流失高峰。地表径流的K浓度和径流量之间存在对数关系,K的流失量主要由径流量决定。  相似文献   

We present an overview of recent studies carried out on Pinus chiapensis (Mart.) Andresen (Pinus strobus var. chiapensis Mart.) and provide management and conservation recommendations. Because of its wood quality, and being commonly used by 12 ethnic groups, this pine is an outstanding forest resource at mid-altitude humid mountains of southern Mexico and Guatemala. P. chiapensis appears to be a distinctive species, closely related with North American white pines, and a potential valuable resource for establishing breeding programs with such species. P. chiapensis is the most abundant tree species in early successional stands of the tropical montane cloud forest playing a key role in ecosystem regeneration particularly in areas managed under slash-and-burn practices. However, many natural stands of this pine are severely reduced. Molecular studies based on isozymes and DNA markers reveal low genetic diversity, the lowest compared with its closest relatives (P. ayacahuite, P. monticola and P. strobus). Heterozygosity and seed viability increase significantly with population size, and inbreeding depression appears to significantly decrease seed viability, suggesting the involvement of genetic factors on population decline. Low population size is associated with both lack of perturbation in well-preserved habitats and high deforestation rates in severely disturbed habitats. Conservation and management practices require preserving and restoring connections between suitable habitats to enhance gene flow between populations, and on careful programs that monitor and control slash-and-burn practices. Restoration practices should use seeds from as many tree sources as possible to reduce inbreeding risks. Spline climate models predict significant increases in temperature, decreases in precipitation and consequently an increase of aridity along the range of P. chiapensis. Thus, assisted migration would be needed to match present genotypes to forecasted climate changes.  相似文献   

The loss of natural forest habitats due to forestry is the main reason for the decline in boreal forest biodiversity of the Nordic countries of Europe. Ecological rehabilitation may provide means to recover and sustain biodiversity. We analyzed the effects of controlled burning and dead-wood creation (DWC) on the diversity of pioneer wood-inhabiting fungi in managed Norway spruce (Picea abies) forests in southern Finland. Altogether 18 stands were first subjected to a partial cutting with ordinary logging residues in form of cut stumps and treetops left on site. The subsequent rehabilitation treatments consisted of a controlled burning applied in half of the stands and three levels of dead-wood creation (5, 30 and 60 m3 ha−1). The DWC involved creation of logs; felling of whole trees to mimic downed logs formed by natural disturbance processes. Each treatment was replicated three times. Inside each stand, substrates were sampled in two different biotopes; one on mineral soil and one on mineral soil with a thin peat layer. We surveyed the fungal flora on the logs (n = 364) and the ordinary residue stumps (n = 1767) and tops (n = 845) five years after the treatments.When comparing different stands, controlled burning had a significant effect on species composition; certain species were significantly more frequent on substrates in burned stands than in unburned stands, indicating that these species were favored by controlled burning. By contrast, we found no significant effects of DWC levels or biotope on species composition or richness. When comparing different substrates, 99% of the logs hosted at least one species and the occurrence probability of certain species was significantly higher on logs than on ordinary residue stumps and tops. Yet, volume-based rarefaction analyses showed that residues were more species dense than the logs, indicating that ordinary logging residues constitute important resources for many pioneer species.We conclude that controlled burning combined with DWC have strong effects on biodiversity; it modifies the composition of the pioneer wood-inhabiting fungal species found in managed forests and may thereby also influence the further succession and diversity of the secondary fungal flora.  相似文献   

乌拉山自然保护区油松种群结构与分布格局研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对乌拉山自然保护区天然油松种群的分布特点,设置了3个具有代表性的样地,采用种群径级结构代替年龄结构、点格局分析(Ripley's K-Function)方法对油松种群年龄结构和空间分布格局进行了研究,以期为干旱半干旱地区山地森林生态系统的评价及管理提供依据.结果表明:不同样地油松种群年龄结构处在不同发育阶段,这主要是...  相似文献   

由于人工林面积的不断扩大和人类经营措施的不合理,致使世界范围内人工林地力衰退现象十分严重.我国主要造林树种杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.) Hook)、落叶松(Larix spp.)、桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)等存在地力衰退现象[1-4],其中田大伦[5]、杨玉盛[6]、叶绍明[7]等分别对杉木、桉树连栽进行了较深入研究,得出连栽林地土壤理化性质、林下植物、枯落物生物量及养分循环等有下降趋势.  相似文献   

The influence of woody and herbaceous plant competition, either alone or in combination, on microclimate and growth of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings was examined over four consecutive growing seasons in a central Ontario clearcut. Treatments that manipulated the comparative abundance of these two plant functional groups significantly affected light availability, soil moisture, and air and soil temperature regimes. These microclimate alterations, coupled with the relative competitiveness of herbaceous and woody vegetation, corresponded to temporal changes in vegetation cover and dominance. The more rapid colonization and growth of the herbaceous plant community, dominated by bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) and ericaceous shrubs (Kalmia sp., Vaccinium sp.), resulted in this form of vegetation being a comparatively important early competitor for soil moisture. As the woody plant community, dominated by naturally regenerated trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), grew in height and leaf area, it became a comparatively strong competitor for both light and soil moisture. For all vegetation treatments combined, white pine seedling growth responses were strongly correlated with total cover of competing vegetation and its relative influence on above- and belowground microclimatic variables. Higher total cover of competing vegetation was generally associated with lower light and soil moisture availability and cooler soil temperatures. Multiple regression analyses indicated that pine seedling relative height growth increased with soil moisture content and growing season soil heat sum, while seedling relative diameter and relative volume growth increased with light availability.  相似文献   

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