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We compared the effects of three fuel reduction techniques and a control on the relative abundance and richness of reptiles and amphibians using drift fence arrays with pitfall and funnel traps. Three replicate blocks were established at the Green River Game Land, Polk County, North Carolina. Each replicate block contained four experimental units that were each approximately 14 ha in size. Treatments were prescribed burn (B); mechanical understory reduction (M); mechanical + burn (MB); and controls (C). Mechanical treatments were conducted in winter 2001–2002, and prescribed burns in March 2003. Hot fires in MB killed about 25% of the trees, increasing canopy openness relative to controls. Leaf litter depth was reduced in B and MB after burning, but increased in M due to the addition of dead leaves during understory felling. The pre-treatment trapping period was short (15 August–10 October 2001) but established a baseline for post-treatment comparison. Post-treatment (2002–2004), traps were open nearly continuously May–September. We captured a total of 1308 species of 13 amphibians, and 335 reptiles of 13 species. The relative abundance of total salamanders, common salamander species, and total amphibians was not changed by the fuel reduction treatments. Total frogs and toads (anurans) and Bufo americanus were most abundant in B and MB; however, the proximity of breeding sites likely affected our results. Total reptile abundance and Sceloporus undulatus abundance were highest in MB after burning, but differed significantly only from B. Mean lizard abundance in MB was highest in 2004 and higher than in other treatments, but differences were not statistically significant. Our results indicate that a single application of the fuel reduction methods studied will not negatively affect amphibian or reptile abundance or diversity in southern Appalachian upland hardwood forest. Our study further suggests that high-intensity burning with heavy tree-kill, as in MB, can be used as a management tool to increase reptile abundance – particularly lizards – with no negative impact on amphibians, at least in the short-term.  相似文献   

Studies within and outside the U.S. indicate recurring oak (Quercus spp.) regeneration problems. In deciduous forests of the eastern U.S., a prevailing explanation for this trend is fire suppression leading to high competitor abundance and low understory light. In response, prescribed fire is increasingly used as a management tool to remedy these conditions and encourage future oak establishment and growth. Within eastern Kentucky, we implemented single and repeated (3×) prescribed fires over a 6-yr period (2002–2007). Pre- and post-burn, we quantified canopy cover and oak seedling survival and growth compared to other woody seedlings deemed potential competitors, primarily red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and sassafras (Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees.). Burning temporarily decreased canopy cover 3–10%, but cover rebounded the subsequent growing season. Repeated burning ultimately produced canopy cover about 6% lower than sites unburned and burned once, suggesting a cumulative effect on understory light. Red maple exhibited low survival (∼40%) following single and repeated burns, but growth remained similar to unburned seedlings. Burning had little impact on sassafras survival and led to total height and basal diameters 2× greater than unburned seedlings. A single burn had no impact on red oak (Erythrobalanus spp.) survival and increased height and basal diameters 25–30%, but this positive growth response was driven by seedlings on several plots which experienced high burn temperatures and consequently high overstory mortality. White oaks (Leucobalanus spp.), however, exhibited twice as high mortality compared to those unburned, with no change in growth parameters. Repeated burning negatively impacted survival and growth of both oak groups compared to unburned seedlings. With both burn regimes, oaks with smaller pre-burn basal diameters exhibited the lowest post-burn survival. Thus, despite the ability of prescribed burns to temporarily increase understory light and reduce red maple survival, neither single or repeated burns placed oaks in an improved competitive position. These findings result from a combination of highly variable yet interdependent factors including the (1) life history traits of oaks compared to their co-occurring competitors, (2) pre-burn stature of pre-existing oak seedlings, and (3) variability in fire temperature and effects on understory light.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that repeated prescribed fires alone can improve the status of oak regeneration, a long-term seedling population study was established to follow permanently tagged chestnut oak (Q. prinus L.), scarlet oak (Q. coccinea Muenchh.), and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) seedlings over 8 years in sites where fire was excluded, and where fire was applied either three (3×) or four (4×) times.  相似文献   

