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Mitigating climate change and securing a supply of energy may be achieved, in part, by substituting fossil fuels with bioenergy from stumps and roots. However, the use of stumps would result in a reduction of the carbon pool and thus, from a greenhouse gas emission perspective, there is a trade-off between using stumps for bioenergy and retaining them in the carbon pool associated with dead organic matter. The objective of this study was to show whether, from a carbon balance perspective and over the short and long-terms, stumps are more important as a source of energy that replaces fossil fuels, or as a carbon sink.  相似文献   

The role of European forests and forest management in the carbon balance has received much attention in research recently. This was particularly motivated by the recognition of forest management as one possible measure countries may adopt in the framework of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. The main method to assess carbon budget in forests is based on traditional forest inventories. This method requires the conversion of measured stem volume to carbon pools. This conversion has been identified as a large source of uncertainty in past assessments. Over the last 5 years, intensive research efforts have resulted in significant advances in the reliability of forest inventory based carbon budgets. In parallel, the impact of forest management on the carbon balance of forest ecosystems has been investigated and the carbon mitigation potential of these activities has been analysed. This paper reviews the progress that was made in these two fields of research with a particular focus on European forests.
Marcus LindnerEmail:

The strategy for implementing silvicultural practices in Japanese plantation forests was examined to achieve a carbon uptake of 13.0 Mt-C year–1, which was capped by the Marrakesh Accords, during the first commitment period, 2008–2012. The plantation forests that implemented silvicultural practices in the period 1990–2012 (FM plantation forests) were identified in compliance with the hypothesized identification rules, and carbon uptake in the forests was estimated using a simple model composed of simulation and optimization components on the assumption that whole plantation forest is classified into only two groups. Furthermore, parametric analysis was conducted to investigate the relationships among three factors: (1) the average annual harvesting volume (including thinning) in plantation forests during the first commitment period, (2) the total area of FM plantation forests in 2012, and (3) the average annual amount of carbon to be sequestered in FM plantation forests during the first commitment period. The results imply that young stands have to be prioritized in implementing silvicultural practices under any harvesting plan and carbon sequestration goal, and that FM plantation forests sequestered 8.0–10.5 (Mt-C year–1) carbon in inverse proportion to the harvesting volume of 21.0–14.0 million m3 year–1 (log volume), assuming that most of the plantation forests were incorporated into them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to predict the likely amounts of carbon sequestration on a national scale for Japan in the Article-3.4 private planted forests of the Kyoto Protocol during the first commitment period. We regarded the planted forests that had undergone silvicultural practices such as weeding, pruning, and thinning since 1990 as Article-3.4 planted forests in accordance with the definition given by the Forestry Agency of Japan. Regression models were developed to predict the forest areas that had undergone silvicultural practices, employing silvicultural subsidies and forest workers' wages as predictor variables. Then the time series changes in the predictor variables were provided by extending their recent trends, with the result being that the forest areas that have undergone silvicultural practices were predicted on the basis of the three scenarios of the variables. Thus, the Article-3.4 forest area was calculated considering overlaps of silvicultural practices over fixed stands, and the area was converted into the amount of carbon sequestration by multiplying it by coefficients such as a volume table, biomass expansion factor, and others. The result implied that Article-3.4 private planted forests were expected to sequester 8.16–8.87 Mt-C year−1 during the first commitment period. These amounts cover 63%–68% of the carbon sequestration goal by land-use change and forestry activities capped under the Marrakesh Accords. To realize this prediction, it is important to provide a sufficient silvicultural subsidy to last until the end of the first commitment period and to implement silvicultural practices on the forest stands that have not undergone such practices since 1990.  相似文献   

