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The GnRH antagonist antarelix (Teverelix™) was administered to mares (0.01 mg/kg, i.v., twice a day) during the periovulatory period. In Experiment 1, 20 mares were divided into a treated (A3d−) and a control (Control−) group. A3d− mares received antarelix for 3 days from the day when the dominant follicle (F1) reached 32 mm (D0). In Experiment 2, 10 mares were divided into a treated (A6d+) and a control (Control+) group. A6d+ mares received antarelix for 6 days from D0 and hCG was injected in all animals (1600 IU, i.v.) on D1. Pregnancies were determined 13 days after ovulation. In both experiments, antarelix interrupted or totally abolished the LH surge. In Experiment 1, 5/10 of the A3d− mares (with maximum LH concentrations of 11.6 ng/ml at the beginning of treatment) ovulated at the same time as the Control− mares; the other five mares (with LH concentrations under 5.4 ng/ml) ovulated 13.4±0.6 days later. In Experiment 2, all the A6d+ mares ovulated at the same time as the Control+ mares. In treated mares which ovulated during the treatment, progesterone concentrations and fertility did not differ from control mares. These results demonstrate that in mares: (1) a small elevation of endogenous LH can induce ovulation, (2) ovulation can be postponed approximately 13 days after a 3-day antarelix treatment if initiated just before the preovulatory LH surge, (3) ovulation can be induced by hCG on depressed levels of endogenous LH, (4) the inhibition of the post ovulatory LH surge has no effect either on the corpus luteum or on fertility.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate whether the productivity of rabbit does can be improved, when natural photoperiod is decreasing, by adopting a supplemental lighting program. Three experiments were conducted involving two groups: control, submitted to the natural decreasing photoperiod, and supplemented with a lighting program which provided 14 h light/24 h beginning at 10 weeks of age. In the first experiment, 20 nulliparous does, 10 from each group, were euthanized 8 h after being presented to a buck; the overall number of follicles, whose diameter exceeded 1 mm, was determined macroscopically. The right ovaries were collected, histologically analyzed, and electronically measured. In the second experiment, 30 nulliparous does, 15 from each group, were presented to a buck (day 1). Receptive does were euthanized on day 8 to evaluate embryonic survival (number of normal embryos/ovulation rate). In the third experiment, 48 nulliparous does, 24 from each group, were followed from the first presentation to the buck until the weaning of the first litter. The effect of treatment on reproductive and body weight traits of does, and litter performance traits, at birth and weaning, was evaluated. The average number of follicles whose diameter exceeded 1 mm was higher in the treatment group (12.05±1.07 vs. 8.63±1.00, P=0.037). Receptive does of the treatment group had heavier ovaries relative to those of the control group (790±59 vs. 470±64 mg, P=0.004), whereas no treatment difference regarding this trait was found for non-receptive ones. Treatment had a favorable effect on pregnancy rate of total exposed and of receptive does (80.0% vs. 33.3%, P=0.01, and 92.3% vs. 50.0%, P=0.02, respectively). The number of underdeveloped embryos was lower (0.067±0.380 vs. 2.500±0.455, P=0.004), embryonic survival up to day 8, and uterus weight was higher in the treatment group (0.839±0.075 vs. 0.534±0.087, P=0.033 and 13.83±0.72 vs. 10.99±0.84, P=0.037, respectively). Number of presentations tended to be lower (1.32±0.17 vs. 1.75±0.16, P=0.077) and adjusted litter size in the first reproductive cycle tended to be higher (7.09±0.89 vs. 5.22±0.68, P=0.091) in the treatment group relative to the control group. A supplemental lighting program providing 14 h light/24 h favors reproductive performance of primiparous does; its application may be recommended to increase productivity when natural photoperiod is decreasing.  相似文献   



The moose (Alces alces) is an intensively managed keystone species in Fennoscandia. Several aspects of reproduction in moose have not been fully elucidated, including puberty, timing of mating and oestrus, and the length of the oestrus period. These aspects are relevant for an adaptive management of moose with respect to harvest, population size, demography and environmental conditions. Therefore, an investigation of female moose reproduction was conducted during the moose-hunting period in southern Sweden from 2008 to 2011.


A total of 250 reproductive organs and information on carcass weight and age was collected from four different hunting areas (provinces of Öland, Småland, Södermanland, and Västergötland) in southern Sweden. The results showed that puberty in female moose varied with carcass weight, age, and time of season. The period for oestrous/mating lasted from about mid September to the beginning of November.


