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协作学习以人际互动为基础,强调合作交流和创新能力的培养,为教学理论研究开辟了一个全新的视角。以建构主义为指导思想,运用教学设计理论,提出了一个基于网络的协作学习教学设计模式,阐述了整个设计过程,力图理论联系实际,为网上教学提供指导。  相似文献   

合作式学习中自主学习能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从关注教师如何教到学生如何学,越来越多的教育者认识到教育的最终目的是培养具备自主学习能力的学习者。自主学习以学生作为学习的主体,通过学生独立的分析、探索、实践、质疑、创造等方法来实现学习目标。但自主学习并不等于独自学习,学生相互合作,共同学习对于自主学习能力的培养有着不容忽视的重要作用。合作式学习中,学习者在相对自由的学习环境中与同学合作,能使他们感到安全、放松,有归属感,获得较多展示自我的机会,有助于他们建立自信心,满足自我实现的需求。作者作为教学亲历者,从教学行动研究的角度出发,采用问卷调查及访谈的定性研究方法,探索合作式学习在学生自主学习能力培养中的有效实践活动及促进作用。  相似文献   

农业合作经济组织的发展是加快农业现代化发展的重要路径。基于组织协同理论,构建了农业合作经济组织协同机制及其驱动因素的理论模型,采用SEM模型对该理论模型进行实证分析,探讨了农业合作经济组织协同的结构特征、运行机制与内外驱动因素的作用机理。结果表明,农业合作经济组织的外部和内部驱动因素对组织的协同结构具有显著影响作用,内部驱动因素和组织协同结构对组织协同的运行机制具有显著直接影响作用,同时内外部驱动因素通过组织协同结构间接影响组织协同运行机制。农业合作经济组织协同驱动因素、组织协同结构和运行特征之间存在显著的多阶因果链的逻辑关系;农业合作经济组织的协同是内外驱动因素作用的结果。研究阐明了人力资源、政府促进、契约规范与广泛参与是当前农业合作组织协同的主要驱动因素等结论。提出了建立高效能的农业合作经济组织,必须重视人力资源及政府等驱动因素的影响,并运用有效驱动力来改善或构建农业合作经济组织合理的协同结构,通过合理的协同结构来带动组织的健康运行。  相似文献   

This paper explores ways in which experiential learning theories, in particular transformative learning theory, can inform farmer participatory research and extension (PR&E). I identify and discuss three key elements of experiential learning theory – second-order experiences, reflection, and dialogue – that are particularly pertinent to PR&E practice. I then turn to one experiential learning theorist – Mezirow, and examine his theory of transformative learning to assess how it may inform the PR&E process. I outline the basic components and stages of transformative learning and summarize the main criticisms of the theory. Following this, parallels are drawn between transformative learning and what actually takes place in PR&E, and examples are given of the ways in which scientists and rural people may undergo transformative learning through the PR&E process. Ways in which transformative learning can be encouraged within the PR&E context are discussed. I conclude that Mezirows work can provide PR&E practitioners and theorists with additional insights into how adults learn and especially how they – researchers, extensionists and rural people – can transform their ways of thinking to accommodate a shift from conventional research and extension to PR&E.Rachel Percy is a lecturer in the International and Rural Development Department of the University of Reading, UK, teaching gender, participatory learning and action, and participatory research and extension. Her research interests center on how adult learning theories, particularly those related to experiential learning, can inform participatory practice. From 1980 to 1997, before she joined the University of Reading, she worked in the field of agricultural extension, training and sustainable development in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, and Malawi. She has published on experiential learning and the training of agricultural extensionists (International Journal of Lifelong Education), capacity building for gender-sensitive agricultural extension planning (Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension), and gender analysis and participatory rural appraisal (International Journal of Educational Development).  相似文献   

Evidence of an emerging focus on the role of farmer knowledge in developed countries is highlighted by the debate on the nature of local and scientific knowledge. Less attention has been paid to the interaction of different ways of knowing for sustainable capital-intensive agriculture. This paper explores the relationship between local and scientific knowledge in managing temperate pasture and grazing systems in Australia. The nature of farmer knowledge is firstly examined by describing the experiences of farm families in managing native and introduced perennial grasses in upland areas of the Murray-Darling Basin. The building of knowledge and skills through social learning was explored in group case studies and interviews with stakeholders involved in pasture research and development. The interchange of local and scientific knowledge in groups was shown to have a synergistic effect, whereby local knowledge was broadened and strengthened, and scientific knowledge adapted and molded to specific situations. The effectiveness of social learning was greatest in collaborative programs based on small, local groups involved in monitoring and evaluation of whole farm pasture and grazing systems.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,世界各国掀起了一场创建学习型组织、学习型企业、学习型政府、学习型社会的运动。高校图书馆作为信息和知识的集散中心,承担着为高校教学、科研提供智力支持和信息服务的重任,只有不断地提高学习能力和创新能力,打造以学习、科研为核心的学习型高校图书馆,才能适应知识经济的发展和信息时代的变革。  相似文献   

