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Green-tree retention systems are an important management component of variable retention harvests in temperate zone coniferous forests. Residual live trees (“legacy trees”) provide mature forest habitat, increase structural diversity, and provide continuity in the regenerating stand. This study was designed to test the hypotheses that, at up to 8 years after harvest, abundance and species diversity of communities of (i) understory plants and (ii) forest-floor small mammals, and (iii) relative habitat use by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), will decline with decreasing levels of tree retention. Communities of plants and forest floor small mammals were sampled in replicated clearcut, single seed-tree, group seed-tree, patch cut, and uncut forest sites in mixed Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)—lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forest in southern British Columbia, Canada from 2000 to 2003 (5–8 years post-harvest). Habitat use by mule deer was measured during summer and winter periods each year from 1999 to 2003 in these same sites.  相似文献   

Estimating large herbivore density has been a major area of research in recent decades. Previous studies monitoring ungulate density, however, focused mostly on determining animal abundance, and did not interpret animal distribution in relation to habitat parameters. We surveyed large ungulates in the Biodiversity Exploratory Schorfheide-Chorin using faecal pellet group counts. This allowed us to explore the link between relative ungulate abundance, habitat use, and browsing damage on trees in a region with several types of forest, including unharvested and age-class beech forests, as well as age-class pine forests. Our results demonstrate that roe deer and fallow deer relative abundance is negatively correlated with large tree cover, and positively correlated with the cover of small shrubs (Rubus spec., Vaccinium spec.), and winter food supply. Habitat use of roe deer and fallow deer, as estimated by counting faecal pellet groups, revealed a preference for mature pine forests, and avoidance of deciduous forests. This differential habitat use is explained by different distributions of high quality food resources during winter. The response of deer to understory cover differed between roe deer and fallow deer at high cover percentages. The amount of browsing damage we observed on coniferous trees was not consistent with the relative deer abundance. Browsing damage was consistently higher on most deciduous trees, except for beech saplings which sustained less damage when roe deer density was low. Because roe deer is a highly selective feeder, it was reported to affect tree diversity by feeding only on trees with high nutritional value. Consequently, we propose that managing the number of all deer species by hunting is necessary to allow successful forest regeneration. Such an adjustment to deer numbers would need to account for both current tree diversity and alternative food resources. Our findings may be applicable to other forest landscapes in northeastern Germany including mature pine stands and differently harvested deciduous forests.  相似文献   

Changes in historical forest composition and structure may have cascading effects throughout the forest community. Perhaps nowhere is there a better example of current forests that carry a legacy from their past than in eastern North America. The Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea), a declining Neotropical migratory bird of high conservation concern, is one excellent example of a species that seems to be sensitive to both landscape configuration and subtle features of eastern forests of North America. We used the Cerulean Warbler as a model species to demonstrate how an appreciation of fine-scale structural attributes of forests may improve our ability to conserve late-successional forest species. To do this we evaluated the extent to which multiscale habitat features were associated with density, spatial distribution, and nesting success of Cerulean Warblers in 12 mature forest sites in southeast Ohio, 2004–2006. Results suggest that adjacency of regenerating clear-cuts did not influence density or nesting success of Cerulean Warblers in adjacent mature forest. Instead, variation in demographic parameters was best explained by local habitat features. Density and nesting success were positively associated with canopy openness, numbers of large-diameter trees, and number of grapevines—all of which are typical of heterogeneous steady-state phase forests. Thus, improved management for Cerulean Warblers may require creating features (e.g., large canopy gaps) that mimic old-growth forests. Although fragmentation and habitat loss remain important contributors to population declines of many mature forest species, our work provides evidence that subtle changes in forest structure, particularly to features associated with old forests, warrant additional attention from the conservation community.  相似文献   

