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为了研究木棉籽饼在鸡日粮中的营养价值、利用雏鸡做了两项试验。供试验用的木棉籽饼含粗蛋白质28.6%,粗脂肪8.6%,粗纤维12.2%,乙醚浸岀物8.59%,灰分7.0%,无氮浸岀物32.2%。试验,基础日粮组成(克/公斤):玉米550,花生饼280,鱼粉100,小麦麸50,矿物质混合物20,维生素混合物0.25。在这个基础上,木棉籽饼以10、20、30、40%代替玉米、花生饼、小麦麸。结果表明,基础日粮组(对照组)雏鸡接受日粮4周龄,增重265.9克,10%组增重187.4克,20%组增重107.2克,添加木棉籽饼明显地降低生长率。木棉籽饼添加量30~40%的组,喂到10日龄时,死亡率达100%,20%组死亡率达65%,  相似文献   

本文叙述了氨化方法的背景和发展情况。堆垛法处理秸秆的优点是:方法简单、成本低(在挪威可获得政府资助),可贮存含水率高的秸秆,可杀灭杂草种子(野燕麦)及含氮丰富等。其缺点是:氨化秸秆所含能量值较低,多余的氨在牲畜棚内释放会造成空气污染。挪威氨化秸秆喂饲试验结果以及实践经验概述如下: 1.氨化后秸秆有机物消化率可提高8~12个百分点(甚至更高)。 2.氨化处理后秸秆的含氮量提高8~10克/公斤。 3.氨化处理提高牲畜对秸秆的采食量。 4.氨化秸秆的营养价值相当于较低质量的干草。 5.氨化秸秆可作越冬绵羊的主要饲料。 6.4~6月龄以后,小牛的粗饲料可全部喂饲氨化秸秆。 7.集约化肉牛饲养,每天喂饲3~4公斤精料以及氨化秸秆,可获得1~1.2公斤日增重。牛每天采食4~6公斤氨化秸秆,采食量的多少取决于牛的活重和秸秆的质量。 8.对于小母牛,不需要高日增重,因此需要较少精料,日采食秸秆可达5~7公斤。 9.如果氨化秸秆的质量较好,可用作阉牛的主要饲料,1~2岁的阉牛采食秸秆的数量很大,尤其是在第二次越冬期间,每天可采食8~11公斤。 10.氨化秸秆能量低,在喂饲高产奶牛方面潜力很小,但在日粮中缺少粗纤维的情况下,喂词适当数量的氨化秸秆是可行的。  相似文献   

秸秆氨化与精料添加对羔羊生产性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了小麦秸氨化与精料添加对羔羊生产性能影响的研究结果。麦秸氨化提高了羔羊日增重、秸秆与日粮进食量及精料转化效率,但其提高幅度随日粮精料添加量的提高而减小。提高日粮精料添加水平,羔羊日增重与日粮绝对进食量提高,但精料转化效率在氨化与未氨化组呈不同规律变化:未氨化组持续提高,氨化组呈二次曲线规律变化,且“精料/增重”比最低的日粮精料水平为45%。  相似文献   

在本地黄牛短期育肥的日粮中 ,用80 %的氨化碱化玉米秸秆 ,并在精饲料中添加0.5 %的矿物质 ,其日增重可达642克 ,用只氨化而不碱化的玉米秸次之 ,当氨化科占70 %时虽然日增重可达722克 ,但其每千克增重的饲料成本则提高16.7%。饲喂氨化稻草的日粮重不如氨化玉米秸 ,而且牛肉中粗蛋白质含量下降  相似文献   

