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Studies of the behavior of Amazon parrots throughout a reproductive trial indicate that activities such as food gathering, which may occupy large fractions of the activity budget of wild parrots, occupy little time in captivity. This may be one factor contributing to the large percentage of time during which Amazon parrots are generally inactive in typical captive conditions. The extent of inactivity in captive Amazons creates an open time niche wherein enrichment devices might play a role in improving their well being. Studies of the reproductive endocrinology and the behavior of parrots suggest that hand rearing may impair adult fertility and nest box use. Hand rearing may also cause adult Cockatiels to lay eggs on cage floors rather than in nest boxes. However, the use of nest boxes with oversized nest entrances can be very effective in alleviating chronic floor laying in Cockatiels. Another egg-laying problem in Cockatiels, unwanted egg laying, can be prevented by the use of long-acting formulations of the superactive GnRH agonist, leuprolide acetate, which presumably [figure: see text] acts in birds, as in mammals, by down-regulating pituitary GnRH receptors. Manipulations to limit the increases in prolactin normally seen during incubation in poultry can significantly increase egg production. As clutch size in Cockatiels may also be limited by rising prolactin levels, such manipulations may be effective in stimulating egg production in parrots. An alternative approach for increasing flock egg production is to place foster eggs in nests of Cockatiel pairs that are slow to lay. This technique stimulates males to increase their nest-oriented behavior and, subsequently, may stimulate egg laying in some females that might not otherwise have laid eggs. The parental phases of reproduction in Amazon parrots are often a time of heightened aggressiveness towards humans, but low levels of serum testosterone in males during that time suggest that this particular interspecies aggressiveness may not be dependent on elevated testosterone levels. Occasional human handling during the nestling stage may produce a degree of tameness comparable with hand-reared chicks, yet not impair adult reproductive performance. Such handling may also alter the immune status of captive parrots, and possibly reduce the serum corticosterone response to handling. If so, occasional human handling during the nestling stage could improve the adaptation of parrots to captivity.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs were collected from 280 captive psittacine birds belonging to 13 species. Samples of dna were tested by PCR using a pair of primers that amplify a 284 base pair fragment of the Salmonella genus invA gene, and the PCR-positive samples were tested by standard microbiological techniques. Thirteen per cent of the samples were positive by PCR, but negative by microbiological techniques. The infection rates were significantly different among the 13 species, the most commonly infected being Amazona amazonica (28 per cent) and Amazona pretrei (20 per cent). Specific tests for Salmonella Typhimurium Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Pullorum and Salmonella Gallinarum did not produce positive results.  相似文献   

Psittacines and other companion avian species often develop wounds requiring some form of medical or surgical therapy. Advancing technology in the field of wound care and management continues to evolve for use by the veterinary clinician. Although not all wounds can be successfully treated, many can be reduced and minimized with therapy. Consideration of the overall health, management, and nutrition of the avian patient will also aid in wound management. The avian patient with normal immune function and optimal nutrition will have improved wound healing compared with an immunocompromized or malnourished patient. The duration of treatment and potential stress of the wound-management program should also be taken into consideration when selecting a treatment program for the avian patient.  相似文献   

Infections of avian polyomavirus (APV) are known to cause fatal disease in a wide range of psittacine and non-psittacine birds. Here, we present a survey to investigate the existence of subpopulation of persistent or subclinically infected parrots inside the population of captive psittacine birds in Germany. DNA was isolated from feathers of 85 symptom-free birds from 20 different genera (all psittaciformes) taken from 30 different breeders from all over Germany. The presence of APV was analysed by performing polymerase chain reaction assays (PCR). APV was detected in none of the samples, indicating that the existence of a subpopulation of captive psittacine birds having a persistent APV infection in Germany seems to be relatively low.  相似文献   