Unmanaged cedar (Thuja plicata)-hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) forests of the northern Interior Wetbelt of British Columbia support standing and dead trees with a variety of structural features that provide habitat for wildlife. We describe the pre-harvest abundance and characteristics of wildlife trees (standing trees with special characteristics that provide habitat for wildlife) and coarse woody debris (CWD) at three silvicultural systems trials in cedar-dominated stands, and the short-term effects of forest harvesting on the abundance and attributes of CWD. The treatments were clearcut, group retention (70% volume removal), group selection (30% volume removal), and unlogged control. We measured standing trees in 75 0.125-ha plots and CWD along 225 24-m transects, using a functional classification system to characterize habitat attributes of trees and logs. CWD assessments were repeated on the same transects after the harvest. The relationship between tree size and occurrence of habitat features was strong for both standing trees and logs. Each of the four major tree species in the study area was associated with specific habitat features that occurred more often in that species than in any other. Large concealed spaces at the bases of trees, providing den sites and escape cover, were associated with hybrid white spruce (Picea engelmannii × glauca). We suggest that these trees had originated on nurse logs that subsequently rotted away; if that supposition is correct, there may be shortages of these structures in future stands that originate from plantations. Forest harvesting had little effect on the volume of CWD, but did affect the decay class distribution, reduce the proportion of pieces having structural habitat attributes, and reduce piece lengths; these effects were generally proportional to the level of harvest removal. Partial-cut silvicultural systems have the potential to mitigate anticipated deficits in large wildlife trees and logs in managed stands, if components of the stand are managed on longer rotations than those planned for timber production alone.  相似文献   

Despite widespread recognition of linkages between vegetation and insects, understanding of the ecological mechanisms underlying these relationships is limited. Better comprehension of relationships linking abundance and biomass of insects to vegetation would increase accuracy of predictions of the effects of forest management activities on insect communities. This knowledge could also be pivotal to understanding predator–prey dynamics linked to insect populations. We sampled nocturnal flying insects and measured vegetation characteristics in 34 stream reaches in conifer-dominated forests of the Oregon Coast Range in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We considered five a priori hypotheses (resource quality, resource diversity, resource abundance, resource concentration, and stream cover hypotheses) that could explain mechanisms underlying associations between riparian vegetation and nocturnal flying insects, and used an information-theoretic approach to determine the relative strength of evidence for each. The resource quality hypothesis, which predicts that abundance and biomass of insects increases with cover of deciduous vegetation, explained substantial variation for nearly every order of insect investigated, whereas the remaining hypotheses explained relatively little. Abundance and biomass of insects had stronger associations with characteristics of canopy trees than with characteristics of shrub or understory trees, suggesting that deciduous trees are an important habitat element for nocturnal flying insects in these areas. Resource managers planning riparian vegetation management in conifer-dominated forests should be aware that manipulation of the cover of deciduous trees in riparian areas could have a large impact on these insects and their vertebrate predators. By providing information on forest canopy composition, remote sensing may offer a low-cost tool for identifying areas with high abundance and biomass of insects during conservation planning.  相似文献   

The fisher (Martes pennanti) is a forest mustelid endemic to North America that has experienced range reductions in Pacific states that have led to their listing under the Endangered Species Act as warranted but precluded by higher priorities. The viability of the southern Sierra Nevada fisher population is of particular concern due to its reduced historical range, isolated nature, and low genetic variability. We located resting structures of radio-collared fishers in the southern Sierra Nevada and compared resting and available habitat to examine selection for specific features of resting sites. Resting structures provide protection from predators and unfavorable weather and are believed to be the most limiting habitat element across fisher home ranges. Resting structures were found primarily in live trees (76%) and snags (15%). Trees used by fishers for resting were among the largest available and frequently had mistletoe infestations. Ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa) were used more often than expected and incense cedars (Calocedrus decurrens) less than expected. Snags were also large and in fairly advanced stages of decay. Habitat at fisher resting sites had higher canopy cover, greater basal area of snags and hardwoods, and smaller and more variable tree sizes compared to random sites. Resting sites were also found on steeper slopes and closer to streams. Canopy cover was consistently the most important variable distinguishing rest and random sites. In western North America, fishers are generally associated with late-successional forests, but changes in these forests due to logging and fire suppression have resulted in a transition to forest stands characterized by fewer large trees and more small stems. These conditions are consistent with our finding that the large rest structures were surrounded by smaller than average trees. Management practices that support the growth and retention of greater numbers of large trees and snags, while maintaining a minimum of 61% (based on moosehorn) or 56% (generated via Forest Vegetation Simulator) canopy cover and a complex horizontal and vertical forest structure, can improve and provide for future fisher habitat.  相似文献   

