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文章深入地论述了目前江苏农村能源状况及其消费结构。认为从70年代后期到现在,农村的烧柴矛盾已有缓和。1986年全省农村生活人均年耗秸秆,薪柴量已达286公斤标准煤,合计用能为1680.62万吨标煤,占农村总能耗2809.18万吨标煤的59.83%;农村生产用能1128.5万吨,占40.17%。农村生活用能仍以薪柴,秸秆生物质能源为主,煤、电、燃油等商品能源为辅。其发展趋势是商品能源消耗和生产用能逐年上升。同时,在较好地分析了薪炭林在农村能源中的作用,地位和对现实薪材年产量、2000年薪材年产量测算的基础上,对江苏省薪炭林类型区进行了科学地划分。  相似文献   

云南省农村耗能是以薪柴为主,年薪材消耗量为3252万m~3,其中67%是薪材(成材),枝桠柴仅占33%。全省现有薪炭林的面积、蓄积远不能满足农村对薪材的需要。为解决农村能源,主要途径是发展薪炭林。另需推广节能灶、鼓励农民多烧枝桠柴等等,以减少全省森林资源的消耗,要发展薪炭林,就需要加强领导,积极宣传,重视薪炭林的规划、改造及薪炭林树种的选择。  相似文献   

一、农村能源资源现状 (一)资源状况 1.薪材:据1976年森林资源清查资料,陕南地区有薪炭林720.37万亩,每亩年产薪材约500公斤,总产约360.19万吨;灌木林1434.92万亩,每亩年产薪材约40公斤,总产约57.40万吨,两项合计417.59万吨。陕南薪炭林是历年过伐过采后遗留下来  相似文献   

我国薪炭林建设的现状、问题和对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许传德 《防护林科技》1997,(4):25-27,33
我国有9亿农村人口,薪材是广大农村,乃至一些小城镇群众生活的主要燃料来源。据统计,目前全国农村能源年消费量近6亿t标准煤,约占全国能源总消费量的40%,农村能源消费量比改革开放初期增加了近一倍,其中消费薪材25亿t,折合标准煤1.43亿t,占全国农村能源年消费量的24,2%,占全国农村生活用能年消费量的34%。随着经济发展和人口增长,农村能源消费量有不断增长的趋势。目前不少地方植被稀少,薪材短缺,群众生产、生活用能十分紧张,特别是由于自然生态环境等条件的制约,中西部广大地区经济发展相对滞后,一些地区温饱问题还未…  相似文献   

近年来,随着人口的增长和工业高速发展,许多国家出现开发能源的新潮流;菲律宾营造大面积速生银合欢薪炭林,努力实现“木材发电计划”;美国计划在20年内使森林及其他生物能源的利用量,由目前占全国的2.5%提高到10—20%。薪炭林是我国农村重要的生活、生产能源,据统计,我国农村每年要燃烧掉3亿多吨秸秆,8000多万立方米木材,平均每人每年要烧柴328公斤。许多地方由于薪材紧缺,不得不将良好的建设用材作了薪材烧掉;我区有50%的薪材取  相似文献   

以典型中心抽样和机械抽样理论为基础,结合农村能源特点,拟定了农村能源的调查方法,将陕西省划分为10个农村能源类型区,按分区作了调查。陕西省农村每年耗能9.346×10~(13)千卡,折合1335万吨标准煤。全省每年烧掉薪材1069万吨,占农村总耗能的41.2%;烧掉秸杆655万吨,占农村总耗能的20%。农村能源消耗中生活用能与87%,生产用能占13%。不同类型区耗能水平、能源结构、生产用能和生活用能的比例差异很大。  相似文献   

1中南、西南地区发展薪炭林的意义本文中的中南及西南区指:湖南、湖北、广东、广西、海南、云南、贵州等七省(区)。新炭林是一个重要的林种,它是与用村林、经济林、防护林、和特用林并列的五大林种之一。薪材是我国农村的主要能源。据国家林业局中南院的测算,截止1993年底,七省区现有森林的薪材生产力为5286.3万吨,薪制的社会需求量为8209.1万吨,薪材的承载度(薪材满足社会需求的程度为155.3%。由此可知,七省区现有森林对社会薪材需求在作超负荷承载,实际需要量超过森林薪材生产力的55%以上。为解决这一矛盾,必须扩大薪材一…  相似文献   