通过3个试验评价无水氨处理玉米秸的饲用价值。试验1:用4头一岁阉牛按4×4拉丁方设计,喂以4种日粮(一个组为氨化玉米秸,其他3个组为未氨化玉米秸),3种不同的补充料(豆饼粉、尿素或玉米粉<负蛋白对照>)(每天每头0.91kg)。玉米秸随意采食。4种日粮为:氨化玉米秸加玉米粉,未氨化玉米秸分别加豆饼粉、尿素或玉米粉补充料。试验证明,含有氨化玉米秸(按其干重用2%的 NH_3处理)的日粮比其他3种日粮的粗蛋白质含量均高,干物质消化率(DMD)亦高(P<0.05),并且每天干物质采食量(DMI)最高(P<0.01)。喂氨化玉米秸日粮的试畜,体内氮沉积量与喂对照玉米秸且以豆饼粉或尿素为补充料的试畜相似。试验2:采食量试验采用20头1岁阉牛,喂以上述4种日食,结果表明,含氨化玉米秸(按干物质以3%的 NH_3处理)的日粮,其干物质采食量(DMI)较其他日粮都高(P<0.05)。以豆饼粉或尿素作为补充料的日粮其干物质采食量(DMI)比负对照组的高(P<0.05)。饲用这4种日粮,阉牛在体重上无显著差异(P>0.1)。试验3:用类似上述4种日粮,对56头成年妊娠肉用母牛做为期70天的生产性能测定。试验结果,喂含氨化玉米秸(按干物质重3.2%的NH_3处理)日粮的母牛增重比喂含豆饼粉(CS)、尿素(CU)日粮或负对照日粮(NC)的母牛高(P<0.01),母牛体况没有改变,而饲喂含豆饼粉、尿素或负对照日粮的母牛体况均有下降(P<0.05)。各处理组犊牛初生重均相近。结论:在3次试验条件下用无水氨处理玉米秸,均能提高其饲用价值。  相似文献   

试验研究快速氨化玉米秸秆,对育肥羔羊生长的影响。选择16只体重相近23±2千克(4月龄)的特克赛尔X东北半细毛杂交公羊,试验采用单因素随机分组设计,随机分为4组,每组4只。试验分对照组(未处理秸秆)、2小时快速氨化组、4小时快速氨化组和6小时快速氨化组。试验结果表明:4小时快速氨化组日增重最高,比对照组提高29.38%,差异显著(P<0.05);2、6小时快速氨化组日增重与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。2、6小时快速氨化组的日增重比对照组分别提高了11.04%和22.17%。  相似文献   

肉牛育肥中应该合理搭配精、粗饲料,并科学地对肉牛日粮中的粗料部分进行深加工,以提高其适口性和营养价值。本试验以西黄牛(西门塔尔×本地黄牛)(12~18月龄)为试验对象,分别饲喂不同组合日粮,对其肉牛生产性能、增重效果和获得的经济效益进行研究。结果表明,在增重方面,日粮中粗饲料中青贮玉米比黄贮玉米的增重效果明显(P<0.05),粗饲料中青贮玉米比氨化秸秆的肉牛育肥增重量高5.05%(P>0.05)。在经济效益方面,饲喂青贮玉米和氨化秸秆,在增重速度、饲料报酬和经济效益等方面均优于饲喂桔秆组。  相似文献   

无水氨、尿素氨化秸秆饲喂肉牛的效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了评价无水氨、尿素氨化麦秸、玉米秸饲喂肉牛的效果,用42头肉用生长母牛及阉牛进行了80天饲养试验。试验开始牛平均体重为135公斤,按随机区组设计分为7组,占干物质3%的无水氨氨化麦秸组(WA)、占干物质5.4%的尿素加大豆粉氨化麦秸组(WUS)、麦秸组(W);占干物质3%的无水氨氨化玉米秸组(CA)、占干物质5.4%的尿素加大豆粉氨化玉米秸组(CUS)、占干物质5.4%的尿素氨化玉米秸组(CU)、玉米秸组(C).各组牛秸秆自由采食,混合精料按体重的1%喂给。为了平衡日粮粗蛋白质水平,W组及C组每日每头分别加喂32克和37克尿素。试验结果表明:秸秆经氨化处理后含氮量提高88-151%,肉牛采食每公斤秸秆干物质的时间显著缩短。WA组、WUS组、W组、CA组CUS组、CU组和C组的日增重分别为0.66、0.54、0.52、0.57、0.63、0.56、0.48公斤(P<0.01)。添加大豆脲酶对尿素氨化玉米秸的效果无明显影响。  相似文献   

1959年5月曾在恰巴叶夫农庄用400头在3~4月令的平均活重30~35公斤的肥育猪进行试验。日粮是由1公斤精料,3公斤马铃薯0.5公斤干的三叶草粉组成的。肥育的第一个月中平均每昼夜每头猪增重104克。第二个月,日粮加入(补充)200克精料和2公斤青三叶草(事先切碎的),但是增重表现的不明显总是235克。按畜牧学家T·A 达维琴格的意见,在七月中曾把肥育群分成二组;一个组是247头猪,第二组是153头。两组猪的日粮都一样:1.2公斤精料(黑麦粉和燕麦粉),3公斤马铃薯,4公斤青的切碎的三叶草。第二组(153头)在日粮中曾加入了固氮菌,试验结果:在7月份,每昼夜平均增重620克,而第一组(没有加喂固氮菌的)每昼夜平均增重267克。在8月份加喂固氮菌的组平均每昼夜增重达到850克,而对照组为430克。应该说明;以后两  相似文献   

