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The above- and belowground biomass and nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg) of pure deciduous Nothofagus antarctica (Forster f.) Oersted stands grown in a marginal site and aged from 8 to 180 years were measured in Southern Patagonia. The total biomass accumulated ranged from 60.8 to 70.8 Mg ha−1 for regeneration and final growth stand, respectively. The proportions of belowground components were 51.6, 47.2, 43.9 and 46.7% for regeneration, initial growth, final growth and mature stand, respectively. Also, crown classes affected the biomass accumulation where dominant trees had 38.4 Mg ha−1 and suppressed trees 2.6 Mg ha−1 to the stand biomass in mature stand. Nutrient concentrations varied according to tree component, crown class and stand age. Total nutrient concentration graded in the fallowing order: leaves > bark > middle roots > small branches > fine roots > sapwood > coarse roots > heartwood. While N and K concentrations increased with age in leaves and fine roots, concentration of Ca increased with stand age in all components. Dominant trees had higher N, K and Ca concentrations in leaves, and higher P, K and S concentrations in roots, compared with suppressed trees. Although the stands had similar biomass at different ages, there were important differences in nutrient accumulation per hectare from 979.8 kg ha−1 at the initial growth phase to 665.5 kg ha−1 at mature stands. Nutrient storage for mature and final growth stands was in the order Ca > N > K > P > Mg > S, and for regeneration stand was Ca > N > K > Mg > P > S. Belowground biomass represented an important budget of all nutrients. At early ages, N, K, S, Ca and Mg were about 50% in the belowground components. However, P was 60% in belowground biomass and then increased to 70% in mature stands. These data can assist to quantify the impact of different silviculture practices which should aim to leave material (mainly leaves, small branches and bark) on the site to ameliorate nutrient removal and to avoid a decline of long-term yields.  相似文献   

Land management in tropical woodlands is being used to sequester carbon (C), alleviate poverty and protect biodiversity, among other benefits. Our objective was to determine how slash-and-burn agriculture affected vegetation and soil C stocks and biodiversity on an area of miombo woodland in Mozambique, and how C stocks and biodiversity responded once agriculture was abandoned. We sampled twenty-eight 0.125 ha plots that had previously been cleared for subsistence agriculture and had been left to re-grow for 2 to ∼25 years, and fourteen 0.25 ha plots of protected woodlands, recording stem diameter distributions and species, collecting wood for density determination, and soil from 0 to 0.3 m for determination of %C and bulk density. Clearance for agriculture reduced stem wood C stocks by 19.0 t C ha−1. There were significant relationships between period of re-growth and basal area, stem numbers and stem biomass. During re-growth, wood C stocks accumulated at 0.7 t C ha−1 year−1. There was no significant difference in stem C stocks on woodlands and on abandoned farmland 20–30 years old. Soil C stocks in the top 0.3 m on abandoned land had a narrower range (21–74 t C ha−1) than stocks in woodland soils (18–140 t C ha−1). There was no discernible increase in soil C stocks with period of re-growth, suggesting that the rate of accumulation of organic matter in these soils was very slow. The re-growing plots did not contain the defining miombo species, and total stem numbers were significantly greater than in woodland plots, but species richness and diversity were similar in older abandonments and miombo woodlands. Wood C stocks on abandoned farmland were capable of recovery within 2–3 decades, but soil C stocks did not change on this time-scale. Woodland soils were capable of storing >100 t C ha−1, whereas no soil on a re-growing area exceeded 74 t C ha−1, so there is a potential for C sequestration in soils on abandoned farmland. Management should focus on identifying C-rich soils, conserving remaining woodlands to protect soil C and preserve defining miombo species, and on investigating whether fire control on recovering woodland can stimulate accumulation of soil C and greater tree biomass, and restore defining miombo species.  相似文献   

