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白粉虱俗称小白蛾子.属同翅目粉虱科,以成虫、若虫吸食保护地各种蔬菜的汁液,被害叶片褪绿变成黄色、萎蔫甚至全株死亡。自粉虱也是茄果类蔬菜病毒病的主要传播害虫之一,常造成大面积减产甚至绝产,防治多采用21%增效氰·马乳油、10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂、10%扑虱灵可湿性粉剂(成分为噻嗪酮)等杀虫剂,因这些农药有一定的安全间隔期,很难实现保护地蔬菜的安全生产。  相似文献   

<正>网友孤独钟佬发帖:现在茶树上黑刺粉虱成虫特别多,用灭扫利、联苯菊酯等药防治,当时效果还可以,但怎么都治不彻底,而且持效期太短。用啶虫脒、吡虫啉、烯啶虫胺防治,效果也不是很理想。该如何防治?茶黑刺粉虱为同翅目粉虱科害虫,以成虫和若虫刺吸  相似文献   

<正>根据全国农技中心统一部署,2012年浙江省继续组织开展了褐飞虱、二化螟、灰飞虱等水稻害虫对常用药剂的抗性监测。监测结果表明,浙江省送样褐飞虱种群对吡虫啉仍维持在高水平抗性(252.01002.5倍),对噻嗪酮处于中等水平抗性(14.31002.5倍),对噻嗪酮处于中等水平抗性(14.391.5倍),对噻虫嗪处于中等水平抗性(26.491.5倍),对噻虫嗪处于中等水平抗性(26.449.4倍),对烯啶虫胺、毒死蜱处于敏感阶段。与前两年相比,褐飞虱对吡蚜酮抗性上升速度很快,应引起各地高度重视。  相似文献   

<正> 转基因抗病虫作物的出现为人们防治植物病虫害开拓了新的思路,但随着人们长期单一地在作物中导入某个基因,如Bt基因,又出现了新的问题。一是应用这类基因不能有效防治有些害虫,如引起同翅目蚜虫在转Bt棉上的再猖獗现象:二是某些害虫已对这类长期使用的基因产生了抗性,如鳞翅目的棉铃虫和小菜蛾已对Bt基因产生了不同程度的抗性。因此,解决这一问题的有效方法是筛选出新的抗病虫(特别是抗同翅目害虫)基因。植物凝集素具有对鳞翅目、特别是对同翅目的蚜虫、飞虱、叶蝉等刺吸式口  相似文献   

正烯啶虫胺属于烟酰亚胺类,是继吡虫啉、啶虫脒之后开发的又一种新烟碱类杀虫剂,具有卓越的内吸性、渗透作用,杀虫谱广,安全无药害,是防治刺吸式口器害虫如白粉虱、蚜虫、梨木虱、叶蝉、蓟马的换代产品。随着烟碱类农药大量推广应用,许多病虫对烟碱类农药吡虫啉、啶虫脒等具有一定的抗性,由于烯啶虫胺是推出的换代产品,持效期较长,使用安全,害虫不易产生抗药性。烯啶虫胺对暴发阶段的害虫有绝杀作用,飞虱暴发期  相似文献   

<正>据全国农技推广服务中心监测,水稻、棉花、蔬菜主要害虫对田间常用防治药剂抗性水平显著上升,亟需优化防治策略。水稻褐飞虱、二化螟抗药性堪忧在南方水稻主产省28个监测点监测发现,褐飞虱对吡虫啉、噻嗪酮都已产生高水平抗性,与2013年相比,褐飞虱对噻嗪酮抗性倍数大幅提升,抗性倍数都在100倍以上;对吡蚜酮处于中等至高水平抗性。据南京农业大学、广西农科院植保所反映,与前几年相比,褐飞虱对吡蚜酮抗性水平上升很快,室内毒力测定2000毫克/升浓度的吡蚜酮死亡率不到20%。二化螟对杀虫剂抗性分布具有明显的地区性,浙江、安徽、江西、湖南等  相似文献   

