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Post mortem examination of red deer calves on a deer farm situated on hill ground in north-east Scotland revealed infection by a lungworm morphologically similar to Dictyocaulus viviparus. Trials were conducted to monitor the natural development of D viviparus infection in red deer, to investigate the value of a commercial lungworm vaccine and to evaluate methods of treating clinical cases. The findings indicate that the syndrome may be less apparent in red deer than it is in cattle, protection might be gained by vaccination and that housing and medication provide useful therapy. The extent of clinical disease is likely to depend on the general health, bodily condition and nutritional status of the animals versus the weight of infection acquired from the pasture. However, various factors can affect both sides in this confrontation. 相似文献
Stressful manipulation by humans has been previously shown to result in opening the pre-orbital gland of the newborn red deer. We hypothesized that exposure of red deer to stressful handling would result in opening the pre-orbital gland. Further, we tested the potential factors associated with pre-orbital opening, including season, sex, age and struggling behavior. Pre-orbital gland status was observed in 76 red deer (48 males, 28 females) during 281 handling events with the animal isolated and fixed in a mechanical restraint cradle (crush) within 3 consecutive years. The deer age ranged from 1 to 5 yr in males, and from 1 to 11 yr in females at the beginning of observations. The proportion of handling events with an open gland was considerably greater during than before handling (27.76 vs. 0%, respectively, P < 0.001). The deer that struggled or stiffened revealed 2-fold greater incidence of pre-orbital opening (P < 0.01), regardless of sex. Thus, pre-orbital opening seemed to accompany the behaviors that have been found to be related to acute stress. The probability that the animal opens its pre-orbitals during handling sharply increased at the beginning of the rut (mating season, P < 0.01). Deer that threatened the handler (10% out of 215 observations) opened their pre-orbitals 30 times more often than nonthreatening ones. These effects indicate that other motivations are likely involved in the opening of pre-orbitals, in addition to the perception of a stressful event. Incidence of pre-orbital opening decreased with age in both sexes (P < 0.05) across 3 consecutive yr of observations, which suggests habituation to repeated handling. Sex of the animal did not influence the probability of pre-orbital opening. We found significant variability in pre-orbital opening across the individuals (P < 0.001). In conclusion, we confirmed an association between opening of the pre-orbital gland and stressful handling in sub-adult and adult red deer, although repeated human handling did not elicit such incidence of pre-orbital opening as found in newborn red deer calves. Our results support multifactorial origins of pre-orbital opening and prompt the necessity of further research to distinguish between different motivations that might have been involved in opening of pre-orbitals. 相似文献
During 1982 and 1983 15 serotype I,6 serotype II, 1 serotype III and 3 untyped strains of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis were isolated from 675 apparently normal small mammals and birds from the Invermay farm and nearby rubbish tip with the following prevalence rates: feral cats 27.8%, Norway rats 8.6%, mice 5.5%, hares 3.8%, rabbits 1.9%, ducks 5.3%, sparrows 2.3%, seagulls 2.3% and starlings 1.7%. For rabbits a significantly higher prevalence of infection was found in the autumn/winter period (4.8%) than the spring/summer period (0%). Insufficient numbers of other mammals were obtained to demonstrate any seasonal difference in prevalence. All bird isolations were obtained between March and July (8/158) compared with none from August to October (0/144). It appears that a number of free-living species of small mammal and birds may be reservoir hosts for Y. pseudotuberculosis and potential sources of infection for red deer on the Invermay farm. 相似文献
