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Causes of decline and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) mortality in Central Europe have been controversially discussed for a long time. This contribution details a comprehensive dendroecological investigation of two basic and alternative hypotheses that explain the decline by either climatic influences or by SO2 pollution as the primary factors. Growth reduction between the 1960s and 1980s as well as the recovery of growth during recent decades have be seen as a response to complex interactions of multiple factors. Herein, we undertake a multidisciplinary evaluation of a broad database, representing the long-term growth of 1010 firs from 51 sites, long-term climate records as well as data assessing the long-term pollution situation in Southern Germany. The results provide clear evidence that SO2-immissions play a key role in decline and that tree growth corresponds with the regional and temporal pattern of SO2 pollution. Calculations with a new complex growth model indicate that tree-ring widths of fir at many sites were more influenced by SO2 than by any other growth-determining factor during the second half of the last century. Strongest coherence between measured and modelled ring widths are found if – in addition to temperature, available soil water content, heavy frost events and long-term growth trends – the site-specific trend of SO2 pollution is included. Both the immediate response to SO2 pollution and the quick recovery of fir since the beginning of the 1980s after the decrease of SO2 emissions indicate a direct impact of SO2 in gaseous form and not via the soil in terms of soil acidification. Tree-ring widths document that radial growth response occurs at air concentrations above 10 μg SO2 m−3 (annual average), which can be thought of as a critical threshold for silver fir health. Since the beginning of the 1980s, increasing growth trends have been observed which predominantly result from decreased SO2 pollution in most parts of Central Europe, although climate change, fertilization by nitrogen deposition and a reduced tree-to-tree competition are also relevant factors. The drastic reduction of SO2 emission during the recent decades significantly improved the environmental conditions for fir. Consequently, an increased cultivation of silver fir on suitable sites is recommended.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, investigations have been carried out to determine the influence of various ecological factors on silver fir natural regeneration in highlands and mountains. However, there has been little research on the structure and development of fir regeneration in lowlands. Results of this study indicate that three main stand characteristics play a very important part in the structure of fir regeneration in the lowland. The results revealed that the quantity, frequency and growth rate of fir regeneration were affected by site conditions. One of the most important ecological factors differentiating quantity and quality of fir regeneration was the proportion of fir in a stand. It was found that, with an increase in the percentage of fir in a stand, the quantity and the sum of heights and the sum of height increments of fir regeneration tends to increase. Results of this study showed that the number and development of fir regeneration were influenced by species composition of a stand; fir regenerated not only in pure fir stands but also in mixed forests. A positive influence of pine and birch canopy on initiation and development of fir regeneration was confirmed. Optimal conditions for the growth and development of fir with respect to species composition were found in mixed fir stands with an admixture of hornbeam. In contrast, results of the study suggest that the worst conditions for fir regeneration were found in the stands composed of species, such as ash, alder, oak, aspen, lime and spruce.  相似文献   

Populus–Salix forests are a valued riparian vegetation type in western North America. These pioneer, obligate phreatophytes have declined on some rivers, raising conservation concerns and stimulating restoration plantings, but have increased on others. Understanding patterns and causes of forest change is essential for formulating conservation, restoration and management plans. Our goal was to assess spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation change on the Upper San Pedro River in semiarid Arizona, USA, one of the few undammed rivers in the region. Over 100 years ago, intense floods initiated channel incision and substantially altered hydrogeomorphology. Pioneer trees began to establish in the widening post-entrenchment zone as the surfaces began to stabilize. Using a time-series of aerial photographs (1955–2003) we quantified recent change in area of riparian cover types. Analysis indicated that wooded area in the post-entrenchment zone nearly tripled from 1955 to 2003, at the expense of bare ground, and the active channel narrowed appreciably. This forest expansion represents a long-term response to river entrenchment, with the temporal pattern influenced by recent flood cycles and biogeomorphic feedbacks. Populus–Salix have established episodically during the infrequent years with high winter flood runoff, sequentially filling available recruitment space. Older cohorts cover wide swaths of the floodplain while young trees form narrow bands lining the channel. Barring extreme flooding, the pioneer forests are expected to senesce over the coming century. An additional factor that has shaped the pattern of post-entrenchment forest expansion is anthropogenic water withdrawal. Populus–Salix forest increase has been greatest within a conservation area, where stream flows are largely perennial. In drier, agricultural sectors, Populus–Salix have declined while the more deeply-rooted Tamarix has increased. Overall, the study reveals that long-term fluctuations in pioneer forest area and age structure are common on dryland rivers, and shows how past events such as extreme floods can interact with recent environmental practices such as freshwater withdrawal to influence riparian forest patterns. This underscores the necessity of a long-term perspective for forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) strongly contribute to livelihood security in the semi-arid tropics. There is increasing concern about the population status of NTFP-providing trees and therefore a need for their sustainable use. Thus, this study examines the impact of land-use type on the multipurpose baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) in Burkina Faso, combined with rates and patterns of bark- and leaf-harvesting, and their impact on fruit production. We compared stands in a protected area (W National Park of Burkina Faso) with those of surrounding communal area (fallows, croplands and villages) to obtain an indication on the status of the baobab population, to assess its harvesting tolerance and to estimate to what extent their actual use is sustainable. Our results reveal that land-use type has an impact on the population structure of the baobab. The size class distribution curve of park stands was inverse J-shape which indicates good rejuvenation, while the curve of fallows, croplands and villages stands was bell-shaped, indicating a lack of recruitment. However, a high number of seedlings were recorded in villages. Nearly all baobabs were pruned and debarked in villages, croplands and fallows while half of the individuals were harvested in the park. Most of the trees were pruned and debarked moderately. Debarking and pruning were slightly size specific. Pruning in interaction with tree-size had a significant impact on fruit production. In contrast, debarking had no effect on fruit production. We conclude that despite the land-use impact and the intense harvesting, baobabs are still well preserved in the communal area due to their longevity, extremely low adult mortality rates and traditional management practices. However, land-use intensifications may lead to increasing pressure on baobab populations in the future. Therefore, adapted management strategies are needed to guarantee the persistence of this important species and to avoid a shortage of baobab products.  相似文献   