当今,世界的木材生产,47%用作薪材,印度农村薪材占农村能源的64%,发展中国家的农村薪材占农村能源的60%左右,可见农村能源林是一个世界上的问题。一、发展能源林的重要性吉林省农村约有130万缺柴户,按每户需一万斤,以解决50%计算,每年需柴325万吨。现在全省全部薪柴林总量约有6万吨,不足一年需要量的2%,为了满足农民生活的基本需要,必须发展农村能源林。  相似文献   

会泽县大部分生活在边远山区和高寒地区的群众,农村能源只能以薪材为主.分析发展薪炭林建设的重要性和必要性,指出发展薪炭林不仅可解决农村能源问题,同时可起到保护森林资源、扩大有林地面积、改善生态环境的综合功效,并以此提出了合理发展薪炭林建设的构想.  相似文献   

1985—1990年在广西南宁等4个试验点用32个薪材树种进行试验,通过对生长量、萌芽力、抗性、热值和发热量等多项指标的综合比较分析,筛选出分别适合于不同立地栽培的优良薪材树种共11个。这些薪材树种5年生时每公顷的年生物量折合标准煤9吨以上,效益显著,为广西发展薪材林提供了优质高产和适应性强的树种。  相似文献   

本文简要地阐明了湖南省森林能源的资源量及消费现状,提出了一个森林能源需求预测的数学模型,并对全省2000年森林能源的需求量进行了预测。结果表明,到2000年,全省农村人口生活与生产所需森林能源量为13071000t标煤。以1986年可供森林能源资源量为基准,尚需发展森林能源7457300t标煤,任务极为艰巨,必须加强规划,搞好薪炭林基地建设。  相似文献   

Fuelwood demand and supply in Rwanda and the role of agroforestry   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Fuelwood in Rwanda is assumed to come from forests and woodlands, thus contributing to large-scale deforestation. Available studies on fuelwood demand and supply support this assumption and indicate a continuously rising demand of fuelwood, notably from forest plantations. These assertions are insufficiently substantiated as existing forest stock may not be depleted by rapid increase in demand for food and energy resources resulting from population growth, but rather from the need for agricultural land. Evidence suggests that the demands for fuelwood, in addition to other sources of energy, is supplied from agroforestry systems which has not been quantified so far. This review analyses sources and use of fuelwood in Rwanda, indicating the importance of on-farms trees and woodlots in fuelwood supply. It is concluded that the effect of fuelwood consumption on land use is difficult to disentangle as many other factors including land clearing for agriculture, livestock farming, human settlements, illegal cutting of valuable timber species, the demand for charcoal in towns and past conflicts, contributed significantly to the high rate of deforestation in the country. If fuelwood demand is to be met on a sustainable basis, more fuelwood has to be produced on agricultural lands and in forest plantations through species site matching and proper management.  相似文献   

日益恶化的环境已经引起全人类的高度重视,保护环境、重建森林以保护我们的家园已经成为全世界共同的呼声,但即使如此,人们对环境和森林的破坏却一天都没有停止,其中由薪炭林砍伐造成的环境问题尤为突出。本文就本溪地区薪炭林经营的实际情况,揭示了山区农村薪炭林经营和发展中存在的问题,探讨了薪炭林可持续发展和利用的对策。  相似文献   

Biomass plays a vital role in the energy supply of many developing countries. It is the major energy source for the rural population of Nepal, where 70 % of the total energy is derived from woody plant biomass in the form of fuelwood. The main aim of this study is to describe the fuelwood consumption pattern and the role of community forests and trees on private farmland in biomass supply to rural households in Nepal. The study investigates whether demography and socioeconomic attributes of households affect fuelwood consumption. A household survey was conducted, along with measurements of fuelwood mass for six community forest user groups in Dolakha district of Nepal. Average daily household fuelwood consumption was estimated to be 8.4 kg, giving a mean annual consumption of 3060 kg per household. Per capita fuelwood consumption per day was found to be 1.7 kg. Total fuelwood consumption of households is significantly correlated with household size, ownership of cultivated irrigated terraces and number of livestock per household, and negatively significantly correlated with ownership of cultivated rain-fed terraces. Fuelwood consumption varies significantly between seasons. Among various sources of biomass energy, fuelwood from community forests contributes 23 % and trees on private farmland contribute 12 %. The rest is provided from other biomass sources, including the remains of fodder collected from private farmland vegetation, wood previously used for fences and trellises in private farmland, crop residues, and purchased fuelwood.  相似文献   

