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Stumps are the largest coarse woody debris component in managed forests, but their role in nutrient cycling is poorly understood. We studied carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and silver birch (Betula pendula) stumps, which had decomposed for 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 years after clear-cutting in southern Finland. Carbon and N were released significantly faster from birch stumps than from conifer stumps. In 40 years, conifer stumps lost 78% and birch stumps 90% of their initial C. In contrast, the amount of N in stumps increased, indicating that external N accumulated in the stumps. After 40 years of decomposition, the amount of N was 1.7 and 2.7 times higher than the initial amount in pine and spruce stumps, respectively. Nitrogen was released from birch stumps, but only after they had decomposed for 20 or more years. On average, 59% of N stored in birch stumps was released during 40 years. The results indicate that the stumps of the major tree species in Fennoscandian forests are long-term C and, especially, N pools which serve as N sinks, thus potentially diminishing N leaching into ground water and watercourses after harvesting. This suggests that the removal of stumps for bioenergy production may markedly affect the nutrient status and nutrient cycling of boreal forests.  相似文献   

Soil properties were compared in adjacent 50-year-old Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch stands growing on similar soils in south-west Sweden. The effects of tree species were most apparent in the humus layer and decreased with soil depth. At 20-30 cm depth in the mineral soil, species differences in soil properties were small and mostly not significant. Soil C, N, K, Ca, Mg, and Na content, pH, base saturation and fine root biomass all significantly differed between humus layers of different species. Since the climate, parent material, land use history and soil type were similar, the differences can be ascribed to tree species. Spruce stands had the largest amounts of carbon stored down to 30 cm depth in mineral soil (7.3 kg C m−2), whereas birch stands, with the lowest production, smallest amount of litterfall and lowest C:N ratio in litter and humus, had the smallest carbon pool (4.1 kg C m−2), with pine intermediate (4.9 kg C m−2). Similarly, soil nitrogen pools amounted to 349, 269, and 240 g N m−2 for spruce, pine, and birch stands, respectively. The humus layer in birch stands was thin and mixed with mineral soil, and soil pH was highest in the birch stands. Spruce had the thickest humus layer with the lowest pH.  相似文献   

The effects of three common tree species - Scots pine, Norway spruce and silver birch - on leaching of dissolved organic carbon and dissolved nitrogen were studied in an experimental forest with podzolised soils in southern Sweden. We analyzed soil water collected with lysimeters and modeled water fluxes to estimate dissolved C and N fluxes. Specific UV absorbance (SUVA) was analyzed to get information about the quality of dissolved organic matter leached from the different stands. Under the O horizon, DOC concentrations and fluxes in the birch stands were lower than in the spruce and pine stands; annual fluxes were 21 g m−2 y−1 for birch and 38 g m−2 y−1 and 37 g C m−2 y−1 for spruce and pine, respectively. Under the B horizon, annual fluxes for all tree species ranged between 3 and 5 g C m−2 y−1, implying greater loss of DOC in the mineral soil in the coniferous stands than in the birch stands. We did not find any effect of tree species on the quality of the dissolved organic matter, as measured by SUVA, indicating that the chemical composition of the organic matter was similar in leachates from all three tree species. Substantial amounts of nitrogen was leached out of the soil profile at the bottom of the B horizon from the pine and birch stands, whereas the spruce stands seemed to retain most of the nitrogen in the soil. These differences in N leaching have implications for soil N budgets.  相似文献   

Variability in short root morphology of the three main tree species of Europe's boreal forest (Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)) was investigated in four stands along a latitudinal gradient from northern Finland to southern Estonia. Silver birch and Scots pine were present in three stands and Norway spruce was present in all stands. For three fertile Norway spruce stands, fine root biomass and number of root tips per stand area or unit basal area were assessed from north to south. Principal component analysis indicated that short root morphology was significantly affected by tree species and site, which together explained 34.7% of the total variability. The range of variation in mean specific root area (SRA) was 51-74, 60-70 and 84-124 m(2) kg(-1) for Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch, respectively, and the corresponding ranges for specific root length were 37-47, 40-48 and 87-97 m g(-1). The range of variation in root tissue density of Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch was 113-182, 127-158 and 81-156 kg m(-3), respectively. Sensitivity of short root morphology to site conditions decreased in the order: Norway spruce > silver birch > Scots pine. Short root SRA increased with site fertility in all species. In Norway spruce, fine root biomass and number of root tips per m(2) decreased from north to south. The differences in morphological parameters among sites were significant but smaller than the site differences in fine root biomass and number of root tips.  相似文献   

