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Forests contain the world's largest terrestrial carbon stocks, but in seasonally dry environments stock stability can be compromised if burned by wildfire, emitting carbon back to the atmosphere. Treatments to reduce wildfire severity can reduce emissions, but with an immediate cost of reducing carbon stocks. In this study we examine the tradeoffs in carbon stock reduction and wildfire emissions in 19 fuels-treated and -untreated forests burned in twelve wildfires. The fuels treatment, a commonly used thinning ‘from below’ and removal of activity fuels, removed an average of 50.3 Mg C ha−1 or 34% of live tree carbon stocks. Wildfire emissions averaged 29.7 and 67.8 Mg C ha−1 in fuels treated and untreated forests, respectively. The total carbon (fuels treatment plus wildfire emission) removed from treated sites was 119% of the carbon emitted from the untreated/burned sites. However, with only 3% tree survival following wildfire, untreated forests averaged only 7.8 Mg C ha−1 in live trees with an average quadratic mean tree diameter of 21 cm. In contrast, treated forest averaged 100.5 Mg C ha−1 with a live tree quadratic mean diameter of 44 cm. In untreated forests 70% of the remaining total ecosystem carbon shifted to decomposing stocks after the wildfire, compared to 19% in the fuels-treated forest. In wildfire burned forest, fuels treatments have a higher immediate carbon ‘cost’, but in the long-term may benefit from lower decomposition emissions and higher carbon storage.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems are increasingly expected to produce multiple goods and services, such as timber, biodiversity, water flows, and sequestered carbon. While many of these are not mutually exclusive, they cannot all be simultaneously maximised so that management compromise is inevitable. We used a 42-year dataset from a naturally regenerating floodplain forest of the river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) to investigate the effects of pre-commercial thinning on long-term patterns in habitat quality, forest structure and rates of carbon storage (i.e. standing aboveground carbon). Estimates of habitat quality were based on the density of hollow-bearing trees because hollows are ecologically important to many species of vertebrates and invertebrates in these forests. Thinning improved habitat value by producing 20 (±8) hollow-bearing trees per ha after 42 years, while the unthinned treatment produced none. Unthinned (highest density) stands were dominated by many slender trees, mostly <25 cm in diameter, whereas thinned stands produced negatively skewed size distributions with higher median and maximum stem diameters. Moderately thinned stands (560 trees ha−1) had the highest aboveground carbon storage rate (4.1 t C year−1) and the highest aboveground carbon stocks (200.2 ± 9.6 t C ha−1) after 42 years, while the unthinned treatment had the lowest carbon storage rate (1.6 t C year−1) and an intermediate level of aboveground standing carbon (165.1 ± 31.1 t C ha−1). Our results highlight the importance of early stand density as a determinant of long-term forest structure, habitat quality and carbon storage rates. We recommend that thinning be considered as one component of a broader strategy for enhancing the structure, habitat value and aboveground carbon storage of developing floodplain forests.  相似文献   

Berries and mushrooms are increasingly appreciated products of Finnish forests. Therefore, there is a need to integrate them in silvicultural planning. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) is an economically important wild berry that is widely collected for household consumption and sale in North Karelia, Finland. In this study, bilberry yield models developed recently were included in a stand growth simulator and the joint production of timber and bilberry was optimized by maximizing soil expectation value (SEV) with 3% discounting rate, assuming that 75% of the bilberry yield is harvested. The effect of bilberry production on the optimal stand management increased with increasing bilberry price. With high bilberry prices (4–8 € kg−1) it was optimal to manage the mixed stand of Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch, and the pure stand of Norway spruce so as to promote bilberry production. In the Scots pine stand, where bilberry yields are higher, bilberry production affected optimal stand management already with a price of 2 € kg−1. Compared to timber production, joint production led to longer rotation lengths, higher thinning intensities, more frequent thinnings, and higher share of Scots pine in the mixed stand. The contribution of bilberries to the total SEV increased with increasing bilberry price and discounting rate. In the mixed stand and pine stand the SEV of bilberry production, calculated with 3% discounting rate, exceeded the SEV of timber production when bilberry price was 4 € kg−1.With 4% discounting rate this happened already with bilberry price of 2 € kg−1. It was concluded that forest management which promotes bilberry yields is the most profitable in pine stands where the potential bilberry yields are high.  相似文献   

