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调查分析了江西省南昌市超级稻的生产现状,总结了超级稻生产发展过程中存在的问题,最后就南昌市如何进一步发展超级稻生产提出了对策、建议。  相似文献   

分析了乐清市发展超级稻的必要性及超级稻生产现状和存在问题,提出了发展超级稻的对策。  相似文献   

超级稻生产集成技术示范及其效应   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
农业部跨越计划中国超级稻试验示范项目的“超级稻生产技术集成与示范”课题于1999年开始实施 ,当年研究超级稻生产技术集成 ,2000年和2001年在研究技术集成的同时 ,开展多点、不同季节的技术示范。通过多学科的协作攻关 ,提出了适合超级稻协优9308的集成技术。集成技术具有科学性、适用性和可操作性 ,使超级稻生产技术在示范中获得成功 ,并在生产中推广应用。一、超级稻生产集成技术体现了科学性、适用性和可操作性与普通的水稻品种和组合不同 ,超级稻协优9308等组合植株高 ,生长量大 ,穗大粒多。超级稻的特性需要相应…  相似文献   

桂林市超级稻生产现状与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏仲平 《中国稻米》2007,13(5):74-75
本文分析了桂林市超级稻生产的现状及存在问题,提出桂林市超级稻生产的发展对策。  相似文献   

湖南超级稻生产现状与发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙舜祥 《作物研究》2006,20(1):86-88
介绍了全国及湖南超级稻生产现状和发展前景。我国超级稻发展始终处于世界领先水平。农业部制定了超级稻研究与推广6年规划,从2005年开始实施超级稻发展的“6236工程”。超级稻第三期超高产计划已在湖南启动,湖南超级稻已走向产业化。提出了湖南示范推广超级稻的行政措施与技术措施。  相似文献   

湖南水稻生产发展的对策与关键技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新世纪以来,湖南水稻生产发展较快,实现了"九连增"。但也面临许多新的问题,必须采取新对策,如集成组装超级稻超高产栽培、双季稻抗逆稳产、资源高效利用、轻简均衡等增产新模式,推广应用超级稻等优质品种、増种増蔸増苗、水肥耦合、绿色防控、机械插秧等新技术。  相似文献   

通过对超级稻育种兴起和吉林省超级稻育种现状的阐述,进而明确超级稻育种研究对我国粮食安全生产的重大意义,最终确定吉林省超级稻育种方向、目标、研究重点和采取的技术路线。  相似文献   

●农业部明年起实施超级稻示范推广计划2004年8月24日,农业部科教司组织江苏、安徽、广东、福建、浙江、江西、湖南、湖北、四川、重庆、辽宁和吉林共12个超级稻主产省召开超级稻示范推广工作座谈会,提出从2005年开始启动超级稻示范推广计划,明确了超级稻的发展方向、推广思路、要求和明年的推广目标。超级稻发展方向是加强推广第一期超级稻,深化研究第二期超级稻,探索储备第三期超级稻;推广思路是以抓超级稻为主线,带动优质稻的发展;推广要求是政府牵头,联合科研、教学、推广、企业等部门,充分调动各方积极性,发挥各自的资源优势,协作攻关,…  相似文献   

·专题报道·中国超级稻育种及生产示范概述…………………………………闽绍楷程式华等(2—5)超级稻生产集成技术示范及其效应………………………………朱德峰林贤青等(2—8)超级稻高产栽培株型模式…………………………………………林贤青朱德峰等(2—10)协优9308连作晚稻超高产栽培生产集成技术……………………赵宣楼王铁忠(2—12)超级稻协优9308单季生产集成技术示范…………………………陈霞吴光明等(2—14)协优9308单季稻连片单产超II t/hl的调控技术……………蔡克锋寿建尧等(2.16)超级稻协优9308营养特性与施肥技术……………………  相似文献   

农业“五新”技术在超级稻生产上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建阳市开展超级稻栽培示范与推广多年,总结了新品种、新技术、新机具、新肥料、新农药等"农业五新"技术在超级稻生产示范上的应用,发挥出良种配套良法,增产优势明显的优点。  相似文献   