As in many other developing countries, the state government of Acre, Brazil, is developing a program for compensating forest holders (such as communities of rubber tappers and indigenous peoples as well as small, medium and large private land holders) reducing their emission of atmospheric heat-trapping gases by not deforesting. We describe and then apply to Acre a method for estimating carbon stocks by land cover type. We then compare the results of our simple method, which is based on vegetation mapping and ground-based samples, with other more technically demanding methods based on remote sensing. We estimated total biomass carbon stocks by multiplying the measured above-ground biomass of trees >10 cm DBH in each of 18 forest types and published estimates for non-forest areas, as determined by measurement of 44 plots throughout the state (ranging from 1 to 10 ha each), by land-cover area estimated using a geographical information system. State-wide, we estimated average above-ground biomass in forested areas to be 246 ± 90 Mg ha−1; dense forest showed highest (322 ± 20 Mg ha−1) and oligotrophic dwarf forest (campinarana) the lowest biomass (20 ± 30 Mg ha−1). The two most widespread forest types in Acre, open canopy forests dominated by either palms and bamboo (for which ground-based data are scant), support an estimated 246 ± 44 and 224 ± 50 Mg ha−1 of above-ground biomass, respectively. We calculate the total above-ground biomass of the 163,000 km2 State of Acre to be 3.6 ± 0.8 Pg (non-forest biomass included). This estimate is very similar to two others generated using much more technologically demanding methods, but all three methods, regardless of sophistication, suffer from lack of field data.  相似文献   

Secondary forests are a major terrestrial carbon sink and reliable estimates of their carbon stocks are pivotal for understanding the global carbon balance and initiatives to mitigate CO2 emissions through forest management and reforestation. A common method to quantify carbon stocks in forests is the use of allometric regression models to convert forest inventory data to estimates of aboveground biomass (AGB). The use of allometric models implies decisions on the selection of extant models or the development of a local model, the predictor variables included in the selected model, and the number of trees and species for destructive biomass measurements. We assess uncertainties associated with these decisions using data from 94 secondary forest plots in central Panama and 244 harvested trees belonging to 26 locally abundant species. AGB estimates from species-specific models were used to assess relative errors of estimates from multispecies models. To reduce uncertainty in the estimation of plot AGB, including wood specific gravity (WSG) in the model was more important than the number of trees used for model fitting. However, decreasing the number of trees increased uncertainty of landscape-level AGB estimates substantially, while including WSG had limited effects on the accuracy of the landscape-level estimates. Predictions of stand and landscape AGB varied strongly among models, making model choice an important source of uncertainty. Local models provided more accurate AGB estimates than foreign models, but high variability in carbon stocks across the landscape implies that developing local models is only justified when landscape sampling is sufficiently intensive.  相似文献   

Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and/or the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are required to account for their direct human-induced carbon emissions and removals including those from forestry and other land use related activities. In most European countries, the forestry related greenhouse gas inventories are largely or exclusively based on converting tree volume data from national forest inventories to biomass using biomass conversion and expansion factors (BCEFs). However, country specific data for many species are often lacking, which considerably increases the uncertainties of the greenhouse gas inventories. The focus of this research was to develop, using internationally published datasets that cover a large geographical area, an extended set of generalized curves of such biomass expansion factors for several species or species groups by age, growing stock and site index.  相似文献   

We evaluated carbon stocks in the above-ground biomass (AGB) of three dominant mangrove species (Sonneratia apetala, Avicennia alba and Excoecaria agallocha) in the Indian Sundarbans. We examined whether these carbon stocks vary with spatial locations (western region vs. central region) and with seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon). Among the three studied species, S. apetala showed the maximum above-ground carbon storage (t ha−1) followed by A. alba (t ha−1) and E. agallocha (t ha−1). The above-ground biomass (AGB) varied significantly with spatial locations (p < 0.05) but not with seasons (p < 0.05). The variation may be attributed to different environmental conditions to which these areas are exposed to such as higher siltation and salinity in central region compared to western region. The relatively higher salinity in central region caused subsequent lowering of biomass and stored carbon of the selected species.  相似文献   

With increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, there is an urgent need of reliable estimates of biomass and carbon pools in tropical forests, most especially in Africa where there is a serious lack of data. Information on current annual increment (CAI) of carbon biomass resulting from direct field measurements is crucial in this context, to know how forest ecosystems will affect the carbon cycle and also to validate eddy covariance flux measurements. Biomass data were collected from 25 plots of 13 ha spread over the different vegetation types and land uses of a moist evergreen forest of 772,066 ha in Cameroon. With site-specific allometric equations, we estimated biomass and aboveground and belowground carbon pools. We used GIS technology to develop a carbon biomass map of our study area. The CAI was estimated using the growth rates obtained from tree rings analysis. The carbon biomass was on average 264 ± 48 Mg ha−1. This estimate includes aboveground carbon, root carbon and soil organic carbon down to 30 cm depth. This value varied from 231 ± 45 Mg ha−1 of carbon in Agro-Forests to 283 ± 51 Mg ha−1 of carbon in Managed Forests and to 278 ± 56 Mg ha−1 of carbon in National Park. The carbon CAI varied from 2.54 ± 0.65 Mg ha−1 year−1 in Agro-Forests to 2.79 ± 0.72 Mg ha−1 year−1 in Managed Forests and to 2.85 ± 0.72 Mg ha−1 year−1 in National Park. This study provides estimates of biomass, carbon pools and CAI of carbon biomass from a forest landscape in Cameroon as well as an appropriate methodology to estimate these components and the related uncertainty.  相似文献   

中国杨树生物量和碳储量研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了中国近20年来有关杨树生物量产量、生物量增长模型、生物量测定、生物量与林分密度,以及杨树碳储量方面的研究进展。对研究方面存在的问题进行了讨论,并提出提高杨树生物量的一些建议和措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate biomass and carbon storage for a fast-growing makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi). The study site was located in central Taiwan and the makino bamboo plantation had a stand density of 21191 ± 4107 culms ha−1. A diameter distribution model based on the Weibull distribution function and an allometric model was used to predict aboveground biomass and carbon storage. For an accurate estimation of carbon storage, the percent carbon content (PCC) in different sections of bamboo was determined by an elemental analyzer. The results showed that bamboos of all ages shared a similar trend, where culms displayed a carbon storage of 47.49–47.82%, branches 45.66–46.23%, and foliage 38.12–44.78%. In spite of the high density of the stand, the diameter distribution of makino bamboo approached a normal distribution and aboveground biomass and carbon storage were 105.33 and 49.81 Mg ha−1, respectively. Moreover, one-fifth of older culms from the entire stand were removed by selective cutting. If the distribution of the yield of older culms per year was similar to the current stand, the yields of biomass and carbon per year would be 21.07 and 9.89 Mg ha−1 year−1. An astonishing productivity was observed, where every 5 years the yield of biomass and carbon was equal to the current status of stockings. Thus, makino bamboo has a high potential as a species used for carbon storage.  相似文献   

中国森林系统对全球碳平衡的作用与地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合林业系统的远景规划,提出了“20 a 20 a”的林业建设模式。根据该模式,从2004年开始,经过20 a的造林工作,我国森林覆盖率将达到25%,再经过20 a将达到30%。剔除每年2×108m3的木材采伐量,在第1个20a期间,平均年消耗大气C折合CO22.24×108t,占1996年我国CO2排放量的27.8%;以森林覆盖率25%计算,在第2个20 a期间,平均年消耗大气C折合CO26.31×108t,占1996年我国CO2排放量的78.3%。将每年2×108m3的木材采伐量计算在内,则消耗的CO2分别为8.32×108t和12.36×108t,约占1996年CO2排放量的103%和153%。在“20 a 20 a”模式下,我国森林系统将成为巨大的碳汇。这一方面可使我国的生态环境得到优化,实现国民经济的可持续发展,另一方面可减轻我国在碳排放问题上所受到的国际压力,有利于拓宽我国的经济发展空间。  相似文献   