Tropical forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Despite an increasing number of studies have addressed carbon storage in tropical forests, the regional variation in such storage remains poorly understood. Uncertainty about how much carbon is stored in tropical forests is an important limitation for regional-scale estimates of carbon fluxes and improving these estimates requires extensive field studies of both above- and belowground stocks. In order to assess the carbon pools of a tropical seasonal forest in Asia, total ecosystem carbon storage was investigated in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Averaged across three 1 ha plots, the total carbon stock of the forest ecosystem was 303 t C ha−1. Living tree carbon stocks (both above- and belowground) ranged from 163 to 258 t C ha−1. The aboveground biomass C pool is comparable to the Dipterocarp forests in Sumatra but lower than those in Malaysia. The variation of C storage in the tree layer among different plots was mainly due to different densities of large trees (DBH > 70 cm). The contributions of the shrub layer, herb layer, woody lianas, and fine litter each accounted for 1–2 t C ha−1 to the total carbon stock. The mineral soil C pools (top 100 cm) ranged from 84 to 102 t C ha−1 and the C in woody debris from 5.6 to 12.5 t C ha−1, representing the second and third largest C component in this ecosystem. Our results reveal that a high percentage (70%) of C is stored in biomass and less in soil in this tropical seasonal forest. This study provides an accurate estimate of the carbon pool and the partitioning of C among major components in tropical seasonal rain forest of northern tropical Asia. Results from this study will enhance our ability to evaluate the role of these forests in regional C cycles and have great implications for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Information on soil carbon sequestration and its interaction with nitrogen availability is rather limited, since soil processes account for the most significant unknowns in the C and N cycles. In this paper we compare three completely different approaches to calculate carbon sequestration in forest soils. The first approach is the limit-value concept, in which the soil carbon accumulation is estimated by multiplying the annual litter fall with the recalcitrant fraction of the decomposing plant litter, which depends on the nitrogen and calcium content in the litter. The second approach is the N-balance method, where carbon sequestration is calculated from the nitrogen retention in the soil multiplied with the present soil C/N ratio in organic layer and mineral topsoil. The third approach is the dynamic SMART2 model in combination with an empirical approach to assess litter fall inputs. The comparison is done by first validating the methods at three chronosequences with measured C pools, two in Denmark and one in Sweden, and then application on 192 intensive monitoring plots located in the Northern and Western part of Europe. Considering all three chronosequences, the N-balance method was generally most in accordance with the C pool measurements, although the SMART2 model was also quite consistent with the measurements at two chronosequences. The limit-value approach generally overestimated the soil carbon sequestration. At the intensive monitoring plots, the limit-value concept calculated the highest carbon sequestration, ranging from 160 to 978 kg ha−1 year−1, followed by the N-balance method which ranged from 0 to 535 kg ha−1 year−1. With SMART2 we calculated the lowest carbon sequestration from −30 to 254 kg ha−1 year−1. All the three approaches found lower carbon sequestration at a latitude from 60 to 70° compared to latitudes from 40 to 50 and from 50 to 60. Considering the validation of the three approaches, the range in results from both the N-balance method and SMART2 model seems most appropriate.  相似文献   