不同日粮配合对肉牛育肥效果的对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为使西门达尔杂种肉牛在育肥中得到良好的效果。在相同的饲养管理条件,精饲料搭配一致的情况下,采用2种不同粗饲料进行饲喂,实施育肥。试验结果表明,饲喂青贮玉米秸秆优于饲喂氨化麦草秸秆。同时,采用3种不同日粮配方进行试验,日粮配方2日增重和综合经济效益最佳。  相似文献   

The effect of partly replacing cottonseed cake with Mucuna hay (Mucuna spp. var. Ghana) on feed intake, digestibility and milk production of dairy cows was studied using six Zebu cows randomly assigned to three dietary treatments in a replicated Latin square design. All cows were fed hay from natural pastures ad libitum and 1.1 kg molasses as a basal diet, which was supplemented with: (1) 2 kg cottonseed cake (control diet), (2) 1.5 kg cottonseed cake and 1.2 kg Mucuna hay (low Mucuna, LM), and (3) 1.0 kg cottonseed cake and 3.3 kg Mucuna hay (high Mucuna, HM). Dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) intake were similar for all the diets. The addition of Mucuna significantly increased DM and organic matter digestibility, whereas CP, acid detergent fibre and neutral detergent fibre digestibility were similar among the diets. The treatments had no effect on daily milk yield (3.38, 3.43 and 3.38 kg milk) or milk composition (41.1, 43.7 and 42.7 g fat/kg milk; 35.1, 36.4 and 35.9 g protein/kg milk; and 46.1, 45.8 and 45.3 g lactose/kg milk, respectively, for cows fed control, LM and HM diets). The treatments had no significant effect on live weight changes. The results showed that replacing 50% of the cottonseed cake with Mucuna hay had no negative effects on feed intake and digestibility, milk yield or milk composition.  相似文献   

尿素和氢氧化钙处理作物秸秆提高营养价值的研究   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:33  
秸秆经尿素氨化处理后干物质瘤胃降解率和尿素残留量明显受秸秆含水量、尿素用量、处理温度和时间的影响。用尿素处理作物秸秆含水量以40%最佳,尿素用量在40—60克/公斤干物质之间为宜,在0℃、15℃和25℃的环境下,处理时间分别在90天,60天和40天以上的处理效果较好。单独用Ca(OH)_2处理秸秆虽然可明显提高秸秆干物质在瘤胃中的降解率,但秸秆发霉严重,加入20克/公斤干物质以上的尿素便可防止发霉,并大幅度继续提高秸秆干物质降解率(P<0.01)。用尿素和Ca(OH)_2同时处理秸秆明显优于单独处理的效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional and feeding value of peanut hay (Arachis hypogaea L.) produced under tropical environment as an alternate forage resource for sheep. Peanut hay was appreciably high in crude protein [CP; 105 g/kg dry matter (DM)] and lower in neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 466 g/kg DM). Moreover, peanut hay was rich in Ca (12 g/kg DM) and P (1.7 g/kg DM). A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effect of substituting wheat straw with peanut hay on nutrient intake, digestibility, and N utilization. Four adult Ramghani (Kaghani × Rambouillet) wethers (60?±?2.5 kg body weight) were randomly assigned to the four dietary treatments according to a 4?×?4 Latin square design. The four rations were formulated on isonitrogenous and isocaloric bases and differed in the proportion (in grams per kilogram DM) of wheat straw/peanut hay, i.e., 700:0, 460:240, 240:460, and 0:700. The replacement of wheat straw with peanut hay increased the intakes of DM (P?<?0.001), NDF (P?<?0.01), and N (P?<?0.001). Moreover, apparent in vivo digestibility of DM, NDF, and CP increased (P?<?0.001) with the increasing proportion of peanut hay in the ration. Nitrogen retention in the body increased (P?<?0.01; 3.2 to 8.1 g/day) with the replacement of wheat straw with peanut hay. These findings showed that substitution of wheat straw with peanut hay can improve DM and nutrients intake, digestibility, and N retention in sheep.  相似文献   