Soil temperature is proposed to affect the photosynthetic rate and carbon allocation in boreal trees through sink limitation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature on CO(2) exchange, biomass partitioning and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi of boreal tree species. We measured carbon allocation, above- and below-ground CO(2) exchange and the species composition of associated ECM fungi in the rhizosphere of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies K.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings grown in soil maintained at 7-12, 12-15 and 16-22 °C. We found increased root biomass and photosynthetic rate at higher soil temperatures, but simultaneously with photosynthesis rate, higher temperature generally increased soil respiration as well as shoot, and root and rhizosphere respiration. The net CO(2) exchange and seedling biomass did not increase significantly with increasing temperature due to a concomitant increase in carbon assimilation and respiration rates. The 2-month-long growth period in different soil temperatures did not alter the ECM fungi species composition and the below-ground carbon sink strength did not seem to be directly related to ECM biomass and species composition in any of the tree species. Ectomycorrhizal species composition and number of mycorrhiza did not explain the CO(2) exchange results at different temperatures.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between beta-glucosidase and peroxidase activities and xylem lignification in the stems of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) during the 1999 growing season. Examination of stem cross sections stained with safranin and Alcian blue for lignin and cellulose, respectively, indicated that radial growth of pine and spruce xylem began in late May, whereas the growth of birch xylem was initiated 2 weeks later. Lignification began soon after thickening of the newly formed cell walls, i.e., upon deposition of cellulose. Hydrolysis of the synthetic beta-glucosidase substrate p-nitrophenyl-beta-O-D-glucopyranoside was correlated with radial growth and lignification in the xylem of both conifers, but the relationship between lignification and the hydrolysis of coniferin by beta-glucosidase was not obvious. Beta-glucosidase activities in the xylem of silver birch were low and did not correlate with growth or lignification with either substrate. An increase in peroxidase activity was detected at the initiation of growth and lignification in the conifers and during growth and lignification in silver birch, but high peroxidase activities were also measured outside the growth period during late autumn, winter and early spring.  相似文献   

Distance-independent individual tree growth models based on about 30,000 observations from the National Forest Inventory and the Norwegian Forest Research Institute have been developed for the main tree species in Norway. The models predict 5-year basal area increment over bark for trees larger than 5 cm at breast height. Potential input variables were of four types: size of the tree, competition indices, site conditions, and stand variables including species, mixtures and layers. The squared correlation coefficient (R2) varied from 0.26 to 0.55. The accuracy of the models was tested by comparing the individual tree models with Norwegian diameter increment models. The accuracy is similar, but individual tree models forecast diameter distributions directly. The inclusion of species mixture and layer as variables increases the reliability of the models in mixed and in uneven-aged stands.  相似文献   

The species composition of wood-inhabiting fungi (polypores and corticoids) was investigated on 1138 spruce logs and 992 pine logs in 90 managed and 34 natural or near-natural spruce and pine forests in SE Norway.Altogether, the study included 290 species of wood-inhabiting fungi. Comparisons of logs with similar properties (standardized tree species, decay class, dimension class) in natural and managed forests showed a significant reduction in species number per log in managed spruce forests, but not in managed pine forests. The species number per log in managed spruce forests was 10-55% lower than on logs from natural spruce forests. The reduction was strongest on logs of large dimensions. A comparison of 200-400 spruce logs from natural and managed forests showed a 25% reduction in species richness corresponding to a conservative loss of ca. 40 species on a regional scale.A closer inspection revealed that species confined to medium and very decayed spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests, whereas species on early decay classes and decay generalists were unaffected. Similarly, species preferring large spruce logs were disfavored in managed forests. Forest management had strongest impact on low-frequent species in the spruce forests (more than 50% reduction), whereas common species were modestly affected. Corticoid fungi were more adversely affected than polypore fungi.These results indicate that wood-decaying fungi in pine forests are more adapted to forest disturbances than spruce-associated species. Management measures securing a continuous supply of dead wood are more important in spruce forests than in pine forests.  相似文献   