The oestrus period (predominantly for heifers) is longer than previously reported and was not finished when the hunting period started. Sampling the uterine cervix to detect spermatozoa was a useful method to determine if mating had occurred. To avoid hunting of moose during oestrus, we suggest that the hunting period should be postponed by at least 14 days in southern Sweden.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to optimize quantitatively the amplification of specific sperm genes in reference genomically characterized Saanen goat and to evaluate the standardized protocols applicability on sperms of uncharacterized genome of rural goats reared under subtropical environment for inclusion in future selection programs. The optimization of the protocols in Saanen sperms included three production genes (growth hormone (GH) exons 2, 3, and 4, αS1-casein (CSN1S1), and α-lactalbumin) and two health genes (MHC class II DRB and prion (PrP)). The optimization was based on varying the primers concentrations and the inclusion of a PCR cosolvent (Triton X). The impact of the studied variables on statistically significant increase in the yield of amplicons was noticed in four out of five (80%) optimized protocols, namely in those related to GH, CSN1S1, α-lactalbumin, and PrP genes (P??0.05). The applicability of the optimized protocols of Saanen sperm genes on amplification of uncharacterized rural goat sperms revealed a 100% success in tested individuals for amplification of GH, CSN1S1, α-lactalbumin, and MHC class II DRB genes and a 75% success for the PrP gene. The significant success in applicability of the Saanen quantitatively optimized protocols to other uncharacterized genome of rural goats allows for their inclusion in future selection, targeting the sustainability of this farming system in a subtropical environment and the improvement of the farmers livelihood.  相似文献   

The rapid accumulation of organic acids, particularly lactate, has been suggested as the main cause of ruminal acidosis(RA) for ruminants fed high-concentrate diets. Previous research has shown that a gradual shift from low-to high-concentrate diets within 4 to 5 weeks effectively reduces the risk for RA.However, the mechanisms remain unknown. In this study, 20 goats were randomly allocated into four groups(n = 5) and fed with a diet containing a weekly increasing concentrate portion of 20%, 40%...  相似文献   

2000年5月~2006年7月连续6 a对香江野生动物园人工散养条件下不同品种混养的火烈鸟繁殖行为采用随机观察,个别焦点跟踪和持续跟踪观察等方法进行了系统的研究,结果表明除繁殖期不同外,混养的古巴火烈鸟与大火烈鸟的繁殖行为相似;混养的古巴火烈鸟没有与大火烈鸟发生过交配行为.  相似文献   



Heart rate and plasma cortisol concentration are often used in evaluation of physiological reactions to stress and fear, but arterial blood pressure is rarely measured in farm animals. Goats are prey animals and can be expected to react strongly to a predator, especially when they have kids. We hypothesized that exposure to a dog elicits a flight response during pregnancy and a fight response when goats have kids to defend. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate should increase in both these cases, due to a synchronized discharge of the sympathetic nervous system.


Seven goats were exposed to a dog for 15 minutes at 12 ± 3 days before, and again at 10 ± 1 days after, parturition. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and activity were registered by telemetry. Behavioral data were collected during 5 minute sessions, followed by blood samples obtained via intrajugular catheters. Plasma cortisol concentration was analyzed by radioimmunoassay.


At the appearance of the dog, the mean arterial blood pressure of the goats increased from 90 ± 8 to 111 ± 8 mmHg (p < 0.001) during pregnancy and from 96 ± 8 to 108 ± 8 mmHg during lactation (p < 0.001). Heart rate did not change at dog exposure during lactation, but increased from 117 ± 6 to 126 ± 10 beats/min (p < 0.01) during pregnancy. Dog exposure resulted in plasma cortisol concentration increasing from 17 ± 1 to 43 ± 7 nmol/l (p < 0.01) during pregnancy and from 21 ± 1 to 49 ± 6 nmol/l (p < 0.01) during lactation. In response to the dog, goats vocalized at a higher frequency and started to ruminate later during lactation compared to pregnancy.


