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The causal factors and effects of forest declines are not well understood in temperate conifer forests. Most studies have focused on climatic and environmental stressors and have obviated the potential role of historical forest management as a predisposing factor of decline. Here, we assess if the recent silver fir (Abies alba) decline observed in the Spanish Pyrenees was predisposed by historical logging and incited by warming-induced drought stress. We analysed a dataset of environmental, structural, and historical variables at the tree and stand level including 32 sites with contrasting degrees of defoliation distributed over 5600 km2. We followed a dendroecological approach to reconstruct historical logging and to infer the effects of warming-induced drought stress on growth. The silver fir decline was more severe and widespread in western low-elevation mixed forests dominated by trees of small size and slow growth. These sites were subject to higher water deficits than eastern sites, where late-summer rainfall as the key climatic variable controlling silver fir growth was higher. Declining sites showed more frequent growth releases induced by historical logging than non-declining sites. Historical logging and warming-induced drought acted as long-term predisposing and short-term inciting factors of silver fir decline in the Pyrenees, respectively. We suggest that biomass increases caused by past intense logging affected the vulnerability of silver fir against late-summer water deficit. Future research in declining temperate conifer forests should consider the interacting role of predisposing historical management and inducing climatic stressors such as droughts.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effects of thinning on stand transpiration in a typical mixed spruce and pine forest in the southern boreal zone. Studies of transpiration are important for models of water, energy and carbon exchange, and forest management, like thinning, would change those processes. Tree transpiration was measured by the tissue heat-balance sapflow technique, on a reference plot and a thinning plot situated in a 50-year-old stand in central Sweden. Sapflow was measured during one season (1998) on both plots before thinning, to establish reference values. In winter 1998/1999 24% of the basal area was removed from the thinning plot. Thinning was done so as to preserve the initial species composition and the size distribution. The measurements continued after thinning during the growing seasons of 1999 and 2000. The climate showed remarkable differences between the 3 years; 1998 was wet and cool, with frequent rain, and the soil-water content was high throughout the year. In contrast, 1999 was dry and warm, and the soil-water content decreased to very low values, ca. 5–6% by volume. In 2000, the weather was more normal, with variable conditions. Stand transpiration was similar on both plots during the year before thinning; the plot to be thinned transpired 6% more than the reference plot. After thinning, transpiration was initially ca. 40% lower on the thinned plot, but the difference diminished successively. When the following drought was at its worst, the thinned plot transpired up to seven times more than the reference plot. During the second season after thinning, the thinned plot transpired ca. 20% more than the reference plot. The increased transpiration of the thinned plot could not be attributed to environmental variables, but was most probably caused by changes in biological factors, such as a fertilization effect.  相似文献   

Efforts in Europe to convert Norway spruce (Picea abies) plantations to broadleaf or mixed broadleaf-conifer forests could be bolstered by an increased understanding of how artificial regeneration acclimates and functions under a range of Norway spruce stand conditions. We studied foliage characteristics and leaf-level photosynthesis on 7-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) regeneration established in open patches and shelterwoods of a partially harvested Norway spruce plantation in southwestern Sweden. Both species exhibited morphological plasticity at the leaf level by developing leaf blades in patches with an average mass per unit area (LMA) 54% greater than of those in shelterwoods, and at the plant level by maintaining a leaf area ratio (LAR) in shelterwoods that was 78% greater than in patches. However, we observed interspecific differences in photosynthetic capacity relative to spruce canopy openness. Photosynthetic capacity (A1600, net photosynthesis at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 1600 μmol photons m−2 s−1) of beech in respect to the canopy gradient was best related to leaf mass, and declined substantially with increasing canopy openness primarily because leaf nitrogen (N) in this species decreased about 0.9 mg g−1 with each 10% rise in canopy openness. In contrast, A1600 of oak showed a weak response to mass-based N, and furthermore the percentage of N remained constant in oak leaf tissues across the canopy gradient. Therefore, oak photosynthetic capacity along the canopy gradient was best related to leaf area, and increased as the spruce canopy thinned primarily because LMA rose 8.6 g m−2 for each 10% increase in canopy openness. These findings support the premise that spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of beech through processes that determine N status of this species; leaf N (mass basis) was greatest under relatively closed spruce canopies where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing light harvesting mechanisms. Spruce stand structure regulates photosynthetic capacity of oak through processes that control LMA; LMA was greatest under open spruce canopies of high light availability where leaves apparently acclimate by enhancing CO2 fixation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Altered fire regimes and increased drought can lead to major vegetation changes, especially in ecotones. A decrease in fire can lead to woody species encroachment in prairies and increasing forest stand density. The threat of global climate change raises questions about potential increases in the length, severity, and incidence of droughts substantially altering species composition. Re-measured upland forests in south-central North America's midcontinent forest-prairie ecotone exhibited major changes in woody species composition and structure over fifty years and successional trajectories appeared to favor invasive Juniperus virginiana L. over the previous dominant Quercus species. The objective of this study was to determine whether climate and fire exclusion affected the recruitment history of dominant woody species in these upland forests located near the xeric western edge of the eastern deciduous forest biome of North America. We removed cores and cross-sections from 992 J. virginiana, Quercus marilandica Münchh. and Q. stellata Wangenh. trees from eleven forest stands located across central and northwest Oklahoma, and determined their ages using standard dendrochronological methods. Recruitment of all species increased following a severe mid-20th century drought, but a rapid increase in J. virginiana recruitment and decrease in Quercus recruitment appeared to be linked to a decrease in fire. Future fire regime changes and increased drought due to global climate change could lead to widespread shifts from Quercus- to Juniperus- dominated forests and cause substantial changes to ecosystem services.  相似文献   