The growth, aboveground biomass production and nutrient accumulation in black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantations during 7 years after planting were investigated on reclaimed oil shale mining areas in Northeast Estonia with the aim to assess the suitability of the studied species for the reclamation of post-mining areas. The present study revealed changes in soil properties with increasing stand age. Soil pH and P concentration decreased and soil N concentration increased with stand age. The largest height and diameter of trees, aboveground biomass and current annual production occurred in the black alder stands. In the 7-year-old stands the aboveground biomass of black alder (2100 trees ha−1) was 2563 kg ha−1, in silver birch (1017 trees ha−1) and Scots pine (3042 trees ha−1) stands respective figures were 161 and 1899 kg ha−1. The largest amounts of N, P, K accumulated in the aboveground part were in black alder stands. In the 7th year, the amount of N accumulated in the aboveground biomass of black alder stand was 36.1 kg ha−1, the amounts of P and K were 3.0 and 8.8 kg ha−1, respectively. The larger amounts of nutrients in black alder plantations are related to the larger biomass of stands. The studied species used N and P with different efficiency for the production of a unit of biomass. Black alder and silver birch needed more N and P for biomass production, and Scots pine used nutrients most efficiently. The present study showed that during 7 years after planting, the survival and productivity of black alder were high. Therefore black alder is a promising tree species for the reclamation of oil shale post-mining areas.  相似文献   

JOHANSSON  M .-B. 《Forestry》1995,68(1):49-62
Needle litter from 14 stands of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris,L.), 13 stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) andleaf litter from three stands of white birch (Betula pubescensEhrh.) were analysed for chemical composition. The concentrationsof the elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Mn as well as solid organiccomponents (lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses) and solubleswere determined. When the average chemical compositions werecompared the Scots pine needle litter was clearly the most nutrient-poorlitter type. Of the solid organic-chemical components the ligninfraction dominated in the spruce and birch litter whereas thecellulose dominated in the pine needle litter. When Norway spruce and Scots pine were growing in adjacent standson soils with the same bedrock origin the spruce litter hadsignificantly higher concentrations of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca,Mg, Mn) than the pine needle litter. At sites where Norway spruceand white birch were growing in adjacent stands, the birch leaflitter had generally higher concentrations of nutrients. However, significant or nearly significant differences were onlyobtained for Mg (P = 0.002), K (P = 0.056) and N (P = 0.087),probably due to the few replicates of stands compared. Concerningorganic chemical components, the spruce needle litter had significantlyhigher concentrations of lignin and mannan than all the otherlitters and lower levels of ethanol-soluble substances, celluloseand galactan than the pine needle litter. Further, it had lowerconcentrations of water solubles, rhamnan and xylan than thebirch litter. No relationships were established between the nutrient statusof the conifer litters and the site index H100 (the dominantheight of the trees at a reference age of 100 years) of thestands. Concentrations of solid carbohydrates in the litterswere, however, positively correlated with site index (P <0.001). Further, the concentration of nitrogen in the pine needlelitter was negatively correlated with the latitude of the sites(P < 0.01). The influence of litter chemistry on the decompositionof litter and nutrient cycling of forests is discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of K, Ca, and Mg were investigated during the decomposition of 14 litter types over a 3-year period on the upper and lower parts of a forest slope in a cool temperate forest in Japan. Potassium dynamics were divided into initial leaching phase and late phase. Initial K concentrations for the initial phase were correlated with the rate of decrease in K concentration during the initial phase. The late phase was characterized by seasonal fluctuations in concentration: K concentration increased from April to November and decreased during the winter period. The pattern of change in Ca concentration was divided into initial increase phase and late decrease phase in some litter types, or consisted of the late phase only in other litters. Calcium concentration of the initial litter was not predictable for the pattern of change in Ca concentration nor the rate of change in Ca concentration during the initial phase. Initial Ca concentration for the late phase was correlated with the rate of change in Ca concentration during the late phase. The pattern of change in Mg concentration was divided into initial leaching phase and late immobilization phase. Initial Mg concentration for the initial phase was correlated with the rate of change in Mg concentration during the initial phase. At the lower site, initial Mg concentration for the late phase was correlated with the rate of change in Mg concentration during the late phase, while such a relationship was not observed at the upper site. Concentrations of K, Ca, and Mg showed a convergent trend at the end of the study period. The final concentration differed between the upper and lower sites.  相似文献   

