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Management of natural forests might be one option to reduce the high deforestation rate in Ecuador. We therefore evaluated the response of water and nutrient cycles in a natural tropical montane forest to improvement fellings with the aim of favoring economically valuable target trees which will later be harvested with additional ecosystem impacts not considered here.  相似文献   

Although vascular epiphytes contribute substantially to the biodiversity of tropical montane forests, it is unclear how their diversity and community composition is affected by forest alteration. We studied the response of vascular epiphyte assemblages to different intensities of land-use in a montane wet forest of northeastern Ecuador: (1) unmanaged mature forest; (2) mature forest with mid- and understorey opened for cattle grazing; and (3) isolated remnant trees in cattle pastures. The numbers of individuals and species of epiphytes per host tree did not differ significantly between land-use types, neither did total epiphyte species richness (n = 30 trees). However, total species richness of pteridophytes was significantly lower on isolated remnant trees compared to unmanaged forest, whereas several taxa rich in xerotolerant species (Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae, Piperaceae) exhibited the opposite trend. An analysis of floristic composition using ordination (NMS) and randomisation techniques (MRPP) showed that epiphyte assemblages on isolated remnant trees were significantly distinct from unmanaged forest while managed forest was intermediate between those two vegetation types. Ordination analysis further indicated reduced floristic heterogeneity in disturbed habitats. These results suggest considerable, rapid species turnover since land-use change 6 years prior to study, with pteridophytes being replaced by more xerotolerant taxa. We attribute this floristic turnover primarily to changes in microclimate towards higher levels of light and desiccation stress associated with forest disturbance. Our results support the notion that community composition offers a more sensitive indicator of human disturbance than species richness.  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同植被恢复阶段林地凋落物层现存量及其碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量的差异,为亚热带地区退化林地的植被恢复和管理提供科学依据。【方法】采用空间代替时间的方法,在位于亚热带丘陵区的湖南省长沙县选取地域相邻、环境条件基本一致的4种处于不同植被恢复阶段林地:檵木-南烛-杜鹃灌草丛(LVR)、檵木-杉木-白栎灌木林(LCQ)、马尾松-柯(又名石栎)-檵木针阔混交林(PLL)、柯-红淡比-青冈常绿阔叶林(LAG)作为一个恢复序列,设置固定样地,按未分解层、半分解层和已分解层采集凋落物层分析样品,测定凋落物层现存量以及不同分解层凋落物C、N、P含量及其化学计量比。【结果】1)凋落物层及其各分解层凋落物的现存量总体上随着植被恢复而增加,同一林地不同分解层表现为:已分解层>半分解层>未分解层,不同分解层之间的差异随着植被恢复而增大。2)凋落物层C含量以PLL最高,LCQ最低,而N、P含量总体上随着植被恢复而增高;C、N、P含量随着凋落物的分解而下降。3)无论是整个凋落物层C储量还是各分解层凋落物C储量,均以PLL最高,其次是LAG,LVR最低,而N、P储量随着植被恢复而增高。4)整个凋落物层以及各分解层凋落物的C/N比值均表现为:PLL>LVR>LCQ>LAG,而C/P、N/P比值总体上随着植被恢复呈下降趋势;C/N、C/P、N/P比值基本上随着凋落物的分解而下降。【结论】随着植被恢复,凋落物层现存量及其N、P含量增加,C/N、C/P、N/P比值下降,体现了生态系统物质循环随着植被恢复逐渐优化。  相似文献   

IntroductionTheincreasinggreenhousegasconcentrationshavereceivedmuchattention.TwoofthesegasesthatscientistsareveryconcernedaboutareN2oandCH`,becauseoftheirrapidincreaseandtheirim-portantchemistryintheatmosphere(Bouwman199o).ThemoIecuIegIobalwarmingpotentialofN2OandCH4areabout58and2o6timesthanthatofCO2.Inaddition,atmosphericconcentrationsofN2OandCH`areincreasingatahnualratesofo.25%ando.9%respectively(HoughtonetaI1992).Forestecosystemhasbeenknownasanimportantterres-trialecosystemattheasp…  相似文献   