We quantified deviations in regional forest biomass from simple extrapolation of plot data by the biomass expansion factor method(BEF) versus estimates obtained from a local biomass model,based on large-scale empirical field inventory sampling data.The sources and relative contributions of deviations between the two models were analyzed by the boosted regression trees method.Relative to the local model,BEF overestimated accumulative biomass by 22.12%.The predominant sources of the total deviation (70.94%) were stand-structure variables.Stand age and diameter at breast height are the major factors.Compared with biotic variables,abiotic variables had a smaller overall contribution (29.06%),with elevation and soil depth being the most important among the examined abiotic factors.Large deviations in regional forest biomass and carbon stock estimates are likely to be obtained with BEF relative to estimates based on local data.To minimize deviations,stand age and elevation should be included in regional forest-biomass estimation.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in five forest types of subtropical zone in the Northwestern Himalaya, India. Three forest stands of 0.1 ha were laid down in each forest type to study the variation in vegetation carbon pool, stem density, and ecosystem carbon density. The stem density in the present study ranged from (483 to 417 trees ha?1) and stem biomass from (262.40 to 39.97 tha?1). Highest carbon storage (209.95 t ha?1) was recorded in dry Shiwalik sal forest followed by Himalayan chir forest > chir pine plantation > lower Shiwalik pine forest > northern mixed dry deciduous forest. Maximum tree above ground biomass is observed in dry Shiwalik sal forests (301.78 t ha?1), followed by upper Himalayan chir pine forests (194 t ha?1) and lower in Shiwalik pine forests (138.73 t ha?1). The relationship with stem volume showed the maximum adjusted r2 (0.873), followed by total density (0.55) and average DBH (0.528). The regression equation of different parameters with shrub biomass showed highest r2 (0.812) and relationship between ecosystem carbon with other parameters of different forest types, where cubic function with stem volume showed highest r2 value of 0.873 through cubic functions. Our results suggest that biomass and carbon stocks in these subtropical forests vary greatly with forest type and species density. This variation among forests can be used as a tool for carbon credit claims under ongoing international conventions and protocols.  相似文献   

Changes in biomass and soil carbon with nitrogen fertilization were simulated for a 25-year loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation and for three consecutive 7-year short-rotation cottonwood (Populus deltoides) stands. Simulations were conducted for 17 locations in the southeastern United States with mean annual temperatures ranging from 13.1 to 19.4 °C. The LINKAGES stand growth model, modified to include the “RothC” soil C and soil N model, simulated tree growth and soil C status. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased cumulative cottonwood aboveground biomass in the three rotations from a site average of 106 to 272 Mg/ha in 21 years. The equivalent site averages for loblolly pine showed a significant increase from 176 and 184 Mg/ha in 25 years with fertilization. Location results, compared on the annual sum of daily mean air temperatures above 5.5 °C (growing-degree-days), showed contrasts. Loblolly pine biomass increased whereas cottonwood decreased with increasing growing-degree-days, particularly in cottonwood stands receiving N fertilization. The increment of biomass due to N addition per unit of control biomass (relative response) declined in both plantations with increase in growing-degree-days. Average soil C in loblolly pine stands increased from 24.3 to 40.4 Mg/ha in 25 years and in cottonwood soil C decreased from 14.7 to 13.7 Mg/ha after three 7-year rotations. Soil C did not decrease with increasing growing-degree-days in either plantation type suggesting that global warming may not initially affect soil C. Nitrogen fertilizer increased soil C slightly in cottonwood plantations and had no significant effect on the soil C of loblolly stands.  相似文献   

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) requires reporting net carbon stock changes and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, including those related to forests. This paper describes the design and implementation of a nation-wide forest inventory of New Zealand’s planted post-1989 forests that arose from Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry activities (LULUCF) under Article 3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol. The majority of these forests are planted with Pinus radiata, with the remainder made up of other species exotic to New Zealand. At the start of the project there was no on-going national forest inventory that could be used as a basis for calculating carbon stocks and meet Good Practice Guidelines.A network of ground-based permanent sample plots was installed with airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) for double sampling using regression estimators to predict carbon in each of the four carbon pools of above- and below-ground live biomass, dead wood and litter. Measurement, data acquisition and quality assurance/control protocols were developed specifically for the inventory, carried out in 2007 and 2008. Plots were located at the intersection of a forest with a 4 km square grid, coincident with an equivalent 8 km square grid established over the indigenous forest and “grassland with woody biomass” (Other Wooded Land). Planted tree carbon within a ground plot was calculated by an integrated system of growth, wood density and compartment allocation models utilising the data from measurements of trees and shrubs on the plots. This system, called the Forest Carbon Predictor, predicts past and future carbon in a stand and is conditioned so that the calculated basal area and mean top height equals that obtained by conventional mensuration methods at the time of the plot measurement. Mean per hectare carbon stocks were then multiplied by an estimate of the total area of post 1989 forests obtained from wall to wall mapping using a combination of satellite imagery and ortho-photography.The network of permanent samples plots and LiDAR double sampling methodology was designed to be simple and robust to change over time. In the future, using LiDAR should achieve sampling efficiencies over using ground plots alone and reduces any problems regarding restricted access on the ground. The network is to be remeasured at the end of commitment period 1, 2012, and the carbon stocks re-estimated in order to calculate change.  相似文献   

