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庄春艳 《林业研究》1995,6(2):23-29
INTRODUCTIONThemanagementofforestresourceisalargescalesystemwiththecharactCristicsofdpondcs,non-linearityandmulticircuits.ltrelatestoagreatnumberoffactors,includingnotonyplantationsandnatUralresourcesec-tors,butalsosomeotherfactorsaboutmap-ageInentandutilization.Thesefactorsaremu-tUaldePCndenceandinterachononeanotherwithsomesortsofdpodricfeedbackprocc-uurs.fossystCm,whichisconstantlychange-ableastiInepasses,hasaheavilyrelationtootherSystCms.ItisimPossibletoclearIyunder-standsuchaconti…  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship, or lack thereof, between growth and diversity of tree species and size in conifer stands of western North America. Growth was measured by net basal area growth and its components: survivor growth, recruitment, and mortality. The analysis used inventory data from permanent plots in the Douglas-fir/western hemlock forest type in Oregon and Washington, and in the mixed-conifer forest type in California. The methods consisted of generalized least square regression with spatial autocorrelation, controlling for the effect of other stand characteristics. Other things being equal, in the two forest types under study there was a strong positive relationship between net basal area growth and tree-species diversity. This effect was associated with higher recruitment in stands of higher tree-species diversity. Neither mortality nor growth of survivors was related to tree-species diversity. The relationship between growth and tree-size diversity was less clear. For Douglas-fir/western hemlock, net basal area growth was negatively correlated with tree-size diversity, essentially because recruitment was lower on plots of high tree-size diversity. For mixed conifers, net basal area growth tended also to be lower in plots of high tree-size diversity, but this was mostly because mortality was higher in plots of higher tree-size diversity.  相似文献   

Mapping forest dynamics under climate change: A matrix model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global climate change may be affecting forests around the world. However, the impact of climate change on forest population dynamics, especially at the landscape or regional level, has hardly been addressed before. A new methodology was proposed to enable matrix transition models to account for climate impact on forest population dynamics. The first climate-sensitive matrix (CSMatrix) model was developed for the Alaska boreal forest based on observations from over 15 years of forest inventory. The spatially explicit model was used to map climate-induced forest population dynamics across the region. The model predicted that the basal area increment in the region under natural succession would be hindered by global warming, more so for dry upland areas than for moist wetlands. It was suggested that temperature-induced drought stress could more than offset a predicted increase of future precipitation in the region to lower overall forest productivity. At the same time, stand diversity would increase across the region through transient species redistribution. Accounting for climate conditions made the CSMatrix model more accurate than conventional matrix models.  相似文献   

Changes in forest structure, the rate of recovery and stem turnover, 10 years after experimental cutting of a primary tropical dry forest in Jamaica, were determined by conducting a post-disturbance inventory of permanent sample plots in 2009. In April 1999, two plots within each of four blocks were assigned to two randomly allocated treatments (partially and clear cut) and a plot was assigned as a control (uncut). The treatment intensities were intended to mimic wood extraction for charcoal or timber production, a common form of anthropogenic disturbance in Caribbean dry forests. The application of the treatments significantly reduced the number of trees per diameter size-class, but after 10 years, the size-class distribution for the small size-classes was similar to pre-disturbance measurements. However, larger size-classes (?14 cm) in 2009 had fewer individuals when compared with the pre-disturbance size-class distribution. Ten years after cutting, tree height, basal area and tree density in partially cut plots had recovered by 92%, 81% and 94% and in clear cut plots by 78%, 35% and 78% respectively, in comparison with control plots. Although the biomass lost due to cutting and the original state of this forest have not fully recovered 10 years after disturbance, our results showed that coppicing allows the establishment of some semblance of a canopy and offers a rapid route to reclaim space. This newly established canopy also helps to ameliorate environmental conditions facilitating regeneration by seed, which would otherwise take years to occur due to the harsh conditions found in open areas. No new species or any species that could be described as pioneers were recorded and despite a shift in dominance, secondary succession did not occur. Therefore gap dynamics, often used to describe the process of regeneration in tropical rainforests, cannot be used to describe regeneration in this dry forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