Old-growth forests provide important habitat elements for many species of wildlife. These forests, however, are rare where lands are managed for timber. In commercial forests, large and old trees sometimes exist only as widely-dispersed residual or legacy trees. Legacy trees are old trees that have been spared during harvest or have survived stand-replacing natural disturbances. The value of individual legacy trees to wildlife has received little attention by land managers or researchers within the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) region where 95% of the landscape is intensively managed for timber production. We investigated the use of individual legacy old-growth redwood trees by wildlife and compared this use to randomly selected commercially-mature trees. At each legacy/control tree pair we sampled for bats using electronic bat detectors, for small mammals using live traps, for large mammals using remote sensor cameras, and for birds using time-constrained observation surveys. Legacy old-growth trees containing basal hollows were equipped with ‘guano traps’; monthly guano weight was used as an index of roosting by bats. The diversity and richness of wildlife species recorded at legacy trees was significantly greater than at control trees (Shannon index=2.81 versus 2.32; species=38 versus 24, respectively). The index of bat activity and the number of birds observed was significantly greater at legacy trees compared to control trees. We found no statistical differences between legacy and control trees in the numbers of small mammals captured or in the number of species photographed using remote cameras. Every basal hollow contained bat guano and genetic methods confirmed use by four species of bats. Vaux’s swifts (Chaetura vauxi), pygmy nuthatches (Sitta pygmaea), violet-green swallows (Tachycineta thalassina), and the long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) reproduced in legacy trees. As measured by species richness, species diversity, and use by a number of different taxa, legacy trees appear to add significant habitat value to managed redwood forests. This value probably is related to the structural complexity offered by legacy trees. The presence of a basal hollow, which only occur in legacy trees, was the feature that appeared to add the greatest habitat value to legacy trees and, therefore, to commercial forest stands. The results of our study call for an appreciation for particular individual trees as habitat for wildlife in managed stands. This is a spatial resolution of analysis that, heretofore, has not been expected of managers. The cumulative effects of the retention of legacy trees in commercial forest lands could yield important benefits to vertebrate wildlife that are associated with biological legacies.  相似文献   

The floristic and structural habitat requirements of the yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis) and the influence of selective logging on habitat quality in the Maryborough District of southeast Queensland, Australia were determined. Yellow-bellied gliders showed a definite preference for forest associations which contained gum-barked and winter flowering species. Within these associations, abundance was correlated with microhabitat variables and a structural variable representing forest age and degree of disturbance using a Poisson regression analysis. The significant explanatory variables included the structural variable, site productivity and the number of dead hollow-bearing trees. These variables relate to the foraging and denning requirements of the yellow-bellied glider. Implications for forest management in southeast Queensland include the need to retain both mature gum-barked eucalypt species and live hollow-bearing trees during harvesting operations.  相似文献   

Forest managers need a comprehensive scientific understanding of natural stand development processes when designing silvicultural systems that integrate ecological and economic objectives, including a better appreciation of the nature of disturbance regimes and the biological legacies, such as live trees, snags, and logs, that they leave behind. Most conceptual forest development models do not incorporate current knowledge of the: (1) complexity of structures (including spatial patterns) and developmental processes; (2) duration of development in long-lived forests; (3) complex spatial patterns of stands that develop in later stages of seres; and particularly (4) the role of disturbances in creating structural legacies that become key elements of the post-disturbance stands. We elaborate on existing models for stand structural development using natural stand development of the Douglas-fir—western hemlock sere in the Pacific Northwest as our primary example; most of the principles are broadly applicable while some processes (e.g. role of epicormic branches) are related to specific species. We discuss the use of principles from disturbance ecology and natural stand development to create silvicultural approaches that are more aligned with natural processes. Such approaches provide for a greater abundance of standing dead and down wood and large old trees, perhaps reducing short-term commercial productivity but ultimately enhancing wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and ecosystem function, including soil protection and nutrient retention.  相似文献   

It has long been established that mature forests are mosaics of patches in different development phases but it has seldom explicitly been taken into account in ecological studies. We demonstrate here that these development phases, which are related to the population dynamics of trees, play an important role in the distribution of fauna based on observations on frugivorous birds. In an area close to the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Mexico, we studied the abundance of large forest bird species in relation to forest development phases, with a methodology that seems promising for ecological diagnosis and prognosis in forest management planning. Fine-scale forest mapping and bird counts were carried out in two block-transects of 40 m × 3000 m. Tree sampling in a sub-transect was used to generate population characteristics of trees. Large bird species preferred mature or senescent forest patches, whereas relatively young, growing forest patches were avoided. Important large tree species such as Manilkara zapota, Thouinia paucidentata, Guaiacum sanctum and Esenbeckia pentaphylla, characteristic of older forest patches, showed skewed size distributions indicating stress or overexploitation. The population of M. zapota, a key fruiting species that accounted for 26.5% of the total woody biomass, was most heavily affected by stress. A future collapse in the population of M. zapota, a decrease of the total area of older forest, and a decline in the abundance of large birds is likely if stress on the system continues at this level.  相似文献   

