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An 8-year-old, entire male crossbreed dog had a 2-day history of abdominal pain and straining to urinate and defecate. A diagnosis of urolithiasis with urinary retention, and probable prostatitis was made. The dog was treated with fluids and enrofloxacin. Five days later, ultrasonography of the prostate showed two hypoechoic areas compatible with abscesses. Twelve hours later, the patient started to urinate from the rectum during micturition and urethrorectal fistula was diagnosed. The omentalization of the prostatic abscesses and castration were performed and calculi were removed. The urethrorectal fistula was treated conservatively with an indwelling urinary catheter, a low residue diet and antibiotics. The dog recovered uneventfully without recurrence of the fistula.  相似文献   

An artificial insemination programme was carried out to study the effect of factors such as depth of semen deposition, inseminator skill, farm, sire and expression of oestrus on pregnancy rate in Murciano-Granadina (MG) goats during non-breeding season and using frozen semen. Frozen-thawed semen from six males was applied by three technicians to inseminate a total of 551 goats in 17 farms distributed throughout the Mediterranean area of Spain. Pregnancy rate was determined at 6 weeks after insemination by transabdominal ecography. Overall pregnancy rate was 57%. Farm and depth of semen deposition affected pregnancy rate, whereas the sire and the technician had no effect. The deeper the semen was deposited in the genital tract, the higher was the rate of pregnancy obtained, being greater when the catheter reached the uterus. In spite of the relevant difference observed (48.2% vs 59.0%), pregnancy rate of females not coming into oestrus until 30 h after sponge removal was not significantly different, compared with those showing oestrus during the OD procedure. In conclusion, our field assay data on AI in MG goat with frozen-thawed semen showed that post-cervical insemination presented significantly greater pregnancy rate in comparison to when semen is deposited in the vagina or in the caudal part of the cervix.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of epididymal spermatozoa is often performed after shipping the excised testis–epididymis complexes, under refrigeration, to a specialized laboratory. However, epididymal spermatozoa can be collected immediately after excision of the epididymis and sent extended and refrigerated to a laboratory for cryopreservation. In this experiment, we evaluated the effect of both methods of cold storage bovine epididymal spermatozoa as well as of two different extenders on spermatozoa characteristics after freeze–thawing. For that, spermatozoa collected from the caudae epididymis of 19 bulls were extended and cryopreserved in either AndroMed® or a Tris–egg yolk (TEY)‐based extender. Cryopreservation of sperm cells was performed immediately after castration (Group A, n = 9) or after cold storage for 24 h diluted in the two extenders and (Group B, n = 9) and also after cold storage for 24 h within the whole epididymis (Group C, n = 10). Sperm subjective progressive motility (light microscopy), plasma membrane integrity (hypoosmotic swelling test) and sperm viability (eosin–nigrosin) were evaluated. In vitro fertilization and culture (IVF) was performed to assess the blastocyst rate. No differences (p > 0.05) were observed on post‐thaw sperm parameters between samples from Group A, B and C. TEY extended samples presented a higher (p < 0.01) percentage of progressive motile and live sperm, than those extended in AndroMed®. Blastocyst rate after IVF differed only (p < 0.05) between the reference group (IVF performed with frozen semen with known in vitro fertility) and Group A extended in AndroMed®. We conclude that when cryopreservation facilities are distant from the collection site, bovine epididymal sperm can be shipped chilled overnight either within the epididymal tail or after dilution without deleterious effect on post‐thaw sperm quality. TEY extender was more suitable for cold storage and freezing bovine epididymal sperm, than the commercial extender AndroMed®.  相似文献   