<正>近期,福建省农科院植保所在烟粉虱对吡虫啉的室内抗性发展动态及其生化机制研究方面取得新进展。研究人员通过室内吡虫啉汰选法,对烟粉虱种群进行了连续14代的抗性筛选,结果显示,在筛选初期(1~6代),  相似文献   

有关科学家对8种粮食保护剂(杀螟硫磷、甲基毒死蜱、甲基嘧啶硫磷、右旋反苄呋菊酯、溴氰菊酯、西维因、蒙515、增效醚)和磷化氢防治家书虱、嗜虫书虱和邪目书虱的效果进行了试验。这些种类在亚洲属普通害虫,在澳大利亚粮食系统已成为重要害虫。嗜虫书虱和邪图书虱对所有试验的粮食保护剂都有耐受性,只有有机磷杀虫剂对控制嗜卷书虱有效。磷化氢对这3种害虫有高效防治作用。对嗜虫书虱和嗜卷书虱的实仓虫口进行的调查认为,害虫对粮食保护剂的耐受性是一种自然现象,不是抗性。研究人员认为只有磷化氢在防治啮虫科害虫中有显著作用…  相似文献   

烟粉虱暴发成因及其治理技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
烟粉虱 ,学名Bemisiatabaci (Gennadius) ,又名棉粉虱 (cottonwhitefly)和甘薯粉虱 (sweetpotatowhitefly) ,属同翅目、粉虱科、小粉虱属。烟粉虱是热带和亚热带地区主要害虫之一。很长一段时间烟粉虱不是主要的经济害虫 ,但近年来不仅在南方而且在北方的一些地区逐年加重 ,至  相似文献   

<正>近年来新出现的农药类型很多,对中间体的市场需求也在不断增加。1.吡啶系列杀虫剂及除草剂吡啶类杀虫剂是对已知杀虫剂噻虫醛的结构进行优化而得。第一个此类杀虫剂吡虫啉于1993年由日本拜耳公司投放市场,日本曹达公司开发了同类化合物。这类化合物的主要特点是高效、广谱、内吸。如吡虫啉可用于防治刺吸式口器害虫,如蚜虫、叶蝉、飞虱、蓟马、粉虱及其抗性品系,对鞘翅目、双翅目和鳞翅目也有效,可用于禾谷类作  相似文献   

[Objective] This study aims to explore the difference of imidacloprid resistance between Aphid gossypii and Aphid craccivora in intercropping field of cotton and peanut, and the mechanism of imidacloprid resistance to A. craccivora, so as to scientifically control these pests and to effectively avoid the rapid development of the resistance to imidacloprid. [Method] Two A. gossypii field populations and two A. craccivora field populations were collected from intercropping field of cotton and peanut in Juye and Linqing county of Shandong province, China. The bioassay experiment with two A. gossypii field populations, the bioassay and synergism experiment in two A. craccivora field populations were performed by the leaf dipping method. In addition, the activities of carboxylesterase (CarE), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450) were assayed in the susceptible strain and two field populations of A. craccivora. [Result] Two A. gossypii field populations from Linqing and Juye exhibited moderate levels of resistance to imidacloprid, with the resistance ratios of 43.2- and 54.6-fold, while two A. craccivora field populations from Linqing and Juye showed susceptible and low level of resistance to imidacloprid, with the resistance ratio of 3.7- and 8.3-fold, respectively. According to the synergistic experiments, PBO and DEM significantly synergized imidacloprid in A. gossypii field population of Juye with the synergistic ratio of 3.63- and 1.95-fold, respectively, and TPP had no effect on imidacloprid toxicity. In A. craccivora field population of Linqing, PBO significantly synergized imidacloprid with the synergistic ratio of 3.05-fold, and DEM and TPP had no effect on imidacloprid. Further enzyme activity tests revealed that the activities of P450 and GST in Juye A. craccivora population were significantly higher than susceptible strain, and the activity of CarE had no significant difference between Juye A. craccivora population and susceptible strain. However, the activity of P450 in Linqing A. craccivora population was higher than susceptible strain, and the activities of CarE and GST had no significant differences. [Conclusion] Sensitivity of the two aphids in intercropping field of cotton and peanut to imidacloprid were greatly different, and P450 and GST may play an important role in resistance of A. craccivora to imidacloprid. The results are valuable for reasonable use of pesticides to delay the development of pesticide resistance of two aphids.  相似文献   