Determining the magnitude of carbon (C) storage in forests and peatlands is an important step towards predicting how regional carbon balance will respond to climate change. However, spatial heterogeneity of dominant forest and peatland cover types can inhibit accurate C storage estimates. We evaluated ecosystem C pools and productivity in the Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF), in northern Minnesota, USA, using a network of plots that were evenly spaced across a heterogeneous 1-km2 mosaic composed of a mix of upland forests and peatlands. Using a nested plot design, we estimated the standing C stock of vegetation, coarse detrital wood and soil pools. We also estimated aboveground net primary production (ANPP) as well as coarse root production. Additionally we evaluated how vegetation cover types within the study area differed in C storage. The total ecosystem C pool did not vary significantly among upland areas dominated by aspen (160 ± 13 Mg C ha−1), mixed hardwoods (153 ± 19 Mg C ha−1), and conifers (197 ± 23 Mg C ha−1). Live vegetation accounted for approximately 50% of the total ecosystem C pool in these upland areas, and soil (including forest floor) accounted for another 35–40%, with remaining C stored as detrital wood. Compared to upland areas, total C stored in peatlands was much greater, 1286 ± 125 Mg C ha−1, with 90–99% of that C found in peat soils that ranged from 1 to 5 m in depth. Forested areas ranged from 2.6 to 2.9 Mg C ha−1 in ANPP, which was highest in conifer-dominated upland areas. In alder-dominated and black spruce-dominated peatland areas, ANPP averaged 2.8 Mg C ha−1, and in open peatlands, ANPP averaged 1.5 Mg C ha−1. In treed areas of forest and peatlands, our estimates of coarse root production ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 Mg C ha−1. Despite the lower production in open peatlands, all peatlands have acted as long-term C sinks over hundreds to thousands of years and store significantly more C per unit area than is stored in uplands. Despite occupying only 13% of our study area, peatlands store almost 50% of the C contained within it. Because C storage in peatlands depends largely on climatic drivers, the impact of climate changes on peatlands may have important ramifications for C budgets of the western Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Despite an increasing number of studies have addressed carbon storage in tropical forests, the regional variation in such storage remains poorly understood. Uncertainty about how much carbon is stored in tropical forests is an important limitation for regional-scale estimates of carbon fluxes and improving these estimates requires extensive field studies of both above- and belowground stocks. In order to assess the carbon pools of a tropical seasonal forest in Asia, total ecosystem carbon storage was investigated in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Averaged across three 1 ha plots, the total carbon stock of the forest ecosystem was 303 t C ha−1. Living tree carbon stocks (both above- and belowground) ranged from 163 to 258 t C ha−1. The aboveground biomass C pool is comparable to the Dipterocarp forests in Sumatra but lower than those in Malaysia. The variation of C storage in the tree layer among different plots was mainly due to different densities of large trees (DBH > 70 cm). The contributions of the shrub layer, herb layer, woody lianas, and fine litter each accounted for 1–2 t C ha−1 to the total carbon stock. The mineral soil C pools (top 100 cm) ranged from 84 to 102 t C ha−1 and the C in woody debris from 5.6 to 12.5 t C ha−1, representing the second and third largest C component in this ecosystem. Our results reveal that a high percentage (70%) of C is stored in biomass and less in soil in this tropical seasonal forest. This study provides an accurate estimate of the carbon pool and the partitioning of C among major components in tropical seasonal rain forest of northern tropical Asia. Results from this study will enhance our ability to evaluate the role of these forests in regional C cycles and have great implications for conservation planning.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine carbon (C) dynamics following forest tending works (FTW) which are one of the most important forest management activities conducted by Korean forest police and managers. We measured organic C storage (above- and below-ground biomass C, forest floor C, and soil C at 50 cm depth), soil environmental factors (soil CO2 efflux, soil temperature, soil water content, soil pH, and soil organic C concentration), and organic C input and output (litterfall and litter decomposition rates) for one year in FTW and non-FTW (control) stands of approximately 40-year-old red pine (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) forests in the Hwangmaesan Soopkakkugi model forest in Sancheonggun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. This forest was thinned in 2005 as a representative FTW practice. The total C stored in tree biomass was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in the FTW stand (40.17 Mg C ha−1) than in the control stand (64.52 Mg C ha−1). However, C storage of forest floor and soil layers measured at four different depths was not changed by FTW, except for that at the surface soil depth (0–10 cm). The organic C input due to litterfall and output due to needle litter decomposition were both significantly lower in the FTW stand than in the control stand (2.02 Mg C ha−1 year−1 vs. 2.80 Mg C ha−1 year−1 and 308 g C kg−1 year−1 vs. 364 g C kg−1 year−1, respectively, both P < 0.05). Soil environmental factors were significantly affected (P < 0.05) by FTW, except for soil CO2 efflux rates and organic C concentration at soil depth of 0–20 cm. The mean annual soil CO2 efflux rates were the same in the FTW (0.24 g CO2 m−2 h−1) and control (0.24 g CO2 m−2 h−1) stands despite monthly variations of soil CO2 efflux over the one-year study period. The mean soil organic C concentration at a soil depth of 0–20 cm was lower in the FTW stand (81.3 g kg−1) than in the control stand (86.4 g kg−1) but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05). In contrast, the mean soil temperature was significantly higher, the mean soil water content was significantly lower, and the soil pH was significantly higher in the FTW stand than in the control stand (10.34 °C vs. 8.98 °C, 48.2% vs. 56.4%, and pH 4.83 vs. pH 4.60, respectively, all P < 0.05). These results indicated that FTW can influence tree biomass C dynamics, organic C input and output, and soil environmental factors such as soil temperature, soil water content and soil pH, while soil C dynamics such as soil CO2 efflux rates and soil organic C concentration were little affected by FTW in a red pine stand.  相似文献   