One of the arguments against using prescribed fire to regenerate oak (Quercus spp.) forests is that the improvement in species composition of the hardwood regeneration pool is temporary and multiple burns are necessary to achieve and maintain oak dominance. To explore this concern, I re-inventoried a prescribed fire study conducted in the mid-1990s to determine the longevity of the effects of a single prescribed fire on hardwood regeneration. The initial study was conducted in three oak shelterwood stands in central Virginia, USA. In 1994, each stand was divided into four treatments (spring, summer, and winter burns and a control) and the hardwood regeneration was inventoried before the fires. During the burns, fire intensity was measured and categorized in each regeneration sampling plot. Second-year postfire data showed marked differences in species mortality rates, depending on season-of-burn and fire intensity: oak and hickory (Carya spp.) regeneration dominated areas burned by medium- to high-intensity fire during the spring and summer while yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and red maple (Acer rubrum) seedlings dominated unburned areas and all areas treated with low-intensity fire regardless of season-of-burn. The treatments were re-inventoried in 2006 and 2007 to determine whether these fire effects were still present. The new data show that the species distributions by season-of-burn and fire intensity found in 1996 still existed 11 years after the treatments. The fact that fire effects in oak shelterwood stands can last at least a decade has important management implications for resource professionals interested in sustaining oak forests in the eastern United States.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment has become a problem in many rangeland systems across the United States due to a reduction in the disturbances, primarily fire, which historically maintained them. The shrub saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) has become abundant in many habitats of the southeastern Coastal Plain, including Florida. When fire regimes are altered or fires are suppressed, this species can proliferate leading to significant changes in the ecosystem, particularly the herbaceous vegetation. Prescribed burning and roller chopping are management activities often used to control saw palmetto. However, little is known about the effects these treatments have on this shrub, particularly when applied in different seasons. We compared the seasonal effects of prescribed burning, roller chopping, and combinations of the two on saw palmetto. The effects of treatments on saw palmetto were assessed using a paired-sample approach, where saw palmetto height, cover, and density were compared between sampling locations randomly located within treated (e.g., burned) and untreated areas. Dormant season burning had no effect on saw palmetto density and height and only temporarily reduced cover, with rapid regrowth occurring the first year post-treatment. Growing season burning also had no effect on saw palmetto density. However, saw palmetto cover was lower on growing season burn compared to control sites the first year post-treatment and height the first and second year post-treatment. The combination of burning and roller chopping, despite having no effect on saw palmetto density, did result in lower saw palmetto height compared to controls the first and second year post-treatment. The effect of roller chopping/burning on saw palmetto cover depended on season and year. Saw palmetto cover and height were lower on dormant and growing season roller chop than control sites the first and second year post-treatment, but only growing season roller chopping had an effect on saw palmetto density. The single application of a dormant or growing season burn is not recommended for control of high-density saw palmetto, however, it may be suitable to maintain areas where saw palmetto levels are low and proliferation of the species is not a threat. Dormant and growing season roller chopping showed the greatest potential for rapid saw palmetto control. Growing season roller chopping is recommended if significant reductions in saw palmetto density are desired.  相似文献   

Understory prescribed burning is being suggested as a viable management tool for restoring degraded oak–pine forest communities in the southern Appalachians yet information is lacking on how this will affect ecosystem processes. Our objectives in this study were to evaluate the watershed scale effects of understory burning on total aboveground biomass, and the carbon and nitrogen pools in coarse woody debris (CWD), forest floor and soils. We also evaluated the effects of burning on three key biogeochemical fluxes; litterfall, soil CO2 flux and soil net nitrogen mineralization. We found burning significantly reduced understory biomass as well as the carbon and nitrogen pools in CWD, small wood and litter. There was no significant loss of carbon and nitrogen from the fermentation, humus and soil layer probably as the result of low fire intensity. Burning resulted in a total net loss of 55 kg ha−1 nitrogen from the wood and litter layers, which should be easily replaced by future atmospheric deposition. We found a small reduction in soil CO2 flux immediately following the burn but litterfall and net nitrogen mineralization were not significantly different from controls throughout the growing season following the burn. Overall, the effects of burning on the ecosystem processes we measured were small, suggesting that prescribed burning may be an effective management tool for restoring oak–pine ecosystems in the southern Appalachians.  相似文献   


