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Blood examinations and genotyping of Factor XI (F11) were performed in growth retardation Japanese Black cattle and their dams. Genotyping of F11 revealed that the recessive homozygous and heterozygous genotype frequencies were 5.2% and 50.0% in the Claudin-16 (CL-16) deficiency group (n=58), 0% and 14.2% in the renal dysplasia group (n=7), 0% and 26.1% in the non-CL-16 deficiency nephritis group (n=23), 8.9% and 46.7% in the hypogenesis syndrome group (n=45), 6.2% and 25.0% in the neonatal weak calf syndrome group (n=32), 9.1% and 38.6% in the respective dams group (n=44), 0% and 23.1% in the normal cattle group (n=13), and 5.9% and 38.2% in total (n=222), respectively. These results showed that the carrier rate of F11 deficiency was high in Japanese Black cattle, and that the CL-16 deficiency, hypogenesis syndrome, neonatal weak calf syndrome, and dams groups had a large amount of recessive homozygous genotype than the other groups. No abnormal bleeding was observed clinically in the present study, and 4 of the recessive homozygous dams showed normal growth and parturition.  相似文献   



Factor XI (FXI) is a plasma protein that participates in the formation of blood clots. Factor XI deficiency is autosomal recessive hereditary disorder that may be associated with excess bleeding in Holstein cattle.


In this study, 225 Holstein cows reared in Turkey were screened in order to identify FXI genotypes. DNA extractions were obtained from the fresh blood of the cows. Amplicons of FXI exon 12 were obtained by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and analyzed by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide. Additionally, all cows were confirmed by DNA sequencing to determine whether or not there was a mutant allele.


Carriers of the FXI deficiency have two DNA fragments of 320 bp and 244 bp in size. The results of our study demonstrated that only four out of the 225 Holstein cows tested in Turkey carried the FXI deficiency. The frequency of the mutant FXI allele and the prevalence of heterozygous cows were found as 0.9% and 1.8%, respectively.


The DNA-based test determines all genotypes, regardless of phenotype or FXI activity. The mutation responsible for the FXI deficiency had not been detected in Holstein cattle in Turkey before prior to this study. The frequency of the mutant FXI allele needs to be confirmed by carrying out further analyses on cattle in Turkey and the selection programs should be developed to eliminate this genetic disorder.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation tests were performed on dairy cattle in a herd with haemorrhagic problems on a farm in Gloucestershire. The characteristic pattern of prolonged partial thromboplastin time with normal prothrombin time and thrombin time was shown to be associated with a partial factor XI deficiency, a congenital defect previously identified in cattle in North America.  相似文献   

Factor XI (F XI) is a plasma protein that participates in the blood coagulation process. A study of the expression of F XI activity in Holstein cattle has confirmed that the inheritance of F XI deficiency is autosomal with severe deficiency in homozygotes (mean F XI level 2%, SD 1%), and partial deficiency in heterozygotes (mean F XI level 38%, SD 10%; normal mean F XI level 94%, SD 21%). In a total of 1469 males evaluated for F XI levels, 47 or 3.1% were identified as heterozygous and only one as homozygous for the disorder. In part because of the lack of a discrete distinction in the expression of F XI between heterozygous and normal animals, not all of the animals tested could be uniquely classified on the basis of the plasma F XI values. A mean F XI value of 53% (SD 7%) was found in a group of animals that were categorized as low normal/high heterozygous. If this group of cattle had been classified on the basis of the criterion used to classify human beings then these animals would have been categorized as heterozygous since the mean F XI value for proven bovine heterozygotes is approximately 20% lower than the values found in the human counterpart. Like the human form of the disease, however, there appears to be a low frequency of hemorrhagic episodes associated with F XI deficiency in cattle.  相似文献   