Land-use and land cover strongly influence carbon (C) storage and distribution within ecosystems. We studied the effects of land-use on: (i) above- and belowground biomass C, (ii) soil organic C (SOC) in bulk soil, coarse- (250–2000 μm), medium- (53–250 μm) and fine-size fractions (<53 μm), and (iii) 13C and 15N abundance in plant litter, bulk soil, coarse-, and medium- and fine-size fractions in the 0–50 cm soil layer in Linaria AB, Canada between May and October of 2006. Five adjacent land-uses were sampled: (i) agriculture since 1930s, (ii) 2-year-old hybrid poplar (Populusdeltoides × Populus × petrowskyana var. Walker) plantation, (iii) 9-year-old Walker hybrid poplar plantation, (iv) grassland since 1997, and (v) an 80-year-old native aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) stand. Total ecosystem C stock in the native aspen stand (223 Mg C ha−1) was similar to that of the 9-year-old hybrid poplar plantation (174 Mg C ha−1) but was significantly greater than in the agriculture (132 Mg C ha−1), 2-year-old hybrid poplar plantation (110 Mg C ha−1), and grassland (121 Mg C ha−1). Differences in ecosystem C stocks between the land-uses were primarily the result of different plant biomass as SOC in the 0–50 cm soil layer was unaffected by land-use change. The general trend for C stocks in soil particle-size fractions decreased in the order of: fine > medium > coarse for all land-uses, except in the native aspen stand where C was uniformly distributed among soil particle-size fractions. The C stock in the coarse-size fraction was most affected by land-use change whilst the fine fractions the least. Enrichment of the natural abundances of 13C and 15N across the land-uses since time of disturbance, i.e., from agriculture to 2- and then 9-year-old hybrid poplar plantations or to grassland, suggests shifts from more labile forms of C to more humified forms of C following those land-use changes.  相似文献   

In regions of Australia of low–medium rainfall (500–800 mm/year), there is growing community and land-owner support for re-planting trees to achieve multiple environmental objectives, particularly amelioration of soil salinity. Sequestration of carbon by newly established trees is not only another important environmental benefit, but also a potential commercial benefit. To obtain estimates of carbon sequestered by species of commercial potential in such regions, we calibrated the carbon (C) accounting model FullCAM to Eucalyptus cladocalyx and Corymbia maculata plantations. This was achieved by harvesting trees of a range in sizes to determine the allometric relationships that most accurately predict biomass and stem density from measures of stem diameter. Predictions of stem diameter were obtained from a forest growth model (3-PG) previously calibrated for these two species. By applying these predictions of changes in stem diameter as the stand matures in our allometric relationships, we estimated changes in partitioning of biomass (between stem, branches, bark, foliage and roots) and stem wood density as the stand matures under scenarios of 500, 600 and 750 mm mean annual rainfall. We found that for both species, regardless of annual rainfall, throughout the rotation 37–50% of carbon sequestered in the total tree biomass was in the stem, 18–27% in both branches and roots, and the remainder in foliage or bark. However, rate of accumulation of carbon was dependent on annual rainfall, with average annual rate of sequestration of carbon in tree biomass and litter during the first rotation of E. cladocalyx (or C. maculata) increasing from 3.68 (or 4.17) to 4.72 (or 4.86) Mg C ha−1 yr−1 as annual rainfall increased from about 500 to 750 mm. Although it was predicted that decomposition negated any accumulation of debris between successive rotations, carbon was predicted to accumulate in sawlog products, given that assumed rates of product decomposition were slightly less than their rate of accumulation. This resulted in a slight increase (<8 Mg C ha−1) in predicted total sequestration of carbon between successive rotations.  相似文献   