Four forest stands each of twenty major forest types in sub-tropical to temperate zones (350 m asl–3100 m asl) of Garhwal Himalaya were studied. The aim of the study was to assess the stem density, tree diversity, biomass and carbon stocks in these forests and make recommendations for forest management based on priorities for biodiversity protection and carbon sequestration. Stem density ranged between 295 and 850 N ha−1, while total biomass ranged from 129 to 533 Mg ha−1. Total carbon storage ranged between 59 and 245 Mg ha−1. The range of Shannon–Wiener diversity index was between 0.28 and 1.75. Most of the conifer-dominated forest types had higher carbon storage than broadleaf-dominated forest types. Protecting conifer-dominated stands, especially those dominated by Abies pindrow and Cedrus deodara, would have the largest impact, per unit area, on reducing carbon emissions from deforestation.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover change is an important driver of global change and changes in carbon stocks. Estimating the changes in carbon stocks due to tropical deforestation has been difficult, mainly because of uncertainties in estimating deforestation rates and the biomass in the forest that have been cut. In this study, we combined detailed land-use change over a 27-year period based on satellite images and forest inventory data to estimate changes in biomass carbon stocks in the Xishuangbanna prefecture (1.9 million ha) of China. Xishuangbanna is located in southwestern China in the upper watershed of the Mekong River, and the major forest types are tropical seasonal rain forest, mountain rain forest, and subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest. In the past when the region was completely forested the total biomass carbon would have been approximately 212.65 ± 8.75 Tg C. By 1976 forest cover had been reduced to 70%, and in addition many forests had been degraded resulting in a large decrease in the total biomass carbon stocks (86.97 ± 3.70 Tg C). From 1976 to 2003, the mean deforestation rate was 13 722 ha year−1 (1.12%), and this resulted in the loss of 370,494 ha of forest, and by 2003 total biomass carbon stocks had been reduced to 80.85 ± 2.64 Tg C. The annual carbon emissions due to land-use change, mainly forest conversion to agriculture and rubber plantations, were 0.37 ± 0.03 Tg C year−1 between 1976 and 1988 and 0.13 ± 0.04 Tg C year−1 between 1988 and 2003. During the next 20 years, if rubber plantations expand into forests outside of reserves, shrublands, grasslands, and shifting cultivation below 1500 m the total biomass carbon stocks of Xishuangbanna will decrease to 76.45 ± 1.49 Tg C in 2023. This would reflect a loss of 4.13 ± 1.14 Tg C between 2003 and 2023, or an annual loss of 0.21 ± 0.06 Tg C year−1. Alternatively, if rubber plantations only expand into areas of shifting cultivation below 1500 m, and all areas presently in shrublands and grasslands are allowed to recover into secondary forests, total biomass carbon stock of the region would increase to 92.65 ± 3.80 Tg C in 2023. Under this scenario, the growth of existing forests and the expansion of new forests would result in a net sequestration of 0.60 ± 0.06 Tg C year−1. This study demonstrates that the uncertainty of biomass estimates can be greatly reduced if detailed land-use analyses are combined with forest inventory data, and that slight changes in future land-use practices can have large implications for carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

Scarcity of simple and reliable methods of estimating soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover and lack of data from long-term experiments make it difficult to estimate attainable soil C sequestration in tropical improved fallows. Testing and validating existing and widely used SOC models would help to determine attainable C storage in fallows. The Rothamsted C (RothC) model, therefore, was tested using empirical data from improved fallows at Msekera in eastern Zambia. This study (i) determined the effects of nitrogen fixing tree (NFT) species on aboveground organic C inputs to the soil and SOC stocks, (ii) estimated annual net organic C inputs to the soil using the RothC, and (iii) tested the performance of RothC model using empirical data from improved fallows. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were collected from coppicing and non-coppicing fallow experiments in October 2002 for determination of SOC by LECO CHN-1000 analyser. Data on surface litter, maize and weed biomasses, and on weather, were supplied by the Zambia/ICRAF Agroforestry Project. Measured SOC stocks to 20 cm depth ranged from 32.2 to 37.8 t ha−1 in coppicing fallows and 29.5 to 30.1 t ha−1 in non-coppicing fallows compared to 22.2–26.2 t ha−1 in maize monoculture systems. Coppicing fallows accumulated more SOC (680–1150 g m−2 year−1) than non-coppicing fallows (410–789 g m−2 year−1). While treatments with NFTs accumulated more SOC than NFT-free systems, SOC stocks increased with increasing tree biomass production and tree rotation. For food security and C sequestration, coppicing fallows are a potentially viable option.