峨眉山常绿阔叶林常绿和落叶物种叶片C、N、P研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用常规方法对峨眉山常绿阔叶林的常绿和落叶物种植物C、N、P含量及其之间的相互关系进行了研究,结果表明:①峨眉山常绿阔叶林常绿物种叶片C、N、P平均含量分别为42.30%、1.46%、0.10%;落叶物种叶片C、N、P平均含量分别为41.078%、1.59%和 0.12%.常绿和落叶物种植物叶片N-P成极显著的乘幂关系,而C-N和C-P关系不显著;②峨眉山地区常绿阔叶林常绿物种叶片N/P比平均值为14.48,落叶物种的N/P比平均值为13.61,其对生态环境的适应性较低;③在峨眉山海拔700、1 100和1 500 m处,植物叶片N-P亦成显著的关系,而植物叶片C-N和C-P关系不显著.  相似文献   

【目的】讨论不同产区木荷种源在 NH4+-N或 NO3--N沉降下的生长表现和响应差异,揭示不同形态氮素对木荷生长发育的影响,为在大气氮沉降环境背景下,选育营养高效利用的木荷速生优质新品种提供理论依据。【方法】以木荷北缘种源区-浙江杭州种源、中部种源区-福建建瓯种源和中部靠南边缘种源区-江西信丰种源3个有代表性的木荷种源作为试验材料,模拟不同形态氮沉降( NH4+和NO3-)增加对不同土壤磷素处理下木荷幼苗生长和叶片氮、磷元素含量的影响。盆栽试验设置土壤低磷(1.1 mg·kg -1)处理和高磷(25 mg·kg -1)对照,以人为喷施 NH4 Cl和 NaNO3溶液进行氮沉降模拟,分别设置3个氮沉降量水平:0,80和200 kg·N·hm -2·a -1,试验按完全随机区组设计,每种源每处理重复12株苗。2013年11月收获,测定苗高、地径等生长指标,并分别测定根、茎、叶各部分干物质量和磷、氮含量。【结果】不同形态氮沉降对木荷苗木生长影响差异显著,磷素可提高种源间对氮素的响应差异。在低磷环境下,不同氮处理下木荷植株生物量和根冠比变异系数较大,这为氮沉降下木荷耐受型植株的选择提供了可能。低磷环境下,NO3--N 对木荷苗木生长促进作用显著,苗高、地径和生物量分别较 NH4+-N处理高4.5%,17.8%和75.2%,叶片氮、磷含量提高,叶片 N:P 比下降。NH4+-N 对木荷植株的生长抑制作用较强,导致叶片磷含量下降,N:P升高,植株受到磷胁迫增强。而在高磷环境下,NH4+-N的促进作用增强,苗高、地径和生物量分别较 NO3--N处理高13.5%,10.4%和25.4%。无论土壤在高磷还是低磷环境下,NO3--N 降低叶片N/P比,而 NH4+-N增加叶片 N/P比。木荷种源间对不同形态氮沉降响应差异显著,在土壤低磷环境下,NH4+-N处理抑制了福建建瓯种源和江西信丰种源生长,生物量下降,而杭州种源却在 NH4+-N80处理下,苗高和地径生长较对照分别增加19%和20%。【结论】在低磷环境下,NO3--N对木荷不同种源幼苗生长促进作用更强,而当土壤磷含量提高时,NH4+-N的促进作用增强,同时苗木生长差异增大。浙江杭州种源对 NH4+-N 的适应性更强,而福建建瓯和江西信丰种源则对 NO3--N适应性更强。  相似文献   

