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云南松林分与小蠹虫的竞争状态研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
云南松林遭小蠹虫危害以后,常由于林分抵御功能的不同而形成区域性的蠹害林分系统,即在“虫群区域”内存在着“衰退”和“发展”两种林分演变过程,若按“演变属性”来分析,则看到蓄积量下降、蓄积量停滞、蓄积量上升等3种林分演变过程是蠹害林分系统的普遍性特征,前2种属于“衰退状态”,后1种属于“发展状态”。对3个蠹害林分系统的“演变属性”用二项分布P(衰退概率)+Q(发展概率)=1来描述,那么二项式(P+Q)^3方程中的系数1、3、3、1成为系统中不同“演变属性”的概率论判断。由人为因素、虫群因素、环境因素引起的林分“衰退”和“发展”当然是随机的,但从分析中看到人的正、反两面行为都会引起林分与虫群相互作用的变化。  相似文献   

云南松林分系统在时、空中的随机分布,遵循“概率对称性”的描述。而林分产生的株数递减率和蓄积量递增率则遵循“非对称性转移概率”的描述。这就是云南松林分系统存在与演化的两种概率现象。由“对称性概率”描述的林分系统结构状态中产生“非对称性转移概率”,所造成的各种林分结构仍然遵循“对称性概率”的描述,由此可见林分系统在时、空中的演变,可以归结为“对称性概率”与“非对称性转移概率”的交替变换,因此能用内部时间刻划的“立木度/蓄积度”序列及其对应的“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”序列,描述各种林分结构的连续演变过程。  相似文献   

云南松林分系统的存在与演化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
云南松林分系统在时,空中的随机分布,遵循“概率对称性”的描述。而林分产生的株数递减率和蓄积量递增率则遵循“非对称性转移概率”的描述。这就是云南松林分系统存在与演化的两种概率现象。由“对称性概率”描述的林分系统结构状态中产生“非对和性转移概率”,所造成的各种林分结构仍然遵循“对称性概率”的描述,由此可见林分系统在时,空中的演变,可以归结为“对称性概率”和“非对称性转移概率”的交替交变,因此能用内部时  相似文献   

论单层同龄林分系统的耗散结构特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
林分系统的演变,必定是通过净生长量和死亡量的涨落,改变旧的(株数-蓄积量)结构,形成新的转化功能,再发生新的涨落,策动着将来的(株数-蓄积量)演变,这种生长运动导致林分的进化、发展,维持着非平衡态结构的稳定、有序。林分系统的时、空演变是多样化的,而坐标上运动的方向和速度,既表现了林分结构的变化,又反映着能量演变的频率和动量产生的波长,说明演变具有波、粒二象性的特性。  相似文献   

华山松林分系统的耗散结构特性表现为:在该系统的生态阈限内蕴藏着“能量流”和“物质流”,它支持着林分系统的存在和演变。若按Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ种地位级统计林分“点”的分布频率,则表现出Ⅲ地位级上的林分“点”最多,Ⅰ和Ⅴ地位级出现的林分“点”都少,此反映了林分系统的“静态”特征;可用y=AD-±B的数学模型,计算出的许多条由T(D-):3、4、5….32刻画的“座标序列”,来判断华山松林分系统由初始林分成为过熟林分的“演变动态”。其每条“座标序列”都处在不同的地位级上。因此该林分系统是由不同地位级的“座标序列”组成的。经调查林分材料验证:“座标序列”在林分系统中最可能出现的分布方式是“均等分布”。由此可见,若要更真实地反映林分系统在时、空中的结构状态和状态转移概率,则需导算出更多的“座标序列”,它应涵盖所有华山松林分的地位级。  相似文献   

云南松林分系统分布于北纬23°~29°、东经98°30′~106°、海拔高度为1 200~2 800 m的区域,面积约500万hm2,这一地理区域是由多种树种组成林分系统的生态区域。在诠释此云南松林分系统的生态环境及生长过程的前提下,引入了“耗散结构的进化观念”对本区域云南松林分系统的结构状态和演变动态进行了研究,导算出在8种地位级上发生的131条由“初始林分”走向“过熟林分”的“坐标序列”,表明其结构具有“对称分布”的特征,揭示了云南松林分系统与其生态阈限环境相互平衡的特性。并论述了云南松林分系统在由初始林分走向过熟林分的过程中都要与外界进行能量和物质转化,而由其产生的净生长量和死亡量是一种促成林分系统进化的理念,以此表明可用内部时间T(D-):3、4、5……32所刻画的131条“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”过程,来反映云南松林分系统的演变动态的客观实际。  相似文献   