Over time, the corporate food economy has led to the increased separation of people from the sources of their food and nutrition. This paper explores the opportunity for grassroots, food-based organizations, as part of larger food justice movements, to act as valuable sites for countering the tendency to identify and value a person only as a consumer and to serve as places for actively learning democratic citizenship. Using The Stop Community Food Centre’s urban agriculture program as a case in point, the paper describes how participation can be a powerful site for transformative adult learning. Through participation in this Toronto-based, community organization, people were able to develop strong civic virtues and critical perspectives. These, in turn, allowed them to influence policy makers; to increase their level of political efficacy, knowledge, and skill; and to directly challenge anti-democratic forces of control. Charles Z. Levkoe recently earned a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. His research interests focus on alternative responses to urban and rural food security issues and considers the role of grassroots organizations, their connection to place and their ability to organize across scales. He has been active in food security and community gardening movements across Canada. This paper was prepared for the 2004 joint meeting of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society. It was selected as the winner of the 2004 AFHVS Student Essay Contest.  相似文献   

概述Blog的产生及特点、内隐学习的涵义及特征,讨论内隐学习给外语教学带来的启示。在此基础上,从Blog能为学习者提供多种媒体及丰富的学习材料、能为内隐学习和外显学习的有机结合提供良好的环境、能创设网络虚拟环境下的真实的外语交流情境和利用课程Blog实现外语协作学习环境的构建四个方面探讨运用Blog促进学生的外语内隐学习。  相似文献   

研发活动的开放水平与企业从外部环境中获取异质性知识的可能性密切相关。对知识进行系统的组织学习决定企业能否有效利用知识以获得创新产出。构建包含组织学习中介效应的企业研发活动开放度与创新绩效关系模型。考量基于湖南、广东和浙江等地312家企业数据的实证调查表明,企业提升研发活动开放程度和增强组织学习对创新绩效都产生了显著的积极作用,并且组织的探索式学习在研发开放度与企业创新绩效之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论了人类语言学习行为的先天遗传作用与后天环境影响及其两者之间的相互交融,相互制约以及动态平衡等关系。进而指出遗传与环境对语言学习行为表达的作用具有时空性,以及个体语言学习行为的表达对于人类语言行为的系统发育过程具有一定的重演性。  相似文献   

提出了环境学习曲线的概念,并分析了该曲线模型的表现形式、研究对象和理论意义.依据1990~2009年相关数据,验证了我国各省区能耗消耗、SO2排放和CO2排放的区域环境学习曲线以及我国采掘业和电力行业中能源消耗和废物排放8个指标的环境学习曲线;阐明了利用环境学习曲线如何揭示某区域、行业(企业)在某一时段的环境负荷和节能...  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]随着单细胞测序、高通量技术的突破,植物基因组学也取得了巨大进步,可以低成本获取多维全基因组分子表型的海量数据。深度学习技术可以作为强大的数据挖掘工具对获取的分子表型进行进一步预测和解释。当前研究表明,深度学习在植物基因组学与作物育种研究任务中取得显著效果。但目前尚缺乏对于深度学习在植物基因组学中应用的完整综述。[方法 /过程]本文首先概述了深度学习方法背景,包括最新的图神经网络;随后着重从基因特性、蛋白质特性方面综述了基因组学和深度学习交叉领域的两个突出问题:1)如何对从植物基因组DNA序列到分子表型的信息流进行建模?2)如何使用深度学习模型识别自然种群中的功能变异?[结果 /结论]本文总结了当前研究中如何应用传统深度学习算法、图深度学习、生成对抗网络以及可解释性AI等方法解决上述两个问题。最后分析了深度学习在未来植物基因组学研究和作物遗传改良中的发展前景。  相似文献   

