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家畜遗传特性系统保存数学模型及应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为克服现有保种方法不利于品种选育提高,以及实际中带有选育的保种将造成许多遗传特性丢失的弊端,本文提出了家畜遗传特性系统保存数学模型,以期在统一确立保存目标的前提下,将保存目标系统地分配给各个品种,扩大遗传特性保存范围。该模型中目标函数一是遗传特必瓦可能在表现的品种中保存,二是保存特性与选育特性之间遗传正相关尽可能大,负相尽可能小;约速条件一是遗传特性j最多在tj个品种中保存,二是品种i最多保存bi  相似文献   

畜禽遗传资源是重要的生物遗传资源,是实现畜牧业可持续发展的重要基础。文内综述了国内外近年来保种理论与方法在猪保种工作中的应用情况,认为目前猪的保种应当是以群体遗传学为基础的活体保种方法和分子遗传学为基础的生物技术辅助保种方法相结合的保种技术体系。分析了相关理论和方法在实际应用中存在的问题,以期为我国地方品种猪的保种提供参考。  相似文献   

沙子岭猪种质资源的保护和利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴买生 《中国猪业》2008,3(3):37-40
沙子岭猪是一个古老的地方猪种。原产湘潭,是湖南省分布最广、数量最多,影响最大的优良地方品种。该品种具有性成熟早、发情明显、产仔多、耐粗饲、适应性强、瘦肉多、肉质好、杂交优势明显等优良特性,沙子岭猪保种利用群体继代选育理论,通过延长世代间隔,分层选择优秀个体组建保种核心群;交配方式采取避开全同胞的有限随机交配:世代更替采取各家系等数留种,控制近交系数上升,维持群体基因和基因型频率平衡,确保主要遗传特性。为降低基因保种中存在的疫情、自然灾害等风险的影响,采取集中与分散相结合的保种方式,发挥保种场保种和产区保种优势,有效保存了沙子岭猪基因资源。保种的同时,对沙子岭猪种质特性进行了研究、制定发布了湖南省沙子岭猪标准。利用沙子岭猪资源培育出了湘白猪,筛选出“双×沙”、“双×长·沙”等适合广大农村推广的优势杂交组合,通过产业化开发,建立了一批沙子岭猪优势杂交组合生产基地及优质猪肉连锁专卖店、产品远销上海、深圳等大中城市及俄罗斯、新加坡、港澳等国家和地区。  相似文献   

沙子岭猪种质资源的保护和利用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
沙子岭猪是一个古老的地方猪种,原产湘潭,是湖南省分布最广、数量最多、影响最大的优良地方品种.该品种具有性成熟早、发情明显、产仔多、耐粗饲、适应性强、瘦肉多、肉质好、杂交优势明显等优良特性.1984年以来,湘潭市政府每年拨专款资助并指定湘潭市家畜育种站具体承担保种任务.沙子岭猪保种利用群体继代选育理论,通过延长世代间隔,分层选择优秀个体组建保种核心群;交配方式采取避开全同胞的有限随机交配;世代更替采取各家系等数留种,控制近交系数上升,维持群体基因和基因型频率平衡,确保主要遗传特性.为降低基因保种存在疫情、自然灾害等风险的影响,采取集中与分散相结合的保种方式,发挥保种场保种和产区保种优势,有效保存了沙子岭猪基因资源.保种的同时,对沙子岭猪种质特性进行了研究,制定发布了湖南省沙子岭猪标准.利用沙子岭猪资源培育出了湘白猪,筛选出"双×沙"、"双×长×沙"等适合广大农村推广的优势杂交组合,通过产业化开发,建立了一批沙子岭猪优势杂交组合生产基地及优质猪肉连锁专卖店,产品远销上海、深圳等大中城市和香港澳门地区及俄罗斯、新加坡等国家.  相似文献   