Water temperature has profound effects on stream ecosystems. We studied effects of clear-fell logging Pinus radiata plantations on mid-summer water temperatures and recovery times in streams with 2–12 m wide channels. Post-logging increases were 2–3.8 °C for summer daily means and 4–7.3 °C for summer daily maxima. Rates of recovery of thermal regimes after logging were strongly negatively correlated with stream size, as indexed by catchment area, channel width or baseflow (r2 = 0.80–0.93). Summer daily mean and maximum temperatures declined during the riparian vegetation regrowth phase by 0.18 and 0.47 °C year−1, respectively, for the largest stream and 1.4 and 1.9 °C year−1 in the smallest stream. Thermal regimes were restored in small streams (2–4 m wide channels) about 6–8 years after clearfelling. In medium-sized streams (6–12 m wide channels), we predict this recovery will take 12–16 years.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems are increasingly expected to produce multiple goods and services, such as timber, biodiversity, water flows, and sequestered carbon. While many of these are not mutually exclusive, they cannot all be simultaneously maximised so that management compromise is inevitable. We used a 42-year dataset from a naturally regenerating floodplain forest of the river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) to investigate the effects of pre-commercial thinning on long-term patterns in habitat quality, forest structure and rates of carbon storage (i.e. standing aboveground carbon). Estimates of habitat quality were based on the density of hollow-bearing trees because hollows are ecologically important to many species of vertebrates and invertebrates in these forests. Thinning improved habitat value by producing 20 (±8) hollow-bearing trees per ha after 42 years, while the unthinned treatment produced none. Unthinned (highest density) stands were dominated by many slender trees, mostly <25 cm in diameter, whereas thinned stands produced negatively skewed size distributions with higher median and maximum stem diameters. Moderately thinned stands (560 trees ha−1) had the highest aboveground carbon storage rate (4.1 t C year−1) and the highest aboveground carbon stocks (200.2 ± 9.6 t C ha−1) after 42 years, while the unthinned treatment had the lowest carbon storage rate (1.6 t C year−1) and an intermediate level of aboveground standing carbon (165.1 ± 31.1 t C ha−1). Our results highlight the importance of early stand density as a determinant of long-term forest structure, habitat quality and carbon storage rates. We recommend that thinning be considered as one component of a broader strategy for enhancing the structure, habitat value and aboveground carbon storage of developing floodplain forests.  相似文献   

In south-coastal British Columbia, a low availability of phosphorus (P) may limit the early growth of young red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), even on sites classified as productive for red alder. However, it remains unclear as to what P addition rates best alleviate P deficiencies on such sites and how long effects of P additions on growth persist.We applied P 1-3 months after planting at rates up to 60 g P tree−1 and assessed growth and foliar elemental contents over three growing seasons at three sites with site productivity classed as good for red alder. Foliar δ13C was also determined in year 1 in the two sites on Vancouver Island and in year 2 in the site on the British Columbia mainland coast in order to better understand the relationships among foliar nutritional status, leaf water use efficiency (WUE), and growth.P additions at planting significantly increased height (11-15%), diameter (26%) and stem volume (62-64%) through 3 years. Maximum growth rates were achieved at P addition rates of 30 g tree−1 and at foliar P concentrations of 2.2-2.5 g kg−1. Growth did not increase further at addition rates of 60 g P tree−1. Stem growth increases were accompanied by increased individual leaf mass, first-year foliar concentrations of N, P, Ca, Mg, and S, and foliar δ13C, the latter suggesting that WUE increased with P additions. Foliar concentrations of P in unfertilized trees were at deficient levels, based on earlier studies, and increases in first-year foliar P concentrations and stem growth through year 3 were consistent with responses in earlier single-tree plot experiments. Longer-term measurements are required to define the duration of growth response to P additions in these otherwise-productive sites.  相似文献   