Bulls shedding bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in semen and simultaneously having a high concentration of circulating antibodies may cause reproductive problems and spread the viral infection within cattle populations. To investigate this in detail, three heifers were inseminated with BVDV‐infected semen from a non‐viraemic, seropositive Holstein–Friesian bull, named `Cumulus'. One control heifer was inseminated with semen from a healthy bull that was free of BVDV. All four heifers remained clinically healthy throughout the experiment. The conception succeeded in the control animal and in two of the three heifers inseminated with semen containing BVDV. The heifer with the failed conception was the only one that became systemically infected with BVDV. This animal was deemed non‐pregnant by ultrasonic examination on day 34 after insemination and showed no signs of subsequent oestrus during the entire experimental period. At slaughter, 42 days after insemination, there were no histopathological changes in the ovaries and virus was not detected in ovarian tissue. The fact that seronegative dams served with semen from persistently infected bulls have occasionally produced persistently infected calves together with the present findings and the fact that non‐viraemic, seropositive bulls can constantly shed BVDV, suggest that the use of semen from such bulls in BVDV‐free herds could have far‐reaching consequences, especially if it led to the birth of persistently infected (P1) calves.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old male Labrador retriever dog with chronic recurrent complicated urinary tract infection due to Escherichia coli and a history of prolonged multi‐drug chemotherapeutic protocol due to lymphoma was diagnosed with emphysematous cystitis. Diagnosis was based on ultrasonographic and radiographic findings. The immunosuppressive effects of the long glucocorticoid treatment were probably the main underlying mechanism involved in the pathogenesis, however, chemotherapy and/or the presence of lymphoma might have also been involved.  相似文献   

The objective of this case study was to investigate whether semen centrifugation and low-dose insemination techniques would improve fertility of an aged subfertile Quarter Horse stallion with low sperm concentration, motility, and morphology in ejaculates. Forty-five mares were bred by one of five treatments (n = 9 per group) using the entire ejaculate as follows: (1) Group Body: body insemination with ejaculate diluted 1:1 in TAMU extender; (2) Group Body-Cent: body insemination after centrifugation and re-suspension of sperm pellet to 1 mL in TAMU extender; (3) Group Horn-Cent: deep horn insemination after centrifugation and re-suspension of sperm pellet to 1 mL in TAMU extender; (4) Group Cent-Hys: hysteroscopic insemination onto the uterotubal papilla after centrifugation and re-suspension of sperm pellet to 200 μL in Kenney-Modified Tyrode’s extender; and (5) Group Dens-Hys: hysteroscopic insemination onto the uterotubal papilla after discontinuous density gradient centrifugation and re-suspension of the sperm pellet in 200-μL Kenney-Modified Tyrode’s extender. Pregnancy rates did not differ among treatment groups (P = .77). Semen centrifugation for low dose insemination did not appear to improve fertility of this subfertile stallion, despite use of entire ejaculates for each individual insemination dose.  相似文献   

Egg yolk is usually included in extenders used for preservation of dog semen. Lecithin is an interesting animal‐protein free alternative to egg yolk for semen preservation. The aim of our study was to evaluate soya bean lecithin for cryopreservation of dog semen. Five ejaculate replicates were divided in three equal parts, centrifuged and each pellet diluted with one of the three Tris‐based extenders containing 20% egg yolk, 1% soya bean lecithin or 2% soya bean lecithin. Extended semen was loaded in 0.5‐ml straws, cooled and diluted a second time and frozen in liquid nitrogen vapours. Sperm motility parameters (CASA), acrosome integrity (FITC‐PNA/PI) and sperm membrane integrity (C‐FDA) were evaluated 5 min post‐thaw and after 2 and 4 h of incubation. Total motility was significantly better in the egg yolk extender than in any of the lecithin‐based extender and was better in the 1% lecithin extender than in the 2% lecithin extender. Sperm membrane integrity was significantly better in the egg yolk extender than in any of the lecithin‐based extenders but did not differ significantly between the 1% and 2% lecithin extenders. Acrosome integrity was significantly better in the egg yolk extender than in the 2% lecithin extender but did not differ between the egg yolk extender and the 1% lecithin extender or between the two lecithin extenders. In conclusion, egg yolk was superior to lecithin in our study. The extender with 1% lecithin preserved sperm motility better than the extender with 2% lecithin.  相似文献   