A red deer herd of 150 mixed-age hinds, 48 stags and 102 weaners was identified as severely copper deficient during an observational study of 15 deer farms in the lower North Island of New Zealand during 1992 and 1993. Severe lameness was observed in nine weaners in 1992 (8.8% prevalence) and 15 in 1993 (12% prevalence). Typical abnormalities included swollen hocks and carpal joints and outward rotation of hind legs with hocks touching. At postmortem examination, there were epiphyseal fractures of the femoral head, severe degenerative arthropathy of the coxo-femoral joints and erosions of cartilage in many other limb joints. Osteochondrosis was confirmed histologically. Concurrently, three adult hinds and one adult stag developed into-ordination typical of enzootic ataxia which was confirmed histologically. Blood and liver copper concentrations in untreated affected weaner deer ranged from undetectable to 16.0 micromol/l (mean 7.6 micromol/l) and 25 to 53 micromol/kg (mean 39 micromol/kg), respectively. Mean blood copper concentrations in unaffected weaners in March 1992 and 1993 were 5.3 micromol/l and 4.4 micromol/l, respectively. The mean blood copper concentration in seven hinds in September 1992, prior to onset of clinical signs of enzootic ataxia, was 1.5 micromol/l (range 1.0-2.4 micromol/l). At other times of the year, mean blood copper concentrations ranged up to 12.5 micromol/l in adults and 8.9 micromol/l in weaners before treatment began in 1993. Pasture analyses showed copper contents of 6-11 ppm in 11 samples collected during 1992 and 1993. Sulphur ranged from 0.18 to 0.37%, molybdenum from 0.51 to 3.56 ppm and iron from 130 to 2886 ppm. These measurements supported a diagnosis of secondary copper deficiency. Supplementation with oral oxidised copper wire particles was undertaken from December 1992, resulting in an improvement in blood copper concentrations in some classes of deer. No further clinical abnormalities have been observed. 相似文献
An outbreak of tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in farmed red deer imported from an eastern European country is described. Twenty-six of the 106 deer examined at autopsy were found to be infected and 19 had visible lesions of tuberculosis. Single comparative intradermal tuberculin tests on 51 deer showed that the test had a specificity of 61.3 per cent and a sensitivity of 80 per cent relative to subsequent biological and cultural tests on tissues taken at autopsy. Three hundred and seventy eight culled fallow and sika deer which had been running in a park in contact with some of the infected animals were found to be free of tuberculosis. 相似文献
de Lisle GW Welch PJ Havill PF Julian AF Poole WS Corrin KC Gladden NR 《New Zealand veterinary journal》1983,31(12):213-216
This study was designed to investigate experimental Mycobacterium bovis infection of red deer (Cervus elaphus). Three intravenously inoculated deer (dose 10 microg-1000 microg) developed miliary tuberculosis of the lungs and all died within 28 days of being infected. No clinical illnesses were observed in four subcutaneously (dose 1 microg-1000 microg) and three intratracheally (dose 10 microg-100 microg) inoculated deer. At the conclusion of the experiment six weeks post inoculation, these seven animals reacted to 2 mg/ml of bovine purified protein derivative. The principal lesions in the intravenously inoculated deer were in the lungs which had multiple foci of necrosis containing very large numbers of acid fast bacilli. A gradation of changes was seen in the subcutaneously inoculated deer. The animal receiving the 1 microg dose only had lesions at the injection site and the draining prescapular lymph node. Deer receiving higher doses also had histopathological changes in the lungs and liver. Microscopic changes in the intratracheally infected animals were restricted to the thoracic cavity. The ability of the deer to controlled infection was related to the route of inoculation. 相似文献
R.G. Clark Juliet Burbage P.McD. Marshall T. Valler D. Wallace 《New Zealand veterinary journal》2013,61(11):199-201
Abstract Extract Madam:- Cobalt deficiency has long been recognised in New Zealand as a disease in sheep and cattle which may occur when they graze pastures of low cobalt content <0.08 mg/kg DM and >0.04 mg/kg DM respectively. (2) In recent years the farming of red deer (Cervus elaphus) on soil types known to be marginally, moderately or severely deficient(1) has raised the question of how susceptible these species are to cobalt deficiency. To the authors' knowledge there is no published information on the susceptibility of red deer to cobalt deficiency. 相似文献
Approximately 100 farmed male and female red deer aged three months and over were blood-sampled and haematological parameters were measured. The deer were sampled by jugular venepuncture without tranquillization. Mean values were haemoglobin (16.0g/dl), packed cell volume (44.6%), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (35.8g/dl), total plasma protein (66.0g/l). fibrinogen (4.8g/l) and white blood-cell numbers (5.80 x 109/l). Differential white blood-cell counts were neutrophils (53.9%), eosinophils (4.8%), basophils (3.0%), lymphocytes (37.2%) and monocytes (1.1%). There were no significant differences in any parameter measured between sexes or between age groups three to eight months, nine to eighteen months, or older. 相似文献