Changes in above-ground biomass (AGB) of 17 1 ha logged plots of terra firme rain forest in the eastern Amazon (Brazil, Paragominas) were monitored for four years (2004–2008) after reduced-impact logging. Over the same time period, we also monitored two 0.5 ha plots in adjacent unlogged forest. While AGB in the control plots changed little over the observation period (increased on average 1.4 Mg ha−1), logging resulted in immediate reductions in ABG that averaged 94.5 Mg ha−1 (±42.0), which represented 23% of the 410 Mg ha−1 (±64.9) present just prior to harvesting. Felled trees (dbh > 55 cm) accounted for 73% (±15) of these immediate losses but only 18.9 Mg ha−1 (±8.1) of biomass was removed in the extracted logs. During the first year after logging, the annual AGB balance (annual AGB gain by recruitment and growth − annual AGB loss by mortality) remained negative (−31.1 Mg ha−1 year−1; ±16.7), mainly due to continued high mortality rates of damaged trees. During the following three years (2005–2008), average net AGB accumulation in the logged plots was 2.6 Mg ha−1 year−1 (±4.6). Post-logging biomass recovery was mostly through growth (4.3 ± 1.5 Mg ha−1 year1 for 2004–2005 and 6.8 ± 0.9 Mg ha−1 year1 for 2005–2008), particularly of large trees. In contrast, tree recruitment contributed little to the observed increases in AGB (1.1 ± 0.6 Mg ha−1 year−1 for 2004–2005 and 3.1 ± 1.3 Mg ha−1 year−1 for 2005–2008). Plots with the lowest residual basal area after logging generally continued to lose more large trees (dbh ≥70 cm), and consequently showed the greatest AGB losses and the slowest overall AGB gains. If 100% AGB recovery is desired and the 30-year minimum cutting cycle defined by Brazilian law is adhered to, current logging intensities (6 trees ha−1) need to be reduced by 40–50%. Such a reduction in logging intensity will reduce financial incomes to loggers, but might be compensated for by the payment of environmental services through the proposed REDD (reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) mechanism of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  相似文献   

We estimated water use by the two main oak species of the Lower Galilee region of Israel—Tabor (Quercus ithaburensis) and Kermes (Quercus calliprinos)—to develop management options for climate-change scenarios. The trees were studied in their typical phytosociological associations on different bedrock formations at two sites with the same climatic conditions. Using the heat-pulse method, sap flow velocity was measured in eight trunks (trees) of each species during a number of periods in 2001, 2002 and 2003. Hourly sap flux was integrated to daily transpiration per tree and up-scaled to transpiration at the forest canopy level. The annual courses of daytime transpiration rate were estimated using fitted functions, and annual totals were calculated. Sap flow velocity was higher in Tabor than in Kermes oak, and it was highest in the youngest xylem, declining with depth into the older xylem. Average daytime transpiration rate was 67.9 ± 4.9 l tree−1 d−1, or 0.95 ± 0.07 mm d−1, for Tabor oak, and 22.0 ± 1.7 l tree−1d−1, or 0.73 ± 0.05 mm d−1, for Kermes oak. Differences between the two oak species in their forest canopy transpiration rates occurred mainly between the end of April and the beginning of October. Annual daytime transpiration was estimated to be 244 mm year−1 for Tabor oak and 213 mm year−1 for Kermes oak. Adding nocturnal water fluxes, estimated to be 20% of the daytime transpiration, resulted in total annual transpiration of 293 and 256 mm year−1 by Tabor and Kermes oaks, respectively. These amounts constituted 51% and 44%, respectively, of the 578 mm year−1 average annual rainfall in the region. The two species differed in their root morphology. Tabor oak roots did not penetrate the bedrock but were concentrated along the soil–rock interface within soil pockets. In contrast, the root system of Kermes oak grew deeper via fissures and crevices in the bedrock system and achieved direct contact with the deeper bedrock layers. Despite differences between the two sites in soil–bedrock lithological properties, and differences in the woody structure, annual water use by the two forest types was fairly similar. Because stocking density of the Tabor oak forests is strongly related to bedrock characteristics, thinning as a management tool will not change partitioning of the rainfall between different soil pockets, and hence soil water availability to the trees. In contrast, thinning of Kermes oak forests is expected to raise water availability to the remaining trees.  相似文献   