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the effect of silviculture on carbon (C) budgets in Pinus elliottii (slash pine) plantations on the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain. We developed a hybrid model that integrates a widely used growth and yield model for slash pine with allometric and biometric equations determined for long-term C exchange studies to simulate in situ C pools. The model used current values of forest product conversion efficiencies and forest product decay rates to calculate ex situ C pool. The model was validated from a variety of sources, accurately simulating C estimates based on multiple measurement techniques and sites. Site productivity was the major factor driving C sequestration in slash pine stands. On high productivity sites, silvicultural schemes that promote sawtimber-type products are more suitable for increasing C storage (even not taking in account the consequent economical revenues associated with sawtimber production). When rotation length was increased from 22 to 35 years on unthinned and thinned stands, respectively, we estimated net increments of 26 and 20 MgC ha−1 in average C stock of the first five rotations. Even though in situ C pool in slash pine accounts for most of this net increment, C in sawtimber products increased from 8 and 14 to 23 and 24 MgC ha−1, on unthinned and thinned stands, respectively. Thinning effects on net C stock depended on intensity and timing of intervention, mainly due to changes in diameter classes that promote higher proportion of long-lived products. Emissions associated with silvicultural activities, including transportation of logs to the mill, are small compared to the magnitude of net C sequestration, accounting for between 2.2 and 2.3% of gross C stock. This slash pine plantation C sequestration model, based on empirical and biological relationships, is appropriate for use in regional C stock assessments or for C credit verification.  相似文献   

Over the coming decades, climate change will increasingly affect forest ecosystem processes, but the future magnitude and direction of these responses is uncertain. We designed 12 scenarios combining possible changes in tree growth rates, decay rates, and area burned by wildfire with forecasts of future harvest to quantify the uncertainty of future (2010-2080), timber growing stock, ecosystem C stock, and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance for 67 million ha of forest in British Columbia, Canada. Each scenario was simulated 100 times with the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3). Depending on the scenario, timber growing stock over the entire land-base may increase by 14% or decrease by 9% by 2080 (a range of 2.8 billion m3), relative to 2010. However, timber growing stock available for harvest was forecast to decline in all scenarios by 26-62% relative to 2010 (a range of 1.2 billion m3). Forests were an annual GHG source in 2010 due to an ongoing insect outbreak. If half of the C in harvested wood was assumed to be immediately emitted, then 0-95% of simulations returned to annual net sinks by 2040, depending on scenario, and the cumulative (2010-2080) GHG balance ranged from a sink of −4.5 Pg CO2e (−67 Mg CO2e ha−1) for the most optimistic scenario, to a source of 4.5 Pg CO2e (67 Mg CO2e ha−1) for the most pessimistic. The difference in total ecosystem carbon stocks between the most optimistic and pessimistic scenarios in 2080 was 2.4 Pg C (36 Mg C ha−1), an average difference of 126 Tg CO2e yr−1 (2 Mg CO2e yr−1 ha−1) over the 70-year simulation period, approximately double the total reported anthropogenic GHG emissions in British Columbia in 2008. Forests risk having reduced growing stock and being GHG sources under many foreseeable scenarios, thus providing further feedback to climate change. These results indicate the need for continued monitoring of forest responses to climatic and global change, the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies by forest managers, and global efforts to minimize climate change impacts on forests.  相似文献   

Secondary forests are gaining increased importance in tropical landscapes and have recently been reported to act as potential belowground carbon sinks. While economic interest in the management of secondary forests to mitigate carbon emissions is rising, the dynamics of soil carbon stocks under these ecosystems remain poorly understood. Recent studies report conflicting results concerning soil carbon trends as well as multiple confounding factors (e.g. soil type, topography and land-use history) affecting these trends. In this study, organic carbon stocks were measured in the mineral soil up to 20 cm depth of at 24 active pastures, 5-8-year-old, and 12-15-year-old secondary forest sites on former pastures. Additionally, we estimated carbon stocks under a 100-year-old secondary forest and compared them to those of nearby mature forests. Abiotic conditions in the