云南松林分系统的形成与演变   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
杨永祥  战铁铮 《林业科学》1991,27(3):199-209
优良木成长壮大不断分化,被压木衰退消亡是云南松林分系统演变的两个方面。由优良木组成的上层林冠和被压木组成的下层林冠,是云南松林分系统中的两个子系统。在饱和林分系统内,占据上层林冠的优良木子系统每年分化为被压木的数量,与处于下层林冠的被压木子系统的死亡量相协调,以保持饱和林分系统结构,保持优良木株数占30—40%,蓄积量占60—70%。在饱和林分系统内间伐Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ级木,则使优良木的生产量上升,同时使被压木的死亡量下降,直至林分回归于饱和林分系统结构。优良木子系统随全林分系统的演变,因林分系统密度而异,是生境、年龄、密度相互制约所表现的数量集合,都按照幂函数曲线轨迹演变,其曲线系数“A”随密度下降而上升,“B”值则随密度下降而减小。依照云南松林分系统的演变规律,对预测优良木保留量和确定间伐强度有实用价值。  相似文献   

通过论述地史时期的森林变迁,认为"云南阔叶林林分系统"是"随机变量序列",遵守无后效性的马尔科夫过程。用马尔科夫过程描述云南阔叶林林分系统存在与演变的结果表明,云南阔叶林林分系统是1个随机过程,具有无后效性和时齐性;云南阔叶林林分系统的适生分布区域为海拔400~2800m的地带,实测资料将其划分为10个"子系统",10个"子系统"的转移概率可把"云南阔叶林林分系统"由状态Ei经过10次转移到达状态Ej的概率反映出来。  相似文献   

杉木林地力衰退问题的研究与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于栽培制度及造林技术不当等问题,引起杉木林的地力严重衰退,目前全国杉木成熟林平均蓄积量仅78.9米~3/公顷。本文从5个方面探讨了杉木林地力衰退的原因,并从改善栽培耕作制度、调整林分结构、控制杉木林分发展规模等方面提出6项切实可行的对策。  相似文献   

天然森林中包含着多种类型的林分类型,各个林分系统具有自然历史确定的地理分布范围,外界的“能量流”和“物质流”都呈非均匀分布状态,因此造成林分系统“结构状态”和“演变动态”的多样性。林分系统中的各个林分与外界进行能量、物质转换的规律相似,林分内部的“优胜劣汰”规律也相似。因此可用“内部时间T(D)”:3、4、5……32所刻画的“立木度/蓄积度”序列和“株数递减率/蓄积量递增率”序列的数学模型,来描述林分从幼林到过熟林的演变过程,这就是林分系统的“周期行为”。进入过熟林分以后,林分平均直径“D”的变化无规律性,但过熟林分仍然通过“新生林木更替衰老林木”而向前演变发展,这种“非周期行为”表达了林分系统“从存在到演化”的永恒性。  相似文献   

森林系统的存在与演化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
第四纪的热带、亚热带、温带、寒带森林,可划分为"单层同龄林分"类型和"复层异龄林分"类型,它们都遵循着由"初始林分"走入"过熟林分"的"优胜劣汰"规则。森林产生的"死亡量"必定小于"净生长量",这种非线性的"物质运动"与热力学过程的"熵"联系起来,则能更深刻地诠释由孢子植物进化为裸子植物,进而进化为被子植物的多样性树种所组成森林的"森林耗散结构"特性。现代的森林包涵着两类林分:一类是由单一树种组成的"单层同龄林分",是不通过"树种演替"就能形成"初始林分"的林分,因而其具有简单的"内部结构"和"内部时间";另一类是由多"种群"组成的"复层异龄林分",其必需通过"树种演替"才能形成"初始林分",因而它具有复杂的"内部结构"和"内部时间"。对云南的森林,已量测到亚热带阔叶林的"过熟林分"。却缺少"先锋种群"演变为"初始林分"的先前事件,因此不可能描述出其"复层异龄林分"的先前概率。由对云南森林的分析得出,两类"林分"虽都遵循"优胜劣汰"规则,但却只能导算出"单层同龄林分"的"株数递减率和蓄积量递增率"的过程。  相似文献   