薪材是当今发展中国家农村的主要能源,消耗量大,热能利用率低,造成森林资源的严重浪费。本文重点从森林资源现有量、消耗量、消费结构、利用水平等方面分析,研究薪材消耗现状、存在的问题,力求找出中国2.5亿t标准煤薪材消耗量的最佳“节流”对策,供研究我国木材自给问题参考。  相似文献   

借鉴国内外采矿废弃区退化森林的恢复重建经验,阐述了萍乡采矿废弃区退化森林的恢复、重建技术,并总结提出了萍乡采矿废弃区退化森林的恢复、重建的措施。  相似文献   

The relation between fuelwood use and fuelwood quality and quantity was studied in two northern Namibian rural communities with different levels of fuelwood availability. Household surveys were conducted and fuelwood quality was assessed through laboratory studies. The study found differences in fuelwood use and adaptation of liveli-hoods to fuelwood availability. Where there was an abundance of quality fuelwood, the community chose fuelwood intuitively in accordance with the optimum physical properties and in a sustainable way. A fuelwood shortage, however, was found to impact negatively on work and social practices and fuelwood was collected through destructive harvesting practices, such as the cutting of green branches, and without consideration for optimum timber properties, such as tree age and calorific value.  相似文献   

在四川盆地通过引进国内外薪材树种和选择乡土薪材树种,进行栽植密度、始伐年龄、轮伐期等试验研究,结果表明:从引进的8个新材树种中,选择出任豆为适宜生长的树种,新银合欢、黑荆、荆为为适宜部分地区生长的树种;从13个乡土薪材树(草)种中筛选出桤木、刺槐、麻栎、栓皮栎、马桑、卵花甜茅等为比较优良的薪材树(草)种。桤木、刺槐、马桑等薪炭林的合理造林密度为10000株(丛)/ha;麻栎、栓皮栎为6000~7000株(丛)/ha;印花甜茅以行距1m为宜。桤木、刺槐、麻栎、栓皮栎等薪炭林,始伐年龄不超过5年,轮供期3~6年;马桑薪炭林始伐年龄为3~4年,轮伐期2~3年、印花甜茅栽植1年后平茬,以后每年采收。合理的造林密度、始伐年龄、轮伐期,能使选择的几个树种提高生物产量1.0~2.5倍。  相似文献   

During the early eighties farmers in north-west India planted Eucalyptus on a massive scale for sale as poles and pulpwood. However, after 1986 farmers in this region have almost stopped growing Eucalyptus, as their experience with its marketing was not a happy one. The pole market got saturated, paper mills did not pay a remunerative price, and fuelwood prices were low and uneconomical. More important, because of legal restrictions on the transport and sale of wood, and other institutional factors, the gap in the farmgate price and the consumer price remained very wide. Wood markets have, on the whole, exploited the farmers, rather than helped them. Due to this, the short period of flirtation with tree crops seems to be over for at least resident farmers in those very areas in north-west India where they had so enthusiastically planted Eucalyptus in the early 1980s.Abbreviations BDO Block Development Officer - Headloaders poor people who collect firewood on their heads from forest lands for consumption and sale - m ha million hectares - Rs Indian Rupee 16 Rs = 1 US Dollar in 1989 - panchayat elected village organisation - pradhan village chief On study leave from the Government of India to the Oxford Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RB, U.K. Present address: 17 Ponnappa Road, Allahabad 211001, India  相似文献   

Fuelwood is the main source of energy for various household uses in many developing countries; and management of tree resources where it is obtained can be best undertaken when household choice patterns are understood. In this paper, households’ decision to obtain fuelwood for domestic consumption as influenced by household and fuelwood source characteristics is analyzed using a multinomial probit regression model. Data is obtained from 254 randomly selected household drawn from Mbarali district, south-western Tanzania. Results indicate that households are heavily dependent on natural forests for household energy provision and that the choice to obtain fuelwood from the forest, farm or market depends, among other factors on the availability of preferred fuelwood tree species at these sources. Acacia tortilis, Brachystegia spp. and Faidherbia albida are the significantly preferred tree species and hence affect the decision of where to obtain fuelwood. This revelation highlights the pressure applied to surrounding forests as well as to the aforementioned tree species which require immediate management interventions. The gender of the household head and whether the household lives in peri-urban or rural areas also influence choice of fuelwood source. Promotion of tree planting and on-farm management of tree species similar to preferred species found in natural forests is recommended. To the extent that consumer preferences are likely to change over time, further research using panel datasets is necessary to unravel inter-temporal preferences for fuelwood sources.  相似文献   

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