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Baobab fruit are harvested and used throughout Africa as an important source of food and are sold to generate income. Commercial use is increasing rapidly as derivatives of the fruit such as baobab seed oil and fruit pulp are being exported to Europe and North America. The cash derived from the sale of fruit support thousands of rural people. This study examines baobab fruit yields in an area being harvested for commercial use. It represents baobab populations and harvesting scenarios typically found in Southern Africa and is the first study in Africa to combine demographic and production data in determining baobab fruit yields.Fruit production was examined across five land-use types (nature reserves, rocky outcrops, plains, fields and villages) and over three consecutive years. Factors assessed included differences in life-stage, tree size, land-use type, inter-annual variation and quantifiable fruit predation.Results showed that adult trees produced 8 times more fruit than sub-adult trees. Fruit production fluctuated between size-classes and exhibited weak linear and logarithmic trends between fruit production and dbh and crown volume, respectively. There was high variation between trees with 41% of adult trees consistently producing <5 fruit per year, which we classed as ‘poor-producers’. Different land uses showed no significant differences in fruit production per tree, but where baboons were present, in nature reserves and rocky outcrops, predation of immature fruit resulted in up to 85% fruit loss. Villages and fields had the highest tree density and yielded the most fruit/ha. Inter-annual variation was significant with a two and a half fold difference between the highest and lowest year.The results of this study are important for economic planning and management and are key to determining sustainable harvesting levels of baobab fruit in Southern Africa.  相似文献   

Baobabs are important to people's livelihoods as a source of food, fibre and medicine. Baobab products are increasingly being commercialised and exported around the world, and pressure on the resource is growing (Sidibe and Williams, 2002). This paper examines baobab population structure and trends in northern Venda, South Africa.  相似文献   

Germplasm of the calabash tree (Crescentia cujete L.) was collected in five major regions of Colombia, i.e. the Andes, Caribbean, Amazon, Orinoco, and Pacific regions. Collecting this multipurpose tree was guided by the indigenous knowledge of farmers and artisans in each region. Large variation in fruit shapes and sizes was found, of which some forms were typical for certain regions. Overall 56 accessions were collected and roughly classified into 22 types by eight fruit shapes and eight sizes. Molecular markers (Amplified fragment length polymorphisms) were applied to leaf tip tissue originating from vegetatively propagated plants in order to assess the diversity available in the germplasm collected as well as to detect patterns of geographical or morphological similarity. One accession each of C. alata H.B.&K. and C. amazonica Ducke were used as outgroups. Overall, genetic diversity was high (mean Nei and Li’s coefficient of 0.43). No relations could be established between either geographical provenance or fruit morphology and patterns of genetic diversity. Concerning the outgroups, the C. amazonica accession appeared to be a distinct species. The C. alata accession, however, did not seem to be sufficiently distinct from C. cujete to merit species status. The latter material may in fact be a hybrid or serve to challenge the validity of interspecific organization of the genus Crescentia.
Brigitte L. Maass (Corresponding author)Email:

The long-term success of forest management depends primarily on the sustainability of timber production. In this study we analyse the population structure, tree age and wood increment of Malouetia tamaquarina (Aubl.) (Apocynaceae) to define a species-specific minimum logging diameter (MLD) and felling cycle by modelling volume growth. Contrary to other timber species in the nutrient-rich white-water floodplains forests (várzea), M. tamaquarina grows in the subcanopy of old-growth várzea forests. The wood of this species is utilized by local inhabitants in the floodplains for handicraft. In 35 plots of 25 m × 50 m we measured diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height of all trees taller than 150 cm height. From 37 individuals with DBH > 15 cm we sampled two cores by increment borers to determine the wood density, tree age and diameter increment rates. In the management area of a várzea settlement with about 150 ha recently harvested trees of M. tamaquarina have been recorded and DBH was measured. The species presents an inverse J-shaped diameter distribution indicating that the species is obviously regenerating in the old-growth forests. Tree-ring analysis indicates a mean age of 74.5 years for a DBH of 22.7 cm for a studied population comprising 37 trees with maximum ages of up to 141 years for an individual with a DBH of 45.7 cm. The tree species has low annual diameter increment rates (3.16 ± 0.6 mm) despite a low wood density (0.36 ± 0.05 g cm−3). The volume growth model indicates a MLD of 25 cm and a felling cycle of 32.4 years. In the management area 35 trees with a mean DBH of 24 cm were recorded, similar to the defined MLD. The abundance of trees above the MLD is 2.7 trees ha−1, or 405 trees, when extrapolated to the whole management area. Considering a felling cycle of 32.4 years (annual production unit of 4.63 ha) this results in total of 12.5 harvestable trees, almost three times less than actually harvested. The actual practice of harvesting M. tamaquarina risks the overexploitation of this slow-growing species.  相似文献   