This study aims to derive allometric functions to estimate the above- and belowground biomass components of the most important tree species in Latvia. The study material included a total of 81 Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), 102 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), 105 birch spp. (mainly silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)) and 84 European aspen (Populus tremula L.) trees sampled in 124 forest stands. The suitability of three mathematical models for the prediction of total aboveground biomass, stem biomass, total live and dead branch biomass, belowground biomass and small root biomass was evaluated. Our analysis revealed that the use of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change mean default values for the root-to-shoot ratio recommended for temperate and boreal ecological zones leads to the overestimation of root biomass of young trees, especially Scots pine and Norway spruce. Our findings indicate that biomass functions recommended for other Baltic Sea countries are not appropriate for the assessment of the biomass stock in Latvia’s forests because these lead to biased estimates. The biomass functions derived in our study are recommended for reporting the biomass stock in Latvia.  相似文献   

Whole-tree harvesting (WTH), where logging residues are removed in addition to stems, is widely practised in Fennoscandian boreal forests. WTH increases the export of nutrients from forest ecosystems. The extent of nutrient removals may depend on tree species, harvesting method, and the intensity of harvesting. We developed generalized nutrient equations for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karsten), and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) stands to be able to calculate the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium in stems and above-ground biomass (stem and crown) as a function of stand volume. The equations were based on Fennoscandian literature data from 34 pine, 26 spruce, and 5 birch stands, and they explained, depending on the tree species and nutrient, 61–99% and 56–87% of the variation in the nutrient amounts of stems and above-ground biomass, respectively. The calculations based on the equations showed that nutrient removals caused by stem-only harvesting (SOH) and WTH per harvested stem m3 were smaller in pine than in spruce and birch stands. If the same volume of stem is harvested, nutrient removals are, in general, nearly equal at thinnings and final cuttings in SOH, but larger in thinnings than final cuttings in WTH. If the principal aim is to minimize the nutrient removals per harvested stem m3, the harvesting should be done at mature pine stands. The effect of biomass removal on overall site nutrient status depends on site-specific factors such as atmospheric deposition, weathering of minerals, and the size of the nutrient pools in the soil.  相似文献   

The structure of natural subalpine spruce forest in the Zadná Pol’ana massif of the Western Carpathians was analysed. We focused on the variability of different aspects of stand structure, tree decay and regeneration processes in altitudinal gradient. We used systematic sampling, covering an area of 2 km2, to detect even subtle changes in stand structure within one forest type over a range of less than 200 m in elevation. Mean stand density was 290 trees (>7 cm DBH) per hectare, average basal area was 41 m2 ha−1, and the volume accumulation in living trees amounted to 500 m3/ha−1. Stand volume decreased by more than 50% between 1,260 and 1,434 m a.s.l. This means for an increase of altitude of 100 m that stand volume decreased by nearly 200 m3. Neither stand density nor basal area was related to elevation. Maximum tree height was strongly correlated to elevation, and it decreased on average by 6 m for each 100 m increment of altitude. No significant changes in the maximum spruce diameter were recorded in relation to the elevation gradient. Spatial distribution of trees was biased toward regularity at lower altitudes. Tree clustering increased with increasing altitude. The stock of coarse woody debris (CWD) decreased slightly along the altitudinal gradient, but changes were not significant. Density of spruce saplings and their number growing on CWD significantly increased across the elevation gradient. Despite the fact that the analysed forest tract was relatively large, highly variable in respect to environmental factors, and that stand volume, spatial structure, and tree height displayed strong variability along the elevation gradient, the diameter structure of stands and regeneration measures were uniform. Our results suggest that the recruitment of new trees in the Zadná Pol’ana subalpine spruce forest is not temporally continuous even at a scale of several square kilometres.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of tree species on soil N dynamics in temperate forest ecosystems, total N (Nt), microbial N (Nmic), net N mineralization, net nitrification, and other soil chemical properties were comparatively examined in beech (64–68 years old) and Norway spruce (53–55 years old) on sites 1 and 2, and beech and Scots pine (45 years old) on site 3. The initial soil conditions of the two corresponding stands at each site were similar; soil types were dystric Planosol (site 1), stagnic Gleysols (site 2), and Podzols (site 3). In organic layers (LOf1, Of2, Oh), Nmic and Nmic/Nt, averaged over three sampling times (Aug., Nov., Apr.), were higher under the beech stands than under the corresponding coniferous ones. However, the Nmic in the organic layers under beech had a greater temporal variation. Incubation (10 weeks, 22 °C, samples from November) results showed that the net N mineralization rates in organic layers were relatively high with values of 8.1 to 24.8 mg N kg–1 d–1. Between the two corresponding stands, the differences in net N mineralization rates in most of the organic layers were very small. In contrast, initial net nitrification rates (0.2–17.1 mg N kg–1 day–1) were considerably lower in most of the organic layers under the conifer than under the beech. In the mineral soil (0–10 cm), Nmic values ranged from 4.1–72.7 mg kg–1, following a clear sequence: August>November>April. Nmic values under the beech stands were significantly higher than those under the corresponding coniferous stands for samples from August and April, but not from November. The net N mineralization rates were very low in all the mineral soils studied (0.05–0.33 mg N kg–1 day–1), and no significant difference appeared between the two contrasting tree species.  相似文献   