机器学习是一种面向机器的数据分析方法,自动化机器学习的研究促进了人工智能的发展。大数据的快速积累,促进了机器学习算法的井喷式发展。如何选择合适的机器学习算法解决行业问题,成为了当前应用的难点。笔者整理了机器学习新材料,对各种机器算法的特点和算法之间的差异,进行了仔细的梳理,总结了各种算法的需求背景和优缺点,以及主要的应用场合。在此基础上,分析了机器学习在农业应用的案例,综述了机器学习在农业应用,指出了目前存在的发展瓶颈,并提出了进一步研究应用的建议。  相似文献   

任务型教学是交际语言教学理论在20世纪80年代发展出来的一种新兴的教学途径。在这种教学方式中,教师围绕特定的交际和语言项目,设计出明确、具体、可操作的任务。网络环境可以给英语教学带来丰富的资源,探讨了网络环境与任务型教学的契合点。  相似文献   

整理了2012年以来京津冀在区域经济、城市群结构、生态环境3个方面协同发展的理论研究文献,并归纳了同时期的京津冀协同发展的实践进展。结果表明,京津冀协同发展的理论研究较为丰富,但系统性和对实践的指导性有待提升,协同发展的实践在稳步推进,但尚未有突破性进展,整体上实践发展远滞后于理论研究。随着《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》的落实,京津冀三地应充分利用良好基础和有利条件,有望"十三五"期间打开协同发展的新局面。  相似文献   

基于构建主义学习理论的遗传学教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《遗传学》是生命科学中一门重要的基础理论学科,是生命科学中发展最迅速的学科之一。本文引入建构主义学习理念,对本科生遗传学教学进行全面改革,建立灵活、多样的理论和实验教学方法以及多元化考核制度。借助多媒体教学手段使抽象问题直观化,为学生营造良好的学习"情景",增加学生之间以及学生与教师交流、协作的机会,为学生"建构"遗传学知识提供良好的环境。  相似文献   

生态环境损害鉴定评估工作是环境行政处罚的重要依据,随着近年来生态环境损害案件的不断发生,损害鉴定工作流程复杂、案件资料分析工作量大、数据缺失严重等问题不断显现,如现场勘察耗时耗力、污染物溯源困难、基线不清、损害赔偿金额难以确定等。为解决这些问题,本文探讨了机器学习在生态环境损害鉴定评估中的应用前景。近几年,机器学习凭借其强大的计算能力,已在数据挖掘、图像识别和自然语言处理等领域发挥了重要作用,通过综述机器学习在上述领域的已有进展,结合生态环境损害鉴定评估总体工作流程,本文深入探究了机器学习在损害鉴定评估中的应用前景,分析了机器学习在鉴定评估工作中的挑战和局限性,指明机器学习的应用可以提高损害鉴定评估的工作效率,促进损害鉴定评估有序化、系统化发展。  相似文献   

学习型组织研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程华 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(23):6344-6345,6352
介绍学习型组织的起源和概念,以及与组织学习的区别,综述国外学者对学习型组织进行评估的理论及国内外研究进展。  相似文献   

Many consumers are motivated to attend Farmers’ Markets (FMs) because of the opportunity to purchase fresh and local products. The subsequent interactions at FMs provide an important pathway for the direct exchange of information. While previous research suggests that people value local food and the FM shopping experience and that purchasing directly from producers can lead to transformative learning, little is known about exactly how the shopping experience at FMs can influence consumer purchasing behavior. This study examines the extent of and mechanism for such “influencing.” Using data from surveys, observations, and interviews gathered at six FMs, we analyze the interactions between consumers and vendors, including the motivations and values of both parties. We explore the question, “How do farmers’ markets facilitate change in consumer purchasing behavior?” We propose that the dynamic of change in consumer purchasing behavior at FMs takes root in the exchange of information between consumers and vendors during interactions. Our results suggest that there are three specific characteristics shared by FM consumers and vendors that lead to these meaningful interactions at FMs: symmetry of motivations to attend FMs, shared values, and mutual dependence on interactions. Then, when a consumer learns new information from a FM vendor during an interaction, the consumer is more likely to make a change in their immediate purchase. Information about the products for sale and the modes of production of those items can especially impact consumers’ immediate purchases at FMs. We found that FM interactions can also impact long-term purchasing behavior, such as purchasing more organic or locally produced foods. Our results suggest that FM interactions may have significant implications for consumer health, local economies, and the environment.  相似文献   

高校图书馆是大学生的自主学习中心,在提高大学生综合素质过程中发挥着独特的作用。阐述了Web2.0环境下图书馆自主学习环境的内涵及其作用,分析了图书馆自主学习环境要素,并提出了Web2.0环境下高校图书馆自主学习环境的构建策略。  相似文献   

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