In nutrient poor environments, such as boreal forests, many of the most important interactions between plants take place belowground. Here, we report the results of two approaches to obtain estimates of the lateral spread of tree roots.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of species and spacing of nurse trees on the growth of Hopea odorata, a dipterocarp tree indigenous to Southeast Asia, in a two-storied forest management system in northeast Thailand. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Acacia auriculiformis, and Senna siamea were planted as nurse trees in 1987 at spacings of 4 m × 8 m, 2 m × 8 m, 4 m × 4 m, and 2 m × 4 m in the Sakaerat Silvicultural Research Station of the Royal Forest Department, Thailand. Seedlings of H. odorata were planted in the nurse tree stands at a uniform spacing of 4 m × 4 m and in control plots (no nurse trees) in 1990. Stem numbers of some nurse trees were thinned by half in 1994. The stem diameter and height of all trees were measured annually until 1995 and again in 2007. The mean annual increment (MAI) in volume was estimated as 8.2–10.1 m3 ha−1 year−1 for E. camaldulensis and 0.9–1.2 m3 ha−1 year−1 for S. siamea, smaller than reported elsewhere. This suggests that the site properties were not suitable for them. The MAI of A. auriculiformis was 7.9–9.8 m3 ha−1 year−1, within the reported range. Survival rates of H. odorata in the S. siamea stands and the control plots decreased rapidly during the first 2 years but then stayed constant from 1992. In contrast, survival rates of H. odorata in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands were initially high (>70%), but then decreased after 1995. Stem diameter, tree height, and stand basal area of H. odorata were large in both the S. siamea stands and the control plots from then. The growth of H. odorata was largest in the 2 m × 8 m S. siamea stands. In contrast, it was restricted in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands owing to strong shading by their canopies. Thinning by 50% tended to facilitate the growth of H. odorata temporarily in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands. The stand basal areas of nurse trees and of H. odorata showed a trade-off. These results suggest that the growth of H. odorata was maximized in the S. siamea stands. We assume, however, that the growth of H. odorata could be improved even in the E. camaldulensis and A. auriculiformis stands by frequent or heavy thinning.  相似文献   