The increasing commercial interest and advancing exploitation of new remote territories of the boreal forest require deeper knowledge of the productivity of these ecosystems. Canadian boreal forests are commonly assumed to be evenly aged, but recent studies show that frequent small-scale disturbances can lead to uneven-aged class distributions. However, how age distribution affects tree growth and stand productivity at high latitudes remains an unanswered question. Dynamics of tree growth in even- and uneven-aged stands at the limit of the closed black spruce (Picea mariana) forest in Quebec (Canada) were assessed on 18 plots with ages ranging from 77 to 340 years. Height, diameter and age of all trees were measured. Stem analysis was performed on the 10 dominant trees of each plot by measuring tree-ring widths on discs collected each meter from the stem, and the growth dynamics in height, diameter and volume were estimated according to tree age. Although growth followed a sigmoid pattern with similar shapes and asymptotes in even- and uneven-aged stands, trees in the latter showed curves more flattened and with increases delayed in time. Growth rates in even-aged plots were at least twice those of uneven-aged plots. The vigorous growth rates occurred earlier in trees of even-aged plots with a culmination of the mean annual increment in height, diameter and volume estimated at 40–80 years, 90–110 years earlier than in uneven-aged plots. Stand volume ranged between 30 and 238 m3 ha−1 with 75% of stands showing values lower than 120 m3 ha−1 and higher volumes occurring at greater dominant heights and stand densities. Results demonstrated the different growth dynamics of black spruce in single- and multi-cohort stands and suggested the need for information on the stand structure when estimating the effective or potential growth performance for forest management of this species.  相似文献   

The general objective of this study was to evaluate the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) method, integrated to a geographic information systems (GIS), in the definition of priority areas for forest conservation in a Brazilian river basin, aiming at to increase the regional biodiversity. We demonstrated how one could obtain a range of alternatives by applying OWA, including the one obtained by the weighted linear combination method and, also the use of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to structure the decision problem and to assign the importance to each criterion. The criteria considered important to this study were: proximity to forest patches; proximity among forest patches with larger core area; proximity to surface water; distance from roads; distance from urban areas; and vulnerability to erosion. OWA requires two sets of criteria weights: the weights of relative criterion importance and the order weights. Thus, Participatory Technique was used to define the criteria set and the criterion importance (based in AHP). In order to obtain the second set of weights we considered the influence of each criterion, as well as the importance of each one, on this decision-making process. The sensitivity analysis indicated coherence among the criterion importance weights, the order weights, and the solution. According to this analysis, only the proximity to surface water criterion is not important to identify priority areas for forest conservation. Finally, we can highlight that the OWA method is flexible, easy to be implemented and, mainly, it facilitates a better understanding of the alternative land-use suitability patterns.  相似文献   

Forest management has been criticised in the last 20 years for its negative impact on the native species, structures and functions of the forest. Of many possible alternatives proposed to minimize these effects, the functional zoning (or TRIAD) approach is gaining popularity in North America. The goal of this approach is to minimize the negative environmental impacts of forestry while maintain timber supply by dividing the forest into three broad land-use zones: (1) conservation, (2) ecosystem management, and (3) wood production. In this study, we used a spatially explicit landscape model to simulate the effects of fire and six different forest management scenarios on a boreal mixedwood forest management unit in central Quebec. The management scenarios examined included the current practices scenario, a scenario proposed by the provincial government, and four TRIAD scenarios varying in the amount of forest allocated to each of the three zones. For each scenario, we examined the harvest volume, percentage old-growth forest or old forest managed to favour old-growth attributes, and effective mesh size of forest patches by 20-year age classes. With more area set aside for conservation and high-retention partial cut harvesting techniques designed to maintain the attributes of old-growth stands, all TRIAD scenarios resulted in higher percentages of stands with old-growth attributes than the current practices scenario and the government proposed scenario, and two of the four TRIAD scenarios also resulted in higher harvest volume over the long term. All forest management scenarios resulted in significantly lower effective mesh size than the fire-only scenario, but this difference was not as pronounced for the four TRIAD scenarios as for the current practice and government proposed scenarios. We conclude that the TRIAD approach has the potential to minimize some of the negative impacts of forestry on the landscape, while maintaining timber supply over the long term.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the stand structure and dynamics of subalpine forests is crucial to preserve their multifunctionality. In the present study, we reconstructed the spatiotemporal dynamics of a subalpine Pinus cembra forest in the eastern Italian Alps in response to natural disturbances and forest management. We adopted a concurrent point pattern, dendroecological and growth dominance (GD) analysis. We mapped and measured all trees of Pinus cembra and Larix decidua in a 1?ha plot. We analyzed intra- and interspecific spatial patterns and spatial autocorrelation of tree size and age. We explored establishment dynamics and shifts in competition by analyzing growth suppression/release patterns and GD trends. Results showed a clumped, uneven-aged, multilayered structure where pine was dominant. The synergic action of ecological and human-induced factors is discussed to explain the prevalence of pine over time. Spatial pattern and autocorrelation analyses suggest a different colonization strategy of the two species, in which pine established after small-scale perturbations and experienced a stronger inter- and intra-specific competition. The interruption of tree establishment and shift in GD toward large trees resulting from the lack of forest management are the most important findings of this research. This highlights the importance of an active management to avoid the homogenization of the forest structure that is generally associated with a reduction in biodiversity and protective ability of forests.  相似文献   