Objective— To report a surgical technique for creation of a urethral conduit using a preputial indirect flap.
Study Design— Case report.
Animals— Male Doberman Pinscher (6 weeks old).
Methods— A urethral conduit was constructed using a multistage preputial indirect flap in a dog with severe perineal hypospadias.
Results— Successful transfer of a perineal located urethral meatus to a more anatomically normal inguinal location was achieved with a preputial flap. The procedure was performed to aid control of recurrent urinary tract infections after anal and urethral separation in a dog with imperforate anus, urethrorectal fistula, and proximal perineal hypospadias.
Conclusions— Creation of a urethral conduit from a tubed bipedicle flap using redundant preputial tissue eliminated fecal contamination of the urethral meatus, aiding control of urinary tract infection. A good functional and cosmetic outcome was achieved.
Clinical Relevance— This technique should be considered in aiding control and prevention of urinary tract infections in dogs with proximal perineal hypospadias where a preputial remnant exists.  相似文献   

Frozen-thawed (FT) boar sperm have a reduced fertile life, due in part to a capacitation-like status induced by cooling. Reversal of this cryocapacitation in vitro by exposure to boar seminal plasma (SP) has been demonstrated. The objective of these studies was to determine the effect of SP on the ability of FT sperm to create an oviductal sperm reservoir following artificial insemination (AI). In Experiment one, 35 pre-pubertal gilts were injected (IM) with 400 IU eCG plus 200 IU hCG to induce oestrus. At detection of oestrus, gilts were inseminated with 3 x 10(9) live sperm, either fresh (FS; n = 13), FT (n = 10), or FT supplemented with 10% v/v SP (n = 12). Gilts were killed 8 h later, their reproductive tracts recovered and the uterotubal junctions (UTJs) flushed to recover sperm. Fewer (p < 0.01) sperm were recovered following FT, compared to FS, inseminations, and there was no evident effect of SP. In Experiment two, 30 pre-pubertal gilts received IM injections of 1000 IU eCG followed by 5 mg pLH 80 h later to control time of ovulation. Gilts were inseminated with 3 x 10(9) live FS sperm (n = 6), FT sperm (n = 15) or FT sperm plus 10% SP (n = 9) at 12 h before ovulation and then sacrificed 8 h later. The UTJs were dissected and flushed for sperm recovery. Fewest (p < 0.001) sperm were recovered following FT insemination and there was no evident effect of SP. These data demonstrate that the size of the sperm reservoir is markedly reduced in gilts inseminated with FT sperm. However, the lack of effect of SP suggested that either it did not reverse cryocapacitation or that such a reversal does not impact the in vivo ability to create a sperm reservoir.  相似文献   

During recent years, Yersinia enterocolitica has been isolated from humans and various animal species in connection with intestinal disorders, such as acute ileitis and appendicitis. Cases of septicaemia, polyarthritis and erythema nodosum have also been described (Mollaret & Destombes 1964, Nilehn 1969, Winblad 1969, Lassen 1972, Langford 1972). Y. enterocolitica has been isolated most frequently from chinchillas and hares, but sporadic isolations from deer, cow, horse, rabbit, goat and dog have been reported (Langford, Krogstad et al. 1972). In Norway, an outbreak of the disease in a goat herd is the only described case of yersiniosis among animal species (Krogstad et al.). A case of chronic enteritis in a dog from which Y. enterocolitica was isolated is presented in the following.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Basque Shepherd male dog was presented for breeding soundness evaluation after the dog failed to impregnate the three bitches he had mated. Clinical examination showed no anomaly of the reproductive system. Semen evaluation showed normal sperm count (640 x 10(6)), 80% had progressively motile spermatozoa, and 96% had morphologically abnormal sperm of which 84% had proximal cytoplasmic droplet and 12% had proximal droplet plus other anomaly. A zona pellucida-binding assay, using canine oocytes derived from frozen-thawed ovaries, was performed in order to investigate the zona-binding ability of dog spermatozoa with proximal cytoplasmic droplets. For the zona pellucida-binding assay, ovaries were thawed and minced in phosphate-buffered saline + 0.4% bovine serum albumin, the oocytes recovered were divided into two groups of 35-40 oocytes to be, respectively, used with the infertile dog and with a control fertile dog. Spermatozoa were capacitated in Canine Capacitating Medium (CCM) at 38.5 degrees C and 5% CO(2) in air for 2 h before oocyte insemination. Groups of five to six oocytes placed in 45 microl droplets of CCM were incubated for 1 h. Afterwards, 5 microl of CCM containing 25,000 spermatozoa were added to each droplet and co-incubated for 2 h before fixation and evaluation of the complexes. After oocyte insemination, sperm motility and viability were evaluated: the sample from the infertile dog had 85% sperm motility with fast and linear progressive movement, and sperm viability of 92%. The sample from the control dog showed 40% sperm motility with fast and highly curvilinear and erratic movement, high degree of sperm agglutination and sperm viability of 32%. For the infertile dog the mean number of bound spermatozoa/oocyte was 0.33 whereas for the control dog it was 1.80. It was concluded that dog sperm with proximal cytoplasmic droplets seem to lack normal capacitating ability in vitro, and consequently, they may have reduced capacity to bind to the zona pellucida of canine oocytes.  相似文献   