The conservation of cavity trees in plantations is important for maintaining biodiversity because cavity trees are one of the forest attributes most strongly affected by forestry operations. We surveyed the occurrence of cavities at the tree-level and the abundance of cavity trees and the number of uses by secondary cavity users at the stand-level in natural and conifer plantation forests in Hokkaido, Japan. We classified cavities into two types by their formation processes: excavated and non-excavated. Excavated cavities were more common in dead trees than in live trees. Non-excavated cavities showed high occurrence in dead and live broad-leaved trees. The abundance of non-excavated cavity trees was two times greater than that of excavated cavity trees in natural forests, but, in plantations, excavated cavity trees were dominant. The abundance of non-excavated cavity trees was lower in thinned plantations than in not-thinned plantations. The number of cavity uses increased with the number of cavity trees, indicating the importance of maintaining cavity trees. Conifer plantations are established by removing native broad-leaved trees, which results in a lower abundance of non-excavated cavity trees in these locations. The conservation of broad-leaved trees is important for maintaining the current and future resource of non-excavated cavity trees in plantation forests, as is the conservation of dead trees, which showed a high occurrence of excavated cavities.  相似文献   

Boreal species that are dependent on old forests, such as many cavity-using birds and mammals, are at high risk from conventional harvest practices. These species may benefit from ecologically sustainable forest management practices that increase heterogeneity within stands and across landscapes. Structural retention within cutblocks and spatial aggregation of cutblocks into large (1000s ha) harvest units are two such management practices being implemented by forestry companies in the boreal plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan. However, little is known about the implications of these practices for old forest species. The goal of our study was to determine if the cavity-using assemblage associated with old upland forest in this region is retained within aggregated harvests with structural retention. We used a cavity web approach to describe and contrast interactions among cavity excavators (woodpeckers, chickadees, and nuthatches) and the secondary (i.e. non-excavating) species reusing their cavities. We described the cavity web for two intact landscapes of old upland forest and for two aggregated harvest landscapes. We identified four key excavators of intact forest: yellow-bellied sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius), hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus), northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), and pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus). These woodpeckers should be considered key excavators primarily of mature and old aspen forest, which dominated the study landscapes. Each woodpecker filled a unique role in the cavity web and all are important for conservation of two mammal and three bird species that used their cavities. In the short term (i.e. within four years post-harvest), the key cavity excavators and many secondary cavity-using species associated with intact forest were retained in the harvested landscapes. One secondary species (American kestrel (Falco sparverius)) was unique in the harvest cavity web. Compared to the intact cavity web, the harvest web had lower abundance of sapsuckers, greater abundance of flickers, and high reuse of flicker cavities by kestrels. These differences were associated with the shift from intact forest to a landscape characterized by patches of old forest surrounded by early-successional habitat. Abundances of hairy and pileated woodpeckers were too low to detect differences between intact and harvested landscapes. The key excavators primarily used trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) for cavity trees and thus aspen should be targeted for retention in harvested landscapes. A more detailed examination of the habitat requirements of the key excavators is needed to develop best practices for tree and patch retention and ensure conservation of the cavity-using assemblage in aggregated harvests.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the importance of burned habitat characteristics as well as the likely dispersal from specific habitats in the distribution of saproxylic beetles the same year as a fire occurred, in burned black spruce stands (Picea mariana [Mill] B.S.P.) in the northern boreal forest of Québec. The distribution of early post-fire saproxylic species was mainly driven by burned habitat attributes at the plot scale (0.04 ha), especially fire severity, suggesting that the effect of environment attributes can act at a relatively fine scale. Some xylophagous and most predaceous species were more abundant in severely burned stands whereas fire severity had the opposite effect on several common mycophagous species. The amount of newly fire-killed trees that could be used as breeding substrates in the burned stands had only a weak positive influence on these functional groups. The great majority of early saproxylic species were weakly associated with the distance from unburned forests or other recently burned patches that could act as potential “source habitats”. Indeed, these variables were of lesser importance than the attributes of the burned habitat. Woody debris that were already present in plots before the fire, potentially serving as local of source-populations for early colonizers, had virtually no influence on the local abundance of species. Many saproxylic species, including some true pyrophilous, clearly showed higher abundance as distance from unburned stands increased. This unexpected relation may reflect that dispersal of insects toward the burnt landscape very shortly after fire could be driven by the higher amount of volatiles released by severely burned forests, which are more likely as distance from unburned forest increased.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the question of which vegetation characteristics have the most influence on avian assemblages in late-successional forests, the habitat preferences of bird-guilds in old-growth endemic forests of Macedonian pine were studied over 3 years in the Pirin National Park, Bulgaria. Bird–habitat relationships were investigated by comparing vegetation characteristics, and bird species richness, diversity, abundance, and guild structure of birds (determined according to food type, foraging and nesting sites) between mature (60–100 years old) and over-mature (>120 years old) Macedonian pine forest stands. Studied forest age-classes differed mainly by the density, height and diameter of trees, and the amount of dead wood. The first one of these parameters decreased and the latter two parameters increased with the forest succession. The difference in the vegetation structure affected the abundance of bird-guilds and thus, the overall bird abundance and the structure of avian assemblages within Macedonian pine forests. There was no significant difference in bird diversity among studied forest age-classes, but the overall bird abundance increased with forest maturation. Analyzed by study plots, species richness was higher in over-mature forests, but at cluster level, there was no significant difference between mature and over-mature forest age-classes. Half of the studied (insectivorous, hole- and ground-nesters, bark- and canopy-foraging bird species) guilds were more abundant in over-mature forests, while there was no bird-guild exhibiting a preference for mature forest stands. The abundances of bird-guilds were correlated with tree height, diameter at breast height and the amount of dead wood between the studied forest age-classes and this might explain their preferences for over-mature pine forests. Therefore, for future sustainable management of these endemic forests and the conservation of their avifauna, efforts should focus on protecting the remaining native old-growth forest stands and the importance of the structure of Macedonian pine forests on their bird assemblages should be considered in forestry practices.  相似文献   