山西运城小麦和玉米苗期地下害虫调查与防控技术研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了解山西运城地下害虫对主要粮食作物小麦和玉米的危害并有效控制,调查了2011年山西南部运城市小麦和玉米的地下害虫发生情况,同时研究植物源农药苦参碱及常用的化学制剂吡虫啉和氟虫腈3种药剂拌种对小麦和玉米种子的出苗率、被害株率、防虫效果以及保苗效果的影响进行统计分析,并对拌种后幼苗的株高、根长及相关的抗氧化酶SOD、POD活性及膜脂过氧化产物MDA进行测定。结果表明,小麦和玉米的苗期地下害虫主要有金针虫、地老虎和蛴螬3种,为害程度因地块变化较为明显;苦参碱对小麦和玉米的种子萌发有一定促进作用,但效果不显著,而对地下害虫的防效和保苗效果相对低于吡虫啉和氟虫腈;幼苗的抗氧化酶SOD和POD活性相对提高,抗性增强,且植物源农药对环境友好,可以在农业中推广。  相似文献   

不同地区麦长管蚜对氯代烟酰类杀虫剂的敏感性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以浸渍测定了不同地区麦长管蚜对五种氯代烟酰类杀虫剂的敏感性,结果表明:不同地区的麦长管蚜种群对氯代烟酰类杀虫剂的敏感性具有显著的差异,安徽蚌埠种群对吡虫啉、啶虫脒、噻虫嗪和氯噻啉的敏感性比最敏感的河北蔚县种群分别低119.6,95.7,26.3和16.5倍,而对烟碱的敏感性仅低3.8倍。四川成都种群对吡虫啉,陕西杨陵种群对噻虫嗪的敏感性也分别比河北蔚县种群低5.7和5.3倍。  相似文献   

RNA干扰及其对昆虫抗药性相关基因的沉默研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐涛  刘雪源  邱立红 《棉花学报》2010,22(6):617-624
以不同农药为主的防治策略对棉铃虫和小菜蛾等农业害虫的控制卓有成效,但易产生害虫抗药性问题。害虫抗药性与细胞色素P450酶系、酯酶、钙粘蛋白等酶或受体的生化与分子机理相关。RNA干扰(RNA in-terference,简称RNAi)作为分子生物学领域中功能基因及基因组研究的一种强有力工具,已逐渐用于昆虫抗药性相关基因的敲除研究并鉴定其功能。本文围绕RNAi的作用机理及其对昆虫抗药性相关基因的沉默研究展开综述,旨在为农业害虫及其抗药性治理提供新思路与新途径。  相似文献   

[目的]为了全面评价田间杀虫剂对害虫的非致死作用,[方法]我们选择了亚致死剂量吡虫啉和种群拥挤作为处理因子,测度了大豆蚜的产蚜量、成蚜寿命、若蚜历期及有翅蚜数量等指标,评价两个因子对蚜虫的寄主植株上种群的增殖力和转移扩散风险的影响性质及大小。[结果]结果表明:亚致死剂量吡虫啉对大豆蚜植株上种群有明显降低繁殖率的作用,从而有效减轻本地危害;另外,用药导致有翅蚜的数量显著降低,能降低蚜虫转移为害的风险。拥挤降低了第一代蚜虫种群的繁殖力,对第二代种群繁殖力没有显著影响。另一方面,拥挤造成有翅蚜数量增加,会增加蚜虫转移为害的风险。药剂和拥挤存在显著交互作用。[结论]研究表明:亚致死剂量的吡虫啉会降低大豆蚜后代的在原植株上的为害和转移为害,拥挤会消减药剂在植株上的控害作用,也会增加蚜虫转移为害的风险。  相似文献   