The rejuvenation ecology of three main tree species in anthropogenic pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests is explored in our study. We focus on the scale of micro-plots, which provide the safe sites for tree rejuvenation. We thrive on the multi-factorial relationship of tree establishment and driving ecological factors using a large dataset from pine stands in NE Germany and applying multivariate analyses. The success of the establishment of the investigated focal tree species Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea Liebl. and Pinus sylvestris L. is, on general, mostly affected by three factors, i.e. water balance of the upper soil layers, browsing pressure, and diaspore sources. Our investigations on the micro-plot scale revealed species-specific differences. For beech saplings <50 cm growth height, primarily the availability of water, indicated by available water capacity (AWC), thickness, quality, and structure of the organic layer, silt and humus content in the topsoil, and the lack of a dense competitive herb layer, were identified as most important factors. On the contrary, oak seems hardly be restricted by hydrologic and/or trophic deficits in the topsoil or humus layer. In conclusion and comparison to Fagus sylvatica L., we assume for Quercus petraea Liebl. advantages in natural regeneration processes under sub-continental climate conditions and thus under the scenarios of climate change. Pinus sylvestris L. regeneration in our investigation area occurs only in a narrow niche. We conclude with regard to future forest development and the objective of stand conversion with low management intensity that oak should be favoured within natural stand regeneration.  相似文献   

African mahoganies of the genus Entandrophragma are among the most valuable and important timber species harvested in Central Africa, representing more than 70% of total export volume from many areas. In spite of the importance of these species, relatively little is known about their regeneration ecology and little effort has gone into understanding the reasons for the consistently reported regeneration failures after logging. I assessed seed survival to germination (Entandrophragma angolense) and seedling survivorship (E. cylindricum) in three different forest types – monodominant Gilbertiodendron, mixed species, and fallow forest – under three different treatments – control, small mesh chicken wire, and large mesh chicken wire – to evaluate the relative importance of different causes of mortality. All seeds were eaten in controls and in both exclosure treatments within Gilbertiodendron forest in a matter of days. Seed survivorship to germination within exclosures in mixed species and fallow forest increased by approximately 10 and 25%, respectively, compared to Gilbertiodendron forest. Six-month seedling survivorship in controls was 37, 12, and 9% in Gilbertiodendron, mixed species and fallow forest, respectively. Seedling mortality was due to different causes in each forest type. In Gilbertiodendron forest controls, an equivalent percentage of seedlings died due to fungal and insect attack (27 and 28%, respectively), while in mixed species forest controls 28 and 55% of seedlings died of these causes, respectively. In fallow forest controls, 48% of seedlings died from predation and/or uprooting by small mammals, all in the first few weeks post-sowing; insect attack (26%) and drought (13%) were other important causes of seedling deaths. Protecting seedlings with exclosures had a dramatic effect on seedling survivorship within the fallow forest, increasing to over 50%.  相似文献   

The likely environmental changes throughout the next century have the potential to strongly alter forest disturbance regimes which may heavily affect forest functions as well as forest management. Forest stands already poorly adapted to current environmental conditions, such as secondary Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests outside their natural range, are expected to be particularly prone to such risks. By means of a simulation study, a secondary Norway spruce forest management unit in Austria was studied under conditions of climatic change with regard to effects of bark beetle disturbance on timber production and carbon sequestration over a time period of 100 years. The modified patch model PICUS v1.41, including a submodule of bark beetle-induced tree mortality, was employed to assess four alternative management strategies: (a) Norway spruce age-class forestry, (b) Norway spruce continuous cover forestry, (c) conversion to mixed species stands, and (d) no management. Two sets of simulations were investigated, one without the consideration of biotic disturbances, the other including possible bark beetle damages. Simulations were conducted for a de-trended baseline climate (1961–1990) as well as for two transient climate change scenarios featuring a distinct increase in temperature. The main objectives were to: (i) estimate the effects of bark beetle damage on timber production and carbon (C) sequestration under climate change; (ii) assess the effects of disregarding bark beetle disturbance in the analysis.Results indicated a strong increase in bark beetle damage under climate change scenarios (up to +219% in terms of timber volume losses) compared to the baseline climate scenario. Furthermore, distinct differences were revealed between the studied management strategies, pointing at considerably lower amounts of salvage in the conversion strategy. In terms of C storage, increased biotic disturbances under climate change reduced C storage in the actively managed strategies (up to −41.0 tC ha−1) over the 100-year simulation period, whereas in the unmanaged control variant some scenarios even resulted in increased C sequestration due to a stand density effect.Comparing the simulation series with and without bark beetle disturbances the main findings were: (i) forest C storage was higher in all actively managed strategies under climate change, when biotic disturbances were disregarded (up to +31.6 tC ha−1 over 100 years); and (ii) in the undisturbed, unmanaged variant C sequestration was lower compared to the simulations with bark beetle disturbance (up to −69.9 tC ha−1 over 100 years). The study highlights the importance of including the full range of ecosystem-specific disturbances by isolating the effect of one important agent on timber production and C sequestration.  相似文献   

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