Water stress and fire disturbance can directly impact stand structure, biomass and composition by causing mortality and influencing competitive interactions among trees. However, open eucalypt forests of southwest Australia are highly resilient to fire and drought and may respond differently to increased fire frequency and aridity than forests dominated by non-eucalypt species. We measured the variation in stem density, basal area, stand biomass, sapwood area, leaf area and litterfall across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands along an aridity gradient in southwest Australia that had variable fire histories. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a ∼30-year period and aridity as the ratio of potential evapotranspiration to annual precipitation. Total stand biomass and sapwood area were predicted from diameter at breast height of individual jarrah and marri trees using allometric equations. Leaf area was estimated using digital cover photography. More arid and frequently burnt stands had higher stem density, especially of smaller trees, which were mainly jarrah. Overall, both standing biomass and leaf area decreased at more arid sites, while sapwood area was largely unaffected by aridity, suggesting that these stands respond to increased water limitation by decreasing their leaf area relative to their sapwood area. Biomass of marri was reduced at more arid and, to a lesser extent, at more frequently burnt stands. However, total stand biomass (jarrah and marri) and leaf area index did not vary with fire frequency, suggesting that less marri biomass (due to slower growth rates, higher mortality or less recruitment) was compensated by an increase in the density of jarrah trees (regeneration). We conclude that increased fire and drought shift tree species composition towards more fire-resistant species and result in denser stands of smaller trees. In contrast, total stand biomass declines with increasing aridity, but has no association with fire frequency.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the competing regeneration and expansion patterns of two co-occurring pine species (Pinus brutia, Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana), in a transitional montane Mediterranean zone. We measured the regeneration density of all woody species in 102 randomly located stands along an altitudinal gradient on the island of Lesbos, Greece. Individuals of pines were assigned to different size classes. Topographic factors (altitude, aspect, and soil depth) and light availability (through hemispherical photographs) were measured for each stand. Statistical analyses were applied to explore the effect of each factor on recruitment density of the competing pine species, and to elucidate patterns of interaction. Canopy openness was the most important parameter controlling the recruitment of P. brutia, while the regeneration density of P. nigra was mainly related to canopy openness and heat load. An idiosyncratic response of the recruitment vigour of the two species was identified along gradients of shade and drought stress. The decline in P. nigra recruitment density with drought conditions underlines threats to its population maintenance even in the absence of fire. On the other hand P. brutia seems to be a stronger invader in transitional zones. The studied species could be considered typical representatives of the two most widely distributed pine functional types across the Mediterranean basin, and our results agree with the theoretical ability of such species to maintain and expand their populations.  相似文献   

Due to its wide European distribution and its drought-susceptibility, beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) received intensive attention recently in the light of global warming. Contrary to central European beech ecosystems, little is known about the ecophysiology of beech at its south-eastern European distribution limit. Here we tested whether climatic fluctuations during a three-year period affected the ecophysiology of a beech site in Greece. Attention was paid at comparing our findings to the intense effects the 2003 extreme drought had on beech forests in central Europe.  相似文献   

Although resin pockets are a major cause of degrade for appearance grade timber, little is known about the environmental conditions that control the incidence of these defects. Water stress and mechanical bending stress due to tree sway in strong winds are thought to contribute to the formation of resin pockets, but this is based on anecdotal evidence from observations of resin pocket occurrence. Controlled experiments are required to better understand the factors leading to resin pocket formation.  相似文献   

We used an isotopic approach to evaluate the effects of three afforestation methods on the ecophysiology of an Aleppo pine plantation in semiarid Spain. The site preparation methods tested were excavation of planting holes (H), subsoiling (S), and subsoiling with addition of urban solid refuse to soil (S + USR). Five years after plantation establishment, trees in the S + USR treatment were over three times larger than those in the S treatment, and nearly five-fold larger than those planted in holes. Differences in tree biomass per hectare were even greater due to disparities in initial planting density and pine tree mortality among treatments. Pine trees in the S + USR treatment showed higher foliar P concentration, δ13C and δ15N than those in the S or H treatments. Foliar δ15N data proved that trees in the S + USR treatment utilized USR as a source of nitrogen. Foliar δ13C and δ18O data suggest that improved nutrient status differentially stimulated photosynthesis over stomatal conductance in the pine trees of the S + USR treatment, thus enhancing water use efficiency and growth. In the spring of 2002, trees in the S + USR treatment exhibited the most negative predawn water potentials of all the treatments, indicating that the rapid early growth induced by USR accelerated the onset of intense intra-specific competition for water. The results of this study have implications for the establishment and management of Aleppo pine plantations on semiarid soils. Planting seedlings at low density and/or early thinning of pine stands are strongly recommended if fast tree growth is to be maintained beyond the first few years after USR addition to soil. Foliar C, O and N isotope measurements can provide much insight into how resource acquisition by trees is affected by afforestation techniques in pine plantations under dry climatic conditions.  相似文献   