The immediate effects of bioenergy harvesting methods on epixylic species were studied in mature managed Norway spruce dominated forests in southern Finland. The treatments included logging, residue harvesting, and soil preparation as either mounding or mounding combined with stump harvesting. Altogether, 110 logs and 440 species sample plots on logs were inventoried before and after logging, and after soil preparation treatments. Logging decreased the cover and species richness in all epixylic species groups. The soil preparation decreased the cover of macrolichens, while stump harvesting was significantly most devastating both for cover and richness in bryophytes. We suggest that bioenergy harvesting critically affects the epixylic species, and therefore the use of less devastating methods and compensation for the loss of coarse woody debris is recommended on a landscape level.  相似文献   


The choice of species in forestry is important, and a real issue as large areas of wind-damaged forest land in southern Sweden need to be regenerated. To compare the growth potential between the most common tree species in Sweden, ratios between site quality derived from site index values determined with site properties were used. A regression function to determine site index for birch from site properties was used to complement the known relationships between site properties and site index for spruce and pine. In large regions of Sweden the distribution of site quality classes was calculated to compare the special characteristics and demands of the three species. On average, the growth difference for pine compared to spruce was about 60% in southern Sweden and 95% in northern Sweden. Corresponding figures between birch and spruce were 40% and 60%. Birch was expected to produce around 60% of pine in northern Sweden and about 70% in southern Sweden. However, it must be stressed that the comparison is based on survey data encompassing mainly naturally regenerated birch, whereas spruce and pine are mainly planted.  相似文献   

North American jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands are generally characterized by an even-aged structure resulting from high intensity fires (HIF). However, non-lethal fires of moderate intensity (MIF), which leave behind surviving trees, have also been reported. The objectives of this study were two-fold: (1) assess the concurrent dynamics of live trees, understory vegetation and different types of coarse woody debris (CWD) during succession after HIF; and (2) document how MIF affects stand structure component dynamics compared to HIF. Stands affected by both HIF and MIF were selected. Tree characteristics and age structure, understory biomass, and CWD volume were assessed. Our results suggest that the structural succession of jack pine stands following HIF comprises three stages: young stands (<48 years), premature and mature stands (58–100 years) and old stands (>118 years). Canopy openness and jack pine density significantly decreased with time since HIF, while black spruce density and CWD volume significantly increased. The highest structural diversity was measured in the premature and mature stands. Compared to HIF, MIF increased mean jack pine basal area, decreased average stand density, delayed the replacement of jack pine by black spruce replacement in the canopy, decreased CWD volume, and significantly increased bryophytes mass. MIF increased the diversity of live trees and generally decreased CWD structural diversity. The study confirms the diversity of natural disturbance magnitude and successional processes thereby initiated. Thereafter, it appeared to be relevant for adjustment of disturbance emulating forest-management systems.  相似文献   

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