The demand for quantifying the biomass of stumps and roots and the carbon stored therein is related to aspects of biodiversity, site productivity, atmospheric carbon cycling issues, and the demand for bioenergy. This, in turn, creates a need to develop high-quality tools for estimating biomass and carbon-equivalents in the ground. The objective of this study was to develop decomposition functions for quantifying the remaining dry weight of the biomass of individual stumps and their associated roots in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). The negative exponential model was chosen for this purpose, combined with a chronosequence approach, involving 99 stumps and their roots from three sites in Sweden. The results showed a relative decay rate of 4.6% annually for stump and root systems. Based on this rate, the time required for the loss of 50% (t0.5) and 95% (t0.95) of the wood is 15 and 64 years, respectively. Although there are many variables that affect decomposition, residual studies indicated that the remaining biomass could be predicted fairly accurately on the basis of the independent variables stump diameter and time.  相似文献   

We report the results of carbon stored in soil and aboveground biomass from the most important area of mangroves in Mexico,with dominant vegetation of Red mangrove(Rhizophora mangle L.),Black mangrove(Avicennia germinans L.),white mangrove(Laguncularia racemosa Gaertn.)and button mangrove(Conocarpus erectus L.).We sampled soils with high fertility during the dry season in 2009 and 2010at three sites on Atasta Peninsula,Campeche.We used allometric equations to estimate above ground biomass(AGB)of trees.AGB was higher in C.erectus(253.18±32.17 t·ha-1),lower in A.germinans(161.93±12.63t·ha-1),and intermediate in R.mangle(181.70±16.58 t·ha-1)and L.racemosa(206.07±19.12 t·ha-1).Of the three studied sites,the highest absolute value for AGB was 279.72 t·ha-1in button mangrove forest at any single site.Carbon stored in soil at the three sites ranged from36.80±10.27 to 235.77±66.11 t·ha-1.The Tukey test(p0.05)made for AGB was higher for black mangrove showed significant differences in soil carbon content between black mangrove and button mangrove.C.erectus had higher AGB compared with the other species.A.germinans trees had lower AGB because they grew in hypersaline environments,which reduced their development.C.erectus grew on higher ground where soils were richer in nutrients.AGB tended to be low in areas near the sea and increased with distance from the coast.A.germinans usually grew on recently deposited sediments.We assumed that all sites have the same potential to store carbon in soil,and then we found that there were no significant differences in carbon content between the three samples sites:all sites had potential to store carbon for long periods.Carbon storage at the three sampling sites in the state of Campeche,Mexico,was higher than that reported for other locations.  相似文献   

An accurate characterization of tree carbon (TC), forest floor carbon (FFC) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in tropical forest plantations is important to estimate their contribution to global carbon stocks. This information, however, is poor and fragmented. Carbon contents were assessed in patula pine (Pinus patula) and teak (Tectona grandis) stands in tropical forest plantations of different development stages in combination with inventory assessments and soil survey information. Growth models were used to associate TOC to tree normal diameter (D) with average basal area and total tree height (HT), with D and HT parameters that can be used in 6–26 years old patula pine and teak in commercial tropical forests as indicators of carbon stocks. The information was obtained from individual trees in different development stages in 54 patula pine plots and 42 teak plots. The obtained TC was 99.6 Mg ha−1 in patula pine and 85.7 Mg ha−1 in teak forests. FFC was 2.3 and 1.2 Mg ha−1, SOC in the surface layer (0–25 cm) was 92.6 and 35.8 Mg ha−1, 76.1 and 19 Mg ha−1 in deep layers (25–50 cm) in patula pine and teak, respectively. Carbon storage in trees was similar between patula pine and teak plantations, but patula pine had higher levels of forest floor carbon and soil organic carbon. Carbon storage in trees represents 37 and 60% of the total carbon content in patula pine and teak plantations, respectively. Even so, the remaining percentage corresponds to SOC, whereas FFC content is less than 1%. In summary, differences in carbon stocks between patula pine and teak trees were not significant, but the distribution of carbon differed between the plantation types. The low FFC does not explain the SOC stocks; however, current variability of SOC stocks could be related to variation in land use history.  相似文献   

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