When goats were exposed to a dog during pregnancy, their heart rate, blood pressure, and plasma cortisol increased, in contrast to lactation when only their blood pressure and plasma cortisol increased. However, when they were lactating, goats vocalized more and started to ruminate later compared to when they were pregnant.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking densities of 30, 35, 40 and 45 kg body weight (BW)/m2 on the growth performance of Ross 308 and Hubbard broiler chickens were studied in a 49-day production period. Ross 308 was superior to Hubbard in weight gain and market weight and consumed more feed (p < 0.05) but the strains did not differ significantly in feed efficiency, mortality rate and abdominal fatness. Overall, birds raised at stocking densities of 30, 35 and 40 kg BW/m2 performed equally well in weight gain, feed consumption and 49-day live weight and outperformed those raised at 45 kg BW/m2 (p < 0.05). It is suggested that for profitable broiler production under tropical conditions Ross 308 and stocking density of 40 kg BW/m2 be considered.  相似文献   

Horse reproduction tends to be seasonal. The main adjusting factor in their original temperate ranges is photoperiod variation, although it is absent in equatorial areas where horses were introduced by European colonizers. Hence, dates of reproduction in these areas may be influenced by factors affecting mares’ conditions and the success of foaling. Here we study reproductive timing in Creole horses in Ecuador reared in an extensive production system. We found that foaling peaked in August. Mares’ conditions showed one peak in June‐July, before the start of the breeding season, and another in December, and it was highly variable along the year. Mares’ conditions increased after a period of vegetation growth and thus appeared negatively associated with the increment of grass greenness (normalized difference vegetation index data). Seasonal flooding of some pasturelands during March and April appeared to seriously impair mares’ conditions and probably influenced the timing of foaling toward the dry season. Our results evidenced that horse breeding in these equatorial areas tended to be seasonal and point to some key factors that influence phenology by affecting body condition of mares, which may have implications for horse biology and management.  相似文献   

Adult goats (n = 32) were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (n = 8, each): (i) progesterone (P4) + equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), treated with 25 mg progesterone intramuscularly (i.m.) + 250 IU eCG 24 h later; (ii) cronolone + eCG, treated with vaginal sponges ‐ 20 mg cronolone × 7 days + 250 IU eCG at pessary removal; (ii) P4 + estradiol (E2), treated with 25 mg progesterone i.m. + 1 mg estradiol 24 h later; (iv) cronolone + E2, treated with vaginal sponges ‐ 20 mg cronolone × 7 days + 1 mg of estradiol i.m. at pessary removal. Goats were tested for estrus throughout the presence of a buck. Seven days prior and after treatment, an ovarian ultrasonographic scanning was performed to determine ovarian function and structures. An ultrasonographic pregnancy diagnosis was performed on day 30 post‐service. In all groups, 100% estrus response was observed within 96 h post‐treatment. While ovulation occurred in 100% of P4 + eCG and cronolone + eCG treated goats, the other groups only depicted 50% ovulatory activity (P < 0.05). Pregnancy rate was higher (P <0.05) in the P4 + eCG and cronolone + eCG groups (88 and 100%, respectively), compared with 38% in P4 + E2 and cronolone + E2 groups. The best treatments were those in which eCG was applied. The P4 + eCG treatment was a pessary‐free, cheaper and effective protocol to induce ovulation in goats during the seasonal anovulatory period.  相似文献   

本试验旨在探讨应用智能监控系统对荷斯坦泌乳牛发情揭发率和受胎率的改善情况.试验选用澳亚集团东营神州澳亚四场的2 237头泌乳天数为40~200d的各胎次荷斯坦泌乳牛,随机分为2组,未佩带项圈的806头为对照组,另一组佩带有项圈的1 431头为试验组.对照组依靠尾根涂蜡笔进行发情揭发,试验组依靠智能监控系统进行发情揭发,...  相似文献   