首先引用杨振宁教授关于中国人求“理”与西方求“自然规律”在方法上不同的论述 ,借以说明“归纳法”与“推演法“结合起来对研究林分系统的重要 ,然后引用有关《河图》、《太极图》的论述 ,并联系到“天人合一”理念 ,而后引用生态学的“逻辑斯谛方程”的观点 ;个体的出生与死亡导致群体趋向“平衡态” ,与久林教授的“自然径阶”上株数比例的对称性分布联系起来 ,去说明林分系统的演变规律是趋向“平衡态”。趋向“平衡态”也是世间万事万物演变的方向 ,也就是天人一物、内外一理的理念。试着应用东、西方文化中的高深哲理 ,去说明森林经营观念的合理性。  相似文献   

North American jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands are generally characterized by an even-aged structure resulting from high intensity fires (HIF). However, non-lethal fires of moderate intensity (MIF), which leave behind surviving trees, have also been reported. The objectives of this study were two-fold: (1) assess the concurrent dynamics of live trees, understory vegetation and different types of coarse woody debris (CWD) during succession after HIF; and (2) document how MIF affects stand structure component dynamics compared to HIF. Stands affected by both HIF and MIF were selected. Tree characteristics and age structure, understory biomass, and CWD volume were assessed. Our results suggest that the structural succession of jack pine stands following HIF comprises three stages: young stands (<48 years), premature and mature stands (58–100 years) and old stands (>118 years). Canopy openness and jack pine density significantly decreased with time since HIF, while black spruce density and CWD volume significantly increased. The highest structural diversity was measured in the premature and mature stands. Compared to HIF, MIF increased mean jack pine basal area, decreased average stand density, delayed the replacement of jack pine by black spruce replacement in the canopy, decreased CWD volume, and significantly increased bryophytes mass. MIF increased the diversity of live trees and generally decreased CWD structural diversity. The study confirms the diversity of natural disturbance magnitude and successional processes thereby initiated. Thereafter, it appeared to be relevant for adjustment of disturbance emulating forest-management systems.  相似文献   

长白落叶松是辽宁省主要造林树种之一,其总体质量关系到辽宁省的生态环境建设。文章根据辽宁省森林资源连续清查数据主要调查因子,基于103块调查样地建立林分生长模型,分析林分生长规律。关于模拟林分生长模型,经典的线性模型往往未能解释数据的离散部分;然而,一些离散变量真正影响林分生长。文中将林分生长特性和林木材积的关系作为一个案例研究,通过分析属性,提出了用广义线性模型分析林分生长数据。  相似文献   



Recruitment is an important process in forest stand dynamics, especially in uneven-aged stands. Continuous recruitment is a prerequisite for diverse, uneven-aged silvicultural systems, but patterns may vary significantly.


The main goals of the study were to examine the recruitment of the main tree species in selection and irregular shelterwood stands in silver fir?CEuropean beech?CNorway spruce forests and to determine the main predictors of the recruitment occurrence.


Data from 5,486 permanent inventory plots were used to study recruitment of saplings into the tree layer (diameter at breast height ??10?cm).


Recruitment rate differed significantly between selection (7.6?trees?ha?1?year?1) and irregular shelterwood (26.1?trees?ha?1?year?1) stands. Shade-tolerant fir and beech recruited with higher probability in selection stands, while light-dependent sycamore recruited with higher probability in irregular stands. In addition, forest types, soil pH, stand basal area, mean diameter, and the basal area of the same tree species with respect to recruitment were found to be important predictors of recruitment occurrence.


The application of different uneven-aged silvicultural systems and their forms makes it possible to considerably influence the future tree species composition of uneven-aged forests.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of invastion by pine wood nematode (PWN), this study analyzed severalfunctional indices, i.e., the increment in DBH and stand volume and biomass, in the damaqed stands with various mixedpercentages of Pinus massoniana and P. thunbergii and with different levels of damage. According to the results of rate of change in increment of DBH and stand volume, the forest ecosystem resistance against PWN increased with a reduct on n the m xed ratio of pine. The resistance was highest with a mixed percentage of 50%. The invasion of PWN hanged the corresponding relationship of increment between DBH and stand volume (pure stands 〉 7:3 conifer and roadleaf 〉 6:4 conifer and broadleaf 〉 5:5 conifer and broadleaf) among the P. thunbergii stands when there is no amage, but for P. massoniana stands this phenomenon did not occur. For the increment rate of DBH and stand volume, is significant change in P, thunbergii forest indicates that the resistance of pure P. thunbergii forest was higher than at of P. massoniana. The invasion of PWN accelerates the succession from pure stands to mixed stands and then tohe broadleaf evergreen stands.  相似文献   