An approach to public participation in strategic forest management planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is presented for taking public preferences into account in choosing the management strategy for a forest area. An illustrative example of the use of the approach is given, and some experiences in practical planning at Ruunaa conservation area in Eastern Finland are discussed. The approach can be applied to representative, as well as to participatory democracy approaches. The use of the approach is mainly discussed with regard to representative democracy. In the representative approach, a level of players consisting of interest groups is added into the decision hierarchy, just above the level of decision objectives. In the participatory approach, the level of players consists of citizens. By applying the approach, valuable information can be obtained about public values and their effects on the choice of management strategy as well as about possibilities to attain a compromise between conflicting interests.  相似文献   

Forest harvesting strategies that approximate natural disturbances have been proposed as a means of maintaining natural species’ diversity and richness in the boreal forests of North America. Natural disturbances impact shoreline forests and upland areas at similar rates. However, shoreline forests are generally protected from harvest through the retention of treed buffer strips. We examined bird community responses to forest management guidelines intended to approximate shoreline forest fires by comparing bird community structure in early (1–4 years) post-burned and harvested boreal riparian habitats and the adjacent shoreline forest. We sampled riparian areas with adjacent: (1) burned merchantable shoreline forest (n = 21), (2) burned non-merchantable shoreline forest (n = 29), (3) 10 m treed buffer with 25% retention in the next 30 m (n = 18), and (4) 30 m treed buffer (n = 21). Only minor differences were detected in riparian species’ abundance and bird community composition between treatments with greater differences in these parameters occurring between post-fire and post-harvest upland bird communities. Indicators of all merchantable treatments were dominated by upland species with open-habitat species and habitat generalists being typical upland indicator species of burned merchantable habitats and forest specialists typical upland indicators of harvested treatments. Riparian species indicative of burned riparian habitats were Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), Le Conte’s Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) and Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) and indicators of 30 m buffers were Alder Flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum) and Wilson’s Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla). Multivariate Redundancy Analysis (RDA) of the overall (riparian and upland birds) community showed greater divergence than RDA with only riparian species suggesting less effect of fire and forestry on riparian birds than on upland birds. Higher natural range of variability (NRV) of overall post-fire bird communities compared to post-harvest communities emphasizes that harvesting guidelines currently do not achieve this level of variability. However, lack of a large negative effect on common riparian species in the first 4 years post-disturbance allows for the exploration of alternative shoreline forest management that better incorporates bird community composition of post-fire riparian areas and shoreline forests.  相似文献   

Forests are among the most important ecosystems that provide various hydrological services including water production and protection because the vast majority of the water available on the earth comes from forested catchments. The forests provide quality and continuous water yield as well as protective services such as flood control, soil protection, landslide protection, avalanche protection, and prevention against rock falls, which are related to water. However, the quality and quantity of all the forest functions are influenced by forest ecosystem structure and composition such as forest type, tree species, age class distribution, biomass, leaf area, basal area, crown closure, and stand development stages. This study provides an assessment of hydrological services of forest ecosystems through the systematic review of relevant literature till 2018. It mainly focuses on water-forest relations and explains how forest ecosystem structure and composition affect water production, quality, and sustainability. Then, a general framework relating to the integration of hydrological services into forest management is concluded in the context of sustainable management of natural resources.  相似文献   