One of the arguments against using prescribed fire to regenerate oak (Quercus spp.) forests is that the improvement in species composition of the hardwood regeneration pool is temporary and multiple burns are necessary to achieve and maintain oak dominance. To explore this concern, I re-inventoried a prescribed fire study conducted in the mid-1990s to determine the longevity of the effects of a single prescribed fire on hardwood regeneration. The initial study was conducted in three oak shelterwood stands in central Virginia, USA. In 1994, each stand was divided into four treatments (spring, summer, and winter burns and a control) and the hardwood regeneration was inventoried before the fires. During the burns, fire intensity was measured and categorized in each regeneration sampling plot. Second-year postfire data showed marked differences in species mortality rates, depending on season-of-burn and fire intensity: oak and hickory (Carya spp.) regeneration dominated areas burned by medium- to high-intensity fire during the spring and summer while yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and red maple (Acer rubrum) seedlings dominated unburned areas and all areas treated with low-intensity fire regardless of season-of-burn. The treatments were re-inventoried in 2006 and 2007 to determine whether these fire effects were still present. The new data show that the species distributions by season-of-burn and fire intensity found in 1996 still existed 11 years after the treatments. The fact that fire effects in oak shelterwood stands can last at least a decade has important management implications for resource professionals interested in sustaining oak forests in the eastern United States.  相似文献   

坡位对灰木莲生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
灰木莲(Manglietia glauca Blume)属木兰科(Magnoliaceae)常绿阔叶大乔木,树干通直,高大挺拔,材质优良,木材为散孔材,干材密度为0.611 g.cm-3,纹理细致,易加工,切面光滑美丽,干燥速度较  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in water status and gas exchange were assessed in 2-year-old seedlings of Quercus pubescens Willd., Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne subsp. macrolepis (Kotsch) Hedge & Yalt, and Quercus frainetto Ten. during the 2004 growing season characterized by the typical summer drought conditions observed in Greece. The seedlings were grown under field conditions. After establishment half of the seedlings were well watered, while the rest received no irrigation other than natural rainfall. Measurements were conducted from April to October.  相似文献   

We conducted a 1-year greenhouse experiment to assess the impact of nutrient manipulations on seedling growth, biomass partitioning, and leaf gas exchange between two fast growing Pinus taeda clones that differed in growth efficiency. After 1 year we observed significant treatment and treatment by clone effects on growth, biomass partitioning, and gas exchange parameters. Fertilization increased total seedling biomass 18% primarily through an increase in foliage and coarse-roots. Clones did not differ in total seedling biomass, however, clone 85 produced more stem than clone 93 leading to 37% greater stem:leaf, while clone 93 maintained more branch biomass. The logging residue treatment increased stem:leaf by 30%, but had no effect on total biomass or partitioning. Differences in leaf morphology resulted in significantly greater canopy leaf area in clone 93 than clone 85. Increased foliar N concentration from fertilization had only minor effects on specific photosynthesis under saturating light (ASat), but lowered stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), and internal to external CO2 concentration ratio (Ci/Ca) as well as improved water use efficiency (WUE) independently of genotype. When gas exchange data was scaled to the canopy level both genotypes achieved similar canopy level CO2 assimilation rates, but our data suggests they did this by different means. Although we did see a small effect of nutrient limitations in total canopy photosynthesis under saturating light (ACanopy), ASat, and total leaf area (TLA), our foliar N concentration ([N]) indicated that our level of logging residue incorporation did not cause [N] to decrease below sufficiency limits. From a practical standpoint, a better understanding of strategies for capturing and partition C may lead to better selection of clonal material, thereby, optimizing productivity.  相似文献   

This study presents new evidence of historic low-to-moderate-severity fires, intermixed with high-severity fires, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains of west-central Alberta, Canada. High-severity fires that burned 120-300 years ago initiated even-aged cohorts of fast-growing lodgepole pine at each of the six study sites. Evidence of subsequent, low-to-moderate-severity fires included single and double fire scars on thin-barked lodgepole pine that were as small as 3.6 cm in diameter at the time of the fire, but survived. These low-to-moderate-severity fires resulted in structurally complex stands with a broad range of tree diameters and multiple cohorts of lodgepole pine, white and black spruce, and subalpine fir. At the site level, fire return intervals were variable, ranging from 29 to 167 years, but most were <80 years. Of the 9 years in which we documented low-to-moderate-severity fires, only the fires in 1889 and 1915 scarred trees at more than one site, indicating that these fires were small and had local effects. The new knowledge of historical, low-to-moderate-severity fires provided by this study has important implications for ecologically sustainable forest management. Although we recognize that further research needs to determine the extent of low-to-moderate-severity fires at the landscape scale, our results clearly indicate that a mixed-severity fires occurred at least locally. A broader range of silvicultural systems than is currently practiced would be consistent with historic forest dynamics.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to investigate the activity of Thai medicinal plants on inflammation caused by Propionibacterium acnes in terms of free radical scavenging and cytokine reducing properties. P. acnes have been recognized as pus-forming bacteria triggering an inflammation in acne. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH scavenging and NBT reduction assay. The result showed that Garcinia mangostana possessed the most significant antioxidant activity and reduced reactive oxygen species production. Houttuynia cordata, Eupatorium odoratum, and Senna alata had a moderate antioxidant effect. In addition, Garcinia mangostana extracts could reduce the TNF-alpha production as determined by ELISA. Garcinia mangostana was highly effective in scavenging free radicals and was able to suppress the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This study has identified the promising source of anti-inflammatory agent which could be useful in treatment of acne vulgaris.  相似文献   