In 2009, an influenza virus (IV), A/canine/Shandong/JT01/2009 (CA/SD/JT01/09), was isolated from the dog exhibiting respiratory signs in China, and was a novel H5N2. Intraspecies transmission of the virus in dog population had thus far remained unclear. To determine whether the novel H5N2 was transmitted among dogs, we conducted contact exposure and inoculation experiments. Susceptible dogs were housed in the room which the novel H5N2 infected dogs were housed in. As a result, the direct contact resulted in intraspecies transmission. Most of the infected dogs and the sentinel animals developed mild respiratory syndrome, including transient increased body temperatures, conjunctivitis, sneezing, nasal discharge and mild coughing, virus shedding and seroconversion, but no fatal disease. These data suggest that dogs may play a role in transmission and spread of influenza virus.  相似文献   

A one-month male Greyhound dog presented with a swinging gait of the hindlimbs, and later developed muscular atrophy of the femoral region and hyperextension of hindlimbs. The dog had positive serum IFAT titers to Neospora caninum, but a negative titer in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). N. caninum-specific DNA was amplified from the CSF using a semi-nested polymerase chain reaction assay. Clusters of protozoa in biopsied muscle fibers were subsequently confirmed as N. caninum tachyzoites by immunohistochemical examination. Early recognition and treatment are necessary for effective recovery of clinical canine neosporosis, but antemortem diagnosis is difficult. We suggest that the detection of parasite deoxyribonucleic acid in the CSF is a useful antemortem diagnostic method in facilitating treatment of this disease.  相似文献   

The Philippines has a long history of rabies control efforts in their dog populations; however, long‐term success of such programmes and the goal of rabies elimination have not yet been realized. The Bohol Rabies Prevention and Elimination Program was developed as an innovative approach to canine rabies control in 2007. The objective of this study was to assess canine rabies vaccination coverage in the owned‐dog population in Bohol and to describe factors associated with rabies vaccination 2 years after implementation of the programme. We utilized a cross‐sectional cluster survey based on the World Health Organization’s Expanded Programme on Immunization coverage survey technique. We sampled 460 households and collected data on 539 dogs residing within these households. Seventy‐seven per cent of surveyed households reported owning at least one dog. The human‐to‐dog ratio was approximately 4 : 1, and the mean number of dogs owned per household was 1.6. Based on this ratio, we calculated an owned‐dog population of almost 300 000. Overall, 71% of dogs were reported as having been vaccinated for rabies at some time in their lives; however, only 64% of dogs were reported as having been recently vaccinated. Dogs in our study were young (median age = 24 months). The odds of vaccination increased with increasing age. Dogs aged 12–23 months had 4.6 times the odds of vaccination compared to dogs aged 3–11 months (95% CI 1.8–12.0; P = 0.002). Confinement of the dog both day and night was also associated with increased odds of vaccination (OR = 2.1; 95% CI 0.9–4.9; P = 0.07), and this result approached statistical significance. While the programme is on track to meet its goal of 80% vaccination coverage, educational efforts should focus on the need to confine dogs and vaccinate young dogs.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old horse was presented with a submandibular swelling. Biopsy of the lesion indicated granulomatous osteomyelitis due to Halicephalobus gingivalis. In the absence of evidence of involvement of the central nervous system at the time of diagnosis, the horse was treated with ivermectin. Unfortunately, the horse did not survive.  相似文献   

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