In order to maximize growth and diagnose nutritional requirements of hybrid poplars (Populus spp.) grown in the boreal forest of western Quebec, the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) was evaluated in conjunction with N:P ratios of trees fertilized at planting. Three hybrid poplar clones (747210; P. balsamifera × trichocarpa, 915005; P. balsamifera × maximowiczii, and 915319; P. maximowiczii × balsamifera) were fertilized with 18 combinations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Fertilizers used were granules of ammonium nitrate (34.5-0-0) at 3 levels (0, 20 and 40 g tree−1 of N), triple-superphosphate (0-45-0) at 3 levels (0, 25 and 50 g tree−1 of P), and potassium sulfate (0-0-50) at 2 levels (0, 20 g tree−1 of K). After two growing seasons, P fertilization was the most effective in promoting growth and 25 g tree−1 increased mean stem volume by 41% compared to unfertilized trees. The predictive accuracy of the N:P and DRIS diagnosis methods was generally reliable, however they failed to predict some co-limitations of N and P.  相似文献   

Data on the biomass and productivity of southeast Asian tropical forests are rare, making it difficult to evaluate the role of these forest ecosystems in the global carbon cycle and the effects of increasing deforestation rates in this region. In particular, more precise information on size and dynamics of the root system is needed. In six natural forest stands at pre-montane elevation (c. 1000 m a.s.l.) on Sulawesi (Indonesia), we determined above-ground biomass and the distribution of fine (d < 2 mm) and coarse roots (d > 2 mm), estimated above- and below-ground net production, and compared the results to literature data from other pre-montane paleo- and neotropical forests. The mean total biomass of the stands was 303 Mg ha−1 (or 128 Mg C ha−1), with the largest biomass fraction being recorded for the above-ground components (286 Mg ha−1) and 11.2 and 5.6 Mg ha−1 of coarse and fine root biomass (down to 300 cm in the soil profile), resulting in a remarkably high shoot:root ratio of c. 17. Fine root density in the soil profile showed an exponential decrease with soil depth that was closely related to the concentrations of base cations, soil pH and in particular of total P and N. The above-ground biomass of these stands was found to be much higher than that of pre-montane forests in the Neotropics, on average, but lower compared to other pre-montane forests in the Paleotropics, in particular when compared with dipterocarp forests in Malesia. The total above- and below-ground net primary production was estimated at 15.2 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (or 6.7 Mg C ha−1 yr−1) with 14% of this stand total being invested below-ground and 86% representing above-ground net primary production. Leaf production was found to exceed net primary production of stem wood. The estimated above-ground production was high in relation to the mean calculated for pre-montane forests on a global scale, but it was markedly lower compared to data on dipterocarp forests in South-east Asia. We conclude that the studied forest plots on Sulawesi follow the general trend of higher biomasses and productivity found for paleotropical pre-montane forest compared to neotropical ones. However, biomass stocks and productivity appear to be lower in these Fagaceae-rich forests on Sulawesi than in dipterocarp forests of Malesia.  相似文献   

Shifting land use from agriculture to forestry induces major changes in the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, including fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON). This study investigated the long-term effects of afforestation on ecosystem DOC and DON dynamics using a chronosequence approach comprising four arable fields and nine differently aged (10–92 years) Norway spruce stands growing on similar former arable soils in the same area. Along the chronosequence, concentrations and fluxes of DOC and DON were determined in bulk precipitation, throughfall, O horizon leachate and mineral soil solution during a 2–3-year period. Soil water fluxes were calculated using a soil hydrological model (SWAP). Results showed that DOC concentrations and fluxes with throughfall were strongly positively correlated with tree height (r2 = 0.95; P < 0.05 for both conc. and flux) and stand age, while DON showed no such trends, suggesting different origins of DOC and DON in throughfall. The highest concentrations and fluxes of DOC and DON occurred in soil leachate from the O horizon. Here, DOC flux was 250–310 kg C ha−1 yr−1 and DON flux 8–9 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in stands afforested between 65 and 92 years ago. Concentrations and fluxes of DOC and DON in the mineral subsoil were consistently low. Flux calculations suggest that there was a net loss of >90% (230–280 kg ha−1 yr−1) of DOC leached from the O horizon within 0–60 cm of the mineral soil. There was no significant effect of land use or forest age on DOC concentrations in solution from the lower part of the A horizon. The effect of time since afforestation was masked by soil properties that influence DOM retention in the mineral soil. Our data indicate that DOC concentrations in the A horizon of the sites studied were primarily related to the oxalate-extractable Al and Fe amounts in the same horizon. Afforestation of arable land induced a gradual qualitative change in soil organic matter (SOM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM), with significantly increasing C:N ratios in soil and soil solution over time. The development of an O horizon and the subsequent leaching of DOC and DON to the underlying mineral soil are important drivers of a changing soil C and N turnover following afforestation.  相似文献   