study area were homogenous, enabling us to isolate the effect of land-use change on soil organic carbon stocks. Contrary to our expectations, soil carbon stocks in the top 10 cm did not change with young secondary forest development. Pasture soils stored 24.8 ± 2.9 Mg ha−1 carbon (mean ± standard error) in the top 10 cm, and no accumulation of soil carbon was apparent during the first 15 years of secondary succession. Soil carbon stocks under 100-year-old secondary forests, averaging 43.0 ± 7.9 Mg ha−1 (mean ± standard error), were clearly higher than those recorded at younger sites and approached levels of soil carbon stocks under mature forests. These data indicate that soil carbon stocks in this region of Panama are not affected by the land-use transition from pasture to young secondary regrowth. However, an increase of soil carbon storage might be possible over a longer period of time. Our results support trends observed in other tropical areas and highlight the importance of environmental conditions such as soil properties rather than land-use transitions on soil carbon dynamics. While our understanding of organic carbon dynamics in tropical soils remains limited, these results underscore the challenges of undertaking short-term reforestation projects with the expectation of increasing soil carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Euro-American logging practices, intensive grazing, and fire suppression have increased the amount of carbon that is stored in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. Ex Laws) forests in the southwestern United States. Current stand conditions leave these forests prone to high-intensity wildfire, which releases a pulse of carbon emissions and shifts carbon storage from live trees to standing dead trees and woody debris. Thinning and prescribed burning are commonly used to reduce the risk of intense wildfire, but also reduce on-site carbon stocks and release carbon to the atmosphere. This study quantified the impact of thinning on the carbon budgets of five ponderosa pine stands in northern Arizona, including the fossil fuels consumed during logging operations. We used the pre- and post-treatment data on carbon stocks and the Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FEE-FVS) to simulate the long-term effects of intense wildfire, thinning, and repeated prescribed burning on stand carbon storage.The mean total pre-treatment carbon stock, including above-ground live and dead trees, below-ground live and dead trees, and surface fuels across five sites was 74.58 Mg C ha−1 and the post-treatment mean was 50.65 Mg C ha−1 in the first post-treatment year. The mean total carbon release from slash burning, fossil fuels, and logs removed was 21.92 Mg C ha−1. FEE-FVS simulations showed that thinning increased the mean canopy base height, decreased the mean crown bulk density, and increased the mean crowning index, and thus reduced the risk of high-intensity wildfire at all sites. Untreated stands that incurred wildfire once within the next 100 years or once within the next 50 years had greater mean net carbon storage after 100 years compared to treated stands that experienced prescribed fire every 10 years or every 20 years. Treated stands released greater amounts of carbon overall due to repeated prescribed fires, slash burning, and 100% of harvested logs being counted as carbon emissions because they were used for short-lived products. However, after 100 years treated stands stored more carbon in live trees and less carbon in dead trees and surface fuels than untreated stands burned by intense wildfire. The long-term net carbon storage of treated stands was similar or greater than untreated wildfire-burned stands only when a distinction was made between carbon stored in live and dead trees, carbon in logs was stored in long-lived products, and energy in logging slash substituted for fossil fuels.  相似文献   

Chinese fir [(Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook (Taxodiaceae)] plantations are helping to meet China's increasing demands for timber, while, at the same time, sequestering carbon (C) above and belowground. The latter function is important as a means of slowing the rate that CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere. Available data are limited, however, and even if extensive, would necessitate consideration of future changes in climatic conditions and management practices. To evaluate the contribution of Chinese fir plantations under a range of changing conditions a dynamic model is required. In this paper, we report successful outcome in parameterizing a process-based model (3-PG) and validating its predictions with recent and long-term field measurements acquired from different ages of Chinese fir plantations at the Huitong National Forest Ecosystem Research