基于28个20mx90m样地的调查数据,利用Lotka-Volterra模型,本文分析了长白山北坡阔叶红松(Pinuskoraiensis)林和云冷杉林(也叫暗针叶林)群落交错区优势树种之间的竞争及动态。结果显示:在自然条件下,群落将向两个方向分化,一是以云杉(PiceajezoensisandP.koraiensis)和冷杉(Abiesnephrolepis)为优势的群落,并在达到平衡时冷杉占绝对优势(相对优势度的77.1%):另一种是以红松或云冷杉和阔叶树占绝对优势的针阔混交林,并在达到平衡时,阔叶树在阔叶红松林中占相对优势度的50%,在云冷杉一阔叶林类型中占66%。同时,本研究说明:(1)阔叶红松林和云冷杉林都是长白山气候顶极群落:(2)交错区具有过渡性质:(3)森林群落的分化结果说明演替的方向受局部生境的影响。图1表3参24。  相似文献   

The competition and dynamics of dominant trees species in the forest ecotone between the broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest and the spruce-fir forest (also known as dark conifer forest) in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province in Northeast China were studied by using Lotka-Volterra model, based on the data from twenty-eight sample plots with area of 20 mx90 m for each one. Results showed that under natural condition, differentiation of communities followed two directions: one would be Spruce (Picea jezoensis and few P. koraiensis) and fir (Abies nephrolepis) co-dominant conifer forest, and at the equilibrium fir was absolutely preponderant (77.1% of relative dominance (RD)); the other would be the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest, and at equilibrium, the broad-leaved tree species was 50% of RD in the broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and 66% of RD in the broad-leaved and spruce-fir mixed forest. The study demonstrated that both broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and dark conifer forest were climax community, the ecotone had transitional characteristics, and the diversification of the forest communities suggested that the direction of succession was affected by local habitat.  相似文献   

Background: Decisions on forest management are made under risk and uncertainty because the stand development cannot be predicted exactly and future timber prices are unknown. Deterministic calculations may lead to biased advice on optimal forest management. The study optimized continuous cover management of boreal forest in a situation where tree growth, regeneration, and timber prices include uncertainty.Methods: Both anticipatory and adaptive optimization approaches were used. The adaptive approach optimized the reservation price function instead of fixed cutting years. The future prices of different timber assortments were described by cross-correlated auto-regressive models. The high variation around ingrowth model was simulated using a model that describes the cross- and autocorrelations of the regeneration results of different species and years. Tree growth was predicted with individual tree models, the predictions of which were adjusted on the basis of a climate-induced growth trend, which was stochastic. Residuals of the deterministic diameter growth model were also simulated. They consisted of random tree factors and cross- and autocorrelated temporal terms.Results: Of the analyzed factors, timber price caused most uncertainty in the calculation of the net present value of a certain management schedule. Ingrowth and climate trend were less significant sources of risk and uncertainty than tree growth. Stochastic anticipatory optimization led to more diverse post-cutting stand structures than obtained in deterministic optimization. Cutting interval was shorter when risk and uncertainty were included in the analyses.Conclusions: Adaptive optimization and management led to 6%–14% higher net present values than obtained in management that was based on anticipatory optimization. Increasing risk aversion of the forest landowner led to earlier cuttings in a mature stand. The effect of risk attitude on optimization results was small.  相似文献   