Tree mortality, its causes, and the input of dead charred wood were studied in 11 managed 30–45-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands 1 year after experimental low-intensity prescribed burnings in southern Finland. First, the relationship between fire-induced tree damage and several external variables, e.g. stand density, within-stand wind speed, open-air wind speed, the Finnish Forest Fire Index (FFI) and flame height, was studied. Secondly, the study examined which damage and morphological characteristics best predicted tree mortality. Tree mortality was very variable in the experimental plots, ranging from 0% to 48% on the basis of stem number and from 0% to 41% in terms of wood volume. The input of dead and charred wood decreased with stand age, being 19.4 m3 ha?1 in 30–35-year-old stands, but only 1.7 m3 ha?1 in 45-year-old stands. The input of dead wood was on average 10 m3 ha?1, representing less than 5% of the mean volume before the prescribed fire. The external variables that best explained fire-induced damage were within-stand wind speed, flame height and FFI. Tree mortality was best predicted by charred stem ratio with bark thickness, and by charred stem ratio with tree diameter. The results indicate that prescribed burning that is conducted downwind increases tree mortality and changes subsequent stand structure with increasing within-stand wind speed.  相似文献   

Management around wilderness parks ideally requires thorough fire suppression in proximate settled and commercially exploited lands and natural fire within protected areas. To satisfy these requirements, we explored a potential regional firebreak (firewall) based on a series of prescribed burns in Quetico Provincial Park in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Fire managers were recruited each to independently devise a regional firebreak using simulated prescribed burns. The experts’ five designs consisted of between 9 and 25 prescribed burns, set over periods ranging from 3 to 8 years, and covering from 7900 to 26,100 ha. Each wildlife ignition was run after the entire firebreak was created and the vegetation was reclassified to account for post-fire vegetation re-growth. The potential efficacy of each design was tested using worst-case historical weather and 100 random ignitions in the Prometheus fire growth simulation model. Without a firewall, 100 ignitions resulted in 69 fires escaping the park and consuming 483,900 ha of forest beyond the park boundary. The firewall designs were all effective, reducing the area burned outside the park to between 15,400 and 35,400 ha. There was a 77–90% reduction in the number of fires escaping the firewall areas and an average reduction of fire area beyond the park of 92%. Moreover, one can map the geographic weak points in each design, which encourages iterative firebreak design improvements. For instance, firewalls set nearer the park boundary allowed fewer fires to start between the firewall and the boundary, so increasing firebreak effectiveness. The cost of the above systems can be regarded as taking preventative measures against the risk of future economic loss, and the modeling approach reduces the uncertainties in associated decision making.  相似文献   

On some landscapes periodic fire may be necessary to develop and maintain oak-dominated savannas. We studied the effects of two annual prescribed burns to determine their effect on microbial activity and soil and litter nutrients 1 year after the last burn. Surface litter and soil from the upper 0–5 cm soil layer in three developing savannas (oak-hickory, Quercus-Carya), oak-hickory-pine (Quercus-Carya-Pinus), and pine (Pinus) were collected one year after the second of two annual prescribed burns. Surface litter was analyzed for nutrients and soil was analyzed for phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and nutrients. Surface litter chemistry differed across the three savannas for potassium (K) and boron (B), being significantly (P < 0.05) higher for unburned forest than for burned forest. Among savannas, only sulfur (S) was higher for the pine savanna and B for the oak-hickory savanna, both were higher for unburned forest than for burned forest. For soil, calcium (Ca) and B differed across savannas, being higher for burned forest than for unburned forest. Among savannas, soil pH, Ca, and B concentrations were higher in soil from burned forest than from unburned forest. Total PLFA differed among savannas, but was not affected by burning treatments. However, the amounts of biomarkers for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were higher while the amount of biomarker for fungal PLFA was lower for burned forest than for unburned forest. Our results indicate that the two annual prescribed burns moderately affected PLFA microbial community structure and litter and soil nutrient concentrations. However, the long-term effects of fire on these study sites are not known and merit further study.  相似文献   