目的 研究水杉细根和粗根碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)计量特征对N添加的响应,揭示细根和粗根N、P养分分配格局的变化,为科学认识水杉对N沉降的适应策略提供参考。 方法 在江苏省东台市林场水杉人工林进行长期N添加试验,设置对照(CK,0 kg·hm−2·a−1)、低N(LN,56 kg·hm−2·a−1)、中N(MN,168 kg·hm−2·a−1)、高N(HN,280 kg·hm−2·a−1)4个N添加处理,测定水杉细根(直径<2 mm)和粗根(2 mm≤直径≤5 mm)C、N、P含量及土壤理化性质指标。 结果 (1)N添加对水杉人工林土壤有机碳和水解氮含量存在明显促进作用,且随着N添加量增加,这种促进作用有所减弱。N添加对土壤全磷含量、有效磷含量和pH均无显著影响。(2)随着N添加量的增加,水杉细根和粗根N含量、C:P、N:P显著增加,P含量和C:N显著下降。此外,细根和粗根N含量、C:N和N:P在HN处理下对N添加的响应存在明显差异,表现为细根N含量、C:N和N:P在HN处理下对N添加响应减弱。(3)水杉粗根N含量和C:N可塑性响应在HN处理下显著高于细根,粗根N:P可塑性响应在MN和HN处理下显著高于细根。 结论 水杉细根和粗根C、N、P计量特征对N添加的响应较为一致,分析发现粗根N含量、C:N、N:P的可塑性响应在HN处理下显著高于细根。研究结果为认识N沉降持续增加背景下林木地下部分养分分配策略提供新的思路,也为沿海防护林养分管理措施的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The effects of 4 years of simulated nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) depositions on gross N transformations in a boreal forest soil in the Athabasca oil sands region (AOSR) in Alberta, Canada, were investigated using the 15N pool dilution method. Gross NH4+ transformation rates in the organic layer tended to decline (P < 0.10, marginal statistical significance, same below) in the order of control (CK, i.e., no N or S addition), +N (30 kg N ha−1 yr−1), +S (30 kg S ha−1 yr−1), and +NS treatments, with an opposite trend in the mineral soil. Gross NH4+ immobilization rates were generally higher than gross N mineralization rates across the treatments, suggesting that the studied soil still had potential for microbial immobilization of NH4+, even after 4 years of elevated levels of simulated N and S depositions. For both soil layers, N addition tended to increase (P < 0.10) the gross nitrification and NO3 immobilization rates. In contrast, S addition reduced (P < 0.001) and increased (P < 0.001) gross nitrification as well as tended (P < 0.10) to reduce and increase gross NO3 immobilization rates in the organic and mineral soils, respectively. Gross nitrification and gross NO3 immobilization rates were tightly coupled in both soil layers. The combination of rapid NH4+ cycling, negligible net nitrification rates and the small NO3 pool size after 4 years of elevated N and S depositions observed here suggest that the risk of NO3 leaching would be low in the studied boreal forest soil, consistent with N leaching measurements in other concurrent studies at the site that are reported elsewhere.  相似文献   

Uncertainties in biomass estimates in Amazonian forests result in a broad range of possible magnitude for the emissions of carbon from deforestation and other land-use changes. This paper presents biomass equations developed from trees directly weighed in open forest on fertile soils in the southern Amazon (SA) and allometric equations for bole-volume estimates of trees in both dense and open forests. The equations were used to improve the commonly used biomass models based on large-scale wood-volume inventories carried out in Amazonian forest. The biomass estimates from the SA allometric equation indicate that equations developed in forests on infertile soils in central Amazonia (CA) result in overestimates if applied to trees in the open forests of SA. All aboveground components of 267 trees in open forests of SA were cut and weighed, and the proportion of the biomass stored in the crowns of trees in open forest was found to be higher than in dense forest. In the case of inventoried wood volume, corrections were applied for indentations and hollow trunks and it was determined that no adjustment is needed for the form factor used in the RadamBrasil volume formula. New values are suggested for use in models to convert wood volume to biomass estimates. A biomass map for Brazilian Amazonia was produced from 2702 plots inventoried by the RadamBrasil Project incorporating all corrections for wood density and wood volume and in factors used to add the bole volume of small trees and the crown biomass. Considering all adjustments, the biomass map indicates total biomass of 123.1 Gt (1 Gt = 1 billion tons) dry weight (aboveground + belowground) for originally forested areas in 1976 in the Brazilian Legal Amazon as a whole (102.3 Gt for aboveground only) at the time of the RadamBrasil inventories, which were carried out before intensive deforestation had occurred in the region. Excluded from this estimate are 529,000 km2 of forest lacking sufficient RadamBrasil inventory data. After forest losses of 676,000 km2 by 2006 – not counting 175,000 km2 of this deforested area lacking RadamBrasil data – the estimated dry biomass stock was reduced to 105.4 and 87.6 Gt (aboveground + belowground and only above-ground). Thus, in 2006 the carbon storage in forested areas in Brazilian Amazonia as a whole will be around 51.1 Gt (assuming 1 Mg dry biomass = 0.485 Mg C). Biomass estimates by forest type (aggregated into 12 vegetation classes) are provided for each state in the Brazilian Legal Amazon.  相似文献   

