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The effects of early vegetation management on the survival and growth of Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] were examined 5 and 15 years after planting in the Oregon Coast Range. Our first objective was to document the effects of vegetation species competition upon key ecosystem properties. The second objective was to document the effects of vegetation removal during early Douglas-fir stand establishment upon long-term tree growth and on biomass production by vegetation components. Seven levels of manual vegetation removal were maintained for the first 5 years after planting: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% shrub removal; and 100% shrub removal combined with 50% or 100% herbaceous vegetation removal. Shrub and herb removal did not affect Douglas-fir survival at year five, but treatments providing less than 75% shrub removal significantly reduced Douglas-fir survival by year 15. Removing shrubs and herbs completely (100S + 100H) during the 5 years following tree planting allowed successful tree establishment, with a 366% increase in biomass accumulation per hectare for Douglas-fir in that treatment at the end of 14 years of growth. At 15 years stand age, even with shrub removal alone, a 304% gain in tree biomass per hectare was obtained compared to no vegetation removal (NVR). By stand age 15 years, any increase in the degree of understory removal beyond 75% did not contribute significantly to additional tree survival and growth. The understory vegetation on NVR treatment plots and the herbaceous vegetation on 100% shrub removal (100S) treatment plots, contained >90% and >80% of aboveground biomass N at 5 years, respectively, indicating possible competition for soil N. Soil moisture was not different among treatments at 5 years. Complete vegetation removal (100S + 100H) for 5 years resulted in a significant increase in soil bulk density (P < 0.05), a significant decrease in total soil C (P < 0.05) and no change in total soil N in the upper 15 cm of the mineral soil. By 14 years, however, only the soil bulk density remained greater (P < 0.05) on the 100S + 100H treatment. We conclude that greater tree survival and growth occurred with at least 75% shrub removal. Our results suggest that managers may have substantial flexibility in maintaining a partial understory component suitable for ecosystem productivity, canopy cover and wildlife habitat, while maintaining forests productive for timber resources.  相似文献   

Tree species composition is a primary attribute of forest ecosystems, and is often manipulated by silvicultural practices. Forest management to diversify tree species is now being promoted to favor biodiversity. To assess the soundness of this policy we reviewed and analyzed the literature on the relationship between tree species composition and floristic diversity, including the mechanisms involved therein. Coniferous forests generally provide less diversified vascular understories than broadleaved forests. At the tree species scale, there are not enough reports to draw firm conclusions on the effect of any particular species. Mixing of deciduous and coniferous tree species generally affects understory diversity, but in almost all cases maximum diversity is observed in one of the pure stands, not in mixed stands. Understory vegetation is influenced by overstory composition and structure through modifications of resource availability (light, water and soil nutrients) and other effects, such as physical characteristics of the litter layer. Overstory light transmittance and diverse properties of forest litter are factors that have been most fully studied to date, but other factors such as throughfall water quantity and chemistry may also play a role. While the relative importance of mechanisms that account for the effect of overstory on understory biodiversity has often been discussed, these mechanisms have rarely been the subject of formal experiments. Overall, varying management practices and site attributes make it difficult to generalize results. They combine with the effects of tree species in influencing understory vegetation diversity, but they have been rarely considered. Future research is needed to gain a better understanding of the relationship between overstory and understory diversity and establish general laws.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated interacting effects of canopy gaps, understory vegetation and leaf litter on recruitment and mortality of tree seedlings at the community level in a 20-year-old lowland forest in Costa Rica, and tested several predictions based on results of previous studies. We predicted that experimental canopy gaps would greatly enhance tree seedling recruitment, and that leaf litter removal would further enhance recruitment of small-seeded, shade-intolerant seedlings in gaps. We created a large (320–540 m2) gap in the center of 5 out of 10 40 m × 40 m experimental plots, and applied the following treatments bimonthly over a 14-month-period in a factorial, split–split plot design: clipping of understory vegetation (cut, uncut), and leaf litter manipulations (removal, addition, control). As expected, experimental gaps dramatically increased tree seedling recruitment, but gap effects varied among litter treatments. Litter addition reduced recruitment in gaps, but enhanced recruitment under intact canopy. Species composition of recruits also differed markedly between gap treatments: several small-seeded pioneer and long-lived pioneer species recruited almost exclusively in gaps. In contrast, a few medium-to-large-seeded shade-tolerant species recruited predominantly under intact canopy. Leaf litter represents a major barrier for seedling emergence and establishment of small-seeded, shade-intolerant species, but enhances emergence and establishment of large-seeded, shade-tolerant species, possibly through increased humidity and reduced detection by predators. Periodic clipping of the understory vegetation marginally reduced tree seedling mortality, but only in experimental gaps, where understory vegetation cover was greatly enhanced compared to intact canopy conditions. Successful regeneration of commercially valuable long-lived pioneer trees that dominate the forest canopy may require clear-cutting, as well as weeding and site preparation (litter removal) treatments in felling clearings. Management systems that mimic natural canopy gaps (reduced-impact selective logging) could favor the regeneration of shade-tolerant tree species, potentially accelerating convergence to old-growth forest composition. In contrast, systems that produce large canopy openings (clear-cutting) may re-initiate succession, potentially leading to less diverse but perhaps more easily managed “natural plantations” of long-lived pioneer tree species.  相似文献   