Station. Once parameterized, the model performed well when simulating leaf area index (LAI), net primary productivity (NPP), biomass of stems (WS), foliage (WF) and roots (WR), litterfall, and shifts in allocation over a period of time. Although the model does not specifically include heterotrophic respiration, we made some attempts to estimate changes in root C storage and decomposition rates in the litterfall pool as well as in the total soil respiration. Total C stored in biomass increased rapidly, peaking at age 21 years in unthinned stands. The predicted averaged above and belowground NNP (13.81 t ha−1 a−1) of the Chinese fir plantations between the modeling period (from 4 to 21-year-old) is much higher than that of Chinese forests (4.8–6.22 t ha−1 a−1), indicating that Chinese fir is a suitable tree species to grow for timber while processing the potential to act as a C sequestration sink. Taking into account that maximum LAI occurs at the age of 15 years, intermediate thinning and nutrient supplements should, according to model predictions, further increase growth and C storage in Chinese fir stands. Predicted future increases (approximately 0–2 °C) in temperature due to global warming may increase plantation growth and reduce the time required to complete a rotation, but further increases (approximately 2–6 °C) may reduce the growth rate and prolong the rotational age.  相似文献   

Black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) is the dominant tree species in the Canadian province of Québec’s boreal ecosystem, particularly in the black spruce-feathermoss (BSFM) domain (between the 49th and the 52nd parallels). While black spruce is generally well adapted to regenerate after wildfires, regeneration failure can sometimes occur, resulting in the irreversible conversion of closed-crown BSFM to open black spruce-lichen woodlands (OW). With OWs representing approximately 7% (1.6 M ha) of Québec’s BSFM domain, the afforestation of OWs carries significant theoretical potential for carbon (C) sequestration, which has not yet been evaluated. The main objectives of the study were then: (i) to estimate the theoretical C balance of OW afforestation within the closed-crown BSFM domain in Québec’s boreal forest; (ii) to calculate, using the life cycle analysis (LCA) method, all the GHG emissions related to black spruce OW afforestation in the closed-crown BSFM domain of Québec. The CO2FIX v. 3.1 model was used to calculate the biological C balance between the baseline (natural OW of site index 9 at age 50) and afforestation (black spruce plantation of site index 6 at age 25) scenarios, using the best estimates available for all five recommended C compartments (aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, litter, deadwood, and soil). The simulation revealed a biological C balance of 77.0 t C ha−1, 70 years following afforestation, for an average net sequestration rate of 1.1 t C ha−1 year−1. Biological C balance only turns positive after 27 years. When integrating the uncertainties related to both the plantation growth yield and the wildfire disturbance, the average sequestration rate varies between 0.2 and 1.9 t C ha−1 year−1. GHG emissions are 1.3 t CO2 equiv. ha−1 for all afforestation-related operations, which is less than 0.5% of the biological C balance after 70 years. Thus, GHG emissions do not significantly affect the net C balance of the afforestation project simulated. Several recommendations are made, mostly centered on the factors influencing the growth rate of carbon stocks and the impact of natural disturbances, to minimize the range of uncertainties associated to the sequestration potential and maximize the mitigation benefits of an OW afforestation project.  相似文献   

Long-term management impacts on carbon storage in Lake States forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined carbon storage following 50+ years of forest management in two long-term silvicultural studies in red pine and northern hardwood ecosystems of North America’s Great Lakes region. The studies contrasted various thinning intensities (red pine) or selection cuttings, shelterwoods, and diameter-limit cuttings (northern hardwoods) to unmanaged controls of similar ages, providing a unique opportunity to evaluate long-term management impacts on carbon pools in two major North American forest types. Management resulted in total ecosystem carbon pools of 130-137 Mg ha−1 in thinned red pine and 96-177 Mg ha−1 in managed northern hardwoods compared to 195 Mg ha−1 in unmanaged red pine and 224 Mg ha−1 in unmanaged northern hardwoods. Managed stands had smaller tree and deadwood pools than unmanaged stands in both ecosystems, but management had limited impacts on understory, forest floor, and soil carbon pools. Total carbon storage and storage in individual