北方超级粳稻育种研究进展与前景   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
从育种理论、育种技术及新品种选育等方面,综合评述了中国北方超级粳稻育种研究的进展与前景,认为培育和推广超级稻是继株型育种和杂交稻之后,提高北方粳稻综合生产能力,实现北方水稻生产跨越式发展的重要途径。在“利用籼粳稻杂交创造新株型和强优势,通过回交或复交优化性状组配,聚合有利基因,进而选育理想株型与优势利用相结合的超级稻”育种理论与技术路线确立之后,常规超级梗稻育种已取得了重大突破,成功地培育出一批优质抗病的超级稻新品种并已广泛应用于生产。与常规超级稻育种相比,超级杂交粳稻育种研究进展相对较缓慢。这一方面是由于北方气候与生态条件的限制,另一方面是育种技术研究相对落后。解决优势与生育期的矛盾、产量与品质的矛盾以及提高制种产量等问题,仍然是北方超级杂交粳稻育种所面临的严峻挑战。讨论了与超级粳稻育种有关的生理和遗传问题。  相似文献   

Practices and Prospects of Super Hybrid Rice Breeding   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The great progress in super rice breeding both in China and other countries has been made in recent years. However, there were three main problems in super rice breeding: 1) the super rice varieties were still rare; 2) most super rice varieties exhibited narrow adaptability; and 3) current breeding theories emphasized too much on the rice growth model, but they were unpractical in guidance for rice breeding. According to the authors’ experience on the rice breeding, the breeding strategies including three steps (super parent breeding, super hybrid rice breeding and super hybrid rice seed production) were proposed, and the objectives of each step and the key technologies to achieve the goals were elucidated in detail. The super parent of hybrid rice should exhibit excellent performance in all agronomic traits, with the yield or sink capacity reached the level of the hybrid rice control in regional trials. The super hybrid rice combination should meet the following criteria: good rice quality, wide adaptation, lodging resistance, resistance to main insects and diseases, and the yield exceeded above 8% over the control varieties in the national and provincial regional trials. To achieve the goal, the technical strategies, such as selecting optimal combination of the parents, increasing selection pressure, paying more attention to harmony of ideal plant type, excellent physiological traits and all the agronomic traits, should be emphasized. The yield of seed production should reach 3.75 t/ha and 5.25 t/ha for the super hybrid rice combinations derived from early-season and middle-season types of male sterile lines, respectively. The main technologies for raising seed production yield included selecting optimum seed production site, using the male sterile line with large sink capacity and good outcrossing characteristics, and improving the amount of the pollen by intensive cultivation of the male parent. According to the technologies of the three-step breeding on super hybrid rice, two super rice parents, including a male parent 996 and a thermo(photo)-genic male sterile [T(P)GMS] line C815S, were bred. Furthermore, a super early hybrid rice combination, Luliangyou 996, which could be used as a double-season early rice variety in middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, was bred by using the super rice variety 996 as the male parent, and several hybrid rice combinations with higher yield than control variety in regional trials both of Hunan Province and state were bred with the T(P)GMS line C815S as the female parent.  相似文献   

对Ⅱ优602、德香4103、Q优8号等3个超级稻品种不同产量级别群体的产量形成及干物质生产特点进行了研究。结果表明,超级稻品种从中产(产量≤9.0 t/hm2)实现高产(产量9.0~10.5 t/hm2)关键在于每穗粒数提高后库容的增大,并同时提高结实率;而要实现超高产(产量≥10.5 t/hm2)则有赖于大库条件下结实率的进一步提高。此外,超级稻品种产量分别与分蘖临界期后各阶段的干物质积累量存在显著或极显著的正相关关系,超级稻品种高产群体获得高产的关键是提高抽穗后物质生产能力,而要进一步实现超高产则需要抽穗前后干物质生产能力的协同提高。  相似文献   