Natural disturbance emulation has emerged as a key management approach to maintaining biodiversity in logged boreal forests. Forest managers’ success in emulating understory forest ecosystem functions, e.g., for the provision of habitat even for large mammals, has not been tested due, in many cases, to incomplete records of silviculture. We examined regenerating areas of previously conifer-dominated forests in northwestern Ontario, Canada, 10 and 30 years after logging and 10 and 30 years after fire to test if understory development and moose (Alces alces) forage abundance differed between the two disturbance types and artificial or natural regeneration approaches. In addition, we counted moose pellet groups as a measure of moose use of the region. Specific treatments included: (1) naturally regenerating, fire-origin forests, (2) post-harvest, regenerating forests with natural establishment of trees, and (3) post-harvest, regenerating forests with mechanical or chemical site preparation and planting and/or herbicide spraying. We hypothesized that the understory in post-harvest stands would support higher forage availability for moose compared to similarly-aged, fire-origin stands. Abundance of hardwoods, shrubs, and herbaceous plants was greater in naturally-regenerated post-harvest stands than in fire-origin and artificially regenerated post-harvest stands at both 10 and 30 years post-disturbance. However, post-harvest, naturally regenerating stands were not significantly associated with higher moose use, rather evidence of moose use increased as a function of the amount of naturally regenerating logged forest in the surrounding landscape. This study suggests that, relative to fire, the intensity of post-harvest silviculture influences habitat suitability for moose. The effect likely cascades to other ungulates, such as woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), and vegetation management needs to be considered at scales greater than the stand level in order to achieve habitat management for large mammals.  相似文献   

The suitability of plantation monocultures for the conservation of forest animals is an issue under continous debate. The adaptability of forest dwellers and the forest management regime seem to play key roles. In this study, I investigated the habitat selection of a generalist bird, the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), within a pine (Pine spp.) monoculture, as well as the importance of the native habitat features within the pine matrix for the species’ conservation. I compared 52 plots with woodpecker presence against 121 plots where the species was absent, as well as 68 nest-trees against 90 random ones. Regression analyses were used to investigate the habitat attributes involved in the habitat selection. Although the great spotted woodpecker is considered a generalist forest dweller, it shows a marked habitat selection. Based on presence/absence records, the woodpecker prefers well-forested patches with high levels of tree diversity and with good coverage of a secondary species such as the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo). To excavate their nests, woodpeckers select large trees in patches where other trees are also larger, rejecting patches with a high number of small trees. The most striking conclusion from this work is the preference shown for native trees, especially Portuguese oaks (Quercus faginea), as nest-trees. This is noteworthy because native trees are smaller and they are surrounded by smaller trees than pines. These findings support that woodpecker conservation benefits from an increase of habitat heterogeneity, particularly by the retention of native woodland patches within the plantation matrix.  相似文献   