Producing high value veneer wood requires that the tree bole be branch-free. This can be accomplished by natural or artificial pruning. Since wild cherry does not self prune well, pruning artificially is the only practical option. The study analysed the effect of conventional whorl-wise pruning and selective pruning, on height growth, diameter growth and secondary shoot development of wild cherry. Four pruning treatments were applied on cherry trees in summer 2007, one group of cherries was left unpruned to serve as a control: treatment C1 (upper 5 whorls left), C2 (upper 3 whorls left), S1 (removal of branches larger than 3 cm or with an angle to the stem < 40°), S2 (removal of branches larger than 2 cm or with an angle to the stem < 40°), N (unpruned). Data showed that height growth was not affected by pruning. In contrast, diameter growth at breast height of the C2 pruned cherry was reduced by approximately 5% (SE = 2.7%) in the year of pruning (trees were pruned in July). This pruning treatment produced significant (p = 0.028) nine percent less diameter growth than the control in the second year following pruning. The diameter increment of the C1 pruned trees with five whorls left after pruning and the selective pruned cherries were only about 4% (SE = 4.0%) smaller than the control after two years. This loss was statistically not significant. Analyses showed that on selective pruned trees the survival rate of secondary shoots was significantly reduced compared to those on whorl-wise pruned trees. Significant differences in the size of the secondary shoots were only found between the C1 and S1 (p < 0.05) pruned trees. We did not find differences in the total number of secondary shoots per tree among pruning treatments. Solely from a tree growth perspective, the moderate whorl-wise pruning treatment C1 and the selective prunings were equally effective in minimizing the reduction of diameter growth and are recommended in practice. However it was found that the survival of secondary shoots was reduced on selective pruned trees although the amount of pruning work needed in selective pruning was slightly greater than conventional moderate pruning.  相似文献   

Macrotermes termitaria are conspicuous features of savannah ecosystems in the Sudanian and Sahelian zones of West Africa. The mounds, alive or abandoned, are a major source of heterogeneity in the landscape. The purpose of the present study was to assess the impact of termitaria on tree community in a state forest of the Sudanian regional centre (Tiogo forest, Burkina Faso), under controlled burning and grazing experiments. A comparative inventory was carried out in a split-plot experiment (16 subplots of 2500 m2): 8 subplots where fire regime and grazing were controlled and 8 subplots exposed to grazing and with annual prescribed fire since 1992. All tree individuals (≥1.5 m) were recorded, both on termitaria and outside and their basal area at stump level was measured. A total of 61 observed (or 65.7 ± 2.4 estimated) tree species were recorded on 28 Macrotermes subhyalinus mounds (54 observed species or 60.8 ± 3.3 estimated), the immediate surroundings (44 observed and 59.0 ± 0.0 estimated species) and the rest of subplots (56 observed and 63.6 ± 0.0 estimated). Specific density was higher on mounds in comparison with the surroundings (P < 0.05). Results showed that termitaria played a key role in maintaining higher species diversity as compared to their surroundings (P < 0.05). Differences in species diversity between termitaria and immediate surroundings appeared more pronounced in disturbed plots (submitted to both fire and grazing). Some species, such as Tamarindus indica, Boscia senegalensis, Cadaba farinosa, Capparis sepiaria and Maerua angolensis are found solely on termitaria. Besides, the density of trees was significantly higher on termitaria compared to the surrounding (P < 0.05), as well as total basal area per unit of 100 m2 area (P < 0.05). We concluded that Macrotermes termitaria play an important role as a source of heterogeneity in this Sudanian savannah woodland ecosystem. This role is particularly important in ecosystems under stresses. Termitaria acted as refuge for tree vegetation. The density and dynamics of M. subhyalinus termitaria should, therefore, be taken into account in the global strategy of the forest resources management and conservation.  相似文献   

The influence of herbaceous and woody vegetation control, either singly or in combination, on leaf gas exchange, water status, and nutrient relations of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings was examined in a central Ontario clearcut over four consecutive growing seasons (GSs). Net carbon assimilation (An), leaf conductance to water vapour (Gwv), water use efficiency (WUE), and midday leaf water potential (ψm) were measured periodically during the second to fourth GSs of vegetation control treatments, while leaf nutrient relations were examined in GS five. Leaf An and Gwv were reduced (p ≤ 0.05) in the presence of herbaceous vegetation in GS two, by both herbaceous and woody vegetation in GS three, and only by woody vegetation (largely trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)) in GS four. Leaf WUE was increased (p ≤ 0.05) in all three GSs in which herbaceous vegetation control was applied and where woody vegetation provided partial shading of planted white pine. Leaf water status was comparatively less responsive to vegetation control treatments, but leaf ψm was increased (p ≤ 0.05) in the presence of woody vegetation in GSs two and four, likely due to shading and reduced atmospheric evaporative demand of the white pine seedling environment. Within a given GS, the effects of vegetation control on An, Gwv, and ψm were strongly linked to treatment-induced changes in total vegetative cover, and light and soil moisture availability. Seedling height, diameter, and volume growth rates were positively correlated with An and WUE in GSs two and three, but less so in GS four. Vector analysis suggested that herbaceous competition induced foliar N, P, and K deficiencies in five-year-old white pine seedlings while competition from aspen resulted in foliar Ca deficiency.  相似文献   

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