江苏超级稻示范推广成效与举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨洪建  颜士敏  李杰 《北方水稻》2013,43(3):76-77,80
江苏省以保障粮食安全和提升水稻综合生产能力为战略目标,以选育高产优质超级稻为核心,注重超级稻的示范与推广工作。采取技术创新与品种选育、技术研究与示范推广、资源整合和项目扶持、推广机制创新和量化考核措施相结合的方式促进超级稻示范与推广工作的顺利完成,提高超级稻生产水平。  相似文献   

推广超级稻提高粮食生产水平   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
从超级稻试验示范实践所显示的显著增产潜力出发,论述了推广超级稻的必要性和可行性,并针对超级稻的生长特点,提出了推广超级稻的对策和措施.  相似文献   

Analysis on Dry Matter Production Characteristics of Super Hybrid Rice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Six middle-season indica hybrid rice combinations,including five super hybrid rice combinations with the high yield about 10.5 t/ha and a check hybrid rice combination Shanyou 63 with a yield potential about 9.5 t/ha,were used as materials to study the dry matter production characteristics.The super hybrid rice showed a high ability in dry matter production and accumulation and its yield enhanced with the increase of dry matter accumulation.The advantage period of dry matter production in the super hybrid rice was mainly at the middle and late growth stages compared with the check.The grain yield had no significant correlation with the dry matter accumulation before the elongation stage while had a significantly positive correlation with the dry matter accumulation from the elongation to maturity stages in super hybrid rice.There were more dry matter in vegetative organs at the heading stage in the super hybrid rice but its contribution to yield (apparent conversion percentage) was averagely 4.3 percent points lower than that in the check.For crop growth rate (CGR),the comparative advantage of super hybrid rice was at the middle and late stages,especially after flowering.Moreover,as the rising of leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD),CGR enhanced.The total LAD and the mean of LAD per day of super hybrid rice was about 14.79% and 10.31% higher than those of the check,respectively.The results indicate that the high yield of super hybrid rice mostly comes from the products of photosynthesis after heading,which is shown by the increased CGR at middle and later stages.It is suggested that LAD character might be used to better explain the advantage in the dry matter production of super hybrid rice than LAI.  相似文献   

南方稻区超级杂交中稻育种研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
南方稻区的中稻生产是中国水稻生产最重要的组成部分之一。回顾了中国南方稻区超级杂交中稻亲本选育、组合配制、育种技术体系的建立和推广应用上取得的进展,指出了存在的问题,提出了解决这些问题的方法和技术策略。  相似文献   

以江西省水稻生产上推广的几个超级早稻、超级晚稻品种为材料,研究了长江中下游双季稻区不同超级稻品种产量形成、干物质生产及其氮素吸收特性。结果表明,同一栽培条件下,不同超级早、晚稻品种间干物质生产与转运、产量形成及氮素吸收存在一定的差异,生产100 kg籽粒所需的氮量差异不大。相关分析表明,超级早、晚稻总干物质积累量、茎叶干物质输出率和转换率与其产量均呈显著正相关。适宜在江西地区种植的超级早、晚稻品种分别为陆两优996、金优458和钱优1号、天优华占。  相似文献   

以超级杂交早稻淦鑫203和超级杂交晚稻淦鑫688为材料,研究了施氮量对双季超级稻产量、干物质生产及氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,淦鑫203在施氮量为207 kg/hm2时产量最高,淦鑫688在施氮量为232.5 kg/hm2时产量最高;淦鑫203和淦鑫688分别在施氮量为234 kg/hm2和232.5 kg/hm2时的干物质生产量最大;淦鑫203在施氮量为153 kg/hm2时氮肥利用率最高,淦鑫688在施氮量为197.7 kg/hm2时氮肥利用率最高。认为淦鑫203和淦鑫688在生产中的合理施氮量可以分别确定为180~207 kg/hm2和197.7~232.5 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

Breeding Methodology and Practice of Super Rice in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To meet the growing demand for rice production,the Ministry of Agriculture,P.R.China initiated a nationwide project on the development of super rice in 1996.Through efforts in research,super rice breeding in China has gained significant advances in the aspects of breeding theories,creation of breeding materials and selection and promotion of elite rice varieties.A creative super rice breeding path of the construction of harmonious plant type combined with the utilization of heterosis was proposed.Super rice...  相似文献   

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