本文讨论了以群体遗传学理论为基础的现行地方猪品种的保种方法,指出了该方法的不足之处,同时也分析了以分子遗传学为基础的分子遗传标记辅助保种法的可行性,说明该方法可以弥补现行地方猪品种保种方法的不足之处,指出现代地方猪品种的保种方法应该是二者的结合.  相似文献   

保种是当前蜜蜂育种工作中的一项重要任务。一般认为,保种就是妥善地保存现有蜜蜂品种资源的基因库,使它们免遭混杂,不致丢失每一种基因。为此,必须避免群体混杂,控制选择,实行随机交配,减少遗传漂变,防止近交等,这对于自然交配的“开放劳蜜蜂群体是很难做到的。直到人工授精技术应用于蜜蜂育种,才使得建立闭锁群和确定育种群的大小成为可能,使蜜蜂育种工作发生革命性变化。大家知道,在任何生物群体中,由于突变、选择、漂变和迁移等因  相似文献   

1 前言 保种就是要保存一切与特定生态条件相联系的基因及基因组合体系.现有地方家畜品种的保种方法都是以群体遗传学理论为基础,尽量控制群体近交增量为原则,通过增大群体有效含量,确定合适的公母畜比例和留种方式,避免近亲交配及延长世代间隔来实现的.根据群体遗传学理论虽然可以指导地方畜禽品种的保种,对基因是否丢失及丢失的可能性作出估计,但无法知道其真实情况,加上保种资金投入有限,群体有效含量低,这样就不可避免地会出现优良基因的丢失.所以,现有的地方畜禽品种保种方法并不能有效地保存好已有的遗传资源.  相似文献   

福建省地方猪种的现状与设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建省地方猪种资源丰富,目前还保存有6个地方猪种,其中1个地方猪种被视为与邻省有同种异名,它们都列入《中国猪品种志》各个地方猪种都有各自不同的特色,而且都设有保种场与保护区,均有一定数量的群体存在,也采用了不同的方式进行保种。  相似文献   

试论地方猪品种的现代保种方法   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
徐宁迎  周仲儿 《家畜生态》2001,22(4):53-55,59
本文讨论了以群体遗传学理论为基础的现行地方猪品种的保种方法,指出了该方法的不足之处,同时也分析了以分子遗传学为基础的分子遗传标记辅助保种法的可行性,说明该方法可以弥补现行地方猪品种保种方法的不足之处,指出现代地方猪品种的保种方法应该是二者的结合。  相似文献   

我国地方猪种资源丰富拥有许多突出特性的品种,受到国内外养猪业者的重视。由于种种原因有些猪种濒临绝种生物技术的发展给地方猪种种质资源长期保存带来了希望。本文概述了我国地方猪种资源概况及保种的迫切性.冷冻保种研究现状及地方猪种种质资源长期保存的主要技术包括猪种配子和胚胎冷冻技术.基因组DNA库.猪EG细胞.猪体细胞克隆技术及其在长期保存种质资源的作用  相似文献   

何丽  刘丑生  韩旭 《中国畜牧兽医》2013,40(10):188-192
作者介绍了国际畜禽遗传资源保存的研究现状与趋势,分析了细菌人工染色体(bacterial artificial chromosome,BAC)文库的发展和应用状况,阐述了BAC文库应用于畜禽遗传资源保存的特有优势,提出了建立BAC文库将成为畜禽遗传资源保存的一种重要补充形式,有利于提升畜禽遗传资源保存的安全性和长久性,也为今后进一步研究畜禽品种的特定性状提供了无可替代的材料,对实现全方位保存畜禽遗传资源具有重要的实用价值和推动作用。  相似文献   