We studied the carbon density and accumulation in trees at five sites in a tropical dry forest (TDF) to address the questions: how is the TDF structured in terms of tree and carbon density in different DBH (diameter at breast height) classes? What are the levels of carbon density and accumulation in the woody species of TDF? Is the vegetation carbon density evenly distributed across the forest? Does carbon stored in the soil reflect the pattern of aboveground vegetation carbon density? Which species in the forest have a high potential for carbon accumulation? The WSG among species ranged from 0.39 to 0.78 g cm−3. Our study indicated that most of the carbon resides in the old-growth (high DBH) trees; 88-97% carbon occurred in individuals ?19.1 cm DBH, and therefore extra care is required to protect such trees in the dry forest. Acacia catechu, Buchanania lanzan, Hardwickia binata, Shorea robusta and Terminalia tomentosa accounted for more than 10 t ha−1 carbon density, warranting extra efforts for their protection. Species also differed in their capacity to accumulate carbon indicating variable suitability for afforestation. Annually, the forest accumulated 5.3 t-C ha−1 yr−1 on the most productive, wettest Hathinala site to 0.05 t-C ha−1 yr−1 on the least productive, driest Kotwa site. This study indicated a marked patchy distribution of carbon density (151 t-C ha−1 on the Hathinala site to 15.6 t-C ha−1 on the Kotwa site); the maximum value was more than nine times the minimum value. These findings suggest that there is a substantial scope to increase the carbon density and accumulation in this forest through management strategies focused on the protection, from deforestation and fire, of the high carbon density sites and the old-growth trees, and increasing the stocking density of the forest by planting species with high potential for carbon accumulation.  相似文献   

Liana-dominated forest patches constitute 15–20% of old-growth forests in the Eastern Amazon but are generally excluded from management for timber production. Here we ask if liana-dominated patches may be brought into production by clearing lianas and conducting enrichment planting (EP) of native timber species. We present growth results from 8 years of such EP trials. Rapid growth and low mortality of all species in this study suggest that EP in cleared liana patches can contribute to timber stocks in second and third harvests of managed forests. The most vigorous individuals of Parkiagigantocarpa and Schizolobium amazonicum in each enrichment site grew more than 1 cm diameter per year (rates were initially >2 cm yr−1), and attained dominant canopy positions and diameters equal to those of small canopy trees in the surrounding forest within 8 years of planting (mean dbh ∼18 cm and ∼20 cm, respectively, at year 8). Limited data on Ceiba pentandra plantings indicate a similar trajectory for this species (dbh ∼40 cm in 8 years). The most vigorous Swietenia macrophylla grew at least 1 cm per year in enrichment plots (mean dbh ∼10 cm in 8 years), but take longer to attain dominant positions. Tabebuia serratifolia may take much longer to reach the canopy than other species tested (rates <1 m yr−1). We attribute the excellent performance to light availability; planting in intact soil with minimal compaction and abundant organic material; and low competition rates maintained by periodic thinning of competing vegetation.  相似文献   

Litter quality and environmental effects on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) fine woody debris (FWD) decomposition were examined in three forestry-drained peatlands representing different site types along a climatic gradient from the north boreal (Northern Finland) to south (Southern Finland) and hemiboreal (Central Estonia) conditions. Decomposition (percent mass loss) of FWD with diameter ≤10 mm (twigs) and FWD with diameter >10 mm (branches) was measured using the litter bag method over 1–4-year periods. Overall, decomposition rates increased from north to south, the rate constants (k values) varying from 0.128 to 0.188 year−1 and from 0.066 to 0.127 year−1 for twigs and branches, respectively. On average, twigs had lost 34%, 19% and 19%, and branches 25%, 17% and 11% of their initial mass after 2 years of decomposition at the hemiboreal, south boreal and north boreal sites, respectively. After 4 years at the south boreal site the values were 48% for twigs and 42% for branches. Based on earlier studies, we suggest that the decomposition rates that we determined may be used for estimating Scots pine FWD decomposition in the boreal zone, also in upland forests. Explanatory models accounted for 50.4% and 71.2% of the total variation in FWD decomposition rates when the first two and all years were considered, respectively. The variables most related to FWD decomposition included the initial ash, water extractives and Klason lignin content of litter, and cumulative site precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration. Simulations of inputs and decomposition of Scots pine FWD and needle litter in south boreal conditions over a 60-year period showed that 72 g m−2 of organic matter from FWD vs. 365 g m−2 from needles accumulated in the forest floor. The annual inputs varied from 5.7 to 15.6 g m−2 and from 92 to 152 g m−2 for FWD and needles, respectively. Each thinning caused an increase in FWD inputs, up to 510 g m−2, while the needle inputs did not change dramatically. Because the annual FWD inputs were lowered following the thinnings, the overall effect of thinnings on C accumulation from FWD was slightly negative. The contribution of FWD to soil C accumulation, relative to needle litter, seems to be rather minor in boreal Scots pine forests.  相似文献   