The life history of many animals includes periods of food shortage. Two behavioral strategies are involved in small mammals in response to food shortage: an increase in activity behavior, representing the increased foraging or migratory behavior, and a decrease in activity level, serving as a mechanism for conserving energy. However, it is uncertain whether animals adopt both strategies in response to food shortage, and whether hormone and neuroendocrine mechanisms are involved in both strategies. In the present study, changes in behavior and metabolic rate were examined in food‐deprived striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis). The effects of leptin supplement on activity behavior, metabolic rate and hypothalamic neuropeptide gene expression were also examined. The behavior of food‐deprived hamsters significantly changed with photoperiod phases: with increasing activity during the dark phase compared to those fed ad libitum, whereas decreasing activity and simultaneously increasing resting behavior during the light phase. Resting metabolic rate, body mass, and masses of fat depots and digestive tracts significantly decreased in food‐deprived hamsters compared with ad libitum controls. Leptin supplement tended to attenuate the increased activity in the dark phase. Gene expression of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) was significantly upregulated in food‐deprived hamsters, while was significantly attenuated by exogenous leptin. These findings suggest that both behavior strategies are important behavioral adjustments in free‐living animals to cope with food shortage. Leptin and hypothalamic NPY gene expression may be involved in the adjustments of physiology and behavior in animals demonstrating a hyperactivity strategy in response to food shortage.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether any relationship exists between exposure to artificial long days, milk yield, maternal plasma insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) levels, and kid growth rate in goats. One group of lactating goats was maintained under naturally decreasing day length (control group; n = 19), while in another one, they were kept under artificial long days (LD group; n = 19). Milk yield was higher in goats from the LD group than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Maternal IGF‐1 levels at day 57 of lactation were higher (P < 0.05) in goats from the LD group than the levels in the control group and were positively correlated with the total milk yields per goat at days 43 and 57 of lactation (r = 0.77 and r = 0.84, respectively; P < 0.01). Daily weight gain at week 4 was higher (P < 0.01) in kids from the LD group than that in kids from the control group and was correlated with total and average IGF‐1 maternal levels (r = 0.60 and r = 0.60, P < 0.05). It was concluded that submitting lactating goats to artificial long days increases milk yield, plasma IGF‐1 maternal levels and the growth rate of the kids.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate physiological and behavioral effects of the exposure to plant‐derived odorants in Holstein steers (8 month of age) under the acute stress of social isolation in a novel environment. Each steer was tethered in a new room alone and exposed to one of three odorants: a mixture of equal amounts of trans‐2‐hexenal and cis‐3‐hexenol (green odor, GO; n = 5), essential oil of grapefruits (EOG; n = 5) and solvent (SOL; n = 6). Behaviors were recorded and blood samples were taken at intervals of 10–15 min for 6 h. Compared with SOL, exposure to GO or EOG decreased the frequency of vocalization (P < 0.05), shortened the latency period before the onset of rumination (P < 0.05) and increased the duration of rumination (P < 0.05). Plasma cortisol concentrations in steers exposed to plant‐derived odorants (GO and EOG) during 90–130 min from commencement of sampling were significantly lower (P < 0.05) compared with SOL. These results suggest that appeasing effects of plant‐derived odorants on behavioral and physiological stress responses previously reported in laboratory rodents could be also be expected in steers.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare old layers' level of welfare and performance between conventional and large furnished cages under hot environmental conditions. At the age of 80 weeks, 104 Boris Brown layers were divided into two groups: 12 conventional cages (two hens/cage) and four large furnished cages (20 hens/cage, 240 cm wide × 62 cm deep). The room temperature was set to fluctuate between 25 and 33°C in a day. The hens' behavior, immune response, performance and physical condition were measured. Aggression and moving were more frequent in furnished than in conventional cages (P < 0.05 for both items). Egg production (P < 0.05), egg mass (P < 0.05) and feed conversion ratio (P < 0.01) were better in conventional cages than in furnished cages. No significant differences were found in the birds' immune responses or physical condition between the cage designs. In conclusion, under a hot environment, the performance of old layers in large furnished cages was lower compared with that in small conventional cages, which might be due to their greater aggressive interactions. However, it was not evident that welfare level was lower in large furnished cages compared with conventional cages. Hereafter, additional studies about large furnished cages using young layers over a long term should be performed.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay (EIA) that used the second antibody coating technique and the cortisol-horseradish peroxidase conjugate as a label for determination of free and total cortisol in blood plasma of dairy animals (cows, buffaloes, and goats) was developed. For biological validation of the EIA, blood samples were collected from the animals at 48 and 24 h before and 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, and 132 h after dexamethasone administration. The EIA was performed directly with 20 μL of fresh plasma (for free cortisol) and also with 20 μL of heat-treated plasma (for total cortisol) after 1:5 dilutions with PBS. Cortisol standards ranging from 0.39 to 200 pg/well/20 μL were used, and the sensitivity of the EIA procedure was found to be 0.39 pg/well/20 μL, which corresponded to 0.02 ng/mL. In comparison with RIA the EIA was at least 4 times more sensitive and required 5 times less cortisol antiserum. In female cattle, buffaloes, and goats, the total, free, and bound plasma cortisol before dexamethasone administration was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the total, free, and bound cortisol after dexamethasone administration. It can be concluded from these studies that the direct, sensitive EIA validated for estimating the free and total cortisol concentrations was sufficiently reliable and quick for studying the dynamics of cortisol distribution in blood plasma of dairy animals.  相似文献   

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