白蜡虫对低温的高度耐受性对其生存、繁殖及白蜡生产都至关重要。为探讨低温胁迫对白蜡虫hsp表达的影响,采用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR),对白蜡虫二龄雄虫在低温胁迫下7个不同的 hspshsp21.5,hsp21.7,hsp40,hsp60,hsp70,hsc70,hsp90)的基因表达情况进行了检测。结果发现,除hsc70外,其余hsps均能被低温不同程度地诱导,其中hsp70、hsp21.7hsp90的上调量十分显著。说明多数hsps都与白蜡虫幼虫应对低温胁迫相关。  相似文献   

Regeneration by seeds for cork oak (Quercus suber) and companion oaks (holm oak Quercus ilex and downy oak Quercus pubescens) is likely to be poor in the fire-prone Maures massif (southern France) but the causes are poorly known. Our objective was to assess the effective recruitment for these three oak species and their temporal pattern of recruitment, in order to determine the main limitation factors and the regeneration window of each species. We studied oak recruits (height <3 m) in naturally regenerated populations according to a gradient of fire recurrence and in five main vegetation types including shrublands and mixed mature woodlands. Fire recurrence was the main explanatory factor of oak recruitment, either directly or through vegetation type and microsite characteristics. The results indicate nil to low recruitment for holm oak and downy oak in shrublands, especially those recurrently burned and dominated by Cistus species. Cork oak recruited better than the other oaks in medium and high shrublands dominated by Erica arborea. In contrast, recruitment was high for holm and downy oak in mixed oak stands and mixed pine-oak stands that have not burned for decades. Microsite conditions such as coverage by litter and shrubs influenced oak recruitment, whereas landscape configuration and stand basal area had no influence. Our results suggest that strategic shrub-clearing, oak planting and protection of mixed oak woodlands as seed sources would help maintaining oak populations in the woodland–shrubland mosaic.  相似文献   

Extensive ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) mortality associated with a widespread severe drought and increased bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) populations occurred in Arizona from 2001 to 2004. A complex of Ips beetles including: the Arizona fivespined ips, Ips lecontei Swaine, the pine engraver beetle, Ips pini (Say), Ips calligraphus (Germar), Ips latidens (LeConte), Ips knausi Swaine and Ips integer (Eichhoff) were the primary bark beetle species associated with ponderosa pine mortality. In this study we examine stand conditions and physiographic factors associated with bark beetle-caused tree mortality in ponderosa pine forests across five National Forests in Arizona. A total of 633 fixed-radius plots were established across five National Forests in Arizona: Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Kaibab, Prescott, and Tonto. Prior to the bark beetle outbreak, plots with mortality had higher tree and stocking compared with plots without pine mortality. Logistic regression modeling found that probability of ponderosa pine mortality caused by bark beetles was positively correlated with tree density and inversely related with elevation and tree diameter. Given the large geographical extent of this study resulting logistic models to estimate the likelihood of bark beetle attack should have wide applicability across similar ponderosa pine forests across the Southwest. This is particularly true of a model driven by tree density and elevation constructed by combining all forests. Tree mortality resulted in significant reductions in basal area, tree density, stand density index, and mean tree diameter for ponderosa pine and for all species combined in these forests. Most of the observed pine mortality was in the 10–35 cm diameter class, which comprise much of the increase in tree density over the past century as a result of fire suppression and grazing practices. Ecological implications of tree mortality are discussed.  相似文献   

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