A typhoon event catastrophically destroyed a 45-year-old Japanese larch plantation in southern Hokkaido, northern Japan in September 2004, and about 90% of trees were blown down. Vegetation was measured to investigate its regeneration process and CO2 flux, or net ecosystem production (NEP), was measured in 2006–2008 using an automated chamber system to investigate the effects of typhoon disturbance on the ecosystem carbon balance. Annual maximum aboveground biomass (AGB) increased from 2.7 Mg ha−1 in 2006 to 4.0 Mg ha−1 in 2007, whereas no change occurred in annual maximum leaf area index (LAI), which was 3.7 m2 m−2 in 2006 and 3.9 m2 m−2 in 2007. Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) had become dominant within 2 years after the typhoon disturbance, and came to account for about 60% and 50% of AGB and LAI, respectively. In comparison with CO2 fluxes measured by the eddy covariance technique in 2001–2003, for 4.5 months during the growing season, the sum of gross primary production (GPP) decreased on average by 739 gC m−2 (64%) after the disturbance, whereas ecosystem respiration (RE) decreased by 501 gC m−2 (51%). As a result, NEP decreased from 159 ± 57 gC m−2 to −80 ± 30 gC m−2, which shows that the ecosystem shifted from a carbon sink to a source. Seasonal variation in RE was strongly correlated to soil temperature. The interannual variation in the seasonal trend of RE was small. Light-saturated GPP (Pmax) decreased from 30–45 μmol m−2 s−1 to 8–12 μmol m−2 s−1 during the summer season through the disturbance because of large reduction in LAI.  相似文献   

Black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) is the dominant tree species in the Canadian province of Québec’s boreal ecosystem, particularly in the black spruce-feathermoss (BSFM) domain (between the 49th and the 52nd parallels). While black spruce is generally well adapted to regenerate after wildfires, regeneration failure can sometimes occur, resulting in the irreversible conversion of closed-crown BSFM to open black spruce-lichen woodlands (OW). With OWs representing approximately 7% (1.6 M ha) of Québec’s BSFM domain, the afforestation of OWs carries significant theoretical potential for carbon (C) sequestration, which has not yet been evaluated. The main objectives of the study were then: (i) to estimate the theoretical C balance of OW afforestation within the closed-crown BSFM domain in Québec’s boreal forest; (ii) to calculate, using the life cycle analysis (LCA) method, all the GHG emissions related to black spruce OW afforestation in the closed-crown BSFM domain of Québec. The CO2FIX v. 3.1 model was used to calculate the biological C balance between the baseline (natural OW of site index 9 at age 50) and afforestation (black spruce plantation of site index 6 at age 25) scenarios, using the best estimates available for all five recommended C compartments (aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, litter, deadwood, and soil). The simulation revealed a biological C balance of 77.0 t C ha−1, 70 years following afforestation, for an average net sequestration rate of 1.1 t C ha−1 year−1. Biological C balance only turns positive after 27 years. When integrating the uncertainties related to both the plantation growth yield and the wildfire disturbance, the average sequestration rate varies between 0.2 and 1.9 t C ha−1 year−1. GHG emissions are 1.3 t CO2 equiv. ha−1 for all afforestation-related operations, which is less than 0.5% of the biological C balance after 70 years. Thus, GHG emissions do not significantly affect the net C balance of the afforestation project simulated. Several recommendations are made, mostly centered on the factors influencing the growth rate of carbon stocks and the impact of natural disturbances, to minimize the range of uncertainties associated to the sequestration potential and maximize the mitigation benefits of an OW afforestation project.  相似文献   

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