The fate of high and equally distributed ammonium and nitrate deposition was followed in a 72-year-old roofed Norway spruce forest at Solling in central Germany by separately adding 15NH4+ and 15NO3 to throughfall water since November 2001. The objective was to quantify the retention of atmospheric ammonium and nitrate in different ecosystem compartments as well as the leaching loss from the forest ecosystem. δ15N excess in tree tissues (needles, twigs, branches and bole woods) decreased with increased tissue age. Clear 15N signals in old tree tissues indicated that the added 15N was not only assimilated to newly produced tree tissues but also retranslocated to old ones. During a period of over 3-year 15N addition, 30% of 15NH4+ and 36% of 15NO3 were found in tree compartments. For both 15N tracers, 15% of added 15N was found in needles, followed by woody tissues (twigs, branches and boles, 7–13%) and live fine roots (7%). The recovery of 15NH4+ and 15NO3 in the live fine roots differed with soil depth. The recovery of 15NH4+ tended to be higher in the live fine roots in the organic layer than in the upper mineral soil. In the live fine roots in deeper soil, the recovery of 15NO3 tended to be higher than that of 15NH4+. Soil retained the largest proportion of 15N, accounting for 71% of 15NH4+ and 42% of 15NO3. Most of 15NH4+ was recovered in the organic layer (65%) and the recovery decreased with soil depth. Conversely, only 8% of 15NO3 was found in the organic layer and 34% of 15NO3 was evenly distributed throughout the mineral soil layers. Nitrate leaching accounted for 3% of 15NH4+ and 19% of 15NO3. Only less than 1% of the both added 15N was leached as DON. These results suggested that trees had a high contribution to the retention of atmospheric N and soil retention capacity determined the loss of atmospheric N by nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

Stand structure of an old-growth forest was studied by tree (≥4.0 cm in DBH) census in a main plot of 1.3 ha and 8 additional plots (0.525 ha in total) located in the Mt. Moiwa Forest Reserve, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. Major tree species with ≥1.0% of the relative basal area and of relative number of trees (Acer mono, A. mono var.mayrii, Kalopanax pictus, Magnolia kobus var.borealis, M. obovata, Prunus ssiori, Tilia japonica, andUlmus laciniata) have positive values of skewness in DBH, which shows the abundance of smaller-sized stems. All stems over 1.3 m high in the main plot were mapped to clarify the relationship between stem densities and canopy states. Although advances from sapling (>1.3 m tall and <4.0 cm DBH) to small tree (10.0 cm ≤ DBH <25 cm) for all major component species, exceptP. ssiori andU. laciniata, were independent of canopy states, those ofP. ssiori andU. laciniata depended on canopy gaps.Betula spp. was the most abundant gap makers, butT. japonica andA. mono (including var.mayrii) were dominant species in the main plot. This suggests the shift of dominant species in the forest of the study site. Historical records of disturbance demonstrated that selective cuttings of conifers during the late 19th century were responsible for the dominance ofBetula spp. and the subsequent shift of dominant species. This fact suggests that artificial disturbance plays an important role in the establishment ofTilia japonica-Acer mono forest considered to be a climax of the mixed deciduous broadleaf/conifer forests.  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带土壤氮磷钾、pH值和有机质变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在三峡库区消落带设置固定监测样地,研究消落带首次经历水库水位涨落后土壤氮磷钾含量、pH值和有机质含量的变化特征.结果表明:受三峡水库水位涨落影响,消落带0~10,10~20和20~30cm土层的速效氮含量下降41.53%~59.87%,速效磷含量下降5.26%~36.76%,速效钾含量下降3.55%~45.56%,全氮含量下降9.52%~40.00%,土壤有机质含量下降7.62%~37.83%,全磷和全钾含量基本上没有变化,土壤pH值略有变化,变幅为1.73%~9.58%.  相似文献   