Salvage logging after natural disturbance has received increased scrutiny in recent years because of concerns over detrimental effects on tree regeneration and increased fine fuel levels. Most research on tree regeneration after salvage logging comes from fire-prone systems and is short-term in scope. Limited information is available on longer term responses to salvage logging after windstorms or from forests outside of fire-prone regions. We examined tree and shrub regeneration after a stand-replacing windstorm, with and without salvage logging and prescribed fire. Our study takes place in northern Minnesota, USA, a region where salvage logging impacts have received little attention. We asked the following questions: (i) does composition and abundance of woody species differ among post-disturbance treatments, including no salvage, salvage alone, and salvage with prescribed burning, 12 years after the windstorm?; (ii) is regeneration of Populus, the dominant pre-blowdown species, inhibited in unsalvaged treatments?; and (iii) how do early successional trajectories differ among post-blowdown treatments? Twelve years after the wind disturbance, the unsalvaged forest had distinctly different composition and abundance of trees and woody shrubs compared to the two salvage treatments, despite experiencing similar wind disturbance severities and having similar composition immediately after the blowdown. Unsalvaged forest had greater abundance of shade tolerant hardwoods and lower abundance of Populus, woody shrubs, and Betulapapyrifera, compared to salvage treatments. There was some evidence that adding prescribed fire after the blowdown and salvage logging further increased disturbance severity, since the highest abundances of shrubs and early successional tree species occurred in the burning treatment. These results suggest that salvage treatments (or a lack thereof) can be used to direct compositional development of a post-blowdown forest along different trajectories, specifically, towards initial dominance by early successional Populus and B.papyrifera with salvage logging or towards early dominance by shade tolerant hardwoods, with some Populus, if left unsalvaged.  相似文献   

潘娅  胡顺彬 《四川林业科技》2007,28(3):102-103,101
本文阐述了林地与耕地的关系,分析了退耕还林以及土地相邻权问题所带来的林地与耕地的矛盾,针对以上问题,进一步提出了有效解决耕地与林地矛盾的相关对策。  相似文献   

Euro-American logging practices, intensive grazing, and fire suppression have increased the amount of carbon that is stored in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. Ex Laws) forests in the southwestern United States. Current stand conditions leave these forests prone to high-intensity wildfire, which releases a pulse of carbon emissions and shifts carbon storage from live trees to standing dead trees and woody debris. Thinning and prescribed burning are commonly used to reduce the risk of intense wildfire, but also reduce on-site carbon stocks and release carbon to the atmosphere. This study quantified the impact of thinning on the carbon budgets of five ponderosa pine stands in northern Arizona, including the fossil fuels consumed during logging operations. We used the pre- and post-treatment data on carbon stocks and the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FEE-FVS) to simulate the long-term effects of intense wildfire, thinning, and repeated prescribed burning on stand carbon storage.The mean total pre-treatment carbon stock, including above-ground live and dead trees, below-ground live and dead trees, and surface fuels across five sites was 74.58 Mg C ha−1 and the post-treatment mean was 50.65 Mg C ha−1 in the first post-treatment year. The mean total carbon release from slash burning, fossil fuels, and logs removed was 21.92 Mg C ha−1. FEE-FVS simulations showed that thinning increased the mean canopy base height, decreased the mean crown bulk density, and increased the mean crowning index, and thus reduced the risk of high-intensity wildfire at all sites. Untreated stands that incurred wildfire once within the next 100 years or once within the next 50 years had greater mean net carbon storage after 100 years compared to treated stands that experienced prescribed fire every 10 years or every 20 years. Treated stands released greater amounts of carbon overall due to repeated prescribed fires, slash burning, and 100% of harvested logs being counted as carbon emissions because they were used for short-lived products. However, after 100 years treated stands stored more carbon in live trees and less carbon in dead trees and surface fuels than untreated stands burned by intense wildfire. The long-term net carbon storage of treated stands was similar or greater than untreated wildfire-burned stands only when a distinction was made between carbon stored in live and dead trees, carbon in logs was stored in long-lived products, and energy in logging slash substituted for fossil fuels.  相似文献   