本试验旨在评定棉粕与豆粕的干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)、粗蛋白质(CP)在绵羊瘤胃内的降解动力学参数变化及瘤胃降解前后有效赖氨酸的含量变化。选用3只安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的体重为(28.0±2.97)kg的育肥哈萨克公羊,代谢笼内单笼饲喂,每天饲喂棉籽壳200 g、精料500 g、小麦秸500 g,余料不超过10%。采用尼龙袋技术评定棉粕与豆粕DM、OM及CP的降解动力学参数,计算有效降解率(ED)及瘤胃停留时间(RRT),染料结合法(DBL)测定有效赖氨酸的含量。结果表明,在瘤胃固相食糜的平均外流速度为1.84%/h条件下,豆粕DM、OM及CP的瘤胃降解率及有效降解率均高于棉粕,而瘤胃停留时间均短于棉粕。豆粕经瘤胃内培养16 h后有效赖氨酸含量略有升高,而棉粕无明显变化。该试验结果为进一步评定棉粕及豆粕养分的小肠消化率提供参考。  相似文献   

辛玉春 《青海草业》2013,22(2):39-46
利用天然草地草群样本进行概略养分分析,对草地的能值、消化能和代谢能密度进行初步评价。认为青海天然草地草群总能值密度为16.99MJ/kgDM-18.25MJ/kgDM;消化能密度(放牧牛时)11431.74kj/kgDM-14684.64kj/kgDM和(放牧羊时)11535.76kj/kgDM~14743.75kj/kgDM;草群代谢能值密度(放牧牛时)9751.55kj/kgDM~12677.26kj/kgDM和(放牧羊时)10043.43kj/kgDM~12880.15kj/kgDM。天然草地草群消化能和代谢能密度基本均衡。  相似文献   

Wheat straw was subjected to solid-state fermentation (SSF) with lignolytic white-rot fungus (WRF) Crinipellis sp. for 5 days to improve the nutritive value and digestibility. The fungal treatment caused a significant (P?<?0.05) decrease in cell wall constituents viz., neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicellulose, lignin, and cellulose to the extent of 10.4, 11.2, 8.7, 8.7, and 12.1 %, respectively, with increase (P?<?0.05) in crude protein (CP) (51.6%) and ash (25.8%) contents in fungal treated wheat straw (FT-WS) than untreated wheat straw (UT-WS). Further, in vitro gas production, in vitro true dry matter digestibility and in vitro true organic matter digestibility at 48 h, metabolizable energy (ME) content, microbial biomass production, and short-chain fatty acids synthesis were significantly (P?<?0.05) higher in FT-WS. In vivo feeding trial in 10 Sahiwal calves (8–12 months) comprised of (1) control group (T1) fed with ad libitum chopped UT-WS and (2) treatment group (T2) offered with ad libitum chopped FT-WS, in addition to supplementation of groundnut cake and green berseem (Trifolium alexandrium) forage to both groups. Digestibility of nutrients for dry matter (DM), organic matter, CP, NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose, and total carbohydrates were significantly (P?<?0.05) higher in T2 compared to T1. Moreover, daily DM (P?<?0.05), digestible crude protein (P?<?0.01), and ME intakes were also higher (P?<?0.05) in group T2 with higher (P?<?0.05) nitrogen (N) retention, which resulted in significantly (P?<?0.05) higher average daily gain in body weight (135 vs. 102 g/day). It was concluded that SSF with WRF Crinipellis sp. holds potential in upgrading the nutritional worth of wheat straw for feeding growing calves.  相似文献   

本试验旨在利用尼龙袋法和改良体外三步法评定脂肪粉包被赖氨酸(Lys)的瘤胃降解率及小肠消化率。选用3只安装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的体重为(28.0±2.97)kg的5月龄哈萨克公羊,代谢笼内单笼饲养,每天饲喂棉籽壳200 g、精料500 g、小麦秸400~500 g,余料不超过10%。结果表明,该脂肪粉包被赖氨酸的干物质(DM)及粗蛋白质(CP)在瘤胃内的有效降解率均为20%,瘤胃保护率达到80%。经胃蛋白酶和胰酶培养24 h后,DM及CP的消化率分别达到63.6%和98.8%。综上所述,该脂肪粉包被赖氨酸可作为一种新型有效的反刍动物氨基酸补充形式。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究复合酶(蛋白酶、纤维素酶和木聚糖酶)对临武鸭几种饼粕饲料原料(大豆粕、大豆渣、棉籽粕、2种菜籽粕、花生仁粕、2种芝麻粕)养分利用率和代谢能的影响。试验选用48只体重2.0 kg左右的健康成年临武鸭公鸭,随机分为6组,每组8个重复,每个重复1只鸭。采用绝食强饲-全收粪法进行3个批次代谢试验,每种原料均设对照组和添加复合酶组(试验原料中添加250 mg/kg的复合酶),对每只试验鸭强饲60 g试验原料,内源组强饲60 g无氮饲粮。测定添加复合酶条件下,临武鸭对8个饼粕饲料原料的表观代谢能(AME)、真代谢能(TME)及干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)和粗纤维(CF)表观利用率和真可利用率。结果表明:临武鸭对8个饼粕类原料的DM、CP、EE和CF表观利用率分别为38.85%~62.86%、50.73%~65.39%、50.16%~74.50%和32.32%~46.46%,AM E和TM E分别为6.82~12.72 M J/kg,8.79~14.69 M J/kg,添加复合酶使临武鸭对几种饼粕饲料原料的DM、CP、EE和CF的有效营养改进值(ENIV)分别为6.25~21.70 g/kg、2.60~16.73 g/kg、0.13~8.66 g/kg和0.66~2.74 g/kg,TM E提高了0.19~1.15 M J/kg。由此可知,添加复合酶能够一定程度地提高临武鸭对饼粕饲料原料的养分利用率和代谢能。  相似文献   