Twenty‐five subpopulations (i.e. populations of prefectures) of more than 2000 Japanese Black cows younger than or equal to 10 years of age were analyzed to evaluate the genetic relationships in the current population. The total number of cows analyzed was 392 346 and their pedigrees were traced back to 1944 or before. Using the pedigree records, the genetic relationships among the subpopulations were estimated by the two different measurements: (i) the average additive relationship coefficients and (ii) Nei's standard genetic distances. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to the matrix of the average additive relationship coefficients, and the factor loadings of subpopulations were plotted on the plane to visualize the genetic configuration of subpopulations. To understand the grouping process of the subpopulations, cluster analysis was applied to the matrix of the Nei's genetic distances, and a dendrogram was constructed. There was a high consistency between the results from PCA and cluster analysis. Eight subpopulations with relatively low migration rates showed their unique genetic compositions, and the other 17 subpopulations with high migration rates formed a single cluster. The major cause of the genetic similarity among the 17 subpopulations was inferred to be the strong genetic influence from one subpopulation (Hyogo prefecture) with prominent characteristics for meat quality.  相似文献   

A female Japanese Black cow showed hemorrhage under the mucous membrane of the eye conjunctiva and the vagina, and thrombocytopenia in peripheral blood. The clinical manifestations repeated spontaneously during long-term observation. The clinical findings were stable except for severe periodic bleeding. Prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen levels were normal. The anti-platelet antibody in the serum was analyzed by indirect platelet coagulation tests. Because the platelets in the micro-plate wells of the subject series showed coagulation up to 1:128, it was judged that anti-platelet antibody was present in the serum. A number of megakaryocytes were recognized in smear samples obtained from bone marrow of the scapula immediately after euthanasia. Therefore, this case was diagnosed as idiopathic thrombocytopenia.  相似文献   

Factor XI protein, isolated from normal bovine plasma, was used to raise antiserum in rabbits. The antisera was partially purified and used in a neutralization-inhibition assay to investigate the relationship between factor XI coagulant activity and antigenic material in the plasma of normal cattle and cattle homozygous and heterozygous for factor XI deficiency. Factor XI antigen was reduced in both the homozygous and heterozygous animals to levels comparable to the factor XI coagulant activity. The reduction of immunologically cross-reactive material to normal factor XI suggests that the factor XI coagulation defect is associated with the absence of a normal protein.  相似文献   

Degeneration of the optic pathway has been reported in various animal species including cattle. We experienced a case of bilateral optic tract degeneration characterized by severe gliosis in a Japanese black cattle without any obvious visual defects. To evaluate the significance, pathological nature and pathogenesis of the lesions, we examined the optic pathway in 60 cattle (41 Japanese black, 13 Holstein and 6 crossbreed) with or without ocular abnormalities. None of these animals had optic canal stenosis. Degenerative changes with severe gliosis in the optic pathway, which includes the optic nerve, optic chiasm and optic tract, were only observed in 8 Japanese black cattle with or without ocular abnormalities. Furthermore, strong immunoreactivity of glial fibrillary acidic protein was observed in the retinal stratum opticum and ganglion cell layer in all 5 cattle in which the optic pathway lesions could be examined. As etiological research, we also examined whether the concentrations of vitamin A and vitamin B12 or bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection was associated with optic pathway degeneration. However, our results suggested that the observed optic pathway degeneration was probably not caused by these factors. These facts indicate the presence of optic pathway degeneration characterized by severe gliosis that has never been reported in cattle without bilateral compressive lesions in the optic pathway or bilateral severe retinal atrophy.  相似文献   

Gene dropping simulation was applied to Japanese Black cattle population in Hyogo prefecture, to examine the survivals of alleles originated from founder animals. In the analysis, unique alleles were assigned to founders, and the genotypes of all descendants along the actual pedigree were generated through Monte Carlo simulation following Mendelian segregation rules. By replicating this process 10 000 times, the distribution of frequencies of alleles from each founder was estimated. From the distribution, several quantities useful for the management of genetic diversity, such as the probability of allele extinction and the probability of alleles surviving at a critically low frequency were derived. The materials used were 68 781 animals born in 1955–1998 and their pedigree records traced back to the population in 1937 or before. The expected number of alleles retained in the population drastically decreased during the analyzed period, and reached to 57.9 in the population of 1998, which was only 3.3% of the total number of alleles assigned to founders. Detailed analysis of major founders with relatively high genetic contributions to the current population revealed that alleles from most of the major founders are now at high risk of future extinction. These results strongly suggest that for the management of genetic diversity, the genetic contributions of founders are not fully informative, and emphasize the importance of the detection of live animals having founder alleles with high extinction possibilities.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old, female, domestic shorthair cat was examined after onychectomy and ovariohysterectomy because of bleeding from the paws. Prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time was discovered, Coagulation factor analyses revealed deficiency of factor XI coagulant activity. Plasma mixing studies indicated factor deficiency or dysfunction rather than factor inhibition. Feline factor XI deficiency in one adult cat has been previously reported but was attributed to factor XI inhibitors. The signalment, lack of primary disease, and the finding of persistent factor XI deficiency in the absence of coagulation inhibitors were considered compatible with congenital factor XI deficiency in the cat of this report.  相似文献   