The paper discusses animal genetic resources in the context of the Nagoya Protocol, providing an overview of the distinctive features and practices in this sector of genetic resources. It presents how animal genetic resources are utilized, who are the users and providers, and what are the trends in gene flow of these resources. The paper reflects on current access measures and arrangements for local breeds and for international commercial breeds. Key benefits arising from the international exchange of animal genetic resources for research and livestock production and current developments in the sector supporting the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol are presented. References to the scope and application of EU ABS legislation are also made. The paper underlines the importance of continuous undisturbed access to animal genetic resources for research and breeding to facilitate further development within the global livestock sector.  相似文献   

保护荣昌猪遗传资源,利用基因深层次开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荣昌猪是中国三大地方优良猪种,缺乏对荣昌种猪的意识保护和措施保护,资源可能被破坏和丢失,将保护与开发利用有机结合,从政策法规、规划设计、措施手段、监测管理等方面着力,尤其是建立荣昌猪遗传资源保存中心治标治本。  相似文献   

地方、培育、引入品种资源的保存与发展的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者就20世纪 80年代以来我国多次畜禽资源调查的结果作了详细的介绍,报道了576个品种在近30年来的变迁情况。除了常见的马、驴、黄牛、水牛、大额牛、牦牛、绵羊、山羊、猪、鸡、鸭、鹅、特禽的品种以外,尚有7种,如骆驼、兔、梅花鹿、马鹿、水貂、貉、蜂等动物。其中地方品种426个,培育品种73个,引入品种77个。已有19个地方品种灭绝,37个受严重威胁。作者回顾了20世纪末开始应用遗传检测手段,包括个体、细胞、蛋白质和分子水平4个层次的研究进展。证明多层次综合研究才能反映品种的全貌。建议资源调查中要着重选育强度带来的影响,品种调查提纲必须周密,要以品种特征和外貌为主,与遗传分析相结合,才可能提出可行的保种和开发方案。作者论证了配子和胚胎超低温保存、DNA保存的前景,并指出与企业合作进行保种的动向,国家应长期重点加以支持。  相似文献   

牦牛是我国丰富多样的畜种资源中重要的畜种之一,在遗传上是一个极为宝贵的基因库。本文阐述了西藏牦牛遗传资源的保种方法和利用途径,有助于西藏畜牧业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Throughout human history, livestock producers have relied on a vibrant international exchange of genetic resources to achieve improvements in the quality and productivity of their animals. In recent years, however, some observers have argued that changes in the legal, technological, and economic environment now imply that international exchanges of animal genetic resources (AnGR) systematically benefit rich countries at the expense of poor countries. It is argued that international flows of AnGR are displacing the indigenous animal genetic resources of developing countries, and also that the genetic wealth of the developing world is being expropriated by rich countries.In reaction, there have been growing calls for limitations and/or barriers to the exchange of animal genetic resources. These discussions, however, seem to be based on limited information about the magnitude and direction of current trade flows in AnGR. This paper offers an analysis of AnGR trade flows from 1990 to 2005. The paper draws on national-level data from 150 countries that reported information to the United Nations Statistics Division. Three major trade categories were evaluated: live cattle and pigs for breeding, and cattle semen.Over the period studied, Europe and North America were the primary exporters of genetic resources for the species evaluated. OECD countries accounted for 98.7, 92.5, and 95% of cattle semen, live cattle, and swine exports in 2005, respectively. In evaluating the direction of trade between developed (North) and developing (South) countries, North–North trade had the largest magnitude, followed by North–South, South–South, and South–North. The data do not support the notion that Southern genetic resources are being used on a large scale in the North. We believe that importation from South to North is limited by the vast discrepancies in production efficiency and production systems between countries in the North and South.Given the low volume of South–North exchange, it seems doubtful that sufficient revenues could be acquired through a “benefit-sharing mechanism” to have any substantial impact on in situ or ex situ conservation efforts, or to generate benefits for poor livestock keepers in developing countries. We question whether global agreements or restrictions on trade will achieve the desired goal of conserving rare breeds and threatened genetic resources. We also doubt whether these agreements will succeed in improving the well-being of the poor. We suggest that resources instead be urgently employed for conservation and that more direct measures should be taken to aid poor farmers, ranchers, and herders in their efforts to conserve genetic resources.  相似文献   