AIM: To assess the degree of interference with bovine tuberculin testing in farmed red deer that vaccination of young deer with an oil-adjuvanted vs aqueous formulation of live attenuated Mycobacterium paratuberculosis Strain 316F vaccines would be likely to cause, and to compare immunological responses between vaccine formulations. METHODS: Five-month-old red deer (n = 45) were randomly allocated to three treatment groups of 15 animals, which received either no vaccine, a single 2-ml dose of an oil-adjuvanted formulation or two 2-ml doses, 6 weeks apart, of an aqueous formulation of live attenuated M. paratuberculosis Strain 316F vaccine injected subcutaneously (S/C) in the neck (Control, Oil-adjuvant Ptb, and Aqueous Ptb groups, respectively). Injection- site reactions were described and measured on Weeks 3, 6 and 9. Animals were weighed and lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT) and antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) using avian, bovine and Johnin tuberculin were conducted on blood samples collected at Weeks 0, 6, 12, 15, 24, 27, 36 and 39. A bovine mid-cervical skin test (MCT) was applied at Week 12, and comparative cervical skin tests (CCTs) at Weeks 24 and 36. At Week 42, the animals were slaughtered at a commercial deer slaughter premises and subjected to rigorous meat inspection. RESULTS: Two animals were eliminated at the start of the trial due to a positive cross-reaction with bovine tuberculin in the initial LTT. Almost all animals reacted to the MCT at Week 12, with mean skin thicknesses of 3.9, 2.9 and 1.0 mm for the Oil-adjuvant Ptb, Aqueous Ptb and Control groups, respectively. When the CCT was conducted at Week 24, 2/15 Oil-adjuvant Ptb, 2/14 Aqueous Ptb and 1/14 Control animals were classified as CCT-positive to bovine tuberculin. By Week 36, all animals were CCT-negative. The Oil-adjuvant Ptb vaccination resulted in high persistent levels of antibody that reacted with bovine tuberculin, compared with negligible levels in the Aqueous Ptb group. Overall, a single dose of the Oil-adjuvant Ptb vaccine in deer stimulated a vigorous, cross-reactive immune response, evidenced by high LTT, skin-test and antibody reactions to bovine tuberculin, with both cell-mediated and humoral characteristics. By comparison, two doses of the Aqueous Ptb vaccine produced less cross-reactivity and a bias towards a cell-mediated response. The Oil-adjuvant Ptb vaccine resulted in moderate injection site lesions that were quite persistent, whereas the Aqueous Ptb vaccine resulted in smaller nodules that regressed more quickly. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination of farmed deer with an oil-adjuvanted Johne's vaccine has the potential to cause significant interference with routine tuberculin skin testing. The cross-reactivity should decline with time and the CCT should be able to clear MCT-positives, but there is a risk of false-positives to the blood test for tuberculosis (BTB), due to high persistent levels of antibody. The CCT could be used as a primary skin test in vaccinated deer on some farms. The Aqueous Ptb caused fewer problems with skin testing and produced significantly less bovine antibody than the Oil-adjuvant Ptb, but stimulated persistent cell-mediated immune responses that may provide some protection against Johne's disease. 相似文献
Blackmore DK Cook CJ Devine CE Gilbert KV Tavener A Langdon S Isaacs S Massland SA 《New Zealand veterinary journal》1993,41(3):126-130
Eighteen of 23 red deer (Cervus elaphus) at a deer slaughtering premises were successfully stunned with an apparatus modified from that normally used to stun sheep. The five unsuccessful electrical stuns were associated with poor head restraint and poor head contact by the electrodes. The median stunning current was 0.9 A, and in the majority of cases the duration of stunning was less than 1 second. The signs of the electrically induced epileptiform seizures in the deer were dissimilar to those seen in sheep, cattle and pigs, in that the initial tonic phase was less marked, and of shorter duration. A similar shorter and less obvious tonic phase was noted in four deer shot with a captive bolt pistol. Two animals which were electrically stunned, and bled within 10 seconds, showed no signs of recovery while bleeding. The electroencephalograms of four deer stunned with currents of 1.3 A for a duration of either 0.5 or 1.0 seconds were recorded under more controlled conditions. All four animals developed electroencephalograms typical of an epileptiform seizure. The animals exhibited behavioural reactions similar to the other 18 animals in the trial at the deer slaughtering premises and were rendered unconscious for between 54 and 122 seconds. The electroencephalogram activity amplitude was greater than that recorded immediately before stunning and took between 6 and 9 seconds to build up to maximum value. It is concluded that, providing the heads of deer are adequately restrained, head-only electrical stunning can be incorporated into a humane method of slaughter for deer. 相似文献