Pathological studies were conducted on 91 Japanese Black cattle with a hereditary disease which induced growth retardation, long hooves and renal failure. In calves one to two months old, no gross abnormalities were observed in the kidneys, but microscopical examinations revealed immature epithelia which were arranged irregularly and not attached to the basement membranes in some proximal tubules. In animals three to 36 months old, the kidneys had shrunk perceptibly and had grey-white radial streaks; microscopically they showed severe interstitial fibrosis with round-cell infiltration in the outer zone of the medulla and cortex, and reductions in the numbers of glomeruli and tubules. In the fibrotic areas there were immature epithelia with an irregular arrangement, and the basement membrane of the tubules was thickened. It was concluded that renal tubular dysplasia was the primary lesion of the disease, and that interstitial fibrosis and reductions in the numbers of nephrons were secondary lesions.  相似文献   

During surveillance for bovine diarrhea of unknown causes in Japanese black cattle in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, we found two types of novel kobu-like viruses in fecal samples of calves. Sequence analyses revealed that they had L protein and 2A protein with H-box/NC sequence motif, which are present in kobuviruses. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that they were related to kobuviruses; however, they clustered apart from other kobuviruses. In the prevalence study of two types of novel kobu-like viruses, 16.9% and 10.4% prevalence of these viruses were observed in the feces of diarrheal calves in this area.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the direct economic losses due to the condemnation of the liver and large intestine because of internal diseases (multifocal necrosis in the liver (MNL) and inflammation of the large intestine (ILI)), and the indirect losses because of reductions in carcass performance from MNL, bovine abdominal fat necrosis (BFN) and ILI using data from 5383 Japanese Black cattle. Direct losses were estimated by multiplying the price of the condemned part by the frequency of its occurrence owing to the disease. Similarly, indirect losses were estimated as the product of unit carcass price and reduction in carcass weight (CW) due to the disease. The direct impact on the beef cattle industry from MNL and ILI was estimated at around $1.29 million (US$1 = ¥120) per year. A least‐squares analysis showed that MNL had no influence on any carcass trait, whereas BFN and ILI significantly reduced CW, rib eye area and darkened the beef. ILI also reduced rib thickness. The indirect losses from BFN and ILI were estimated as a maximum of $131.7 and $256.4 per animal and around $6.26 million and $4.03 million for the industry, respectively, mostly because of the reduction in CW.  相似文献   

The kidneys of 37 Japanese Black calves aged 2 to 65 months diagnosed with Claudin 16 (CL-16) defect by the DNA-based test were examined pathologically. The animals exhibited clinical symptoms such as growth impairment, renal failure, overgrowth of hooves, and anemia at a young age. There was no correlation between the time of onset and age. Kidney weights relative to body weight were similar to those in normal animals, but both kidney net weights and size were reduced due to atrophy in animals that showed severe renal dysfunction. Histopathological examination of the kidneys showed reduction in the number of glomeruli, compensatory hypertrophy of glomeruli and tubules, and glomerular and tubular atrophy accompanied by interstitial fibrosis and lymphocytic infiltration. Glomeruli were clearly less in number in the kidneys of CL-16-defective animals than those of normal animals even in the cases with mild lesions. A small number of immature glomeruli and tubules were also detected, suggesting that there were fewer nephrons developed at birth in CL-16-defective animals. It was suggested that a defect of the CL-16 gene is involved in the "abnormal development of nephrons". Immunohistopathological examination of the kidneys showed that the epithelium of thick ascending limb of Henle was stained with anti-CL-16 antibody in the control animals, but not in the affected animals, suggesting a defect of CL-16 in the epithelium of renal tubules in the affected animals.  相似文献   