日本落叶松人工林密度调控技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以日本落叶松中幼林抚育间伐样地监测数据,利用树冠竞争因子(CCF)、林分密度指数、单位断面积生长过程等指标,分析了抚育间伐对断面积和蓄积两方面的影响,结果表明:间伐林分的断面积和蓄积有相同的生长过程,即林分在一定间伐强度范围内(强度小于50%)间伐强度越大,年均生长率越大;用树冠竞争因子描述日本落叶松人工林断面积的生长过程,未间伐林分的立木度接近稳定状态,而间伐林分降低了林分的CCF值,随着林龄的增加,CCF值不断增加,逐渐向未间伐林分靠近。总的来说间伐林分在间伐初期要小于未间伐林分,但随着林龄的增大及林木竞争的加剧,间伐林分逐渐向未间伐林分靠近。  相似文献   

Natural regeneration by strip-clearcut has rarely been used for restocking of evergreen broad-leaved forests in the East Asia. To contribute to a better understanding of the likely reasons for either the successful recovery of these forests or failure, the early response of stand structure and tree species diversity to strip-clearcut were studied in Okinawa Island, southwest Japan. The 4,000 m2 study area was divided into 10 adjacent sections of equal area with a 10 m × 10 m sampling plot in the center, of which five sections were strip-clearcut while the remaining five sections uncut. Eight-year secondary succession following strip-clearcut showed that the density of woody stems, tree species diversity increased significantly not only in the regenerating stands but also in the residual stands compared to the primary stands. The primary dominant target species, Castanopsis sieboldii, continued to dominate both the regenerating and residual stands although colonizing species invaded abundantly in the stands, occupying approximately one-third of total tree species in each treatment. The community similarity analyses showed that the species composition were similar between the primary stands and the regenerating stands or residual stands reflected the high similarity amongst the primary stands and the regenerating stands or the residual stands. The similar stand structure, high tree species diversity and greater community similarity after strip-clearcut provided no evidence of forest degeneration, suggesting that the regenerating stand might gradually develop into stand similar to that prior to strip-clearcut.  相似文献   

Natural mortality in a 30-year period was examined in thinning and fertilisation experiments with 48 blocks in Scots pine (Pinus sylvstris L.) and 23 blocks in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) with up to 12 different treatments. Of about 90,000 living trees at start of the experiments 18.7% were registered as dead by natural mortality in the 30-year observation period. In non-thinned stands about 20% of the volume growth disappeared by natural mortality, in thinned stands about 10%. In normally thinned pine stands (repeated thinning from below with moderate intensity) the annual mortality of the basal area at start of an average 7-year period was 0.34%. In spruce stands, on more fertile sites, the corresponding figure was about 0.6%. In an effort to model the mortality, severe damage not leading to final felling was identified in 1.7% of the observation periods. It was assumed that this part of the mortality, representing 24% of the total volume mortality, could be recovered by active thinning. The probability for severe damage increased sharply with stand top height, as shown in a logistic regression. The more sparse mortality was expressed as a function of site fertility, stand density, disturbance by thinning and form of treatment (thinned from above or below or non-thinned). The naturally dead trees were approximately of mean size in normally thinned stands while the self-thinning in non-thinned stands tended to occur amongst smaller than average trees. Diagrams were presented for basal area development and stem number reduction in the non-thinned stands.  相似文献   

云杉阿扁叶蜂发生与环境因素的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云杉阿扁叶蜂Acantholyda piceacola Xiao et Zhou是为害青海云杉的主要害虫,为控制其危害,作者在祁连山大黄山林区对影响云杉阿扁叶蜂种群发生、发展的环境因素作了调查研究。结果表明,云杉阿扁叶蜂的发生与林分因子、地形地势和人畜活动关系密切,发生程度一般表现为疏林重于密林,纯林重于混交林,长势弱的林分重于长势好的林分,中幼龄树重于中老龄树;低海拔区重于高海拔区;人畜活动频繁区重于人烟稀少区。  相似文献   

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