Goździk K Jakubek EB Björkman C Bień J Moskwa B Cabaj W 《Polish journal of veterinary sciences》2010,13(1):117-120
Serum samples from 47 free living and 106 farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) from the Mazurian Lake District in north-east Poland were investigated for the presence of antibodies to Neospora caninum. A modified Neospora iscom-ELISA was used for initial screening. All sera with optical density (OD) values exceeding 0.400 absorbance units were further investigated by Western blot analysis. Eighteen sera were positive in both tests. Six of these were from free living and 12 from farmed animals giving prevalence of 13 and 11%, respectively. This is the first report of N. caninum infection in farmed and free-living red deer living in the same region where neosporosis was confirmed in cattle and the first evidence of exposure to the parasite in red deer in Poland. 相似文献
《New Zealand veterinary journal》2013,61(3)
extract There is also an error in the paper by Grace et al. in the February 2000 issue of the Journal (Vol 48, 53-56, 2000) entitled: “The effect of long-acting selenium formulations on blood and liver selenium concentrations and liveweights of red deer (Cervus elaphus)”. Throughout the article, the units of measure for pasture selenium concentrations are given as “mg Se/kg DM”; the correct unit of measure is “𝛍g Se/kg DM”. 相似文献
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a new long acting injectable selenium ( Se ) formulation to increase the Se status and prevent Se deficiency in red deer. METHODS: Groups of weaned red deer (four stags and six hinds/group) grazing pastures containing <30 mg Se/kg DM were injected subcutaneously with either 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg Se/kg as a new formulation of BaSeO4 (Deposel Multidose), 1.0mgSe/kg of a current formulation (Deposel), or not treated. Blood Se concentrations and liveweight were measured nine times at intervals over 377 and 270 days, respectively. RESULTS: Both formulations of Se elevated blood Se concentrations from 105 nmol/l pre-injection for at least 377 days with peak levels of 1894, 1395 and 818 nmol/l for high, medium and low doses of Deposel Multidose, respectively, at 73141 days, and 1508 nmol/l at 73-141 days for the medium dose of Deposel, which persisted at similar levels for the duration of the study. Deposel Multidose produced fewer and less severe subcutaneous tissue reactions than Deposel. Pastures contained 10 to 30 mg Se/kg DM. There was no significant difference in growth rate between treated and control deer. There was a significant (p<0. 01) linear relationship (y = 1.25x + 71.6, R2=0.86) between blood (x) and liver (y) Se concentrations in the range of 120 - 2100 nmol/l for blood concentrations, and 200 - 3000 nmol/kg for liver concentrations. CONCLUSION: Injections of BaSeO4 in both formulations studied were effective in increasing the Se status of deer but the new formulation produced fewer and less-severe tissue reactions. Young growing red deer appear less sensitive to Se deficiency as measured by weight gain, than sheep and cattle, suggesting that reference ranges for those species are not appropriate for deer. There was a linear correlation between blood and liver selenium concentrations. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: Blood samples were obtained from 38 wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) at two sites in Ireland and subjected to PCR analysis of the 18S rRNA gene followed by sequencing. Two fragments of the 18S rRNA gene were generated by two different PCR protocols and subsequent sequencing suggested that at least six of the deer were infected by a babesia that, in those loci, is indistinguishable from Babesia divergens, an important tick-borne pathogen of cattle and of zoonotic significance. Additionally, a B. odocoilei-like parasite was detected in three samples and a babesia that did not match any sequences in the GenBank database was found in five samples. Neither B. capreoli nor B. venatorum (EU1) were found. There have been several reports of B. divergens occurring in deer species, including red deer, roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). However, in view of recent re-sequencing of bovine-origin samples deposited previously in GenBank, it is unlikely that any of these sequences from deer are B. divergens. The present study describes the only deer piroplasm detected so far that shows complete identity with B. divergens, in just over half of the 18S rRNA gene. The entire gene of this deer parasite should be analysed and transmission experiments undertaken before the infectivity of B. divergens for red deer can be confirmed. 相似文献