pools varied little across thinning intensities in red pine. In northern hardwoods, selection cuttings stored more carbon than the diameter-limit treatment, and selection cuttings generally had larger tree carbon pools than the shelterwood or diameter-limit treatments. The proportion of total ecosystem carbon stored in mineral soil tended to increase with increasing treatment intensity in both ecosystems, while the proportion of total ecosystem carbon stored in the tree layer typically decreased with increasing treatment intensity. When carbon storage in harvested wood products was added to total ecosystem carbon, selection cuttings and unmanaged stands stored similar levels of carbon in northern hardwoods, but carbon storage in unmanaged stands was higher than that of thinned stands for red pine even after adding harvested wood product carbon to total ecosystem carbon. Our results indicate long-term management decreased on-site carbon storage in red pine and northern hardwood ecosystems, but thinning intensity had little impact on carbon storage in red pine while increasing management intensity greatly reduced carbon storage in northern hardwoods. These findings suggest thinning to produce different stand structures would have limited impacts on carbon storage in red pine, but selection cuttings likely offer the best carbon management options in northern hardwoods.  相似文献   

We evaluated carbon stocks in the above-ground biomass (AGB) of three dominant mangrove species (Sonneratia apetala, Avicennia alba and Excoecaria agallocha) in the Indian Sundarbans. We examined whether these carbon stocks vary with spatial locations (western region vs. central region) and with seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon). Among the three studied species, S. apetala showed the maximum above-ground carbon storage (t ha−1) followed by A. alba (t ha−1) and E. agallocha (t ha−1). The above-ground biomass (AGB) varied significantly with spatial locations (p < 0.05) but not with seasons (p < 0.05). The variation may be attributed to different environmental conditions to which these areas are exposed to such as higher siltation and salinity in central region compared to western region. The relatively higher salinity in central region caused subsequent lowering of biomass and stored carbon of the selected species.  相似文献   

The effects of historical land use changes on the global C cycle have mainly been studied by means of bookkeeping models. Here, we investigate with such models the impact of afforestation and deforestation on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. This approach, using field-based estimates of the response of SOC upon land use changes, is applied to a pilot area in the Belgian Ardennes over one and a half century (1868–2005). After a small initial decline during the 1868–1888 period due to deforestation for agricultural use, mean SOC stocks increased steadily up to 1990, due essentially to the conversion of deciduous to coniferous forests (in the study area, deciduous forests stored less SOC than coniferous) and the reclamation of heathland, which occurred both at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Simulations showed that SOC stocks decreased recently (1990–2005) because of the slow down of sequestration in coniferous forests and a reversion of some of the coniferous plantations to deciduous forests. Over the entire period, afforestation resulted in a net sequestration of carbon (0.16 t C ha−1 year−1). Monte Carlo simulations demonstrated that the model was highly sensitive to its inputs (initial SOC stocks for each land use) both in term of predicted SOC stocks and rates of SOC stocks change. However, the sensitivity of the model was not large enough to revert the main trends of SOC changes observed. Compared to the amount of carbon sequestered in the biomass, the contribution of soils to the C sink in forest is small. Despite several sources of errors, a detailed reconstruction of land use changes combined with realistic SOC response curves upon land use conversion are required to be able to quantify the contribution of soils to terrestrial carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