林地是国家重要的自然资源和战略资源,是森林赖以生存与发展的根基,在保障木材及林产品供给、维护国土生态安全中具有核心地位。文章通过对科尔沁右翼中旗林地资源及其质量的分析,研究林地资源的保护和发展的措施。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship between vegetation change and fire history in the Siberian boreal forest, fossil pollen and charcoal from two lakes in central Yakutia, eastern Siberia, were analyzed. The vegetation change inferred from the pollen analysis was similar to that found in previous research in the region. Open larch forest covered this region during the late Glacial and early Holocene periods. Later, during the mid-Holocene, Scots pine expanded its range. The low levels of charcoal in the lake deposits represent surface forest fires, suggesting that the present-day surface fire regime has been taking place since at least 6,500 calibrated years before the present (cal yr BP) and that stand-replacing fire has not occurred during the Holocene. Larch and Scots pine forests, which are characterized by surface fire regimes, have been predominant since the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Tropical forest land is increasingly influenced by man-caused wildfires. The vast majority of the forested area burnt and cleared annually is in the tropics. The use of fire in rural land-use systems is the major cause of the wildfires. Five broad causative agencies of wildfires are presented, shifting cultivation, grazing, non-wood forest products, migration programs and the wildland/residential interface. Integrated concepts of prescribed burning and prescribed grazing may offer solutions to the tropical wildland fire problems.  相似文献   

Tropical forest land is increasingly influenced by man-caused wildfires. The vast majority of the forested area burnt and cleared annually is in the tropics. The use of fire in rural land-use systems is the major cause of the wildfires. Five broad causative agencies of wildfires are presented, shifting cultivation, grazing, non-wood forest products, migration programs and the wildland/residential interface. Integrated concepts of prescribed burning and prescribed grazing may offer solutions to the tropical wildland fire problems.  相似文献   

Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus; hereafter grouse) populations in the central and southern Appalachians (CSA) are declining due to widespread maturation of forest cover. Effective management of this species requires a sex- and age-specific understanding of habitat preferences at multiple temporal and spatial scales. We used multivariate logistic regression models to compare habitat within 1440 grouse home ranges and 1400 equally sized buffered random points across 7 CSA study areas. On most sites, grouse home ranges were positively associated with roads and young forest (<20 years old). Sex and age status affected habitat preference. In general, males used younger forest than females, likely because of differences in habitat use during reproductive periods. Juveniles had fewer vegetation types preferred by adult grouse and more of the avoided vegetation types within their home ranges, indicative of competitive exclusion. Adult females had the greatest specificity and selectivity of habitat conditions within their home ranges. Habitat selection varied among seasons and years on most sites. Winter habitat use reflected behavior that maximized energy conservation, with open vegetation types avoided in the winter on the northernmost study areas, and topography important on all areas. Summer habitat selection reflected vegetation types associated with reproductive activities. Scale influenced habitat preference as well. Although roads and forest age predominantly influenced grouse home range location within the landscape, mesic forest types were most important in determining core area use within the home range. This was likely a result of increased food availability and favorable microclimate. Habitat management efforts should attempt to maintain ∼3–4% of the landscape in young forest cover (<20 years old), evenly distributed across management areas. Roads into these areas should be seeded as appropriate to enhance brood habitat and provide travel corridors connecting suitable forest stands.  相似文献   

Fuel treatments alter conditions in forested stands at the time of the treatment and subsequently. Fuel treatments reduce on-site carbon and also change the fire potential and expected outcome of future wildfires, including their carbon emissions. We simulated effects of fuel treatments on 140 stands representing seven major habitat type groups of the northern Rocky Mountains using the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-FVS). Changes in forest carbon due to mechanical fuel treatment (thinning from below to reduce ladder fuels) and prescribed fire were explored, as well as changes in expected fire behavior and effects of subsequent wildfire. Results indicated that fuel treatments decreased fire severity and crown fire occurrence and reduced subsequent wildfire emissions, but did not increase post-wildfire carbon stored on-site. Conversely, untreated stands had greater wildfire emissions but stored more carbon.  相似文献   

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