Drew ML Waldrup K Kreeger T Craigmill AL Wetzlich SE Mackintosh C 《Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics》2004,27(1):7-11
Twelve adult female red deer (Cervus elaphus) were given 250 mg of ceftiofur sodium by intramuscular injection (i.m.) and ballistic implant in a crossover design. Blood samples were taken from an in-dwelling jugular catheter prior to drug administration and at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 h postadministration of the drug. Samples were centrifuged and plasma kept frozen at -70 degrees C until analysis for ceftiofur and active metabolites using an HPLC method. The pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur and metabolites after i.m. dosing and following ballistic implant were quite different. Absorption after i.m. injection was rapid; whereas following ballistic implant there was a lag-time until concentrations were detectable in plasma. The maximum concentration reached in plasma was higher following injection compared with ballistic implant, however the AUC calculated after ballistic implant was almost identical to the mean AUC found after i.m. dosing. The results indicate that i.m. administration of ceftiofur maintains adequate plasma levels for most susceptible bacterial pathogens for at least 12 h; therefore twice daily administration is needed in red deer. Ballistic implants produced plasma concentrations above the MIC for most bacterial pathogens from 4 to 24 h in most animals after administration; however, absorption of the drug was variable and some did not maintain effective concentrations for more than a few hours. Ceftiofur is a useful drug in red deer and twice daily i.m. administration dosing should allow treatment for susceptible bacterial pathogens. 相似文献
AIM: To determine the effect of increasing molybdenum (Mo) intakes on serum and liver copper (Cu) concentrations and growth rates of grazing red deer (Cervus elaphus). METHODS: Molybdenum- and Cu-amended fertilisers were applied to six 1.1-ha paddocks in a 3 x 2 design. Three levels of Mo were applied on two paddocks at each level in mid April (designated Day 1); levels were: none (control), 0.5 (medium) and 1.0 (high) kg Mo/ha as sodium molybdate. In late May (Day 39), two levels of Cu (none and 3.0 kg Cu/ha, as copper sulphate) were applied to each of the three levels of Mo-treated paddocks. Pasture Mo, Cu and sulphur (S) concentrations were measured at about fortnightly intervals. In late June (Day 74), ten 6-month-old red deer hinds were placed on the six experimental pastures, and serum and liver Cu concentrations were monitored at about monthly intervals for 102 days. The hinds were weighed on four occasions during the trial. RESULTS: Mean pasture Mo concentrations on Day 56 were 2, 4.6 and 11.3 mg/kg dry matter (DM) for the untreated control, medium and high Mo-treated pastures, respectively. Pasture Cu concentration was 95 mg/kg DM on Day 59, 53 mg/kg DM on Day 90, and 9 mg/kg DM by Day 153. Mean S concentration in pasture was 3.3 (range 3.03-3.45) g/kg DM. Copper application to pasture had no significant effect on serum and liver Cu concentrations in deer so data were pooled within Mo treatment. Mean initial (Day 74) serum Cu concentration was 9.2 micromol/L. In the deer grazing the control Mo pasture, this increased to 10.3 micromol/L on Day 112, before decreasing to 6.4 micromol/L on Day 176. In deer grazing the medium and high Mo-treated pastures, mean serum Cu concentrations were 3.8 and 3.9 micromol/L, respectively, on Day 112, and 2.5 and 3.3 micromol/L, respectively, on Day 176. Mean initial (Day 74) liver Cu concentration was 131 micromol/kg fresh tissue. In the deer grazing the control Mo pasture, this declined to 120 and 52 micromol/kg on Days 112 and Day 176, respectively. In deer grazing the medium and high Mo-treated pastures, liver Cu concentrations decreased to 55 and 52 micromol/kg fresh tissue, respectively, on Day 112, and 21 and 20 micromol/kg fresh tissue, respectively, on Day 176. Mean serum and liver Cu concentrations were not significantly different between deer grazing the medium and high Mo-treated pastures, and were lower (serum p=0.003, liver p<0.001) in those groups than in deer grazing the untreated control pastures. No clinical signs of Cu deficiency associated with lameness were observed. Deer grazing pastures that had Mo concentrations >10 mg/kg DM had lower (p=0.002) growth rates (100 vs 130 g/day) than those on pastures containing <2.4 mg Mo/kg DM. CONCLUSION: Increasing pasture Mo concentrations from 2 mg/kg DM to > or =4.6 mg/kg DM significantly reduced serum and liver Cu concentrations in grazing deer. Reduced growth rate was observed at pasture Mo concentrations >10 mg/kg DM. 相似文献