In regions of Australia of low–medium rainfall (500–800 mm/year), there is growing community and land-owner support for re-planting trees to achieve multiple environmental objectives, particularly amelioration of soil salinity. Sequestration of carbon by newly established trees is not only another important environmental benefit, but also a potential commercial benefit. To obtain estimates of carbon sequestered by species of commercial potential in such regions, we calibrated the carbon (C) accounting model FullCAM to Eucalyptus cladocalyx and Corymbia maculata plantations. This was achieved by harvesting trees of a range in sizes to determine the allometric relationships that most accurately predict biomass and stem density from measures of stem diameter. Predictions of stem diameter were obtained from a forest growth model (3-PG) previously calibrated for these two species. By applying these predictions of changes in stem diameter as the stand matures in our allometric relationships, we estimated changes in partitioning of biomass (between stem, branches, bark, foliage and roots) and stem wood density as the stand matures under scenarios of 500, 600 and 750 mm mean annual rainfall. We found that for both species, regardless of annual rainfall, throughout the rotation 37–50% of carbon sequestered in the total tree biomass was in the stem, 18–27% in both branches and roots, and the remainder in foliage or bark. However, rate of accumulation of carbon was dependent on annual rainfall, with average annual rate of sequestration of carbon in tree biomass and litter during the first rotation of E. cladocalyx (or C. maculata) increasing from 3.68 (or 4.17) to 4.72 (or 4.86) Mg C ha−1 yr−1 as annual rainfall increased from about 500 to 750 mm. Although it was predicted that decomposition negated any accumulation of debris between successive rotations, carbon was predicted to accumulate in sawlog products, given that assumed rates of product decomposition were slightly less than their rate of accumulation. This resulted in a slight increase (<8 Mg C ha−1) in predicted total sequestration of carbon between successive rotations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare carbon sequestration between moso bamboo (Phyllostachys heterocycla) and China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) forests. The study site was located in the lower mountain area of central Taiwan, where both moso bamboo and China fir were rich. In addition, moso bamboo and China fir forests were surveyed on 12 and 19 plantations, respectively. We predicted carbon sequestration based on the allometric model for moso bamboo and China fir forests and compared the relationships between characteristics of bamboo forests and elevation. The results showed that mean diameter at breast height (DBH), culms per hectare and aboveground biomass were not clearly affected by elevation, whereas a negative correlation (R = −0.600, p = 0.039) between mean DBH and stand density was found for moso bamboo forests. Moreover, the aboveground carbon storage was higher for China fir forests than for moso bamboo (99.5 vs. 40.6 Mg ha−1). However, moso bamboo is an uneven-aged stand which is only composed of 1-5-year-old culms, while China fir is an even-aged stand and the age range is from 15 to 54 years, such that, per year, the mean aboveground carbon sequestration is 8.13 ± 2.15 and 3.35 ± 2.02 Mg ha−1 for moso bamboo and China fir, respectively. On the other hand, the mean carbon sequestration of China fir decreases with increasing the age class. Furthermore, the ratio of moso bamboo to China fir is 2.39 and a T-test showed that the aboveground carbon levels were significantly different between these two species; thus, moso bamboo is a species with high potential for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

Damage to residual stand after partial harvesting or thinning may lead to serious economic losses in terms of both timber quality at the final harvest, and tree growth reduction. Logging damages and their effect on tree growth were studied in a long term experiment on Corsican pine in central Italy. Damage frequency, agent (felling, skidding), position (root damage, stem base, between 0.3 and 1 m a.g.l., >1 m a.g.l.) and severity (light, severe) and tree growth were measured after selective thinning from below and at 10 years after the treatment. In detail, we aimed at: monitoring mechanical damages to trees at the end of thinning and after 10 years; and assessing stand stability, growing stock, ring width and basal area at 10 years after the thinning. The thinning removed about 20% of volume, 38% of trees and 26% of basal area. The basal area decreased from 56 m2 ha−1 to 42 m2 ha−1 but after 10 years it increased again to 56 m2 ha−1. Immediately after thinning, 13.6% of the standing trees was damaged, out of these 36.17% showed severe injuries. Damages to standing trees were mainly due to skidding. Ten years after thinning, the percentage of damaged trees was about 17%, out of which 86.67% showed severe wounds. An increase of damaged trees and of trees with severe wounds was observed suggesting that a deeper knowledge on long-term effect of logging damages is needed. This study did not highlight any effect of logging damage on tree growth. In fact, no difference in ring width was recorded between damaged and undamaged trees.  相似文献   

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