作物抗病虫性的细胞质遗传效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从作物胞质遗传效应的研究方法、水稻胞质效应对病虫害的抗性表现及其机理的影响、小麦和玉米等其他作物的胞质效应对其抗性表现的影响等方面对作物抗病虫性的细胞质遗传效应研究进展进行了综述,并进一步探讨了优异细胞质源在作物病虫害抗性育种中的地位和作用  相似文献   

Dealing with insect pests is one of the biggest challenges facing the cultivation of oilseed rape (Brassica napus, OSR). Insect pests are usually controlled using insecticides, but the increasing occurrence of insecticide‐resistant populations and the socio‐economic context argue against the sole use of these substances. Plant resistance is a classical and proven alternative crop protection strategy that is the basic tool of integrated pest management. However, no insect‐resistant OSR cultivar is currently available on the market. Here, I review some of the constraints that make phenotyping for insect resistance particularly challenging with OSR and give perspectives to develop this resistance. Some studies have proved that breeding OSR for insect resistance could be achieved, and three strategies have been considered: introducing resistance transgenes into the OSR genome, exploiting natural variation in resistance already present in B. napus and introgressing resistance from other brassicaceous species. The white mustard, Sinapis alba, seems a particularly promising source of resistance against most of the OSR insect pests.  相似文献   

害虫是严重影响农作物产量和品质的重要因素。深入研究植物与害虫间的相互作用,可为从业者探索农业生产中适用的抗虫措施提供理论参考。在对相关文献分析总结的基础上,从植物对害虫为害所采取的防御机制以及昆虫为适应植物防御反应采取的特定措施两个方面进行分析,综述了植物抗虫生理的研究现状:(1)植物可通过体内营养物质含量的变化降低对害虫的吸引力,营养物质也可参与防御反应来提高植物抗虫性。(2)植物次生代谢物具有抗虫作用,可对害虫的行为、取食、消化等造成影响达到抵御虫害的目的。(3)植物防御酶参与抗虫反应的发生,并维持植物体内正常生长代谢平衡来提高植物抗虫能力。(4)植物激素信号途径有助于植物防御基因的表达、防御反应的发生以及抗虫物质的产生,从而增强寄主植物的抗虫性。(5)昆虫可利用自身分泌物以及携带的病菌等来适应植物细胞壁和抑制植物防御反应表达。此外,昆虫自身的解毒系统也能降低植物生成的抗虫物质对其造成的不利影响。最后,对当前存在的问题和未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

储粮害虫PH3抗性机理及分子监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴芳  严晓平 《粮食储藏》2011,40(3):8-13
储粮害虫PH3抗性一直倍受关注。在过去几十年中,人们对储粮害虫PH3抗性产生的生化机理进行了广泛的研究,但尚无定论。近年来,随着分子生物学的发展,储粮害虫PH3抗性分子监测方面的研究也日益受到重视。综述了储粮害虫PH3抗性产生的生化机制及PH3抗性分子监测方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

R.A. McIntosh 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):19-34
Although common wheat and durum may be attacked by a large number of diseases and pests, less than 20 diseases and about five insect or mite pests are of major significance. Some of these have a global distribution and occur in most wheat-growing areas, whereas others are restricted to certain geographic regions or climatic zones. A small group of diseases and pests, such as Karnal bunt and Russian wheat aphid, are a major threat to countries and regions in which they are absent. Although there is genetic variation in response to most diseases and pests, resources available to national programs limit the number that can be included as breeding objectives. Ideal sources of resistance are those present in closely related, commercial genotypes, but care must be exercised to avoid genetic uniformity. Any effort to transfer resistance from related species and genera should be considered long term. The chance of successful exploitation of resistance based on alien genetic material declines with reducing genetic relatedness between recipient and donor species. Breeders must maintain an awareness of potential problems associated with very high levels of resistance controlled by single genes. Lower levels of resistance with established durability or resistance based on a number of genes may be preferred. In many situations, resistance with moderate to low effectiveness will contribute significantly to crop protection. Unusually susceptible genotypes should be avoided irrespective of perceived risk based on local surveys. Molecular and other markers for genes of interest are having an increasing role in the selection process. Although genetic engineering in wheat is in its infancy, significant contributions to disease resistance, starting with virus resistances, can be expected. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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