Artificial insemination (AI) subfertility is an indication of failure of AI with frozen-thawed sperm classified as normal by conventional semen examination. Recently, 8 AI-subfertile Japanese Black cattle (S1-S8) were identified using the routine AI test or in vivo fertilization test, which included AI with frozen-thawed sperm of superovulated females and subsequent non-surgical recovery of presumptive zygotes. In the present study, we assessed capacitation states and in vitro oocyte penetration of frozen-thawed sperm from these bulls to estimate causal factors of AI subfertility. Frozen-thawed sperm from 8 AI-subfertile (S1-S8) and 9 fertile (F1-F9, control) bulls were washed and then used for a chlortetracycline (CTC) staining assay and in vitro fertilization test. The CTC staining assay revealed that approximately 50% of the sperm from 4 of the AI-subfertile bulls (S5-S8) were prematurely progressing into the capacitation state immediately after washing and resuspension in a CaCl(2)-lacking medium. In contrast, most of the sperm from the fertile bulls and other AI-subfertile bulls (S1-S4) remained uncapacitated. Addition of CaCl(2) to the medium effectively promoted a spontaneous acrosome reaction in the sperm samples from the AI-subfertile bulls (S5-S8). Moreover, the in vitro fertilization test showed that rates of sperm penetration into oocytes were significantly lower in sperm samples from the AI-subfertile bulls (S5-S8) than in the control sperm samples from the fertile bulls (F2-F4 and F7-F9). It has previously been suggested that prematurely capacitated sperm undergo a spontaneous acrosome reaction possibly due to uncontrolled influx of calcium ion, and consequently they possess relatively lower in vitro fertilizing ability. It is therefore possible that premature capacitation of sperm used for AI is a causal factor of subfertility of male Japanese Black cattle and a potentially good marker for identification of subfertile bulls for removal from AI programs.  相似文献   

To evaluate the nutriture of Japanese black cattle with growth retardation, a metabolic profile test was carried out in 8 cattle with growth retardation and in 10 cattle with normal growth. During our observation for 1 month before blood sampling, the cattle with growth retardation ingested their forage completely. They showed lower low-density lipoprotein and albumin concentrations, and higher urea nitrogen, actoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid concentrations than the control. There were no significant differences in glucose, free fatty acid, total cholesterol, ammonia, inorganic phosphorus, and calcium concentrations between the cattle with growth retardation and the control. These data suggested that the cattle with growth retardation subjected to energy-negative condition in spite of their good forage intake.  相似文献   

Endocrine patterns were compared in 2 strains of Japanese black cattle with growth retardation; MHO- and HSK-paternal strains (MHO and HSK cattle, respectively). MHO cattle (n=8) displayed lower serum concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and cortisol (31.1+/-20.7 ng/ml, 73.9+/-51.9 ng/dl, and 2.9+/-2.9 microg/dl, 1.3+/-0.7 microg/dl, respectively) than those in both HSK cattle (n=5) (64.9+/-47.6 ng/ml, 97.8+/-40.7 ng/dl, 4.1+/-2.1 microg/dl and 1.8+/-1.1 microg/dl, respectively), and the controls (n=6) (314.7+/-197.2 ng/ml, 140.2+/-21.3 ng/dl, 5.8+/-1.7 microg/dl, and 3.0+/-1.4 microg/dl, respectively). The area under the concentration curve of growth hormone (GH-AUC 0-600 min) in MHO cattle (22210+/-18951 ng.min/ml) tended to be greater than those in HSK (7887+/-6340 ng.min/ml) and the controls (2811+/-1275 ng.min/ml). MHO cattle showed a high GH-AUC0-600 min in contrast to a low serum IGF-1 concentration, as well as lower serum T3, T4, and cortisol concentrations. HSK cattle exhibited the same secretory patterns, but much more moderately. Growth retardation in Japanese black cattle exhibits some variations based on pedigree.  相似文献   

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