Bovine ruminal contents and blood were ensiled with wheat straw, either untreated or treated with 4% NaOH (DM basis), with and without addition of 5% dry molasses. Proportions of ruminal contents, blood, and straw were 45:15:40, wet basis, respectively. Wheat straw also was ensiled alone, and water was added to attain 43% DM. After 60 d, all silages had a desirable aroma. The pH of the ensiled mixtures of ruminal contents, blood, and untreated straw was 4.43 and 4.56, with and without molasses, respectively. Values for silages containing treated straw, with and without molasses, were 5.95 and 7.37, respectively. All silages had substantial levels of lactic acid (2.4 to 4.9%, DM basis). Addition of molasses increased (P less than .01) lactic acid concentrations. In a metabolism trial, 36 wethers were fed a 50% orchardgrass hay basal diet alone or supplemented with ensiled materials (1:1 ratio, DM basis) such that final diets had about 7 and 4% of their DM from ruminal contents and blood, respectively. Among the diets containing the ensiled mixtures, digestibilities of DM, OM, energy, NDF, ADF, cellulose, and hemicellulose were 6 to 20 percentage units higher (P less than .01) for silages containing treated vs untreated straw. Addition of molasses increased apparent digestibility only of CP and only in sheep fed ensiled mixtures with treated straw (interaction of straw treatment x molasses addition, P less than .05). Nitrogen balance was increased (P less than .05) from 1.6 g/d to 2.9 g/d by NaOH treatment of straw. Metabolizable energy was higher (P less than .05) for diets containing silages with NaOH-treated straw.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study was to test if different ratios of fish meal to soy cake as protein supplements in the diet are not significantly different in effects on feed intakes and performance of growing beef cattle fed urea-treated rice straw (URTRS) as basal diet under local conditions in North Vietnam. Thirty-six male cattle of Laisind (50 % local Yellow cattle and 50 % Sindhi, both Bos indicus) at around 12 months of age with an average live weight of 124?±?12 kg at start were used in six groups of the experiment. Six diets named A, B, C, D, E, and F used in the experiment were similar in crude protein (CP) level, except for diet A with no supplementation, but different in fish meal/soy cake ratio based on CP content as follows: diet A 0/0, diet B 100/0, diet C 75/25, diet D 50/50, diet E 25/75, and diet F 0/100. Following a 4-week adaptation period, a comparison period lasted 24 weeks. The total intakes of dry matter (DM), DM from roughage, metabolizable energy (ME), and CP were 6, 7, 6, and 20 % higher in diets B–F than diet A with P values ≤0.05, 0.05, 0.05, and 0.001, respectively. The average daily gain (ADG) was 50 % higher (P?<?0.001) in diets B–F than that in diet A. Compared to diet A, diets B–F had lower feed conversion ratio (FCR)DM, FCRME, and FCRCP by 30, 20, and 30 %, respectively (all at P?<?0.001). There were no significant differences between diets B–F in the intakes, FCRs, and ADG. The apparent digestibility of CP was 12 to 24 % higher (P?<?0.001) in diets B–F than that in diet A. There was a tendency that the apparent digestibilities of DM, CP, and CF were increasing with increasing level of soy cake in this study. The ratio of fish meal to soy cake did not significantly affect feed intakes, ADG, FCR, and apparent nutrient digestibilities of the cattle. Soy cake can therefore be used to partially or fully replace fish meal as a protein supplement in the diet of growing beef cattle fed URTRS without any negative effects on animal performance.  相似文献   

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