Forests growing on former agricultural land often have reduced frequencies of many native forest herbs compared with forests that were never cleared for agriculture. A leading explanation for this pattern is that many forest herbs are dispersal limited, but environmental conditions may also hinder colonization. We examined the response of six forest herb taxa (Arisaema triphyllum, Cimicifuga racemosa, Disporum lanuginosum, Osmorhiza spp., Polygonatum spp., and Prenanthes altissima) to nitrogen (N) fertilization in forests with and without an agricultural history to investigate how N availability affects plant performance. The study was conducted in the southern Appalachian Mountains in western North Carolina, USA. There was a significant interaction between land-use history and N treatment for several species. In A. triphyllum and Osmorhiza spp., N fertilization increased aboveground biomass or leaf area more in the post-agriculture site than in the reference site. However, in the reference site, N fertilization depressed aboveground biomass or leaf area in the same taxa, as well as in C. racemosa. The foliar N concentration of these three taxa was elevated in fertilized plots regardless of land-use history, and there was no indication that the light environment differed among plots. These results suggest that some plants growing in post-agricultural stands may be N limited, whereas undisturbed stands in this region appear to be approaching N saturation. Thus, environmental conditions, and particularly N availability, may be an obstacle to the restoration of forest herb communities.  相似文献   

In seasonal climates the timing of logging operations can be adjusted to avoid the major growing periods of understory plants and seedlings. We evaluated the understory vegetation at five pairs of hardwood-dominated sites in northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. where one site in each pair was logged during winter and the other during summer. All sites were dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and basswood (Tilia americana), with varying amounts of other native tree species. Most (84%) of the 247 vascular plant species recorded during the study are indigenous to the region. Winter-logged sites supported significantly higher numbers and percent cover of ecologically vulnerable native plant species as defined by independently established coefficients of conservatism. These differences between winter-logged and summer-logged sites suggest that winter logging may have fewer negative impacts than summer logging on vulnerable plant species and, in the long run, may help maintain plant biodiversity in managed forests of this region. In both types of sites, understory plant richness and diversity were significantly higher near logging roads, due largely to higher numbers of alien species and early successional native plants. Away from roads, neither species richness nor diversity differed between winter-logged and summer-logged sites. Studies that fail to account for differences in species composition and studies that fail to include samples of access roads or skid trails are likely to ignore important impacts of logging activities.  相似文献   

The long-term response of total soil organic carbon pools (‘total SOC’, i.e. soil and dead wood) to different harvesting scenarios in even-aged northern hardwood forest stands was evaluated using two soil carbon models, CENTURY and YASSO, that were calibrated with forest plot empirical data in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Overall, 13 different harvesting scenarios that included four levels of aboveground biomass removal (20%, 40%, 60% and 90%) and four different rotation lengths (60 year, 90 year, 120 year, and No Rotation (NR)) were simulated for a 360 year period. Simulations indicate that following an initial post-harvest increase, total SOC decreases for several decades until carbon inputs into the soil pool from the re-growth are greater than losses due to decomposition. At this point total SOC begins to gradually increase until the next harvest. One consequence of this recovery pattern is that between harvests, the size of the SOC pool in a stand may change from −7 to 18% of the pre-harvest pool, depending on the soil pool considered. Over 360 years, the average annual decrease in total SOC depends on the amount of biomass removed, the rotation length, and the soil pool considered. After 360 years a stand undergoing the 90yr-40% scenario will have 15% less total SOC than a non-harvested stand. Long-term declines in total SOC greater than 10% were observed in the 60yr-60%, 60yr-90%, and 90yr-90% scenarios. Long-term declines less than 5% were observed in scenarios with 120 year rotations that remove 60% or less of the aboveground biomass. The long-term decreases simulated here for common management scenarios in this region would require intensive sampling procedures to be detectable.  相似文献   

Regional conservation planning frequently relies on general assumptions about historical disturbance regimes to inform decisions about landscape restoration, reserve allocations, and landscape management. Spatially explicit simulations of landscape dynamics provide quantitative estimates of landscape structure and allow for the testing of alternative scenarios. We used a landscape fire succession model to estimate the historical range of variability of vegetation and fire in a dry forest landscape (size ca. 7900 km2) where the present-day risk of high severity fire threatens the persistence of older closed canopy forest which may serve as Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat. Our results indicated that historically, older forest may have comprised the largest percentage of the landscape (∼35%), followed by early successional forest (∼25%), with about 9% of the landscape in a closed canopy older forest condition. The amount and condition of older forest varied by potential vegetation type and land use allocation type. Vegetation successional stages had fine-grained spatial heterogeneity in patch characteristics, with older forest tending to have the largest patch sizes among the successional stages. Increasing fire severities posed a greater risk to Northern Spotted Owl habitat than increasing fire sizes or frequencies under historical fire regimes. Improved understanding of historical landscape-specific fire and vegetation conditions and their variability can assist forest managers to promote landscape resilience and increases of older forest, in dry forests with restricted amounts of habitat for sensitive species.  相似文献   

Green-tree retention systems are an important management component of variable retention harvests in temperate zone coniferous forests. Residual live trees (“legacy trees”) provide mature forest habitat, increase structural diversity, and provide continuity in the regenerating stand. This study was designed to test the hypotheses that, at up to 8 years after harvest, abundance and species diversity of communities of (i) understory plants and (ii) forest-floor small mammals, and (iii) relative habitat use by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), will decline with decreasing levels of tree retention. Communities of plants and forest floor small mammals were sampled in replicated clearcut, single seed-tree, group seed-tree, patch cut, and uncut forest sites in mixed Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)—lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forest in southern British Columbia, Canada from 2000 to 2003 (5–8 years post-harvest). Habitat use by mule deer was measured during summer and winter periods each year from 1999 to 2003 in these same sites.  相似文献   

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