青海野生动植物资源分布特征与保护措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李延红 《青海草业》2009,18(2):36-39
青海省地处青藏高原,在全国具有特殊的区系分类地位和野生物种多样性,且种群、数量都十分丰富。对青海省野生动植物的区域分布特点进行概述,为加强保护管理提供了科学决策依据。实现全省生态系统的长期稳定和生物资源的合理利用。  相似文献   

Veterinary medical education in FADs has been and will continue to be critically important if veterinarians are expected to fulfill the profession's primary obligations to society--those of protecting our animals' health, conserving our animal resources, and promoting public health. It is imperative that curricula and instruction in veterinary schools and colleges provide the depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare all veterinarians, including those in private practice, for their key role in defending against FADs. Development and implementation of governmental and military programs to diagnose, prevent, control, and eradicate FADs will require a dedicated cadre of public sector veterinarians who have a solid educational foundation in FADs and understand the contemporary issues and global challenges we face. Animal-related industries, associations, and organizations will increasingly rely on well-educated veterinarians to help guide them in ways that will protect animals, clientele, consumers, and trading partners from effects of FADs. Agencies and organizations concerned with conservation of animal resources will require veterinary expertise necessary to prevent FADs in a multitude of animal species, including marine animals, wildlife, endangered species, zoologic specimens, and important genetic lines as well as our domestic companion and livestock species. Species affected by FADs also include human beings for those disease agents with zoonotic potential; thus, veterinary education also plays a key role in public health.  相似文献   

为了更好地了解青峪猪在世代更替过程中遗传结构的变化,更好的保护和利用青峪猪遗传资源,本研究利用50K SNP芯片,对青峪猪保种群内141头(26头公猪,115头母猪)健康成年个体进行SNP测定,通过多种分析软件对青峪猪保种群体和各个世代进行系谱校正,进而实施群体遗传多样性、遗传距离以及遗传结构变化等分析。结果显示,该封闭保种群由3个重叠世代构成,群体有效含量为12头,且整个群体可以分为6个含有公猪的家系和1个不含公猪的家系。其中,第3世代的有效群体含量最少,仅为3头,多态性标记比例随着世代的增加不断下降;141头青峪猪的平均遗传距离为(0.260 4±0.025 2),26头种公猪的遗传距离为(0.263 3±0.023 7)。随着繁殖世代的增加,各世代群体的遗传距离有轻微的上升趋势,部分种猪之间的亲缘关系和遗传距离较近;在141头青峪猪群体中共检测到1 481个基因组上长纯合片段(runs of hemozygosity,ROH),78.01%的长度在200 Mb以内,基于ROH值计算的近交系数表明整个群体的平均近交系数为0.055,且各世代的近交系数在不断上升,到第3世代时已经达到了0.075。综上所述,通过对青峪猪分子水平的群体遗传结构研究表明,该保种群体在闭锁的继代繁育过程中存在群体遗传多样性损失,需要加强选配或导入外血以确保青峪猪遗传资源的长期保存。  相似文献   

Today's livestock diversity originated from the wild ancestor species and was subsequently shaped through the processes of mutation, genetic drift, and natural and human selection. Only a subset of the diversity present in the ancestral species survives in the domestic counterparts. A 2007 report released by UN Food and Agriculture Organization ' The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources ', compiled from surveys conducted in 169 countries, found that nearly 70% of the world's remaining livestock breeds live in developing countries. The UN report was presented to more than 300 policy makers, scientists, breeders, and livestock keepers at the First International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources, held in September 2007 in Interlaken, Switzerland. The conference aims were to adopt a global plan of action for conserving animal genetic resources as its main outcome. In this paper, the current and potential contributions of reproductive and molecular biotechnology are considered as tools of conserving rare breeds of livestock.  相似文献   

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