This article explores the use of a dialogue process to approach complex issues related to forest management. An interdisciplinary research team set up an experimental dialogue process concerning the use of introduced tree species in Southern Sweden for the purposes of climate change adaptation. The process involved stakeholders at a regional level, including those with divergent opinions regarding introduced tree species and their use in forestry. Through a process of repeated meetings and exchanges with researchers, the participant's knowledge was deepened and group relationships developed such that the group was able to jointly formulate a set of policy recommendations. The investigation revealed that dialogue processes may improve decision-making by identifying priorities for action or further research. However, when a collaborative process targets complex environmental issues on larger geographical and temporal scales, as matters about forests typically do, a collaborative process must be integrated with external actors and institutions in order to attain tangible outcomes. Consequently, to fully access the benefits of using collaborative processes to handle complex challenges in forest policy and management, the connections between political sphere, the private sector, authorities and research institutions must be concretely established.  相似文献   

锐齿栎林土壤呼吸对土壤水热变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
按照5个土壤含水量(0.20、0.25、0.30、0.35、0.40 kg·kg-1)和5个温度(15、20、25、30、35 ℃)梯度设计试验,对取自北亚热带-暖温带过渡区锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)天然林中0~20 cm的原状土柱进行恒温培养和呼吸速率测定.结果表明:土壤温度、含水量及二者的交互作用都对土壤呼吸速率产生显著影响(P<0.01); 土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度呈正相关,随土壤含水量增高的变化规律为单峰曲线,含水量为0.20~0.35 kg·kg-1 时土壤呼吸速率随含水量的增加而增加,0.35 kg·kg-1时土壤呼吸速率最高,0.35~0.40 kg·kg-1时随含水量的增加土壤呼吸速率下降,是对土壤呼吸产生抑制的土壤含水量临界点;锐齿栎林土壤呼吸Q10值的变化范围为1.36~3.10,平均为2.13,Q10随土壤温度的升高而下降,随含水量增加的变化趋势与土壤呼吸速率一致;土壤含水量0.35 kg·kg-1和土壤温度35 ℃结合下的土壤呼吸速率最高; 回归关系表明土壤呼吸速率与土壤温度呈显著的指数函数关系(P<0.01),与土壤含水量呈二次函数关系(P<0.10),土壤温度与含水量可以分别解释呼吸速率变化的73.26%与21.85%,共同解释能力为86.40%,土壤温度对呼吸速率的影响大于土壤含水量.  相似文献   

This paper studied root biomass and underground carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) storage of a more than 200-year-old primitive Korean pine and broad-leaved forest and its two 20-and 80-year-old secondary Populus davidiana and Betula platyphylla forests in Changbai Mountain, northeast China. The results showed that with forest succession, the root biomass of 20-year-old, 80-year-old, and primitive forests was 2.437, 2.742, and 4.114 kg/m2, respectively. The root C storage was 1.113, 1.323, and 2.023 kg/m2, soil C storage was 11.911, 11.943, and 12.587 kg/m2, and underground C storage was 13.024, 13.266, and 14.610 kg/m2, respectively, while the root N storage was 0.035, 0.032, and 0.038 kg/m2, soil N storage was 1.208, 1.222, and 0.915 kg/m2, and underground N storage was 1.243, 1.254, and 0.955 kg/m2, respectively, which indicated that along with forest succession, the forest underground became a potential “carbon sink,” whereas underground N storage did not change obviously. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(7): 1,195–1,199 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(7): 1,195–1,199]  相似文献   

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