We conducted a study in a spruce forest, grown on a sub-acidic bedrock, in the Italian Alps in order to assess whether (1) forest dynamics influences animal communities, and in particular whether the richness of zoological groups peaks during the regeneration phase, (2) the diversity of zoological groups is correlated to C mineralization, considered as a measurement of soil functioning, (3) aspect influences the above relationships. We compared soil animal communities, soil physico-chemical features and nutrient mineralization in three developmental phases of spruce, with increasing tree cover (clearing, regeneration and mature trees) and two sun exposures (North, South). Animal communities changed with spruce dynamics. Mature spruce stands were characterized by higher densities of Acari, while regeneration stands and clearings were mainly characterized by higher densities of Collembola and most groups of macrofauna. As hypothesized, the richness of zoological groups was highest in regeneration stands, especially in the south facing site, probably because of the simultaneous occurrence of a dense herbaceous cover and spruce litter, leading to higher local soil heterogeneity. However, zoological group diversity (Shannon index), which was lowest in mature stands, was better explained by the herbaceous cover, i.e., by the quality of food resources, in both south and north facing sites. Variations of soil characteristics with the developmental phase of trees, reflecting a higher litter input and slower litter decomposition rate beneath mature trees, are in line with the distribution of zoological groups. As expected, the diversity of zoological groups was positively correlated to C mineralization. Changes in animal communities with phases of the forest cycle were much more pronounced in the south compared to the north facing site. In light of previously published results, we discuss how the diversity and composition of soil animal communities are plant driven.  相似文献   


In this study, 236 regeneration areas (mostly clear-cuts) in southern Norway were selected by random stratified selection: 118 of the study units were cut before and 118 after the introduction of forest certification in 1998. The degree of compliance with biodiversity measures established in the prevailing certification standard (ISO 14001 and the Norwegian standard “Living Forests”) was compared in a field study, and the differences were analysed. In some aspects, a clear difference could be seen, most clearly in an increasing number of green retention trees and an increasing mean width of buffer-strips left along rivers, bogs and lakes in the postcertification units compared with the precertification units. Even though there was a significant increase in the mean number of retention trees, as much as 21% of the postcertification regeneration areas still did not have sufficient retention trees to comply with the certification standard and 41% had either too few retention trees or too few spruce trees according to the standard. Concerning the management of small swamp forests, and the damage done to terrain and prelogging coarse dead wood by off-road transport, little improvement was seen. The discussion examines whether it is probable that the changes seen are a result of forest certification in Norway.  相似文献   

Forest management in Romania is based on sustained yield. However, the current sustained-yield policy may be outdated and may not be the best way of achieving Romania's intended objectives of biological sustainability and community stability. The existing policy also does not incorporate objectives consistent with Romania's new economic and social systems. We examine the potential economic net benefits from timber harvests that could result from changes to the existing sustained-yield policy by comparing the state-approved management plan of a community forest with three alternative forest management plans. We find that the three alternatives appreciably increase the potential economic net benefits. Certain aspects of these alternative plans deviate from Romania's current sustained-yield criteria; however, the costs associated with changes to the current regime could be balanced by the economic net benefits of implementing an alternative management plan. To employ the same static forest management policy throughout time without adapting to a dynamic socio-economic environment will likely lead to inefficient, ineffective, and unproductive utilization of Romania's forest resources.  相似文献   

In boreal forests, historical variations in the area disturbed by natural disturbances or harvesting have rarely been compared. We measured temporal and spatial variations in areas affected by severe fires and clearcutting throughout the 20th century in a 57, 332 km2 section of the eastern Canadian boreal forest. We examined the effects of these disturbances on spatio-temporal variations in the abundance of forests >60 years. Natural variability for the abundance of forests >60 years was estimated from simulations of natural disturbance regimes. We also measured compositional and structural differences between three categories of stands originating from relatively recent disturbances (∼50 years; clearcutting, fires, and clearcutting followed by fires), and one category of stands that were undisturbed for at least 200 years. At the regional level, we observed that forests >60 years gradually became scarcer throughout the 20th century due to a gradual expansion of harvested areas, an effect most pronounced in the southern part of the region, where mature and old forest abundance was clearly outside the range of natural variability at the end of the studied period. At the stand level, forest composition and structure differed between stand-origin categories: clearcutting-origin stands contained more balsam fir (Abies balsamea), fire-origin stands more black spruce (Picea mariana), and fire/clearcutting-origin stands more hardwoods (Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides). Overall, we estimate that strict forest management targets based on natural disturbance regimes will be difficult to achieve in eastern North-American boreal forests, most notably because contemporary disturbance rates, including both clearcutting and fire, have gradually become higher than the fire rates observed during the preindustrial period.  相似文献   

分析了宾县林业局森林资源现状和特点,提出经营利用对策。  相似文献   

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