These few subjects are only a small fragment of the scope of pediatric medicine but are critical in their impact. The depth of material needed to cover the subject adequately should fill a textbook. If, however, aviculturists could master these seven areas, the numbers of babies requiring medical or surgical therapy would decrease dramatically. The entire purpose of preventive medical management is actually the elimination of medicine as it is practiced today. That goal, as desirable as it is, is quite some time off, and education remains the key to improving the quality of the lives and future of our patients. Attention to detail and the comprehension of normal physiology of these nondomestic (and generally tropical zone origin) birds will lead to great inroads in understanding the true underlying cause of pediatric problems; improved patient recovery rates; and a better appreciation of the nebulous but critical relationships among potential pathogens, infection, disease, performance, and productivity. Given our truly limited technical position, the veterinarian who learns to use the environment for the patient's health is light years ahead of what you can purchase for the purpose of actively forcing the direction of a complex situation.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to estimate the occurrence of malaria infection among captive psittacine birds (n=127) from three zoological gardens in Brazil. Malaria infection was evaluated by the association of direct examination of blood smears with amplification of the 18SSU rRNA gene of the Plasmodium genus, demonstrating an overall occurrence of 36%. Most infected bird species were Amazona aestiva (28/73), Ara ararauna (6/10), and Amazona amazonica (3/10). The low parasitemias observed among the infected birds suggest a chronic infection. The sequence analyses of 10 isolates indicate a potential occurrence of four distinct Plasmodium lineages. These findings provide new data on malarial infection in captive psittacine birds, and emphasize the need for better control of importation and exportation of these birds.  相似文献   

Of 117 imported psittacine birds examined for the presence of blood parasites, 18 (15-3 per cent) were found to be infected. The most common parasites were microfilaria and Haemoproteus, but Aegyptianella and a Trypanosoma sp were also observed. Haemoproteus handai was diagnosed in several birds and for the first time in lesser sulphur-crested cockatoos. The significance of the parasites observed is discussed and also that of other haematozoa recorded from psittacines but not found during the present survey.  相似文献   

Feather-picking and self-mutilation behaviors are common in psittacine birds. These behaviors are best defined as stereotypic behaviors or obsessive compulsive disorders. There is likely a genetic predisposition for these behaviors as reflected in the overrepresentation of a number of species of psittacines. Stereotypies most often result from a high level of arousal and the inability to respond with the appropriate natural behaviors. More specifically, conflict may be induced by the absence of releasing stimuli or target objects. On a chemical level, stereotypic behavior appears to be related to an increased dopaminergic activity and an increased dopamine turnover. Feather-picking and self-mutilation patients are challenging to treat and are most likely to respond to treatment at an early stage of development. The best results are obtained by identifying and removing the cause of conflict, enhancing the environment, using appropriate drugs when indicated, and employing counter-conditioning.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although protein electrophoresis (EPH) has been widely applied in human and veterinary medicine, it has only recently been implemented in the analysis of avian samples. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the application of protein EPH to the analysis of psittacine plasma samples. Our goals were to describe protein fraction mobility, establish reference intervals for some common species, determine the coefficient of variation (CV) of the chosen method, and examine the effects of sample handling and sample condition. METHODS: Heparinized plasma samples from several common psittacine species (minimum sample size 50 each) were examined using the Beckman Paragon system and SPEP-II gels. Total protein was measured by refractometry. Reference intervals (95%) were calculated by the rank methods. RESULTS: Fraction migration patterns were found to vary among common psittacine species. Day-to-day CV for the EPH fractions ranged from 2.2% to 10.5%; within-run CV ranged from 4.8% to 10.8%; and total CV ranged from 3.2% to 14.8%. The highest CV was noted for the poorly defined alpha-globulin fraction. Prolonged refrigeration, repeated freeze-thawing, hemolysis, and lipemia altered the results. CONCLUSIONS: Protein fractions from psittacine species were variable in terms of migration pattern and protein concentration, which necessitates the use of species-specific reference intervals. Avian protein electrophoretic patterns and values should be interpreted based on knowledge of the CV associated with the technique as well as on the effects of sample handling and condition.  相似文献   

The "average" small animal practitioner who sees pet birds in practice comes across a variety of bacterial, fungal, protozoal, viral, and chlamydial diseases. Diagnosis and treatment of some are relatively uncomplicated, but many psittacine diseases remain enigmatic. Ante-mortem diagnosis of some diseases is extremely difficult. The clinician must often rely on combinations of clinical signs, clinical pathology, and experience to diagnose many bird diseases correctly. Many viral diseases are devastating to collections and have no cure, preventive program, or even well-documented modes of transmission. Some psittacine syndromes have yet to be definitively associated with a particular infectious agent. Get to know your local federal, state, and private diagnostic laboratories. Good relationships with other avian practitioners, both locally and through the Association of Avian Veterinarians can be extremely helpful. (See the article on sources of information.)  相似文献   

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