Information on roosting requirements and responses to forest management is integral to effectively conserve and manage bat populations. Tree hollows are especially important for roosting bats given the long time taken for hollows to form. We used radiotelemetry to compare roost site selection in two species, Vespadelus regulus and Nyctophilus gouldi, in logged jarrah forests of south-western Australia. We compared characteristics of roost trees and forest structure around roost trees (n = 48) with randomly located plots at a local roost tree level (n = 90) in February and March 2009. For landscape features, we compared roost trees with randomly selected trees in the broader landscape that had cavities or exfoliating bark (n = 204). V. regulus roosted solely in hollows that were located predominantly in contemporarily unlogged buffers and mature forest while N. gouldi used a broader range of roost types, located in contemporarily unlogged buffers and mature forest and in retained habitat trees in gap release and shelterwood creation silvicultural treatments. In contrast with N. gouldi, which selected hollows or crevices under bark near the ground and close to vegetation, V. regulus used hollows that were high above ground and had little surrounding vegetation. Both species preferred large trees, in intermediate or advanced stages of decay and crown senescence. Bats changed roosts frequently, with short distances between subsequent roosts, suggesting a degree of spatial fidelity. Contemporarily unlogged buffers and mature forest contained higher densities of trees with hollows than gap release and shelterwood creation areas, potentially providing more alternate bat roosts. Our results demonstrate the importance of mature forest and unlogged buffers as bat roost sites in logged jarrah forests of south-western Australia, but the area of old forest required by these and co-occurring bat species remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Snags are important both as structural components and as animal habitat in forests, but abundance is often low and their dynamics poorly understood in young, managed stands. Using a large data set of 19,622 snags from permanent plots in second-growth forests of coastal British Columbia, we modeled snag longevity (time from tree mortality to snag fall) for three species: Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and western redcedar (Thuja plicata). Snag longevity was strongly related to species and snag size (diameter): the median snag longevity was 16 years for Douglas-fir, 11 years for hemlock and 5 years for redcedar. Western redcedar was predominantly in the subcanopy and its rapid fall rate was related to the small size of its snags. In addition to diameter, other attributes (height to diameter ratio, height, and live crown ratio before death) contributed significantly to models for one or two of the species. However, site level variables did not contribute significantly to any of the models. Snags greater than 50 cm diameter, especially Douglas-fir snags, have the potential for persistence well beyond 20 years in these second-growth forests, and could be important for wildlife.  相似文献   

Worldwide, the land area devoted to timber plantations is expanding rapidly, especially in the tropics, where reptile diversity is high. The impacts of plantation forestry and its management on native species are poorly known, but are important, because plantation management goals often include protecting biodiversity. We examined the impact of pine (Pinus caribaea) plantations, and their management by fire, on the abundance and richness of reptiles, a significant proportion of the native biodiversity in tropical northern Australia, by (i) comparing abundance and diversity of reptiles among pine plantations (on land cleared specifically for plantation establishment), and two adjacent native forest types, eucalypt and Melaleuca woodlands, and (ii) comparing reptile abundance and richness in pine forest burnt one year prior to the study to remove understorey vegetation with pine forest burnt two years prior to the study. We also examined the influence of fire on reptile assemblages in native vegetation, by comparing eucalypt woodland burnt two years prior to the study and unburnt for eight years. To quantify mechanisms driving differences in reptile richness and abundance among forest types and management regimes, we measured forest structure, the temperatures used by reptiles (operative temperature) and solar radiation, at replicate sites in all forest types and management regimes. Compared to native forests, pine forests had taller trees, lower shrub cover in the understorey, more and deeper exotic litter (other than pine), and were cooler and shadier. Reptile assemblages in pine forests were as rich as those in native forests, but pine assemblages were composed mainly of species that typically use closed-canopy rainforest and prefer cooler, shadier habitats. Burning did not appear to influence the assemblage structure of reptiles in native forest, but burning under pine was associated with increased skink abundance and species richness. Burned pine was not warmer or sunnier than unburned pine, a common driver of reptile abundance, so the shift in lizard use after burning may have been driven by structural differences in understorey vegetation, especially amounts of non-native litter, which were reduced by burning. Thus, burning for management under pine increased the abundance and richness of lizard assemblages using pine. Pine plantations do not support the snake diversity common to sclerophyllous native forests, but pine may have the potential to complement rainforest lizard diversity if appropriately managed.  相似文献   

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